Taken by My Principal

By moc.liamtoh@buskcoj

Published on Sep 7, 2004


I'm a 20 year old college student, this is my first story, email me at jocksub@hotmail.com, just be sure to talk down to me like the little-dicked bitchboy I am. I'm always looking for guys in the NYC to do this kind of stuff to me

"Now Bobby, you're a Catholic, right?" Mr. Ragonese, my principal, sat at his desk like it was a throne. I watched his strong, masculine hands, which had wiry black hairs even on the fingers, rest commandingly on the surface of his desk.

"Yes sir." I answered, confused, but I didn't want to anger him.

He nodded and grunted with gruff satisfaction, then stood.

"Well I went to a Catholic school, and when I used to get in trouble, the brothers had ways of disciplining us. They really put us in our place." He walked across his desk and came up behind me. "They taught us respect." I felt those strong hands fall upon my shoulders.

"Do you understand, Bobby?" His hands clenched around my shoulders, and his aftershave assaulted my senses. "I'm going to teach you respect." I was too scared to say anything. "On your feet son." I obeyed, and one of his hands lingered collaring the nape of my neck. He was holding something in his right hand. He brought it around to my face.

"Kiss it." And I did. Too confused to do anything else, I brought my lips to its lacquered wooden surface. It was a paddle, the kind I'd only seen in fraternity-hazing scenes of college movies.

"Atta boy." Then I felt his thick forearms come around my waist and attack my belt. His arms were thick and hairy, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with a watch. With two or three strongly agile motions my belt and pants were unbuttoned, and they fell to my knees. He paused, my thick, pale, hairy legs shaking in fright and humiliation. He then pulled my boxers down, exposing my ass and manhood. My dick instinctively shrunk to between 1 or two inches the second he stripped me, as it does when I'm nervous, frightened or embarrassed. It was as if my prick was trying to escape back inside my body. I felt one of his strong, big hands seal upon one of my ass cheeks. His long, thick probing fingers seized upon the flesh. I was disgusted: this big ugly ape of a man, this man I hated so much, who now had so much power over me, was in complete control of my body. He spanked me lightly and pushed into me. Over my shoulders, his arms snaked over mine, bending my back and leaning me over the desk, my hands clasping to its edge.

I couldn't believe the son-of-a-bitch had me in this position.

"I want you to count em out for me, boy. Now I want you to remember, this is for your benefit. I'm going to put you in your place, Bobby, and you'll thank me afterwards." And with these taunting words said directly into my ears as he leaned into me, he wound up and swung the large, hard paddle against my bare ass.

"AAAAARGH!! ONE!!" The pain was immense, I had only been spanked by my Dad and my oldest brother when I was a little kid, and only with bare hand, not a paddle.

"Call me sir goddamnit. You call me sir." He answered indignantly.

"ONE SIR!!!" I repeated to his liking, still shocked with pain. Two more against my sprawled out ass. I squealed out the count.

"FOUR SIR!! FIVE SIR!!!" They kept coming, and I felt tears force their way past my clench-closed eyes.

He had given me 20 when I felt my legs were about to give way. I was propped atop my elbows, I felt any minute I would collapse across his desk. When he was done, he breathed heavily and put the paddle on the floor. His hand gave one last stern slap against my red, raw beaten ass, then left his strong, cruel hand against my backside.

He turned me against the desk, making my eyes meet his stern, crippling gaze. His facial expression was unreadable, but his deep-set, dark-circled Italian eyes bore into me. He was sweating and near-panting. He reached one hand over and touched my cheeks.

"Don't cry, Bobby. This is for your own good." With uncharacteristic tenderness he cleaned my tears and clutched my cheeks. This was so humiliating, I couldn't believe he had made me cry.

"Alright, down on your knees son." With one arm he pulled my stomach from off the desk and pushed me to the floor. I found my way to my knees and looked up at him. He was taking off his button-down shirt. He revealed a curling forest of chest hair underneath a white wife-beater undershirt. He took that off to, exposing a large but hairy, graying chest with a golden crucifix on a chain falling between his big nipples like the guido-fuck he was. His big hands then worked at his belt buckle. In a moment, he was nude before me, his posture and the look in his eyes communicating basic animal dominance.

I looked up at him. 10 minutes ago I would have been horrified by the sight of his body. You could tell he had muscles at one point, and I knew he played football in college, but they had given way to a good amount of flab. He was pale as a fish, and his body was covered in tufts of black and graying hair, his chest, stomach, arms, even his back and shoulders. He had a considerable paunch of pallid , hairy fat too, and was older than my dad. But as he stood there, towering over me, I wanted to suck his dick. Only for a second, then disgust overtook my senses. I didn't want to suck his cock- it was huge and repulsive. Rather, I felt that it was right that I should have that foul white-snake in my mouth. I was naked before him, I was his. He had conquered me.

His cock was hideous. Long and fat, and a sickly white, emerging from a huge forest of curly graying pubic hair that was far thicker and larger than my pubic bush. His dick was clearly much larger than mine, and he said it with a grin as he looked from my cowering penis to his thickening prick. I lowered my head, ashamed that this man was in so many ways superior to me. He had truly conquered me, I was his younger, naked prey at his feet, a victim to his strength, having been won. Below his enormous penis, he had an enormous set of nuts. They were pendulous and strong-seeming, like they could be made out of marble or something, and they dangled practically to his mid-thigh in a red, muscly sac. His scrotum had a black, curly beard of his pubic hair, between his thick, hairy thighs. It was as if all of his manhood emanated from these two sacred orbs, but what was I doing? I was thinking of another dude's junk with reverence, meanwhile forced naked on my knees like some fucking prison bitch.

His right hand clasped the back of my head, pushing my face into his groin. I was horrified. His prick was truly scary, this big, ever-growing boner of this bastard old man who had somehow taken control of me. He pulled my head into his crotch and I closed my eyes as his disgusting hard-on smeared against my entire face. This was truly the most degrading thing a man could be made to suffer by another man. What more the principal had to teach me, he seemed to chuckle to himself as he said.

"Open those big Irish lips of yours, Bobby-boy." I obliged and felt the red flesh of his veiny cock meet my gums and tongue. He gripped my head roughly and positioned his cock to the gateway of my lips. I wanted to disappear

"Here it comes. A big Italian sausage for you, you little faggot." And he pumped his wide, rhino hips into my face, his dick jamming past my jaw. My eyes welled up with tears again, as he drove it down my throat. I thought I was going to throw up.

"Oh yeah, make it feel good for Daddy." He jammed his cock all the way to the base of my throat, pulled back, and slammed it right back in. Did he just call himself Daddy? Does he fucking think he's my dad, doing this to me? I couldn't believe he had said a thing like that. I opened my clenched-shut eyes and saw his enormous pubic bush. It was so thick and encompassing, thick curling black and gray hair I looked up and it covered his belly button, obscuring his pectorals, his huge red nipples showing through underneath the forest, and that stupid cross dangling.

"That's right cocksucker. Just let it happen, you bitch." It was jammed down my esophagus, choking me.

"Open up wide for me, boy. Atta boy." Both of his hands grasped my hair and head deeper into his face. I felt his big nuts slap against my chin and neck again and again. I didn't open my eyes cause I felt his wiry pubes grinding against my eyelids. Then, as he seemed to really get into it, he pulled out.

I looked up at his enormous cock after he had wrenched it from my throat. It was glistening with my saliva. I couldn't believe another man's dick had been in my mouth, and yet, the way it was so thick and long and powerful a part of me felt it fitting that so proud a dick would make a cocksucker of me. It was huge, thick as a zuchini, covered in disgusting blue veins and a burnt red. It seemed to peak all the way to past his belly button.

"Up, up. You're going to really give it up to Daddy in just a moment, boy.

Your fucking Mick ass is mine." He dragged me to my feet and pushed me face down into the desk. My ass was bent in the air obscenely. I shuddered in terror as his strong, large hand fell upon my left buttocks. I knew what was going to happen next, I just couldn't believe it.

Next: Chapter 2

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