Takeoffs and Landings

By Alex Century

Published on Oct 19, 2021



"You've made an impressive amount of progress since we started meeting and I think you're doing very well," said Gerald, my therapist. "Enjoy your trip tonight," he finished as we got up to head for the door.

"Thank you. I sure will," I replied. I went to my therapist appointment in my uniform because I had to catch a flight to San Francisco right afterward. I was on reserve and hoping that I was going to get a trip somewhere fun. My last few layovers had been in boring places like Akron and El Paso.

I drove up to the Sacramento airport and parked in the parking garage. I wheeled my suitcase into the terminal and headed to the United ticket counter to get listed on the next flight to San Francisco. Once I had my boarding pass I headed upstairs to the gate. I kept to myself as I waited for our tiny plane to arrive. It was an Embraer 120, a propeller plane that only had seating for 30 people.

Boarding was very fast and it wasn't more than a few minutes before we were speeding down the runway. We lifted off and made our way over central California before turning back north to land at San Francisco. It wasn't that long before we were at the gate and I was off to find the crew room. I signed in with the receptionist and took a seat in the crew lounge. They could call you with a trip at any moment from that point forward.

I got a Pepsi out of the vending machine and sat down at a table to read a magazine. A minute or so later I heard the announcement over the intercom that I was waiting for.

"Paging flight attendants Kelly Denning, Tracy Johnson, Sam Ryan..." and a bunch of other names. Hearing that many people being called meant that this was going to be a big airplane.

I headed over to the crew tracking window and waited for the others to arrive. I waited there for a minute and a very handsome boy walked up to the window. I looked him up and down and I was taken aback by his eyes. A stunning green. He was shorter than I was and he had dirty blonde hair. He flashed me a smile and I looked him in the eye.

"I'm Jordan," he said offering his hand.

"Sam," I replied. His face just lit up when he smiled. I shook his hand and he kept smiling as he looked me over.

"Where are you from?" he asked.

"Illinois but I live in Sacramento now," I replied.

"I figured that's where your accent was from. I live in Milwaukee," he replied. We both laughed as the other flight attendants started arriving and once everyone was there we'd be given our trip assignment.

"You're on flight 954 to London and you'll have a 48 hour layover before you come back on flight 931. Fly safe," she said before closing the window.

"You have a really long commute," I said to Jordan as we all walked out of the crew lounge and headed to our gate.

"It's worth it though," he replied. "This job is worth it. How long have you been flying?" he asked me.

"About a year," I answered.

"I love your eyes," I said and he smiled.

"I'm going to go get some coffee. I'll see you on the plane," he answered with a smile before we parted ways.

I headed straight to the international terminal and waited by the gate. Jordan arrived a few minutes later after the rest of the crew did and he walked straight up to me.

"You sure you don't need caffeine? This is going to be a long one," he said. He had a very gentle-sounding voice and his smile felt so comforting.

"Yeah on second thought," I began.

"I'll go with you," he replied with a smile.

I wasn't expecting him to take this much interest in me but it was making me feel confident. His voice sounded so sweet and I could tell he was someone I really wanted to get to know.

We arrived at Starbucks and he stood beside me listening intently. He was really interested in what I was ordering.

"I'll have a large coffee black," I said plainly. Tall, grande, vente? I didn't know what those sizes meant.

"That was a surprising order," he said with a smile.

"I'm not much for fancy coffee," I said as the cashier gave me my change. Once we got back we headed down the jetbridge to the plane to begin our duties. Once we put our luggage away we began our preflight checks. As I checked the indicators on the fire extinguishers Jordan began making sure the galley was properly stocked.

After a while the passengers started boarding and things proceeded as they always did. As we were welcoming the passengers onboard I caught him sneaking a glance at me more than a few times. The cool thing was that we'd both be working the same galley.

"So are you single or taken?" he finally asked me as I was spooning a serving of mashed potatoes onto plate after plate.

"Single," I replied. "Are you interested?"

"I like you," he answered.

We enjoyed each other's company during the ten hour flight. He brightened the entire time we had to ourselves, which was a good portion of it once the service was done. We talked like we'd known each other for years and I learned all about him.

His favorite food was lasagna. His favorite color was blue, same as mine. He came out when he was 14 and decided to start flying after a guy he knew in college got hired at Midwest Airlines there in Milwaukee. The best place he'd been was Cairo.

After dinner was done we took a break together. We both felt mutual relief as we walked to the designated crew rest seats and sat down. Together we had prepared dinners for all of the passengers in our section. Thanks to our contract we earned an extra $1.25 an hour for working the galley position. After another two hours it was time for the first sleeping break.

Two flight attendants at a time would go to a secret room that's built into the back of large airliners and there are bunks where crewmembers can sleep for a few hours at a time. We went up there together and I had a feeling of what he wanted to happen.

We climbed the stairs up to the pod and as soon as we were alone he tried to kiss me. I put my hand on his chest and I tried to think of what Jared would say in this situation. I knew he'd be so proud of me.

"Hey, not here, not now. We could lose our jobs. When we get to London, that's when that will happen. Okay?" I whispered.

"Okay," he replied. I patted him on the shoulder and smiled.

I laid down in my bunk and catnapped for a while. When it was time to get up and go back to work I put my shoes back on and headed downstairs to the cabin. About two hours before we landed we did another beverage service and passed out the customs forms. The closer we got to landing the more I was looking forward to being off duty. We all stayed at the same hotel so it wouldn't be too hard to find him. But I was interested in more than just fun. I hoped he was as well.

The last two hours dragged by but eventually we began our descent. I impatiently waited in the jumpseat as we got closer and closer to the ground. We conducted our arrival check to make sure the door slides were armed a couple minutes before touchdown and then right on schedule we were on the ground at Heathrow Airport. We went through our post-landing duties of helping passengers with their baggage and then did our debriefing before we headed for our hotel.

Once I got my key from the front desk Jordan caught up with me. He flashed his smile and my heart warmed. He came with me to my room and stepped inside with me. We kissed playfully and quickly we took off our shirts. I sat down on the bed and he went for the zipper to my pants. He took a good look at my dick before he started playing with it. That's when he climbed on top of me and we made out for a while as we took the rest of our clothes off.

Jordan took a condom and a packet of lube out of his suitcase.

"Do you want to top?" he asked.

"Hell yeah," I replied.

I rolled the condom down my shaft and got into position. We started slow and made passionate love for a while and then he got on all fours. That was when slow, sweet love turned into rough, raw fucking.

"Uhhh, mmmm, mmmm, uhhh," Jordan moaned as I pounded him like a jackhammer.

"Yeah dude, keep going" he let out before a sigh and I did as he said. Eventually we were both moaning faster and faster and I exploded like a rocket inside him. It took me a minute to catch my breath before we both started laughing as we rolled over next to each other.

"That was delightful," he said in an obviously fake British accent and I laughed even harder.

"Wow. I hadn't done that with anyone I'd met on a trip before," I said without realizing how awkward that probably was.

"Damn. You know when I saw you I knew you were someone special. Now that that's out of the way let's get to know each other," he started.

"How about whenever we wake up we go see the city. We can get a map from downstairs and buy a pass for the subway and go sightseeing," I spelled out. I wanted to suggest what I was going to be doing whether he was with me or not.

"This is going to be so much fun," he replied. We cuddled until we both fell asleep and at around 4:00 in the afternoon we woke up and changed into jeans and long sleeve shirts.

"Let's go see Buckingham Palace," Jordan suggested. Our hotel was right between T2 and T3 at Heathrow Airport and about 100 yards away was a Tube station. We used our credit cards to buy a day pass for £6.40 and then we looked at the system map.

"Mind the gap," said a female voice as the subway car doors opened. It took about an hour to get to the Hyde Park station, but once we got off there was the Wellington Arch. I took his hand as we walked through it and then across the street and up towards the palace.

I handed someone my camera and had them take a picture of us outside the big gate so I'd have something to remember this moment by. After that we had dinner at a pub we found nearby and then took the Tube back to our hotel. We had a quickie before Jordan decided to go back to his own room for the night so that nobody would see us together.

The next day was a typical day. I woke up, went downstairs to the continental breakfast, and then waiting for my fellow crewmembers to arrive in the lobby to head to the plane. This morning we were heading back to San Francisco. Instead of it being a redeye, this was a daytime flight. We left London at 10:40 AM and arrived in San Francisco at 12:50 PM. Ten hours and ten minutes total flying time.

Jordan and I worked the galley together again, making lunches for all the business class passengers. I couldn't believe how lucky I was to be able to spend time with him like this despite being at work and having to be professional.

"So was that our first official date," Jordan asked me. I blinked a couple times with disbelief. My mind had been stuck on that question since we were in front of Buckingham Palace.

"I was going to ask you that question. I sure hope so," I said with a smile. He handed me his number later on during the flight and after we landed I gave him mine. Later that night he called from his crash pad. I had forced myself onto a flight back to Sacramento and was miserable driving home after the long day's work. That was how I knew he was a keeper.

We would talk late into the night on our off days and the time difference was what made it okay. A month later he offered to have me come visit him. I flew out to Milwaukee and hung out with him for a few days and before long I had feelings for him that I had never really had before.

Meeting Jordan gave me a lot of stability in my life. I inspired him to move out here to Sacramento and we're still going strong. I finally felt like I'd put my big mistake behind me and now I had a lot to look forward to.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading. I hope you'll tune in for the final chapter of Takeoffs and Landings. While this story is coming to an end, I promise you this won't be the last story I write. As always, let me know what you think or drop me a line if you just want to chat at AlexCenturyErotica@yahoo.com, especially if you want to stay up to date with what I'm working on. I love my readers, and thank you all so much!

Next: Chapter 18

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