Tails of Sin City

By Kenny Burke

Published on Dec 30, 2019



I was at work feeling horny and looking forward to getting off my shift at 2:30 pm. I'm a forklift driver for the local brewery/distillery here outside of all places, Las Vegas. It's a great job, great hours, and benefits, and free beer up to a point. Over the last few years I've developed some good friends while working here. I was just getting off my last 15 minute break for the day and my coworker Jason walks in and asked "what is your plans for the weekend?" I told him probably not much of anything, he suggested we grab a few beers after work, I agreed. Jason is a good looking guy, late 30's or early 40's. Standing about 6'0 probably 185# solid muscle built frame, light brown hair, scruffy beard, and very emerald green eyes. I never really got a vibe from Jason, as to which way he swung sexually, I just assumed he was straight. Finally 2:30 and I'm off, was looking forward to a few beers with Jason, it was a long shift.

We met out front, and we strolled down to the pub. We sat at a high-top table across from each other, ordered two beers and got comfortable. We talked about work, the heat, etc, as we waited for the beers. The beer arrived and we downed them pretty quick and ordered another round. While we waited Jason looked me dead in the eye, and asked, "Breck, are you into men?" I almost spit the last bit of my first beer out, but swallowed it down, looked up at him and nodded yes. Jason smiled and said "I knew it!" He went on to tell me a bit about his life and when he knew he was attracted to men. Which was not to long ago actually. We chatted over 2 more rounds of beer then he said we could go back to his place if I wanted, I agreed, not sure where this would lead but suggested we get a taxi back, I think we both were a bit tipsy. So we hailed a cab and headed up Charleston Blvd to his place.

His place was very nice considering where I knew he worked. It was a typical Las Vegas style rancher about a mile from Red Rock Casino. I was nervous for some reason, I think because I was not sure what he was expecting or wanting at this point. We really did not get into to much talk about sex at the bar, just our backgrounds etc. We sat down in his kitchen at the bar area, he poured me a nice cold beer and put out some chips and dip. He turned on the t.v to some music channel and we sat in silence for a few minutes. Finally he looked at me and said "well what should we get into tonight?" I smiled and said I had no clue. Jason smiled, I smiled and sipped my beer. I thought while sipping my beer, what is his angle, does he want to fool around? It was like he was interested but not interested, maybe we both were feeling a bit awkward? Jason kept looking me up and down as we both sipped our beer. Jason spoke at last and said "you are a hot guy, I'm sure you know that?" I was a bit embarrassed from the comment but smiled politely. I mean I'm no slouch, I'm dirty blonde, blue eyes, about 5'9" I bounce between 150 and 160 but try to keep up at the gym. After a bit of nervous silence I asked him what the game plan is going to be. Jason smiled and said "I'm going to shower up and check my email's and maybe see if we can find us a few guys to fuck around with tonight". My hand stopped mid way to my mouth with my beer, my jaw just hung there. I did not know how to respond to this. I just said "ok well that is a plan." Jason laughed. He asked me if I cared to shower off in the guest suite or with him? I blushed and laughed it off and said "I can shower in the guest suite it's cool". He smiled and told me towels were on the bed, third door on the right down that hall as he pointed, on his way down another hall.

I sat there with beer in hand, mind swirling a million miles a second. After a few minutes I got up and headed to the guest room. Very nice room, nice big guest suite, great big bathroom. Walk in marble shower with multiple shower heads. Damn thing was big enough for 4 guys easily. While showering I was nervous, excited, all types of thoughts running thru my head. I was turned on but not sure why, I felt my cock slowly getting hard, I can't let Jason see me like this. So I tried to think of other things, until I finished up showering off. I stepped out of the shower area, got my towel and dried off. I was expecting him to be in the room waiting for me, but he was not. I got dressed again, and walked back to the kitchen area. Walking down the hallway I hear Jason yelling "come on down here to the office." So I passed the kitchen and he was in his office on the left side just passed the kitchen. He looked up over his monitor and said "feel better"? I nodded, he smiled and said "come around here and sit beside me" I did as he asked. He had multiple windows open on the computer, Craigslist, and about 5 other gay sites. He was actively in 3 conversations with 3 men, smiling and typing away. One of the sites was a bareback site, I looked at it then at him, and said "you bareback?" He smiled and nodded. I said "are you...positive?" He looked at me and said "been undetectable for 4 years now, on the one pill a day regiment and living life." He went back to talking with his prospects and then said while typing, "what about you?" I nodded yes, he said "it's cool."

I sat quietly watching him talk to several guys, all of the guys he seemed to know, to a degree. Two of them in particular it seemed that he had met and had been having sex with them on and off for the last few months or so. Jason asked me to fetch a few cold ones and bring back some chips with me. I went to the kitchen got the suds and chips and walked back. I walked around the desk to sit the beers down and Jason was sitting there with his cock in his hand just slowly tugging it. He looked up at my eyes, and he could see I was transfixed on his hot piece. He was not rock hard yet but I could tell he had a good 8" cock. Perfect looking in every way. In the back of my mind I could see myself dropping to my knees and giving him my mouth to help unload that beautiful piece, but I just stood there, mouth agape, not thinking or hearing his voice in the background, he was saying, "so what do you think?" he repeated this a few times and I finally came back to reality and said, "very nice!" "Very nice indeed." I finally sat the beers on the desk and the bowl of chips. I asked Jason if he needed some help. He sheepishly smiled at me and said "yes, but not right now, in a little while I will need some help". I kind of felt rejected because his cock looked so fucking delicious, but I was intrigued as to what later meant.

He started chatting again with his friends online, letting his cock just rest there out in the open, dripping little droplets of precum onto his chair. I tried to look around the room and think of other things, instead of looking at his beautiful cock. My cock was twitching like crazy to get out of my jeans, but did not want to presume that it would be cool to undress and hang naked with him. He asked me to grab another beer for us, I went out quickly, anything to stop staring at his cock. I stayed in the kitchen a bit longer and sipped on my almost empty beer, finishing it, then opening a new one. Must have sat there longer than I thought, next thing I knew Jason was walking around the corner asking "where is my beer" he was smiling and totally nude. I looked up at him trying not to stare at that hot piece of meat and laughed and said "guess I lost track of time". Jason walked over to me, put his arm around me and said "I think we are going to have a nice night, can you stay over?" I said "sure, like I said no plans this weekend". He gave me a big hug and said "I think we should talk about what the plan is and what all you are into". "Of Course" I said.

"What would you like to know, what are you into?" Jason smiled and started to go into detail about what he was into sexually, especially his fetish side. I've been around the block so to speak and know most things, but some things he talked about I had never really experienced but the thought of some them I have to admit, made my cock stand up! He explained he was 90% top, loved being in control of a submissive type bottom, loved bondage gear, loved eating a willing open freshly fucked open hole with loads dripping out of it, loved dungeon play, and most of all loved recycled beer piss play, both giving and taking. He said all of this so matter of fact, like he did not care what I thought, but after saying all of that he said, "so what are your thoughts Breck"?

I sat there for a moment and thought on everything he just dumped on me, and finally said "I'm game for any of that, but just understand, I have never done the piss thing, never really been involved in bondage, I'm very versatile so bottom or top is fine with me, but yes game for anything but blood or scat play". Jason smiled and said, "well are you game for a gang fuck?" I said "sure". Jason continued "well you will need to shower and douche, I have a shower douche in my room, feel up to cleaning out?" I blushed and nodded. I asked him how many guys may show up. He said maybe 5 maybe 10 who knows, always hit and miss depending on day/time of the week. He could tell I was visibly shaken at this news, and laughed. "Don't worry you will be fine, I do this twice a month usually, all the guys are clean as far as drugs go, and all are undetectable and on meds". I was still a bit scared but I knew Jason from work and he seemed like a nice guy and we always got along thus far, so I figured what the hell. I looked up at Jason standing there completely nude, with a semi hard on, and just said "lead the way."

He took my hand lifted me up and led me to his bedroom, which was a bit larger than his guest suite, but his master bath area was twice the size. The shower area had huge body jets and about 5 or 6 separate shower heads all on chrome removable hoses, "Damn nice, how can you afford this type place, we work at the same place you can't make much more than myself"? He laughed and started to lift my shirt off, and started unbuttoning my jeans. He yanked them down with my underwear all in one quick motion. He said "lift up your feet", I did and he slid my jeans completely off. He was on his knees looking up at me, gazing at my semi erect cock, he grabbed my calves and pulled me close to him, and engulfed my cock completely in one quick motion. My cock started growing fast and he slurped on my cock and started licking my balls and fingering my hole as he did this. I'm not as big as he is in the cock department but I was pretty thick, and a good 7 cut. He had me all the way down his throat and licking on my nuts at the same time. I asked him to slow down or I would surely unload rather quickly, he let go of my cock with his mouth and looked up at me, licked his lips, and said "o.k. just for now though". He stood up beside me, led me to the bed and told me to sit down and lay back. He took off my socks and proceeded to rub my feet for a few minutes. While he massaged my feet he started to talk about what was to be expected this evening. I laid there enjoying his strong hands working my feet, as he told me all of these new and interesting things he had planned this evening. I've never been in a orgy type situation, but have had my fair share of 3 and 4 ways in my life. This however was turning into something bigger and a bit more perverse than I think I was expecting, but I was dizzy with anticipation.

Jason stopped rubbing my feet, I kind of leaned up and watched as he started licking the soles of my feet and worked his way up to my toes. I never felt such a sensation I laid back and let him continue what he was doing, I was in a whole different world now. My cock was rock hard, and here was this macho man licking my feet with such tenderness, I was in overload and loving all of it. So glad I took him up on the grab a beer offer now. Jason stopped licking my feet and looked up at me. "Will you do everything I ask tonight?" he asked smiling. I thought for a moment and asked, "define everything?" He smiled and replied "well for beginners, get your hot little body in my shower, I'm going to rinse you off and give you a nice deep cleaning out." I looked down at him and said "no way are you going to help me out in that area" Jason smiled, "trust me, get in the shower area". I felt awkward and unsure of what was happening but I let him help me up from the bed and took his hand as he lead me to his shower.

Jason turned on the body jets first and then a few of the shower nozzles. He grabbed a wash cloth and lathered it with some coconut smelling liquid, and started massaging my back and guiding me to the body jets. Once I was in front of those powerful jets I was like putty. He continued to massage me and maneuver me around in the jets, I was getting so loose and limber, it was wonderful. He started massaging my ass cheeks and my hole, sliding a finger inside me then out, one at a time then two sometimes. My cock was rock hard but every other muscle in my body was so relaxed. The next thing I knew I started feeling something filling up my hole, I thought he was still fingering me, but he had slowly inserted a hose from one of the showers, inside me and was filling me up with water. I said "wait a minute"! He grabbed me by the shoulder and leaned into me and whispered, "just relax Breck, enjoy the feeling, don't worry" I was getting a very full feeling and felt the water trickling down my legs. Jason said, "it's o.k. let it flow out, that is what this big drain in the middle here is for". I looked down and around and sure enough there was one big drain I was standing over and several smaller drains around the perimeter of the shower area. He had slid the larger drain cover away and it was a big open hole drain. I looked into his eyes and I could tell he was serious and wanted me to relax and let go, so with much embarrassment I did. Jason just groaned and moaned every time I let go of the water deep inside me. Always maintaining eye contact with me and never looking down. It was very intense, after I don't know how many deep insertions and me letting it go, I was running clear and he said I think you are good for the night now. I smiled at him, and said "Thank you". He smiled and started to really soap me up and wash me head to toe. When he finished, he turned everything off and guided me around the corner and dried me off. "Let's go grab another beer, you don't have to dress just stay like you are Breck".

We walked out to the kitchen and grabbed a stool and he grabbed us two beers and we sat and talked over the beers. I sat and sipped another beer as he told me about the guys that would be coming over later this evening. The guys he knew sounded pretty decent, ages ranged between 28 and 40. He said most of the guys were very versatile and most things were on the table. He also informed me generally during these events when he can, he is the master in charge and directs what goes on during the evening. People look to him for guidance etc. He then tells me that the other surprise he has for me is that he has a basement area. Now if you know anything about Vegas you should know there are very few basements in the Valley. He had bought this house a few years back and the previous owners were the original owners and they had the house custom built. He said it's roomy downstairs and he uses it as his sex romp dungeon type room. I was intrigued to say the least. He said "bring your beer let me show you the basement".

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