Takeoffs and Landings

By Alex Century

Published on May 26, 2021



On the day before the dorms closed for Thanksgiving break Jared and I rode the bus up to the train station to head back to his hometown for Thanksgiving. It was going to be a long trip but I looked forward to it. We arrived at the station at around 10:00 and about 20 minutes later, our train arrived. We boarded the Wolverine and soon we were on our way to Chicago, where we would change trains to the State House, which would take us all the way to St. Louis. It took about 2 1/2 hours to get to Chicago, and then it was a 5 1/2 hour journey through the plains of Illinois to get to St. Louis. As soon as we got off the train, his parents were waiting right there inside the station for us.

"Jared!" his mom said as she wrapped him up in a hug.

"I'm Tom," Jared's dad said offering his hand to shake.

"Sue," his mom said as she brought me in for a hug. "It's so good to finally meet you," she said with a genuine smile.

We piled into their car and after first passing through downtown St. Louis we headed back to Illinois. It was about a half hour before we pulled into their driveway. It was a big brick house with a tree in the front yard. We got out of the car and got our luggage out of the trunk and hurried toward the door. It was freezing cold and snowing when we got there.

"Come on in," said Sue as she kicked her shoes off. "I had no idea what kind of food you liked so I figured we'd order pizza once you boys got here," she said with a smile.

"Where's Brady and Sam?" Jared asked.

"They're hanging out with Zach tonight. They probably won't be back until really late," Tom replied. "Zach is their cousin," he turned to me and explained.

"Come on, my room's this way," Jared instructed and I followed him up the stairs to his bedroom. It was painted blue and he had a big queen size bed, big enough for two to share.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" I asked.

"Not yet, I've actually got a better idea," he replied, smiling. "Let's go out on the deck."

The door to the deck was right next to the staircase that led up to Jared and his brothers' bedrooms. I had no idea where this was going as I followed him outside.

"It's freezing out here, what are we doing?" I inquired.

"Jesus, keep your voice down. Do you want to smoke some weed?"

I laughed out loud because that was the last thing I was expecting him to say.

"Really? You're a pilot. Why are you smoking weed?"

"Because I'm not going to be flying for a couple weeks at least," he said in a plain tone of voice. "It makes sex a thousand times better. If you've never gotten stoned you should," he said holding a baggie up to my nose. The aroma was strong but also pleasant.

"If you want I'll teach you everything you need to know," Jared replied. He handed me the bong and told me how to use it.

"Now the object here isn't to take a huge rip and let it out. It's to draw smoke into the chamber where the water is, and then you pull the bowl out and suck all that smoke into your lungs in one gulp.

I held the bong up to my lips while Matt lit it. I started inhaling and he kept encouraging me, "Keep going, keep going, keep going," before he pulled the bowl out of the piece and I inhaled as deeply as I could. My head was spinning when I blew it out and I started feeling good right away.

Jared took a couple hits before he offered it to me again. This time I did it myself and he rewarded me with a high five after I blew out the smoke. Jared kept smoking and so did I and before long we had gone through two bowls. I was so high I could barely stand. My head felt like it had helium inside it.

"It's a damn good thing my parents are getting pizza. You're going to have bad munchies," Jared said to me.

We went back up to his bedroom and I laid down until I heard the doorbell ring. Sue answered it and I heard her go back into the kitchen. I looked at the TV on Jared's dresser and it looked like it was melting into the floor.

"Boys, pizza's here!" Sue yelled up to us.

Jared went down there and it took me a second to work up the strength to get out of bed to follow him down there. I came down the steps and a second too late I heard Jared say "We're just going to eat in my room," but she saw me. She looked at me and looked at him. We were busted. It was a dead giveaway, I was looking at her like a dog looks at a ceiling fan.

"Jared!" was all she could manage at first. "I am so disappointed in you right now. Not for the weed but that you come home and bring someone for us to meet and the first thing you do is get him stoned?"

She sighed, and then started to laugh softly.

"I didn't mean to get him that high, Mom, he'd never smoked before," Jared said

"Well I agree with your original idea. Take him upstairs and eat in your room."

I was so high I could barely move. My legs felt like lead and my head was swirling on the inside. It was a good feeling but one I'd never experienced before and it's kind of hard to describe. After a little while I started coming down and that's when the munchies hit. It's not a stomach hunger, it's more of an urge in your head to eat.

"How are you feeling?" Jared asked me and I focused on taking one bite at a time.

"I'm incredibly stoned right now," I moaned. "You said this stuff makes sex better?"

"Yeah just wait until you come down a little bit. You only got like that because it was your first time. Another hour or so you'll be able to do things and still be pretty high."

We laid in his bed watching a hockey game and when it finally ended I was definitely in the mood. I took the lead and kissed him and before we knew it things were rolling. He wasn't lying either, the weed really did make it better.

At first things were just more intense and fun but then once we got our clothes off I was in for a big surprise. Jared reached into his backpack for a condom and the bottle of lube and said "You get to top this time."

I was still moving kind of slow from the pot but that wasn't going to stop me. I put the condom on while Jared lubed himself up. I liked what I'd felt so far. Jared lifted his legs so I could get into position but I wasn't done with foreplay just yet. I ran my fingers over every inch of him, starting with the soles of his feet and moving up towards his neck.

That's when I pushed myself inside him and in an instant I was in awe. Every feeling, every sensation, every emotion felt a hundred times better and a hundred times more intense. My mind was being blown more and more with each passing second. I was fucking him harder and harder and Jared was taking every bit of it.

"Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm" he let out as I thrusted in and out of him. That's when I came. Bam! The orgasm hit me like a sledgehammer. I gasped for breath and as I pulled myself out of him my dick was so hard it was almost sore. I quickly moved to his midsection and sucked him until he came. When he started to squirm I pulled back and jerked him the rest of the way and he shot his load about three feet into the air and creamed the middle of his chest.

"You weren't kidding," I said with a laugh. We cuddled together until we fell asleep and the next morning when we woke up we smelled sausage cooking downstairs. We went downstairs and there at the table were Sue and Tom.

"Morning boys," Sue said. "Hope you had a good night," she said slyly. I can't say I wasn't embarassed. A few minutes later one of Jared's brothers came downstairs.

"Sam, this is my boyfriend Matt."

Sam had scruffy black hair and was wearing a t-shirt and pajama pants. He looked at Jared, then he looked at me. Without saying a word he turned around and went back upstairs to his room.

As Sue gasped Jared was out of his chair and across that room so fast. He stormed up the stairs and I stood at the bottom of the staircase listening.

"You are not going to treat the person I love like that," he began. I was both shocked that he said the L word and surprised because I'd never seen Jared that angry.

"You can be mad at me for being gay all you want but that's your problem, not mine, and it's not going to change it. Matt is a good, caring, and loving person who's easy to be friends with. You are going to take a minute, then you're going to go downstairs and introduce yourself to him. And you're going to spend the day with him too. You're going to get to know him and you aren't going to treat him like that again. Do you understand?"

I heard silence and then Sam started to cry.

"Let it out, let it out," Jared said softly. "Ready to talk?"

"What could you possibly find attractive about sex with a guy?" Sam said in a disgusted tone.

"I didn't choose it," Jared explained with the pain in his voice apparent. "When you were like 13 and you started having sexual feelings they were towards women. For me they were towards men. That's literally the only difference. And relationships aren't just about sex. You should already know that. Matt is a loving, caring, empathetic and just all around a good person. That's why I fell in love with him. He's an easy guy to be friends with. Can you just look past the fact that he's gay and see that he's a person? He's a real human being with feelings and emotions and hopes and dreams."

I didn't hear Sam say anything after that, but that's when Jared started saying things I could tell he'd needed to for a while.

"I'm your brother. You've pretty much cut me off emotionally since I came out. I still love you. I never stopped loving you. Why does it matter so much that I'm gay?"

That's when he left Sam's room to come back downstairs and he was clearly surprised to see me at the bottom of the steps. When he got down to the bottom of the steps I looked him square in the eye and I could see the tears welling in his eyes.

I asked in a very calm, very simple tone of voice, "Did you mean that?"

"Which part?" he replied.

"You said I was the person you loved. Did you mean that?"

"Matt, I..." he started before the tears came. He doubled over and covered his eyes with his hand.

"I..." he began again before he cried some more.

"I just now realized that I really do love you. In that moment I realized how much I love you," he said through his tears. I wrapped my arms around him as I felt a feeling inside that I'd never felt before. Sue came over from the breakfast table in tears and embraced us both at the same time.

"They're good tears, Mom," Jared whispered.

"I know, I'm so proud of you Jared," she whispered.

Jared motioned for me to follow him upstairs and we went back into Sam's room.

"So, why don't we try this again? This is Matt," Jared said in a fatherly tone. I smiled to try and show him that I wasn't angry because I really wasn't.

"Sam," he said and he stood up and hugged me. "I'm sorry," he continued.

"It's okay. Apology accepted," I said in a gentle voice.

Later that afternoon we went out for lunch and had a good conversation about what it's like to be gay. When we got home I finally got to meet Brady, Jared's brown-haired, blue-eyed older brother and he was very nice and easy to talk to. From what Jared has told me, Brady never had a problem with Jared's orientation and was one of his biggest allies when he first came out.

Later that night Jared took me out to the back deck to smoke weed and talk about what had happened earlier that day.

"Trust me, it will make it easier to talk about," Jared explained as he packed the bowl.

"Here, you get greenie," Jared said after he finished. "Especially with the day you had. How did it go with him?"

"Actually not too bad. We talked and he apologized for how he was to me and he was actually pretty embarassed by it too."

"Well that's good," he said before he took his first hit from the bong.

"How much of that whole thing did you hear?" Jared asked sounding afraid of what my response would be.

"The whole thing. I knew I shouldn't have but..."

"No you should have," Jared cut me off. I chuckled softly.

"Was that really how you realized that you loved me?" I asked him quietly but with a lot of fear behind the scenes because the question had been on my mind all day but I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to know the answer.

"When he disrespected you like that, the way I reacted was my protective side. When that came out for you, I knew that I loved you," he explained before he stopped and drew in a deep breath.

"Matthew Joseph Graves, I love you," he said looking me straight in the eye.

I had a flood of emotions inside me while I smiled and said "Jared Anthony Ryan, I love you."

Hey everyone, I hope you liked this chapter! Let me know what you think about it at AlexCenturyErotica@yahoo.com. Even if you just want to say hello, feel free to drop me a line. Thanks so much for reading, there's a lot more to come in Chapter 6 and beyond. See you there!

Next: Chapter 6

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