Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 9, 2022


So, we're going to jump forward a month from that "sandwich" of Jase, tok and Roberto. There's much that happened, and we'll summarize it, and then go back and describe how everyone got there. We open with tok spread eagled, face up, naked, and tied down to a massage table. What's different is that his chastity cage is off (for the time being), and the means by which he's tied down: the neckties Sir Roberto made him wear bind his wrists and his ankles, which are spread far apart, so that it's very easy for Jase to get his hands between tok's legs.

That's right: Jase. tok belongs to Jase now. Unlike Sir Roberto, Master Jase (as he prefers to be called), finds neckties to be good for one thing: the thing he's using them for right now. The silk doesn't leave a ligature mark, it's strong and "stretchy" and he had no use for them. rod isn't there. rod belongs to Sir Roberto now. As Master Jase described it when it happened: "it was as simple as trading cars." He would laugh. "After all, Rob and I both ride them so..."

What had happened? Well, you know from prior stories about how tok was totally smitten with Master Jase. That feeling was mutual. rod certainly satisfied Master Jase's needs, but tok : to him, tok was like a stallion which had not been broken completely. He thought that tok was probably very compliant, and you could find no issue with his subservience, but his mind... AH, that mind. He knew there was resistance there (he was right), and for all tok said about "slaves having no rights" and " a sub slave gets no opinion," he had them. He had never broken a sub with that kind of powerful mindset. It would be a challenge. Especially given the fine body and tight ass tok had. For tok, after that night he couldn't get Master Jase out of his mind. He'd meet with him for his personal training lesson, which would drive him crazy, sexually. He never left a lesson less than desperate to get out of the cage and to release his balls. Sir Roberto saw the desperation, and just gloated. During their afternoon fucking sessions, he'd added an element: he took a small paint brush, and would run it over tok's balls until he moaned from being uncomfortable from the stimulation. It just made Sir Roberto harder, and thicker, and his fucking became more and more strenuous. There was more than one day when tok went to work feeling like he didn't want to sit that day.

It was in the middle of one fuck session that tok knew what was happening, and so did Sir Roberto. tok normally kept his eyes open during sex. He enjoyed seeing the face, the smile, Sir Roberto made while he made sure tok knew his place. That night, he closed his eyes: and thought of Master Jase. That threesome did not involve tok getting pounded by Master Jase, so he just imagined it. He may have actually even smiled during the fucking. After Sir Roberto had finished, he looked at tok. "Your eyes were closed, bitch. Why was that?" tok hadn't even realized it, and he knew he couldn't tell Sir Roberto about what he was thinking. "Oh, sorry Sir. I didn't even realize it. I'm afraid I took my work home. I'm thinking through a problem." "Hmmm." Sir Roberto answered. "I'll give you some additional problems to think about if you don't focus tok: I wonder if you'd like to carry ben wa balls around with you all day. " He grinned. "Might help you focus on the problem." "Yes sir. It very well might. I'm so sorry. I really am. " Sir Roberto let it pass, but then it happened a second time, and a third time. Again, he was waiting to see what this was. When he found out, he was surprised but in restrospect realized he shouldn't have. It was about ten days after the threesome. It was a night when tok would be released and allowed to cum: AFTER Sir Roberto deposited his load. He was enjoying this fuck. tok seemed especially responsive, he was working his glutes to stimulate his Master more than usual and then... Sir Roberto came to climax. As he did, tok forgot himself and yelled. "FUCK YEAH. FUCK ME SIR JASE. FUCK ME." Sir Roberto was smiling as tok tried to cover. "I'm... I'm sorry Sir. I don't know where that came from. " "Still thinking about that threesome, aren't you, tokster?" "Gulp. yes sir. I hadn't had one in a long time." "They can be fun. So can jerking off. You wanna cum, tok?" "Only if it pleases you Sir." "It would please me. Let's get you set up." tok DID close his eyes during masturbation and.. his thoughts went back to Master Jase right away. Sir Roberto commented when he was done, that tok had never pitched his hips up so far before. "Look at the mess you made. You're gonna have to do a REAL good job washing up." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. Thank you." A shower, and a relocking of the cage followed, and things went back to "normal". The new clothes Sir Roberto had tok wear were extremely form fitting, and the occasional glances at tok's biceps, his chest, his ass, became regular things, as did the anonymous ass grabs. One afternoon, he was ambushed by three of his co-workers in the bathroom. tok might have been able to fight them, but as soon as one guy got tok's arms pinned, another one began tracing circles on his nipples through the tight shirt. Nipple play drained tok's strength immediately, and he could struggle, but it was ineffective. "GOD do I miss the days of your old Master. He let us have you whenever he wanted. And that ass... that ass just BEGS to get taken." They pushed tok down over a sink, and as one man held his wrists tightly, the other guys fondled tok's cheeks. They had pulled down his pants and were running their fingers up and down tok's crack, squeezing the flesh and just teasing him. "We gotta see about getting back in there. Work ain't the same without the office cum dump. " tok found himself pushed down on his knees in the bathroom, and forced to blow each of the three guys. At the end, one of them laughed. "At least Sir Roberto allows you a little fun." As they left, tok thought about that: Sir Roberto was VERY possessive, and tok didn't think he'd miss being used by other guys. He was wrong. Anytime the other guys at work would fool around with him, teasing him, fucking his face, he missed the days when he could yell something like "Hey! Let's see how many loads I can hold!" and then try. This was NOT something Sir Roberto would permit. And he belonged to Sir Roberto. Until he didn't.

It was a Friday afternoon/early evening when it happened. He was working out with Master Jase, who had been exceptionally brutal that day. tok couldn't do anything right: his squats weren't low enough, he didn't hold weights the right way, his planks were sloppy, and the criticism just rained down. He saw Jase look at his watch. "I think you've aggravated me enough today, tok. Go shower, and dress, and get back out here." "Yes sir, " tok wheezed as he tried to catch his breath. He knew he'd be in trouble at home, because Jase had kept him a half hour later than usual, and tok hadn't had the chance to text Sir Roberto. He didn't want to make it worse, so he hurried. When he dressed, he grabbed his necktie and shoved it in his pocket. He always had trouble getting them on, and he just didn't want to take up more time . "Here I am Sir," tok reported to robert as soon as he was ready. His maroon shirt fit him tightly, as did his black pants. "Fine specimen. A challenge," Jase thought, and then glared at tok. "GET ON YOUR KNEES." tok thought Jase was demanding a blow job. "Sir I.." "I SAID GET ON YOUR KNEES, SLAVE." tok tried to get his composure. "Yes sir." He did what he was told. "PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR BACK." tok did that, and then Jase smiled, came over and pulled the necktie out from under tok's collars. He bent down and tok felt the silk wrap around his wrists. "Sir I..." "SHUT UP. " tok's eyes widened when he saw what Jase had in his hand: it was one of his collars. One that Sir Roberto used on him when he took him out to leather parties or other BDSM events. "HOLD UP YOUR HEAD." Confused, tok did what he was told: Jase was a DOM and subs listened to DOMS. "Click" . The collar closed on his neck. "As of today, tok, you belong to me. Sir Roberto and I arranged a trade. As I speak, rod is probably unpacking his shit at Sir Roberto's. YOU will be coming with me." He smiled. "I don't live as luxuriously as Sir Roberto does, but that's the way things go." He put his fingers through one of the loops of the collar and pulled tok to his feet. "You'll sit down over there while I pull on some clothes to get out of here. I can't wait to break in that ass."

As Jase was getting ready to leave, tok went through a series of thoughts. He'd miss the comforts of Sir Roberto's home, and the steady discipline. He liked the rules, but... he didn't feel anything special for him. And like all of his DOMS, he had a repertoire of things he repeated. The one thing that tok openly disliked was complacency. He didn't want to become, as he put it a "fat old submissive wife to one man." He didn't know how things would be with Jase, but he knew the man had no problem trading rod to other guys, or having the three way. Maybe he was a DOM who also allowed his sub to exhibit slut qualities? That thought was getting tok hard.

Master Jase (he preferred Master to Sir), was not as well off as Sir Roberto was, but he lived comfortably. His home was smaller, and he didn't have a housekeeper: housekeeping jobs were done by his sub. What he DID have was a small, second bedroom which he used for sex play. It was also tok's bedroom when Master Jase wanted to sleep alone. On those nights, Master Jase would put a restraint around tok's ankle, at the end of a chain that was long enough to let tok use the bathroom but not to leave the general area of the bedroom. As with Sir Roberto, tok slept naked. He remained naked until Master Jase decided what he would wear.

A big difference between the two DOMS was that Master Jase did not believe in chastity cages, and he DID believe in underwear: thongs. "A proper sub knows that he has no permission to cum unless it's given to him. And I will check your thong every night to see if any liquid has escaped. That will determine 'other' forms of punishment. Am I clear?" was what he asked tok that first night.

"yes sir. Very clear. I understand." Master Jase smiled. He knew it was a good way of imposing discipline on tok: Sir Roberto had told him that tok had trouble keeping his hands away from his cock, even when he WAS caged. The first time that tok allowed anything to leak from his dick, the punishment was the hitachi: twenty minutes. He came during the stimulation of his balls and Master Jase extended it to forty minutes. There was also the "weight test." The little bedroom had restraints installed in the wall. Master Jase would chain tok to the wall, and then put a heavy weight clamp on each nipple. Every five minutes, he'd add more weight until tok was begging for mercy. Sometimes, he'd add punishment by edging tok during the game. The game always ended with Master Jase putting tok on the platform that served as his bed, and fucking him . The fucking was very different from the fucking with Sir Roberto. Master Jase had a much more standard dick: long, thick and penetrating. He took his time: tok got used to seeing his smiling face after he got one or two inches into his ass, and listened to tok moaning, begging for more. tok would get it: eventually. And when he did, Master Jase seemed to have enormous stamina. tok looked back with mixed feelings about one night when it took Master Jase 40 minutes to finally have an erection. During that time, Master Jase worked his nipples, or pinned his wrists down tight, or scruffed tok's neck. The scruffing was rough. tok took ribbing from his colleagues from the marks Master Jase left.

"So I guess now that Roberto is out of the picture your ass is available again, huh tok?" One of them asked, smiling. tok wasn't sure. And he wasn't sure if he wanted multiple dicks in him again. That choice was taken away from him, as the one guy in his team who was a match for him strength wise grabbed him from behind, and then dragged tok to the men's room. That day, four of them took his ass.

"HEY LOOK. THE BITCH IS SMILING!" one of the guys yelled, as the third one fucked tok. It was true. This was the first gang bank tok had experienced in a while, and he didn't really have to worry about getting punished for it (at least not at home: if he were too sore to do proper squats, Master Jase would let him have it at the gym). tok dripped, he felt used and he felt... well, good. By the time he got to the gym, though, he was so sore that he begged off squats. Jase stared into him.

"Sore ass? Giving it up at work again?" tok blushed. He hadn't gotten Master Jase's permission. "yes sir," he barely whispered. Master Jase just smiled. "GOOD. You'll be ready for me when we get home. Now I don't give a shit about how sore you are. GET EM DONE." "yes sir," tok grunted, and got back into position. The rest of the workout was brutal. Master Jase pushed up the chest press weights and added five more pull ups. During the pull ups, he made tok take off his tank top, and if someone looked, they could see the ring in his nipple. Some did, and snickered. Master Jase was snickering at the bulge in his shorts. "Seems no one saw fit to give you relief today, did they." As he struggled to pull up for the 10th time, a "no sir," came out of tok. "Ha ha. Maybe it's time for a milking tonight. We'll see. "

That's how we got to where this installment opened: after Master Jase got tok undressed, and tied to the table, he picked up his small paint brush - the one he used to tease tok's balls - and began running it slowly up and down the man's testicles. tok began to thrash around. It tickled but it also stimulated. He was already hard from the fucking he took at work, and now... with Master Jase standing there, naked, smiling, and the brush going back and forth. An animal like yell came out of him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH," years of subservience had taught tok NOT to ask to cum. Master Jase would decide if he could and when he could. For now, he just moaned. His moans got louder as Master Jase tugged on the nipple ring and whispered "BITCH" to tok. Then he put down the brush, and he pushed tok's ass cheeks up a little further, just enough for him to shove his cock into tok's well lubed ass. "This one, bottom, is your MASTER'S cock: the one that owns you now. " He rammed in harder than any of the guys at work did. He had wanted tok since the first time he had seen him and now... he had him. Would he keep him? It was hard to say. Master Jase DID want tok to be happy, but he was thinking that the only way he would be, was if he belonged to MEN, not a MAN. The sounds coming out of tok showed he liked what Master Jase was doing. Master Jase's long cock was reaching points in tok that hadn't been reached in a while. The silk bindings were more comfortable than any he had felt in a while either. And then of course, there was Master Jase himself: built similar to Sir Roberto, but rougher around the edges. Master Jase's discipline was NOT subtle: it was almost brutal. It was exactly what tok needed. "Is this where I belong?" he was asking himself. "Is this where I'll spend the rest of my life? Owned by Master Jase?" That thought made him even harder, and then when Master Jase pushed, one more time, before he shot a load bigger than any of tok's colleagues, both of them thought only of the moment . When he was done, Master Jase expertly took tok's dick in his hand and squeezed. It was all it took. A HOWL came out of tok's mouth and he came for the first time in a long time. "Thank you Sir. Thank you Master. THANK YOU" he heaved out as the jizz covered him. Master Jase smiled. "Once I get you untied, get dinner ready. You can clean up afterwards. "Yes sir," tok answered. He hoped the meal he made was acceptable. That night, Master Jase took tok to bed. As he wrapped his body around his bottom, tok squirmed a little and Master Jase pulled the ring in his nipple, HARD. "New life for you, studbitch. Brand new one." "yes sir," said tok, agreeing and disagreeing, but not expressing disagreement with his Master.

Next: Chapter 9

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