Taken by Tim

By moc.oohay@ssaibteews

Published on Sep 13, 2008


My relationship with Tim had now stretched out to almost three months. He had fucked me every which way and even shared me with a friend. I often wondered what had happened. Last spring I was a 'straight', faithful, somewhat sexually conservative, married man. Now I was a fuck toy who pleaded for the cock of another man, a man who derived his sexual pleasure from having me as his male concubine. One who would perform and submit to him as however he wished. Tim and his big cock filled my thoughts most days. The night he took me he released a side of me I didn't know I had. A side that was insatiable when it came to him and his cock.

I wouldn't say I loved him per se, it wasn't like that, but I was enamored with him. Although Tim typically was stern and dominating, he did show flashes of gentleness which made me even more captivated by him. I cherished the opportunity to please him in any way he saw fit; it being sucking his cock for seemingly hours on end or as a present to a friend for a good, hard fucking. The downside was my relationship with my wife Alexa. Although things were okay at home, our alternating work schedules and my secret relationship with Tim were slowly pulling us apart. I know she felt it as well.

One Saturday afternoon Tim had planned a party to celebrate a football game his college alma mater was playing. He had a big TV outside for the game near the pool with his barbecue going, a keg of beer, margaritas, loud music and other normal party stuff. He had invited about 35 to 40 of his friends, most of whom I didn't know, as well as a few couples from around the neighborhood. The majority of people came with their wives or girlfriends and there were several kids running around the backyard.

As Alexa and I walked to Tim's house about an hour before game time, I noticed she had worn the red skirt he had previously told her he liked. It was clear she enjoyed attention from Tim and was now maybe even searching it out. When we arrived at Tim's he made sure to tell her how good she looked and they playfully flirted as I stood by silently. She teasingly placed her hand on his arm and smiled and laughed as he talked. After a few moments, Alexa excused herself to go talk to Carmen, her close friend from down the street, her hand trailing off Tim's arm as she walked away. Tim smiled devilishly as she departed. Thankfully Alexa would spend most of the day gossiping and laughing with Carmen and hopefully staying away from Tim. When Alexa was out of earshot he pulled me close, smiling as he spoke in case anyone was watching.

"I've got a few Marine buddies here; you are to do as they please. If they approach you, and they will, you go upstairs to my second bedroom. No one should have any reason to go up there other than to fuck that tight little ass of yours. Be a good little girl Ray Ray and you'll get my nice, big dick to suck on later....Understand?"

Fear and excitement immediately ran through me and I froze. Thoughts raced through my mind. Alexa is here! There's a million people here! Oh my God, we'll get caught, we'll get caught. Shit..shit... shit...

Tim quickly snapped me back to reality. "You don't and maybe I'll find someone else to be my new girl. You wouldn't want that to happen would you Ray Ray? You want someone else sucking on my big dick every night instead of you?" As he said this he turned and looked across the yard at Alexa where she and Carmen were pouring themselves margaritas.

"Be a good girl Ray Ray. If I found someone else, I wouldn't need you," and with that Tim walked away.

I nervously headed to the keg to get myself a beer and to try and calm down. After an hour or so the party was in full swing. People were laughing, eating, drinking, even a few adults splashed about with the kids in the pool. I spent some time with Alexa just in case something happened, so she wouldn't miss me later. I had, had a several beers and was beginning to feel better, but still scanning the party as to who might come up to me. Almost all of the men came with either wives or girlfriends, probably half with kids. At this time, I truly hoped no one would approach me. Just let this party end, I'll make some excuse to stay and then Tim can have me all he wants. My drunken thoughts drifted to sucking his big dick nice and hard, getting him all hot so he'd want to ram those 9 inches deep into my pretty, little ass.

While drinking my sixth beer two men walked over to me. One had recently gotten out of the pool and was wearing a wet bathing suit, both were wearing wedding rings. They were athletic looking and in good shape, as were all Tim's friends, but this black man standing in front of me was striking.

"I'm Marcus, this is Andy, come with us," he said. And that was our formal introduction. Marcus was a large, handsome, light-skinned black man who arrived at the party shortly after I did. He came with a full-figured, white women who had big hair. He was tall and muscular. Andy was less impressive, but that could have simply been because he was standing next to Marcus. Andy was a little nervous and stiff. He looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and we all walked to the house. Thank God I was a bit drunk, because I was terrified. Without a word, I followed them into the house and up the stairs. My heart was racing. There were a couple people in the kitchen, but they were heading out the door, talking about the game as they went.

We all entered the second bedroom which faced the rear of the house. The noise from below was fairly loud. If you stood at the window you'd be able to see the entire party, but it would be impossible for those on the ground to see up into the room. Marcus shut the door quietly.

"I'm first," he said to Andy.

"C'mon man, with that cock of yours you'll ruin it for me," Andy pleaded.

"You'll only get a blow job anyway, what the fuck does it matter?"

"C'mon Marcus, let me go first, Sharon's been busting my ass all week. I need this. She thinks I'm just changing into dry clothes."

"Fine, you owe me, hurry up. I'll be right outside the door. Remember, Tim doesn't want you playing with his dick at all. You're to treat him like a bitch," Marcus then slipped out leaving the door open an inch or two, leaving only me and Andy in the room. I was surprised to hear the comment about not playing with my dick, but didn't have time to think about it now.

"Tim says you're a good cocksucker. Said you'll do as I say."

Without speaking, my eyes fell to the floor as I nodded 'yes,' my eyes closing briefly. Andy lowered his shorts and pulled out his cock. It appeared small to average size and his balls were in a tight little sack from being in the pool. I fell to my knees and with one hand I cupped his balls as I took his growing cock into my mouth. He instinctively placed his hands on my head.

"Fuck yea," Andy sighed softly as I slowly sucked his hardening dick in my mouth and caressed his balls. The taste and smell of the pool's chlorine covered him.

He slowly rocked his hips, pushing and pulling his cock in and out of my wet mouth. This was now the third dick I had ever sucked and I'm sure the fourth was right outside the door. I licked and kissed his cock down to the taut ball sack where I began licking and mouthing it between my wet lips. I twisted my head to the left and took it all into my mouth, running my tongue over it entirely. Moaning as I lovingly nuzzled his balls.

""Holy shit... oh fuck. ....oh fuck...that's it...suck my balls, that's it," Andy moaned in hushed tones.

With my head turned, I could see Marcus watching us through the crack in the door, I believe he was playing with himself as he watched. I felt a rush to think he was watching me service his friend, anticipating having me for himself. I ran my tongue under Andy's cock from his sack to his cock head and quickly engulfed him. I sucked hard down to his stomach and then back again, my head twisting as I went, again and again. Andy was a good 3 inches smaller than Tim and I actually found this quite easy and enjoyable.

"Oh God...oh," Andy moaned, his hands stiffening on my head.

I heard the door shut and the lock click. With Andy's dick still in my mouth, I peered up and saw Marcus walking towards us.

"I want my piece too, this little bitch looks good," Marcus said undoing his shorts. Andy's dick moved in between the smile that came across my face after hearing Marcus say I 'looked good'.

"Marcus wait...wait...I haven't had a blow job in...fuck...almost three years...fuck ohhh, yah. He's a good...c'mon let him finish."

"Well, you're taking too long so sissy boy here is gonna have to do us both at once," Marcus decided. I knew Andy was not going to argue with him anymore.

"Take off your shorts, get on the bed," Marcus commanded.

As I rose to my feet I saw Marcus's enormous hard-on. He had to be at least 10 thick inches, my eyes widened.

I climbed onto the bed and got onto my hands and knees, my eyes fixed on Marcus's massive dick. Marcus stepped in front of Andy and presented his wavering cock to me. "Go on suck it. "

I hungrily took this giant cock into my salivating mouth tasting the salty sweat on his bulbous cockhead. Andy quickly became jealous, standing to the side with his aching dick in his hand.

"Hey Marcus, c'mon, let me finish," Andy whined as I happily sucked Marcus's veined monster. My hand wrapped around it as I sucked and licked the head like a melting ice cream cone.

"Take off his clothes, fuck his ass for Christ's sake. I KNOW Sharon ain't letting you fuck her fat ass," Marcus replied, "Look how happy he is sucking a real dick."

"No, c'mon Marcus, you know I'm not into that. I just want head."

"Oh... that's it, suck that big dick...ummph...Andy take off his shorts," Marcus instructed, his hands guiding my head as I blissfully tongued and sucked his wonderful cock. "I'll fuck his white pussy ass and you can let him suck you. Grab that lube Tim left on the bureau."

Normally, Marcus's huge dick would have made me nervous, but his command of the room, his beautiful, giant dick and the beers I drank made me want it up my ass bad. Real bad. For whatever reason, him being black made me even hotter. I naughtily shook my ass as Andy pulled down my shorts revealing my freshly shaven, smooth, cream colored behind. Although I could hear everyone yelling and cheering outside, my wife and the rest of the party might as well have been a million miles away.

"Here's the lube, you can do it yourself," Andy said trying to make any kind of stand he could against Marcus.

Marcus yanked his big cock from my wanting mouth and grabbed the lube from Andy's hand. "I ought to fuck your white ass, go ahead let him suck on that little dick of yours," snapped Marcus as he walked behind me.

Without a word Andy put his softened dick in front of me motioning for me to take it back into my mouth. I lowered my tongue underneath it and scooped it into my salivating mouth. I wasn't salivating for him though, but for the giant, black cock that was about to stretch my ass hard and deep. Marcus's voice lightened, "Look at this tight, little ass," he said as he placed his large hand on it, feeling its silky firmness. "I can see why Tim keeps you around, from back here you'd look like a chick if it wasn't for that little sack of yours hanging down." I wiggled my ass in anticipation. "You want my big, black dick in your tight, little ass don't you?"

"Uhmm hmm," I replied and nodded as I continued to suck on Andy, doing for him what his wife wouldn't.

Marcus slowly pushed a couple fingers into my now quivering asshole, the cool lube tingling my crack. "Ummmmphh ohh," I groaned into Andy's dick.

"You're a horny little, white bitch aren't you?" Marcus joked as he continued to finger fuck and play with my asshole. "Got to get you ready for a dick like this. I only get to fuck Gina's big ass when she's good and drunk, says it hurts her too much, but I don't think that's gonna be a problem with you is it? Actually, it doesn't matter if it is."

As my excitement rose I whirled my tongue around Andy's dick, giving him a good hard suck. Marcus reached his hands under my stomach and on the top of my thighs. I arched my ass high, his cock firmly pressing onto my moistened hole. He gradually pushed his horse cock in, inch by inch, my ass widening to accommodate his sizable girth. His hands were pulling me back onto him. I froze on Andy's dick, the only movement was the rocking of his hips slowly gliding him through my lips. My hands tightly gripped the sheets below me as Marcus went deeper and deeper into my burning ass.

"Ohh fuck yah, that's a good little whore, take it all," Marcus sighed as his monster cock slowly disappeared inside of me. "Ohh yah, I haven't had my cock all up in an ass like this for a long, long time. Wife bitches after a couple inches. I'm gonna enjoy this."

After a few tense moments, Marcus's hips were pressed against my ass, I had taken him all somehow. I breathing was quick, but controlled. He teasingly pulled out an inch or two then quickly pushed right back in. I let out a high, feminine squeal causing him to do it again. I was now panting around Andy's dick almost unable to accommodate him. Marcus laughed knowing he had me in the palm of his hand.

He then placed his strong hands on the sides of my hips. He easily pushed and pulled me back and forth slowly on his huge cock. My body was a bundle of nerves. I nervously sucked on Andy waiting for what I knew was to come.

"That's it,... suck my dick," Andy whispered.

Marcus was slowing increasing the pace causing me to feel more and more out of control. I was now feverishly sucking Andy's dick as Marcus's cock filled my ass, pushing into me deep and hard. Andy became the recipient of the sexual intensity this giant, black cock was giving me. I was now almost whining into Andy's dick as my body was rocked back and forth, back and forth.

Grunting deeply Marcus continued the pillaging of my ass. "Ummm...Ummm...take my big, black dick...take it," he moaned, "You're ass loves big, black dick doesn't it?...ummph"

My now frenetic sucking caused Andy to blow his load into my mouth, cum spilling out the sides, because I was unable to close it due to my panting and moaning. "Ohhhh fuck," he sighed as he came. I sucked it all down, not wanting his dick to leave my mouth, needing an outlet for my crazed, sexual energy. The moment Andy pulled his dick from my mouth, there was a knock at the door and someone had tried to open the locked door. Although I could see fear on Andy's face, Marcus never even hesitated his pounding into my ass. I wouldn't have been able to stop it even if I wanted too. Unable to control myself I let out a loud, girlish moan. "Ohhhhhh...oh...oh...oh...ohhh." Andy's eyes widened at my outburst, he tried to shush me to no avail. I continued my wailing, "uhhhh uhhhh uhhhh uhhh ohh." Marcus was almost tossing my seemingly weightless body back and forth all over his massive cock, grunting with each penetrating thrust.

"Oh...ah...I... ah, sorry, I was just looking for the bathroom," stammered the voice behind the door. It was Alexa! Here she is just a few feet away, not knowing the tryst she interrupted is her husband getting fucked hard up the ass doggy style like a dirty whore. Taking all 10, 11 inches of hard, black cock from this imposing man and never being more aroused. Two strangers were using her husband as a personal fuck toy and he wanted more. If Alexa had walked through that door I wouldn't have been able to stop, I needed that wonderful, black cock inside me, taking me and my ass at will.

"Ohhh...ohhhh fuuuck meeee," I whimpered. Marcus's cock boiled inside me and shot a huge load of hot cum deep in my shuddering ass. He quickly pulled out of me leaving me with an open, oozing asshole and shot his second load onto my back. He then grabbed my hair and spun me around to face him jerking himself, shooting a third load on my face as I tried to catch it in my gaping mouth. As globs of cum streaked down my face, Marcus yanked my head onto his big cock and shot his fourth and final load into my ravenous mouth.

I tried to suck out every last drop of this magnificent man's cum. "That's it you dirty, whore, suck my big, black dick...oh fuck ya," Marcus groaned. When he finally pulled his dick out of my mouth, I collapsed on my side and was overcome with raw emotion and tears ran down my face.

The next knock on the door was Tim. Andy slowly opened the door for him. A smile came over his face as he saw me covered with his friends' cum. His eyes panned up and down my motionless body eyeing the cum slowly flowing out of my open asshole. Here I was, a willing slut to do the taboo things for these men that their wives wouldn't do. And I loved it.

"I see you met Marcus," Tim laughed, his gaze still on my ass, " it would have been really funny if Alexa was able to open the door and see you getting fucked from all sides. She's back outside probably blabbing to Carmen that someone was fucking up here."

Tim threw me a towel, told me to clean up and get back outside. Marcus and Andy quickly headed down the stairs. When I finally made it outside again, Alexa had no idea it was me moaning behind the locked door. She was all excited though telling me how she heard a woman who, "must have been getting it real good." She and Carmen laughed before heading over to Carmen's to look at some pictures Carmen had of some vacation or something.

Shortly after the party winded down and everyone had left, I ended up face down on Tim's floor as he lay on top of my ass fucking my loose, wet hole. I was too tired to even get on all fours, but if Tim wants me, he gets me. And I hoped he'd let Marcus have me again real soon.

Thanks for all the emails and support, as well as the hot, home video clips. I'm really surprised by all the positive messages. sweetbiass@yahoo.com

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