Tag Team Suckers

By J.W. Martins-Bazinet

Published on May 30, 2023


Mike and I had begun our new hobby of "entertaining" gentlemen callers. We'd started with our butch neighbor Joe and then added Brice a blue collar worker from out of state. Joe has become one of our regulars; we only saw Brice a total of five times before he returned to Pennsylvania and his wife. Mike and I were hooked and both on the lookout for anyone as a possible candidate.

Mike is a psychologist in private practice. Except for his code of ethics he could find a lot of likely prospects among his patients. Still it was through his practice that we found our next customer.

Mike was treating a 16 year old girl who thought she was a lesbian. Her grades had suffered as had her disposition and her father had sought professional help for her. Dad of course didn't have a clue to what was wrong and she didn't know how to tell him. He was a single parent and to make matters more difficult a stud cop. She was sure dad would hate and disown her. Mike asked the dad to come in for a chat and when the 38 year old stud walked through the door Mike nearly creamed his nice pinstriped business suit.

He'd hardly gotten through the door before he began describing how this uniformed god had appeared in his office and how he had to be our next adventure. Mike said that according to the daughter he hadn't had sex in the 10 years since his wife died. "He's got to be ripe for the picking, and boy do I want to eat his nuts." I said he sounded perfect, but just how were we going to go about seducing a cop? Mike said that I'd supplied Brice, he'd take care of Officer Sasso.

Mike bided his time, he let three weeks go by. Then the daughter, Emily gave him the opportunity he'd been waiting for. She agreed that her father had to know what was going on in her life, but there was no way she could tell him. Mike agreed to do the deed. Emily arranged to stay at a friend's house, so that she wouldn't have to face her father right away and he'd have time to get used to the idea.

Mike had made his appointment the last one of the day. Officer Sasso had come right off his shift and arrived in uniform, which made it real difficult for Mike to concentrate on what he had to say. "Officer, Sasso," he began.

"Call me Ed, please."

"Call me Mike. OK Ed, Emily has asked that I speak with you on a matter which of great importance in her life. She's very nervous about how you're going to take this news and felt it better for both of you if I was the one to break it. I agreed and that's why I asked you to come."

"She's not pregnant is she?"

"No it goes a little closer to the core than that. Emily is or at least feels she is a lesbian. Please understand, she has never had any experience with another female, but she's certain she's homosexual."

Ed paled and placed his face into his hands. Maybe it just a phase, she's only sixteen and real into this women's liberation stuff." He looked hopefully at Mike.

This isn't a phase Ed. She might not be a lesbian, with no experience how can she be sure. I'd say its more likely to be true, she is 16 and mature to recognize her feelings, if not how to deal with them.

Tears welled in his eyes. "It's all my fault, I should have provided her with some female influence. No I take her to ball games and hiking and fishing. I turned her this way."

"Believe me Ed, things would have turned out the same even if you'd sent her to ballet class and charm school, except that Emily would have been miserable doing those sort of things. She's told me how much she enjoys what you do together. Your the most important person in her life I she needs to know you love no matter what happens and she needs your full support if she's going to deal with this rationally. If you can't handle it then the psychological impact on her will be significant."

"Listen I love her no question. I can't say I thrilled to find out my daughter might be a ...a lesbian. There I said it. No I'm not thrilled, but I'm not going to go crazy either. This is going to take some getting used to. I need to learn as much as I can about this gay stuff, I don't know much. What I do know comes from what I've learned on the job and that makes me a little nervous. These people, both the fellas and the gals spend their time in bars and from what I see pretty much losers, once they reach 30."

"Ed, would you judge all heterosexuals by those who you deal with on your job?"

Ed thought for a moment and then looked at Mike. "I get your point, in my job I deal with the scum, hetero- and homosexual. You're right. But how do you get to know the other kind. You can't just walk up to some guy who looks queer and ask him what his life's like. I need to learn if I want to help my little girl. Help me out here Doc."

Within the boundries of ethics Mike had his opening. "Ed, I'm gay."

"You. Get outta here. You ain't got no swish. Most those guys swish like a motherfucker."

"Swish or no swish I'm a full fledged homosexual."

"No kidding, I'll be damned I never woulda guessed. Well that makes me feel a little better."

"Thanks," Mike said, but it also made it seem perfectly natural when he advanced his plan by asking "Ed, do you have any plans for this evening, I would like you to meet my soulmate and lover, Glenn. We're having Yankee Pot Roast and you're welcome to join us, there's plenty. I'd just like you to see that a couple of the same sex can have a normal home like anyone else."

"Em is spending the night away and I don't have any plans. I think I'd like that. I appreciate your taking an interest, I really do want to be a good father and I do want to understand more about being gay."

"Great it's settled. You're my last appointment, why don't you follow me home, I live about 20 minutes away, just off exit 5 of route 9."

"I with you."

Mike called me from his car phone to warn me that plan suck a cop was in full swing. I could hardly wait to meet this Ed Sasso. If anything he surpassed Mike's description. Six feet of solid man, wavy black hair with just a touch of gray at the temples, a dark blue uniform which did nothing to hide his physical assets including a well stuffed basket and bubble butt. I go crazy for a man in uniform, but Ed in uniform made me break out in a sweat. Mike was right, we had to have him, or get arrested trying, literally.

Mike had gone into the bedroom to change into his at home clothes. I offered Ed a beer. I removed three cold ones from the fridge and passed one to Ed just as Mike returned. I gave him his, the three of us raised our bottles in salute and sucked down a swig. The pot roast was simmering in the crockpot and Mike got busy with other preparations. I offered Ed a seat at the table and took opposit him.

"So Mike briefly explained why you were coming over. You have my sympathy, these things are tough for everyone concerned. Don't worry they always work out for the best in the end unless some real asshole is involved and from what Mike says you're no asshole."

Ed smiled, "thanks Mike, I'm glad you feel that way." He took a last tug on his beer and drained the beer. I had one more swallow left so I gulped it down and went to the fridge for two more. Mike's a sipper and will nurse one for hours.

Ed thanked me for the beer and pulled downn the know of his tie and unfastened the collar button. "Maybe I should have gone home to change first. I feel out of place and uncomfortable."

I didn't miss a beat. "I can fix that, I'm sure we've got something that will fit you. Follow me into the bedroom and I'll fix you right up." I'd been hoping to say that line to him for a different reason, but we were still headed in the right direction. He didn't hesitate, he was right behind me down the hall.

I saw him look at the king sized bed and his face flushed a bright red as though he'd suddenly pictured Mike and I fucking in it. I opened a chest drawer and pulled out a well worn pair of sweat pants and a matching gray tee shirt. "These should fit you," I said as I handed him the clothing and reached into the closet for a suit hanger. "This is for your uniform, just hang it in the closet. See you in a few," I said as I left the room closing the door as I went.

I whispered to Mike, "he's perfect." Mike's wide grin showed that he was pleased I liked Ed. "I just know he has a big cock," he said as he reached over and grabbed mine, which was semi-hard. "You too?" He laughed.

Just then we heard the bedroom door open. What a sight. Out of uniform Ed still looked like a macho cop, more than good enough to eat. The tee shirt defined the muscles of his torso, he sure was hot, what sent me over the edge was the thick piece of man meat obviously swinging free in those sweats and his well formed bony bare feet (I have a thing for good looking male feet).

"Now I feel a whole lot more comfortable," he said as he stretched, pulling the tee shirt up to reveal his naval and a hard,taut stomach covered with a fine silky coat of black hair which trail down to and disappeared into the waistband. "I'm beginning to turn human again, hope you don't mind my going around barefooted, that's the way I go around my house."

"Not a problem, we want all our guests to feel totally at home," I said. "My motto has always been 'if it feels good, do it.'"

Mike announced that dinner would be ready in about 15 minutes. We all sat at the table and talked until then. "If you guys don't mind," Ed said, "could you tell me what it's like to be gay. I really want to understand as much as possible, for Em's sake."

"Be happy to," Mike said as I nodded in agreement, "and don't be shy, you can ask us anything you'd like. We can't speak for all gay people, afterall we there are as many variation among us as with heterosexuals."

"And," I added "gay men and lesbians are also as different from each other as straight men are from straight women. The things we have in common are being attracted to members of the same sex and having to deal with society's hostility. I guess what we're trying to say is there are no pat answers. We can share information with you, show you that gay people can have stable and positive relationships, but in the end we're all individuals."

"I got it. But just seeing you two together has made be feel better. I can tell you are real happy together."

"You got that right," Mike said, "and the same is available to Emily."

Ed looked right at me and asked, "how did you become gay?"

"First off, nobody becomes gay. They come to that realization, some early, some late, some not at all because they repress it, but its not a change it's an awakening. Gay people are born gay; they aren't recruited, they don't wake up one morning and decide to give up the opposite sex."

Mike picked up the conversation, "and it doesn't mean that they haven't tried the opposite sex. Many if not most gay people have tried having sexual relations with the opposite sex, even enjoyed it, but it's not enough, it's not them. Even straight people have been known to fool around to some extent with someone of their own sex. Have you ever had a gay experience?"

For the second time in twenty minutes I saw Ed's face flush bright red. "Well I beat off with my best friend back in junior high, but he never touched me and I never touched him." He paused for a long moment. "And once while I was in the Navy, just before I met Pam, my late wife, I got drunk and best buddy, who was also drunk, sucked me off, but that was a freak thing, nothing else like that ever happened to me." He was being very defensive.

"Did you in enjoy it?"

"It was almost 20 years ago, but I can still remember it. Yeah it felt good, real good."

"And it didn't make you gay did it?"

"No, but I do think about it once in awhile and it still turns me on. That could be because it was the only blow job I've ever had. Pam wasn't much into that sort of thing, she tried to do it to please me, but no sooner did she put it in her mouth than she'd start to gag."

"No matter how much you enjoyed it you remain heterosexual."

"OK Mike, I get your point."

I wanted to move things more in the direction I wanted this evening to go. "Ed, I'm going to share something very private with you as an illustration. Mike and I love each other, more than can be expressed in words. We also have a hearty sexual appetite and we love variety. Now in any relationship, straight or gay this could cause problems, because of sexual hang-ups. We decided not to let that become an obstacle in our relationship. Basically there are two kinds of sex, one as an expression of love, the other for fun, recreational. The love kind of sex we keep strictly between ourselves, but for recreation we include others. Both Mike and I have a thing for straight men, we like to service them, if you get my meaning. We're not ashamed of it, we get off, they get off and nobody gets hurt. It's part of our relationship, but only a small part. You have to put sex into perspective. A person cannot be defined simply by their sexuality or sexual activity, but society tries to do that."

"Glenn's right. Do you define yourself by your sex life?"

"What sex life. I don't have one. If I define myself that way I wouldn't exist. I haven't had sex since Pam died, 10 years."

"I'd gone off my nut, how do you stand it?" I asked in genuine horror.

"It become habit after a while. I admit it was rough at first, I am human, but I really didn't want to remarry after Pam. She was the love of my life and nobody can ever replace her. I wanted sex, but I didn't want to date, makes it kinda hard." I almost laughed at the unintended pun, but let him continue without interruption. "I've thought about hearing hookers over the years, but being a cop...well it just wasn't worth risking my career. I learned to be contented with taking care of myself," he said holding up his open right hand and wiggling his fingers.

"If you were one of our gentlemen callers we'd take care of your problems." There I'd put the cards on the table.

There was dead silence. Ed stared right into my eyes, but you couldn't tell by the expression on his face what he was thinking. Maybe I'd gone too far too fast. Thankfully Mike broke the silence.

"I think dinner's just about ready. Glenn help me serve."

Dinner conversation was a more clinical, less personal, discussion on gay life and what it was like to be gay in our society and what Ed could do to be a supportive father to Emily. As we moved toward dessert Mike steered the conversation back to a more seductive path. "One last thing Ed, it's important that you let Emily know through words and actions that you think sex can be and is healthy and normal, an important part of life. It wouldn't hurt your psyche any to develop a more intimate sexual outlet either."

"Don't misunderstand, I'm not against having a sex life. I just don't want to get married. How does a guy who's nearly 40 learn to find casual, no-strings-attached sex? Sometimes just the thought of having another person touch me in an intimate way gets me going. Glenn kidding around about me being one of your gentlemen callers gave me a boner."

"Who was kidding?" I blurted out without thinking.

Ed gave me the stare again. "Are you serious?" he asked.

I nodded, not sure what was going to happen next. He turned to Mike, "Mike?"

"Ed you might not see it, but you're a very sexually appealing guy. Almost anyone would desire you, myself included, but I don't want you to think that that is our only objective in talking with you. In order to help Emily you need to get your sexual head in a better place. Us or somebody else, it doesn't really matter. 10 years is way too long for any human being to deprive himself."

I didn't want the moment to slip by so I said, "so if you're ever in the mood, you know you can call on me and Mike, think about it."

"What do you think?" he asked as he stood up. The front of the sweats were tented out by his obviously very stiff cock.

I didn't miss a beat, "I think we'd better go down to the bedroom and solve one of your hardest problems." That seemed to break the tension and we all laughed.

Before anyone had the chance to change their minds, I'd whisked us all down the hall. Without much effort Mike and I stripped the shirt and sweats from his body, and I was right he hadn't bothered with his underwear. He got on the bed and stretched out in the center.

I was impressed. What a great body and what a cock. Perfectly formed it rose straight up from a thick black nest of pubic hair surrounding his walnut sized testicles. Not very long, just a hair over five inches, but what it lacked in length was more than made up for by its girth. His monster meat was as big around as it was long, a cock made for sucking.

I sat on the bed to his left while Mike sat on his right. Mike began to slowly massage his hard furry chest and stomach while I reached over to grasp his steel-hard slab, slowly stroking it. He closed his eyes and moaned softly in pure pleasure.

A large clear drop of precum formed out of his piss slit and for a moment balanced there until overflowing down the velvet soft skin of his rock hard shaft. I couldn't have resisted had I tried. I leaned over and lapped up the sticky trickle and when I gotten to the top of his meaty, circumsized cock head I gave into my passion. I swallowed that cock like a starving man, right down to the hilt. I began to pump it with my mouth. One, two, three strokes. The gentle moaning turned into groans of pleasure. Mike began tonguing his nipples with abandon. I increased the tempo of my sucking and he began to piston his hips in time with the movements of my mouth. Just a few more strokes and his entire body stiffened. My mouth was filled with an explosion of hot, thick cum. The taste was exquisite. He just kept cumming, I tugged Mike's arm, signalling him to replace me, there was more than enough for both of us. Mike place him in his mouth and was rewarded with a mouthful of the tart-sweet juice. I pulled off and let Mike have his share. He drained him dry. We were in heaven. There was nothing to match the taste of hot man juice fresh from the source.

It took a few minutes before each of us had regain our breath and equilibrium. Ed sat up on his elbow and began to apologize for cumming too soon. "Don't worry about it," Mike reassured him. It was great, besides after 10 years you should have a hair trigger. There's nothing to be sorry about."

"And," I chimed in, "if you enjoyed it as much as we did there'll be other times when it will last longer."

"Enjoy it? I was great. I shoulda met you guys years ago. You can count me in as one of your gentlemen callers. You're great as a tag team."

And that's how we came up with the title for this series of stories. And there are more, including the next time we had Ed. That's when we insisted he keep his uniform on.

Next: Chapter 5

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