Takeoffs and Landings

By Alex Century

Published on Jun 9, 2021



"You boys really picked a great place," Sue, Jared's mom said to the two of us.

"Yeah it's real nice, isn't it?" Jared replied.

"We're so proud of you two," my mom said rubbing Jared's shoulder. This was the first time our parents had met each other.

It was a week before the fall semester started in August 1998 and we were moving into a condo together. It really wasn't a hard decision, we both felt that we were ready to take that step, but we had far more anxiety about what would happen once we graduated the following year. Deciding where we would go with our relationship, where we would live, landing a job. That was something I had to try not to think about because it was really scary and it gave me a lot of anxiety.

In the meantime I was just trying to stay focused on school and at that moment getting our new house set up. It was a townhouse and most of our neighbors were families so it was a good place to be. It had two bedrooms and two bathrooms, both bedrooms were upstairs and there was one bathroom on each floor. The kitchen and downstairs bathroom were both very small but the living room was pretty big and open. There was hardwood flooring downstairs and carpet upstairs.

Jared claimed the spare bedroom as his own space, which was exactly what he needed. He's one of those people that needs their alone time to recharge their batteries. As a housewarming gift his parents had also bought us a new computer, so his space doubled as the computer room.

By the end of that evening we had our new home pretty well set up and we had dinner delivered after our parents left. We relaxed together on our couch for a bit before I smelled myself and went upstairs to take a shower. There was just one problem: we didn't have a shower curtain yet!

"Hey Jared," I yelled downstairs.

"Yeah?" he asked sounding confused.

"We don't have a shower curtain."

"Fuuuuuuck," he groaned. "Okay, I'll be right back," he said in a cheerier tone. I ran down the stairs quickly before he walked out the door.

"Thank you so much. I love you," I said with a smile.

He smiled too and said suggestively "I need a shower too."

After a while he returned and when he returned I was waiting for him downstairs in the living room. When he walked through the door I stood up and walked up to him, and wrapped my arms around his neck. I looked into his eyes and whispered seductively "Let's get cleaned up."

We climbed the stairs together and undressed in the office. Soon we were naked and we climbed over the tub into the shower. I squeezed the bottle of Irish Spring into my hand, ran my hands together, and went straight for his crotch. I worked my way up his torso enjoying the feeling of his stomach underneath my fingertips.

Jared ran his hands over my shoulders and down to my ass. He held me like that for a few seconds turning back and forth before he leaned in for a kiss. After we fooled around with the soap Jared got on his knees to blow me.

"Hold on, I want to ride you," I said.

We did a little more foreplay in the shower before we got out and dried each other off with a towel. We smiled at each other for a moment before we went and jumped into bed. We were so tired but it was so passionate and intense. Before long I had him on his back and I was lowering myself onto him.

"Mmmmmmmm," I let out as I thrusted for the first time and he moaned with excitement. I started going faster and faster, making my prostate send harder and harder sensations throughout my body. Jared laid there with his head tilted back and his teeth gritted like he just couldn't stand it.

"Shit I'm going to cum," he said before he let out a loud string of groans as he shot his load. "Fuck," he whispered before he let out a pleased sigh.

"Want me to suck you off?" he asked.

"Yeah just stay right there," I said as I walked forward on my knees until my hips were over his chest. He picked his head up and sucked me, working my head with his tongue which made me cum after about 30 seconds. My prostate had gotten a workout and the orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer.

Our sex life became like a lifeline that semester with all of the unknowns and uncertainties we faced. We were in the final, most difficult classes of our curriculum that year. We were going to have to find jobs and after the end of the school year we weren't going to have a place to live here and would have to move at least a couple states away after we graduated. But every night before we went to bed we made sure to make some time to enjoy each other.

Sex became how we both decompressed. We'd both be up late into the night doing homework and studying and we'd have to be up early in the morning for a class or a flight, but when it was just the two of us nothing else mattered for the time we were doing it.

Just before we left for Thanksgiving with my parents, he applied to fly for Northwest Airlines. We spent Christmas at Jared's parents' house and it felt like a vacation being there. No homework, no studying, just being treated like a guest.

Finally Christmas morning came and we sat with his parents and brothers in the living room opening presents. Jared was still in his pajama pants and a blue Michigan t-shirt and I was wearing a pair of athletic shorts and a white t-shirt. After all the gifts were opened I noticed Jared's parents look at each other in anticipation. That was when Jared moved closer to me. He put his left arm around my shoulders and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket.

"Matt, you came into my life like a lightning bolt," he began. "I never thought I would meet someone so loving and so accepting of my flaws. I never thought it was possible to connect so deeply with someone like we have. I know that the road ahead is uncertain so I wanted to offer to take away one of those uncertainties. I don't ever want to be without you. Matt will you be my partner?"

That's when he pulled the ring box out from his other pocket. When he opened it, I lost my breath. It was gold and it had seven diamonds that added up to 1/4 caret across the top. On the inside I was filled with joy but also disbelief. I looked down at the ring, then up at him, and I knew this was not a hard decision.

"Yes, of course," I said and we shared an embrace and a kiss. Jared's mom wiped away a few tears of joy and sniffled as she lifted her glasses to make room for the Kleenex.

Jared handed me a second box and offered his left hand. I took the matching ring out, held it up so I could get a closer look at it, and slid it onto his ring finger. We kissed again and Jared looked back at his mom.

"I told you he would say yes," she said with a smile and we all laughed.

A few days later we returned to campus and I knew we had an important conversation coming up: what we were going to do after graduation. In January Jared got offered an interview at NorthWest and we arose at 5:00 that morning to get him to the airport.

"Hey Matt," he said over the phone later that afternoon. "It went really well. I'll be on the last flight into Kalamazoo tonight. I honestly think I'm going to get the job, Matt. I think everything is going to fall into place. It's going to be okay Matt, I promise."

"Jared, I love you so much," was all I could muster at first. While it certainly wasn't a guarantee, if he said it looked good, I trusted his judgement. That night when he flew home from Minneapolis he described the day's events for me and while I didn't know a lot about aviation, I had been through job interviews before so I had some experience there.

"Well the first part was a personality test. One of those things were you had to check whether you agree or disagree with a statement. Once that was over we got into a simulator and I actually got to fly it! It was a DC-9, my favorite plane too! Once that was done they sent me to the nurse's office for bloodwork and a physical and then I had to do a stress test, where you walk on a treadmill with cables hooked up to your chest," he said excitedly as I left the airport and turned north onto Portage Road and turned onto the on-ramp for eastbound I-94.

"Matt I think I'm going to get it. It doesn't pay much at the beginning but it'll be enough for us to get by on, no matter where we end up living." That sentence took the air out of my lungs. We'd been meaning to have this discussion, but we'd been avoiding it because we were both afraid of what each other's opinions would be.

"Do you want to talk about that now?" he asked me. "I know we've been putting it off but we need to have it and I feel like this is a good time," I said as I pulled onto our exit and signaled to turn left.

"I know we've kind of been asuming that we'd to one of our hometowns but maybe we should just stay put. I can get a job at Stryker or Pfizer or somewhere here. We wouldn't have to move and we can definitely afford to live here." I explained. I already knew what Jared's answer to that part was going to be but I wasn't so sure about what he would say to the next part.

"I absolutely don't want to go back to Delaware." I finished in a serious tone.

"I'm good with that," he replied in a supportive tone and I sighed with relief.

"I honestly felt that that would be the last resort. I feel like I'm closer with my parents than you are. I think we should move to Belleville. I can easily commute to any airline's base from Saint Louis, there's going to be a lot more jobs there and even if you don't have a job when we get there, we can easily get by on one salary." Every word was making more and more sense but I also still felt afraid."

"I honestly think that's our best option," he continued. "And if anything bad happens, we've got my parents right there nearby. We're alone here and I don't like that." He took a deep breath. "That's just the way I see it."

I kept my gaze firmly on the road and gripped the steering wheel as firmly as I possibly could.

"That last part convinced me," I said plainly and honestly. "I think that I need some kind of a family out here and yeah I can definitely be friends with your brothers," I said as we pulled up to the light where we turned right and our complex was right around the corner.

"So let's sleep on it but I think it's settled," I said as we pulled into our parking space.

"I'm actually looking forward to it now," I admitted in a cheery tone.

We got out of the car and hugged before we went inside. We started kissing as soon as the front door closed and we left a trail of clothing through the living and up the stairs to our bedroom. We sat down on the bed making out, our dicks standing out like a unicorn's horn.

"You be the pilot, I'll be the flight attendant," I whispered in my dirty talk voice.

"So I guess we're in a hotel room in some random city then," Jared said getting excited and in a naughty voice.

"I don't know how we have the energy to do this after such a long day," he said teasing my hair wtih his fingers. I leaned in for a kiss and said "I don't know but it's worth it."

"It's my turn," I said and I grabbed the bottle of lube. I lubed him up and rolled the condom down my shaft. Jared put our pillows behind his back and lifted his legs and for a moment I took in the sight of his feet, his legs, his balls, his sac, and his hole all in one sight for a second before getting into position.

"Flight attendants, prepare for takeoff," Jared whispered. He put one hand over his mouth and said "Cessna 4 golf sierra cleared to land runway 1" and we both cracked up.

I slid inside him and started thrusting hard right off the bat. He opened his eyes wide with excitement before rolling his head back as he moaned with pleasure.

"Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh," he went as I pounded him silly. "Fuck mmmm, yeah, ohhh" he moaned as I went even harder. "Oh my god," he let out as he rolled his head around.

"Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmm, yeah" I moaned as I slowed down and thrusted more strategically, slower and further in and further out to try and let myself cum. Finally I got there and I exploded. I flopped down onto the bed all sweaty and breathing hard. Jared knelt down across my chest so I could finish him off without having to move.

I sucked him for a couple minutes before he finally let his baby gravy fly down my throat. He pulled his dick out of my mouth and laid down on his side of the bed.

"I'm glad that conversation is out of the way," he said before he rolled over.

"Me too. I can't wait to build a life with you," I replied.

"Now is where the fun begins," Jared whispered as he pulled the covers over himself. At this point, it was like our future together had been cleared for takeoff.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Please tell me what you think about this story, what you like about it and what you don't. Or if you just want to chat, I always write back. Drop me a line at AlexCenturyErotica@yahoo.com. Thanks so much for reading and onto Chapter 8!

Next: Chapter 8

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