Taker of the Passion

By moc.loa@3641ekirts

Published on Feb 27, 2008


Usual disclaimers apply. The following contains male-to- male sex. If you are under age or such reading is illegal in your country, please go elsewhere. Otherwise, please enjoy. Comments and Critiques are welcomed at: strike1463@aol.com

I need someone to talk too. Honestly, I need to hear myself say it. Wow, where do I begin? Stop, calm down, and take a deep breath. Let me go back to when Kenny walked out of my life. Fuck, what a shitty day that was.

It was s typical rainy Monday morning in Boston. I looked out the window and watched the rain trickle down the pains of glass. I closed my eyes to listen to the rain drop hitting the roof, but there was more. A soft, almost indiscriminate, sobbing sound came from next to me. Looking over I saw the naked frame of my love, Kenny. He was sitting on the edge of the bed, holding his head in his hands. His broad, muscular shoulders shaking, ever so slightly, with his crying. I reached over and gently caressed his warm skin, which tensed under my touch.

"I'm Sorry James; I wanted to leave before you woke up. I didn't want you to see me like this. To see me crying like a little baby." He remained still as he spoke.

"Kenny? Baby, what's wro..." my words cut short.

"Don't, James; let me talk, let me do this my way." Taking a deep breath, he began. "It's over James. I know the truth. I always had my suspicions, but could never prove anything. Until last night, that is."

"Wait, Kenny, what are you talking about? What do you know? I am confused," and again he cut me off mid-sentence.

Sobbing now, "Please, stop the lying! Just be honest with me now. Look James I have to know, did you ever love me?" Kenny stood, and moved away from me. "I can't believe I was such a fool to think you actually loved me."

I was stunned; I had no idea what he was talking about. "I do love you Kenny, with every ounce of my being. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you." I rose, and began moving to Kenny, who was quickly dressing. He paused and turned to face me, his face stained with tears. Wait; his face; there is something different about his face. There was something missing, in his eyes, they were distant. It was almost as if he was looking right through me.

"Tell me James, do you love him? How long have you been seeing him? Never mind I don't want to know anymore. I am leaving James, don't try to stop me." Kenny picked up a small bag and turned to face me. "Move James, get out of my way!" He extended his arm and gave me a shove that sent me tumbling across the floor.

Searing pain shot through my chest from the force of his blow. I lay on the floor for a moment stunned by what just happened. I was aware of Kenny moving through the apartment and watched as he slammed the door behind him. My head cleared, and I dashed across the room gathering up some stray clothing to put on. I ran down the stairs and out onto the sidewalk, just in time to see Kenny closing the door to a cab and the cab speeding off. I watched the cab grow smaller and finally turn on Kimble street.

I stood there, in the rain, with only my boxer briefs on, staring down the street. I don't know how long I was there, but the rain had slowed to a mist when I became aware of where I was and my state of undress. I walked back inside to my apartment, quietly locking the door behind me.

I moved into the kitchen and popped open a beer and drank it down in just a few swallows. The cold liquid, numbing the pain in my chest as it went down. I pressed the empty bottle to my chest and let the fleeting coldness soak into my sternum. What came over him, I wondered. Why did he get violent, more than that, where did he get the strength? Where was he going? And what was all this crap about another guy? I couldn't answer any of those questions. Not yet anyway.

That was the day that Kenny left me. Now, a month later, and I am still no where near to an answer, an answer to any of the questions. I spent the last few weeks, like a zombie. Living in my own little space as the world moved on around me.

At the urgings of a coworker, I decided to meet him after work for a beer, at a bar he knew. "Come on James, it will do you good to get out and be among people. I promise to have you home by 9, OK?'

I had agreed, but now, standing on the street in front of the bar, I was having second thoughts. The bright neon sign lit up the area outside, proclaiming the name - Confidential's - a local hook up bar. I was getting ready to leave, when this feeling washed over me. I had never before felt like this. I suddenly had a strong desire to wait, this strong feeling of need. It was almost over powering. I wanted to run, but my feet took control, and walked me into the bar.

The music was deafening, and after my eyes became accustomed to the dim lighting, I could see that there were quiet a few guys here. There were five mingling at the bar, and two couples were dancing to some Brittney Spears song. I scanned the few tables dotting the perimeter, noticing one guy, alone at his table, slouched down in his seat, head back. I studied him for a few moments, and soon saw the reason for his posture. There was another guy under the table, sucking his cock. I could barely make it out, but I could vaugly see his head bobbing up and down on the other guys cock, with the pulsing lights of the dance area. I continued to watch for a few moments, but when my cock began to swell, I decided to continue looking for my friend.

After I checked the bar, the guys dancing and not finding my coworker, I moved across the room, out the side door and down the path to the back gardens. This was a large open area, completely closed in except to the sky. On the back side was a small bar, several guys were standing there enjoying a drink. Closer to me there were fire pits, each with a good sized blaze crackling, its flames licking a the night sky. Most of the had small groups of guys, varying in age from early 20's on upwards to late 60's. Laughter was dominate, and there was a good feeling here. I moved across the patio to the bar, and took a stool at the end, giving myself a clear view of the entire area. Sliding a napkin across the bar, the attractive bartender asked what I was drinking. Meeting his gaze, I replied; "Vodka cranberry, please."

He smiled and after patting the bar with his hand, he turned and moved down the bar. I watched him walk away, focusing in on his sexy ass, which filled out his jeans well. I have always had a thing for Latinos, and this one was no exception. He looked to be like 5'10'' short cut hair dark olive skin, hypnotic brown Latino eyes, and a body that looked well taken care of. I was almost hypnotized by the muscles in his arms as he moved and poured my drink. He seemed to be talking to one of the other patrons who was standing by where he was working, but I could not make out what they were saying. As he finished making my drink, he turned and gave me this look which told me he liked what he saw. Wait, before you go getting all over me and say I am conceited, I am not saying I am a stud. I do conceder myself good looking, 5'8'' 140 pounds, blue eyes, dirty blond hair. I am not muscle bound with killer abs, but I am not a slouch either.

Smiling, this handsome mixologist brought my drink to me. Placing it on the napkin, he asked if I was alone or meeting someone? Meeting his gaze, I politely told him I was unfortunately meeting someone, but that this someone was just a coworker. He introduced himself as Miguel, and as we shook hands I told him I was James. Miguel retrieved a glass and leaned on the bar near me and started some small talk, the usual stuff, sports, weather, yada yada yada. I half listened to be polite; I really wasn't ready for a hook up, but man he was making it difficult. I said a silent prayer that my friend would show up soon. Miguel paused and looked at me, "James...?" He had this curious look on his face. Chuckling he patted the bar again, as I look on with curiosity. He held up his hand indicating he wanted me to wait. After retrieving a folded napkin from his tip jar, he came back.

"You said your name is James, right?" He asked me, and I nodded the affirmative. "See this guy came in earlier and told me he was meeting a coworker here and something came up, and anyway, long story short, would I give this to him." I extended my hand, taking the note from him. I began to open it up as Miguel was called to the other end of the bar. "Oh," he said, grabbing the bar as if to catch himself. "This drink is on your friend, but the next one is one me." He again tapped the bar with his hand and then departd leaving me to read the note.

James, something came up, I can't make it for drinks with you tonight. Sorry to drag you out and then not show up, but it is unavoidable. I bought you a drink, so enjoy it.


I crumpled the paper and tossed it across the bar. I was a bit angry and began thinking about what I could have been doing instead of being here. I opened my phone and blankly looked at the people listed. I guess maybe I was looking to find some one I could call to come to my rescue. Snapping it shut, I tossed it to the bar also.

I was pulled back to the moment with the sound of ice clinking in my glass. My eyes came to focused on Miguel as he refreshed my drink. After pouring a good heavy shot into both of our glasses, he set the bottle in the bar. Leaning down, he gave the crumpled note a little flick with his finger. "So, um, not coming huh?" Miguel asked slowly looking up. His smile was addicting, I could very easily find him in my bed in the morning.

"Guess not," I mumbled. I let out a long sigh, and raised my glass up and took a long hard swallow. The vodka stung as it slid down, but the burn eased the dejection I was feeling.

"Well, no sense letting that get ya down... Here", and he poured yet another shot into my glass. "A toast; Here's to you and here's to me." Miguel raised his glass up and I followed his lead, our glasses clinked and we drank, not once looking anywhere but into each others eyes.

The remained of the evening became a blur very quickly. I don't remember much, except that I was drunk, the bottle of vodka was empty by midnight, and I was having a hard time unlocking my apartment door. I became aware that I was not alone, that someone was holding on to me. Looking up I remembered Miguel. I remembered him bringing me home.

"Let me do that James." As he took the key from my hand and operated the lock. Once inside, the blur continued. My next clear thought was of us in the bedroom. Miguel slowly undressing me. His touch against my skin was like tiny electric shocks. His lips felt cool against my skin as he began tracing kisses across my now exposed chest. My legs were wrapped around his waist as he knelt on the bed; I could feel his hardness pressing into my ass.

His hands deftly opened my jeans and somehow he got them off me with out any effort. My hard cock, throbbing for relief, straining against the fabric of my boxer brief. Straightening up, Miguel slid his Henley off exposing to me his hard chest and abs for the first time. His brown nipples standing out against his olive skin. Reaching down he slid his fingers under the waist band of my underwear, as I lifted my hips to aid him in taking them off. With out warning, he pulled against the fabric and it tore, freeing my cock. Miguel made this animal growl and dove down onto my oozing member. Grasping it by the base he proceeded to lick it as if he was a child with an ice cream cone. His tongue was incredible; almost wrapping it self around my entire shaft, as he worked from the root to the tip. Then, in one swift motion, he lowered his mouth onto my 6 inches and took it all the way down. As he sucked, his hands came up to my chest and began rubbing my chest and abs. As I watched his head move up and down I caught a quick glimpse of his hands. They had changed slightly, or had they, I was unsure. His fingers seemed slightly longer and his nails had lengthened and came to a point. I continued to think about this, when he suddenly stopped sucking and looked directly into my eyes. Climbing over me like a stalking cat, he positioned himself over my head, it was at this point that I noticed that he had taken off his pants and was also naked. His thick uncut 8 inch Latino cock was poised. I tried to raise my hands to grab it but Miguel's knees had pinned my arms to my side. As he looked at me, I heard a voice in my head, telling me to open my mouth. Not just a voice, his voice, in my head. I did as I was told and he reached down and skinned back his foreskin and slowly slide his meat into my wanting mouth.

He began a quick pace, roughly fucking his cock in and out of my mouth. His shaved balls smacking my chin each down thrust. His enormous cock filling my mouth and throat each time, his pre cum salty but oh so divine. I licked the head each time to get even more. His assault on my mouth became more aggressive as he grabbed my head and began a forceful fucking of my mouth. Oh wait I am not complaining, not one bit. This was awesome sex and I loved it. I continued to suck his cock waiting for the moment of his release. I could feel his cock becoming harder and beginning to throb more forcefully. Miguel released my head and spun around so he could once again suck my cock which was ready to burst.

With his tongue, he licked the head and my cock exploded. Miguel opened his mouth and took my cock about half way down. A sudden shock of pain ripped through me, starting in my cock and spreading throughout my body. Every nerve was on fire, as my orgasm took on new heights. At this moment, Miguel thrust his cock all the way into my mouth and his cum began to pour out, filling my mouth and almost choking me. I didn't care, I could have died right then and I would have been content. Miguel's cock continued to cum huge hot shots into my mouth, he had withdrawn his cock so just the head remained in my mouth.

My orgasm seem to last for hours. Miguel, keeping his mouth over my cock getting everything I had to offer. His cock slowed and eventually stopped. Lea, throbbing for relief ving me with the salty taste of his seed to forever remember. Miguel slowly released my cock from his mouth and moved up to lie beside me. I was spent and quickly loosing my grip on the conscious world. As I drifted off, I remember Miguel softly stroking my face and whispering into my ear;

"Pleasant dreams, my darling."

All comments welcomed and replied to. Email me at:


Next: Chapter 2

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