Taking Down a Good Cop

By Stimle

Published on Dec 2, 2018


Taking Down a Good Cop, Part 2

by Stimle (stimle@yahoo.com)

Community standards apply to the following story! Please read no further if you are underage or are offended by explicit sexual stories. This is a work of fiction and any resemblance to anyone is strictly coincidental.

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Synopsis: Straight, by the book Detective Kevin Brady continues to be dominated and humiliated.

Note: Chapter 2 takes place immediately after the events of Chapter 1.

I collapsed onto my still-cuffed forearms when Jason finally pulled out. I was thoroughly humiliated and buried my face into my pillow, which was wet with my drool and the cum that had dripped from my face. I was still on my knees, my ass upturned, and I could feel his warm cum oozing from my freshly fucked hole, trickling over my balls and down my left leg to pool onto the sheets.

I was in a daze. How did this happen? More importantly - and disturbingly - why had I enjoyed it? Why did the mere thought of Jason Kennedy, a person I despised, having his way with me, excite me so much?

As I tried to wrap my head around my fucked-up thoughts, I was aware that my dick had come back to life and was beginning to thicken.

My phone chiming with an incoming text jolted me from my reverie and I turned my head to see Jason coming out of my bathroom. He'd cleaned up and was just finishing dressing. He picked up my phone from the nightstand and peered at the screen, then reached over, grabbed my right hand and pressed my thumb on the fingerprint sensor.

"Hmm, Eckert wants to know how last night went," he said, holding the phone so I could read the message. "Should I send him some pictures of what we were just doing?"

"No," I pleaded weakly, lifting my head from the pillow.

"No? But your dick just twitched when I suggested it," he said teasingly, taking my now fully erect cock into his palm. "And why are you so hard again?"

"Please...no," I begged.

He just laughed and walked back into the en suite bathroom, tossing my phone next to me on the bed. I heard the toilet flush and then the sink run. I closed my eyes.

I still hadn't moved when I heard him walk back into the bedroom. I opened my eyes and watched as he buckled his belt. He leaned in close and pressed the keys to the handcuffs into my left hand. "See you tomorrow, Pussy," he said. Then he slapped my bare ass and left.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god," I groaned when I heard the front door click shut. I flopped onto my side. What the fuck?

My phone began to ring and I quickly uncuffed myself and picked it up. Jon again. I swiped to accept the incoming call. "Hey," I said, forcing an air of calm into my voice.

"So?" Jon asked. "How did it go? Everything cool?"

"Yeah, it was fine," I said evenly, hoping nothing in my voice betrayed my current state of mind.

"You sound off," he said. "You okay? Wanna grab lunch later?"

"Not today," I replied. I ran my hand over my face and cringed at the tacky feeling of drying cum. "I'm not feeling too good."

He laughed. "Ah, hung over are we?"

"Shut up," I groaned.

"I knew it, you lightweight," he laughed again. "But it went well? With Jason?"

"Yeah, sure," I said noncommittally. "You know, I'm sort of, um, tied up right now so I'll see you tomorrow, okay?."

"Sure, no problem." He hung up.

I dropped my phone and rolled onto my back. What was I going to do?

I lay where I was for a few more minutes before I hauled myself up and went into the bathroom. I took care of nature and then turned on the shower taps. I felt much better after a long, hot shower and couple of aspirin.

I dressed, stripped and re-made the bed, and was tossing the soiled sheets into the washing machine when I heard a key in the lock. I froze and held my breath as I waited, not unaware that I'd gone hard in my briefs. My girlfriend stepped inside and I relaxed.

"Hey," Kristen said, smiling brightly.

"Hey," I said back to her, the stress instantly leaving my body.


I was distracted the rest of the day, but if Kristen noticed she didn't say anything. We went for a walk and talked about the conference and how the presentation went. When she asked about my day I was vague as to how I'd spent my morning.

"And last night? How did that go?" she asked when we were back home sitting on the couch.

I felt my heart race. "It went okay," I said, hoping my voice sounded even. "He's not adding me to his Christmas card list, but we came to...um, an understanding."

"Always the diplomat," she remarked and kissed my cheek. "I'm starving. Do you want to grab something to eat?"

We settled on a place on Glendon we'd been to a couple of times before and had a quiet but pleasant dinner. While she chattered away about her wine tasting trip to Temecula this coming weekend with Liz (Jon's fiancée) and my sister-in-law, I was reliving being fucked by Jason Kennedy twice in the past 24 hours.

We turned in early. She was tired from the conference and a day of traveling, and I was tired from, well, other things.

It took me a long time to fall asleep. I kept thinking of the ramifications of everything that happened this weekend. I was horrified about the turn of events, but I was also secretly thrilled. I don't know why, but I'd completely gotten off on how Jason had so thoroughly dominated me.

I knew I wasn't gay. I'd never even thought about being with another man before. I'd been partnered with Pete for five years before he left the force and we'd talked plenty about our love lives and not one time did I ever have the slightest urge or desire. I didn't understand it. I wasn't attracted to Jason - just the opposite. Everything about him repulsed me. So why was I secretly hoping for a repeat performance?

I hadn't realized it, but I'd been stroking my thumb over the length of my shaft all this time. If I kept this up I was going to come. I slipped my hand into my briefs and squeezed the base of my dick. It felt like hours before sleep finally overtook me.


I waited until Kristen left for work Monday morning before calling in sick. Huge mistake. Jason showed up at my door shortly after noon, banging loudly and shouting, "Open up, Pussy! I know you're home!"

Mortified a neighbor would hear, I flung the door open and he charged in. I closed it quickly behind him and he rounded on me.

"What the fuck, Kev?" he demanded, getting right into my face, once again invading my personal space. Even though he was almost six inches shorter, it felt as though he towered over me. "Didya really think you could get away with not showing up to work today?"

I needed to regain control of the situation right now, but I faltered, stammering and struggling to find my voice. "I—I, uh—"

"What part of `your ass is mine' do you not understand?"

I didn't realize until I was halfway down the hall that he was maneuvering me to the bedroom. By the time the backs of my knees hit the bed and I fell onto it, I was fully erect. As I landed, Jason tossed the backpack he'd brought with him onto the bed next to me and grabbed the legs of my sweats, yanking them completely off in one swift move, leaving me in just my underwear and t-shirt.

"No," I whimpered in protest.

"I see you've got a boner," he said, gesturing to the almost obscene bulge in my white briefs. I felt my face redden and I covered myself. To add to my shame, my dick twitched and I felt a small pearl of pre-cum shoot into my briefs.

He slapped my hands away and touched the tip of my dick through my briefs. "That's more like it," he said. Then he and grabbed the waistband of my briefs and tugged them down. I don't know why, but I lifted my butt up off the bed to ease his stripping of me. I caught the smirk on his face and my face went a deeper scarlet. He opened the night side table and took out the bottle of lube he now knew I kept there. He quickly stripped his tie, dress shirt and t-shirt off, and then stepped out of his trousers and underwear. He was hard. Impressively hard. I gulped.

He slathered his cock and then looked at me. "Bend your knees." I stared at him dumbly. "Spread your legs and pull them up and over your head," he ordered sharply.

"Don't make me do this," I begged.

"I'm not making you do anything," he said, as I obediently got into position. "You didn't have to let me in," he reminded me as he worked lube into my hole, "and you can get up any time you want. You're doing it all on your own, Pussy."

"Please don't call me that," I said as my dick burped another pearl of jizz.

He slipped a finger inside me and I gasped. He leaned over me and said, "Don't call you what? Pussy?"

I cringed and he withdrew his finger, grasped my hips and pushed into me. The feeling as he entered me was intense. That exquisite pressure as his thick, turgid dick breached the ring of muscle; that sensation of being filled; that tingle in my core as the head of his cock grazed my prostate - all combined to deliver the most delicious vibrations up and down my spine.

My lids fluttered and my eyes rolled up. My head fell back against the bed as I mewled and squirmed as my body struggled to accommodate him filling me. And then I was purring like a fucking kitten.

He arched his brow. "See?" He thrust his hips and began to move inside me.

"Uhnnn..." I grunted as the now familiar feeling of orgasm began to rise up and race through me. "Nooo..."


"Fuck!!" I cried out as my dick shot six ropes of silvery cum up my chest. I hadn't even lasted a minute, blowing my load like some teenage virgin.

Jason gave a derisive laugh, pulled out and quickly flipped me over, ordering me up onto all fours. I didn't hesitate to comply.

He slapped my ass and when I yelped, he pushed back in. He thrust in and out of me, his strokes hard and punishing in a staccato rhythm that eventually slowed to a steady throb.

After a couple of minutes, I heard a noise like an aerosol can being shaken, and when I chanced a look back, saw him spraying something onto a cloth. The can read `Maximum Impact' but before I could even process what it could be, he grabbed me by the hair and yanked my head back. I cried out as he covered my nose and mouth with the cloth.

The smell was different than the poppers but the effect was similar. I had the sensation of a strong head rush and a buzzing, almost drunken feeling. I could feel my head pulsing and my heartbeat speeding up as warmth radiated from deep within me all the way to my fingertips and then back to center on my dick and ass. If I didn't know better I'd have thought I was floating.

I slumped onto my forearms, dazed, as Jason continued to fuck me. I was aware that I was groaning lowly and contentedly, my mouth slack, drooling onto my sheets.

"Are you a pussy, Kev?" he asked. When I didn't respond he began to thrust harder and then repeated himself. "Are you a pussy, Detective Brady?"

"Yes," I moaned, basking in the sensation of being fucked hard.

He yanked my hair again. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, Sir!"

Another tug. "Yes, Sir - what?"

"Yes, Sir - I'm a Pussy!"

"That's right, Kev," he chuckled. Then he changed the angle of his thrusts and began to pound even harder.

"Oh fuck, Sir!!!" I wailed, and I began to come again, the second time in less than ten minutes, soaking the sheets.


I was nervous as hell when I walked into the station Tuesday morning. I didn't want another run-in with Jason. Hell, I didn't want to see him at all. Last night I'd all but resolved I was going to put a stop to everything. I was done. No more. I was taking back control. Taking back my life. But as soon as I entered the squad room and saw Jason talking to Jon over by the coffee maker, I knew that was a pipe dream. Who was I kidding? My cock was like a fucking divining rod the instant I entered the room, threatening to bust out of my briefs the moment I spotted Jason, as if he was water in the desert.

"Brady," a voice called to me and I nearly jumped out of my skin. I turned to see my supervisor, Tim Phillips, standing in the doorway to his office. "A word please, Kevin?"

Shit. What was going on? Did Jason say something?

I nodded briskly and stepped into his office. He closed the door behind me and gestured for me to take a seat as he slid into his.

"You feeling better?" he asked. I nodded and he continued. "Okay, I'll make this quick. We don't have any active homicides at this time and since Eckert's back on limited desk duty and Kennedy's not due to leave until next Friday, I'm going to take advantage of this downtime and have the three of you work through some cold cases."

I hadn't realized I was holding my breath until I exhaled. But while I was relieved I wouldn't be out in the field eight hours a day with Jason, being in the same room with him, maybe even at the same desk, was possibly worse.


Jason sent me several texts while we worked Tuesday. They ranged from a GIF of me declaring I was a pussy to shots of me passed out naked with my underwear covering my nose and mouth to still shots of me being fucked. There was even a clip of me begging to be fucked.

Every text caused me to go rigid in my briefs and by the end of the day they were so wet with pre-cum there was a noticeably discolored spot on the front of my grey slacks. It was humiliating and I had to walk around with a folder over my crotch or, if sitting, keep my sports coat draped over my lap. I know Jason saw it but I don't think anybody else did.

Whenever our eyes met Jason would shoot me a knowing look and I'd instantly clench my ass cheeks while my dick thrummed and throbbed. It was pure torture.


I avoided Jason as much as I could over the course of the next two weeks. The first weekend Kristen and I drove down to my dad's house in Oceanside to spend the weekend. I ignored his texts instructing me to come over to his house to watch the game and to be sure to bring Jon along.

Monday rolled around and I thought for sure there would be hell to pay, but Jason didn't say a word. I wasn't quite sure what to make of that. I wanted to think it was all over, but deep down I knew better.

The days went by agonizingly slow and, with no new homicides, I did my best to keep myself occupied at all times. If I wasn't working a cold case, there was always some paperwork to be done.

I found I was both titillated by and frightened of Jason. I didn't want to think too deeply about what he represented. I was at constant war with myself over what I was feeling.

I was hard whenever he was around and he knew it. I was glad I wore briefs, even if they did feel two sizes too small most of the time. I began to keep a few extra pair in my gym bag in my car because along with the texts, every one of Jason's frequent double entendres caused my dick to lurch and ooze pre-cum. I didn't want a repeat of last Tuesday and the wet spot.

In fact, I was leaking so much pre-cum that when I did laundry late Sunday afternoon after getting back from Oceanside, I noticed the front of my briefs were stained and I ended up running out to Macy's to restock. Maybe I should buy stock in Hanes.

One thing that disheartened me though was Jon had begun to smirk and laugh at some of the stuff Jason was saying to me on a daily basis: the passive-aggressive bullshit, the jokes at my expense, and the little digs that if you knew the situation weren't little at all. When I called him on it at lunch one day he told me to quit being uptight. "Oh come on," he'd cajoled. "It's all in good fun so lighten up!"


The only upside to this whole nightmare was my sex life with Kristen was fantastic. I was so hard and sexually frustrated at work that by the time I got home I was ready to explode. Our sex was off the charts. Several times though I found myself wishing she'd take charge and I was even tempted to introduce a bit of anal play into the mix in the hopes she'd run with it.

I'd fucked her long and hard when she came home from work that first Tuesday night, pounding into her mercilessly, all the while thinking of how Jason had fucked me. I even had her ride me at one point, imagining it was me bucking and writhing on Jason's thick, glorious cock.

I fondled her breasts when she rode me and it reminded me of how Jason had played with my nipples, and I felt a tingle shoot up from my ass to my nipples. I came fast and hard.

I even looked up sex toys one night when she was out with friends. Two minutes into my search I had my sweats and briefs down at my ankles while I stroked my hard cock. The dildos I found were so realistic I imagined being down on my hands and knees while Kristen fucked my ass with one shaped like Jason's cock. Then I looked at strap-ons and the mere thought of being on my back and holding my legs up while she thrust into me had me coming within moments. I had to wipe down the laptop keyboard and screen.


Friday finally came.

Jason's last day passed uneventfully and a group of us headed to The Nickel Mine on Santa Monica Boulevard when our shift ended. It was the last thing I wanted to do, but to not show up would be a final secession of power to Jason. I also didn't want anybody to wonder what was up because my absence would speak volumes.

Jon and I sat next to each other at the bar and I got a little bit of satisfaction watching the Dodgers beat the Giants.

"I don't know what's going on, Kev, but you've not been yourself lately," he said as he took a bite of a jalapeño popper. I knew he was waiting for me to say something so I turned to face him.

"His - Jason's - intensity just rubs me the wrong way. His `truce' lasted all of ten minutes and--"

"You told me everything went fine."

I shrugged one shoulder. "There's nothing really to say. He's a prick and I'm glad he's leaving. Honestly, it's more stress than I need."

Jon looked at me thoughtfully. "You know, since the girls and Val left this afternoon for Temecula, how about a guys weekend? Just you and me?"

My ears perked up at that. I'd not had a guys weekend in I don't know how long. It's amazing how quickly time with close friends can slip by when work and everyday life gets in the way. The idea of a weekend with no responsibilities was too good to pass up.

"Oh yes, please," I said, and I was surprised at the naked relief in my voice.

Jon grinned and he looked almost mischievous. "My parents are in Seattle until Wednesday. Do you want to hang out at their place with me this weekend? We can `bach' it."

The look on my face must've said it all because Jon threw his head back and barked a laugh. "That settles it, then," he laughed as he clapped me on the shoulder and signaled the bartender for the check. "Pack a bag for the weekend. Bring swim trunks, shorts and running shoes." He looked at his watch as he drained his beer. "It's 6:30 now; I'll pick you up in 45 minutes."

I nodded, exhaling for what I felt like the first time in two weeks.


Jon was at my door 43 minutes later and by 8:30 we were pulling into the driveway of his parents' Orange County home.

Jon's parents lived in Newport Beach in one of those oft-criticized `McMansions.' I'd been there once before. It was nice. It even had a home gym and a lap pool. Jon wasn't very close to his parents, mostly because he didn't like that they were big donors to the Republican Party. That was one area Jon and I often disagreed on. Except for social issues, I was by and large fairly conservative in my politics. Jon argued that social issues alone were the reason I shouldn't be aligned with the GOP, and when I explained to him that I was a registered Independent he scoffed and said it was the same thing as being a Republican. Needless to say, we agreed to disagree.

Jon's father had made his fortune during the `dot-com boom' while Jon was still in his teens. He'd wisely sold his company for a lot money shortly before the boom had gone bust and was more than set for the rest of his life.

We settled into the large eat-in kitchen where Jon opened the Ralph's grocery bag he'd brought with him and pulled out a handle of Sailor Jerry Rum. He filled two large tumblers with ice, poured an ungodly amount of rum into each glass, and then topped them off with, of all things, Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper.

"What in the name of all that's holy is this ungodly concoction?" I asked as he handed me my glass. "Spiced rum and Dr. Pepper? That's so `90s frat!"

"Hey," he protested, "it's not spiced rum, it's Sailor Jerry."

"Sailor Jerry and Dr. Pepper? That sounds a little perverted."

"I've spent a night or two with Sailor Jerry," he laughed. "Don't knock it till you've tried it."

I took a sip. Then another. Then a long drink. "Holy shit, Jon. This is fantastic!"

"Easy boy," he laughed. "You can't taste it, can you?"

I took another drink, pursed my lips and squinted my eyes. "Dang, I can't taste anything but Dr. Pepper!"

"As is the intention."

I looked at the bottle on the counter. "What the hell? This stuff is 92 proof?!"

"Don't be such a cupcake," Jon chided, shoulder bumping me and then wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in for a side hug. "We don't have to work tomorrow. Let loose."

I looked at my drink, then the clock, and then back at my drink. Shit...he was right. These past two weeks had been fucked up beyond belief. I could feel the stress melting off me with each drink I took.

"Okay, okay," I relented, unable to suppress my good mood. "You twisted my arm."

Jon laughed and I drained my glass. "Another, bartender!"

And that's how it went for the next couple of hours. We turned on the TV and found Billy Madison' and Happy Gilmore' playing back to back. We drank and laughed and drank some more. I lost track of how many drinks I had.

These days pretty much the only time I ever have more than a couple of drinks is with Jon, and then only on the very rare occasion. I can't even remember the last time I really let loose. Oh, wait, that night at Jason's... I definitely didn't want to remember that.


"Damn, I'm tired," I barely managed to get out as I yawned so wide I felt my jaw pop. It was just turning midnight and I was wiped out.

"You should hit the sack," Jon said. "You look exhausted."

"I think I will."

"Cheers," he said, raising his glass and leaning toward me. I picked up my nearly empty tumbler, clinked his, and drained it.

"I'll see you in the morning."

Jon nodded and I made my way to the first floor guest suite. It was hot outside due to the Santa Ana, so I left the bedroom door open and slid the window open in order to get a cross breeze. I pushed the duvet to the side, stripped off my t-shirt and jeans, and climbed into bed. I stretched out on the cool, cotton sheets and was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


I had the strangest dream.

I was in bed and could hear voices nearby. Whispers. Like The Others from that TV show `Lost.' They seemed to be floating just beneath my consciousness and I strained to hear what they were saying. I lost track of how long this went on.

At some point I opened my eyes to find it was very bright in the room. There were two men in black leather dog masks standing at the foot of the bed looking down at me. They were shirtless and wore black leather pants. I tried to speak but nothing came out.

They took their masks off and I recognized them as Nic and Charlie from Jason's party. They moved to either side of me, knelt down, and began to run their hands all over my body.

I tried to bat their hands away, but like that night at Jason's, my arms were heavy and clumsy. I tried to focus but my thoughts were muddled and I felt spacy.

While Charlie circled my nipples with his thumbs, teasing them to hard points, Nic was feathering his fingertips up and down my inner thighs, stopping just before he reached my crotch, then traveling down to the backs of my knees.

"Mmm...ohhh..." I groaned in pleasure as they continued hitting all my pleasure points.

I was still wearing my briefs but they made no move to take them off. They didn't touch my dick either, just hovered their hands over it so close I could feel the heat from their palms. By now my cock was so thick and engorged that it threatened to poke over the waistband.

"Please," I moaned as I tried to thrust my hips up into Charlie's hand that was floating just millimeters above my crotch.

"Not yet, Pussy," he chided, pulling his hand just out of reach. When he said the word `pussy' I felt my dick squirt a bit of pre-cum into my already damp briefs.

He flicked my nipple then picked up a rag and a canister of the Maximum Impact aerosol Jason had used on me. He sprayed the cloth and placed it over my nose and mouth.

"Oh fuck," I sighed as the familiar aroma hit me full force. I welcomed the high. The feeling of not being in control was a relief. While my mind was dulled, my other senses, especially touch, seemed to be heightened and I was hyper-sensitive to their touch.

Charlie set the rag down and picked up another one. Except it wasn't a rag; it was a pair of men's black briefs. He wadded them up and pressed them to my nose and mouth. They smelled ripe, as if somebody had worn them for several days or even weeks.

"Sniff now," he said. I tried to turn my head but he held it firmly in place. "Come on, Pussy," he coaxed, "inhale for me."

My cock gave another twitch at the word `pussy' and I tried to hold my breath as long as I could. Finally I needed air and reluctantly inhaled. The rich, heady odor of sweat, musk, urine and cum all combined to assault my nostrils. It was almost overpowering it was so strong. I took another breath and my dick lurched again, another large dollop of pre-cum wetting my briefs.

"That's good, Pussy," I heard Charlie say, and I realized that while I'd been taking in deep lungs full of that rank odor for God knows how long, my own underwear had been removed and Nic was probing my hole with his tongue and fingertips.

"Oh fuck," I groaned as Charlie continued to hold those soiled briefs over my nose.

Nic popped up from between my legs. He had a wicked grin on his face. "Not yet, Pussy," he said. "Soon though. Don't be so impatient." Then he disappeared between my legs, spread my ass cheeks again, and dove back in.

"Oh Christ," I cried out as I continued to moan with pleasure. Charlie smiled, lay the black briefs on my chest and re-sprayed the aerosol onto the rag. He placed it over my face.

When I came down from the high I realized Nic now had two fingers in my slicked up hole and was gently but efficiently stretching me. My cock still hadn't been touched and it was twitching and bobbing and leaking a puddle of pre-cum onto my belly.

Charlie dipped his finger into my navel and scooped out a blob of pre-cum. He slathered it on my upper lip, just under my nose. I gasped and at the same time he pressed the ripe, rank briefs once again to my face. I inhaled without being told to and grunted softly when I felt a third finger slide into my hole.

While Nic continued to work my hole and open me up, Charlie kept alternating the aerosol-soaked rag with the dirty briefs. Soon I couldn't tell the difference and inhaled deeply any time something was put to my nose.

Somewhere along the line I noticed that my own cum-dampened briefs had been added to the line up. Oh god, it was bad enough I was getting off on sniffing those black briefs, but now my own as well? I groaned.

Charlie sprayed the Maximum Impact onto my briefs, set them in my hand, and placed my hand over my nose and mouth. "Hold this here until I say so, Pussy," he ordered.

I did as I was told, then watched, dazed, as black padded leather cuffs were fixed to my ankles. Each cuff had two metal loops on them. My legs were spread about three feet apart and hooked to a metal bar that had two hooks at either end and one in the middle that was attached to a long chain.

Once fastened to the bar, Nic lifted my legs until they were almost perpendicular to my body, making a large `V.' Charlie took the chain and looped it over a large hook that hung from the ceiling. Then they repositioned me until my naked ass was at the foot of the bed.

Charlie took my underwear from me and pressed the black ones to my face again. As I huffed the now pleasant aroma, Nic fastened cuffs to each of my wrists. Next he attached a short chain to each wrist cuff, and finally lifted my arms up, one at a time, and fastened the chains to the hooks on either side of the spreader bar. Now my ass and armpits were fully exposed and on display. What. The. Hell.

Charlie scooped more pre-cum from my belly button and wiped it under my nose. Then he took my briefs and put them over my head, positioning the damp front panel over my nose and mouth. The fabric partially obscured my vision, but I could see enough: Nic was taking a dildo and a bottle of lube from a backpack. My breath quickened.

He set them on the foot of the bed and got down on his knees. He looked me in the eyes, spread my ass cheeks and slipped two fingers inside, crooking them about. I heard myself whimper and when he found my prostate, I swear my voice shot up an octave.

With his fingers still buried deep, he licked the length of my cock before slowly sliding his mouth over it and taking it all the way down his throat in one smooth move.

"Oh my god!" I gasped, and at that second Charlie pressed the drug-soaked rag to the briefs that were already covering my face. Stars exploded behind my eyes.

When the sky show in my head faded and I began to regain what was left of my senses, I felt Nic dive down once again on my dick. Holy shit but his mouth was magic. He sucked strongly, wetly, hotly, and I groaned my appreciation.

Charlie was playfully twisting my nipples and now began to lick my left armpit. I grunted and I felt it as he gave a small chuckle. His tongue trailed across my chest until it found my left nipple and latched on. I gasped again and without missing a beat, he replaced the rag with the black briefs.

My entire body was thrumming and vibrating now. I wanted so badly for them to jack me off and make me come.

Nic suddenly stopped the amazing blow job he'd been pleasuring me with and I saw his head pop up once again from between my upraised, spread legs. He caught my eye and winked. Then he held up the dildo and lube and waggled his eyebrows. I gasped again.

"Time to get fucked, Pussy," he said and he began to slather the fat rubber dick with lube. I yelped and shivered when I felt the cool slick gel on my hole. I began to pant as he worked a good amount into me. I knew what was coming and fuck, I wanted it!

As Nic continued to ready my hole for its next invasion, Charlie knelt down next to the bed and took my hard cock into his hand. He began to slowly stroke it.

"Oh, fuck...finally," I moaned lightly. He had a nice touch.

I was enjoying the feeling of being masturbated when I felt a pressure at my anus. Nic pinched my ass, and when I flinched, he pushed the dildo all the way in.

"Fuck!" I roared at the intrusion. He held it still for a moment, letting me get accustomed to the girth, and then began to slide it in and out of me.

"Ohhh," I moaned again. "Fuck. Yes!"

Charlie sped up his hand on my cock and within a minute or so I felt myself getting ready to come.

I knew I wasn't going to last long and I hoped they wouldn't be cruel and tease me like Jason did the other night when he brought me to the edge and back time and time again.

No such luck. As soon as my balls began to tighten and draw up, Charlie stopped stroking me. He just held my dick in the palm of his hand and swirled the pad of his calloused thumb over my bloated prick tip. Nic didn't let up though. He pummeled my hole with the dildo like a man on a mission.

For twenty minutes they kept this up. My upper body was sheened in sweat, and I bucked, whined, cursed, whimpered and then begged. "Please...please...please," I gasped and panted.. "Fuckkkkk...PLEASE!!!"

Nic began to thrust the dildo in more frantically - deeper, harder, faster - and Charlie's fist flew up and down the length of my hard, slippery dick, practically a blur.

My orgasm began to build in me again. I thrashed about and grunted. "Unh, unh, unh, unh, UNH, UNH, UNH!!!!"

Without missing a beat, Charlie reached up, pulled my underwear off my head, and shoved them into my mouth.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I screamed into my briefs as my dick exploded, spraying cum like a rocket's exhaust fumes. The first three streams went over my head to splatter the headboard, while the remaining ones coated my abs and chest. I passed out.


"Kev," a faraway voice said gently, then louder. "Kevin."

A hand gripped my shoulder and began to shake me.

I sat bolt upright and gasped. I whipped my head around. The curtains were drawn and while I could see the morning sun peering in around the edges, it was relatively dark in the room.

It took me a second or two to realize that it was Jon standing next to the bed, his hand still on my shoulder shaking me. He looked sleep-rumpled and alarmed, and was wearing only a white t-shirt and black briefs.

"Hey," he asked, his voice raspy with sleep. "Are you okay? I thought you were gonna wake the neighborhood."

"Yeah, shit," I sighed. I swung my legs over the side of the bed and ran my hands through my hair. I leaned forward, resting my elbows on my thighs and rubbed my face. "Fucking crazy dream."

He fumbled under the shade of the bedside lamp and flipped the switch, bathing the room in a soft glow. I sat back up, then leaned back on the bed, resting on my elbows. I let my head fall back and I stared at the ceiling. A swag lamp hung from a large hook...

I glanced over at Jon and caught an odd look on his face. He was staring down at something, his eyes narrowed. They suddenly widened and he clasped a hand over his mouth and began to laugh.

I cocked my head at him and sat up. "What? What's so funny?"

He pointed at my crotch. "Dude," he sputtered, unable to control his laughter. "Is that -- did you spooge yourself?"

I looked down at my crotch. "What the fuck?!" I yelped. I jumped up and grabbed a pillow to cover my crotch as Jon doubled over with laughter. "Get out!" I ordered.

"Oh shit," he gasped, choking on a laugh as he backed out of the room. "Oh my god!" He closed the door and I could hear him howling outside in the hall.

"Go!" I shouted through the closed door.

"My eyes! My eyes!" he cackled.

"Shut up!"

What the hell? What the fucking hell? I'd come in my sleep? Shot a fucking load in my briefs? How could I be having a wet dream at my age?! I was 38 years old for fuck's sake not some pre-teen just hitting puberty! Shit, there was no way I was ever going to live this down.

I sat down on the bed and picked up my phone: 6:30 a.m. Ugh, time to get up anyway. I stumbled into the attached bathroom, stripped off my cum-soaked briefs, and reached into the shower to turn on the taps. As I waited for the water to get hot, bits of the dream began to replay in my head and just like that I was fully erect. What the fuck?!

Not The End Yet!

Next: Chapter 3

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