Takehiro the Shared Sub

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Nov 27, 2021


INTRO: Dear readers: this is the first installment of a new story. I will continue it when I finish writing "Domination of a Trooper." This is just to whet your appetite, and I hope it does.

Takehiro ("Tok" to his friends, and to his Master, when his Master didn't use one of his "slave names"), looked at his watch. It was just before 5, which normally meant nothing at his job, but tonight was different. Tonight was the Masters' strip poker game, and it was Master Hans' turn to provide the "entertainment." That meant Tok. Strip poker for this group had a particular meaning. The group met every month, at a different Master's home. The hosts provided the food, the servant (his sub) and also... The way that the game worked, was that the Masters didn't strip, but the sub/slave did. The winner of a hand would choose what the sub would remove. There was always a "theme" behind the outfit the sub wore. In the past, they had used a cowboy theme, and also a preppy theme. This time, it was hot executive. Tok had to get home and first, serve the drinks and appetizers in his short shorts and chainless nipple clamps, and then change into a full, three piece suit and tie for the poker game. If the gamer were still on after the stripping was finished, then it turned into a game of "toy chest": whomever won a hand could investigate the toy collection of their host, and choose whatever he wanted to use on the sub. The one thing that they would not be able to use on Tok was the chastity cage: he wore one. Master Hans took it off once a month "whether the bitch needs it or not" he would joke and, after tying Tok down, edge him slowly. Once, it took him three hours before he was ready to finish Tok. Tok slept for about 8 hours after that, until Master Hans came into the bedroom and ordered him on his back: he was horny and he wanted Tok's ass.

Tok was 35, Master Hans, 48. Tok had become Master Hans' slave about 5 years before, after a very roundabout and involved set of circumstances, beginning when he was a young boy in Japan. Tok would have been considered a privileged child: his mother worked as a research scientist, and his father taught chemical engineering at a university. Tok and his two brothers grew up wanting very little, going to the best schools, and wanting for nothing: their parents doted on them. The three boys responded by excelling in their school work. Tok and his brother Ichiro both excelled in mathematics and science, while Jun sucked up languages like a sponge. Tok, in particular, learned so fast and so much that one day, his school administrator asked his father to come for a discussion. "Is there something wrong? Has my son misbehaved?" Tok was sitting next to his father, squirming in his uniform. Mom had tied his necktie especially tight that day because she wanted Tok to "look polite" with the administrator. Administrator Shirato shook his head. "No Sir. There is nothing that your son has done that is wrong. If anything, I must apologize for the school failing him." Tok's father looked at his son. He had said nothing to his father about the school, and now Father was confused. "I am afraid, Shirato San, that I don't understand." Shirato took a breath. "We have failed Takahiro by not having adequate faculty for his sharp mind, Sir. I am afraid that I must admit that for him to remain at this school would be a waste of his time, and a waste of your money. I suggest you find a more appropriate school to satisfy his intellectual curiosity." Shirator smiled at Tok. "We will miss him, but we expect Tok will do great things." Tok's father shook his head. "I appreciate your comments Administrator Shirato. I will discuss this with my wife and then... we will certainly let you know." Tok's father and Shirato rose and shook hands, while Tok bowed as he was taught. "Your son also has the best manners of any student in the school, Sir. He is a model of comportment." Tok's father smiled. He was not afraid to use corporal punishment if his boys behaved, and he was pleased to know: it had worked.

Tok's parents spent the next two weeks investigating appropriate schools for their son. Nothing seemed adequate. One day, at the university, a visiting Professor, Dr. Charles Limsted, took Tok's father aside. "Haruo, may I make a suggestion? It is a drastic one, but.... I believe your son may have better opportunities at an American university setting. " Haruo looked at Limsted, stunned "UNIVERSITY? He is only 14!" Limsted smiled. "Haruo, it would not be the first time an American university took a talented student who would be considered younger than usual. "But.. but... we have no contacts in the United States." Again, Limsted smiled. "My visiting professorship year ends in May, and I'll be returning home. If you would be amenable to it, Tok could live with me." Haruo laughed. "You'd spoil him. I know you're as fond of him as an uncle could be." It was true. While Limsted was gay, he did not have a sexual interest in Tok; however, he saw a "seed" of preference for men that he thought should not be suppressed. Beyond that, he thought the boy was so engaging and so smart, he needed more than he got at home. He had determined he would make this work, and he would protect Tok like a lioness would protect her cub. Discussions followed. However strict he was, Haruo did not want to send Tok off to the United States unless he were amenable. Tok surprised him by being excited from the start. "When do we go? Can we go tomorrow? The weekend? PLEASE!!!!" Haruo didn't know that Tok spent some of his little free time looking at sports magazines of American athletes. They made him feel, as he would put it "fuzzy and good." When Haruo convinced his wife Kimiko, it was done. Her one requirement was that either she or Haruo, or both, would go with Tok to make sure they were satisfied with his new living arrangement.

The day they left was unseasonably warm, and they sweated as they hugged Tok's brothers goodbye: the parents would be coming back, but Tok would be staying with Dr. Limsted. Kimiko hugged Haruo's hand tightly all the way to California, where Dr. Limsted lived and taught. His home, which was not grand but WAS bigger than theirs, was well kept, clean and bright. "There is a housekeeper who cleans twice a week, but I will be honest Kimiko. I will expect Tok to help with keeping the house clean. That will be one of his tasks here." Haruo smiled. "My son is your servant Dr Limsted. We are all grateful for this. He will do whatever you ask. " He looked at Tok "Am I wrong , son?" "No Father. You are never wrong." Limsted laughed. "I hope he changes his point of view on that Haruo. Your theories are far from correct." They began getting into a discussion of their field before Limsted broke it off. "Tok, let me show you to your room." It was a small bedroom, but large enough for Tok's needs: a bed, a separate bathroom, a closet, a bookshelf. "We will get a television in here and of course, we'll set up your computer Tok. It will be comfortable. One thing we WILL have to do... " Limsted stuck his hands in his pockets. "Uniforms are not used on university campuses. We'll have to do some shopping for appropriate clothes. We'll take care of that tomorrow. " Haruo and Kimiko were staying for a week, in another room. They would tour the university with Tok.

In their bedroom that night, Kimiko whispered to Haruo: "Haruo, Dr. Limsted is... a homosexual isn't he?" "Yes, Kimiko, he is. " "And... you feel that Tok is safe." Haruo laughed. "Kimiko, Charles is.. how did he put it, a lion with no teeth. Yes, he PREFERRED men but now, he prefers science. And in any event..." he dropped his voice. "I have sat with Tok and told him how to contact me in case he feels he is in danger." "I hope you are right Haruo."

The week flew by. They bought a new wardrobe for Tok, ate at American restaurants, met with Tok's new professors and had their emotional departure from their son. University life would begin in a month, and Limsted took the time to introduce Tok to the life he would be living. Tok took to ice cream, to American westers and... to American pornography. He had an allowance, and he would buy one magazine a week, thinking that Limsted wouldn't know. He hid them under the mattress of his bed, and Limsted's housekeeper Astrid found each and every one. She reported to Charles, but they didn't do anything to disturb Tok's interest. He had been interested in that kind of magazine in Japan, but store keepers were much more stringent about who could and could not buy them, and in any event, Tok did not have an allowance at home. Even if a storekeeper had been inclined to sell, he couldn't buy.

Tok excelled at school. He impressed his professors with his work effort, and his silence. That was the one issue with his grades. Tok had perfect grades on everything, except participation where his grade was always in the "satisfactory but needs improvement" range. Limsted sat down to talk to him about that. He asked why he was so quiet, and Tok answered "I don't feel it's my place to challenge authority, Sir." "He's not just a budding queer, he's a budding sub" Limsted thought to himself. He answered "Well, it's not challenging authority, it's challenging ideas. Now, this is what we're going to do. Every week, at least twice, we're going to debate. No matter how ridiculous the positions are, we'll debate the issue. You need to be more aggressive about your positions. And...." He looked at Tok. "You're as pale as a worm, and you're as thin as a reed. I'm going to have you meet Roger, a friend who works at a gym. I think you need more exercise. "

A budding homosexual, protected by an experienced one, and trained by one, at the gym. Yes, it worked as you might have imagined. Tok saw some of the superfit men about the gym and in thinking of their bodies decided "I want one of those." He was thinking of training his own body to look like that, not of taking one of those men for a boyfriend or date, or anything like that: he was too nervous about his own sexuality to do that, and all the images he saw in the porn he bought told him: that's desirable, you're not. He told Roger what he wanted, and Roger smiled. "Charlie told me you'd get here Tok. So, let's get started. You're gonna have to work as hard as you do on your studies but... you're young enough. You can do it. In six months, his muscles began to show. After a year, on a warm day, Tok swallowed hard and took off his shirt when he walked across campus. He was 17 and he got his first "woof." He smiled, and blushed. Limsted was watching all of this. He kept in touch with Haruo, and kept him advised of Tok's progress. Tok went back home once a year, and spent a month in Japan. Soon, he'd have to make a number of decisions. The first one, was whether he wanted to stay in the US, or go back to Japan. Limsted knew he'd have to make another decision. They'd have to discuss both, but not at the same time. "HI PROFESSOR LIMSTED! " Tok was running toward his mentor after his annual trip back home. "He always loses tone when he's there," Limsted smiled as he hugged the young man, who was now taller than him, and had gotten so strong that he practically crushed Limsted in the hug. "Did you enjoy home?" Limsted asked. "I did, but... Professor... I need to talk to you. I'm not sure that's home anymore." Limsted put his arm around Tok, even though now, with his thicker more muscular body, it was difficult. "We'll have that talk. We have to have another one first." It was six months to Tok's 18th birthday.

Limsted asked Tok to come into his study about a week later, after they had eaten dinner. "Tok, you know I don't mince words. Scientists don't, so, let me say it . You don't have to hide your porn. And I know where you can get better stuff." Tok's mouth fell open. "YOU KNEW?" Limsted smiled. "Astrid does a good job cleaning. She found them. " "I.. I never knew." "No, she's very discrete and she doesn't care. Of course, I don't either. " Then Limsted took a deep breath. "Your father should be having this talk with you, but ... " "He doesn't know, Sir . His health is failing and...." "I know. It's ok." (Limsted hadn't told Tok about his own failing health). "So, we're going to have a talk. "Tokkun" (Limsted's own nickname for his charge), you'll be old enough to legally have sex soon. You need to think about that." Tok blushed. "I... I haven't considered it at all Sir" Limsted laughed. "You know you turn bright red when you lie Tok, and you're as red as a cherry right now." "Uh... ok, I just.... " Limsted didn't mention the dried handkerchiefs Astrid would take to the wash every day. Sometimes there were three, but there was always at least one. "I'm just letting you know, Tok, I'm not going to do any kind of matchmaking or anything like that. But I WILL speak up if I think you make a bad choice. You can take my advice or not, of course, but just... well, let's have a talk about what's safe and not."

It was three months after Limsted and Tok had their talk that Tok asked Limsted if he could bring someone home. "For what?" Limsted looked up from a journal. He hid the wince from the pain right below his rib cage. "I don't know Sir. We're going to the movies and then... I don't know if I want to just come home myself." He blushed. "His name is Reggie, Sir. I met him at a lecture at the university." "It's fine. I'll probably be asleep when you get home, but don't be afraid to wake me up if something isn't right." The night he brought home Reggie was the night Tok lost his virginity. It was also the first time his heart was broken. Limsted held him as he cried, when Reggie stopped returning his calls. "It'll be ok Tok. It'll be ok. Get ready. It'll happen again." "Why does it happen, Sir? " Limsted laughed. "Because men are pigs." "You're not a pig Sir." "Ha ha. You didn't know me when I was younger. " He stared at Tok. "Next week, young man, we're gonna have to do two things. First, we have to talk about what your thoughts are on staying in the US because, well, if you are, then we have to get things in motion. And... haven't you noticed that your clothes are getting too tight?" Tok smiled. "People look at me more Sir. And I really don't like wearing clothes." Limsted smiled. "Like father, like son." He said nothing else, leaving Tok confused. Years later though, after Limsted and his parents had passed, he found a collection of photos back at his father's house: polaroids of his father, Kimiko and Limstead, all black and white, at a nudist camp in Japan he had heard of, but had closed years before.

"Dad, I want to become an American citizen" Tok spoke in one of the rare telephone calls he had with his family. Usually, they did face time, or zoom, or something like that, but Limsted thought it would be better to do this by phone. Tok spoke English, but his father answered in Japanese. At one point, he suggested (correctly), that Tok was forgetting his Japanese, and that was why he always spoke English now. "Dad, if I'm going to be a scholar, or an engineer, or anything in science... I need to use English. Even if I'm in Japan - hell Dad, YOU use English at work." Haruo knew his son was right, but... he felt he was losing him and... the advice from the doctors was that he didn't have much longer: maybe 5 years. He wanted to see his son again. He also didn't want to tell Tok he was dying. He told Limsted instead. They laughed like young men. "Did you tell Tok about the nudist camp?" Haruo asked his old friend. "Oh, DEAR, that's your task old man. " Limsted had told Haruo about his intestinal problems. "I hope there's a nudist camp in heaven." "Ha ha. I know. We'll meet there." Then they talked about maybe getting Tok to Japan without telling him about Haruo's condition. "You know... I have another sabbatical coming up. I think that it's time I saw my colleagues in Japan to finish up my research. And of course, having an assistant who is bilingual..." Three months later, Limsted and Tok were on their way back to Japan. "JUNBO. JUNBO" That's what the kids in the neighborhood called Tok when he came back home. He had grown: he was easily 6 feet, and muscular. WAY bigger than anyone else around. "Have you been taking steroids?" Tok's mother asked. "Ha ha. No mom. Just Charlie's good food, and the gym." They had agreed that since Tok was now an adult, he could stay at the hotel where Limsted stayed. Tok took advantage of it: he had gotten over Reggie, and while he was far from being a slut, he was active. What he hadn't told Limsted was that he was basing his decision on whether or not to stay in the US on how he reacted to Japanese men. To Tok, American men won easily. Every time he went out, he was disappointed. He heard words like "HUNK" and "STUD" but... something he had learned when dating in the US: he preferred, as he had learned from the magazines, "the bottom bunk." The feel of a man's cock in him was the greatest feeling he had ever experienced. If it came with bondage, so much the better. There was bondage in Japan, but... every Japanese man he meant was, to use another phrase he had learned from the porn magazines "a pillow queen." They'd go home, Tok would go to the bathroom, and the guy would be on the bed, naked, with either his legs or his ass in the air. No, this wasn't for him. And he had met someone in the US . Someone he felt he could be "serious" about. Forrest was someone he had met in a bar. A beard, grey hair, bright eyes. He had very rough hands, obtained from his work as a carpenter. Tok remembered how, when he saw Forrest in the bar, the man had smiled, crooked his finger, and Tok walked over, spellbound. Forrest introduced himself, and Tok did the same. Then Forrest said to him: "Tok, I hope you don't have plans tonight, because you're coming home with me and I'm going to fuck the shit out of you." "I was hoping you'd say that Sir. Let me just call home and let them know... I'll be late." "You be careful Tok. Call me in a few hours and let me know you're good." "I will Charlie. Will you be ok?" Limsted had finally told Tok about his health when Tok found him doubled over in the kitchen one afternoon. "I'll be fine. Just fine." And he was. Tok was staying over at someone's place. As the relationship with Forrest developed, Limsted felt almost like he had gotten a "second wind." Forrest asked Tok to move in with him, and Tok resisted. When Limsted found out, they had another talk. "Why? Why did you say no?" "Charlie, who's gonna take care of you?" "I've taken care of myself all my life Tok. Astrid comes in, and you know what? I've lived a good life. I lived alone before you, and I'll do it again. Besides." He smiled. "You spend so much time at school on your research, I barely see you anyway." It was true. Tok had been accepted into the PhD program and was doing research for his thesis. Between that, the gym, and bar hopping, he was hardly ever home. "I got that Charlie don't worry." Forrest came over to help move Tok's belongings on the day he moved in with him. "You raised him good. I'll take care of him now." Limsted smiled. "Just don't hurt him." Forrest smiled. "Unless he asks me too, ok? " Limsted knew, from the porn that came into the house, that Tok's interests had gone over to D/s and BDSM, so he rolled with the comment. It wasn't what he liked, but he knew a number of people who did. When Tok embraced him to say goodbye, Limstead groaned. "JESUS CHRIST JUNBO. YOU'RE GONNA CRUSH ME." "I know Charlie san I know. What will I do without you?" "You'll become more of a man than you already are. Now go off you two. Tok, remember, the door is always open. That night, Forrest stripped Tok naked, tied him to his bed, and put a set of nipple clamps on Tok's tits. Then he took out the first chastity cage Tok had ever worn, and locked it. "You're mine, stud. I control what you do, and you'll do what I say." "Yes sir..." Tok moaned as Forrest pulled the clamp chain. "Legs up. I want what's mine." "Yes sir." Tok remembered how Forrest was pissed off when he learned Tok was NOT a virgin. He had flogged Tok's ass so hard that Tok had begged him to stop. Then he fucked him hard, and shoved a butt plug in him. He played with it while Tok moaned. "I fucking like my boys fresh and young. Don't disappoint me again." "No Sir. I won't." Tok did his best. Forrest liked him naked, which suited Tok just fine, and he liked him tied up. The more rope the better. He liked gagging him, torturing his nipples, shoving toys up Tok's ass, and Tok took it all. He LOVED it when, during one of the warmest nights of the year, Forrest took him to a bar wearing nothing but a white jock strap, his arms tied behind his back, and clamps hanging from his nipples. "The studly Japanese guy" became all the rage. One man came to him when Forrest was getting beers. "I'm Darren. Listen up. I don't know how old you are, but you're not far from 28. That's Forrest's limit. Get in touch with me when it happens." He slipped a card in Tok's jockstrap. Tok didn't know what "it happens" meant, until one day he got home from the lab, a week after his 28th birthday, and found his clothes and other possessions all packed up in the middle of the living room. Forrest was watching television. "Sir? " Forrest didn't look up from the TV.

"Belated happy birthday and best of luck. " "I'm sorry Sir" "You're too old for me. Someone else is moving in tomorrow. You want out of the cage?" "Uh.. I guess so Sir." Forrest tossed him the key. "Leave em both on the kitchen table. Don't linger. Scott is due in an hour." To say he was stunned was an understatement, but Tok remembered what Darren had told him. "I NEED TO LISTEN MORE" he thought as he picked up the bags, and walked out of Forrest's house. He figured he could stay with a friend from the lab, but... what would he do beyond that? He remembered Darren's card. Did he still have it? He did. Blurred, stained, but legible. He called. "Yes?" The deep voice on the other end of the line answered. "Sir Darren? It's Tok." "WHO?" "I'm sorry. Tok. The Japanese guy from the bar." "OH YEAH. Forrest's bitch. He kick you out?" "Yes sir. He did. " "How submissive are you?" "Uh, I could use some work Sir?" Darren smiled. That was the right answer. A sub had to understand he was NEVER submissive enough. "I don't remember. My address on the card I gave you?" "Yes sir." "Take a car. Get over here. If you want. Just remember: if you think Forrest was dominant, you ain't seen nothing yet." "Thank you Sir. I'll see you later. " Darren got off the phone and tried to calm down his hard on. He hadn't stopped thinking about Tok since that first night. He saw the car pull up in front of his house. He thought about it, and then decided not to help Tok with his bags. He did open the door and this handsome, studly GOD was standing there in a tight green t shirt and faded jeans, with his hands behind his back and his head bowed. "Thank you for accepting me Sir." Darren walked up slowly, and started playing with Tok's nipples. "OPEN YOUR MOUTH BITCH" When Tok did, he spat into it. "SWALLOW." It was Tok's first test. He passed. "You can unpack later. For now, get undressed. Let me make sure I made the right call." Darren took Tok from behind, and thought "Hell yeah. That's a fine ass, a hot man, and nice and submissive. This will work. " It seemed to. That was seven years before the strip poker night. Tok had finished his research and defended his dissertation as Darren's lover. Darren had planned a party for the night after the defense. And while he couldn't attend the examination after Tok presented, he was waiting outside the auditorium, a big smile on his face. "Do I have to call you Doc Toc now?" Tok laughed and whispered "Mancunt is still fine Sir." Tok had no trouble finding work. He had settled into Darren's home with very little fuss. He had met all of Darren's friends, and their subs and slaves. His life seemed complete. And steady. And the strip poker game would change all of that.

Next: Chapter 2

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