Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 17, 2021


tok was lost in thought. He was heading home from the gym after he had just finished his daily workout (actually, to call it HIS daily workout was an exaggeration: Sir Hans had spoken with some of the experts he knew, and had developed a program that emphasized toq's pecs, his ass, and his biceps: the three areas Sir Hans liked best). Sir Hans was the first DOM he had been with who took that much attention in his workouts. Once a month, he got measured his progress noted and, if Sir Hans felt it wasn't sufficient, there were , as Sir Hans called them, "disciplinary actions." One time, it was a wooden spoon to tok's feet after Sir Hans had tied his ankles securely. Another time, it was a flogging that kept toq from work for two days. The most humiliating one, however, had been the time he made tok work as a dancer at the local gay disco. tok was NOT a good dancer, and gyrating in a pair of tight, bright green or bright pink shorts, and not much else, while men tried to shove money into his belt (and frequently tried to get a quick feel in so doing), or throwing coins at him, was mortifying. "Somehow," word of his dancing got around and one night, half of the members of his work team had shown up. Someone had offered a sizeable sum if toq dropped his shorts. Had it been anyone else, toq would have done it, but these were his... co-workers. The manager looked at him and said one word: "STRIP". tok did. They were still laughing about it at work, months later. Sir Hans felt he "owned" tok, and that was true in toq's mind. He had been passed from one owner to another owner, the way you would trade a car. But - and toq would have had a hard time explaining this - when a man OWNED him, it didn't mean toq BELONGED to him. That's where he was having a problem: Sir Hans' plan to have the two of them tattooed, and for tok to be known as "Sir Hans' bitch:" it didn't sit comfortably with him. He loved the domination from Sir Hans, and the bondage and play sessions, but "belonging" to him? No, that was an emotional commitment toq was not prepared to make. He had no choice in the matter though, and that was troubling him.

"tok, stop walking so fast." He heard the deep, Italian inflected accent behind him. He knew it was Roberto: one of the guys who came over to the poker games. His slave had been this thin, blond guy who had been a modern dancer in Paris. The story was, one day Roberto stood outside the theater where the dancer was performing, and when Pierre came out, he looked at him and said "Over here boy. Hands behind your back." The story continued that the boy said "yes sir," or "oui monsieur" and followed Roberto home. toq couldn't blame him. There were very few men who were taller than toq was, and Roberto was not one of them. Yet, he had a massive set of shoulders that suggested to toq that, if Roberto put him into a bear hug, he wouldn't get out easily, if at all. Where the other members of the poker game dressed very casually, and almost sloppily, Roberto always wore a silk shirt, three buttons opened, that showed how his chest was covered - ABSOLUTELY covered - with curly gray hair. He also had a full head of hair the same color and a beard that tapered to a point. toq imagined sometimes, how it would feel if that beard were on his neck. At one game, he found out. It was Roberto's turn to play with the bound toq, and he ran that beard up and down tok's neck for three minutes, while toq moaned through a gag someone else had put on him previously. Just before he finished, Roberto had whispered "I bet you're a marvelous fuck. I intend to find out one day."

tok turned to the voice. As always, Roberto was dressed like a prince: a midnight blue silk shirt that had apparently been tailored to his body, tight black pants, soft brown loafers that appeared to be made from the skin of an exotic animal, while toq was walking back with his gym bag, in a pair of skinny onion skin shorts and an olive green tank top that occasionally opened to show one of his juicy nipples. He knew of course that Roberto was a Master and a DOM, so toq immediately took a position of submission, putting his hands behind his back and lowering his head, waiting for Sir Roberto to speak before he spoke. He felt one of Roberto's long fingers lift his chin up. That day was a day that Sir Hans hadn't caged him, but only put on the ball spreader. The touch of Sir Roberto's finger set toq's cock on fire. "We don't often see you on the street alone, tok. Sir Hans is VERY protective of you. I would say, jealous? tok blushed. "He feels that I'm not disciplined enough Sir. I look at too many men, I flirt, and I don't show enough submission to him. That's why he usually comes with me, or at least waits for when I come out of the gym." As he spoke, toq was sizing up Roberto. Sir Hans did not go to the gym. It was clear that Sir Roberto did. "Well, if you're not submissive enough, he's not training you properly tok. A proper Master could turn you into an absolutely superb, devoted sub. " He smiled and tok smiled back. "I don't think so Sir. I'm too independent." Sir Roberto laughed. "A few good floggings, a few sessions with a paddle, and a few other things could get that out of you." He grinned. "So, too, would be some proper fucking by someone who knows what he's doing." "Sir Hans knows what he's doing Sir." Roberto laughed. "There are masters and then there are MASTERS. I'm in the latter class, Sir Hans the former." He paused and then, slowly, moved his hands under toq's tank top and began massaging his nipples. "I wonder how Sir Hans would feel about turning you over to me. I've sent Pierre back to Paris. Too obsequious. And he ate too much candy. But I learned. Discipline. HARD discipline. It's what a slave needs. " He paused and folded his arms. "How often has Sir Hans made you skip work and stay home so you could see to his sexual needs?" tok blushed. He knew he wasn't supposed to talk about things like this, but there was something about the greenish gray eyes on Roberto, staring into him, that made him answer. "He's never done that Sir. " "If he had, would you have stayed?" tok hesitated. "He's my Master, Sir. Of course I would have stayed." "Would you have wanted to?" Another hesitation. "Sir Roberto, what I want doesn't matter." "That is true, but you still have an opinion." He smiled and squeezed tok's nipples harder. "I have been told you're the most opinionated, most stubborn of all the subs in the circle. So answer my question." "No Sir. I like my job. I would listen to my Master, but I wouldn't have been happy about it." Roberto squeezed tok's nipples hard. "You're a challenge. I like challenges." He slipped his hands down and smiled. toq realized there was a spot on his shorts where his dick was leaking. Did he see a darker shade of black at Sir Roberto's crotch ? "You have what appear to be very soft lips too toq. Good for cock sucking. One of my favorite things." He smiled and said "I'm going to have to talk with Sir Hans. How long have you two been together?" "About five years, Sir." "That's what I thought. Too long for prime beef to be the exclusive property of one mediocre master I'll have to change that." It was two weeks later that Sir Hans came in where tok was unpacking groceries. "Pack your things tok. As much as you can carry in two suitcases. Sir Roberto will be by in half an hour. You'll be HIS sub from now on." He said nothing else, and just walked out. tok answered "yes sir," and fought not to smile.

The honk from the BMW was loud, and prolonged. "MOVE IT BITCH!" Sir Hans yelled, and tok grabbed his suitcases and went out the door. He heard it slam. Roberto was in the BMW. He didn't get out, but he popped the trunk so tok could put his bags in. He slammed the door of the trunk down and moved to the passenger side. As he put his hand on the handle, he heard Roberto say "NEVER assume you're invited into a car, slave. ASK for permission first. " tok saw the smile as Roberto said "one minute, one infraction. We're off to a good start. Cleary you have NOT been trained appropriately or properly. "I apologize Sir. May I come into the car?" "You may. And you will speak when you are spoken to, and not until then. " tok didn't know if he should say "yes sir, " and he saw the smile play over Roberto's face. He had tok off balance, something that the experienced sub didn't experience often. He looked at Roberto: he had on a black t shirt - was it silk? - and very snug fitting jeans that revealed a bulge that... His reverie was interrupted. "EYES IN FRONT OF YOUR HEAD. NO STARING AT YOUR NEW MASTER." tok turned his head. "Yes sir. Sorry Sir. You are correct. I'm not trained properly." "That will change, tok. You have too much potential to waste. Now, get your left hand over onto my crotch. DO NOT play with my cock, but feel it. You'll be feeling more of it shortly." "yes sir," tok moved his hand over. He HAD been curious since Roberto started coming to the poker games. He could feel that he had a thick cock, but one that wasn't that long. tok hadn't been fucked in about four days: he was horny. "You are not caged right now, bitch?" "No Sir. Sometimes, Sir Hans trusted me to control my own urges." "FOOL. That is part of the reason you are not trained. OH, there are so many reasons you are not half the slave you could be... and which you WILL be. You may remove your hand now. " tok brought his hand back to his lap with his other one. "Upon arrival, I expect a more than adequate blow job. Then we will move to you taking my cock up your ass. After that, we will discuss - how do I put this - NOT my expectations but my requirements. " He laughed. "The idea in universities of giving partial credit for answers is ridiculous. An act is correct or it is not. We will operate on that principle. Am I clear?" "Yes sir. " "You have an infraction, but I will clear it since you have obviously not received proper training. In the future, an infraction such as that will require ten strikes from the flogger. And if they continue, we will move to 15. " tok didn't have permission to speak and he kept silent. Sir Roberto was very pleased. "I do not believe in tattoos. They deface the male body; however, piercings can enhance what is already lovely. This week we will have you pierced. Your right nipple: the pierce that indicates you are a sub and a slave. I DO approve of Master Hans keeping you shaved and smooth. I do NOT approve of the way in which both of you have allowed your core to become weak and out of shape. We will get that taken care of. And you will be calling in sick tomorrow. We have a full day of training. Have you any questions?" "No Sir. I understand Sir." tok noticed that they were pulling into a house in one of the city's more fashionable zones. "You might consider gathering your saliva toq. Your first test this evening, will be to provide that superb blow job I expect. DO keep in mind that this is the only lubrication you will receive before I initiate you as my bottom. " He grinned. "I expect to be made hard. How moist I am made, is up to how rough you wish to be fucked, although I would remind you that, by your inspection of my cock, you already know it is not of the usual shape. Most men require more lubricant than usual, but then again, tok, you are not most men. That is why I have taken you." tok sat there, not knowing what to do. Sir Roberto looked at him and smiled. He put his hand on tok's thigh, and squeezed. "We will talk. I knew that, sooner or later, your time with Sir Hans would end, and I needed to be ready when it did. You're the exemplar of slaves around here, you should have the exemplar of Masters. Now let's go. Get your suitcases. And yes, you may speak now. I will tell you when you must be silent. "Thank you Sir. I will listen." tok was somewhat familiar with the main floor of the house he was in. He could see a staircase that went both up to another floor and down to a basement. For now, they remained on the first floor. "Sit in that chair. And place your hands behind your back. When you are not doing one of your tasks, or serving me, you will be bound. Generally in that chair. "yes sir," tok answered. He LOVED being tied up, and it was something he missed with Sir Hans. Sir Hans had tied him up frequently when he took him, but that had gone down over time - something that had happened with all of tok's masters. He winced as Sir Roberto tied the knot in his wrist restraints. "I will not tie your ankles but I want those legs spread. That is the proper slave position around here. With your chest pointed out." "I understand Sir." tok pointed out his chest and Sir Roberto immediately began twisting his nipples. When tok began to moan, he spoke. "It was clear to all of the Masters, tok, that you and Sir Hans could not be together much longer. I am afraid he committed the ultimate "wrong": he was falling in love with you." Roberto twisted tok's nipples harder, and grinned more broadly. "You may rest assured we will not have that problem. Slaves are property. A Master can enjoy them, or use them, but one does not fall in love with them. " He stopped. "We'll be replacing that t shirt anyway, so this will not much matter." He reached into a drawer in a table, and pulled out a small scissor . He cut two holes over tok's nipples. Then he went back into the drawer and pulled out nipple clamps. "You will know if I approve of your oral technique or not, based on what I do with these." He put the clamps onto tok, who noticed that there was a weight at the center that dragged them down. It was like a ball spreader, only for nipples. As he sat there, trying to keep his chest pointed and resist the gravity of the clamps, tok saw Sir Roberto take of his own shirt. "GOD THAT CHEST" tok thought to himself. Sir Hans had a hairy chest, but not like this. tok began to think of how it was going to feel when Sir Roberto was on top of him. His cock throbbed. Roberto did not just unzip his pants, he dropped them and approached tok. He picked up the clamps. "It's time for your audition." His second hand went behind tok's head, pushing it forward. "SUCK ME BITCH" If tok hadn't wanted to feel Sir Roberto's cock in his mouth, he did now. The Master was pulling on the clamps, and also pressing his knee against tok's crotch. "I see that Sir Hans hadn't locked you today, tok. That will change in due course. " He pushed tok's head down on his cock. The unusual shape of Sir Roberto's dick was a challenge to tok. He was used to long, narrow, traditional dicks. Sir Roberto was short and thick. At times, tok had been called a "big mouth," but he really could not open his mouth very wide. For the usual dick, it made a great receptacle. For Sir Roberto, tok could feel his lip and jaw muscles being tested. Sir Roberto knew. He saw that tok was trying to do a good job, but he wasn't used to a cock like his: no one was. He grabbed a handful of tok's hair and pulled back his head. "Mediocre. At best. Sir Hans had told me that if you did ONE thing right, it was suck cock. I guess he was mistaken there, too." "I'm sorry Sir. I thought. AAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGH" The sharp pull on the clamps sent a jolt of pain through tok. He was used to that kind of pain, but the hard shove of Sir Roberto's knee, together with the pull, had surprised him. "Let's BOTH hope your ass does a better job of taking my cock than your mouth did." He pulled tok out of the chair. "Bedroom is upstairs. MOVE" When Sir Roberto put his hand around tok's bicep, tok realized how strong he was. Sir Roberto clearly worked out hard. With Sir Hans, there had always been some play acting to his domination of tok: tok knew that if he decided to be physical, he could overpower his former Master. He began to question if he could do that here. "Pierre was not nearly as strong as you, so the bed restraints are not strong enough for you. Hence, for tonight, we will do something that may not happen again. " He gave tok a shove and tok wound up, face down, on the bed. The clamps were still on his nipples and they dug in, as Sir Roberto roughly pulled off his boots, and then his jeans. "SPREAD YOUR FUCKING LEGS, BITCH" "yes sir." tok was trying to speak through the pain of the clamps. He felt the first WHACK of the paddle, then the second. Sir Roberto had pushed tok's bound wrists up his back to give himself more room, and the WHACKING continued. tok wondered how much harder Sir Roberto could use the paddle, because he could tell, from the Master's sounds, that he wasn't working very hard, and his ass was taking a beating. He lost count. "I don't do counts, tok. I look for a color. And yours... yours is red enough for me to know... it feels PRECISELY how I want it to feel." tok knew what that feeling was, when he felt Sir Roberto's thumbs press into his cheeks. He felt them being pulled apart. "Thank GOODNESS no one has tatted you. A stupid practice in my book. 'Jewelry' is much more expressive." Then he was silent and... "OH FUCK!" snuck out of tok's mouth. Sir Roberto was eating his ass - something no Master had ever done to him. Boyfriends had, lubricating him before they fucked him, but since he had gone into slavery... never. "PLEASE DON'T LET ME CUM. PLEASE." tok was fighting as hard as he could not to: he knew that NO Master wanted his slave to climax before he did, but that tongue.... He also fought hard not to push back to get more. A slave took what a Master gave and was happy with that. He couldn't help himself though. "Thank you Sir. Thank you." "Heh heh. I don't do this often. I can't remember the last manbitch who got my tongue, but you... I have very detailed plans for you tok. For now, though, the details are very simple. " tok felt the thick cockhead against his ass. He tried to relax. He knew that Sir Roberto's cock was going to be a challenge. Except it wasn't. The pleasure of the ass eating was replaced as Sir Roberto tore into tok's ass, not stopping until tok felt his crotch bang up against his ass. "FUCK. I forgot to put the collar on you. Next time. How does that feel, slave?" "It... it hurts Sir." "GOOD. It SHOULD. Slaves shouldn't get any pleasure from being fucked. They are... PROPERTY." "Yes sir. Yes sir.." tok wanted it to end: he'd get used to being fucked this way eventually, but so much had happened. He did what he always did: he tightened his glutes. Nothing happened and Sir Roberto laughed. "Yes, I know ALL about your abilities with a dick in you, tok. Not only Sir Hans, but Sir Darren have told me. You will learn - if you haven't already - that the shape of my cock prevents you doing what you are trying to do. You'll just have to learn to fucking take it - the way a sub SHOULD." He thrust in a bit further and tok gritted his teeth. He thought he could handle any cock, but he was used to focusing on length, not width. "Yes sir. Yes sir. I need to learn to be a better bottom." "DAMN RIGHT YOU DO. ARCH THAT ASS." "Yes sir. " The movement caused the clamps to dig in harder but tok did what his new Master told him to do. SIr Roberto pushed in further, and then.... tok felt the flood of Sir Roberto's cum filling him. He smiled, and tried not to let the DOM see it. But he did. He pulled back tok's hair. "You enjoyed it bitch, didn't you? Heh heh heh. You're finally getting fucked by a REAL man." "Yes sir. Yes I did. But did you? Was I sufficient for you Sir?" "I'm not sending you back, that's for sure. Now roll over. I'm getting those clamps off. No sense in having you sleep with them on." When they got into bed, Sir Roberto smiled. "You've been staring at my chest since you got in the car. You couldn't keep your eyes off it when I met you on the street. Put your head on it tonight. DO NOT put your lips on my nipples. YOU'RE the sub, not me." "YES SIR!" It was enough for tok to feel the curly hairs against his face. He slept well.

The next morning, after Sir Roberto's housekeeper had served them breakfast (they ate in a room where she couldn't see them, which saved tok some humiliation, since Sir Roberto made him eat naked), Sir Roberto explained the rest of the day. "First, we'll go through your suitcases and see what's staying. As I'm sure you've gathered, I'm very particular about the way I present myself in public. I am equally particular about how my slave does. " "Yes sir. I understand. But.... work clothes.." "We will use your pre-existing garments for work for now. Around here, you will not need clothing unless I have a scene in mind; however, when we are out, proper attire is essential." Sir Roberto tied tok back in the chair as he went through the suitcases. He had a very discriminating eye. "I've seen how you dress. Everything sags. WAY too big." "Sorry Sir. Sir Hans didn't want anyone to be jealous of him so..." "HE'S SUCH A FUCKING WIMP. AFRAID HE COULDN'T KEEP YOU FROM THEM. I don't share that fear." He began tossing clothes into a pile. "These are going. There's enough to make do with until my tailor can get you outfitted properly." He held up a pair of dress slacks. He laughed. "I think we could fit Pierre in here with you," and dumped them onto the trash pile. They were tok's favorite slacks. "Don't think about it, don't think about it," he kept on telling himself. "WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS?" Sir Roberto had picked up a pile of briefs. "Underwear Sir." "Yeah, I know what it is. A sub wearing underwear? Why? So no one can tell you're caged, or weighted down, well SCREW THAT." All of the underwear went onto the pile. "IF I permit you to wear something to cover your junk, it'll be a thong. Small and tight. " He smiled. "One that cuts into your ass so that when you move... you feel it. " tok gulped. He HATED thongs. Just fucking HATED them. Sir Roberto finished going through the clothes. Then he turned to tok. "Now, what else have we planned for my studly new manbitch?" He straddled his legs over tok's body and started toying with his nipples. "I like jewelry. I don't like tats. " He let go of tok's left nipple and squeezed the right one. "A very simple ring, right here. Barechested, you'll show everyone what you are. And you'll show everyone who knows, when I get you dressed properly. EVERY SINGLE ONE of your shirts will show the outline of the ring." tok had wondered about a piercing. He had been told it hurt, but it made the pierced organ sensitive. "Now, about this.." Sir Roberto reached down and grabbed tok's dick. tok still hadn't cum, and he got stiff right away. "I'll be untying you in a minute. I NEVER want to see you cum. EVER. Unless I have you in a milking scene. So if I give you permission to do so, as I am about to do, I want you to do it in private, and quickly. We have to get you down to size because...." a pause.. "Frankly, if my sub didn't cum for 3 months it would still be too soon. My understanding is that you have been less than disciplined about NOT shooting." tok lowered his head. "That's correct Sir. Masters have tried to correct it but..." "I will correct it. We'll start with a cage. For our first trial, two weeks. So enjoy it while you can, fuckboi. Beyond that... I see Sir Hans used a ball stretcher on you. Not nearly heavy enough, in my view. We'll fix that. And... once you have your new pants, it will be like the nipple ring. All will know.... something is going on down there." "Yes sir." Sir Roberto untied the wrist bands. "You're smooth, so we don't have to worry about shaving... yet. We'll take care of that on an ad hoc basis. " He tossed tit clamps to tok. "Put these on. Then get to the bathroom and empty your balls. Wash them off afterwards." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir." tok attached the clamps. He made sure to make them as tight as he could. He went off to the bathroom. It didn't take long. He closed his eyes and thought about Sir Roberto's tight, muscular body, and that chest of hair he slept on. He remembered how it crinkled against his cheek. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH" he moaned, and then he blushed. He didn't have permission to make noise. "Clean up whatever mess you made. " "Yes sir." Sir Roberto was standing at the doorway with rags and a spray bottle of disinfectant. When tok was done, he ordered him to put them down and to stay on his knees, hands behind his back. "Seeing you naked has made me ready again. DO BETTER this time. SUCK ME" tok did the best he could. Whether it was good enough or not, he didn't know, but he did know that he was swallowing a mouthful of Sir Roberto's cum in about ten minutes. "Wash your face. Then get out here into the living room so I can dress you." "Yes sir," tok moved as quickly as he could. He knew the "dressing" meant the ball spreader, and the cage. Soon, he was completely locked up. Sir Roberto took off the clamps. "You need something else before we go out." He pulled out a leather collar that was about an inch wide. There was a clip for a leash, but Sir Roberto didn't use it. "Now get on that silver thong. It belonged to Pierre. It'll be too small for you, but it'll teach you discipline. Then those cut off dungaree shorts, and this t shirt. Looks tight." It was. It was a shirt tok had kept for years. It showed off his body. Sir Roberto wasn't impressed. "PATHETIC. Too much work on arms, not enough on pecs and core. I've got my work cut out for me. " He led tok to the car. Their first stop was the tailor. It was humiliating enough to be naked and probed by the man, or to hear him say "I assume you want the silhouette to show the cock jewelry." "Indeed I do. It's part of his conditioning," Sir Roberto answered. When they were done, Sir Roberto sneered. "Now for a trip to the jeweler. We have an appointment. You will look SO HOT with your tit ring. "

Next: Chapter 5

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