Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 27, 2021


As tok started to stir, and get himself out of bed on that Monday morning, he felt Sir Roberto's fingers lace in his hair and pull him back, firmly but without too much pain. "Where are you going? You have your first chore to do?" "Good morning Sir. I was going to start getting ready for work. "Well,that happens after you take care of me. " He pulled tok's hand down to feel his very hard cock. "This needs taking care of. And it will every morning. Over on this side of the bed. On your knees. Hands behind your back, like you're a bound slave." "Yes sir." tok didn't see Sir Roberto's smile when he said "sir," but he did see the smile, almost a sneer, when he got in positon to take Sir Roberto's cock in his mouth. "Every WEEKDAY, I will require a blow job. Every WEEKEND morning, I will require butt fucking. Now get to work." "Mmmmph." tok already had enough of Sir Roberto's cock in his mouth to make it difficult to speak. He was trying: he KNEW he had to get better at handling that thick, slab of meat. He thought he heard Sir Roberto breathing evenly, and THOUGHT he felt his Master's fingers rubbing behind his ears, but tok was nervous: this was the first weekday blowjob. He needed all his skills. "That's right fucktoi. THAT'S RIGHT. Show me why I took you. SHOW ME MY MUSCLEBOUND BITCH" tok ran his tongue around Sir Roberto's cockhead, and this time, he knew he heard the DOM whisper "that's right. THAT's how it's done." He thought he felt Sir Roberto tensing up, like he was going to release and then.. he did. Was this the man who had fucked him the night before? The cum that went down tok's throat was as if he hadn't cum in a week. It was going down so fast, that tok had a bit of trouble swallowing it all, and some spilled. "You get some leeway for the first time, tok. Next time... it will remain there, until you return from work and the gym, and then you'll clean it. Naked, of course." "Yes sir. I understand. Thank you Sir." tok was used to cleaning up cum when it spilled. Sir Hans insisted that he tongue it up. He didn't THINK Sir Roberto would do that, because Sir Roberto's domination seemed, well, more sophisticated. "When you're done with the bathroom, get back here. In front of me. On all fours." "Yes sir." tok had a feeling he knew what was coming. He had heard, when he belonged to another DOM, that Sir Roberto was very possessive about his sub's ass. When tok came back, and assumed the position in front of Sir Roberto, he felt the butt plug going in. "Just a five incher, sub boy. More to let people know to keep their cocks to themselves, or to your mouth if you decided to continue to be the office slut." tok began to blush. He didn't know that Sir Roberto knew that. Sir Roberto was leering when tok was in front of him, on his knees. "I do my homework tok. I've heard from more than one person that..." he paused. "When tok disappears for a 'bathroom break' , two or three guys go with him and .... well, let's all it a mental health break. I will want full reporting from you, every day, on what and whom you do. I am not prohibiting it, yet. That may come to pass, but for now." he smiled. "Would that we had a slut at my office (Sir Roberto worked in an IT department at another company. There were stories that he was one of the 2 or 3 best at what he did in the country). "Now your clothes haven't gotten here from the tailor yet, so I suppose we'll have to do with what you brought with you. You will NOT leave until I've approved your outfit. People will know that you are my sub, and that carries an obligation. Am I clear?" "Yes sir. Very clear" tok answered, actually not knowing what Sir Roberto was talking about. Sir Roberto laughed "We will see."

tok was staning in front of Sir Roberto. He had on a white broadcloth shirt, and black pants. Sir Roberto wasn't pleased. "You look like a fucking waiter. While in one way, you ARE a server, this does not suit you." tok blushed. "I'm sorry Sir. Shall I change?" Sir Roberto sighed. "It will do for one day, but... where is your necktie?" "My necktie? Sir, neckties aren't required at work, I haven't worn one for..." He saw Sir Roberto's look. "I will lend you one of mine. My sub dresses appropriately. A necktie gives the impression that the boy is under control. You will wear one from now on." "Yes sir. I understand." tok hated neckties, but as Sir Roberto talked about the impression of control he felt his locked dick stir. Sir Roberto was not satisfied when he put it on. "Why is the top button of your shirt still open tok?" "Sir, my shirts are tight and...." he blushed again. "I have a big neck. " "These are rationalizations and excuses. Close that button and fix that necktie. You will find that dressing like that will put you into even more of a sub and slave mode than you might be." "Yes sir. I will." "When is your regular gym appointment?" "I usually go at 6-ish, Sir." "6-ish? That's a bad answer. You will be there at 6. And Jase will meet you. I have already engaged someone to make sure that you train appropriately. DO NOT BE LATE." tok gulped. "No Sir. I'll be there on time." "Put on your sport jacket. I expect you to answer any texts I send you today, and I expect you to be home when I tell you to be home."

"HEY. Tok just went all fancy pants on us." tok recognized Marcus' voice: one of his co-workers who didn't have to be asked if he wanted a piece of tok's ass. He always did. As tok walked past Marcus' station, he saw him lick his lips. He smiled and said "Don't YOU just look fine. OH MAN I missed your sweet cheeks tokstud." tok blushed. It WAS kind of flattering to know a big, muscled man of color like Marcus favored him. Marcus liked to "play the field though" for one thing, and there was a second, unwritten "rule" at his office: "don't shit where you eat." NO Dom/sub couples worked there (the company was a big one though, and there were rumors of couples who worked in very different sections or even different cities). "He's Roberto's now," his colleague Tony added. Tony was an interesting guy. At the office, especially with tok, he was a top man and DOM, but he went home to a dominatrix who kept him pretty much locked up whenever he wasn't at work. The only chance he had for using his cock was at the office . And he did, usually on tok. "No kidding. You're with Roberto now? DAMN. One fucking lucky bitch". THAT comment came from their secretary Milly. She didn't participate in any of this, but she knew... she knew EVERYTHING. tok heard a voice behind him, just before he felt a set of strong arms pin his own behind him. "I think it's time to welcome tok back to the office." He recognized Steve's voice and his grip. "Let's go, bitch stud." "No. Steve. Wait. Things are different now." "Yeah, they sure are," Cameron came over. "Look guys. Someone put a ring on it." He began to laugh. When Steve pulled tok's arms back, the imprint of the ring showed on tok's chest. "Ho ho. Looks like Roberto really likes you." Cameron looked at the rest of the group. "Rule is, these things can't be played with a few days. Too bad. Can't give tok a proper welcoming." "SURE we can," Marcus got up from behind his desk. "Men's room everyone?" "NO. NO. It's...." Marcus was protesting, but there were too many of them. "Someone bring something we can gag him with." Marcus led the group, pulling tok into the men's room. He felt his pants pulled down and then "OH SHIT. That's Roberto's plug. DAMN." tok was bent over a counter, Steve's hand holding down his neck. "FUCK. That means: cock's off." He laughed. "Yeah, it'll be one thing for the bitch, but you know how Roberto's tentacles reach out." Everyone else seemed to know, but not tok. "How about blow jobs?" came from Tony. "NOW YOU'RE TALKING" Marcus smiled. We'll take turns. Someone pin him, the next guy fucks his face. Then he holds him. Let the department know: sub tok is back." As he worked his way through 8 blow jobs that morning, tok thought: "it's good to be back."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx At the gym, he changed into his tank top and saw that the ring showed just the tiniest bit out of the right side of the shirt. tok smiled. Apparently, Sir Roberto had taken out his regular gym shorts and put in a smaller, tighter pair. He squeezed into them, went out on the floor, and started working on the TRX machine. He saw the muscled, graying guy with the huge chest coming over. Jase. "Hey, you're tok. I'm Jase. Roberto hired me to put you in better shape. Put down those fucking things. We've got a plan. "Yes sir. " answered tok. "nice to meet you." "No time for plesantries tok. We got work to do. Let's start. Prison squats. Lemme see your form." tok put his hands behind his back. He wanted to do well for this guy because he knew... the report would go right back to Sir Roberto. "Decent, not great. You're gonna be doing them at home from now on. Robbo knows how they should look. We have other fish to fry. Chest presses. What weight do you use? " tok told him and Jase laughed. "Really? I mean REALLY? How many reps do you do, 50?" tok told him and Jase shook his head "No, no no. That's not gonna do. Let's get started." He increased the weight, and the reps, each by 30. tok began to sweat and Jase smiled. "GOOD. We gotta find the breaking point and then push beyond it. DON'T BREAK FORM MISSY. DON'T BREAK FORM." As he worked out, tok kept on thinking that Jase looked a lot like a younger version of Sir Roberto. The thought of blowing one and getting fucked by the other one crossed his mind, and his dick banged against the cage. He had forgotten it was there but exercising always got him hard and... today was certainly no exception. "Four times a week. Two days a week, you run, bitch. Minimum 6 miles. MINIMUM. Robbo will probably go out with you, but whether he does or not..." Jase smiled. "And hold that plug in your ass. It helps you keep form." tok blushed. "How? How did you...?" Jase smiled. "I know Roberto for many years, stud. He ALWAYS plugs his bottom. Sort of a trademark. Your ass is HIS." tok looked at his phone. No text from Sir Roberto. They hadn't set up the rules on this, so tok gulped and texted his Master. "Sir, I'm finished with the workout. Just need a shower. Is it ok to come home?" An answer came back: "A shower shouldn't take more than 15 minutes and it's 15 minutes to home. I expect you in 30 minutes, 5 minutes leeway. No later." "yes sir," tok answered, and then went to wash. He reached down and held his balls, and wished he could jerk off.

Sir Roberto had provided tok with a key to his large apartment, and tok walked in to the smell of something warming up for dinner: Sir Roberto had a housekeeper who came in during the day and made dinner, but now that tok was living with him, Sir had told the housekeeper she didn't need to do dishes anymore: that was going to be one of tok's jobs. tok saw the garment bags lying across the living room: the garments from the tailor. He walked into the sitting room, where he expected he'd find Sir Robert reading a paper. He was correct. Sir Robert looked up and tok saw the expression on his face go cold. "tok, where is your necktie? And why is your shirt opened?" tok had rolled his sleeves and packed his tie after the workout. He hadn't thought anything of it. "Sir, I... I kept the necktie on all day but... after the gym I...." "Did you have permission to do that?" "Uh, no Sir." "I SPECIFICALLY told you to wear the necktie all day." "I.. .I didn't think that that meant...." "GET THE TIE OUT OF YOUR BAG!" "yes sir." tok handed it to Sir Roberto, who told him to turn around. When he did, tok felt the silk of the necktie tightening around his wrists. "Now, I had something planned for tonight, and we will do it, but first... you need a bit of discipline for disobedience. " He started leading tok over to a chair. "I DO agree with your choice to roll your sleeves. You have good arms. You'll show them from now on." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." "SIT! And spread your legs." "Yes sir." "While you're at it, better get used to it: point out your chest. I don't want to see it drop during what I'm doing." tok took a deep breath, and pointed out his tits. He could see that Sir Roberto was getting turned on by that, but the technician's orders were that he couldn't play with tok's nipples for 5 more days. "WHACK." The sound of a paddle hitting Sir Roberto's hand startled tok out of a reverie. He was thinking of the blow job that morning, and the fucking last night. He felt the paddle rest against his junk. "Normally, tok, I would administer a punishment by adding weight to nipple clamps and we will put that in abeyance. However...." SLAM! The paddle came down on the cage on tok's dick. "OWWWW OH SHIT. " "WHAT? " SLAM. "YOU MAY REMAIN SILENT OR YOU MAY THANK ME. THOSE ARE THE ONLY APPROPRIATE REACTIONS." "sorry Sir" tok whispered. The paddle came down again. And again. tok was a very strong man, but at around the 20th one, he began to tear up. "ARE YOU GOING TO FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS? TO THE LETTER?" "Yes sir. I'm sorry Sir. You make the rules." "IF SOMETHING IS UNCLEAR, YOU USE THE PHONE. I HAVE TRIED TO EXPLAIN TO YOU: YOU'RE MY PROPERTY NOW AND I HAVE A STANDARD TO UPHOLD. SO DO YOU." Sir Roberto paused. "Perhaps you'd prefer to be returned to Sir Hans? Or be shipped off to another Master? Others would be happy to take you. Sir Hans will certainly be glad to see you back." "NO SIR PLEASE. I'M SORRY. I'M SORRY. I DON'T HAVE ANY CHOICE BUT... I WANT TO STAY HERE." Sir Roberto smiled. "Yes. Because you've learned that I'm fussy about whom I choose as a sub. " He put down the paddle. "Strip. Then we're going to the bedroom." tok thought it was time for fucking. He was wrong. There was a beam in the bedroom, and in a few minutes, his naked caged body was suspended from that beam: his arms pulled up so high his feet could barely touch the floor. The necktie was back around his mouth. "Now.... For some fun. Old fashioned fun." Sir Roberto took out a dark velvet bag, and opened it . Clothespins. For all of his time as a sub, a DOM had never used them on tok. Now, he watched and moaned as Sir Roberto attached the pins at about 1/3 of an inch intervals, up one side and down the other. Then he formed a circle of them, outside of the aureoles of his nipples and then finally... Sir Roberto pulled tok's ball sack and began attaching the there. That's when tok began to scream. "AH HAH. Even my strong sub bitch has his limits. Good to know." Sir Roberto took off his turtleneck and folded his arms. "Had enough disobedient boy?" tok saw the sweat on Sir Roberto's forehead, and on his chest. He wanted to drink it. He wanted to lick it off this strong man. But the pain. The pain: it was driving his cock crazy. Meekly, he shook his head. "Now, should I take them off one at a time, or...." Sir Roberto smiled and took the paddle that he had just used to work tok's balls. He brought it down on both sides of tok's body. That's when tok passed out for a few minutes. When he woke up, Sir Roberto was removing the remaining pins, one by one. tok was still gagged. "Did you blow co-workers today?" tok shook his head and Sir Roberto smiled. "GOOD. I'm sure that they thought of fucking you until they saw my mark." Again tok shook his head. Sir Roberto grabbed his chin. "I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD TOK. IF I EVER HEAR OF YOU GIVING UP YOUR ASS TO ANYONE BUT ME... YOU WON'T SUB FOR ANYONE IN THIS TOWN AGAIN, AND YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO GET FAR ENOUGH AWAY FROM MY ANGER." tok was scared. He believed Sir Roberto. The LAST thing he wanted to do was piss him off. He felt the last pin come off. Sir Roberto released the restraints. "On your belly. On the bed. "mmmmph" tok answered. He felt the necktie come out of his mouth, and he felt Sir Roberto push his legs apart. "I want this," tok was whispering. "I do. I want it SO BAD." And he got it. Sir Roberto's thick, short cock took him roughly, without mercy. "I am going to fuck my bitch every single night. You need to learn. You need to learn SO MUCH bitch boy." tok felt one last push and then the gush of Sir Roberto's jizz in him. Then the push of the butt plug. "You'll wear it during dinner. Maybe I'll take it out at bedtime." "yes sir." tok wondered if he were to eat naked. He wasn't. Some of the new clothes included casual pants and shirts. The polo was snug and it pushed hard against his new tit ring. Sir Roberto seemed to like the look.

Next: Chapter 7

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