Taker of the Passion

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Mar 14, 2008


The sun light streaming through the window across the room was blinding me. Squinting I was able to make out details of my surroundings. I felt like I had been slammed by a truck. Clutching my head I forced my mind to go back and recall the details of the night before. I really couldn't believe that I had been, oh what is the word I am looking for... Easy? Looking to the empty space next to me made me feel even sluttier. Seeing the clock, I read 11:45 am. FUCK! Half the day was gone. I went and put my feet on the cool parquet floor and rose to a standing position. My eyes rolled back in my head, my mind felt like a fish sloshing in a fish bowl as the cool floor beneath my feet suddenly slammed into my face. Dazed, I rolled to my back, wondering what just happened. Using the bed for support, I clawed myself upright and managed to stand.

For some unknown reason I was very light headed. As I became acclimated to being up, I staggered to the bathroom and was stunned to see my reflection in the mirror.

The face looking back at me was different. I mean it was my face, but looking fuller, more colorful, more defined. Scanning down, I noticed changes in my chest and abs also. Again, seemingly more definition and tone, why I could even flex my abs and see a six pack forming. OK, a 3 pack - would you settle on a 1 pack? Sorry, trying to be funny, my point is I could definitely see a change. Like in the first spider man, when Peter sees's his hot body the morning after getting bitten by the spider. Well I was experiencing that. I moved over and grabbed my cock to take a piss, but kept looking in the mirror to see if maybe I was dreaming.

I went to the kitchen, and heated up a cup of coffee. Grabbing the paper I went to the back patio where I could enjoy the remainder of the morning. Upon opening the door, the bright noon time sun felt like daggers in my eyes. Hurting me so much I dropped my coffee and slammed the door shut. I leaned against the closed door for a minute, the searing pain in my eyes slowly beginning to ease. WOW, was all I could manage to say out loud. I could not figure out what was going on. Many ideas came to mind, and I settled on the apartment across the street had a bathroom that sort of faced mine and figured maybe they had the cabinet open and the sun reflected off the mirror into my place. My concentration was broken by the buzz of the call bell out front.

Looking at the little TV screen, I could see the black and white image of a young man, maybe 17 or 18 years old. I watched as he extended his arm and pushed the buzzer again. I continued to watch him as I spoke out directions to my apartment and pressed the button to allow him access. He opened the door and disappeared off the screen. I milled at the door for a few seconds, and then realized that I was still naked from last nights romp. I was about to run and get something to wear, when the bell rang. I took a deep breath and swung open the door. Standing before me was a handsome youth, maybe 6'1'', and all of maybe 190#. He was dressed in tight fitting black dickeys, a tan polo shirt, with a new white undershirt beneath it, and black shoes. From behind his back, he produced a single long stemmed red rose. The deepest red I have ever seen on a rose. His eyes slowly moved down from my eyes, over my chest and abs. When they reached my crotch, they darted back up to my eyes, and then made quick little peaks every now and then.

"Ah, hello; I am looking for, for...for, James" He blurted out.

"That's me." I replied.

"This is for you," handing me the rose. "There is a card there. I was told to be sure you received it.'

"OK, thank you. I wonder who they are from." I though out loud. I took the card and opened the note. Inside was a small card, with the most beautiful hand writing. It was simply a signature written across the card - Miguel.

Thoughts of the evening before rushed back into my mine. Not just the sex, although that was a major part of my memories, but little things, his laugh, his smile the way he looked at me. Movement in front of me caught my attention and I focused to see the young man turning to leave.

"Wait, I need to tip you. Hold on a minute, well come in and close the door." I said as I ran around looking for my pants from last night.

"Sir," The guy called to me, "sir you don't have to tip me, it's all been taken care of. A gratuity was added to the bill."

I slowed down and looked back at him; he was a good looking dude. "It was? Well do you want something to drink then?" As I asked this question, I began to notice this subtle scent emanating from this guy. I couldn't put my finger on what it was, just a scent. I took a few quiet deep breaths, noticing how light headed I felt. Was it because of what I smelled or just hung over from last night? One unmistakable thing though, my cock was getting hard because of it. "Come on; let me get you a coke or something like that." I said trying to discretely hide my hardening cock.

His eyes were focused on my cock, and his face had taken on a deep reddish blush color. "No thanks, I have to get going. Have a nice day." With that he was gone. I placed the rose in a vase and headed off to take a shower.

It was around 330 when I finally ventured out, but even then the sun still hurt my eyes. I could not understand why. I kept blaming it on too much to drink. I put on my Oakley's, hailed a cab and instructing the driver to take me to Confidential's.

I found myself in a failure place again, standing on the sidewalk outside of the bar. Not waiting as long as I had last night, I pushed open the door and stepped into the darkened bar. A jukebox blared out some out dated Van Halen to a near empty room. At the bar sat a lone figure hunched over. His clothes were well worn and very dirty, and he had a noticeable odor about him, I stopped short. Reaching up I took my sun glasses off, wait, I had them on? I turned to look at the man at the bar. I could clearly see his filthy old clothing now. Quickly looking about the room, I assured myself that it was dark inside. I slid my Oakley's back on, and noticed that I could see through the dark lenses almost as good as with out them. Taking them off, I reached up to feel my eyes, I guess making sure they were still there. I sniffed the air again and the odor of the man assaulted my nose. I progressed over near him and as I drew closer, his smell became repulsive, but wait, there was more to it now. There is another scent I was detecting. A similar scent I noticed on the guy who delivered the rose to me earlier. Similar in its basic smell pattern, yet different in a way that's hard to describe. This time it smelled, stale. Then I noticed my cock, it was swelling again. Oh my god was I springing wood over this bum?

I move past this man and headed for the patio door.

"HEY;" shouted a booming voice from behind the bar. "Patio don't open till 9. Just this parts open now." He gestured towards the bar and dance floor beyond.

"Sorry," I muttered and headed back to sit at the end furthest from the old man.

"What can I get you," the bar tender asked, quieter, more polite now.

"Umm, Bud Light draft, and a little information maybe?" I asked.

The bar tender slid a frosted glass beneath the tap and poured me a tall one. Sliding the glass in front of me, he leaned on the bar and made eye contact with me. "What kind of information you after," he asked

I took a long swallow of beer and looked him in the eye. "I need to get in touch with Miguel. Can you help me?

The bar tender pulled back slightly with this puzzled look on his face. "Who the hell is Miguel?" He asked. "That name supposed to mean something to me?"

Taken back, I cock my head to the side a bit, "Miguel. He works here, tends bar like you. Worked the patio last night, got me drunk, you know MIGUEL",

The bar tender shook his head and looked at me like I was crazy. Sorry bud, nobody by that name works here. Besides, the patio bar was closed last night. No one was back there tending bar or anything.

I took another long drink, trying to remember, trying to clear the fog that was quickly forming in my head. "Well I remember it was open, I sat there, got drunk there and Miguel waited on me."

The bar tender shook his head and said nope sorry. He went back to leaning on the bar in front of me. I soon became aware of that same scent, that odd odor, this time it was from the bar tender. I concentrated on it this time, trying to figure out what it was. I was certain that it was not cologne, what would the chances be that all three of them used the same kind. What ever it was, it smelled fantastic, I can't describe to you how it was making me feel. Almost intoxicating, the scent seemed to work its way into my very soul. My cock is testament to that as it swelled even fuller now.

"Hello?" The bar tender said with a smile and little chuckle. "Are you still with me?" He laughed a bit and said; "though I lost you space cadet. I am sorry I couldn't be of more help. Walking away, he went back to the old man and poured him another round. I sat and drank my beer, asking for another and then one more when I was finished the second. It wasn't like I was in a rush, I had no place to be and maybe secretly I was hoping Miguel would walk in.

Part way through my third beer, the urge to piss came upon me. I slide off the stool and headed to the dimly lit rest room. Opening the door I was immediately hit with the stench of old piss and sex. I grimaced and walked up to a urinal. I snaked my cock out of my jeans and sighed as I began to go. Moments after I started I heard the door open and heard someone walking in. Almost immediately I began to smell that familure scent again, and my cock began to swell. This time however, I saw a vague flash memory in my mind. For an instant I thought I saw the guy who had delivered the roes to me earlier. Quickly shrugging it off as a random thought, I gave my cock a final shack and was putting it into my jeans when the person who had come in stepped up to the urinal next to me. I glanced out of the corner of my eye and almost zipped my fly up over my cock. Standing next to me was the guy who brought me the rose. Again, the scent flooded my mind, making it hard to concentrate. Forcing myself to remain calm, I finished zipping up and as I flushed, I turned to face him, acting like I had just now seen him.

"Hey, aren't you the guy that... Yeah you are. You delivered some flowers to me earlier, right?" I asked closing one eye and shaking a finger at him. He was slow to turn, and when he did, his eyes became questioning, somehow I could detect a feeling of fear. I don't know how, I just did. The fear mixed with the scent he was giving off and I was feeling like a predator.

"Do I know you?" He asked, his voice trembling. "Do you know me?

"Yeah man, you delivered a rose to me today, just a few hours ago, matter a fact. Don't you remember?" I began to laugh; "I opened the door naked? You gave me the rose and I went to get a tip and you told me the tip was taken care of. You remember don't you?"

"Yo dude, you got me mixed up with someone else. I ain't a delivery boy. If I was and some dude opened the door nude, oh man I'd drop him, just like that." He returned his gaze to the wall and finished pissing. I was dumb struck, I just stood there.

After he zipped up, he turned to face me; "Dude, back up," then gesturing with his hands for me to move back; "you are in my space. I do not know you, OK? I didn't deliver a fucking thing to you or anyone, OK? Now if you back off, they'll need to carry you away."

All I could think was that I was going nuts. I took a step back and let him pass. He went to the door, stopped, turned as if to say something, and then continued on his way out. I decided I wanted to get a better look at his face, I mean it was dark in here. So I headed out of the bathroom and straight for the entrance, telling the bar tender I'd be right back. I pushed open the heavy door with easy, and instantly dropped to my knees, as the needles stabbed into my eyes. The searing pain was intolerable; I brought my hands up to cover my eyes as I slunk back into the entry way of the bar. The cool darkness encompassed me, soothing the pain away. It was like at the apartment earlier, what was wrong with me? Why was I suddenly having problems with bright light? I groped my way up and stood against the wall. I slowly opened my eyes to the darkness, but I could see. No, not like you see now, but kind of like when they show night vision on TV.

I moved back into the bar area and back to my seat. The old man was gone, as was the bar tender. Well maybe he was helping the old guy on his way or something. I took my beer and moved to a table in the corner. It seemed darker there, I could hide there. I needed time to think. Time to figure out what was going on.

Several hours passed, and I found myself still sitting at the same corner table. Dance lights were flashing, music was blearing as guys of all ages bumped and gyrated to the heavy bass beat. I stood and moved effortlessly across the dance floor. I made no sound, nor gave any signs for people to move, they just did. I made my way to the entrance and out into the evening. The sun had set, and the night was upon me. Hailing a cab, I ordered the driver to take me home. The cab pulled away from the curb in a blur of lights. Sitting there, it seemed like I was going through a time warp or something. Objects outside the cab melted and blended together. Looking up I could see the cabbie talking. His eyes kept connecting with mine through the mirror. Was he talking to me? His voice, the words he spoke were like a slow motion recording. I barley remember seeing myself handing the driver a wad of cash, and motioning for him to keep it. It seemed to take an eternity to go from the street to my apartment. The key turning in the lock, sounded like a safe being opened. I walked in, shed my clothing as I walked through the rooms and collapsed on my bed. I just remember my last thoughts before I lost consciousness; "So this is me, dying."

I woke with a start; I felt a coolness beside me. I tried to turn my head, but I couldn't. I felt a cold touch caress the small of my back. Then a cold face nuzzled the nape of my neck, coming round to my ear. Icy lips pressed into my ear. A voice, half heard half imagined whispered to me; "relax my darling, relax. Feel the passion I bring to you."

Slowly, hands were coming around me and carefully rolling me to my back. I felt the lips kissing my lips, my chest. The hands parted my legs and I could feel a presence between my thighs. I curled my legs around this form and could feel a hard cock begging to rub my ass. I could not make out much detail in this mystery man; I could barely make out the lines of his form. I felt him rubbing his cock against my hole, as I pushed back signaling my willingness to continue. I watched as the form lifted his arm and seemed to put his wrist to his mouth. Suddenly I could feel a hot wetness dripping onto my cock and balls, running down and into the crack of my ass. Try as I may, I could not move. I was becoming scared, confused, and angry.

The stranger took his wrist from his mouth and gently ran his hand over my face, starting at the forehead and ending on the chin. "Shh, be patient and calm." I know this voice. This voice, this form was....

"AARRGGHH," I cried out, as he slid his huge cock into my fully. Intense pain shot throughout my body, as my ass struggled to gain control over this invasion. A strong steady rhythm begun. Long slow full strokes in and then out. I could feel every bump, every vein of this cock. My cock throbbing, drooling out more precum than I had ever seen it do before. This fucking was driving me insane, my balls ached, I needed to cum. My lover bent down and began sucking my nipples. Alternating left and right, circling his tongue around them, using his teeth to nibble on them.

All this attention was pushing me over the edge. I was getting so very close. My mate pulled his cock from my ass and bent to suck my cock again. The pleasure of his mouth and his three fingers now working my hole finished me off. My balls exploded, and as I began to cum, I felt a nix on my shaft, something sharp just poked me. I came, and flooded my lovers mouth, but he swallowed ever drop. After I came, He positioned his cock at my lips and with a grunt, shot a huge load of cum into my mouth. My mind was racing; his hot salty cum gushing down my throat. His cock throbbing in my mouth. Slowly his orgasm slowed until it ceased. My lover collapsed next to me, a sensual heat emanating from him. I drifted off to sleep in his strong protective arms.

I sat straight up in bed, something had woken me. For a moment I was confused, where was I, what was going on; slowly my head cleared, I was at home in my bed. Then I remembered the sex, I turned quickly to see my lover. My eyes fell to an empty bed. Looking at the clock, 3:58 AM. I fell back and stretched my arm across the bed. I think I was secretly hoping I would find him there, I kept reaching. Suddenly my fingers touched something. I instinctively pulled my hands back to my chest. I could almost make it out. Somehow I was almost able to see it. Looking again it came into focus, there laying against the pillow, a single red rose.

Next: Chapter 3

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