Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 2, 2021


So, the last time we peeked in, Forrest had tossed Tok because at 28 he was too old, and Darren scooped him up. Now, "Doc Toc" as Darren teased him sometimes, lived in Darren's home, serving as his sub and slave. Tok had a full time job, but when he was not at work, Darren ruled. Mornings were pretty rushed since Darren worked as well. Still, Toc knew his place every single morning, because Darren dressed him. Darren favored Tok wearing darker colors: maroon, black, dark brown, dark green, with dark pants or jeans, always tight. Tok wore Darren's collar, which was hidden for the most part under his shirt, but because Darren made him open two buttons. The lock at the end of the collar was under the shirt, but the chain was visible- as were the outlines of Tok's developed nipples - so anyone who "knew" could draw conclusions. Apart from the gym - 2 hours every day, no ifs ands or buts - Tok's chest was being developed by Darren's own treatment of him. At first, Tok had to wait until Darren was available to put the clamps on his nipples, but in time, Darren trusted him enough to apply them himself. When they were on, after Darren came home, Tok would stand for inspection: shirt opened if he were allowed to wear one, hands behind his back, nipples pointed out. Darren would inspect them to make sure they were tight enough. Usually, he twisted them until he saw Tok clench his teeth in pain. He was pleased that the amount of twisting needed was growing. When it didn't work anymore, he had more plans for keeping Tok subdued through his nipples, but... Tok didn't have to know that yet.

It was about four months after he had become Darren's property, that Tok began wearing the ball spreader. He had two. One, a narrow, silver number, was the one he wore to work. It was made of a brass alloy and it was heavy. He couldn't take it off at the gym, which made it even more challenging for Tok to do his workout. It wasn't as bad, however, as the one he had to wear at home. This was one that Darren took care of everyday. After he knew that Tok's nipple clamps were acceptable, he'd tie tok down to a massage table, and tease his caged cock for a few minutes, before putting the heavier one with the battery powered vibrating ring around the base of tok's dick. Darren's face would take on a look of pure bliss as he heard the "zzzzz" of the vibrator and saw the look over tok's face. If he weren't wearing a cage, tok surely would have exploded right there. But he was. Instead, he twisted, squirmed, moaned, got as hard as he could... with no way to shoot anything, but pre-cum. "I bet you'd love to cum, wouldn't you tok boy?" tok, breathing hard, moaning, would manage to say "yes sir, please sir. May I be released Sir?" Darren would just laugh. "What day of the month is it tok?" "The 15th Sir" (or the 9th, or the 19th, it didn't matter). "I'm afraid we'll just have to wait. It's not the 30th yet." Darren only removed the cage on the last day of the month. That was when tok could cum - except he couldn't cum on his own. That was the day Darren "gathered the milk" as he called it. He'd strap tok down, give his body a once over, shave any parts that were showing hair growth, and then begin the slow process of milking his slave's generous dick. Then there's be the double fuck: first, the vibrator: the 8 inch, solid blue one, turned to maximum power, that went up tok's ass, rousing him even more than the milking did, followed by Darren's own thick instrument. Darren would put a plug up tok's ass when he was done, and leave it there for a day, unless tok needed to use the bathroom. Then tok could take it out, and replace it. Usually, Darren left in it anywhere from 12-24 hours.

Darren liked to go out, and when he went out, he took tok with him, showing off his "beefy bitch" as he called him. Darren would dress head to foot in black: vest, jeans, anything. tok had a standard outfit: very short leather shorts that outlined the equipment he wore on his cock, a leather vest, a black collar, his nipple clamps, and the one item tok hated: the black metal band Darren made him wear on his right arm. To be clear: tok LOVED being a sub and a slave. All day long, he made decisions, he was in charge of a group, people listened to him. But when he came home, Darren was in charge. Having people see it in public, well.. his biggest problem was that he was, by far, the biggest, best developed, strongest one of the subs. In fact, he was bigger than many of the Doms. Seeing this smaller, weaker men, in charge while he was shown off like a prize animal.. The arm band didn't do all of that, but... since it was the last thing Darren put on him before they went out, tok resented it. He said something once, and Darren turned up the power on the vibrating cock ring, and left it up for ten minutes , before tok yelled "I'm SORRY SIR. I WON"T COMPLAIN AGAIN. " He didn't. Darren knew he wasn't happy, and that just filled out his dick more when he ordered tok "ON YOUR BACK. GRAB YOUR ANKLES "and plowed the bitch.

If Darren had one obvious flaw, which worried tok (he kept it to himself), it was an almost addiction to gambling. Name the game of chance: if it were available on line, Darren played it. He almost never won, but he won enough to keep him coming back, looking for "the big pay off". He didn't play at casinos, because he didn't trust tok on his own, and no casino would let him take tok in, dressed in his "going out" costume. Sometimes, when he played, he'd tie tok up in a chair next to his own, and if he lost, he'd pull on tok's clamps. If he won, he'd stroke tok's balls, but he didn't take the cage off. There were occasions when he'd slip a blindfold on tok, and tok would have to guess what card had come up in Darren's blackjack hand. Paddling to tok's junk would follow, based on how far off from the card he was. Still, tok had been so conditioned to be submissive to his Master, he accepted it all as "the way it's supposed to be. I'm a sub." One night when they were at the BDSM club, Darren was talking to another Master, a guy named Stuart, who asked if he knew about the "strip poker" game a few of the DOMS had going on. Darren laughed. "Yeah right. Like I'm interested in seeing these old biddies get naked. I'll pass." Stuart shook his head. "You've got it wrong, stud. Here's how the games work. The DOMS who have subs bring the subs with them. Then they pick a sub: whoever wins the hand, gets to pick what the sub has to take off. If he's buck naked and the game is still going on, then it's 'toy box ' time. "Toy box time?" "Yeah. Now the winner gets to use a toy on the sub. The only no-no - but it's open to the DOM - is fucking the sub's ass or mouth. " tok was standing there as Darren and Stuart spoke. He knew - he just KNEW - that Darren was going to be interested in this. He wanted to beg "Please Sir. Don't pimp me out," but he knew the combination of gambling, submissive men, and other DOMS - he'd be doing it.

And two weeks later, they were headed to the home of Master Val, who had a sprawling apartment on a lower floor of a building. In the days leading up to the game, Darren had gotten a call to explain the rules: there was a minimum: every player had to put in a grand. You could buy more chips if you carried the cash, but 1000 was the absolute minimum. Play was until everyone else had "folded." You brought your sub, and whomever wasn't the stripper that night, had a job to do keeping the game going. There were 8 DOMS that night, but only 5 of them had subs. One of the DOMS who came along - Sir Hans, kept on giving tok the eye. "You would certainly be a challenge to most DOMS, tok. " Then he smiled. "I think I could handle you." tok looked away. Truth was, he thought Hans' beard, his light brown hair, his muscles, were all a turn on. Sir Darren punished him if he decided that tok was flirting with someone else, and he was trying not to look that way. He DID know he had to say "thank you Sir," which he did. Master Darren had dressed tok in very tight jeans and a very tight white t shirt. He had taken the clamps off, but by this point tok's nipples had been worked so much, they pointed up in the t-shirt like erasers. "I DO see your Master requires you to work out hard. That's something good." Master Hans smiled. Darren saw what was going on, and walked over. He put his hand possessively on tok's bicep. "You like my sub?" "Very much. Is he available." Darren smiled. "Not for what I think you want." "I want it all. I want all of him." "Well, his mouth and ass aren't available." "Tis a pity. You will let me know if he does become available." "Sir, he's not for sale." Hans laughed. "EVERYONE is for sale."

The stripping sub that night was a tall, thin, nearly hairless guy named Ben. Apparently he had been chosen by the seasoned players before Darren and tok joined them, because there was muttering that "the Japanese stud" should've been the one . The phrase caught tok's eye, and he smiled. His smile caught Darren's eye, who decided that a flogging would be in order before he fucked tok that night. He might even extend the time for the cage to come off by a few days. Who knows? He might even add something he KNEW tok hated: vibrators strapped to his bare feet. "Where did you find that one? He's SO HOT" Jackson, someone Darren knew from the bar, asked. "Ah, I met him through another guy who only likes them young. tok had gotten too old, and he was throwing him out. He's a good sub. Well trained. Likes dick too." "Looks like he likes nip play too." Darren laughed. "I never asked. Fact is, I like playing with his nips."

Darren was not that great a poker player. He won a couple of hands, and got Ben to take off his socks, and also, when he was stripped down, to get a dog collar on (Ben had been tied up by then, gagged, with clamps, and a blindfold). When Darren had tapped out of the game, Hans stopped him. "One second, Sir. Maybe a side wager. Or a side deal?" "What's that?" Darren glared. Hans had done well that night, and he was jealous. "How about an exchange? I'll forward you 500 bucks and tap out. I get tok for an hour. ONE hour. " He smiled. "And I get his mouth." Darren began to get red. FUCK. tok was HIS property. NO ONE got to use him. But he wanted to stay in the game. He hadn't brought any more cash. Hans sat at the table, smiling. "700?" Darren asked. "500. For 700 I get his ass too." Another pause. "Ok. 700." Hans smiled. The other DOMS were looking at each other, wondering what had just happened. tok heard the whole thing, and wanted to go and hide somewhere. Yes, he wouldn't have minded being underneath Hans, but... he was scared to death by what Darren would do. "Tell you what, Darren. I have a better offer, but first.... " He handed Darren the 700 in chips. "How about you and I, we play one hand. I'll put up everything that's in front of me.. How much is it? 2500 or so? And you put up... what you have of value: tok. One hand." "WHAT?" "Isn't this a goddamn Shirley Temple movie?" someone whispered. His neighbor laughed. "tok sure isn't Shirley Temple." Darren shook his head. "Nah, not good enough. " Hans smiled and pulled out a wad of cash. "Let's make it 10,000." You could hear the shock from the rest of the players. "NOW WE'RE TALKING. " Darren growled. "tok, get your sweet ass out here." "Yes sir," tok answered. He stood next to his Master, hands behind his back. "That's right. Distract him," Darren thought, because tok's nipples pointed out even further, and his biceps looked even more tasty when his hands were behind his back. "Five card draw," Darren called. Their host asked "new deck or new shuffle?" Hans smiled. "I think a new deck is called for here. " Val got up and came back with a sealed deck. He showed it to both men. "Who's cutting the cards?" he asked. "Fine with me if Sir Darren cuts," Hans smiled. And the hand proceeded. Darren looked at his cards. Two queens, two fours, and an eight. "Not bad" he thought. He tossed away one card and the dealer - Val - handed him a four. It was hard for Darren not to smile. It was even harder for him not to smile when Hans asked for three cards. "Ok gentlemen, let's see." Darren laid down his full house and smiled. Hans shook his head. "Nice hand Darren, nice hand." Then he put down his four sixes. "Normally it would win. "FUCK!!!!" Darren yelled, knocking over his chair as he got up. Hans just smiled. He looked at Val. "You have a few things I can borrow? Cuffs? A collar? Duct tape." Val smiled. He didn't like Darren very much. "Coming up." Hans looked at tok. "YOU. OVER HERE." Darren was about to protest, but it had all happened in front of everyone. He lost. He had lost tok. He belonged to Hans now. "I have been dreaming about this moment for the last hour. " He looked at tok. "You know where your wrists go. " "yes sir," tok answered meekly. The big strong sub was now cuffed by his new owner. He felt the collar tighten around his neck. Then, a big piece of black duct tape went over his mouth. "Maybe you think I'm leaving without the cage key?" "I DON'T HAVE IT. It's at home." Darren was pouting. "Well, that's ok. Plenty of time until the end of the month, but I'll be driving by tomorrow to pick up tok's stuff, and I want it. We clear, Darren?" "Yeah, we're clear. " Hans stood up. "I have to wish you gentlemen good night." He put HIS arm on tok's bicep. "I'd like to ride my new toy. Let's go, stud." tok took a look at Darren, who was looking away. "NOW BOY!" Hans ordered. "yes sir," tok answered, beginning to wonder how that beard was going to feel in bed. He found out about a half hour later, after Hans had stripped him and cuffed him face up on his bed. " "Now, let's see. Hmmm. " Hans' tongue grazed tok's nipple, and got no response. "I bet that they've been overstimulated by Darren. Let's try something else. " His tongue moved up, and found a crevice between tok's shoulder and his head. tok shuddered, and then began to moan. "AHA! So you DO have hot spots." "Yes sir... I have plenty." "Then I have much work to do. I'm sure that some of them are typical of subs. " He smiled. His finger had found tok's hole, and tok spread his legs the way he had been taught. As Hans began to run his finger back and forth over that spot, his new bottom began to moan even more. "OH YES SIR. YES SIR..." "AH. But there is something I have a feeling you have missed." Hans grabbed tok's ankles and pulled them in the air. "Is he fucking me already?" tok thought. Not a chance. The tongue that had started it all found its way to tok's ass. Darren had never eaten him. Forrest had, every now and then. tok loved it. He tried to get more of Hans' tongue into his ass. Hans stopped, and laughed. "A well trained slave does not push for more than he's given, tok. I presume you know that." tok was breathing harder than he did during the most strenuous of his cardio workouts. "yes sir. Sorry Sir. I was too eager. Too. OOOOOOOOOOOOOH" . Hans was back inside him. More pre-cum was pouring out of him. Finally, Hans stopped. "Now you are nice and juicy. Just the way a good bottom should be." He dropped his pants. tok had seen his share of penises. Sir Hans had a long one: thin, but long. He wondered how long it was: the most he had ever taken was an 11 inch dildo, but he had been so sore for three days, Sir Forrest couldn't fuck him. Hans was not THAT long, but he was longer than Forrest and probably also Darren. As Hans penetrated him, one thing was certain: however long he was, Hans was a better lover than either of them. He probed tok, moving in slowly, than quickly, stopping, and licking areas of tok's body that hadn't been worked on for years - if at all. "At some point we will find out how ticklish you are, tok. For now.... we wait." Hans moved his mouth around tok's pointed chin, and nibbled it as he pushed in deeper. "Please Sir . Please Sir. Fuck me HARD. " Hans smiled. "Who is your new Master, tok?" "You are Sir. You are." "Correct. And the first thing a Master does... is breed his bitch." He pushed his body forward, and his cum filled tok's slave ass. "How many men have fucked me?" tok was asking as it happened "How many more will?" For the next five years, it was only Hans. Every day, at least once.

Next: Chapter 3

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