Takeoffs and Landings

By Alex Century

Published on Sep 13, 2021



I sat in the waiting room nervously twiddling my thumbs. It was the day of my first psychiatrist appointment. After I waited a while the receptionist slid open the window.

"Sam!" she announced. I stood up and walked over to the window.

"You'll need to fill these out real quick," she explained handing me a clipboard.

"Just hand them back to me when you're finished, okay?"

"Sure," I said as I looked down at the first form. It had a bunch of questions about how I've felt in the last two weeks and a few forms later there was one where I checked most of the boxes.

"Has there ever been a period of time when you were not your usual self and...

You felt so good or hyper that other people thought you were not your normal self or were so hyper that you got into trouble?

You were so irritable that you shouted at people or started fights or arguments?

You got much less sleep than usual and found you didn't really miss it?

You were much more talkative or spoke much faster than usual?

Thoughts raced through your head or you couldn't slow your mind down?

You did things that were unusual for you or that other people thought were excessive, foolish, or risky?

Spending money got you or your family into trouble?

You had much more energy than usual? You were much more interested in sex than usual?"

The list went on and on and I checked yes to almost all of them. Once I was finished I handed the clipboard back to the receptionist. It was about another ten minutes before the psychiatrist came and opened the door that led back to the offices and called my name. He was an older man from India and he had a thick accent.

"Come on in," he said as we walked halfway down the hallway and into a room that had two couches aside from his desk in one corner.

"I'm Dr. Patel and it's nice to meet you, uh" he paused for a moment as he looked down at my paperwork. "Sam, it's nice to meet you Sam."

"Taking a look here at your paperwork it looks like you checked a lot of the boxes for bipolar disorder. I want to start you on a medication called Zyprexa. Take it every day around bedtime and you don't need to take it with food. I'll see you back in a month, make sure to write down any side effects you experience and if the side effects are bad enough that you can't handle them then call the office. Remember that if this med isn't right for you then we just need to find the right one. And whatever you do, don't stop taking your meds because you feel better. Anything else I can do for you?"

"Uh no," I replied with most of his speech going right over my head.

"Great. I'll see you in four weeks. It was nice to meet you," he said offering his hand to shake.

As I drove to the Walgreens that we filled all our prescriptions at I wondered if that was how my first therapy appointment was going to go. That was right after work that Friday and I was really looking forward to actually talking about some of this stuff for the first time.

It took them about ten minutes to fill it and I grabbed a Pepsi on my way out. I felt so strange in that moment. This was such a self-inflicted pain I was feeling but on top of that now taking psychiatric medication was something I didn't think I'd ever do. I really didn't know it was going to make me feel.

I went home and watched TV for a couple hours and waited for the time Matt would be getting home. I had to get that over with so we could just move on but at the time I kind of regretted ever talking about the other things. I still didn't really want anyone to know.

At about six I got in my car, the ten year old Lincoln Towncar that my parents had gifted me when I started college, and headed over to my brother's house. I had a feeling this was going to be rough but it ended up being a lot easier than I thought it was going to be.

I pulled into the driveway and let myself through the screen door onto the porch. I knocked on the door and Jared came to answer it.

"Hi Sam," he said before he gave me a hug. "Come on in."

The anxiety started rising in my throat as I walked through the front door into their living room. Matt was sitting in his recliner to the left of the foyer while Jared sat down next to me on the couch.

"Matt I'm so sorry..." I started before Jared put his hand on my shoulder.

"It's okay. That's all I need to hear," Matt said looking me straight in the eye.

"I forgive you. I'm proud of you for getting help."

"Jared thinks I should be a flight attendant," I said with a smile.

"You should," Matt replied.

Later that night I decided to do some research. I went to United's website and clicked onto their career section. I clicked the link to the flight attendant page and sure enough there was an open interview session here in Sacramento in three weeks.

I met all of the requirements and I honestly got kind of excited that United had a base in San Francisco, not all that far from where we were living. I definitely wasn't too tall and I measured to make sure I could reach the height the posting said I had to. I hit the apply button and filled out the application. I didn't think I had that big a chance with how many applications they must get but I could at least try.

I got an email saying that I had passed the screening and that I needed to attend an open interview session. I signed up for the session in Sacramento and I nervously counted down the days.

When the big day arrived I went home and changed into my suit. I even polished my shoes until I could see my reflection. I had butterflies the entire 16 mile drive up to the hotel where this was being held, especially because I had no idea what to expect.

I walked in and the lady at the front desk noticed me with my resume and knew exactly why I was there.

"Are you here for United Airlines?" asked the young blonde woman behind the desk.

"Yeah I am," I replied.

"Right this way down the hall and it will be the banquet room on your left," she instructed.

That's where I found a table with three women sitting checking passports. I handed mine over to the first lady and she examined it as she greeted me.

"Hi, good evening. We're excited to have you!" she said cheerily.

"I'm excited to be here," I replied.

There were about 20 people inside the room mingling about before the interview session started. As soon as I stepped in a very skinny guy walked up to me and shook my hand.

"Hi, I'm Jerry," he introduced himself.

"Sam," I said.

"You live around here or did you come from out of state?" he asked.

"I'm from Illinois originally but I just moved here to Sacramento," I replied.

"I had to drive all the way here from Oregon," he said. "It was the closest event to me."

That statement stuck with me because I didn't realize just how many people want this job. Finally the time came for it to start. Three women in their flight attendant uniforms walked to the front of the conference room and looked at each other with smiles as they got ready to give their spiel.

"Welcome everyone," said the woman with blonde wavy hair in a Minnesota accent.

"We're excited to have you all here and we're thrilled that you're interested in United!" she announced enthusiastically. That's when the woman in the middle rattled off what would happen that day and I felt the information coming at me like a machine gun.

"We're going to first have a presentation about United and what it's like to be a flight attendant here at United and then we're going to do your jumpseat and reach tests.

"Once that's done we'll have a group interview where each person will answer a question in front of everyone else and then we'll break for a while. Once we come back we'll post a list of candidates who will be interviewed. If you are selected you will walk out of here tonight with a job offer in your hand. You'll have 48 hours from then to complete a drug screening and our in-flight training team will be in touch to let you know your training date.

"If you aren't selected today you'll be eligible to re-apply after six months. Ready to get started?"

For the next half hour they went over what it's like to be on reserve, how much money you're going to make, all about the union, what training would be like, and where we would be based. I wouldn't be making as much as I made working for the state but I could definitely still make ends meet.

After their presentation was over we lined up outside the room and one by one went inside to do the tests. I had to take my shoes off and reach above a piece of tape on the wall. Next I had to sit in a chair with a tape measure under it to make sure I wasn't too wide. That was no problem at all. I went back outside after my turn and waited.

Next we took our seats again and one by one each person got up there and told the story of our most memorable customer service moment. I'll spare you that story but I had to sit through more of them than I wanted to hear. After the last person did their story we all left the room and went to a different conference toom and waited for about an hour. It was very tense as we were waiting for interviews and eventually the door reopened and the list was posted. I scanned up and down the list and right in alphabetical order there was my name. I was shocked.

"Maybe this actually was meant to be," I thought to myself. It was more waiting as they called us in the order we were listed on the list. One by one they came to the separate conference room to get the next person up Being so far into the alphabet gave me a lot of time to sit while my anxiety built. Jared had prepared me on what to say in the interview having gone through a similar process himself not that long ago so I felt like I had a solid chance.

After the last people did their interviews we waited together while they deliberated. After about an hour we were brought out into the hallway. The flight attendants posted a piece of paper that directed you into one conference room or the other. Mine was the one we originally started in. My heart was pounding out of my chest as I counted seven others who came in. The split was so even that I had no idea whether I was going to get this or not.

Two of the flight attendants came in and about a minute later the third one came back.

"Congratulations, we are proud to make you all an offer to be the newest United flight attendants!" announced the cheery flight attendant who welcomed us to the session.

I doubled over in excitement and relief as everyone else was hugging each other and some of them were in tears of joy. My hands were shaking and the first thing I wanted to do was call Jared.

"You'll all be getting your conditional job offers tonight and again you'll have 48 hours to do your drug tests. After that you'll be headed to training in Chicago!"

After I got my paperwork I raced home to get changed. I decided I was going to Whispers, the gay bar that Jared had taken me to a few weeks earlier. It was right near where I worked. When I got home I saw that Jared and Matt's cars were both in the garage so I knew they were both home.

I knocked on the door and Jared answered.

"I got the job!" I yelled before he could say anything.

"Dude I'm so proud of you," he said as he came in for a hug. "Come on in," he said.

"I'm going to Whispers in a minute to celebrate," I said as I walked through the foyer and into the living room.

"How did it go?" asked Matt.

"I got the job. It was really easy and I couldn't have done it without Jared's help," I said with a smile. "I'm going to Chicago for training in a couple months!"

I stayed for a little while before walking up to the train station to head to the bar. It was about a 20 minute ride into downtown before I got off and walked a few blocks to the bar.

Whispers had an upstairs and a downstairs with a bar on each floor. The downstairs was bigger with more seating and the dance floor and the upstairs had a big opening over the dance floor so you could watch what was going on below. There were also a couple pool tables and some couches up there.

"Hey handsome, want to smoke a joint?" asked a cute boy who tapped me as I sipped on a Long Island iced tea. He had brown hair and green eyes and he really struck me when I first saw him.

"I'll have to pass on the joint but I'd love to have a drink with you," I replied.

"I'm Sam," I said as we headed over to the bar.

"Chris," he replied and we shook hands.

He recommended a Sex on the Beach and I decided to get one too after seeing what was in it when the bartender poured Chris' drink. We headed over to a bench near the side door and sat down. We talked easily for the next hour or so and he seemed like a cool dude.

I got up to use the bathroom and ordered another drink on the way there. Afterward I came out to get it and gulped it down because I felt like I needed some more liquid courage. After a few minutes I started to feel funny and before long it was only getting worse. As I was trying to talk to Chris the words weren't coming out right. I got really dizzy and I didn't know where I was.

"Sam are you okay?" he said as my words started slurring. He took another look at me and looked horrified.

"Sam I think you got roofied. Is there someone I can call for you? I'm going to make sure you get home okay."

I gave him Jared's number and he was there in record time.

"Hey are you Jared?" Chris asked when he pulled up.

"Yeah," he replied as he rushed around the back of his car to check on me. They shook hands and Jared thanked him profusely.

"Dude I'm so glad you were looking out for him, thank you."

Chris helped me out to Jared's car and helped Jared get me into the passenger's seat. That's when he handed me a piece of paper.

"Give me a call sometime," he said with a smile before Jared thanked him again and got back into the car.

"We're going to get you home so you can sleep this off but you should definitely call him. He's a keeper," Jared said with a smile.

The next morning I woke up around noon and that evening I called Chris and he invited me over. He had just gotten out of work and his apartment was about 20 minutes away. After I met him there we decided to go out to dinner and then we returned to his apartment.

As soon as we were through the door he kissed me and one thing led to another. I pulled off my shirt and then dropped my pants and underwear as we moved through his living room toward his bedroom.

I unzipped his pants and marveled at his beautiful dick before I took it in my mouth. He moaned and sighed with pleasure as I sucked him and he motioned for me to stop. He reached behind his bed and pulled out a condom and then reached again for his bottle of lube and handed them both to me.

I got off the bed and decided to fuck him standing up. He turned himself to get into position and I put his feet on my shoulders. I moaned with pleasure and so did he as I pounded him over and over again, his sighs only getting more and more intense. Finally my orgasm hit me like a baseball bat and I shot what would have been ropes of cum if I hadn't been wearing a condom.

"Dude I can't wait to get to know you better," I said knowing I'm not the greatest at social interactions.

"Me too," he replied as he reached into his dresser drawer for a pair of boxers.

"Call me again sometime," I said as I finished putting on my clothes in the living room while he sat down on the couch.

I left his apartment and went home thinking I could really have just found something for myself. But it wasn't to be. A few days later I got an email from him saying that as much as he wished he could be with me, he had a boyfriend. At first I wanted to be pissed, but I couldn't help but smile because I knew that everything else was going for me.

Hey everyone, thanks for reading! Whether you like this chapter or not, feel free to drop me a line at AlexCenturyErotica@yahoo.com. I want any and all feedback. I love my readers and love hearing from you! Onto chapter 15!

Next: Chapter 15

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