Taker of the Passion

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Mar 18, 2008


Usual disclaimers apply. The following contains male-to-male sex. If you are under age or such reading is illegal in your country, please go elsewhere. Otherwise, please enjoy. Comments and Critiques are welcomed at: strike1463@aol.com

I could feel a breeze coming through the open French doors, the sheer curtains shifting in the airs currents, seeming to dance in the moons light. I stood, almost loosing my balance, my head spinning. Clutching the night stand, I steadied myself, slowly gaining control. Standing, I moved quietly towards the open doors. I became aware of an odd feeling, almost as if someone was in my apartment. Out of instinct I think, my head turned through my bedroom doors into the living room. I stopped, no, not there. I slowly moved my gaze back to the opened French doors, there. Cocking my head, I tried to hear a noise, nothing. Wait; there was something, not a sound, a presence, like a hum in my head, a kind of silent hum almost as if it was visible. As quietly as I could I moved closer to the door, the hum in my head became like a signal on a radio, and like someone was turning the dial, trying to tune the station in. Then slowly the hum began to change; feelings becoming thoughts, blurry images slowly becoming sharper. It all began to make sense, then nothing. The sudden change made me gasp for breath, I felt disoriented and confused. Everything I had just felt, or thought I was feeling was gone. I was left with one clear image. I don't know how, but I now realized that who ever was out on my terrace, knew I was wake, and was very pissed off. Mustering all my will, I leapt through the curtains out onto the terrace and landed in my most terrifying kung-fu stance, and did my best to shout out a kung-fu HI-YA; nothing. There was nothing here. Wait, not nothing, I mean no one. I stood there looking to where I knew I had felt it, but there was just empty space. I turned quickly and peered over the rail, I guess to see if who ever it was had jumped over. Again, there was nothing. Shaking my head, I went back inside my apartment. The cool breeze felt good against my naked flesh, so I left the doors open. I went to the kitchen to grab a beer, leaving the lights off as I went. I walked into kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. "FUCK", I growled, as the bright light inside illuminated my face. "God damn it", I swore as I slammed the door shut, "that's bright!" I quickly opened the door and grabbed a beer and shut it again all with out opening my eyes. I twisted off the cap and flicked it to the sink. Using my left hand to brace my self against the fridge, I tipped my head and allowed the golden fluid to flow into my mouth.

The bottle shattered against the tile floor sending shards of glass and splashes of beer against my feet and legs. I was frozen in place unable to move. Hot breath draped around my neck as his strong arms entwined them with mine. I could feel his flesh against mine, his man hood pressing limply into my ass. His soft hand, slid its way under my right pec, and glided up my neck, over my chin, letting his fingers come to rest on my trembling lips. My mind was nowhere to be found. I could not think, could not focus on any one detail. His voice, that soft sweet musical voice, began to whisper to me.

"Relax my darling, relax. Feel the passion I bring to you."

I feel a surge of energy pulse through my very soul. I try to move but find I am still unable too. I feel his left hand snaking its way down over my abs, down across my pubes and rubbing slowly against my cock. His lips pressing against my neck as his right hand tips my head back. His lips begin to move and his hot breath warms my skin. I feel something wet on my neck as this wave of relaxation flooded through me. Lifting me up like I was on a cloud. I lost sight of my surroundings as everything went black.

I regained consciousness, if that's what you call it, with this annoying vibrating sound piercing my ears. I cracked open my eyes to see it was dark out, my surroundings illuminated by my vibrating cell phone on the night stand. I groped for the phone and after pushing it around the night stand I was able to grasp it and bring it to my ear. I pressed the receive button and choked out a weak; "Hello?"

"Jim is that you? Dude where the fuck are you? Man you missed work today, Sam is pissed." There was a long pause of silence and then he continued; "Hey bud, you OK?"

My throat was arid like the desert, my vocal cords like dry kindling. I had no spit in my mouth. In an almost whisper I replied; "Jake, is that you?"

"Yeah bud it's me, what's going on?"

I lay there trying to figure out what was going on, where I was. "I don't know what's what right now Matt. I'm a little fucked in the head right now."

Jake's voice changed to one of compassion; "Ok man I am on my way right now. You just lay still and I'll be there." There was a click on his end of the line. I could almost see him dashing out the door, half dressed, stuffing something like a pop tart in his mouth, waving at a cab to stop.

I sat on the edge of the bed, my mind clearing, I soon felt as alert as I had ever felt. I stood and walked over to the balcony. The night air was warm, a bit strange for this time of year. Hey, who am I to complain. I looked down to the street and watched as the people moved about below me. I don't know if it was my imagination, or what, but it was almost like I could feel their emotions. I tried to focus in on one individual, but other feelings, other thoughts kept breaking my concentration. I turned away and stepped back into my apartment. Something wasn't right and I ran to the bathroom, flicked on the light, and looked at myself in the mirror.

My skin had a pale tone to it, almost white. Touching my face, my skin seemed smooth and soft to the touch. My skin was cool to the touch, not cold, just cooler. My eyes seemed glazed over, like I was liquored up or stoned. I couldn't seem to break my own gaze, but I did. I opened my mouth and noticed how white my teeth were. Wait, my incisors were longer, not much, but looking sharper, I reached up and touched one with my finger. The point of the tooth disappeared into my finger tip and a spurt of blood shot out around the tooth.

"OUCH, fuck!" I called out, "that hurt," as I pulled my finger from my mouth to examine the wound. Bright red blood oozed from a small puncture on my finger tip. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. It was almost like I was seeing a movie, I watched as I licked the tip of my finger. The blood touching my tongue, turning it a darker in color which proceeded back out of sight, down my throat. Then I noticed another change, my face. Now it seemed to have more color. I placed my finger into my mouth, and sucked on the wound. A wave of pleasure washed over me as I felt the blood slide down my throat. It was as if I could see the veins under my skin for a moment then they vanished under my darkening skin tone. My eyes brightened. What was going on? Was this a dream? It had to be a dream. This was the stuff of movies and books, not real life. I pulled my finger out of my mouth and looked at the wound, still oozing dark red blood. Then I watched in awe as the flowing blood slowed and then stopped. I continued to watch as the skin healed itself. I know, I know, that's not possible, but I watched it happen. Looking back at my reflection in the mirror I reached up and pinched my cheek to see if I was dreaming. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder and heard a whispered voice in my ear. "Do not be afraid, this is not a dream. I am giving you the greatest gift possible."

I focused on my reflection and now saw another face behind me. It was the handsome face of Miguel. "Miguel? I don't understand...." He placed his finger against my lips and bid me to Shhh.

"My love now is not the time for questions. There is someone coming, and you must be ready for him. You will know what to do when the time is right. You need not search for me any longer, for I am here with you always." His lips kissed my ear. There was a loud knock at the door. Miguel whispered in my ear; "Go to him. Make him yours. Then take from him, what you need." Then there was silence and Miguel's face sank into the darkness behind me.

There was another loud knock at the door. "Jim?" The concerned voice was that of my friend Jake. "It's me, come on bud, open up." I came back to reality and leapt out into the living room. Grabbing a pair of boxer briefs, I slid them on as I got to the door.

"I'm here Jake, hold on." As I pretended to fumble with the locks, feigning that I was ill or something. I opened the door to see my buddy standing there.

"Oh my god is it good to see you," he said as he swung his meaty arms around me giving me a bear hug. "I thought you'd died or something." Breaking the hug, he took a step back and I motioned for him to come in.

I had met Jake at work, two years prior and we had developed a friendship over that time. His personality was addictive, and I enjoyed being around him. As much as I wanted him in a sexual way, I never pursued the issue, choosing his friendship over a quick fling in the sack. "Thanks for calling, and stopping by, but I'm OK. I just got a bit depressed and felt like being alone." I moved past him and flopped down on the couch.

"That's all cool, but shit man you scared me and everyone at work." Jake took the other side of the couch and sat. "I've been calling you like every twenty minutes since yesterday, why didn't you answer or call me back?" He slid closer to me, I presume to see me better in the dimly lit room. "You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

"Yeah I know," I replied. "It was just something I needed handle on my own." I looked up at his face and peered into his green eyes. He held my gaze not blinking, seemingly transfixed. This caught my attention and I decided to have some fun. I concentrated on a single thought. The thought of him leaning over and kissing me. As I focused on this, I saw him hesitate and then lean closer to me and when his face was a mere inch from mine, he leaned in and kissed me.

The act startled me and broke my concentration. Jake's eye's bulged and he pulled away form me quickly. "OK, what was that all about," I asked him.

He shook his head, looking at the floor, "I don't know, I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me. I better go now." He stood but didn't move.

I reached over and gently touched his hand, "what if I wanted you to stay, would you?" He continued to stand there looking at the floor. I stood and came to stand in front of him. I could feel his desire to stay, but his conscience was telling him to go. I lifted his face so I could see his eyes. I focused on a thought that no matter what, we'd always be friends. I tipped my head and placed my lips against his. I allowed my hands to caress down his neck, onto his shoulders and down his back, as we kissed longer, deeper. In just moments he was beginning to return the kiss I had started. His hands beginning to explore my body, his mind a flurry of thoughts and finally realized fantasies. A small moan escaped his tender lips, and I knew he was mine.

I began brining my hands to the front, and moving my kisses to his neck. Taking his t shirt I lifted it over his head, dropping it behind him. My kisses moved down to his nipples. I began licking them, one at a time and working them with my teeth and tongue. His hands had come to my head and were now caressing my head. I slid my hands down and began undoing his belt and opening up his jeans. His hard cock was throbbing against the denim in a vain effort to get out. His hands began directing my head down towards his crotch.

"Please, Jim, I have wanted this for a long time." His hands becoming more forceful, almost as if they were demanding my head lower.

How could I resist? I dropped to my knees and freed his swollen cock. His 20 year old cock sprang out and slapped my face. I wasted no time in taking fully to the root in my first swallow. Jake groaned as his cock sank into my throat. I knew I had him and that I must act fast. Sliding his cock back out a bit I maneuvered my head and bite into his shaft piercing the skin with my razor sharp incisors. Jake shuddered, and his blood flowed out of his cock and into my mouth. Jake grabbed my head firmly and began to roughly fuck my mouth. Suddenly I began to see flashes of memories. Not my memories, Jake's memories. It was as if I was seeing his life through his eyes, feeling what he felt. Brief glimpses into his world, even seeing myself, and the loving thoughts he holds for me. I continued to suck the blood squirting out of his cock, the hot fluid surging into my mouth pouring down my throat, filling me with his power. His memories fade and his thoughts turn solely to me. His fear became foremost in his thoughts. His realization that the dream he was finally living was killing him. His thoughts became confused, and muttled. I remember he kept asking himself, why? Very soon, his grip on my head lessened, and the once perfuse amount of blood flowing into my mouth slowed. His thoughts now were of me, his friend, killing him. Why would I do this to him? With a final long sigh, his knees buckled and he collapsed onto the floor. His cock pulled from my mouth and flopped lifelessly onto his belly.

I felt a new power flowing through me. A power I simply can't explain. I was invigorated, full of life. A twang of remorse came over me as I looked down on the lifeless body of my friend. What had I done? Jakes pale, lifeless body lay at my feet. I watched as the last few drops of blood seep from the wounds I made. I felt a tear tail down my cheek. Watching it fall, landing on Jake's chest in a red splash. I reached up and felt my cheek wiping the wetness with my fingers. Checking, I saw blood smeared across my hand, my eyes widened. I spun to go find a mirror, to see if I was cut. As I did I was shocked to find Miguel standing directly behind me, a look of satisfaction on his face.

"Muy Bueno, mi amigo", he said, as he embraced me. "I knew you could do it. I never had a doubt that you wouldn't act as your instincts directed." He kissed me and with just the very tip of his tongue, traced the now smeared trail my tear had left. A look came over his face, a twinkle shined in his eye and I knew he was feeling what I had just felt with Jake.

I took Miguel's face in my hands and kissed him passionately. I felt his tongue, snaking past my lips trying to find any stray remains from my feast. Our kiss seemed to go on forever, and we seemingly floated above the floor. Tipping my head slightly, I again saw Jake's body below us, this sight making me pull back form the kiss. "I killed him," I whispered.

Chuckling Miguel said; "Yes lover you did, but if you think of it that way, you are dooming yourself to a life of guilt and torment. I chose him for you. I wanted you to feel at ease with your first." Stroking my face with his soft hands, he continued; "Following your new instincts for the first time can be troublesome enough. Then add to that the problem of trying to over coming their resistance and you have more than you can handle. Even though you would not be alone, you need to find the strength to do it alone."

"Why were you not here this time," I asked. "How did you know I could do it with him?" The last word him, sounding like it was being spat out of my mouth, like a vile tasting food. "I saw things, his thoughts, his dreams and his passions. I violated him. I tricked him. I used him."

Miguel stroked my hair and wiped yet another tear falling from my eyes. This time, allowing the drop to fall from his finger to my tongue. "I have never been far from you. Since the night I first saw you dancing at Confidential's. I have had my eyes on you." He spoke softly, calmly. A feeling of drifting downwards, and then a feeling of firmness below my feet, and I knew we were standing on the floor. His voice was soothing me, his words wrapping around my very soul, relaxing me. I became limp, and felt him cradle me in his arms as he sat on the couch with me lying across his lap.

"I speak the truth to you now when I say you didn't use your friend. You didn't do anything to him that he didn't want you to do. You did it with out trickery or deception. What you think you saw as you fed was just as it seemed. He was sharing with you his essence. Cherish that feeling always."

What he was saying made sense somehow, he made it seem like I was giving Jake something only I could give. I cradled my face in my hands; "why me? Why did you choose me?"

Miguel moved my hands from my face; "Ah the million dollar question. In short, it is what you have truly desired for many years. Keeping this desire a secret from most, but a few you told, and one of them was me."

I was confused, "what's that a fucking riddle? A secret from most but a few and you know? That makes absolutely no sense."

Miguel laughed softly. "You have wanted to be one like me for many years now. It has become your secret fantasy. Now my love... you have your wish."

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