Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 1, 2022


"You'll be wearing these. With the zipper opened so all can see your hardware. Then a white shirt with a leather black necktie. " Sir Roberto leered as he handed tok the assless leather chaps. "The ultimate serving wench."

Sir Roberto was holding his first BDSM party since he had taken tok, and tok was nervous as well as anxious: Jase was one of the guests. Sir Roberto had been hinting that Master Jase might be spending the night or at least staying when the party was over, and maybe....

tok tried to push the thought out of his head, even though he knew he couldn't. Sir Roberto was, without question, the most dominant Master tok had experienced since he had become an adult sub. Unlike the other DOMS and Masters in his life, Sir Roberto never once asked if tok liked something, if something was ok with him, etc. He simply expected tok to do what he was told, to be ready for sex when he wanted it, all the things tok had expected in a DOM. The one exception had been when Sir Roberto had gotten tok his piercing. He followed the technician's orders, and left tok's right nipple alone for the required five days, even though he wanted to torture it so badly. He made up for it after the five days, and there was rarely a day now when tok's right nipple wasn't sore.

He still felt sore there after the session he had had with Sir Roberto two nights before. It had been "shaving Sunday" as Sir called it, and tok had been tied down at the wrists and his cage removed. Sir Roberto believed that tok's whole body needed to be shaved every week, and without fail, on Sunday afternoon, he did so, followed by slamming tok's ass with his cock. The Sunday before, after Sir Roberto had dispatched what little hair was in tok's pits, and had taken an especially long time shaving tok's almost completely smooth torso, he had looked at tok's dick, stiff from its week of confinement, and sneered, as he cupped tok's balls. "I bet you want to cum, don't you slaveboi?" tok DID, but he knew his place. "It's my Master's decision whether I cum or not Sir." Sir Roberto laughed, and squeezed tok's balls. "Have I REALLY broken you that completely tok? No desire of your own?" He twisted tok's balls, and after tok winced, he answered. "I didn't say that Sir. I just meant I have no opinion in this matter." "I see. " He picked up the razor and begin his slow removal of the sprouting hairs on tok's pubes. Each stroke made tok moan a little more. "Sure sounds like you want release, stud." tok just moaned, and his body twisted. "If you cum, even without saying you want to, it counts. In fact, I'll have to punish you because then you would have cum without permission. " More squirming and more moaning followed. "I understand Sir. A proper sub doesn't ask for permission. He does what he's told." The technician had told Sir Roberto and tok that the piercing would make tok's nipple more sensitive. He was right. Sir Roberto very, VERY lightly pinched the very tip of the tit, before he ran his short beard hairs over the spot, then licking it and then.. the part that tok feared the most- closed his teeth on it in what could have been a "mouse bite," if it didn't engage every single one of tok's nerves. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he moaned. OH GOD. " His balls were in Sir Roberto's hand, and his nipple was in his Master's mouth. He hadn't shot a load in a week, and .. "PLEASE SIR MAY I CUM?" "I'm afraid you should have asked when you had the chance, tok. NO." tok tried, desperately to control what he knew was going to be inevitable. He couldn't. Spume shot everywhere, with tok almost crying

"SORRY SIR I COULDN'T HELP IT." He saw the look on Sir Roberto's face. "You'll have to learn. You realize that what just happened is unacceptable." "I DO SIR. I'M SORRY. I'LL DO THE BEST I CAN TO NOT DO IT AGAIN." "There will be a punishment. I'll have to decide what that is. For now though... " Sir Roberto pushed up tok's ankles and took his ass. That thick cock had a harder time penetrating now that tok had shot a load, and he wasn't pleased bout that. "You NEVER shoot, even when you have permission, before the DOM does. You should know that tok." "I DO SIR. AGAIN I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY." Sir Roberto already had the punishment for the ejaculation set in his mind, but for now, he needed to release his own load. He pushed into tok, and tok groaned audibly from the pain of the penetration. He gritted his teeth. He thought Sir Roberto was being deliberately harsh , and he was right. Sir Roberto's climax was more of a relief than it usually was. He got up and came back with two clamps. Each had a two ounce weight attached to it. "You have more weekend house cleaning chores to do. You'll do them wearing these. " "Yes sir. I understand. " "And I'm changing the weight on your stretcher. Doubling it. "Yes sir. " "You'll clean up yourself when the apartment has been cleaned to my satisfaction. And every task that is not, will mean an extra half hour with the weights, augmented by additional weight. " The apartment was large enough and Sir Roberto's standards were so high that it took about two and a half hours to finish. tok might have been able to move faster if the weights hadn't dragged him down, but they did. "I believe I'm finished Sir," tok reported to Sir Roberto's study, where he was reading a pornographic novel. "Well let's see. First..." He pulled up a collar with a lead. "Let's go. I will be doing inspection. "WHERE DO YOUR HANDS GO?" "Behind my back Sir" Sir Roberto found enough imperfections to mean another two hours of the weights, to which he added small, but noticeable weight every half hour.

At the end, he sent tok to clean up, and then he locked the cage back on tok. "Keep in mind, sub, that I was seriously considering making you wear the weights to your workout tomorrow. Jase would make sure that the feature was incorporated into your workout. "Understood Sir." tok hoped that Sir Roberto didn't notice how his cock, even so soon after ejaculation, jumped at the mention of Jase's name. "Who am I kidding? " tok thought. "Sir Roberto doesn't miss anything." He didn't, and he hadn't missed that either.

Sir Roberto's domination wasn't just psychological. That was something tok was used to. He could say, with honesty, that he never subbed for anyone who wasn't completely "invested" in the psychology of domination. His DOMS all lived their philosophies. tok, as a sub, and totally a sub, was drawn to these total DOMS the way a moth was drawn to flame. The physical aspect of domination didn't matter: until Sir Roberto was in charge. tok was stronger than each of his earlier DOMS, and both parties knew it. They would put it aside, because the psychology of who had power and who didn't was so strong, physical strength hadn't mattered. But now... Sir Roberto was stronger than tok. They both knew it too, although tok had tested it, by fighting back once or twice when Sir Roberto pinned him down rather than tying him down. tok had tried to disguise what he was doing, but the slight smile on Sir's face showed he understood. And both times, tok had felt like he were pushing against a metal wall. He made no progress. But the time that "triggered" his sense of being physically dominated, and made it important to him, was one day when Sir Roberto decided that he needed to prove it to tok. He did it deceptively: he told tok that he'd be late at the office, and he left instructions with tok for what to do until he got back home. When tok got home that night, after he had entered the apartment and put down his case, someone grabbed him from behind, in a tight bear hug. tok thought there was a burglar in the house, and he fought the grip. "HEY. LET ME THE FUCK GO!" He pushed, fully expecting he'd break the hold. He didn't. The guy grabbed his arms and pinned them behind him. Only after Sir began pushing his arms up his back did he speak. He had his mouth over tok's ear: "No matter HOW LONG you work out with Jase, no matter HOW STRONG you get, I'll be stronger than you. I DECIDE everything. GOT IT SUB?" tok would have agreed anyway, but the pain... "yes sir. You win. You're the alpha." And this was after a few weeks training with Jase, and with the benefits of that training showing more and more. It was a beaten tok that got pushed into bed and fucked that early evening, and a beaten tok who heard Sir Roberto whisper "You're my BITCH. You'll ALWAYS be my BITCH" into his ear, and a beaten tok who's dick banged against his cage. It was that night that tok realized he had missed the physical domination in his relationships. Now he had it. And the only man he had met besides Sir Roberto whom he thought , no, he knew, could take him, was Jase. tok could find himself falling into love with his situation, if not with Sir Roberto. This was a level of domination he had never experienced. But he also knew: he was not a sub who "settled down." Truth was, he was a bit of a manipulator: tok had been able to create situations in the past where his DOM was at least willing to part ways. Sir Roberto had not been tricked by these. He had just smiled and said something along the lines of "no dice, bottom whore. IF you leave, it's MY decision, NOT YOURS." tok liked and said "Sir, I wasn't thinking about leaving. Of course it's your decision." Sir Roberto just smiled. tok fell asleep more and more nights thinking about his trainer. He had learned that Jase had a sub of his own: a guy about as big as tok. His name was rod. rod had been a straight porn actor. Jase had met him at a party one night, where rod was with his co-star of a new movie. Jase had taken a look at him and said, with the woman right there: "before the week is over, you're gonna be sucking my dick." He was right. It took two nights. Now, rod was his manbitch. tok had seen photos, including one where Sir Roberto and Jase were tag teaming rod. rod was a handsome guy, with a good endowment. He looked like a top. He probably would be, with most guys. "I'd give it up for him. I think," tok thought. He'd have to push that thought away. Jase was "lending" rod to Sir for his party. rod and tok would be wearing identical outfits, and serving the guests. Jase would be there too. Was rod staying at the end? That was something tok didn't know, and he didn't DARE ask Sir Roberto.

"tok, come bring rod back to the changing room." Late Saturday afternoon, the day of the party. tok had been organizing the coat and clothes check area when Sir Roberto called out. When he went into the main room, his jaw dropped. rod was GORGEOUS! He looked like someone who had come off of the set of a Western movie: the lined face, the moustache, a work shirt, faded jeans. The difference was that the shirt and jeans fit him like a glove, and tok could see through the three opened buttons on rod's shirt that he was smooth. He also had a small earring in his right ear with what looked like a diamond chip, and he stood there with his hands behind his back. "He's one fucking hot man," tok thought. He came up to them. "Good afternoon Sir Jase." Jase smiled at him. For now, Sir Roberto had tok wearing a light colored pair of pants that showed the outline of every piece of "cock jewelry" he wore, and a tight fitting, aqua polo that showed the outline of his nipple ring. He looked at Sir Roberto who said "go ahead." Jase smiled, and ran his thumbs over tok's nipples. He smiled even more when tok moaned. "I can't do this to you at the gym but now..... " He turned to Sir Roberto. "You have NO IDEA how much I wanna tell him to get on his knees and get to work." Sir laughed. "There will be time/there will be time" as the poem goes. You want a drink while these two get changed? "Sure. We can work out details. rod, take your bag with you. No tomfoolery in that room." Sir Jase turned to Roberto and laughed. "I've never had to separate two locked cocks that get entangled, have you?" Roberto laughed. "I haven't, but can you imagine the fun with the punishment afterward?"

tok led rod to the bedroom they were using to change. He lowered his voice. "I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you're fucking hot." rod smiled. "Thank you. I used to get told that A LOT. When we go out I do, too, but Sir Jase: he's not big on compliments. " He smiled. "He's just... big." tok looked up. "I thought he was from his gym shorts... long?" Then he blushed. He shouldn't be asking questions like this. rod laughed. "Yeah, he says that he and Sir Roberto are the opposite ends of the dick stick. Sir Jase is long and thin, where Sir Roberto is short and fat. It's true." He smiled. "I had them both. One at a time, in my mouth. Sir Jase nearly gagged me, and Sir Roberto nearly tore my lips apart." Then he smiled again. "And I understand that before tonight is over, you'll be in the none too exclusive club of guys who've sucked them both. "GIRLS! GET DRESSED. GUESTS ARRIVE SOON." "YES SIR!" tok and rod yelled back and then got to dressing. While they dressed, rod talked about how he had met Jase. The story about the party was true. So was the part about Jase telling rod that he'd be sucking Jase before the night was over. And he was. But what Sir Roberto hadn't told tok was that he sucked Sir Jase in front of his date that night. "I was mortified. Absolutely mortified. She was into it. " He paused. And then three nights later I called and asked if I could have his cock again. That's how it started. " "How long?" tok asked. "Going on three years. Right about the time that trouble started between Sir Roberto and that twink pierre. " "I don't know a lot about that." rod smiled. "Might be better that way. You might have to hunt down pierre if you know more. He's the reason Sir Roberto got so strict: he gave pierre a lot of space and... well. "HURRY UP BITCHES." "Actually, I may thank him," tok murmured as they finished up. "He really IS hot" tok thought as he saw rod walking out, almost swaggering, with his cock on display, his muscular cheeks showing through his chaps. "Over here tok. You need one accessory." "Yes sir," tok answered Sir Roberto, and walked over so that Sir could put a leather collar around his neck. "OK, trays of drinks in the kitchen. Get to work. Elevator's coming up.

tok couldn't help himself: he tried to count how many times he was groped as compared to rod. He couldn't keep up. When they had a minute before serving more drinks, he learned from rod that Sir Jase took one night a week off from the relationship and fucked around. On those nights, he lent rod to a friend. That's what was happening tonight. Sir Jase would fuck around with Sir Roberto and tok, and rod was going home with a ginger top with a beard named Seamus. "I heard he's pretty brutal, so..." rod smiled. "Sometimes I think Sir Jase isn't brutal enough. I like a good beating." tok felt his cock get hard. He wouldn't have minded seeing rod get abused.

At one point that night, tok felt Sir Roberto pull the ring on the back of his collar and then surround his middle with his arm. He was talking to a friend who had asked if Roberto considered tok his property. "Let's have tok answer that. Who do you belong to tok?" "You Sir," he answered. tok didn't realize he had put his hands on Sir Roberto's arm. Why? Somehow, with all these horny tops around, he felt safe. "You get him ringed to show that?" "NAH. I got him ringed because it does... THIS to him." Sir Roberto began running his thumb over tok's nipple and tok, scared but aroused from all the testosterone around him, began to moan. When Sir Roberto licked his ear... that was it... "OH SIR........................." he trailed off in a purr. "He give you any trouble? Rumor is, that tok is high maintenance." Sir Roberto laughed. "He tries to give trouble. I know how to handle him." tok felt the hard cock pressing against his rear and he realized: yes, Sir Roberto was like a good chess player. Whenever tok thought to do something, he found he was blocked by something Sir Roberto had already done. IF he were ever going to move onto another relationship, he didn't know how he would. He felt Sir Roberto pulling down on the back of his hair. "SUCK MY COCK. IN FRONT OF THIS GROUP." "Uh, yes sir. Let me put the tray down, please." "ON THE FLOOR. GET MOVING." "Yes sir," Sir Jase saw it and laughed. "Don't just stand there, bitch boy. Follow the leader." The other guests made a circle around the two hunky slaves, working on their even hunkier masters. tok didn't know what rod was thinking, but he was in bliss. All these DOMS sort of watching him "audition," and he was enjoying it too. Sir Roberto pulled him off before he came. "Enough! I'm saving it for your ass. " "WOOOOOOOOOOOOO we get to see that?" Someone asked, and Sir Roberto said no. "Private shows only boys. Sorry. And speaking of, time to clean up."

Seamus hung around until rod and tok finished up with picking up the dirty glasses, the canape platters, etc. "You can wash the dishes tonight. Time to get to work." Sir Jase handed a leash to Seamus. "Anything you want. ANYTHING. Including his ass." Seamus smiled. "I got a big dildo. Gonna use that." rod looked at tok. "See ya soon, I hope," and Sir Jase and Sir Roberto looked at each other. They were already planning. "tok, strip. Nothing. Then get into the bedroom." "Yes sir," tok started removing what he was wearing. "You know, I wanted to display him in a thong, but... this was better I think." "Yeah for introduction. And if you wanna trade him off." tok looked down because he didn't want Sir Roberto to see his wide eyes. "Nah, that's not happening for a while. Especially not until we see the two bitches square off. tok stood there, naked, legs spread, and hands behind his back. Head down. "SO WELL TRAINED. " Jase smiled. "How about you take the honors? Tie him down however you like?" Jase smiled. "Your hospitality is amazing, Roberto." Ten minutes later, tok found himself tied face down, his legs spread further than he could remember. Before Jase had tied him down, he had put very small clips on each of tok's nipples. He made sure there was enough room for him to get his cock to tok's mouth. "EXCELLENT JOB SIR JASE!" Sir Roberto came in. "GOD, just look at that beautiful ass. " Then tok, who couldn't see what was happening behind him, felt the BIG paddle come down. "THE FUCKING FLIRTY ASS. YOU LOOKING FOR ANOTHER MASTER, BITCH?" The whacking continued. "No Sir. NO. Why would I do that?" Another swat. "BECAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING SLUT. THAT'S WHY." Two more swats. "You're right Sir I am. I am. " Two more swats. "LET ME MAKE THIS FUCKING CLEAR TOKBITCH. IF YOU LEAVE, IT'LL BE BECAUSE I THROW YOU OUT, AND FOR NO OTHER REASON. GOT IT?" A weak voice came out of tok. "yes sir," I understand." "He's talking too much. Fuck his face Jase." "Ho ho. And I'm ready after that spanking." He was. Jase was rigid. tok remembered what rod had said and yes, he had to adjust to keep oxygen coming in. He felt Sir Roberto's thick tool begin to burrow into his ass. Sir pulled tok's hips up a little. "Go ahead, BITCH. See if your glutes can get tight enough yet. " tok took a breath. It would be difficult with the cock in his mouth: breathing was important but.... "OH SHIT JASE YOUR TRAINING'S WORKING." tok smiled into the mattress. He hadn't been able to squeeze Sir Roberto's cock until today. Maybe, maybe that meant soon, he could fight his way out of a pin. For now, though, he felt the streams of jizz going into his ass, and down his throat. Sir Jase definitely had a different taste than Sir Roberto: musky, almost feral. tok loved it. He felt like a wild man was fucking his face. He wanted more. "See how neat he is?" Sir Roberto laughed. "Not a drop spilled. "Greedy son of a bitch, " laughed Sir Jase. "We gotta do it again. But for now... how we gonna sleep ? " "Let's make a tok sandwich." IF he could have cum, tok would have. Jase was face to face with him, and Sir Roberto's front was pushed up against his ass. Had he ever slept as well in his life? He couldn't remember.

Next: Chapter 8

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