Tactile Exhibitionist

By Blue2

Published on Feb 2, 2022



In my mid-50s I decided to take and adult education course or two. Interested in creativity, I chose an art class. However, in the process of confirming my enrollment, I talked with the professor and learned that the goals of the course concerned visual arts, something quite problematic for a blind man such as myself. Within a couple days I met with the teacher and the chairman of the art department, And together we came up with an alternative plan, a sort of independent study. The basis for my projects would be three dimensional, rather than paintings or drawings. Meet Sebastian, a rather traditional college senior, who would be my male model for the clay sculpting I would be submitting.

Although Sebastian was very open to tactile modeling (He had volunteered, after all), he was a bit reticent when we met. But reticence is not reluctance. Part of my experience as a blind man is helping people feel comfortable with the adaptive way I accomplish common activities, and my extroverted personality can come in handy to put people at ease. It wasn't long before Sebastian relaxed considerably.

After our initial meeting in the coffee shop of the Student Center, Sebastian and I Got together a few days later in an empty classroom of the art building.

After some small talk, I asked Sebastian to stand and gain his permission to run my hands over his entire body. The young man proved to be lean, a couple inches taller than I, and gave the impression of particular cleanliness. I could tell by his breathing that the experience of being touched everywhere was entirely new to him, and I sensed a shyness I found attractive. I did my best to put him at ease, speaking casually to him, smiling all the while.

before I let my hands rather purposefully wander toward Sebastian's midsection, I asked for, and received his permission to proceed. he voluntarily lifted his shirt, not needing to use words to invite my exploration. Being careful to use a gentle touch, yet pressing my fingers just firmly enough not to tickle Sebastian, I eagerly took in the contours of his beautiful belly -- his stomach and its small amount of hair, his navel, which somehow made him seem so vulnerable, and then the lines of his yet clothed pelvis.

Suddenly I realized Sebastian was unbuckling his belt, and I heard him snicker lightly as he did so. Before I knew it, he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, letting them fall to the floor. He gently but decidedly guided my hand to his cock., which I eagerly explored through his underwear. His penis was slender and flaccid. I could feel his scrotum, his testicles. And surprisingly, the more I touched, the more he relaxed. It was as though some mental, emotional barrier had been crossed through his willingness, and now both of us were enjoying what lay before us.

As I ran a hand along the length of Sebastian's penis, some vague references ran through my mind that my art professor had made concerning differing hardnesses of clay at various stages during the creative process . Call it telepathy if you want, but right about then I noticed Sebastian was starting to sprout an erection. How very delightful! I smiled up at him as I massaged his thickening cock, and he moaned in reply, tightening his hand on my wrist encouragingly. soon Sebastian had a complete hard-on, his eager cock straining for freedom. I rubbed the tip of his penis, noticing the wetness of Sebastian's pre-come.

Moving my fingers to the waistband of Sebastian's underwear, I asked, "Is this OK?"

He responded in the affirmative, assisting me too pull his underwear down. Again, he was careful to definitely guide my hand to his now bear, erect penis. I let my hand linger on the tip of his circumcised cock, rubbing the smooth liquid gathering there. As I gently began stroking Sebastian's penis with one hand, and maintaining attention to the head of his cock with my other hand, my male model groaned in pleasure, his smile evident in his vocalization.

While insistently teasing and squeezing Sebastian's cock with one hand, I ran the fingers of my other hand through his surprisingly generous crop of pubic hair. I have always found bush very attractive. Even on his scrotum, Sebastian grew a generous and inviting amount of hair, considering the relatively smooth nature of other parts of his body.

Having been delightfully lost in the myriad distractions of Sebastian's Beautiful package, I suddenly noticed a quickening in his breathing and a tension came to his body. After just those brief indications, Sebastian ejaculated substantially, The first couple shots pouring fourth almost as if he was urinating. Then came seemingly endless contractions as he spilled his remaining semen onto my waiting hands. Friends, it was absolutely the hottest thing to "watch" him with my hands as he prematurely ejaculated! Except, to me, his orgasm occurred with perfect timing. The abruptness merely demonstrated the pure, innocent nature of my exciting male model.

Immediately afterward, I can tell Sebastian felt embarrassed. But I reassured him over and over, until we both simply enjoyed the incredible moment.

Eventually I did accomplish the course objectives. But this first session with Sebastian was too good not to share with you.

Be well, dear reader.

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