Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 16, 2022


Master Jase knew there were things he just did not do very well. There were areas where he had very little "sense" of what worked and what didn't. One of those was "fashion" or just dressing. Since he spent most of his time in gym clothes, it wasn't much of a big deal for him but with a handsome sub like tok, he was grateful for the fashion sense that Sir Roberto had. tok wore clothes well, and Sir Roberto had picked excellent colors and had the clothes tailored well. Of course, there was the fact that if he had his choice, tok would walk around naked or next to naked all the time. Master Jase used this as one way to keep him in line: tok needed Jase's permission to go naked, or even to just walk around in shorts. Jase knew this was a way to remind tok who was Boss, and he used it. And while tok didn't really care for wearing so many clothes all the time, the way Master Jase exercised control, and how he dominated, kept him "stimulated," even if the new cock cage meant that stimulation was muted.

There had been one time where Master Jase had looked at tok, dressed in a tight fitting blue dress shirt and tight black pants, and he just felt a need to take tok by force. He waited until his back was turned, and then.. he GRABBED tok, and pulled the struggling man to the bedroom where he threw him down on the bed, face down. "ROLL OVER BITCH. I want your pants down so I can FUCK you." tok took a risk, but he had known enough DOMS, and he knew Master Jase well enough to know that... he could spice things up by resisting. He curled up in a semi-fetal position and wouldn't turn. tok remembered Master Jase's resonant voice. "Oh. You're gonna make me CONQUER you? I can do that." tok knew that he could: Master Jase was the strongest DOM he had ever served, and as he felt Master Jase get a "chicken wing" hold on him, he knew what would happen. He resisted. It did no good. Little by little, Master Jase turned him until tok was lying on his side. "Ready to give, tok?" "No Sir," was the answer. Master Jase laughed. Now that he had tok in this position, the rest was easy, and he flipped tok over on his back. tok squirmed, but Master Jase straddled him to pin him down. He had to restrain himself from ripping open tok's shirt, but he unbuttoned it carefully, before he pulled tok's ring and squeezed his left nipple, HARD. He said nothing, but just kept up the pressure, while his knee pushed into tok's crotch. Then, when tok felt his resolve weakening, Master Jase took the nipple ring in his mouth. "NO. NO. I GIVE I GIVE I GIVE." When tok looked at Master Jase, he had a look in his eyes that reminded tok of the big cats he had seen in the zoos. Yes, he was prey to a big, strong animal who could rip him apart.

Master Jase loosened tok's belt, pulled down his pants, and pulled up his legs. He had already dropped his own pants, and he showed no mercy: his shoved his WHOLE cock in, all at once, and HARD. tok was used to some hard fucking, but the way Master Jase took him that night, remained with him for years. He remembered the brutal thrusts, the language Master used: "HOW DARE YOU RESIST ME CUNT? DID YOU FORGET WHO'S IN CHARGE? WHO'S BITCH YOU ARE? DON'T EVER DO THAT AGAIN, MANCUNT." "No Sir, No..." tok was gasping for breath because of the assault and because... well, he began thinking: "THIS is how a DOM fucks his sub. None of this mutuality nonsense. I serve my MASTER." And when he was done, when Master Jase had blown a huge load in him, he lay down on top of tok and found his lips. He kissed them. "That was hot, tokster. That was REALLY hot." "yes sir. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Master Jase didn't ask tok if he did, and that made tok happy. "I want you to resist at least one night a week. I'll tell you when I'm in the mood, but taking you like that... " He smiled. "It reminded me of who's Boss. Did it remind you?" "Yes sir. Absolutely."

And yes, as tok thought about it, that first time was so goddamn hot. They DID do it once a week, and when Master had defeated him and was claiming his prize, tok was thinking about how hot it would be if he were an explorer, captured by a tribe and then used by each man in the tribe, the same way Master Jase was using him.

"tok, we're going over to Sir Ryan's for dinner on Saturday" Master Jase announced one day when he came home. "Ok Sir. His sub's name is eric, right, Sir?" Master Jase looked at him, and then laughed. "tokkie, eric is an escort. To be more precise, he's a WHORE. When Sir Ryan feels the need for some companionship, he rents a boy. eric's his favorite, but not his only one." He paused. "Not every man wants the responsibility of a live in sub: keeping him in line, training him, and all that." "Yes sir, I understand." "But I'm sure he'll have SOMEONE over. Sir Ryan doesn't like to spend the weekend's alone. " tok hoped that eric WAS there. Escort, whore, it didn't matter. The life that eric must be leading, with a different man every night, or different MEN every night, was something he had fantasized about forever. The fantasies were stronger because, as part of his domination, Master Jase had restricted just how much office sex tok could have, and what kind. "Butt sex" as he called it, with anyone but himself, was forbidden. Oral sex was ok, as long as tok gave no more than three blow jobs a day. tok knew that Master Jase would be able to tell right away if he had had butt sex with someone else, but how could he know how many blow jobs he had given? He didn't know that Master Jase had a friend in tok's department who observed everything. After the first 3 days, when Master told him who he had blown and at what time, tok knew that he had to be careful because Master Jase had told him "Trust me, boy, if i find out you've violated my rules, you're gonna be more than sore, and more than in your ass. You belong to me. I make the rules." tok thought that Master was threatening him with a tattoo or something like that. He learned that weekend, it was something much more severe.

That Saturday, Master Jase had tok wear a dark red, almost maroon silk shirt and a pair of very tight jeans. Even with the new exercise regime, these jeans were tough to put on. Master laughed. "It'll keep you from eating too many sweets, and they show off your ass. DAMN that ass." He cupped one of tok's cheeks, and then he pulled tok into him. "I don't know if I'm gonna make it through the dinner without wanting to fuck you, and if I do, I'm gonna do it right on Ryan's floor. GOT IT BITCH?" "Yes Sir. It sounds hot." Ryan lived close enough for them to walk to his place, and that meant tok's hands went behind his back, and one of Master Jase's hands went on the back of his neck. "Nice ring," one leather stud said as he walked past. The shirt did show the outline of the ring. "How do you like that? You're being cruised. Even though you're with me. " "Sorry Sir. Should I look down?" "NAH. I know you check out other men. Just makes me laugh cause you can't do anything but suck them. And when I'm here, that's not happening either." He laughed. "A horny sub makes a happy DOM" eric WAS at the apartment when they got there. Sir Ryan must have lost track of the time because when they walked in, eric was shirtless and tied and gagged in one of Sir Ryan's chairs. "HEY GUYS. Sorry. Whatcha want Jase? You wanna play with him a little while? Or should I let him go?" Jase smiled. He began to get an idea. "Let him go for now. We can revisit this. tok has been checking out guys since we started walking over and... I KNOW that he's horny." Sir Ryan laughed. "We could have a Mexican standoff with these two. If we sent them to bed they'd kick each other to death." Now Master Jase laughed. "Well, tok isn't gonna be able to do anything because of Daddy's little cage." Sir Ryan smiled and shook his head. "Yeah, I'd like that bitch to wear one when he's with me, but the service won't allow it. Too risky to damage their merchandise. " "You gotta buy him, stud. You already spend a fortune renting him." Sir Ryan sighed. "Yeah, I know, but I'm just not sure about the commitment." Master Jase squeezed tok's neck. "I know, it's a shitload of work but ya know... there's something satisfying about knowing that you're just hours away from having your cock sucked or dumping a load in some sweet ass." "Let's talk Jase. " Ryan untied eric who said "thank you Sir." "Take tok off to the bedroom. Hang out while we talk."

In the bedroom, tok lowered his voice. "I'm sorry we walked in like that. I didn't want to embarrass you." eric laughed. "I'm not embarrassed. It's not the worst thing that's happened here. There've been nights when he rode my like a pony in a room of straight people, before he fucked me in front of them." tok looked at him. "You SERIOUS? That sounds kinda hot." eric grinned. "It was. And I got a good tip from it." "If I can ask... what's it like doing what you do?" "Well, I work during the day. Full timer. Then at night, I go to the service. If they have a gig for me, or even better, if they have gigs for me, I get to work. Sometimes I need to use a costume, so I get those, sometimes the guy has it for me. They pay the agency and I get a tip plus a percentage. It's not a great percentage but..." he paused. "Sometimes I get 5 different cocks a night." "GEEZ. That sounds great. But.. your deal with Sir Ryan?" "Yeah, he rents me for the whole weekend. Costs him a fortune. He always tips me at the end, though, and he's generous. That's why this talk about him buying my contract... Losing that 700 bucks every weekend so that I have the pleasure of being his full time bitch doesn't thrill me." eric looked at tok. "You're thinking about it aren't you?" "The thought of escorting has crossed my mind." "Well, don't let your Master know. Last guy who tried that with him.." "He tattooed him, right?" "Uh, no. He branded him. "Property of Jase" right on his left ass cheek. As far as I know it's still there." "He BRANDED him?" "That's right to remind him..." eric didn't get to finish. "BITCHES. GET OUT HERE, NOW." When they got out of the bedroom and into the living room, they saw that Master Jase was sitting on the sofa, his zipper opened and his cock out and hard. "Who's gonna suck me, tok?" "I guess I am Sir." "YOU GUESS?" "Sir, there are two subs here. You get to choose." "Damn right I do. Get your mouth where it belongs. Too much fucking talking and not enough sucking. " tok got on his knees. He began licking Master Jase's cockhead. "Too damn hot. Get on all fours, bitch," Ryan ordered eric, who answered "yes sir. Ryan got his pants down and began fucking him, right in front of Master Jase. tok couldn't see but he could hear. "I thought about that too, tok, but I figure... I may be roused enough to need your ass when we get home." He pulled tok's hair so that he was off Master Jase's cock. "Hey. When was the last time I shaved you?" "Two weeks Sir." "You didn't remind me?" "Sorry Sir. I thought you had a plan." "Yeah, I have a plan. You're gonna have the 12 incher up your ass when you get cleaned off tomorrow. Now get back to work. " "Yes sir." It took a while before they sat down to dinner, but when they did, two DOMS had shot loads, and two subs were in the bathroom, cleaning up. "I SWEAR tok. If you try to leave him, Master Jase will make sure you never sub for another DOM ever again."

Folks, the next installment of this story will be the last one. If you have any ideas for the ending, let me know. I DO have an outline, but the installment's not written yet. Let me hear from ya.

Next: Chapter 11

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