Taken for a Ride

By moc.liamtoh@tsac-tuo

Published on Feb 19, 2023


Every time I walk through the park in the middle of the night the same thought enters my mind: "How could I ever be so crazy that I let a teenager fuck me again and again?" And every time, I cannot explain it. I cannot say why I went through more than two years of regular 'rapes': role plays in which a young lad called Felix would overpower me and force himself on me. Fuck my face, fuck my arse, after which I would thank him, pay him and hunker for the next time he would overwhelm me.

Why the hell did I consider that a good idea?

The relationship came to an end three years ago when the guy went to university, and, although it had saddened me at the time, it was probably the best thing that happened to me.

As I get home, I slot the key into the front door lock and quietly open the door, careful not to wake Sarah.

How can a married man with a good job wish to be abused repeatedly by a man-boy? I must have been mad ... or at least too infatuated with Felix to think clearly. It is all long past now - thank goodness. I am back to normality: I have a wife, a first child (a girl, Jasmine) born 18 months ago, and a second one on the way. There will be no more deviant behaviour from me, certainly no more sneaky meetings with handsome young men in dark corners. I'm a dependable, almost stodgy housefather now, and how much happier my life is for it.

What the fuck did I ever see in those meetings anyway?!

I slide into the bed behind my wife and gently let my hand follow the contours of her swollen belly. She groans - still sleeping - in pleasure. God, I love her so much.

Is the park darker than usual tonight, or is that just my imagination? I hurry along the path, even more eager to get home now that I know that my son is waiting for me there. Noel, 23 days old, will probably wake up for his feed soon, and if I time my arrival right, I can watch him gorge himself on the plumb white breasts of his mother.

"Hello, Mr Walters ..."

I look up from my thoughts to see two young men on the path in front of me, spread out as if to block my way. They don't look familiar, although they obviously know who I am. I am not easily scared, but their manner does fill me with unease. Without breaking my step, I try to pass between them.

"Don't walk away ... Don't you like me anymore?"

Only now I realise that the voice had come from behind me, and turning around, I see another youngster. Despite his hoodie obscuring a lot of his face, there is something vaguely familiar about him. He is well over six feet tall with the chest and shoulders of a rugby player, and an arrogant swagger as he takes a couple of paces towards me. It is not that, though, there is something distantly familiar about what I can see of his face.

"Who are you again?"

He doesn't answer my question. "Me and my mates, we were walking in the park, talking about how horny we were just now, right," he says, "and who do I see? Only my most favourite fuck hole, innit?"

"Who are you?!" I slowly back away from him, only too aware that I am backing towards his pals, but unable to turn anywhere else. "Leave me alone!" I add with a confidence I do not feel.

"... of course I told my friends who you are, right, and now they both want to have a go at your arse."

"Leave me alone, or I call the Police!"

He laughs cynically. "Yes, call the Police, that is a great idea. You can explain to them, and to your bitch, why you had sex with me three years ago when I was fifteen. What do they call it again ... it's statutory rape, innit?!"

I suddenly dawns on me who this is. He is Davie, Felix' baby brother. Felix' baby brother, who was hung like a donkey. The baby brother who, one night, had taken me from behind and penetrated me so deeply that I had feared that his cock would exit again through my mouth.

My mouth goes dry instantly as the three boys crowd around me, grab my arms and march me off across the fields. I can't shout for help, someone might call the Police and then I would be in even bigger trouble.

Our destination turns out to be the kids' playground, in particular the climbing frames.

"You've got ten seconds to get your pants off, or I'll cut them off for you!"

"Please don't ..." I begin, but as a butterfly knife swirls and flicks open in front of my eyes, I kick off my shoes and drop my trousers. They push me forward until I am lying with my chest across a pair of parallel bars, leaving my arse and mouth at crotch level.

One of the lads uses packing tape to stick down my right, then my left arm, stretched along the horizontal steel bar. Davie kicks my legs apart, grabs an ankle and tapes it to one of the uprights a couple of inches off the ground. His mate has grabbed my other ankle and tries to reach the next vertical, spreading my legs further than they naturally go.

I groan when, with a last yank, they manage to bridge the gap and tape me spread-eagled to the frame. "Ahh! Please, Davie. Please don't do this."

"Shut up!" He punches me in the balls as a reward and, while his friends laugh, corrects me "my name is Dave, now."

"You go first, Robbie," the taller of the two new lads says, "because after me and Dave have fucked his arse, you won't touch the sides, right."

The small guy, Robbie, doesn't react to what could easily be taken for an insult, making me fear that the other two are hung heavily enough to tear my guts out. He has dropped his shorts and positioned himself between my legs.

"A bit of spit will help, mate."

"Oh, yeah, right, sure ..." A throat rasps and nervous, fumbling fingers slide up and down between my arse cheeks, one slippery digit penetrating slightly into my hole. "I've never fucked an guy before."

The shock is not as big as I expected. Despite three years of retirement, my backside hasn't forgot how to welcome an invader. When Robbie pushes his cockhead against my rim, I just seem to dissolve. He doesn't feel as small as the other guy made him out to be. He is about average probably, as far as my experience goes. If he is really by far the smallest of the three, though, that means that the others are well above average. I already know that Davie - no, remember he is called Dave - is equipped to hurt. It seems that the third guy will stretch me as well.

Once inside, the cock forces its way up my rectum.

"What do you think? Any good, arse-fucking?"

"Ah man, this is amazing," Robbie replies breathlessly.

Robbie has bottomed out inside me, and after a short period of mild discomfort, my hole has adjusted to the intrusion. But while my body had no trouble going back three years, my mind doesn't give up that easily. I feel dirty and used. I have sworn off gay sex. I have sworn off young men forcing their will and their cocks on me. But now I am back in this position, being abused and being raped, truly against my will this time. I want to cry in shame. Shout in anger.

And yet ... there is a spark of lust inside my mind. I felt it rouse as Robbie forced his way into me, and it frightened me.

"I don't want pussy ever again," the youngster inside me gasps. "Jesus, he is so tight. I could happily fuck men for the rest of my life. Ah Yes!"

Six inches of cock slam into me faster and faster. A groan and a yelp are followed by warm fluid spreading through my gut. Impregnated by the seed of a teenage boy again. I had forgot how glorious the feeling is, as if that young man is taking possession of my body, marking my arse as his territory like a dog pissing against a tree.

The lads waste no time in the switchover. Robbie has hardly pulled out of my behind, when the next candidate steps up. Looking over my shoulder I can see that the unknown guy behind me is hung in proportion to his tall, muscular built. Fully hard and ready to spear me, he must be at least nine inches long and a good hand-full around. The big dickhead is pushed against my hole and, despite having just been vacated by Robbie, I groan as it is stretched too far too fast.

"Dave," my assailant says taking some of the strain off my backside. "Shut him up, will you. There is going to be some screaming, right, and I don't want him waking up the neighbourhood."

Something is pushed into my mouth - my own shorts, I realise. A couple of laps of the wide sticky tape over my mouth and around my head effectively shut me up, a sign for the intruder to re-engage. With a hard shunt he smashes the head into my arse, and he is right, there would have been screaming if it weren't for the gag in my mouth. Three or four rams drive him into me up to the base, and before I can get my head around the pounding I am receiving, he is fucking me hard and deep.

"This, Robbie, is how you fuck an arse."

"I think you're hurting him, Frank," Robbie answers, taking a cue from the high-pitched moans that escape past my shorts.

"If you're not hurting him, you're not doing it right." Frank slams his cock even deeper than before. "When a man is getting fucked, he must know about it, mustn't he. He must feel that fuck for at least a week or two."

Helplessly, I hang from the climbing frame, listening to how they discuss my degradation, enduring the remorseless assault on my guts. So this is what it is like to be raped. Is this really what I wanted to undergo, three years ago? I can't help groaning each time Frank slams into me hard and fast. The pain is too much, my body cannot take much more of this.

At least the fury of Frank's attack is dying down. His thrusts are coming in slower and more haggard. Not much more now, hold on. Still pumping my arse, the teenager has begun filling me with spunk, a feeling almost like a balm to soothe my sore gut.

While my body relaxes in relief as the fat cock is pulled from me, I realise that my mind is not yet satisfied, wanting more, harder, bigger, deeper. Oh my God, I am yearning to be raped again. Three years after I weaned myself off Felix, I am back in the gutter of depravity ... and I am enjoying it!

And if I want bigger and deeper, I don't have to wait long.

Amazingly, I remember Dave's manhood as if it fucked me yesterday. How is that possible? I haven't thought about Dave or about his cock for three years, but now I can see it in front of me as clear as day. It was about twelve inches long and thick enough to stretch me painfully. And that was when he was still a young boy ... The rest of Dave has grown and filled out massively since, and I fear that his cock will not have been an exception.

It hasn't ...

The guy slowly pulls down his combat trousers, reveals that he isn't wearing anything underneath, and exposes his package about a foot away from my face. I stare at it with dread: it may not seem to have grown much in length - an inch or two perhaps - but to compensate for that it has grown in girth to a monstrous size. Where a few years ago it had looked like a big, but nicely proportioned schlong, his manhood now seems a bit too short to suit its width. Too short, despite being 13 or 14 inch in length!

Dave grabs his half-aroused dick at the base and smacks it heavily against the side of my face, left, right, left again.

"Remember me?" He sniggers. "I seem to recall that you were pretty handy with your mouth last time. But I doubt you will be able to take me in your throat nowadays, so I'll just have to go straight for the back entrance."

I look at the gargantuan shaft of meat in front of me and shiver. I know that that thing won't fit inside me. Not without a lot of pain, and possibly a lot of damage - if it will fit at all, that is. For the first time in my life, though, I really have no say in what is going to be forced up my arse. Dave is going to fuck me with that monster and I will have to accommodate him, come what may.

"Ten quid says that you won't be able to fit all the way up to your balls inside that cunt, Dave!"

"Yeah, and another ten from me. Hell, there is no way anyone can take that monster up his arse and live. I doubt you can get just the head in him, really."

How many times have I pretended to be raped by his brother? At least 70 or 80, I think. Some of those occasions had come pretty close to a real rape, like the time they took me inside my own home, but in the end I was always a more than happy customer. This time it is different. This time I have been taken here against my will, I am being gang raped without mercy and without a way out. Genuinely raped.

My emotions are all over the place. I thought that I had got over this fantasy, but now that it is happening again, I realise that I haven't. Not really. The sensation of being forced to have sex is something that will remain a craving for the rest of my life. And going through it, I now realise the real thing is infinitely better than any of the previous role-plays.

Dave has walked around the climbing frame and slaps my arse with his monster cock. The head lightly presses between my cheeks, forcing them apart. Fuck, he is big! Frank's onslaught has left my hole gaping and slick with cum, which may just give me at least a fighting chance to survive the initial impact.

The pressure of Dave's meat pole on my chute increases, dilating my ring. I open up easily at first, having just been broken in again after years of neglect, but it quickly becomes ever more difficult. I can't help groaning into my pants when my arse reaches its natural limit.

As if he had been waiting for that signal, the lad leans into me and with all his weight drives his head into my sphincter. I try to relax my behind and let him in, but however much I manage to open up, there seems to be more and bigger cockhead to follow. How fucking wide is this thing?! I know exactly how wide it is, I have seen it, it's about the size of a fire-extinguisher, but this it is surely. He can't be fatter than this?!

I expect him to breach my gut at any moment, but every unhurried thrust just forces my arse to open a little bit further to make way for what seems to be a sphere of man-meat the size of a basketball.

How long have I been screaming into my gag? I don't know. I don't care. I can't take him. My arse cannot stretch any more than this. He is too big.

"Jesus, Dave," Robbie says, "you're killing him, right. Better stop there, mate."

"Like hell!" It comes out like a grunt. "I've taken his cherry before, I'll take it again."

A violent shunt suddenly drives Dave's massive dickhead past my worn-out sphincter and several inches down my passage. I scream a last yelp into the tape over my mouth, Dave sighs in satisfaction, while his friends swear and whistle at the sight of my grossly distended arsehole swallowing that monster. For a moment nothing moves.

"That's it, fuck-boy," Dave says, grabbing my waist with both hands. "I knew you could take it. Now relax and enjoy the fuck of a lifetime."

Slowly, the invader in my gut pulls back, dilating my rim again. I wonder whether he will pull out entirely to experience that breakthrough again, but then the direction changes and the heavy cock starts to inch deeper and deeper into my body. Surprisingly gently, Dave coaxes his giant log into me, pulling out and sliding in just a little deeper with each push. I want to welcome it, I want to enjoy the sensation of having this Leviathan forced into me, but the sheer size of the thing is too much. My gut, tautly stretched by its enormous girth, feels like it might rupture at any moment. And he hasn't got more than a few inches into me yet.

As the minutes pass, the strokes are getting longer and the pain of the invasion permeates deeper inside my belly. How long has Dave been fucking my arse now? Quarter of an hour, half an hour? How far has he impaled me now? More importantly, how much more cock has he got to shove up my back?

Long slow thrusts drive a huge length of cock deep down into my belly, before pulling out and starting anew. The feeling is indescribable: agony, arousal, despair mixed with euphoria. My arsehole has given up its resistance and has relaxed to let the bulky intruder through without complaint. Just the sensation of my pussy, stretched to tearing by Dave's tree trunk, and forced into submission in an unadulterated assault, is enough to make the pain worthwhile. But with every shunt, another bit of my gut deep inside me screams in agony as it experiences the full width of that shaft for the first time.

"Watch and learn, Frankie. This is how you fuck a manhole. And get your wallet out, because I am going all the way!"

"Hah, you're not even halfway in yet."

Oh Jesus! Surely not, surely he can't have as much cock again to force into me? I am so full already. I need to stop him, but I am powerless, bound to the steel frame, unable to resist, unable to get away. I want to plead with him for mercy, but the tape over my mouth won't let me utter a word. He is going force more cock into me, and more cock I will have to take.

Ever so slowly, my body opens up to the massive invader. The unfeasibly long shaft of Dave's tool pistons in and out of my arsehole, many pounds of man meat forcing themselves up my butt and into my gut. The feeling becomes almost enjoyable, as Dave does not seem to penetrate any further with his latest shoves. For a while I relish in the idea that I have managed to take all of him, but I am in for a rude awakening.

" You don't seem to make any more progress, Dave," Frank taunts. "Are you stuck, by any chance? I wonder what I'll do with my ten pounds."

Frank's teasing spurs Dave into action, and he picks up the pace of his thrusts. He pulls out almost the full length of his rod, before driving it in violently. My gut seems to be torn from its place, but he doesn't penetrate any deeper. Again he rams in hard, and again, even harder. Any notion of the gentleness has disappeared from this fuck. I am screaming for mercy into my gag, but that doesn't make any impression. Neither does his assault, though, because however fiercely he smashes his cock into me, the obstruction doesn't allow him past.

"There!" Dave groans as he slams into me. "Take! That! You! Whore!" Every thrust emphasised by a grunt. Every plunge more violent than the one before.

My belly seems to be on fire, my innards are being pummelled into dust by this rock-hard Titan, but there just doesn't seem to be anymore space to accommodate him.

"Christ, Dave!" Robbie, a couple of feet away from my face, has taken out his cock and begins to whack it. "That is so fucking hot! Rape the faggot, Dave! Hard!"

Whether it is this encouragement making Dave ram even harder, or just my body giving up the last line of defence, but suddenly inside me something shifts or something gives. The monster cock shoots at least another four inches up my arse. My bowels scream and the air is smashed from my lungs by the force of the intrusion.

While I try to catch my breath, my tormentor doesn't let up. Every thrust now seems to plunge so much deeper than the one before. In four or five brutal merciless crashes, he has driven every inch or his rod into my behind. As his hips smash against my buttocks, Dave lets out a roar, "Yes! Take that, you pussy! Feel all 14 mighty inches of my cock filling up your queer arse!"

With the pressure of the penetration gone, he begins to long dick me with calmer, more deliberate strokes.

"How about that, Frank? Didn't think I could do it, did you? Look at it: my cock, the longest and fattest cock in the Northern hemisphere, buried ball-deep in this worthless cunt. Out, and all the way back in. Out, and in."

The target of his teasing has walked around to my front and cuts away the tape around my face. "It may have cost me ten quid, but it was worth every penny to see that. Hell, I'm horny."

He pulls out his nine-incher and, as he puts it on my lips, my mouth opens eagerly. Without giving me time to adjust Frank feeds his cock deep into the back of my throat, but it seems you never forget how to give blowjob. Automatically, I swallow and relax my gullet, allowing his long snake to slide down into my throat.

"Oh yes, that is good," Frank sighs as he starts to fuck my face. He picks up Dave's tempo and the two men impale my body from opposite ends, thrusting so deep that I expect that they touch somewhere in the middle.

Incredibly, while I was being distracted by Frank's intrusion down my throat, my gut has adjusted to the immense tool that Dave is driving into it and, if not exactly comfortable, it is no longer sheer agony. What has not changed is the unbelievable arousal that comes from feeling more than 8 pounds of irresistible rockhard boy meat forcing their way up my bum. And without the searing pain, it has become a lot more exciting still.

Straining against my ties, I subconsciously begin to meet Dave's thrusts, riding up against him to encourage his rod to probe further into me. It doesn't go unnoticed.

"Look at the faggot, he is bloody gagging for it. He wants you to bang him harder, mate."

I do. I do want him to fuck me harder. I want him to fuck me with every ounce of strength that he has in that beautiful muscular teenage body of his. I want him to use those tanned abs and quads to force that majestic monster cock deeper into my belly.

Oh Jesus, I am so hot and so hard.

Robbie's encouragement has had its effect on Dave. His thrusts are coming in hard and fast now and Frank, at my face, is following suit. Oh man, this is incredible. That enormous tool that frightened the shit out of me - how long ago was that, an hour? - every single inch of that enormous tool is now raping my arse. Is he really penetrating deeper than he was before? I really think he is, I think that cock is actually getting harder and larger again, and I think he is now reaching parts of my body that five minutes ago were still virginal.

The excitement is too much to bear and finally I dump a load into the sand beneath me, the best and biggest climax of my life.

By clenching my body as I cum, I set off Dave and Frank in almost perfect synchronicity. Still thrusting into my body from both ends, they begin to fill me with their warm sticky boy-juice. The salty bitter taste of man flows over my tongue. The massive pair of balls that adorn Dave's cock produce an even more impressive flood of cum at the other end. How long does it last? Perhaps only a minute, but with shot after shot filling my gut, it seems like an hour. My arsehole, that was so sore and tortured minutes ago, is now milking the supersized fuck-pole for every drop of precious, life-bringing fluid.

"Oh man, I don't think I've ever felt anything this good," Dave says, lying on my back after he has finally stopped cumming deep inside my gut. His manhood, even though it is beginning to lose some of its incredible rigidity, still fills my arse like a huge plug, sealing his seed inside me. "I really don't want to pull out."

I can only agree. I do not want him to pull out either. I want him to fuck me continuously for the rest of my life. When finally he does pull out, a surge of warm cum runs down my thighs.

Frank stuffs my pants back in my mouth and tapes it back up. Robbie picks up my trousers and checks my wallet.

"About 200 quid and a couple of credit cards."

"It will do ... You always wanted to suffer being raped, Mr Walters, and now you have. Now you'll experience the final humiliation of being found like this. Tomorrow morning we'll be sleeping innocently in our beds and you'll still be hanging here. "

As they turn around and walk off, I shout into my gag, trying to sound like a man begging to be released. For an instant my hopes rise, as Dave turns towards me.

"And when the Pigs ask you to describe the rapists, make sure they look nothing like us, 'cause if they catch me, I will tell them about what happened three years ago. Statutory rape, right?"

And with those words, I am left alone, half-naked and helplessly taped to a climbing frame; my useless widespread legs only manage to draw the attention towards my gaping cum-leaking arsehole. It will be hours before the first jogger or dog-walker finds me.

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