Tailoring to Your Needs

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 9, 2009


Hey Everyone

Thanks for the response that I've been getting. So as result, here is the Next part to "Tailoring to your Needs" I hope you enjoy this Chapter as much as I do. If you have any comments please send me an email - Literally.naked@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER: This chapter contains acts of male sexual intercourse with another male and extreme nudity that some readers will find disturbing- if so why are you reading? This is copyrighted to Cody Samuels at Literally.naked@gmail.com and The NIfty Alliance Archive. Do no Redistribute and use for your own personal viewing pleasure.

NOTE: Please use protection. John's world maybe fun- but the Real world has things called VD- AIDS and HIV. Please rubber up!

Cody ---------------------------------------

Tailor to your needs- II

For the next week- John had set himself the task of working himself to the bone for Collin on his brand new suit- tailored to his needs, his divinely defined body and his lifestyle.

John had used many things he had developed just for his special customers as he had done on his own clothes. From extra breast pockets, to fitted seems with a stretch to them- practical and interesting designs that he had been toying with himself. He even gave the trousers a bit more structure so that his crotch was a bit more 'comfy'.

John had finished on steaming the creases and starching the rest of the suit when another customer came in. It was Matthew. He was an architect that rarely visited the area in which John's shop was. But none the less, if Matthew was going to get a well made suit- He would go to John regardless.

Matthew was 5'11 with Mousy blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, sharp Germanic features which was the straight nose, cutting jaw line and deep set eyes. He was also the epitome of fitness. He cycled to work, dressed there and then cycled to teach a martial art that John wasn't aware off. So his body wasn't built- it was intense, rippling muscles and abs under his pale golden skin. Six packs, pecs that were taught and defined under his white dress shirt, a healthy dose of strength in his biceps and firm gluteus maximus that John couldn't stop looking at.

Matthew was in John's Velvet Black book under "Mysterious Matthew" because- Matthew was extremely mysterious. He never told people about himself and when he did they were rather inconsequential things, like a complete international man of mystery. John used to like it at first, but it slowly wore away his enthusiasm to serve him.

Today it was different though. John was greeted by a smiling Matthew. Damn did he have an awesomely sexy smile. If he wanted to, Matthew could have been a fine model for a clothing brand or sunglasses. He wore tinted ones today. Matthew often did when he was dealing with John.

"Good morning John- Is my suit ready for picking up?" Matthew said with a fluid and easy to listen but quick paced baritone voice. "Yes it is actually- strip for me and put the suit on. It's hanging on the rail near the podium in the back. Hang your stuff there too"

Matthew glided in, a little weird for John's usual portrayal because usually, Matthew with disappear mysteriously. John returned from the front lobby to find Matthew in just his bikini briefs. John was stunned. What did Matthew expect him to do? Dress him like a baby? What was he playing at?

John was going to play his game anyway. Matthew was never serviced like Collin, and if he was going to be serviced obviously this would be something new. John found Matthew threatening and scary. But today we wore a smile on him that could disarm any previous inhibitions on him.

"I'm not sure what you've given me, because my last suit from you I'm still discovering the fact that there are more things than I thought there would be- hidden adjusters, pockets in pockets with fine zips, linings that could hide things, structural trousers that fitted me without using any boxers to hold me up. John you're a tailoring genius. I want to know what you've put in my latest suit"

John chuckled and blushed. It was his first compliment from Matthew- and even though it was under exaggerated, it was the kind of compliment that John adored. But looking upon Matthew's flexing butt muscles and amazingly defined back, he had to rearrange himself a little.

Matthew caught his action and played with it, turning himself around to give John a full frontal view of his ripped abs and his seriously sexy Atlas V that said "Look into my crotch". Well it definitely made John do that because there was his 5 o'clock shadow and it was pretty chubby and squirming to get free from its translucent fabric prison.

"Ugh! Sure! Let's start with the dress shirt I tailored for you" he said, unwrapping the shirt from the plastic and then helping Matthew into them. His fingers ran finely along Matthew's muscles and onto his stiff shoulders. Then he turned Matthew around and played his "Dress-up" game. As he buttoned, he went from top to bottom, brushing his nipples to full erection with his elbows as he feigned to get the button on right.

Then he went lower, taking more time to put on the buttons around his abs until it reached the end on his waistline. He looked down and noticed that Matthew was hard and wet in his boxers. John smiled to himself. This next bit was going to kill Matthew, who would have thought putting on clothes could be just as sexy as taking them off

Next John took the specially tailored trousers from the wrapping and then looked at Matthew's pants. He was expressionless in his face until John said "Right- you don't need underwear here. It's built in so I suggest you strip" which made Matthew's jaw drop.

"It's like you know how I work and what's in my mind when I want things." His face was crimson which was seriously sexy on his pallid but golden skin. So Matthew reluctantly lowered the waist band of his bikini briefs. "Matthew, I'm sure you've seen a hundred cocks that were hard in your life time, and you showing it off will be no different. I've seen a lot of this phallus muscle already- what makes you think I would judge? Off it goes."

John surprised himself. He didn't know where all this was coming from. All this commanding- it got John off on a high and in a hard in his pants. Matthew whipped it off then and there, watching his juicy hard cock flick back and slap against the shirt material, flicking whatever pre-cum Matthew had on the tip of his cum-hole to the shirt"

"Well you've paid for it anyway- better not let that juice go to waste" and with that bold move- John touched the pre-cum that oozed from Matthew's dick and licked it off. Oh boy was Matthew getting it. "Ugh John- is this how you treat all your customers?" He asked tentatively. John replied in a cool and even tone "Only the ones in my velvet black book- they're special"

So John knelt down and put on the trousers all the way up until he felt his bulging ball sac in his hands, as he did though, John ran his hands up the inside of Matthew's leg and along his ass crack, which made Matthew jump and ooze more pre cum, which John lapped up quickly before it fell to the floor. He cleaned up Matthew's cock head before zipping it up.

Matthew was crimson the entire time and couldn't get a word out. Something as teasing as this must have been playing havoc with his brain cells and the sex in him.

John then put on the Blazer Jacket, which was a simple case of buttoning the two buttons up and then Voila- Without a tie, it looked really sexy on him- The fit on his sides that made a narrow funnelling shape showing off his slender waist, the tapered trousers which were straight and shapely on his ass, and the blazer showing off his definitely lovely shoulders.

"Turn around and have a look" John said. Matthew complied and was stunned. He felt his body from his chest, rubbing his palms over his pecs and then along the blazer so see if he had discovered something new, and surely enough he did, a new pocket. And then he felt his ass, finding two more pockets hidden in the design.

He was sorely in need of attention because his hard 6 and a half was bursting through his suit trousers as he rubbed it to get some relief. You could see it in his eyes and he sighed quietly.

"I better sort that out for you or It wouldn't be good for my clientele record or sales for that matter." John said mischievously. Matthew turned around in shock- "You what?"

"I don't do it for normal customers but like I said- I had put you in my velvet book, unless I was wrong about you" John had a mean streak coming out now and he was laughing to himself at the situation that Matthew was in- Hot, gorgeous, sexy and in need of sexual release.

"How did you know I was?" Matthew threw a inquisitive perk of the brow. "Your well too dressed to be straight." John quipped while he knelt on the podium and touched his cock. "That and the moment you took off your clothes- you were willing for me to torture you like this."

Matthew was laughing now. "Well I guess there goes my mysterious guise. I am in serious need of a wank John. Fancy giving me one?" John was going to do more than just a wank for Matthew, he was going to suck him dry for all that he was worth. While he wore one of John's suit. That seemed to get John off, because he was unzipping the trouser and pulled out his engorged member.

It was dripping and twitching in John's hand and he smiled at the relief that Matthew seemed to be getting from this. He wanted more, and John started to pump the shaft with his fingertips, teasing the motion out of Matthew. He was beginning to tense and relax- the sex travelling through his veins as John worked on his cock. "John! More please! Service my cock" Which John obliged as Matthew said it. He took Matthew 6 into his mouth and clamped his cheeks down on it in a hard sucking motion.

Matthew gasped sharply and whooshed air out as John sucked the pre-cum out of Matthew. He let it stew in his mouth before letting his mouth water all over again and bath Matthew's cock in his mouth juices. The sensations that were coming from his mouth were incredible to Matthew and he was writhing in ecstasy, gripping onto his shoulder. Matthew began a slow fucking motion with his hips, thrusting and retracting gentle.

John found this an extreme turn on and then began pumping his mouth in the opposite direction- feeling the engorged cock head jam into his throat and send sex vibrations through Matthew's cock and body. He let off a small whimper, and that was John's queue to take things a little further. He grabbed Matthew's ass and Jammed his entire cock into his mouth, diving into the beautiful man-scented pubes of Matthew. This cause the trousers to slip off his ass and fall to the floor.

John was loving this moment so much he had forgotten that his fingers were tight around Matthew's ass crack, which he began massaging, delving deeper into his furless asshole. Matthew was Clean! John thought. He took the opportunity to slick his fingers with the spit on his lips and chin and then rub it in circle jutting motions around Matthew's hole, which drove Matthew wild and made him grip his shoulder.

He could feel Matthew tensing up and getting close to a climax because he moaned quietly as John's throat worked waves of pleasure and sex through the engorged cock head. He felt Matthew's juice slipping through his mouth and making him more hungrier for Matthew's juice- which made him Jam his finger up Matt's tight fuck hole.

Matthew screamed out "Oh shit I'm Cumming!" As John dived his nose further into Matthew's pubes. Matthew's cock engorged big time and then exploded in John's throat. John made a hard drinking motion, swallowing harder and harder, drinking in the hot man-juice from Matthew. A Silent roar was painted all over Matthew's face as he came, bucking his hips into John's mouth.

After the servicing Matthew, John received a peck on the cheek for his service and wondered if he was free tonight. "I'm afraid I'm not free tonight. I've got a party to attend tonight" John declined gracefully.

"Oh that's a shame. Well I will be calling for more of your service John, thank you for the amazing suit again. I love the colour- how did you know?" Matthew asked.

"Blue suits your eye colour" John smiled back before bidding Matthew fair well.

John closed the shop and took his suit for the evening. His date with the dreamy Indiana Jones lookalike- Collin Danvers.

Next: Chapter 3

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