Taking Down Sargent Malta

By Barry Edmund

Published on Dec 9, 2017


Taking Down Sargent Malta -- Chapter 10

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story.

Please if you haven't been reading Taking Down Sargent Malta read chapters 1 through 9 before this chapter.

NOW: Taking Down Sargent Malta Chapter 10

I followed my new Master Corporal Jones back to camp. It was dinner time so I went into the mess tent for dinner. All the privates were sitting around the long table as soon as Corporal Jones and I walked in long with Jeff. I took my place at the head of the table after getting my meal and sat down. I noticed the privates that fucked me the day before all looking at me but none of them said a word as I began eating.

Out of my thirteen men only five had not had sex with me. They were white and were Privates Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason. The rest of the men black and white looked at me while I ate. I finished eating. I was still in charge outside my tent and ordered all the privates to clean up the mess tent. "I'll be in my tent." I added. "Are you coming Corporal Jones?" I asked.

"Yes I am. I hope you will be ready for me when I get to your tent in about ten minutes." Corporal Jones said as he stood up to leave the mess tent. All the others were starting to clear the table.

I walked back to my tent sat down taking off my combat boots, socks, combat shirt, pants and jock strap. I wanted to make sure I would be ready for my new found Master Jones when he arrived. I was sitting on the side of the cot when Jones walked in without announcing himself. "I see you're ready for some action. I peeked in the mess tent on my way here and told the men to meet us here. That is all of them but Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason. We'll include them later. I'm sure without sex these few days they will be ready to fuck anything presented them, including you." Corporal Jones said.

"First you realize you deserve some punishment for not greeting me in the proper way in your tent boy."

"I'm sorry Master Jones." I bent my head before looking up at Corporal Jones who was smiling down at me. "What position would you like me in for punishment?" I asked.

"Go to the back of the chair, bend over sticking your ass out. I will be using the whip the boys brought back yesterday from town. So you better bite your lip to keep from screaming. I don't want you screaming while I punish you Malta." Corporal Jones answered.

I stood up going behind the near by chair, bent over making sure to stick my ass high in the air holding my breath and biting my lip preparing for the whipping I'd be receiving. Suddenly the first strike hit my bare butt. It stung and I jumped but I didn't scream. Then the next strike hit my bare butt followed by another. I could feel my ass heating up as the whip smacked my bare ass. Then there was a third followed by a fourth and fifth crack. "Okay that will do for now until you misbehave again.

"Is it okay if we come in now Corporal Jones?" Davis one of the black privates asked.

"Yes come in Private Davis and bring in the rest." Corporal Jones answered. I didn't want to sit down because of the pain in my ass cheeks. So I didn't move from behind the chair.

In walked Nelson my white private along with the six other black privates, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor and Walker. All seven white and black privates looked hot in their combats including spit shined black boots. "Is the fag ready for us. This is the only place we can call the hot queer exactly what he is. A fucking homo." Davis spoke up obviously the leader of the gang. He was openly messaging his growing bulge in his combat pants. He undid his combat shirt as did the rest of the hot privates taking them off and tossing them on my cot.

I couldn't help roaming my eyes over their bare muscular chest, stomach and biceps as their combat shirts came off. Then they undid their combat pants letting them fall to the floor. They took places around my cot sitting down to take off their combat boots and remove their pants. They all stood up with their jock straps well packed with big cocks and balls.

"Since your already behind the chair you might as well bend over for me to fuck you." Corporal Jones said now standing in front of me wearing only his jock strap. "You will have to get me rock hard first with your mouth boy. First pull my jock strap down with your teeth. Tell me if you want to suck my cock first."

I looked up into Corporal Jones' brown eyes before looking down at his well packed jock strap. "Yes Master Jones I would like to suck your big throbbing cock." I answered looking up into his masculine clean shaven face.

"You're not very convincing. What do you think men?" Corporal Jones asked looking at the privates standing beside my cot. Does he sound like he wants to work my cock? What do you think men?"

"No he doesn't." All the men shouted at the same time looking at me with evil looks on their clean shaven masculine faces.

"I think he should beg to work your cock Corporal Jones." Nelson shouted. "You should beg for the honor of suckin Corporal Jones cock."

"You heard them Malta. If you want to suck my cock you'll have to beg." Corporal Jones said raising his deep voice looking me in the eyes.

I knew I wanted to suck his wonderful cock after sucking it the day before. But beginning to suck was another thing but I knew I'd have to beg to please him. "Please let me suck your beautiful big throbbing cock Master Jones. It would be my honor to work your cock. Please let me suck it." I begged. "I love your big throbbing cock. May I work your jock strap down with my teeth now Master Jones?"

"Yes go ahead and work it down." Corporal Jones looked at me. "What do you think men? Think he deserves my cock and balls now?" He asked.

"YES." The guys all shouted at the same time.

I went to my knees looking up at Corporal Jones before taking hold of the top of his jock strap and tugging until it was able to pull it over his half erect throbbing cock. His cock and balls burst out as I pulled the jock strap down his muscular legs past his calves to his bare feet. He leaned on my shoulder stepping out of his jock strap. "Get to my balls boy." He growled.

I lifted his half erect cock with my right hand and leaned in opening my mouth and sticking my tongue out. His big hairy balls looked delicious as I leaned forward swiping my tongue over his balls. I kept looking up as I licked Corporal Jones' big hairy balls. He was looking down at me. "That's the way get those balls all hot and horny to make this dick hard for you to work over before I throw a good hard fuck in that ass of yours fag." Corporal Jones grunted.

I pulled away from his balls for a second to answer him. "Yes Master Jones. Your balls are delicious."

"Keep licking Corporal Jones' big balls. You look good down there." Sanders shouted standing close to me.

I kept licking and sucking on Corporal Jones' big hairy balls until they were covered in my spit and moved back. "May I take them in my mouth Master Jones'" I asked looking up.

"Let him suck your balls Corporal." Marshal said.

"What do you think men?" Corporal Jones asked. "Should I give the little homo a thrill to take my balls in his mouth men?"

"Yes let him." The men called out together.

"Okay you heard them. Get my balls in your mouth then." Corporal Jones said in his deep voice.

"Thank you Master Jones." I answered opening my mouth and taking one of his balls in my watering mouth and swishing it from cheek to cheek before spitting it out. His dick was rock hard in my fist. I took his other ball in my mouth swishing it from cheek to cheek before also spitting it out and again looking up at Corporal Jones. "May I work your throbbing cock now Master?"

"Yes, by all means get on my cock." He answered.

I licked up from the base of his thick cock to his huge mushroom shaped cock head before opening my mouth wide and taking it in my mouth. I started swallowing it inch by inch as it slid in my mouth and going on down my throat. "That's good Malta. Now let me take control." He said taking a hold of my head between his two hands. He pulled his cock out of my throat until only his big cock head was still in my mouth. Then with his muscular hips he thrust forward sending his big cock down my throat only to pull it out. He kept thrusting his hips back and forth as he fucked my mouth and throat with his big cock.

"That's the way to do it Corporal. Fuck the fag's throat." Benit shouted.

"Yes fuck the fag's throat." Clark called out.

"That's what I'm doing." Corporal Jones held my head between his large hands and fucked my mouth and throat faster and deeper. "What do you think men should I feed my first load to him before I fuck his hot ass?" He asked.

"Yes, feed the fag your first load Corporal." Taylor called out.

"I'm sure you will work up another load for his hot ass Corporal." Nelson the white private shouted. "Your the stud Corporal."

"You sure are." Walker shouted pushing his jock strap down. "I can't wait for him to blow me." He wrapped his hand around his big black cock.

"I'm almost there already." Corporal Jones grunted still fucking my mouth and throat using his muscular hips to shove his big cock in and out of my throat.

He shoved his cock down my throat and it started vibrating. I knew he was shooting his big load down my throat. He pulled it out and fed me a mouth full of hot cum before backing away. "Clean my cock and balls before I fuck you." He grunted.

"That's the way to treat the slut. Make him clean your cock and balls Corporal." Davis shouted. "Clean his cock nice and clean fag."

I licked all the excess cum from his hard throbbing cock before holding it up to lick and clean his big balls. I leaned back after cleaning his cock and balls. "Now will you throw a good fuck in my Master Jones?" I asked.

"Yes as soon as I know you really want it. First stand up and bend over the back of the chair and stick that bubble butt out for fuckin." Corporal Jones answered.

I went behind the chair and stuck my ass in the air as high as I could manage. "Is that okay?" I asked.

"Yes that is fine." Corporal Jones went behind me behind me. I felt him slap first my left ass cheek then my right ass cheek. "How does that feel?" He asked slapping my left ass cheek even harder than before.

"It feels good Master Jones." I answered even though it did smart a bit. He slapped my right ass cheek once more before slapping my left ass cheek again.

He kept slapping each of my ass cheeks until they both felt like they were burning and must have been a bright red. "Take a look at these fine red ass cheeks guys. That's the way to prepare a pair of ass cheeks to be split open for a big cock like mine." Corporal Jones said.

"Thank you Master Jones." I said figuring he wanted me to thank him for spanking my bare ass cheeks. "Will you please fuck me now Master Jones."

"I sure will as soon as you let all the privates know what you want me to do. Isn't that right Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson, Walker."

"It sure is." The guys shouted at the same time.

"Ask really nice fag for me to fuck you. Make me hot for your fine ass homo." Corporal Jones shouted.

"Please fuck me Master Jones. I want you to ram your big thick cock in my hungry ass Master." I pleaded.

"You don't sound very convincing. Does he guys?" Corporal Jones asked while slapping each of my ass cheeks hard.

"No he doesn't. Beg Corporal Jones to fuck you Malta." Davis shouted.

"That's right beg boy." Sanders added.

"Beg, beg, beg." Marshal, Benet, Clark Taylor, Nelson and Walker shouted together one after the other. "Beg for the Corporal to fuck you Malta."

"Please, OH please fuck me Master. I'm begging you to fuck me with your big thick cock Master Jones. Please fuck me." I begged.

"Okay." Corporal Jones spread my hot ass cheeks apart and shoved his big thick cock between my ass cheeks entering my sphincter muscle. "How does that feel?" He asked.

"It feels good but shove more of that big cock in my ass Master." I pleaded.

Corporal Jones let go of my ass cheeks grabbing a hold of my shoulders with his big hands. I felt him leaning against my back as his throbbing big cock went deeper and deeper into my welcoming ass. Just think only days ago I'd have killed anyone who said I'd welcome someone fucking me. Now I wanted no I needed a big cock in my ass. More and more cock went deeper in my ass. I couldn't help moaning at the same time. "Oh yes Master your big cock feels great in my ass. Fuck me Master. Fuck me good and hard."

"It's time to let the rest of the guys in on this. Go get them Nelson." Corporal Jones grunted. "Hurry up I really need to shoot my big load in this hot ass. I'll wait until the rest of the guys come though. Go get Privates Smith, Anderson, Henderson, Philips and Gleason."

"Okay I'll be right back Corporal Jones." Nelson answered before leaving my tent.

"Stay right where you are Malta until the rest of the privates arrive. They should be in on this as well." Corporal Jones said taking a deep breath.

"I wish they would hurry up I need you to fuck me Master." I said trying not to shove my ass back to receive more of Corporal Jones big thick cock.

It seemed forever for Private Nelson to return with Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason but it was only a few minutes.

"What's going on Corporal Jones. Smith said entering the tent. "Nelson said we should come to Sargent Malta's tent. "Holy shit what is going on?"

"What's it look like Smith?" Corporal Jones answered.

"It looks like there are two fags in here. Sargent Malta and Corporal Jones." Henderson answered.

"There is only one fag and that's the one getting fucked and that is Sargent Malta. The rest of us are just average horny men needing to get off in the worse way. So get undressed and join in Henderson, Smith Anderson, Philips and Gleason. You guys must be horny by now being out in the field with no relief. Hurry the fuck up or you don't get to fuck the fag and you'll suffer blue balls." Corporal Jones shoved more cock in my ass. "How does that feel fag?" He asked.

"It feels good Master Jones. I need you to fuck me in the worse way." I answered.

"You heard the fag, hurry up and get undressed. Unless you guys don't need to get off because there will be no jacking off. Have you got what I'm ordering guys?" Corporal Jones asked.

"I do." Henderson spoke up. "I'm horny watching you. I haven't fucked in over a week. The girlfriend wasn't letting me fuck her before we left and I haven't jacked off since this camp out.

"That goes for me as well." Smith said sitting on the cot and taking off his boots and socks.

"Me too. How about the rest of you?" Anderson asked undoing his combat shirt revealing his muscular hairless chest and stomach. I need something to fuck that's for sure.

"I agree." Philips answered taking off his combat shirt revealing his muscular chest and stomach.

"I do also." Gleason answered sitting on the cot removing his boots and socks.

"Hurry up men I don't get to go back fucking Malta until you're all nude and have made up your minds who gets to fuck the fag after me." Malta said.

"Hurry up and strip guys I need my Master to fuck me in the worse way as well as the rest of you privates. I really need to be gang banged." I begged.

I watched as Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason undress until they all were totally nude. Most already had boners by the time they were undressed. They huddled together and were talking in low voices. "They all turned around to face Corporal Jones and myself. "If it is okay can we go before everyone else. They already had ass we haven't?" Henderson asked.

"What do you say Davis, Sanders, Marshal, Benet, Clark, Taylor, Nelson, Walker. Should we let them go first?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Sure thing as long as he blows the rest of us at the same time." Davis shouted. "But hurry up and fuck him Corporal so they get to fuck the fag."

"Okay. First which one of you are going to fuck him once I finish?" Corporal Jones asked.

"We worked it out. I go first followed by Smith, Anderson, Philips and last of all Gleason. So hurry up and fuck the fag. We're all getting horny watching you. Get the fag in the mood for us." Henderson shouted.

"You heard him Malta. Do you want me to fuck you?" Corporal Jones asked. "If you do let them all know what you want. Show them how you beg for some big throbbing cock."

"OH yes Master fuck me. I need you to ram that big cock in my hungry ass." I begged. "Please fuck me. Ram your cock in my ass."

"Okay." Corporal Jones grunted. "Here we go." He rammed his big cock all the way in my ass while gripping my shoulders pulling out and ramming deep inside me again as he began fucking me.

"I never thought or dreamt I'd ever see this." Henderson shouted. "This is the wildest. Big muscular Sargent begging for Corporal Jones to fuck him."

"It's the wildest thing I have ever seen." Smith called out.

"Is it ever wild." Anderson shouted.

"You got that right." Philips joined in.

"Just hurry up and fuck him. I'm fucking horny." Gleason said holding his good nine inch thick cock in his hand.

"Let go of your cock guys or none of you will get to fuck Malta. Have you got that guys?" Corporal Jones asked.

"Yes Corporal." Henderson, Smith, Anderson, Philips and Gleason answered all at the same time."

"Okay that's better. Now for some good old fashion fucking." Corporal Jones grunted as he pulled his cock out of my ass ramming it deep inside me again and again. "Are you enjoying this. I don't here you begging for more so beg for me to fuck you cunt."

"Yes, yes fuck me Master. Fuck my hot ass. Please fuck me." I moaned and groaned as Corporal Jones picked up speed fucking me. He moved each of his hands from my shoulders every now and then to slap my ass cheeks. Then he put them around my shoulders to continue fucking me. "Please fuck me good and hard Master."

"That's better let all the men know what a fucking horny slut fag you really are." Corporal Jones shouted. "Tell them what you are Malta and shout it out."

"I'm a horny slut fag men and I need to be filled with cock. Oh yes Master fuck my fag ass. Fuck it good and hard." I shouted as loud as I could manage.

Corporal Jones kept ramming his big cock deep in my ass and pulling it out giving me a good hard fuck. "That's the way take my big cock in that hot ass." He grunted as he fucked my ass harder and harder slapping each of my ass cheeks once in awhile while fucking me. He fucked me for a good five minutes of non stop ramming his big cock in and out of my ass. He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "I'm getting close but don't let the guys know."

I whispered back. "What ever you say Master, just keep fucking me just like that.

"I'm cumming." He moaned in my ear while his big cock was still deep in my ass. My own cock was rock hard with his cock deep in my ass. "I'm going to build up another load for that fine ass but don't say anything."

"I won't Master Jones." I whispered as he pulled his cock out of my ass only to ram it deep inside me again. "Oh yes, fuck me Master."

"Are you getting close you've been fucking the fucking queer a good five minutes." Davis asked.

"You know it takes me a while to build up a good load Davis." Corporal Jones answered. "Relax."

"Okay but I sure want to fuck him." Henderson said out of the blue. "I'm really horny and the way you're fucking the fag is hot to watch. Make him beg again Corporal Jones. That is so fucking hot."

"Yes make the fag beg. It's hot watching our mouthy Sargent beg to be fucked. Wait until I fuck that fag. It will be hot for him to beg for black cock when he has been so fucking mean to us blacks." Davis shouted.

"You heard the guys start begging me to fuck you cunt." Corporal Jones yelled.

"Fuck me good and hard Master." I moaned as the corporal really layed it into me fucking me even harder the second time around. "Fuck me just like that. Fuck me I can't wait until the hot gang bang after you fuck me Master."

"That's good because we're taking this into the shower room when I'm finished for more room and the guys can empty their bladders. I'm sure they all have to piss after waiting so long to fuck you. Am I right guys?" Corporal Jones asked.

"You're right Corporal Jones." They all shouted. "I have plenty of piss. So do I. Me as well. The guys yelled one after the other.

Corporal Jones kept fucking me harder and harder as I begged him to fuck my ass good and hard for a good fifteen to twenty minutes. At long last he yelled. "I'm cumming in that hot ass homo. Take my load you fucking queer slut."

He filled my ass a second time. "Okay. He said as he pulled out of my ass. Lets get going to the showers to start that gang bang and bring the equipment I told you to purchase last night guys. I'm sure all of you will find a way of using the equipment."

End of Chapter 10.

Anyone wants more of this story. It will take me a while to work on the next chapter so have patience please.

Next: Chapter 11

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