Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 19, 2022


eric's story about Master Jase branding one of his prior sub slaves stayed in tok's mind. On the one hand, the "smell" he imagined of the burning flesh and the pain were some of the things that actually made his caged cock go down. On the other hand, the thought of being branded like an animal carrying the mark of its owner - that was HOT. Tattoos? Yeah, they were ok, but there were a lot of tattoos and to tok, a brand was much more permanent. Carrying an owner's mark- not necessarily Master Jase's - brought that softened cock right back up there. One day, shortly after eric told him about the branding, tok got the courage to ask for permission to speak. Master Jase looked down from his paper - tok was naked except for onion skin shorts and sandals, and was at Master Jase's feet because he had not been given permission to sit on the furniture. "Go ahead, slave. What's on your mind." tok told Master Jase about the story that slave eric had told him. Master Jase laughed a little. "You know that expression: don't believe everything you hear?" "Yes sir." tok began to feel disappointed, until Master Jase continued. "Well, sometimes you SHOULD believe everything you hear. And that's enough on the topic." "Yes sir. Thank you Sir. " "Know what? Thinking about it made me even hornier than I was. You're gonna sit on me tonight. Let's go." "Yes sir," tok got up. This was NOT one of his favorite ways to get fucked, but when Master Jase found out that tok was strong enough to do it, he wanted it, almost every week. tok was way too big and too masculine to be thought of as a "spinner," but sometimes Master Jase treated him that way. With a little bit of his own flare of course. Master Jase would lay on his back, his cock rigid and waiting, and then tok had to lower his ass onto it. The flares that Master Jase added included tok wearing a blindfold, and doing it with his back turned to Master Jase: Master didn't want his sub slave to see the pleasure he was getting. For tok, it was the form of sex that got Master Jase's cock deepest into him. Master had far from the largest cock he had ever taken, but when he fucked tok this way, it felt like he did. "FASTER BITCH. You trying to protect your ass?" Master Jase yelled when he thought tok was moving too slowly. "No Sir. Sorry Sir." "If it's not completely in you in the next five seconds, we're starting again after I put the needle clamps on your tits and a clothes pin on your balls." "Yes sir. I'll do better." tok wondered if that "threat" was supposed to make him move faster or slower. A single clothespin, put on the loose flesh around his balls, could send him into deep "sub space. " Master Jase's cock was doing that now. The sounds that were coming out of tok, as Master Jase used his considerable strength to bridge off the bed and get deeper, were more feral than any other sounds he made during sex. With his back to Master Jase he COULD, theoretically, stroke himself. He didn't dare. If Master figured out that he was, well... "THAT'S RIGHT. GIMME YOUR FUCKING SEXY SLAVE BITCH ASS. TAKE MY COCK YOU FUCKING BOTTOM. TAKE IT." tok began to bounce up and down on Master Jase's cock and he felt his Master pushing faster and faster. When he went silent, tok knew that Master Jase was close and.... a slight glute contraction and "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT FUCK. SHIT FUCK. WHAT AN ASS MOTHERFUCKER. SHIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" When he was finished, since the position meant that Master's jizz fell all over his body, tok's job was to lick it all up. Every drop of it. Not getting all of it meant that the cage would stay on, longer. Master Jase had developed a number of games around chastity because he began to feel, correctly, that tok was feeling too complacent. He had been with Master Jase longer than he had been with most Masters and ... all those cocks out there. All those DOMS. Yeah, some were shitty DOMS, but if he stayed with this one really good one, would he miss the MASTER of MASTERS? tok was feeling lucky about that. He had had two really good Masters in a row: Sir Roberto and now Master Jase. Didn't good things come in threes?

But on the other hand... Later that week, Master Jase had done something that made tok rethink everything. For tok, it had come out of nowhere. He had gotten home from work, and hadn't gotten naked or changed yet or anything. He heard Master walking behind him and then he felt his arms pulled behind him, pinned. tok pushed against them and of course, nothing happened. He felt Master Jase rest his little beard on his neck, and put his mouth to his ear. "Know what I realized tok? I realized that after all this time, you haven't surrendered. You never submitted to me. As far as I know, you don't consider yourself my sub. At least not in the way I want you to." tok pushed against Master Jase's grip a bit more. Again, nothing. What Master had said was true: tok hadn't said "I submit." Not to Master Jase, not to Sir Roberto, not to ANY of his Masters. tok hadn't done it because, to him, it carried a sense of permanency that he wasn't ready for. He wondered if the sub whom Master had branded had felt the same way. By that point, Master Jase had tok's arms pinned with one of his, and he was using his free hand to rub a nipple through tok's shirt. "You're gonna submit tonight." "No sir. Please. No sir," tok whispered. Feeling helpless in Master's grip, and the finger along his nipple were turning him to jelly but... "Get naked. Then get on the bed. Face up." "yes sir," tok said, a bit more reluctantly than he might have wanted. He was going to have to frustrate his Master, and that COULD be dangerous.

Master tied tok's wrists flush with the bed. That was the first thing that was unusual to tok: Master Jase usually liked to leave a little slack so tok could struggle. He wouldn't be able to now. Then, Master Jase unlocked his cock cage and took it off. It WAS true that Master didn't have a regular schedule of release the way Sir Roberto did, but to take it off during the week... that had never happened before. When he went into the bedroom, tok saw Master's gym bag on the floor, which was also unusual. Master was VERY regular about changing what was in his bag every day, putting the soiled clothes in tok's laundry basket for the weekend, refilling it, and putting it in the hall closet. Master Jase was shirtless, but he had on his jeans. He smiled as he reached into his gym bag. "I got a few things today, tok. Things we're gonna be using going forward." First, he pulled out two long chains with shackles on them. "These.... are gonna help keep your legs just the way I want them. Tied to your wrists, and spread wide." He pulled tok's ankles and then applied the shackles to each leg, and to each wrist. tok's dick got harder. He LIKED being spread. He then noticed that his laundry timer was on the bed table, set at zero. What was THAT doing here? Finally, Master pulled out what looked like a severed finger. tok almost laughed. "You won't see these in gay toy stores. Straight people have very little imagination tok. But this...." He smiled. "A client told me about it. His wife uses it on herself. And I'm gonna use it on you. Here's how it's gonna work. I'm gonna use it until you submit. After you do, I'm gonna edge you and fuck you. Then the cage is going back on. How long it stays on, depends on how long it takes you to submit. The longer it does, the longer it stays on: three days for ten minutes, six days for twenty.... and if we go past an hour and 18 days, we'll just reset things." He paused. "But you won't last that long." tok tried to pull at the restraints. He heard the buzz and then he felt the finger vibrator. Master began with running it just under tok's balls. tok's response was an "mmmmmmmmmmm." It felt exactly like a finger scratching at them. Then rubbing along the bottom of his cock. "Ten minutes. " Master intoned, and then.... that's when things got "interesting." He began running the vibrating finger along tok's "taint": the length of skin between his hole and his balls. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH. SIRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR"

Master Jase laughed. "Keep screaming like that and I may have to gag you." His voice dropped. "Submit." "No SIR. NO. I can't. I............AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGH" DAMN. Why did he think the finger didn't have varying strengths? It did but Master had switched to a lighter one... it was WORSE. tok had gotten accustomed to stronger, harder vibrations. The light gentle touch, again like someone gently scratching him, was... well, torture. "Twenty minutes. You submit?" "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SIR," tok was truly at a crossroads. Master Jase was going to win, there was no question about it. Sooner or later, tok was going to have no choice. Taking the cage off had been, tok realized later, a stroke of diabolic genius. Now, his dick could swell, and get harder, but... standing in the air like that, with no friction, no nothing, it was WORSE than the cage. Now the finger was making circles around tok's asshole. Master never put it in him, but he just smiled. He didn't ask, but just brought the thing back to the taint. NOW, he turned it up. "OH SHIT FUCK NO. NO MORE NO MORE. I GIVE. I GIVE . I SUBMIT. I SUBMIT. I SUBMIT SIR." tok couldn't believe he had just did that. His chest was heaving, and his cock was so hard it hurt. Master chuckled. "More than 25 and less than30. Let's make it 7 days. I think it won't take 7 days for you to jizz now." He reached into the bag one more time and pulled out a fleshlight. It surprised tok that they didn't have one, until Master had explained that he didn't need one: he used an ass for his erections, and his subs only came with his permission. Now, he was using it, expertly, on tok. The moans coming out of the sub were not as animalistic as when he was sitting on Master's cock, but they were pretty strong. He was thinking while he moaned: "this is the first time I truly feel conquered. He's my first true MASTER. Not just a DOM, but a MASTER. " "THANK YOU SIR. THANK YOU. " tok began to shoot huge ropes of cum into the air, and Master Jase just smiled. "That's my boy. That's my sub boy. " He caught a few drops on a finger and tasted it . "Ha ha. Clean living. Nice and salty but sweet. Nice and pure. Now it's my turn." Only now did Master take off his jeans and tok saw how hard he was. He had truly enjoyed this. He methodically twisted his cock into his sub's ass, and even after all the stimulation, tok felt it. Maybe he felt something else: the sense that his life had changed, he didn't know. But it was... strong. When Master Jase reached up and grabbed his tits and gloated. "I brought you down, boy, and I'm gonna bring you down EVERY week, the same way," tok heard himself saying "OH YES PLEASE SIR YES. THANK YOU SIR . THANK YOU." The lashes of cum that filled tok after that were hot, and thick. When he was done, Master Jase unchained and untied tok. "Get the bed changed, boy. I want to sleep in a clean bed." "yes sir." "We'll be doing this once a week from now on. What I do will change, but how you respond will determine how long the cage stays on. Now clean up, clean up the cage, and bring it to me." "yes sir." Before long, tok was back in the cage.

No one would say that they felt the earth shift, but power dyanmics did shift a bit with Master Jase and tok after that session. tok began to realize that Master had seen that he was restive. He had responded by making it clear what their relationship was: tok wasn't just a bottom, and he wasn't just a slave: he was a SUB. He could think of it in capitals because, he realized, he never felt that way before. Not with any other DOM. He responded: when Master trained him at the gym, he tried to go into deeper squats, to hold weights just a fraction longer. Master noticed. "GOOD BOY!" became an expression tok lived for. When Master stood over him as he was pressing, he'd look at Master's crotch and think "I can take that. I can take as much of it as he gives me."

Master Jase made what had happened very clear with something at the gym the next day. The sauna had an "out of order" sign on it. It wasn't out of order, but Master Jase had a plan. After the workout, he opened the door of that "out of order" sauna. "GET IN THERE TOK." Puzzled, tok answered "yes sir." Once they were in the room, Master pushed tok against the wall and pinned him there. He shoved his tongue down tok's throat and kissed for a while before he spoke. "Know what I like about dominating you, tok? " tok tried to be funny. "Fucking my ass Sir? My blow jobs? How I moan." Master smiled and held tok's wrists tighter. "Yeah, ALL of that. But maybe you don't get the rest. Maybe you've been submissive too long. You don't realize how many would be DOMS you intimidate. With reason. They know: if you ever decided to flip them, you could. With no problem. " "But. But I don't want to Sir." "NAH, you're still not hearing me boy. For you, it's really not about sex. The sex part is like breathing. Just something you need to do. You prefer taking it to giving it but... " and now Master Jase smiled. "You've never had a MASTER who was someone you COULDN'T flip, who could handle you in EVERY SINGLE WAY. Roberto was a step in the right direction but now.... " He grinned. "You could struggle, but you'd lose. I could throw you on the floor and fuck you right now. And you'd love it. Because..." he took a breath. "I broke you." NOW tok got it. "yes sir. You did. And I wish you would fuck me. Right now. Right here." Master Jase laughed. "NAH. Not here. Here, you're gonna give me a goddamn great blow job. And tonight, I'm gonna medicate up and fuck you hard. The blow job is incidental, but I wanted to make sure you knew: submission is final. You're MINE now.... bitch stud." "Bitch stud." He had never called tok that before. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR SUB BITCH STUD. GET ON MY COCK." "yes sir." tok gave his MASTER the best blow job he could. And that night, he brought Master Jase the two pills and a glass of water and, an hour later, tok was face down, with Master Jase's cock buried deep in his ass.

A couple days after that, tok was home first. He was cleaning the kitchen when he heard Master Jase come in. Immediately, he stopped what he was doing and stood in the hallway, in subservient position. "Welcome home Sir," he said, looking down at his feet, and realizing his cock was twitching. "Look up, bitch stud. I got something to show you. Something I got today." tok looked up as Master Jase was taking off his shirt. There it was: right under his left pec: a tattoo. The tattoo said "tok's DOM." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH. SIR. It's.. it's beautiful. May I.. May I kiss it?" "You may." Master Jase pulled tok's head close to him and tok realized: this was where he was staying.


So, as we end the story, just a little bit of further info. Take it and run with it writers, if you like. Master Jase had one more thing to do, to make sure that tok was settled into his new role as a sub: he knew that tok would always be sexually restive: getting fucked and tormented by Master Jase, was never going to be enough. So he got in touch with eric. Now, eric could take clients who wanted two bottoms. It wasn't a regular gig, and tok didn't move into the brothel out of which eric sometimes operated, but if eric went through Master Jase and Master Jase approved, tok got sent out to "work." Any money he earned went to charity, and if he worked twice a week, it was a lot. But there was call: he had more than one satisfied customer, who would be frustrated when tok "wasn't available," as he usually wasn't: he was Master Jase's boy.

Take care all! I hope you enjoyed the story. See y'all soon.

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