Taken for a Ride

By moc.liamtoh@tsac-tuo

Published on Jun 5, 2010


"00.35" the clock in the underground station reads and I hurry down the escalator. I have two minutes until the train arrives; the last train of the night. Miss it and I will have to spend about 60 pounds on a cab home. The train enters the station the very moment I run onto the platform and I get on and gratefully lower myself onto a seat in the last carriage.

I hate working nights, hurrying for the train and coming home late. But someone needs to keep an eye on the American stock market and act if things go haywire, though. Once a week, usually on Monday, that person is me and I am well paid for it, so who am I to complain?

As the train pulls away I casually glance at the few other occupants of the carriage. Sitting across from me is an elderly man, in his seventies I'd guess, and neatly but cheaply dressed. "It's a bit late for granddad to be up," I think. On the other side of the doors to my left a business woman. About thirty five, expensive light grey suit, laptop. She's taking a risk by being on the Tube at this time of the night.

It is warm in the carriage; I take off my jacket and put it in the seat next to me, remove my tie and stuff it in a pocket.

A couple of seats to my right are two slappers - I am sorry but there is no other word for them - skirts so short you can almost see their crotches, white pumps with five inch heels, low-cut tops that leave very little to the imagination. I presume they have been out on the town. The farther of the two is quite podgy; her top is straining to keep back the rolls of flesh. Her friend though - phwoar - I wouldn't mind giving her one, as they say. I am feeling horny now; I know that Sarah will be sleeping when I get home and she won't appreciate it if I wake her for some nooky. Surreptitiously, I rearrange my growing erection through my trousers.

Fifteen stations and 63 minutes to go before I can get off at the final stop.

To my right, in the far end off the carriage sits a young guy, early twenties, track suit bottoms, sleeveless white shirt, blond spiky hair and a pair of arms and shoulders that betray many hours spent in the gym. In the centre of the carriage a black guy is pacing tensely. He's big! Scarily big. Six foot four at least and built like a tank. Shaved head, camouflage trousers, combat boots, bomber jacket. All the signs of a guy you don't want to mess with. Pacing up and down, his head almost touches the ceiling with his every step. As he turns towards me, I quickly look away to avoid catching his eye.

Another fourteen stations

I close my eyes and rest my head against the back of the seat, swaying along with the rocking motions of the train.

Did I sleep? When I open my eyes, it is just past 1. The train is stationary. I look at the station's name sign and see we are at Tufnell Park, seven more stops before I am home. Another quick glance around tells me the carriage is almost empty. I close my eyes again, lean my chin on my chest and try to relax.

I don't get the chance to get back to sleep, as suddenly someone grabs my hair and pulls my head up. My eyes shoot open and I am looking straight in the light brown eyes of the blond bodybuilder. From close up I can see that he is younger than I had thought at first, seventeen? Eighteen, tops.

"It's nice and quiet in the train now," he says in a surprisingly deep voice. "Let's have some fun together."

He pushes my head down and he has pulled down his track suit bottoms to around his thighs, so that I am looking straight at what is easily the biggest boner I have ever seen in my life. It must be ten inches at least, probably more, and its circumference is in proportion to its length.

"Open up."

I want to object but my mouth has instantly gone dry. He smacks me in the side of my head and I open my mouth in a reflex. Immediately, the big head rams into the back of my mouth. I can taste the musky, salty aroma of a man on my tongue and I want to recoil, but his grip on the back of my head is too strong.

"Suck it, fag."

I try to do as I am told, but the massive meat pole pushing into the back of my throat makes me gag. I struggle to get away from the guys crotch, but another hard whack on the head shows me who's boss.

"If I feel your teeth again, you're dead."

He sounds like he means it and, helplessly stuck on the end of his cock, I am forced to stop my fight-back. The teenager increases the pressure on my head and his fat tool is forced deeper down my throat. I desperately swallow to deal with the huge lump of meat and with a shunt he drives the thick rod far into my gullet, cutting off my breath. My nose is pushed into his crotch, his big balls bounce against my chin as he languidly fucks my mouth. Every now and then he pulls out far enough to allow me to breathe before the next push thrusts the fat cock back in. I am thankful when he finally pulls out completely, but it turns out to provide a less then temporary relief. Roughly, I am dragged to my feet and turned around.

"Get on your knees on the bench," he says, and while I do as I am told, his left hand grabs my neck and pushes me face first against the train window. His other hand fumbles with my fly and in one swift movement, he yanks down my trousers and briefs.

"Please, don't," I beg him, but it doesn't make a difference; his spit-covered cock already pushes between my arse cheeks, probing sharply for the entrance. It doesn't take the guy long before he hits the jackpot.

I scream as his fat dickhead forces its way into my gut, stretching my arsehole beyond belief. The pressure doesn't let up and he slowly but relentlessly drives his cock in deeper and deeper. I shriek again in pain as my bowels feel like they get torn to shreds by the massive invasion. A slap from his free hand stings my arse.

"Shut up! You're annoying me."

I try to hold back my cries as the intruder shoves further into me, moaning to relieve the agony. His cock is so shockingly large, that it feels like it is going to burst my gut. His long dick seems to reach my throat when he finally bottoms out, his pubic bone rubbing against my arse.

"Now there, that wasn't too bad, was it?"

I can't reply.

To my astonishment my own cock has got rock hard as the young rapist penetrated me roughly from behind. Even though my arsehole feels like it may be ripped to pieces at any moment, the incredibly intense sexual stimulation of his forced entry is leaving its mark on my soul. The teenager has pulled out almost entirely, before sliding in again, slightly faster than before. I moan again, but this time the sound is drawn by more than agony alone. Before long, the massive pole is pumping in and out and the two of us grunt and pant in unison with every powerful thrust. My prostate is taking a pummelling and I can't hold back any longer.

"Ohhh, Chriiiiisst," I yell, as I shoot a load onto the train seat underneath me.

I want to collapse in exhaustion, but the youngster's hand on my neck and his ten-plus-incher buried deep inside me, keep me well on my knees. His violent fucking of my butt doesn't let up, in fact his movements are getting faster and his shunts are getting harder. Incredible as it may sound, every thrust seems to drive him even deeper than the one before. I'm sure I shouldn't enjoy this, but my manhood won't listen to reason and minutes after cumming, it rises to the occasion again.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, fag boy," my tormentor growl. He certainly seems to be enjoying himself.

"Please, let me go," I beg him again, crying. "I can't take anymore."

That is the truth. Despite the shocking eroticism of the assault, I feel like I am about to pass out every time the full length of thick hard flesh rams itself into my gut. I am sure my arse will never fully recover from this thumping and I can only hope my bowels have not been damaged permanently. And yet ... I am once again hard as steel.

The teenager has an astonishing stamina. For twenty or thirty minutes he fucks me with long hard strokes, never slowing his tempo. As the train leaves the penultimate stop, he crashes in with one last massive thrust and, holding still nuts-deep inside my body, he screams in ecstasy as he shoots load after load of teenage cum into me. As soon as I feel his juices surging into my belly, I too cum shouting.

While my supply is exhausted pretty soon, his flow doesn't seem to diminish until the train pulls into the final station. For a few more moments he plugs my well filled gut, before his slinking tool is pulled from my arse and, as he lets go off my head, I can finally collapse onto the seat. I see how he quickly hoists up his tracksuit bottoms, blows me a kiss and winks.

"Thanks, faggot"

And then he's gone.

For a minute I just lie there alone in the train carriage, unable to move, afraid to worsen the pain in my belly and arse. I know that soon the driver is going to walk past to check the train is empty, though, and I don't want to be found like this, so I force myself to my feet and pull up my trousers. I can barely walk straight as I leave the train and climb the stairs to the exit, shaking from the shock, fatigue and agony. Standing outside the station, I breathe in the cool midsummer night air and allow myself to slowly recover from the vicious rape. Fortunately, home is not far, a ten minute walk at most, even in my current condition.

As always, the park between the station and our home is abandoned at this time of the night. Crossing the playing fields, I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder. Gingerly, I turn around and face the spiky haired bodybuilder. I smile and hand him a fifty pound note from my wallet.

"Next week again, Mr Walters?"

"Tuesday night, next week, I have an early shift on Monday."


He walks away without another word.

"Oh, Felix ..."

He turns back towards me.

"Maybe you have two or three friends who want to come along next week ... I wouldn't mind being gangbanged for a change, out here in the park, perhaps."

The gorgeous lad, who has been 'assaulting' me weekly for the past year, smiles wickedly. "I'm sure my little brother wouldn't mind a pass at your arse, Mr Walters. And if you think I am well endowed, you should see what he has got down his pants ..."

Next: Chapter 2

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