Taking a Stand

Published on Sep 24, 2017


Taking a Stand Chapter 03

Taking a Stand

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find this material offensive, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I keep all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2017 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at MaWriterBoy@yahoo.com.

This is a sequel to my original story on Nifty.org, Jeffery Comes Home. I have tried to make this a standalone story. I look forward to hearing from you.


"Trevor," a voice said. "This is Wyatt's Dads, Biron and Alex... Wyatt tried to commit suicide last night. He'll be okay. He wanted me to tell you, and he said not to worry."

"We saw him yesterday," I said. "He seemed agitated with some girl he dated over the summer. He really went over the edge when she texted him while he sat with us at Starbucks. She insisted Wyatt call her."

"She's been hassling Wyatt for a month," Biron explained. "Did he tell you why?"

"No," I replied.

"We'll let him tell you," Biron replied. "He's become very fond of you, Trevor. He trusts you."

"When can we see him?" I asked.

"We'll call you when the doctors tell us he can have visitors," Biron replied. "It might be tomorrow."

"Okay," I replied. "I appreciate your call."

"Are you okay, Trev?" Rupert asked.

"Yes," I replied. "Actually, no. I'm not okay. Something is going on, and I don't like it."

"I'll help you get through this, Trev," Rupert replied. "No matter what's going on, I'll help you through this."

"Thank you, Rupert," I replied. "I appreciate what you just said. More than you know."

Chapter 03: The Secret Comes Out

My phone rang at 10 am on Sunday morning. Wyatt had been taken to the ER the previous day.

"This is Trevor," I said.

"Trevor, this is Wyatt's Dad Alex," Alex said "Wyatt is doing better this morning. The doctors said he'd be strong enough to talk with you sometime this afternoon."

"Thank you, Mr. Delmonico," I said. "Is one pm okay?"

"Perfect," Alex replied.

"How are Wyatt's spirits?" I asked.

"Better," Alex replied. "He even managed to laugh once. He's excited to talk with you. We'll see you around one."

We ended the call. I turned to Rupert. He looked sad.

"What's wrong, Ru?" I asked.

"I have this feeling Wyatt may have discovered feelings for you, Trev," Rupert replied.

"He wouldn't have tried suicide over me!" I replied. "I'm a great guy but not that good. What should we bring him?"

"It will be you bringing him something," Rupert replied. "I don't want to get in the way of a personal conversation. His Dad said it all yesterday. He trusts you, Trev. I'll go with you the next time you visit him."

"I'll miss you. But I'm still buying breakfast," I said. "Let's go before I change my mind."

Rupert and I talked about everything, but, yet, we talked about nothing. Superficial conversation. It wasn't like us. I felt weird as I left the restaurant for the hospital and Rupert returned to his room to study.

I took my time walking. It was a nice day. Sunshine. Warm with a slight chill in the air.

`Why am I fucking thinking about the weather?' I asked myself. `This will be a serious conversation about Wyatt and his issues. Don't panic. Think about the weather.'

I grabbed some flowers from the grocery store on the way to the hospital. I bought red carnations. Bright and cheery.

I found Wyatt's room. His door sat open. Wyatt talked animatedly to two older men—probably his Dads.

I knocked on the door frame.

"You must be Trevor," a tall guy who looked a lot like Wyatt. Blond hair and piercing eyes to boot. "I'm Alex Delmonico. This is my husband, Bini Delmonico, Trevor's other Dad."

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I said as I accepted each outstretched hand. I turned to Wyatt. "You're looking good, Dude."

"Thanks," Wyatt said with his one-hundred-megawatt smile. "I'm feeling much better, thank you. Some demons got in the way. They've left."

"We'll let you two talk," Bini said. "We'll get some much-needed coffee."

I paused to see if Wyatt wanted to say something.

"Say it, Trev," Wyatt said with a smile plaster all over his face. "Say what you want to say... `Why the fuck did you try to commit suicide, Dude? Are you nuts?'"

"I would have asked in a much more socially acceptable way," I replied. "My father's a minister, remember?"

"Yeah," Wyatt said as he seemed to settle into a more serious mood. "I'm fucked, Trev. I did something last summer right before school started, and now I have all this shit hanging over me. It seemed like a big black cloud on Friday night. Now, it only seems like it's partly cloudy with some sun."

"Good analogy, Dude," I replied.

"My friend Aron had a party right before school started," Wyatt began. "He told me to bring a date. So, I asked Corrine. She's a nice enough girl. I took her to the senior dance. She's wanted to get into my pants for a while now. I've avoided her... Until the night of the party... I drank way too much... She managed to get me into a spare bedroom. I don't really remember what happened until I woke up the next morning naked and in bed with Corrine. I jumped out of bed, found my clothes, and dashed out of the room once I buttoned the last button and zipped the last zipper. Luckily, I didn't see anyone one my way out."

"Did this situation get out of hand?" I asked.

"An understatement, Dude," Wyatt continued. "I thought I had dodged the bullet. I didn't run into her the next few days. Finally, when I left for school here and hadn't run into her, I thought the whole unruly situation had vanished."

"But?" I asked.

"Three weeks into the semester, I received an hysterical call from Corrine," Wyatt said. Sadness covered his face. "She missed her period. Fast forward to Friday afternoon. She's indeed pregnant. Her parents won't let her get an abortion, but she wants to put the kid up for adoption."

Wyatt paused for a few moments to wipe tears from his face.

"I should be happy she chose to put the kid up for adoption," Wyatt continued. "But, then I realized I'd be giving away my first kid for some unknown mother and father to raise."

"It must be a difficult decision to make, Wyatt," I began. "I can't even begin to imagine what you must be going through. What are the alternatives?"

"I've talked with my Dads," Wyatt replied. "They are strongly against the choice I am about to explain, but they said they would be by my side with any decision I might make."

"Makes sense," I replied. "What exactly were you thinking about as an alternative to adoption?"

"Raising the kid myself," Wyatt said slowly and quietly.

"Wow!" I exclaimed. "You're only eighteen, Wyatt. You're just starting college. How will this affect your life and the kid's life?"

"It's a pisser, isn't it?" Wyatt replied. "I need to explain something else, Trev. My Dads said I needed to tell you. I didn't want to because I am afraid what it might do to another relationship."

"You choose, Wyatt," I replied. "Whatever you need to tell me, I'll help you through this."

"Remember when I asked you about being gay?" Wyatt began

"Sure," I replied.

"You asked me if it was someone special?" Wyatt asked.

"I remember, Wyatt," I replied.

"It is," Wyatt said. He paused. "I have feelings for you, Trev. I know this sounds horrible because you're in a relationship with Rupert. My Dads said it would help me deal with my feelings if you knew. Please don't hate me, Trev."

"I'll never hate you, Wyatt," I replied. "I need to tell you something else before we get too deep here. Rupert and I really do like one another. But, we've decided against heading into a major relationship. We have different goals in life. Rupert and I discussed this. So, you won't be messing up our relationship."

"I'm not being a home wrecker here?" Wyatt asked with somewhat of a smile across his face.

"Nope," I replied. "Let me tell you a story. When I first met you, I was hoping beyond hope you were gay. Why? I thought you were cute as shit. I realized soon you were not only cute, but you had a brain. You were funny. You were real. You had your own ideas and opinions. We shared a lot about ourselves before we really knew we were interested in each other. What I'm trying very hard to do here, but I am failing miserably, I want you to know I have feelings for you, too, Wyatt."

"It doesn't really matter anymore, Trev," Wyatt said with sadness in his voice. "I can't saddle you with a kid to raise. It wouldn't be fair to you."

"I don't know what will happen between us, Wyatt," I said. "I told you earlier. I'll help you through this. Friends help one another."

"Thanks, Trev," Wyatt replied. "Can I get a hug?"

I walked (more like raced) toward Wyatt and pulled him into a major hug. He grabbed me and squeezed like he wanted to suffocate me... It felt good.


On Sunday afternoon, I waited in the lobby of the hospital while my Dad Jeffery talked with Rupert. I sat with Wyatt's parents Alex and Bini Delmonico.

"Your Dad's a nice man," Alex said. "He took the time out of his campaign schedule to talk with Wyatt. Your Dad has this calming influence on people, doesn't he?"

"Yes," I replied. "He learned the hard way how to be a calming influence on people."

"The hard way?" Bini Delmonico asked. "How's that?"

"I'll try to summarize," I began to outline Dad Jeffery's accomplishments in the Castro in San Francisco. "Right out of divinity school, he took a job as a youth minister in San Francisco. His mission was to reach out to a hidden part of the population in the Castro who were dealing with problems. Some were gay. Some were not. Some were drug addicts. Some were suffering with mental health issues. Some were Veterans. Some were gay teenagers. Many were homeless and living on the street. Dad didn't wait for the people who needed his help to come to him. He went to them. Many times, in the darkness of the night. He went a lot of places—back allies, abandon buildings, drug hangouts, homeless shelters—most people wouldn't dare be in."

I paused.

"He helped some," I continued. "He lost some. He went on doing the work the church hired him to do. He still communicates with some of the people he met in San Francisco. He'll never stop loving them either. It's who he is. He thought long and hard about abandoning his calling as a minister to the downtrodden to run for the House of Representatives. He will accomplish great things. He will fight for people who otherwise would go unnoticed. It's just the way he's wired."

"He's inspired you, hasn't he Trevor?" Alex asked.

"He saved my life," I added. "Then, he showed me what can be accomplished if you truly care for people. So, yes, he inspired me."

We waited. Talking about nothing until my Dad walked out of Wyatt's room.

He sat on the sofa next to me. He turned to Alex and Bini, "You have a terrific son. Of course, you knew he was terrific already."

"Thank you, Jeffery," Bini replied. "And, yes, he is a terrific kid."

"Wyatt wants to see all of you, but first, he asked if he could speak with Trevor alone for a few minutes," Dad said to the group. Dad turned his attention to Alex and Bini. "I also need to speak with the two of you."

I took a deep breath and walked into Wyatt's room with a big smile.

"How did your talk with my Dad go, Wyatt?" I asked.

"He's an amazing man, Trevor," Wyatt said.

"Yeah," I replied. "I kinda think so, too."

"I need to work though my problems before I can even talk about a relationship with you, Trevor," Wyatt replied. "I suspect you already knew I'd say what I did. Right?"

"I'm not forcing us to be anything until we know we're both in the right frame of mind," I said to Wyatt.

"Your Dad suggested, if we can work out the details, he could find a family to raise the kid before the kid is actually born," Wyatt explained. "He said he knew of some very nice families who would be thrilled to consider adopting the kid. I believe if I knew the kid would be somewhere he or she felt loved, I'd be able to handle giving it up for adoption."

"You don't need to decide about his right now, Wyatt," I suggested. "You have time before you need to make a decision. Probably eight months."

"Maybe," Wyatt replied.

We sat silently. Wyatt looked out the window.

"Trev," Wyatt finally said. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course," I replied. "Ask way."

"You plan to be a minister, right?" Wyatt asked.

"Yes," I replied. "If I can make it through divinity school."

"I have no doubt you will make it through divinity school," Wyatt added. "Is Rupert on board with you becoming a minister?"

"No," I replied. "His family dumped on him for being gay. His family followed a very strict evangelical Christian sect. They were not kind to him or his older brother. Wyatt, would you be on board with me becoming a minister?"

"Absolutely," Wyatt replied. "I would be very encouraging and supportive. The world needs more people like your Dad. I believe you will be like your Dad, too."

"And, Wyatt, I meant everything I said to you earlier," I began. "I'm with you all the way here, Wyatt. Anything you need. I'll be right by your side helping you through whatever you need to face."

"Thank you, Trev," Wyatt said. "I know I can count on you. Even if we only become friends."

"Wyatt," I began. "I will definitely be your friend. I should get back to the dorm and let your Dads have a chance to speak with you."

I hugged Wyatt before I left. When I stepped outside the room, I took a deep breath. `I can't push him.'

I crossed the waiting area and took a seat beside my Dad. Allen and Bini walked into Wyatt's room.

"How did it go?" Dad asked me.

"I wanted to reach out and kiss him," I replied. "I didn't though. He'll have lots of other decisions to make before we can be a topic of the conversation."

"He does have a lot to work though," Dad said. "It's important you help him through this. Wyatt trusts you. Don't let him down, Trevor. He'll be okay if you can help him through the difficult times."

"I plan on being with him through this ordeal," I said to Dad. "Wyatt said you knew of some families who might want to adopt his kid."

"Yes," Dad replied. "I have a few in mind. However, don't ask me to tell you who they might be."

"Got it, Dad," I said. "Where will you be tonight?"

"Your father and I, along with the dynamic duo, will stay at the Hilton tonight. You can join us for dinner," Dad said to me.

"I don't think I'll be the best of company tonight," I replied.

"Why?" Dad asked.

"He told me he had feelings for me, but he couldn't drag me down with his problems about the kid," I finally spit out.

"Ah!" Dad added. "I understand, I think. Do you have feelings for him?"

"Yes," I replied. "When I first met Wyatt, I thought he was a nice straight guy. But as I got to know him, I realized he was more than just a nice, bright, good looking straight boy. And now he's concluded he's gay... and he has feelings for me."

"And, if he did decide to parent his child, how would you react?" Dad asked.

"Part of me wants to run," I replied. "Another part of me wants to help him with his kid. Maybe even our kid. I don't know what I want."

"It would be a very big challenge for the two of you to parent a kid and go to school," Dad explained. "What about the experience you'd get while in school without the burden of a kid?"

"What would you do?" I asked.

"I can't tell you what I'd do, Trevor," Dad replied. "What about Rupert?"

"We've already discussed us," I said. "If I go to divinity school, he's said it would be the end of anything between us. He's still soured about religion because of his parents' reaction to him being gay."

"I could see why he feels religion is not for him," Dad said. "I want you to come with us for dinner, Trevor. I think Philip would also want to talk with you about this situation."

"Okay," I replied. "I need to call Rupert and tell him I won't be around until later."


"Trevor! Trevor!" the dynamic duo yelled as the leaped through the air and into my arms.

"It's good to see you, little dudes," I said. "Have you been good boys while I was away?"

They looked solemnly at one another before they answered.

"Mostly," Sam replied.

"What do you mean mostly?" I asked.

"The new plant Daddy P and Daddy J bought for the living room after the old one ran into a wall decided it wanted to go outside but it didn't know how to open the door so it went through the door." Tim replied.

"There was a lot of glass after the plant broke the door," Sam added.

"How's the plant?" I asked.

"Daddy said it was in critical condition," Tim replied.

"We've decided to glue all of the plants to the floor from now on," Dad P explained.

"Won't gluing them to the floor take all of the fun out of owning a plant?" I asked.

"We hope," Dad J replied.

I put Sam and Tim on the floor. Dad P hugged me.

"H ow are you doing, Trev?" Dad P asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "I was solidly on the happy side until Wyatt's parents called Friday night."

"I wish I could say something to ease your anxiety, Trev," Dad P said. "I wouldn't know what the something would be. Don't forget we, Dad J, Sam, Tim, and I, love you. We'll be beside you whatever you decide to do to help Wyatt. There's more to this relationship besides good friends, right?"

"Until this weekend, I would have said we're just friends. Now, I would need to say were more than just friends. It's so unfair. I hated to leave him alone in the hospital room," I said as I sobbed through the words.

"You'll get through this," Dad P whispered. "We'll help you get through this. I know it hurts now, Trev, but good things can come out of this. Miracles do exist."

"Yeah," I replied. "Like the night you rescued me. You and Dad J were my miracle."

After all the crying and sobbing ended, we had a terrific dinner at the hotel dining room. After an hour, I decided it was time to leave and call Rupert.

"Dads," I began. "Thanks for the advice and for dinner. You helped me a lot. I have no idea how I really feel right now, but I know I need to get through this. You're the best."

Once I made it back to my dorm, I called Rupert.

"Hey, Trev," Rupert said as he answered the phone. "How did it go?"

"I don't know, Ru," I replied. "I have a lot to think about."

"Do you want to come over and talk?" Rupert asked.

"I do, but I need to study for a class tomorrow," I replied. "Maybe we could meet after classes tomorrow at Starbucks."

"Sure," Ru said. "How about 4?"

"Perfect," I replied.

"I'll see you then," Ru replied.

"Ru?" I asked.

"Yes," Ru replied.

"Thank you for your support," I replied. "It means a lot to me."

"Friends help friends, Trev," Ru added before we ended the call.

I lay on my bed and began staring at the ceiling of my room. I don't know how long I stayed in this position. Finally, I heard the door open.

"Hey, Trev!" Grayson my roommate said to me. "How was your weekend?"

"Could have been better," I replied. "My friend Wyatt tried to commit suicide Friday night."

"Holy shit, Trev," Grayson exclaimed. "Will he be okay?"

"I think," I replied. "It'll take time."

"Why did he try to commit suicide?" Grayson asked.

"A girl he took to a party right before school started this semester told him she was pregnant," I replied. "He freaked out because she wanted to put the kid up for adoption."

"Poor guy!" Grayson added. "I can see why he would be upset, but I couldn't imagine, thinking of myself here why he would want to commit suicide. Is he sure he's the father?"

"He fucked her right before school started," I replied. "He was hammered. So, I kinda think he must be certain." I explained Wyatt's description of the evening.

"I'm not trying to be an overly sensitive optimist in this case, but, if Wyatt left her alone in the bedroom, someone else may have had his turn with her," Grayson suggested. "Especially, if she were passed out."

"I never thought of someone else being the father," I replied. "Wyatt obviously didn't either."


Rupert and I settled in at a table in Starbucks.

"Have you heard from Wyatt?" Rupert asked.

"No," I replied. "But Wyatt's dad Bini called to tell me Wyatt has a lot scheduled for him today. Psych evaluations, blood tests, a physical, an MRI, a CAT scan, and a three-hour therapy session. The doctors want to rule out any possible physical problems before they begin treatment in earnest."

"Makes sense to me," Rupert replied. "But, he's doing okay, right?"

"Now, yes," I added. "I need to tell you something, Ru. I need you to promise not to tell anyone about this. I don't want to embarrass Wyatt, but I want you to know about the situation."

"It's between you and me, Trev," Rupert replied. "I want to help Wyatt as much as you do."

"I thought I dreamt this, but I finally realize this is real. I need to face it. I need your help to face it, Ru," I blurted out.

"Just spill, okay, Trev," Rupert replied.

"Sorry," I replied as I took a deep breath before I began. "Wyatt has two issues. The first is the girl he spoke to briefly while we were in Starbuck's. Shortly before the school year began, Wyatt took a girl he knew to a friend's party. They had hung out together, but Wyatt didn't think it was dating because he really wasn't interested in dating her. They both drank too much and ended up in a spare bedroom where the party took place. He doesn't remember anything after he and she stumbled into the room."

I paused and took a deep breath.

"Wyatt woke up naked with the girl he brought to the party once the sun began streaming into the bedroom window. He grabbed his clothes, slipped out of the room, pulled on his clothes, and left the house."

"This doesn't sound as though it's going to have a good ending," Rupert replied.

"Understatement, Ru," I replied as I continued the story. "He didn't hear a word from the girl until about a week ago. It seems she's pregnant, and her parents will not allow her to have an abortion. She wants to put the kid up for adoption. Wyatt first thought it was a workable solution until it hit him he was giving his first kid up for adoption. He freaked. Now, he wants to keep the kid and raise it himself."

"Is he fucking nuts?" Rupert asked.

"Ru," I began. "Think about what you just asked. He tried to commit suicide over this. He slipped off into a dark place."

"I guess I spoke before I thought, huh, Trev?" Rupert asked.

"Nonetheless, there's more," I continued. "Wyatt, during all of this, realized he had feelings for guys..."

"You in particular? Rupert interrupted.

"Yeah," I replied. "Me. At first, I sat in my seat stunned. Then I realized he had feelings for me. He said it was not just the kid, but he felt it eliminated any relationship we might have."

"I hope you told him it wouldn't matter," Rupert replied.

"I told him I would be with him all of the way as he sorted this out," I added. "I didn't make a commitment for a relationship, but I certainly left the door open."

"You know what, Trev?" Rupert said as he looked at me with his usual Rupert grin. "You've finally became the man I knew you would be."

"What do you mean, Ru?" I asked.

"You put your heretofore adolescent brain away, packed it in the memory box, and began using the one you will have for the rest of our life. Congratulations!"

"I still don't quite understand," I said.

"You walked into the weekend still the nineteen-year-old freshman in college, and walked out a nineteen-year-old man facing the world straight on," Rupert replied.

"Oh!" I exclaimed.

"Is `Oh!' all you have to say about this?" Rupert asked

"I'm still processing what you said," I replied. "Are you mad at me?"

"Mad?" Rupert replied. "How the fuck could I be mad at you for making a decision you made with you heart and not necessarily with your brain. This is a first for you, Trev. I think you and Wyatt would make a great couple, Trev. If not a couple, then friends for life."

"Friends for life, huh?" I asked. "I have two friends for life, then. You and Wyatt."

"Yup," Rupert replied. "Trev?"

"Yea," I said.

"Come with me to my dorm room," Rupert began. "I suddenly have the urge to make love to you. Please."

I starred at Rupert. My brain had retreated behind the curtains to change for the next scene. I smiled at him.

"I thought you'd never ask," I replied.

We quickly scurried across campus to Rupert's dorm room. Rupert waved his pass key and the sensor and we stepped inside and dropped our backpacks.

Rupert pulled me close to him with our foreheads resting on one another's.

"Trev," Rupert whispered to me. "I wish I weren't so broken. We could have made a wonderful team."

"You're not broken, Ru," I replied.

Rupert didn't say anything for a moment. "No. My parents just made certain I became a fucked-up mess. We won't work together as a couple, Trev, but I'll always love you."

When Rupert's lips touched mine, the world drifted away and put us together in the middle of a cloud.

Rupert and I exchanged passionate kisses. Rupert paused long enough to slip my t-shirt over my head. I almost ripped Rupert's off.

Rupert pulled me close to him—bare chest to bare chest. I clung to him so hard I felt as though he was inside me.

"God!" Rupert whispered. "I'm going to miss this."

"I'm not married, yet, Ru," I hissed. "I won't say no to a rematch."

Rupert stepped back and unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans. Before he slid them down, he put his hand on my crotch.

"You really are excited," Rupert whispered to me.

"Cut the commentary, Ru," I hissed again. "I need you inside me."

Rupert slipped his fingers between my jeans and my skin. Lightning bolts flashed in my brain as he slipped my jeans down to my ankles.

"You're so sexy when you don't wear underwear, Trev," Rupert whispered. "I knew the second you walked into Starbucks you were commando. I almost came before you sat down."

"The jeans, Ru," I hissed again as I found the button to Rupert's jeans. "They're in the way."

I slipped Rupert's jeans down with my hands palming Rupert's perfectly formed ass. His hard dick slapped against his stomach as his jeans cleared his rock hard nine-inch dick. As I pushed Rupert's jeans down around his ankles, I swallowed Rupert's dick. One lunge. Down my throat. Rupert pulled me off him.

"Trevor," Rupert said as he pulled me up and faced me. "I want you naked and on your back on the bed. Now."

I didn't speak. I used my feet to slip out of my jeans. I pulled back the comforter and slid into bed on my back. We locked eyes as Rupert climbed on top of me and settled his weight on top of me. His lips touched mine, and I exploded with lust.

His lips pulled off mine. My eyes closed.

"Ahhhhh," I whimpered as Rupert nibbled at my neck. He continued to nibble until he reached my right nipple.

"Oh! Shit, Ru," I hissed as his mouth pulled my nipple in, and he began to nibble on it.

Rupert switched to my other nipple. I thought my dick would explode.

Rupert slowly raised his body up and he sat back with his legs crumpled together with his thigh rested on his lower legs. He reached behind and found a condom and lube.

As Rupert rolled the condom on, his eyes burned into mine. He added the lube as we continued with our eyes fixed on the other's. He moved so his upper body rested on his outstretched arms. His legs stretched and pushed mine further apart. We continued to fix our eyes on the other's as Rupert aligned his dick with my hole. He pushed in. Slowly. Gently. I felt the world slip away leaving us in our own world.

My body shivered as I felt Rupert begin to massage my insides with his big dick.

"Ooooooo," I moaned.

"So good," Rupert whispered to me.

I only remember the feeling of Rupert protecting me. He kept me safe. We seemed to float together.

We quickly surged back to reality as Rupert's body began to tense. His eyes burnt into mine.

The sounds of Rupert as his dick exploded into my ass reverberated around the room. Rupert lowered his body on top of mine—his dick still inside me.

"Ah, Ru," I whispered. "We have company." I nodded toward the doorway.

"Have you no scruples, Ryan!" Rupert exclaimed as he saw his roommate standing inside the door with his backpack in one hand and the key card in the other."

"I... I, ahem... I just walked in. I'm sorry. I couldn't move. I felt like I had buckets of cement attached to my feet," Ryan stuttered out his explanation. "You two were... amazing... I'm sorry. I'll come back later."

"You don't need to leave, Ryan," Rupert replied. "You've already seen my ass banging my boyfriend. There's not a lot else to see. Right, Trev?"

"A... right, Ru," I stammered as Rupert pulled out of me. Leaned down to kiss me, and rolled off the bed to the bathroom.

I just stayed on my back with my dick still hard as a rock as Rupert's roommate, Ryan, looked on.

"You guys looked like you were really into one another," Ryan added as Rupert returned with a washcloth and without the condom.

"Your roommate, Ru, said we looked like we were really into one another," I said to Rupert. "How would you like to respond?"

"Of course, we were into one another," Rupert replied. "We were naked with my dick up his ass making love to one another. How else would we look? Like sisters skipping down the sidewalk? Besides, Ryan, you're straight... right?"

"I thought I was straight until I walked into the room," Ryan softly and slowly replied.


On Wednesday afternoon following Wyatt beginning his hospital stay, I walked into the door of Wyatt's room. Dad J and Wyatt's two Dads sat in chairs beside Wyatt's bed.

"Sorry," I said. "I'll come back when you're finished."

"Don't leave Trevor," Wyatt pleaded. "I'd like you to be involved with this."

"Okay," I replied as I crossed the room and sat on a low table beside Wyatt's bed.

Wyatt nodded to my Dad.

"Trevor," my Dad began. "The Delmonico's attorney spoke to the girl and her parents. They've decided to let Trevor make the decision about who the parents of his child will be."

"I thought you wanted to keep the baby, Wyatt!" I exclaimed.

"I did," Wyatt replied. "During the last three days, I've talked to more therapists, psychiatrists, counselors, and a bevy of other concerned people. I would not be doing the kid a favor by keeping him or her. I'd screw up the kid's life, my life, and... maybe, your life. I can't be so selfish. And you Dad has found two sets of parents who would eagerly adopt the kid and make a good home for him or her."

"They are both gay couples," my Dad explained. "One from Indianapolis and another from Springfield. All involved are professionals and very nice men. So, Wyatt and his Dads will meet them and make a decision."

"Wow!" I replied. "So, you're happy with this, Wyatt?"

"Very much so," Wyatt replied. "In fact, I hoped you would agree to be with me during the interview."

"Me?" I asked. "Why?"

"I trust you with my life, Trev," Wyatt replied. "Naturally, then, I trust you to help me make one of the biggest decisions in my life. Please?"

"I'd be honored, Wyatt," I replied. "It's like two nineteen-year-old college students leading the blind down a dark alley, but I'd be honored."

"Good," Bini replied. "We'll make the arrangements for the interviews."

"I need to return to the campaign trail," Dad said. "Trev, will we see you this weekend?"

"Yup," I replied. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, Dad. I'm looking forward to watching you annihilate your opponent in the last debate of the campaign."

Everyone said their goodbyes. I sat on Wyatt's bed and put my hand on his. "You're looking better and better, Wyatt. How are you feeling?"

"Better," Wyatt replied. He kept smiling at me as a squeezed my hand in his.

"What?" I asked.

"Rupert must have outdone himself," Wyatt replied with a smile.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Trev, you always glow after you and Rupert have had sex," Wyatt replied. "I can always tell."

"Oh! Jeez!" I said. "Is nothing private?"

"Nope," Wyatt replied. "I hope I get sprung before long. I've been pacing the room. I don't know what else to do. I can't watch television, read a newspaper, or play video games. They're afraid I'll get overly stimulated."

"I can keep you company, Wyatt," I replied. "What do you want to talk about?"

"You," Wyatt replied.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes, you," Wyatt continued. "I realized during the entire time we've known each other, we've mostly talked about me. I want to know more about you. What makes you you?"

"What makes me me could be resolved in about three words," I began. "Lost sheep running."

"Explain, please," Wyatt said as he looked intently into my eyes. "Why a lost sheep running?"

"It derives from some very life-changing events in my life," I began. "Growing up with an overbearing father whose life goal was to be the famous lawmaker from Illinois and an equally overbearing, unempathetic mother whose goal in life is to be on the A-List of every charity organization in Washington. I skated through life with a house full of Louis XIV treasures instead of living room furniture you could sit in. All the shit my parents threw at me traumatized me. The best thing in life happened the night Jeffery and Philip rescued me from the dumpster at McDonald's. They saved my life, Wyatt. I can never turn my back on them or their causes. I quickly discovered when Dad J started out a sentence with `I once knew a lost sheep,' the story described someone who, at one point or another, kept getting beaten down by an outside force until someone rode up in a white horse and offered encouragement and an environment to heal. I decided I wanted to tell stories about lost sheep, or, at least, be part of saving a lost sheep from the wolves gathered in the forest. Does any of this make sense?"

"It all makes sense," Wyatt replied. "After firsthand seeing your Dad at work, I witnessed his healing power for lost sheep. And, Trevor, I see the same power forming around you."

"Thanks, Wyatt," I replied as I reached over and hugged him. "I need to get some studying done, or I'll be a former freshman at UIUC. Call me if you need to talk. Otherwise, I'll drop in to see you after the gym and lunch with the guys."

"Go study, dude," Wyatt replied. "I'll talk to you tomorrow. And, please, say hello to the guys. I miss them."

"Will do," I said as I let Wyatt out of the hug.


The guys were waiting for me outside the gym promptly at 10 am. Harry and Jefferson towered above Landry, Rupert, Rob, and Makato. Grayson and I arrived and herded everyone inside the gym.

I shucked all my clothes and stood naked beside my locker as I gathered up my gym clothes.

"Aren't you Trevor Harris-LeBlanc?" an amazingly handsome stud stood before me waiting for my answer.

"Ahem," I stuttered. "Yes. Yes, I'm Trevor Harris-LeBlanc."

The six-foot-tall muscle stud stood before me naked with a towel draped over his shoulder. He obviously stopped his trek to the shower.

`God! I hope I don't get hard starring at this hunk,' I thought to myself.

"I'm Remington Mortimore. I write for the Daily Illini," Remington explained as I took in the full beauty of Remington's perfectly muscled, tanned, and manscaped body. "I'm writing a piece about Jeffery Harris-LeBlanc for my column next week. I am hoping I could speak with you about your father."

"Ahem," I stammered. "I'd be honored. However, I need to clear an interview with my father's office. Protocol and all."

"Of course," Remington said as he extended his hand to shake. "I'll leave my card on your locker while you and your friends workout. Call me when you've been cleared by your father's office, and we'll arrange to meet somewhere."

"I'll definitely call," I said as Remington continued his journey to the shower.

"Oh!" Remington said as he turned back to me. "Nice body, Trevor!"

"Thanks," I replied. "Yours too."

"Holy shit," Jefferson exclaimed as Remington left us standing naked and in a daze. "Did you notice the dick on the boy's perfectly shaped body?"

"Are you fucking with us, Jefferson?" Rupert added. "How could you miss the magnificent dick attached to the muscled, manscaped body!"

"I don't suppose he works out much," Landry said.

"Come on, guys," I finally said. "We came here to work out. Let's go!"

We quickly finished pulling on our gym clothes and headed toward the weight room.

We set to work. We were constantly involved in useless chatter. Near the end of our time in the gym, Rupert agreed to spot me on the bench press.

Rupert watched as I lifted the weights off the rack. I had lowered the weights to my chest, and I began to push upward.

"I'm surprised you didn't offer to wash Remington's back," Rupert hissed.

I nearly dropped the weights on top of me, but Rupert rescued me.

"Jeez, Ru," I hissed back. "You really know how to spoil a mood."

I concentrated again on the weights. I lifted them off the rack. I lowered the weights to my chest, and I began to push upward.

"Think you'll get lucky, Trev?" Rob added. I nearly lost it for the second time.

Rupert helped me push the weights safely to the rack. I raised my torso and put my feet on the floor.

"Aren't you finishing, Trev?" Harry asked.

"No," I replied. "I'm cutting it off here before you kill me."

We finished and gathered near our lockers. I stripped out of my gym clothes and dug through my bag before the shower. I turned to follow Rupert and the others to the shower when I bumped into a fully clothed blond kid.

"Trevor," the fully clothed blond guy began. "I'm Damian Haldeman. I write for the Daily Illini, but I also free-lance for the Chicago Tribune. Could I ask you a couple of questions about your father's run for House of Representatives?"

"Ahem," I stammered as I found his looking my body over. "Sure. Where?"

"Here's fine," Damian replied.

"I think I would feel a little odd talking about my Dad as I'm standing here in the gym locker room without clothes," I added.

"Oh!" Damian said as he backed away. "I'm sorry. I should have realized you might be uncomfortable. Sorry."

Damian dug out his card and handed it to me.

"Whenever you have time," Damian continued. "I'd be happy to meet you so we could talk. Again, I'm sorry about making you uncomfortable. But, you looked so relaxed standing naked with your friends."

Damian turned and walked away.

All eyes turned toward me.

"What?" I asked.

"Both reporters seemed taken with you naked body today, Trevor," Rob said to me. "Did you put something in the water?"

"Who could blame them," Rupert added. "Trevor is just so sexy naked."

To be continued...

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I would enjoy hearing your comments about this story. You can write to me at MaWriterBoy@yahoo.com.

Please also see:

John's Journey Forward found in the Beginnings section

Together Forever found in the Beginnings Section (Sequel to John's Journey Forward)

Sam and Chris in the College section.

We're in This Together found in the Relationships section. (Sequel to Sam and Chris)

Jeffery Comes Home  in the Beginnings section.

Taking a Stand in the College section.

Life With Tim in the Authoritarian section (Please note, this story is not for everyone because there are several scenes depicting Master/slave and BDSM relationships. So, if you are not interested in this activity, please, please do not read this story.)

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Next: Chapter 4

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