Taken by Tim

By moc.oohay@ssaibteews

Published on Jul 10, 2008


Our neighborhood had the yearly block party in July as we do every summer. There is always lots of food, joking, and alcohol like any other block party. This year though I seemed to be especially drunk, possibly indulging in one too many tequila shots with my friends and neighbors. My wife of six years, Alexa definitely had too many, she ended up stumbling home to pass out around ten thirty. Shortly after midnight, as the party wound down and only a few drunk neighbors remained, I walked around the corner to Tim's house to use his restroom. Had I simply went home that night things would have turned out differently, but his house was just closer than mine, plain and simple.

Tim was the neighborhood stud - single, tall, good looking and athletic. He drove a black BMW, had thick, great hair and loved to flirt with the neighborhood soccer moms. He was known as a ladies' man. There is no doubt all of the neighborhood mom's secretly lusted after him, you could see it in the way they watched him and smiled at him when he drove by. I on the other hand, was a normal, I always thought straight, married guy. My sex life with Alexa had always been pretty standard I guess, but I had been alright with that. I thought.

As I stumbled into Tim's house loudly through his kitchen door I heard some commotion coming from his living room. After I had taken a few steps in, Lisa, a cute, married neighbor from down the street, quickly rushed passed me. She was disheveled and looked upset as she pushed by me. As she flew out the door she made every effort not to look at me. I had obviously walked in on something.

A moment later, Tim walked into the kitchen wearing only boxers and with an obvious hard-on. It was a rather large hard-on that quickly took my attention. I was staring at it.

"Ray, what the fuck? I was just about to fuck Lisa! What are you doing?!" Tim yelled.

"Oh, shit. I... ah...oh... sorry Tim, I just needed to take a leak," I weakly replied still in awe of the monster trying to escape from his straining boxers.

Tim could plainly see my drunken stare and smiled, "Go take a piss Ray and then meet me in the living room. It's okay, you're gonna fix this."

As I entered the living room Tim was standing there naked. On his plasma TV was some chick big tits blowing the hung leading man. Tim had a devilish smile on his face and a 9 inch cock in his hand. "Tim... wh... what are you doing?"

"Here, take this shot Ray, it's Cuervo, have a seat." He handed me the shot and motioned to a chair in the room. I quickly downed the shot and sat down. Before I could say a word Tim was standing in front of me, his cock two inches from my face.

"Suck it Ray."

"Wh...what? I... I'm married...I'm not gay," I replied in a soft, wavering voice. My eyes fixed to the huge cock waving in front of me.

"Ray, I could have been pounding Lisa right now. You fucked it up, now suck it. I know you want to." Tim leaned in slightly, his cock right in front of my lips. "C'mon Ray, suck my big cock, c'mon."

"I...I... I don't suck cock?! I'm married, you're crazy," I weakly protested.

"Ray, you are gonna suck my cock. You and I both know you want to. Do it, NOW!"

I briefly stuttered as if to protest again, then just opened my mouth and took his hard cock into my mouth. I couldn't believe what I had just done. I sucked it as deep as I could then back to his beautiful cock head. "Good boy, Ray, good boy," Tim said as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth.

I placed my hands on his hips began sucking him off, tasting every inch of his cock. My tongue whirled under his head as I sucked and savored this wonderful dick. Tim was now moving a little faster and slightly grunting as he spoke.

"Oh...that's my little bitch...oh that's it...oh Ray that's a good little bitch. I knew you'd make a good cock whore. Mmmmhm, we're gonna have some fun me and you."

Hearing Tim call me his 'little bitch' and a 'cock whore' only excited me more. My own 5 1/2 inches were hard as a rock. I couldn't believe what I was doing and couldn't believe that I loved it, as if I needed it. I released his cock then licked down his long undershaft, kissing and caressing his swelling balls. I lovingly licked his balls and briefly placed his sack in my mouth, my tongue covering every inch in my mouth. Tim's hands were now on my head, his head back as I licked my way up his shaft and took just his head into my mouth. I formed a tight seal around his head, sucked hard then lashed his it with my tongue, back and forth, sliding my tongue up the head's slit.

"Oh fuck ya," Tim moaned. "Oh shit you're a good little cock sucker, aren't you?"

I looked up and smiled as much as I could with his huge cock stuffed in my mouth. For several minutes I sucked him up and down, my head gyrating as my lips slid over his granite pecker. His hands tensed on my head and he pulled me close as he thrust his cock deep into my warm, wet mouth. I struggled to take it all, sucking hard, loving its salty taste. He groaned as he exploding a torrent of hot cum down my throat. I initially choked before I was able to gain my composure and swallow it all down. I continued sucking hard, trying to get every ounce of his trembling dick, sucking and swallowing.

"Ohh, that's my little bitch, oh fuck ya Ray. You loved it didn't you, you little slut. You're straight my ass," he laughed. "Not anymore."

My glance fell to the floor as a slight smile took my face. I did love it. I was also a bit sad it had just ended. Thoughts raced through my head that I wanted more, needed more. Tim sighed then plopped back onto the couch and he threw me a towel to wipe his cum from my chin.

"I better go," I said slowly, not really knowing what else to do and I walked out the door still in an excited shock.

I was in a daze as I walked down the empty street to my house. As I went to enter, I found Alexa had locked the door when she went home earlier. I had never even taken my key with me that day because we were just down the street. I banged on the door for a few moments and tried calling out to her, but she was apparently out cold. She did not answer the phone. The thought of going back to Tim's both scared and excited me. What am I doing? What is going on? An hour ago I was a normal, straight, married man. Now I've sucked my neighbor's monster cock and want to go back to his house for more. So I did. It was the only house where it appeared someone was up anyway I tried to rationalize.

I didn't even knock as I got to Tim's house. I just walked in and found him still sitting in the living room naked. He was slowly stroking himself watching the same porno he had left on when I left 15 - 20 minutes earlier. He smiled when he saw me.

"I knew you'd be back Ray, I just didn't know it be this soon. I could use some ass now, take off your clothes."

"No Tim, I'm locked out...I just..."

Tim sternly interrupted me as he rose from his seat, "Ray, take off your clothes."

Without another word I took off all my clothes and waited for his instruction. He walked over to me and took my semi-hard cock in his hand, slowly stroking it. My eyes were to the floor, I couldn't look him in the face. Tim had clearly taken me over. I was now his cock whore, his little bitch and we both knew it.

Tim grabbed my ass, leaned down and whispered into my ear, "Now we're gonna see if your ass is as good as your mouth."

"Tim... no...I that was a mis..."

Tim again stopped me. "Ray, I'm gonna fuck that tight little ass of yours and that's that. You gonna leave? Huh? Go, go ahead."

Tim already knew the answer, I wasn't going anywhere. I stood there, mesmerized by him, his big cock and what I had done earlier. I was terrified, not of Tim, but of what was happening, of what I was becoming.

"Get on the couch, lay on your side," Tim ordered. He then stood in front of me, huge dick pointing above me. I opened my mouth and leaned forward to take it back into my wanting mouth. Tim slapped my ass hard and pulled away.

He smiled, "You want my big cock in your mouth don't you? You want to be my little bitch. Tell me, c'mon say it. You're my little bitch now."

My eyes slowly rose to meet his as I responded softly, "Please, please sir can I have your cock. I want it."

"Sir...I like that. That's because I'm your Master now and you're my bitch. You're gonna give up that ass to me to aren't you Ray? You want me to put this big dick up your ass, don't you?"

All I could do was nod, my eyes again falling to the floor. A feeling of shame for wanting a giant cock in my mouth, wanting it to fuck my ass and fuck it HARD. I did want it, at that moment I couldn't think of anything I wanted more.

"Don't worry your gonna get it, all of it. In fact, you and I are gonna be close now, you'll be over here a lot," he said as he lowered those hard 9 down to my mouth. I quickly pulled it in my salivating mouth, my eyes closing at the rush I was receiving throughout my entire body.

"Take it slow Ray, I don't want to cum just yet," he warned, his breathing increasing slightly, as his hard cock glided through my mouth. "Oh fuck that's good Ray."

Tim placed some lube on his fingers and leaned over to my ass as I continued to suck him. His fingers reached my asshole and I jumped slightly. I had never been involved in any ass play before, none what so ever, but wow, did it feel good. He slowly pushed a finger inside causing me to moan into his cock. As he began to finger fuck me, my moaning increased and I unconsciously began to rock my hips and ass back and forth to meet his fingers. Tim was enjoying my frenzied anticipation. I was now sucking him harder, almost wildly as he continued to put his fingers in my hot ass. I had never felt so wanted sexually. Sure Alexa got horny, but Tim wanted to FUCK me! Pound me!

"Fuck me, please, please sir please. Fuck my little ass," I pleaded.

Tim smiled as he pulled his cock from my heaving mouth. My mouth remained open in case he wanted to give it back to me, I didn't want that cock away from me for more than a second. He leaned over me and using his strong arms grabbed my hips and pulled me backwards. I was now bent over the couch's arm. My face and torso were pressed into the couch as my ass was resting high in the air, my feet hanging down to the floor. I was panting in anticipation as Tim walked behind me, placing his hands on my hips. I felt the tip of his cock, playing, pushing, and nudging my asshole. His grip tightened and as he slowly pulled my hips and pushed his big cock into my once virgin ass.

I let out a brief yelp as the initial pain shot through my ass, but it was quickly overcome by pure lust. Tim started with a nice slow rhythm. I felt his hardness gliding in and out of my ass, felt his hands pushing and pulling as he took it. I began moaning as each thrust of his cock drove into me, "uhh...uhhh...uhh...ooh...oooh."

Tim was also grunting and talking as he fucked me. "Ohh, fuck Ray! Uhhh... God damn, nice tight bitch ass....ohhh...gonna be my new fuck bitch...ummph!" Tim's pace quickened, his cock was now driving deep into my moist, hot ass. I was overcome with pleasure, my moaning was now verging on a girly scream. Had anyone been listening they'd have swore Tim was fucking one of the women he regularly picked up at bars. He was now going full force, his strong hands kept a tight grip on me as my ass crashed into his hips with each long, hard thrust. Whap! Whap! Whap! Each smack of our bodies was accompanied with my wild, feminine moaning. I had long lost any inhibitions at this point begging for Tim to "fuck me", to "fuck my bitch ass."

Tim's cock swelled inside my wonderfully, aching ass before I felt his hot cum fill my insides. My moan became low and guttural as he continued vigorously pumping my bouncing ass, releasing his cum from its tight seal. His cum dripped down around my balls as he went. Tim reared back with his giant dripping cock in his hand. In seconds, he physically flipped me onto my back and sat on my chest, forcefully pushing his cock into my mouth. I gobbled up all of the cum I could in a frenzied passion. Tim pumped his dick deep into my throat and released his third load of the night into his new fuck toy. He was grinding his pubic area into my face as he spurt. He then climbed off me. I lay there exhausted , Tim's cum dripping from my mouth and asshole.

"You need to go Ray, I'll be calling you later this week for some more of that ass. When I call you, you come. I don't give a shit what you tell Alexa. She can have that little cock of yours, but as for your mouth and ass, that's mine and I'll been having it whenever I want it understood? Wipe yourself off and get out."

I quickly cleaned up and left Tim's house to walk home. I couldn't help, but think about what had happened and what was to become. A whole new world had opened up to me. For the next 16 months I was Tim's little bitch, a fuck toy for him and several of his friends. That I night I slept on my porch.

Feel free to email me, I'd love to hear any comments. - sweetbiass@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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