Tailoring to Your Needs

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 7, 2009


Hey folks!

This is the first installment of "Tailoring to your needs" Which is based in London. I hope you all enjoy this- please let me know if you do. Literally.naked@gmail.com. It's my first attempt on Nifty in terms of "Adult" Writing so here we go. Any constructive critisim is welcome as well. Flaming will be ignored.

About myself: I am Cody Samuels and I am 20. I am the author of "Jack and Daniel" in the College section. Please do read if you want a good insight into my writing. I live in London and I am currently Studying English at University Undergraduate level.

DISCLAIMER: This chapter has Scenes of male nudity and sexual acts that some readers find disturbing. If you are one of these people stop reading ok? This is copyrighted to the NIfty Alliance Archive and for personal reading uses only. Do not redistribute.

Enjoy everyone, and remember that in this world you need to make sure your protected. Don't just do it without rubber :D It's a short one- to be followed by something larger Hehe!

Cody ---------------------------------

Tailoring to your Needs

John McFarlane was the local tailor in the outskirts of London and he would have a lot of customers. He occasionally served ladies but his main clientèle were men. He served all kinds of men and there were only a few who truly understood that John had a big talent for service and amazing suits.

John wasn't like most tailors who owned their own business.

He and his mother owned "The Tailors of Thames" which was aptly named because he had two, one in a district of London called the docklands which was aptly named for being surrounded by water, and then another in the further north of London called Stoke Newington.

His mother ran that one and he would only hear from her if there was trouble with the business- that rarely occurred. She had a way with the people

So John works a regular shift from 9 to 6. And then he hits the gym to relax those fingers and hands by swimming. So as people go, John was at 5'10 and very built for the age of 23. He had broad shoulders which didn't let anyone know that he was really a tailor- and he had a good chest on him. Big but supple and firm. But he wasn't a pure body builder, So the flat stomach was nice on him. He had the shape though.

He works a normal Monday, with nothing new to be excited about except perhaps a swim and getting to work on his projects. He always had special things on the sides like brilliant Mohair Grey Suits, or Cashmere black three pieces.

But he never found a customer who would "Suit it to the glove" until he met this American.

He was something else. He came in with such a swagger to him, but was not at all cocky. Blond/brown hair, short with a rage and untamed nature to it. Brilliant mahogany eyes and a strong jawline.

He pressed the bell on the clean counter before John came round the corner. John had to stifle his gasp.

This man was a brilliant specimen. Someone who looked like had jumped out of the Armani pages. Brilliant wide set shoulders- defined pecs that his shirt couldn't contain, narrow waste, awesomely bubble ass and brilliant calves and legs that strained out of his suit a little.

His cock jumped a little as John gazed this mans crotch and definitely seeing the bulge.

'This guy needed a new suit'-John thought.

"How can I help you sir?"

"Collin Danvers" He stretched his strong hand out to meet John's and shook it vigorously, distracting John as Collin looked the tailor up and down. "My dry cleaner has only just shrunk my only good suit- how much would it be to get a new one commissioned from you?"

John smiled and then began asking him what he wanted out of the suit.

"Durability, Style, effortless and masculine" is what the man asked for. Those were definitely the words John described this handsome devil. John even blushed when Collin described himself. The first thought John had was 'Harrison ford, when he was twenty something'. John pointed out what he was going to use for his two piece suit, what materials he was going to use.

Collin was impressed with John, as John suggested that brown would really bring out the sharp features in his gorgeous face (He obviously didn't say gorgeous for fear of freaking Collin out).

"Well I didn't think a man could pay me a more handsome comment than that" Collin chuffed out.

Well he definitely had the southern twang to his voice. Where was he from?

This bit thought John enjoyed.

"Collin, I hope you don't mind and I'm rather unorthodox but this is how I get brilliant results. Could your strip to your underwear so I could get to your measurements" John hesitated in asking this.

Collin just smiled- Well not just smiled, he nearly knocked out John. It was such a wickedly sexy-cocky-fucking-gorgeous smile that was deep set and showed off his jaw so well.

"Sure buddy. Where do I do it? Out here?" John's eyes bugged out as Collin said this. Out in the main lobby where people could see him? Wow! John was totally unnerved.

"No I have a more private area for you" he said- trying to hide his excitement at seeing Collin's body.

There was the rest of the workshop at the back of the lobby. The podium for measuring and suiting up the customer which was in front of a mirror and the main work desk, where he had various rolls of material and his current suit project for a customer out.

"You can put your shrunk suit onto that rail there and I'll just get a notepad for your measurements"

He went to a closet where there was a huge array of folders from fabric testers to files on customers. He pulled out a notebook, velvet black for his special customers. Oh yes Collin was a special one.

When John got back, Collin was standing on the podium looking devilishly handsome and so tempting. John's cock twitched in his pants, and writhed at the sight of Collin's broad and powerful back rippling with muscles. How his firm ass was coated with orange boxers that were obviously made by 2(x)ist – it said so on the waistband.

"Well...I see you want this suit. Just hold still" he fumbled his waist jacked to pull out a measuring tape. John went into a trance as he measured every aspect and noted the details down. Taking time to digest his body and his stats into his velvet notebook under "Sexy Collin" No doubt he must have seen that because he had chuckled a little.

While he was measuring his back, he asked what else he wanted in terms of style for the suit and Collin replied "As long as I look good in it- The rest is up to you. Money isn't an object" which was good. But John doesn't take advantage of his customers that way, otherwise he wouldn't get such good clientèle.

John ran his fingers along Collin's pec's measuring the tape from one end of the cleft of his shoulders to the other side, intentionally skimming his nipples so they would get hard.

John chuckled to himself and Collin asked what was so funny. John made a pun saying 'This might not be hard after all'

He measured around the waist from behind as he knelt down and hugged his arms around the waist. He felt something hard yet soft brush along his forearm. John was surprised. Collin was hard? He had to make sure. "Collin would you mind turning around for me please?" Collin did as he was asked, and sure enough- Collin was hard and dripping. 8 inches of his powerful-man meat just bursting to get out of those really tight boxers.

Collin blushed a little which was endearing and hot at the same time to John. "I'm sorry, I'm not used to people, let alone guys touching me in the way you have" now it was John's turn to blush.

John had a really good idea to seal his sale in completely, and perhaps Collin's loyalty/company/friendship/sex. John chuckled at that thought.

So he hastily took the notes for his leg lengths, widths, knees and all the other body parts and then Collin looked at him. He was wet as hell, and there was a spot of pre-cum big enough for someone to mistake it for "pissing himself"

"You know I can also take care of that for you, as part of my service" John said. He was being cheeky and forward. Collin loved the fact he was. He grinned wolfishly and whipped his boxers down. His cock flicked back in his face and John was seriously impressed at his man package.

It was dusted with blond/brown hairs that ran up to his stomach and pecs in a T shape.

And his cock was throbbing, veins poking out and pre-cum oozing from the top.

John only did this to his special customers, and so far there were only three that he considered "special"

and what he did, made sure that they kept coming back for more.

John engulfed as much of his sweet 8 inches into his mouth and sucked hard.

Collin let out a low groan and John held his balls, making his moan a little louder under his breath. John was having the time of his life- sucking onto a gorgeous man's cock while servicing him too.

John began pumping his head up and down, so that he could take more of Collin's Cock into his mouth.

He was tasting the sweet, salty taste of his pre-cum and John enjoyed it so much, he had forgotten how his hands were wandering around his pubes, his balls, and then between his balls and fuck hole. He even got to the point of rubbing Collin's furry ass crack and massaging it- getting even more wonderful sounds out of him. It was like playing an instrument. Just blowing him to get the most wonderful sounds out of him.

He was getting close though, so close because John could feel Colin tense up. He was threw his head back and grabbed John's head to pull him in- John nearly choked and then relaxed as Colin fucked his face. Then it rushed and made his cock engorge and then WHAM! He exploded and roared at the same time into John's mouth. There was so much of his man-juice that John couldn't suck, but he damn well tried hard, Only a bit seeped out to his cheeks and that was easily licked off.

Collin was extremely pleased with the service and wanted to come back to John for more "Fittings". John was only too happy to do it. He didn't expect anything but money to come through but from Collin it was a little different.

"So John- as a gesture of good faith- Can I invite you to a work party?"

John was a little shocked. "Sure, you can. But what does this mean?"

Collin replied- "Consider it a investment in our partnership" he said as he squeezed John's cock.

Any Comments would be appreciated - Cody Sameuls at Literally.Naked@gmail.com

Thanks all for reading

Next: Chapter 2

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