Taken Series

By Dapper Hargrave

Published on Jun 27, 2015



Author's Note: All the warnings / caveats / etc from the first post still apply.

The story, its settings, and the characters are property of the author.

As a reminder, Nifty survives based on donations from its readers. If you are in a position to donate, please do to ensure that this resources remains a source of fun for all of us.

This is the last chapters of the main part of the story. Still haven't decided whether to continue with one or more epilogues yet... but may do so at some point. I hope you have enjoyed reading the story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Feel free to take a look at some of my other stories on Nifty as well (do an author search for Cumluvnbottom)

Part 11: The Rending

Victor and Duke are smiling. Cruelly. And I am terrified.

After everything that I have been through, they still have something up their sleeves.

Duke steps in front of me. I would swear his big black cock is staring at me. Mocking me. But I am mesmerised.

"Suck my cock." He orders.

I open my mouth and obey without hesitation. Savouring again his flavour, his smells, the texture of his skin. His hands on the back of my head push me down his shaft.

He is much bigger than LeBaron but I am able to take him much easier. I still choke and gag but I am able to work through it.

I feel Victor behind me but don't really think about it because Duke is keeping me busy pushing his dick into my throat.

And then I feel Victor push into my ass. My sore, burning, aching ass. My hole, still stretched from Don's ruthless fuck, barely offers any resistance. He slides in balls deep less than a minute later.

"Fuck Duke. His hole is so wet and so open." He moans. "Just the way a fucking slut should be."

I try to focus on the cock in my mouth. But I can't.

Victor's cock may not be a beast like Don's or Duke's. But it is big enough. I can't take my mind off it. I compare the way he fucks me to the way that Don did. Don pulled me back into his fuck. Victor seems to like doing most of the thrusting himself. His motions, the way he positions himself, his rhythm. All different.

I find myself pushing back into his thrusts. Eager to feel him. My mouth slides off Duke's dick. My head turning to watch Victor.

The way his muscles flex. The way his body moves as he thrusts into me. It is... beautiful. He is beautiful.

He sees me looking. Admiring him. His lips curl into a sneer but he seems pleased. "You like feeling a cock in your ass, don't you?"

I nod.

"Flex your ass around my cock. Show me how much you like it."

I tense the muscles in my ass, then relax them. I time my actions to his thrusts.

"Yeah. Such a fucking slut. That's what you are." He gives me a extra hard thrust to punctuate his words. He pulls out of my ass. I feel abandoned. "But you are neglecting my buddy."

Duke moves and lays down on his back. His big dick standing up straight. "Come sit on my dick, whore."

I crawl forward. Swinging my legs over Duke's. My ass over his dick. I don't pause. I don't think. I just lower my ass onto his hard meat. My head raising up in ecstasy.

Allowing gravity to pull me down. Lower. Lower. Taking every inch of him inside me. I don't stop until I feel his pubes scratching my ass.

Then I lean forward and lick the sweat from his big chest. Kissing and caressing it with my lips and tongue.

"Enough of that shit." He growls. "Work my dick, pussyboy. Fuck yourself on my pole."

I lift myself and begin to slide up and down. It really does feel amazing. This feeling of fullness. The hardness pushing deep inside me. Touching places I had never dreamt of. The satisfaction of hearing him moan appreciatively.

Duke's hands grip my waist to stop me. "Lay down with your chest touching mine. Make sure my dick stays inside you."

I am confused. Didn't he just tell me to focus on the fuck? But I obey. Of course.

Duke's arms reach around me and pull me flat against him. His arms are so strong, his embrace is so firm. I feel so small, so frail, against his body. I let myself sink into him. Basking in the touch of his skin.

And then I feel Victor moving back behind me. His hands on my hips. The tip of his cock pressing against my already full ass.

Duke's cock is big. Not quite as big as Don's. But it is big. It fills me. Surely Victor isn't thinking about...

Victor's dick pierces my hole, sliding alongside Duke's.

If I could scream, the sound escaping my lips would be almost inhuman. My muscles spasm. As if trying to get up and run away. But Duke's tight embrace holds me down.

Neither cock alone may be as big as Don's. But together? Even Don never stretched me this much. In one day I have gone from a straight man, who never dreamt of taking a cock up his ass, to now being torn apart by two at once.

"Yeah, you dumb fuck." Victor laughs behind me. "This is how we like to play. We're going to ruin this hole."

He pushes deeper. Laughing each time my body contorts in pain.

The ring of my ass feels like a rubber band that has been stretched to the point of breaking. My tortured chute clenching down on these two hard cocks thrusting inside me in unison.

"Yeah, that's it." Duke squeezes my body. "Work that hole. We like it when you do that."

But through the pain something else: Ecstasy. Every nerve in my body feels alive. Invigorated. My eyes roll back into my head. My arms give way and I collapse onto Duke's black chest. My ass is spasming. Like I am cumming with my ass instead of my dick.

"Damn, Duke. This dirty fuck is milking my dick." Victor groans behind me.

"Well... give it what it wants. Fill it's filthy hole."

Victor pounds my hole. His cock pushing balls deep next to Duke's. His thrusts hectic. Relentless. His balls slapping against my ass. Then, abruptly, his motion stops.


He erupts inside me. My hole is stretched so tight around the two cocks I can feel every twitch of his dick.

He pulls out and more cum escapes my abused ass.

"Ok, slut." Duke says as he pushes me back up so I sit on his dick. "Your rest is over. Get back to riding that dick."

I ignore my pain and use my legs to start sliding up and down his shaft. The sensations are different than before. Duke notices as well.

"Not so tight anymore, are you? Your hole is stretched out, you fucking cunt." He laughs. "Still feels good though, don't worry. Nice and lubed up for me too."

He gradually starts lifting his hips. Matching my motion as I ride his dick. Pushing up as I sink down. Pulling back as I raise up. His cock sinking easily in and out of my hole.

"I'm going to cream your ass soon, bitch. You want my cum, don't you?"

I nod and redouble my efforts. Sliding his tumescent rod in and out of my hole. Clenching my ass around him to make sure he feels good.

"Here you go, you dirty cumslut. Take my seed!"

For the third time today, the third time in my entire life, I feel a cock shoot it's load into my guts.

Duke keeps thrusting until he is satisfied then pushes me off. I roll onto the floor. He stands up and joins the other three men.

"Enough." It is the raspy voice of the Tribunal.

Shit. I had pretty much forgotten about the Tribunal. Forgotten about all the people nearby. Witnesses to my surrender of my two cherry holes.

The four men from my Testing walk away, back to the group of Men on my left. They don't even look back. They have used me and I am of no further use at this moment.

Part 12: The Acceptance

The Tribunal approaches me. It's black shroud barely moving. Still covering it's entire form. I struggle back to my knees.

A single image fills my mind. It is me. Right now. On my knees on this cold stone floor. My belly and bowels full of cum and piss. My memories and voice taken away. Stripped. Hairless. Caged.

"This creature knows in it's heart what it is." The raspy voice still brings all my childhood night terrors to mind. "In the Testing, it deferred to figures of authority such as one that it believed to be a physician. After the testing, it has allowed itself to be degraded and used by Men. And it has taken pleasure in that."

Some part of me still struggles. I can make no sound but an inner voice is screaming. No. No. No. This can't be happening. This can't be real. Please don't let it be real.

But it is.

Have you ever found yourself standing on the edge, the precipice, and feeling the ground giving way beneath you? Your footing giving way. That is what I feel right now. The panic. The racing heart. The way your breath stops.

The black robed being has something in his hands. A strap of leather and metal. A collar. Like the collars I can see on the necks of the subservient men on the right of the cavern.

"This is a symbol of what you are about to become. A slave. Property. Something to serve Men. Something to be used. But it is also more than that. Once you wear this, your old life will truly be gone forever. No creature can be forced to wear it. It must be freely accepted. But once it is clapped around your neck, it can never be removed. And no creature wearing this can leave this place. Now that you see yourself for what you truly are, you must make one final decision. Return to a life of inadequacy and lies... or remain here and obey the will of the Men who will be your masters.

"You have seen your true self. Confronted your desire to submit. You have felt the pleasure of giving yourself to a Man. Understand this: accepting that you are submissive is not a sign of weakness. Which is worse: admitting the truth about yourself and what you desire, or hiding from it and living a lie? One must be strong to admit the truth and to surrender to it completely and without reservation. Now is the time. Make your decision."

I do not move from the floor. But, in my mind, I am falling from that precipice. Falling into a perfect darkness. A moment of abject terror. I cannot move a muscle. I cannot remember anything before being brought into this cavern... for they have taken away my memories. I cannot cry out... for they have taken away my voice.

If I do this, I know I will be in this underground world forever. I will never feel the sun again. Never make another choice, another decision about my life or future. Never again see the family I can no longer remember. I will never again know the touch of a woman. My own cock will be forever locked away. Unused. Withering from disuse.

But I remember as well the sensations as I tasted my first cock. The taste of spit, piss, and cum. The feeling as my ass opened for it's first fuck. The pleasure of giving myself to a Man. A real Man.

And I know.

It is true. I am male but I am not, in my heart, a real Man. Not in the way I now understand the word.

I don't remember my old life anymore... but I know what I was told earlier was true. My whole life I have been told in word and example - by family, by society, by other men - what I am supposed to be. Those lessons were drilled into me and I have tried to live up to them. But it was all wrong.

I hit bottom. My whole being - everything I have ever been, have ever believed about myself, have ever tried to be - shatters, like glass, and is gone.

And I let it go. Forever.

In the clarity that follows, see myself for what I am. For what I have always been. For what I always wish to be. Submissive in all meanings of the world.

I lower my eyes. One should not look its Masters in the eye. But I raise my chin. Exposing my neck to the Tribunal.

I feel the collar encircle my neck and clamp shut. I accept it willingly. I am a slave and will be a slave forever.

"It is done."

The Grey have returned and are standing on either side of me. Lifting me up. Guiding me to the right side of the cavern. To join my brotherhood waiting there. Naked, hairless, cocks caged and untouchable, kneeling in submission.

And there is no place I would rather be.

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