Tabula Rasa ch.1

By Saudade Survivor

Published on May 11, 2023


This story, depicting sex between a consenting seventeen-year-old male and other consenting males, if this subject offends you or is illegal in your area please do not read. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child neglect (emotional), Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics.this story is fiction and completely a product of my imagination. The author retains all rights to this work. If you enjoy it, or wish to contact me, or tell me what you think, questions etc please tell me so at Im always happy to hear what you guys think! I love to hear from you guys if you like the story! Hearing from you guys, what you think, really is one of the big reasons we post here! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, its a bit raunchier than the usual ones!

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Ch. 5 His prey

"Moss, thank you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't stopped him, I tried to be a man, I tried to stand up to him but I couldn't do it..."

Moss put his large mitt on my shoulder with a light pat.

" It's ok lil' brother it's what I'm here for" he had a beaming smile that could melt the iciest of hearts.

"... What did you mean Izz marked me? What accord? What WAR?!" I asked him as what he said started playing back in my head.

" It's not my place to tell you, But I promise Izz will when the time is right, and that being said I'm sure that time will be soon"

I shook my head as I thought it all over

"W-why are you here? Where IS Izz?"

He shook his head as he looked at me over once more, adjusting my shirt a bit as he did.

" Izz is at Football and Cheerleader try-outs, he sorta has to be, being the Captain and all" he gave me a light push towards the exit and I quickly walked out with him behind me.

"And to answer your other question lil' Bro, he asked me and Lu to look out for you when one or the other can't"

Me and Moss walked out towards the Football field, I took out a cigarette and quickly lit up, offering Moss one to be polite. Moss gave them a look before looking at me with a shake of his head. I put the pack back in my bag as we sat down on the bleachers, watching the different guys trying out as the current team members judged. The cheerleaders were equally busy as they watched the different applicants.

" Hey, thanks for saving me by the way" I mentioned as I nudged Moss in the side with my shoulder.

"Dude of course, I wouldnt stand by and let someone get raped, or get beat up, even if they weren't dating my best friend" he nudged me back, his larger size practically pushing me over.

I took a deep inhale of the Dart between my lips before letting the smoke escape.

"I was hoping I would have been able to talk him down from it, I'm not gonna lie, I used to be a total slut, but, I'd never cheat on Mu'izz,...ethics aside he's one of the nicest guys I've met." I looked out to the field where Izz was watching the different guys trying out, he had a wide grin on his face.

" He's a great guy, was always there for me, though our families have always been there for eachother."

I took another drag flicking the ash into the grass.

" Yeah? His family really seems community oriented " I noted, Moss smiled back at me as I made the observation. Izz spotted us on the bleachers and gave us a wave accompanied by that lopsided grin of his. I gave a light wave back before taking another drag.

"Moss ... why did you make me show Chet where that wolf bit me?" Moss gave a slow drawn out exhale.

" I can't tell you, it's not my place to, listen, Izz will tell you I promise, please .. trust me, and if you can't , then trust Izz. " Moss leaned forward onto his knees as he spoke.

" I have my reasons for not being able to tell you, Izz would be very upset if I did... Like, " his face scrunched up as he thought of what he was going to say next.

" It's just something that only he can say and if I say it, it'll be like outing someone to the whole school or talking about someone else's medical history ... you just don't do it you know?"

I shook my head in frustration.

" But he will tell me?"

" Yes he'll tell you, maybe not today but I'm sure he will, it's sort of a ..rule in our community" he tried to explain. I took another drag before putting my cigarette out.

" Maybe I'll ask him this weekend then,"

Moss nodded his head as he looked out to the others on the field.

" That might be a good idea... just, listen Alex I know it seems pretty quick since you two just started dating but believe me when I say that you mean the world to him... if he hasn't said anything yet it's because it's not the right time."

I gave a light shrug of my shoulders as I clasped my hands together.

" To tell you the truth Moss this is my first actual relationship, before this it was just fun with guys... I don't want to fuck it up, but I also don't want to mistake exciting new experiences with falling for him. It wouldn't be fair to either of us."

Moss gave a light laugh which caused me to look over at him in surprise.

" Sorry I didn't mean to laugh like that , it's just I know what you mean it was the same when I started dating Sandy, but after a while that fear went away and all there is now is how I feel about her"

I gave a light grin at that, remembering Sandy's excitable personality.

" I hope it works out like it has with you two"

" How do you feel about him?"

I took a short bit of time to think about it, looking out at him on the field.

" I don't know how to describe it, it's like I've known him my whole life but also not, I feel this loyalty for him, and to be honest I'm worried this is too good and I will wake up to learn it was just a good dream" Moss patted me on the shoulder.

" Like you'd do anything for him, to make him happy? "

I gave a nod as I looked over at him.

" Yeah it's strange to feel such loyalty in such a short span" Moss gave a wide grin.

" Yeah it is but it feels right somehow" I admitted. I put out the butt of my dwindling cigarette on the metal bleacher before standing up, tossing the butt in the nearby trash can as I walked down the steps.

" I'll catch you later, ok? I'm gonna head home I think" Moss gives a light nod as he looks over with a smile.

" Alright well, stay out of trouble Alex"

I gave a light wave to him behind me as I headed to my car. The drive home wasn't too bad.

My aunt was just waking up, standing in the kitchen as I got home making her breakfast. Not a single word was said between us as she clearly looked at the new bruises on my face. I walked down into the basement not surprised but still sort of hurt she didn't say anything.

I turned my phone to my favorite station before overturning my satchel on the ground, getting down on my tummy and just zoned out as I started doing my homework. Didn't take too long, only an hour or so before I was finished.

One of the nice skills I found I was good at by going from school to school was being able to pick things up quickly and finish my work with as little struggle as needed.

After finishing my homework I hopped up, quickly grabbing the windbreaker from the other night along with my bag, leaving the homework on the floor as I ran up to head out.

" Heading back out are you?"

My aunt peeked up from making her lunch for her shift as I rounded the corner.

" Yep, why do you care?" I snapped, irritated.

" Just don't get into any trouble, and keep your face from getting hit ok? The new family lawyer is coming to see you Sunday evening and I need you to look presentable, got it?" She wore a frown the size of the horizon on her face, pointing the butter knife she was making her sandwich with at me.

" So now that a lawyer wants to see me you care how I look or that I'm getting the shit beat out of me?"

" Don't give me shit you little punk, my sister may have been able to afford some Indian lady to keep you in line but I ain't got the time to do it nor the money for someone else to so act like an adult you spoiled brat"

I angrily slammed the door while she yelled out the last part of her sentence towards me. I heatedly jumped into my car, hood still down as it usually is and took out my phone. I quickly sent off a text to Izz asking if he was busy doing anything and if he wanted to hang out. A minute and a few text bubbles later and I had gotten a response.

Izz: hell yeah we can hang! Hey come to my place, stay for dinner? My dad's dying to meet ya!

Me: sure I can stay for dinner, send me your address and I'll head right over :)

And just like that I was driving down towards Izz's place. It took about a thirty-five minute drive into the center of the mountains recreation national park. There were quite a few smaller cabins along the way inward once I hit the national parks forested roads.

When I finally got to the end of where my phone told me to drive, I found myself In front of a wide grassy opening among the trees, the center of which stood a large three story log cabin with massive glass windows all along the front.

I slowly parked behind Izz's familiar truck, making sure to pull the hood up and close it so I wouldn't come back later to a car full of leaves.

As I was finishing with the top I looked up to see Izz stepping out the front door with a wide grin. He gave a wave as he looked over at me. Two of the largest St Bernards I had ever seen came running from behind him towards me.

I held up my hands in an attempt, a poor one mind you, to stop them as they rushed over. The two massive canines easily toppled my lithe frame to the floor. Two cold noses sniffed all over as they barked and practically climbed all over me. The only thing not making me piss myself in fear was the sight of the two wagging tails behind the beasts.

Izz jogged over with a laugh as I tried to push the two inquisitive pups away .

" Aha look they love you! It's like you're already one of the pack!" Izz said, his grin seeping into his words.

" Mu'izz please! I'm going to fall apart like a drenched paper towel if I get any more slobbered!" I giggled, honestly finding it hard not to pet the dogs as I tried to push them aside.

Izz gave one last laugh before in his deep voice he loudly commanded.

"COME!" Both dogs immediately stopped what they were doing, walking over to Izz and each taking a seat on either side of him.

" Sorry about that Lex, they already smelled you on me when I've come home before so they already knew your scent, they must have been happy to put a person to the smell."

Back on my feet I gave a small laugh as I adjusted my clothing.

"They're very handsome dogs, what are their names?" Izz pat the left one's head then right as he spoke.

" On my left here is Bronx and this one" patting the other " is Lexington"

"Like the cities?" I asked with a smile.

" Aha naa, like the gargoyles... Guilty pleasure show of mine as a kid" he shrugged, seeming a little embarrassed.

" Ah, I was rarely able to watch TV as a kid, between boarding school and having to study practically twenty four seven. My parents, or more accurately my Governess didn't really allow it" I admitted.

He continued to give that warm smile as he looked at me.

" We'll have to watch it sometime, let's go inside before it gets too dark. My dad's doing his rounds on the campsites and cabins so he'll be back closer to Dinner" he said over his shoulder as he walked me through the front door.

The place was amazing. Hardwood everything! The foyer immediately led to the stairs with seating and a fireplace directly to the left, dining room and kitchen to the right, with a long hallway to the left of the stairs near the fireplace going back further into the house.

" Follow me" he commanded, that smile in his tone as he jogged up the stairs. After two hallways and a second set of smaller stairs we came to a large room that spanned the entire back top of the house.

" This is my space" he said as his thick frame turned, arms wide as he walked back into the large room.

The room was wide, but very well furnished, queen size bed, full dresser with trophies on top to the side, next to a messy overflowing closet and hamper. The other side of the room had a massive flat screen tv, with quite a few consoles hooked up with two L shaped couches pushed together facing it. The walls directly facing the backyard were full glass, with two French doors that opened out to a room length balcony overlooking a large backyard that was flush with the woods of the park.

" Damn I mean my room was nice, more so catalog nice, but this is comfy nice" I commented as I looked around the man's room.

" Honestly your whole place is amazing I'd barely call this a cabin hah"

Izz shrugged his shoulders as he walked up to me, wrapping his arms around my waist, squeezing around me tightly as he looked down due to the height difference.

" It's more log cabin styled than actually a log cabin, my grandfather had gotten special permission to build it when he helped build the other cabins, it technically is still government owned property but it's given special sanction for us to live here as long as we're groundskeepers for the park and helping the other rangers" he explains.

I nod as I listen to him speak, leaning my head into his chest, his deep voice vibrating through his ribs as he did.

I couldn't help but smile as I looked up into his dark deep eyes from between his pecs. He looked back at me with that warm grin before he unwrapped himself from around me, walking over to the glass doors, gesturing me to follow.

" Let's sit down, yeah?"

He led me out onto his balcony, wrapping his arms around my waist. He pulled us both back onto a comfy plush wicker couch that looked out into woods, the sun setting behind the lush green mountains above the trees.

I wiggled around a bit until I got comfortable in his lap, his large arms wrapping tightly around me as he leaned his head against my shoulder as we took in the orange and pink hues of the setting sun in front of us.

I instinctively gave a happy sigh after a few moments, leaning back into his large warm frame, the only sounds were the winds rushing through the breeze and the beginning of the nightly crickets from below.

I felt him nuzzle into my neck, his warm lips placing light kisses along the soft skin there before he spoke.

" I'm glad you came out here Lex, been wanting to spend more time with my cute boyfriend" he placed a few more kisses as I instinctively leaned my head to the side, his kisses got deeper and deeper as he went down until he placed one on the same place I had been bit by that wolf. I gave a light jump as he nipped the same spot.

" Izz what are you, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice being rather breathy as he pulled my shirt to the side, growling as he placed one more kiss before biting down, sucking hard on the soft skin between the still healing teeth marks.

I heard myself gasp as I felt him marking me there with a hickey, his arms tightening around me as he finally let go with a loud smacking sound of his lips releasing the sensitive lightly bruised skin from his mouth.

" Mmm just marking what's mine" he growled, his hips slightly thrusting upwards as he spoke. I gave a heavy exhale of breath at the growing feeling beneath me.

"Izz wait let's slow down ok?..." I hesitantly pleaded not wanting to go that far just yet. He nuzzled into my neck with a happy sigh, his legs pressing together against the outsides of my thighs as he spoke.

" Hmm alright, I'm sorry it's just hard to contain myself around you, you're so perfect" he whispered into my ear. I could feel the tips of my ears turn warm and red from the compliment.

" I wish I was..for you at least I really do.." I murmur as I lean back into his chest, my eyes looking out at the color painted sky In Front of us.

"What do you mean? Of course you are, you're like the puzzle piece I've been looking for, to fit so perfectly against me, and you're such a sweet and kind soul" he went on.

I could feel the tears run along my lower lids threatening to run down my cheeks as I thought of all my imperfections.

" You deserve so much more, someone as great as you, someone who isn't so broken , so damaged" I whispered, I so wanted to look back at him but my shame simply would not let me. I felt his big strong arms squeeze around me.

" Babe, what are you talking about? You aren't damaged. You're perfect just as you are" he cooed, I could tell he was trying to sooth me, his fingers intertwined with mine as his hands grasped them.

" No I'm nothing but some tramp, I've been so lonely for so long that I sought comfort the only way I knew how and I've damaged myself." I went on as he listened, my cheeks becoming hot as I felt the tears overflow down them. I struggled to speak through the thickening lump at the back of my throat.

"I should have just waited. Waited for you, that special guy before giving myself up but instead I made myself a total slut, looked for comfort in the arms of any guy who would take me, just to feel something, to feel wanted by someone, by anyone and now I'm worth less than the gum on some tourists shoe"

I closed my eyes as I tried to stop the flow of emotion running down my face.

" You won't get to be my first and I feel like that's something I should have waited for."

I felt the vibrations through his chest as he gave a light chuckle, he leaned back a little pressing me forward , his hand lightly turning my head back to look into his eyes. He slowly brushed my tears away with his thumb as he spoke.

" Hey.. hey... hey look at me Lex, I don't care I won't get to be your first, you'll get to be mine. I do not nor could I ever think of you as broken and you shouldn't either babe." He gave a small encouraging smile as he rubbed his thumb along my cheek, his other hand squeezing around me.

" You were hurting, you felt alone, I know I would have if my parents treated me the way yours did... You did what you thought would take your pain away and I do not fault you for that." He leaned in close, placing a light kiss on each of my cheeks.

" I don't think of you as damaged for not wanting to be in pain." He spoke so quietly, yet so sternly and sincere.

"All I care about is that first you are happy, and second that I get to be with you no matter what ok? I care so much about you. I don't care that you had relations before we got together even if they were just some hook ups, you're here with me now and I'll take care of you alright?" He gave me a light shake back and forth as he looked for an answer.

"Alright little guy?"

I couldn't help but smile at his kind loving words. I gave a light sniffle as I nodded.

" A-alright Izz"

"There ya go there's that smile" he yanked me back into his tight embrace as he spoke. We once more got comfortable in each other's embrace as we watched the final rays slide down behind the mountain.

" Oh by the way Lex, Moss told me what happened with Chet."

I felt my body stiffen as he spoke.

"I met with him after practice. I think he won't be bothering you anymore." he said gruffly.

"Mu'izz what did you do?" I looked back at him worriedly.

He gave a nonchalant shrug.

" Well we had some words and he tried to grab me as I was going through a door and the door closed and I guess broke his arm,.... So I guess he learned to keep his fuckin hands to himself" his tone went grim as a low growl escaped his throat as he spoke.

I shook my head in disbelief, looking back at him as he ran his fingers through his pompadour.

"You're lucky if he just presses assault charges" I state fearfully.

" Yeah... he won't be doing that" he said matter of fact.

" How do you know that? He's a dangerous guy if he can get back at you in any way he will"

" Believe me babe he won't do it. I can't tell you how I know but I just do ok?"

I slumped back into his chest.

" Does this have anything to do with what Moss told him? Something about being marked and a war? What was he talking about Izz?"

It was his turn to stiffen a little.

" Mmh Moss said that huh?...." He gave a dejected sigh, scratching his chin scruff a bit.

" I can't tell you yet, but I promise by this weekend I can, ok? I just gotta dot some i's and cross some t's and then I can tell you anything you wanna know ok?"

I gave him a skeptical look.

"Do you trust me Alex?"

I didn't even hesitate.

" Of course Izz, I trust you with my life."

" Then know that when I make a promise I keep it, and I promise I'll be able to tell you this weekend...oh! Speaking of.." his face cracked into a wide lopsided grin.

" I talked to my dad and I got permission for us to go camping just the two of us Friday night, whaddya say huh?" He gave me a light jostle as he squeezed around me once more.

" Camping camping? "

He gave a small snort.

" Yep! Camping camping so whaddya say little guy? Me , you a tent and the stars" he said.

I gave it some honest thought, and although I would never go by myself however, the idea of getting to be under the stars secluded in the woods with Izz tickled me so much.

"Sure why not, besides maybe I'll get to see my wolf"

Izz gave an awkward laugh. I was going to ask him what was so funny but was interrupted by the sound of a car pulling up followed by the very loud yet happy barking of two massive dogs downstairs.

" Dad's back!" Izz gleamed, practically throwing me to the floor as he jumped up. I followed behind as he ran down the stairs to the front. I looked down to see a man that was nearly the spitting image of Izz, with darker skin, and a much bulkier build in his 50s, closing the door with grocery bags in his off hand.

" Hey Dad!" Izz went and grabbed the bags with a grin.

" Hey son, and who's this little guy?" The larger man looked at me with a warm smile.

" This is Alex, the one I told you about..." he said as he walked off to the kitchen. I gave a meek smile as I looked up at the mountain of a man, holding my hand out to him.

" It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Owis"

The large man shook my hand firmly, the massive hand engulfing mine before he gave a deep hearty laugh, yanking me in for a tight hug.

" Ahaha! call me Qasim, little one!" Letting me go a bit flustered as I readjust my shirt he gestured me to follow towards the kitchen. Izz was putting some food into a large silver fridge as we entered. He gestured towards the stool at the island as he gave Izz's back a loud pat.

" Your mother says she got to Arizona safely, Mu'izz" he said as he started taking out a few cooking utensils.

" Ah, that's good." Izz said as he took the stool next to me.

"Mom's gone to visit family so you'll have to meet her when she gets back" he said to me as he inched his stool a bit closer to mine"

" How do you like your steak Alex? " Qasim asked as he took out three rather large flank steaks from the fridge.

" Ah' black and blue please sir- I mean Qasim' thank you. "

Qasim looked back at me from between slitted eyes and a curious grin.

"Same as us then! You sure know how to pick 'em son hehe" The larger male shaking his head as he turned the heat on the stove on high, placing a skillet on top.

I looked over between the two similar looking guys, one working on making steak and potatoes as the other simply grinned back at me.

" Technically I didn't choose, just like you didn't Dad" Izz wrapped a hand around my waist with a squeeze as he spoke.

" Sure felt like you chose!" I giggled.

Qasim shook his head with a deep laugh.

" It's the inner wolf...that voice inside you" He seemed to correct himself with a smirk.

" So you two decide if you're going camping?"

" Oh yeah! It'll be his first time actually" Izz gave one of his iconic waist squeezes again as he spoke.

" Oh yeah? Not much of a wilderness person?"

I put my hands up a bit.

" Ah no it's not that, I just have never really had any chance to" I admitted, looking down a bit.

" Mm your Dad not an outdoors guy?"

I tried to think of how to say this but Izz ended up beating me to it.

" Uh, dad, Alex's parents are no longer with us... and he was always at private schools from a younger age" he said in a solemn tone.

"Ah me and my big mouth I'm sorry"

I shook my head as I looked over to him at the stove as he was giving a shrug.

" Mm don't worry about it, it's not like there was anyway for you to know."

" Well, hopefully I can make up for my big mouth with my cooking!" Qasim placed a plate of steak and small baked potatoes. It was honestly one of the best steaks I've ever had.

" This is delicious!" I still ended up only being able to eat half of the massive steak, which Izz didn't mind as he yanked the other half to his own plate.

"Thank you little one, I always try my best!"

After we finished eating the three of us simply sat and spoke in the living room. I learned how Izz's dad and mom met at college and he fell in love at first sight. His "wolf" as he calls it howled out for her. How he followed his father in his footsteps taking up the caretaker role for the area and assisting the rangers.

I also learned that that was what Izz wanted to do as well, become fully certified as a park Ranger and take over for his father when he retires.

" What do you want to do after high school Alex?"

I looked over between the two as they expectedly waited for a response.

" Honestly... I don't know, my entire life I had been told what to do, what to learn what to study, it almost felt like I was being prepared for a future that my parents had already laid out for me though they never said what it was before they passed, they never really told me anything if I'm honest."

What did they want me to do? What little we did talk about my grades or classes they always chose for me, what were they expecting me to become? You'd think it would be math and things that would work in land management, business classes, things to take over what they both did. When I looked back at the majority of the classes my parents made me take that weren't mandatory classes for graduation they were mostly arts based. Rather, entertainment based. The majority of the classes were music with multiple instruments, art, painting, drawing, poetry, literature, strangely home economics too.

I couldn't help but give out a genuinely loud snorting laugh as I thought about it all.

" You know, come to think about it, when I take into account all the classes my parents chose for me it seems like they expected me to be some rich aristocrat's stay at home party host trophy husband!" I gave another laugh though neither of the two were laughing. In fact they were both looking at each other with faces of unease.

" What was your last name? What did your parents do?" Qasim asked me slowly. I waved him off as I answered.

"My father's surname was Aranovich, and they mostly were in real estate management, working for mostly private estates or companies here in the U.S. and a lot of rich to-do people from Europe who never seemed to know what tanning is...why?"

Qasims look of unease became worse as I spoke, as if he'd seen a ghost.

" Ahh nothing nothing It's probably nothing, I gotta go do some work in the office, you two enjoy the rest of your visit " and with that Qasim' quickly jumped up and went walking down the hall and into a room near the back.

" That was weird..." I commented as I looked at the direction he had gone. Izz merely gave a shrug.

" My father has a lot of connections so he probably was just curious if he was connected to them in any way."

I leaned into his side a bit more on the couch taking in that wonderful spiced scent of his as I did.

" I doubt it... although they traveled a lot for their work they mostly worked with European clientele even if it was with U.S. land" I tried to explain.

It wasn't long before I found myself in front of my car, Izz close beside me as we said our goodbyes.

" I had a really lovely night Mu'izz, and I loved meeting your dad he's a very kind man, and an excellent cook" I spoke quietly as I leaned into his chest, his large arms wrapped around me, my own around under his jacket, the heavy heat radiating off of him contrasting the cool night air behind me.

" I'm glad you came over babe, I can tell he really likes you too".

He leaned down to place a light kiss against my forehead, his fingers moving a lock of wavy orange behind my ear, slowly leaning even further to place one more against my lips. It was my turn to squeeze around him as I leaned into those warm thick lips of his, slowly parting with shallow breath.

" I wish you could stay here with me."

" Me too, but I really should get back home.. I'll be at school tomorrow, and there's Friday to look forward to, and Saturday " I beamed up at him with a suggestive tone in my voice lightly wiggling in his tight grasp. His large mits grasped at my hips as he grumbled in response.

" You make a good point, little thing ... I'll see you tomorrow then ? " He nuzzled into my neck licking at the hickey he left earlier, causing a shiver to run down my spine.

" Fuuuh you g-got it big guy" I practically moaned out to him as I pulled away, got into my car and waved back at him as I drove off towards the direction of my aunt's place.

Wednesday and Thursday went by like the drop of a hat. I didn't get to see Izz after school Wednesday, something to do with a meeting between him and a few others in a community his family belonged to. However, on Wednesday I got to stay at Izz's house again. We ended up cuddling up on his couch in his room and watching old classic movies, though we didn't watch them so much as listen to them while we explored each other's mouths.

The craziest thing that happened between those few days was seeing Chet glaring over at me or Izz with a large white cast on his left arm every now and then.

Before I knew it, it was already Friday. I woke to the blaring alarm from my phone. I groggily got up before immediately perking up at the thought that it was the day me and Mu'izz would be going out camping. I practically hovered into the bathroom as I turned on the water, getting a simple outfit ready of jeans, some stompy boots and a simple destressed baggy t-shirt as I waited for the water to get warm.

I gave a devilish smile as I got out a deep red silk bikini cut pair of panties with a black lace heart covering the ass to wear underneath, a small surprise for Izz later that night.

The water felt so amazing as I let the hot water cook my pale skin lobster red making sure to be as squeaky clean as I could be for this evening.

I briskly walked out with my satchel and a duffel bag with what I was going to be bringing camping. Izz stood leaning against his truck, arms crossed with that side grin of his as I stopped in my tracks, keys to my car in hand.

" What are you doing here?" I asked as my own grin creeped up across my face.

He pushed himself up and walked over taking my duffel bag from my arm.

" Here to pick you up, gorgeous! No point in driving to school just for you to drive back here and hop in my truck afterwards, this way we can just head on out after class."

I gave a happy shrug as I followed him to his car.

" I guess you're right hah" I quickly jumped in the passenger side as he put my bag under the tarp covering his truck bed.

I asked Izz if I could switch the radio to some light jazz on as he drove to school. He gave a firm nod as he slid his hand along my thigh with a squeeze. I rather enjoyed music with instrumentals.

Normally I listen to things like Marylin Manson, Rob Zombie, Gorillaz, that sort of stuff, but lately I've been really enjoying older, more classic tunes.

Izz parked his car in the usual spot pushing the door shut. I looked up to see the usual jock and cheerleader squad hanging out to the side, Chet glaring at me with Tiffany wrapped around his cast arm which seems to have had a few more signatures since I saw it last.

I remembered what Moss had said about Izz and some rule or something said about him not daring to touch me. I tried to give a light smile and sign a peace symbol with two fingers, hopeful that maybe after everything we could at least not be hostile towards each other. Chet merely sneered and flipped me off with his good hand, so much for that. Izz gave me a tight hug and kiss on the cheek before we passed ways to head to our separate classes.

" You seem chipper than usual today" Gabbs said as she walked up next to me on my way to my locker with a light smile.

" I'm just excited is all, Izz is taking me camping tonight, it's my first time"

" Oooh eee!" Gabbs gave a squeal as she hopped up and down grabbing my arm.

" Your first time camping huh? Tonight's gonna be a night of multiple firsts hmmm?" She gave a sly sideways wink as she giggled to which I turned beet red.

" C'mon Gabbs if I was gonna think that far ahead I'd wear like crazy underwear or something and that just sounds so uncomfortable"

Gabbs gave a snort as we came up to my locker, I started putting books away as she spoke.

"Ssnrk yeah could you imagine? Think of how embarrassing it would be to do that and then have to change into gym clothes Infront of everyone"

"Fuck!" I practically yelled into the slowly filling hallway. Gabbs' eyes went wide.

" You didn't!" She tried looking behind me at my ass, I tried to cover where she was looking with my book bag as I smiled bashfully.

" Ahah well I guess you'll have to change in one of the stalls unless you want him AND the rest of the male students in the class to see whatever it is you decided to wear under there"

I gave out a groan.

" I'll just fuckin skip it today, it's Friday anyways and it's not like my aunt gives a shit if I skip a day or so of a single class" I grumble as I slam my locker closed.

" Just don't get into trouble she may not care now but if you start getting to the point where they call her for your absences she might start caring if only because they're bothering her." Gabbs warned.

It would be just like my aunt to only care about being bothered and not actually the fact that I was playing hookie to a few classes.

" I won't make trouble I promise... I'll see you at lunch?" I asked her as I started my way towards the first period orchestra. She gave a nod and a wave of her hand as she went towards her first class in the opposite direction.

First period felt so slow going through the different sets we practiced , second, and third period went much faster with me and Izz grinning like idiots the entire time towards one another.

Finally it was lunch , I went with a simple slice of pizza and water, placing my tray down between Gabbs and Izz with the others. I gave a quick glance around the table with a frown.

De" Max with his dad again?" I asked as I looked at the others.

" His dad passed away last night so he's staying with his mom today" Xander replied solemnly, looking down at the sorry excuse for salisbury steak on his tray.

" Oh jeez... "

" Yeah he's not doing too well, he said he'd let us know when they figure out a date for the memorial" he explained.

I took my phone, tossing him a text about my condolences for his and his mother's loss and how I wish I could be there for them. He responded pretty quickly with a thank you how he really appreciated it and a sad smile emoji.

"Did you hear they found someone dead near the pier? They said his neck had been ripped out, fully drained of blood" Gabbs spoke out between bites of her pizza. I looked up at Izz as I felt him go stiff.

" Do they think it's some dog or something?" Xander asked the table.

" I don't know, I'm not sure what's worse, some rabid animal or some killer" Gabbs responded.

" It's not a dog." Izz said solemnly.

" They would have found a dog by now or some prints or something, this sounds like some sick killer to me" he said with a gruff sounding tone.

I gave a light shiver as green eyes flashed in my mind before I spoke up.

" Well if it is, I hope they catch them before someone else gets hurt."

As I finished the last bites of my pizza I got up and walked my tray to the return. As I was walking back two guys going the opposite direction each shoved me aside in turn as they passed.

" Watch it fag!" The taller one said as they shoved me, the second one snickering as he did the same, both walking towards Chet's table, the three of them laughing as they looked down at me getting up from the ground. I gave a wide frown as I looked at them. I really hope this wasn't indicative of worse to come. What, is Chet just going to get others to do his bullying for him? What a joke.

Art went pretty fast as it usually did. I decided to start an oil painting since we were going over the medium right now, though most of the class was doing watercolor or acrylic. I decided I would do a scenescape of the Santa Monica fairgrounds with the sun setting in the background. I had barely gotten the gist of the preliminary sketch onto canvas when the bell rang.

History didn't seem too bad, we had started on the neoclassical era after the French revolution ended the rococo. Nothing more fun than talking about the failed governments that followed a revolution. I honestly didn't even understand why we were going over French history in an English history class.

Soon the bell had rung and I was putting all my books away. I didn't really need any this weekend for homework so I ended up heading to the locker room with a rather empty satchel.

I remembered my choice in underwear and immediately made a U turn and walked out a pair of double doors, heading for the bleachers of the football field.

I slowly walked underneath the metal structure, mindlessly kicking some old trash now and then as I pulled out and lit a cigarette. I wasn't too sure what I should do while I waited for Izz to get out of P.E.

I ended up just leaning up against one of the supports as I took an inhale, thinking about all the strange shit that had been going on. I wonder if that guy who attacked me, and was stalking me had anything to do with that dead tourist at the boardwalk. I wouldn't put it past the sick freak. I hope he hadn't been planning that for me before my wolf stepped in.

Heh "my wolf" I tugged my shirt to the side to look at the slowly healing teeth marks. I gave a slight sigh as I noticed they had begun to scar over. I suppose I wasn't going to be rid of them any time soon. But did I want to be? Some part of me was still rather proud of them and another really liked it though I wasn't sure why.

I had thought of going back there , that spot in the woods to see if I could find my wolf again. I didn't dare though, HE might also be there again and to be honest I didn't want to risk being found by him again.

He had moved so fast when he ran away it didn't seem natural. But a lot hasn't made too much sense lately. Moss was talking about some war and laws Chet was breaking by being violent towards me and somehow having to do with this bite mark.

I lightly ran my thumb over the fading hickey Izz had given me in the middle of the teeth marks. Marked by a wolf and a man that seemed to care about me. Honestly the wolf was a total surprise and if I was to be honest so was Izz.

I worried that Izz would one day soon find me boring or used up from my time with the other men I had been with and leave me for someone more deserving of his love. What could I even do for him? I suppose I could do what I was good at, I couldn't really give him much else until I turned eighteen.

I just hoped that I was good enough to satisfy him and convince him to stay. A small nagging voice in my head screamed that once I started pleasuring him he'd simply leave. I tried to stifle that voice with a pillow mentally. Izz wouldn't leave once we get fully physical. He isn't like that. I needed to stop worrying.

I put the butt of my cigarette out on the metal pole I had been leaning against and started making my way towards the parking lot but stopped as I saw two figures further up. I hid behind a couple supports and peered over.

It was those two friends of Chet's at lunch. The short one had just gotten up off his knees. In Front of the taller one, he was wiping his mouth with his sleeve as the other zipped up his pants. I giggled to myself at the irony of what they called me.

I quickly got my phone out and began taking pictures of the two as they began making out. That should come in handy if they decide to fuck with me. I sent the photos to my own email for good measure just in case.

I was able to sneak away. Class would be out soon and I wanted to make sure I was ready when Izz was. As I approached Izz's car I gave a groan and a scowl as I noticed someone had keyed his car's driver side door. I bent down to take a look at the damage and that was when I realized the keyed lines made up a crude depiction of a rabbit.

I quickly shot up looking around to see if I could spot him anywhere nearby. The lot was empty but for the other students' cars.

I jumped up to sit on the edge of his truck bed as the bell went off. Not long after students came pouring out to get to their cars or the buses parked to the side. I saw Izz approaching with a grin , his pack slung over his right muscular shoulder.

" There you are gorgeous, decided to play hookie last minute huh?" He slowly walked up between my legs, his hands sliding up my thighs before wrapping around my waist, tugging my legs around his waist as he pulled me up close, looking up into my eyes.

I lightly ran my fingers through his chestnut pompadour as I smiled back down at him, the cigarette hanging loose between my lips.

" I needed some time by myself... besides this way you have to wait to see me strip"

" Mmm yeah? " He smirked as he snatched the cigarette from between my lips, putting it out on the edge of the bed and flicking it away. I gave him a frown as he did , hands sliding over his broad shoulders.

" I was enjoying that, you know."

" No smoking during this trip." he said sternly at my pout.

" Your lungs should stay as pale and pink as you, cutie"

I gave a fake sigh as I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning in close.

" Well what else am I going to do to keep my lips busy ?"

He gave a heated smirk as he leaned even closer .

" Mmm I'm sure I can think of a few things..." he said as he closed the distance, pressing his lips against mine as his hands grasped tightly around my waist. I leaned into his warm lips, breath catching in my throat as he pressed his thick warm tongue between my lips, lightly rubbing along my own.

I quickly pulled back as I realized how many people were still getting into their own cars around us, and beginning to stare.

" Maybe we should head out? How long will it take to get there? " I asked as he pulled me down from my position on the bed.

"I think about an hour, maybe, an hour and a half" he explained as he jumped up into the driver's side at the same time I got in on the other. I scooted into the middle seat, buckling up next to him and we were off towards our camping spot. It didn't stay quiet for long. I instinctively leaned into his side as I felt his familiar hand slide back up along my thigh.

" Are you excited to be camping for the first time, beautiful?"

I gave a light nod as I looked at the cars and road in front of us with a light smile.

" Honestly I am, I'm glad I get to go with you as my guide, have you gone a lot before?"

" Oh yeah loads of times. Every year, we'd go a couple times a summer, me and my dad," he continued on occasionally squeezing his hand as it caressed along back and forth over the denim of my pants.

" We would go every month or so in the summer and spring even. We'd go fishing sometimes but it was mostly hunting, running or hiking up in the woods." I could tell by his expression he was thinking of fond memories.

" Especially right after I had hit puberty we had started going up in the mountains to camp and hunt, it was a great way to expend all that pent up energy."

" Your mom didn't mind? You guys going hunting, that is?"

" Ah no she's actually native American, she didn't mind as long as we weren't hunting doe or their foals and that we use every part of what we killed, honor the animal we were hunting."

" I don't know if I could ever go hunting to be honest heh, camping sure, fishing maybe, but hunting? I don't know if I could hurt any animal even if it was for food...maybe if I had to, to survive. " I thought out loud.

" You seem like a gentle soul Lex, that's one of the things I think drew me to you" he said softly.

" I honestly felt a slight pull when I first saw you at that gas station too."' I admitted to him.

" Though to be honest seeing you Moss and Lu together was somewhat intimidating!"

He gave a chuckle as he gave me a sideways glance.

" Yeah we get that alot to be honest we're sorta a pack the three of us" he snickered.

It wasn't long before I had unintentionally fallen asleep against Izz's arm and shoulder as we drove. The next thing I knew he was nudging me lightly as he spoke.

" Hey, Lex were here, wake up sleepy!"

I slowly opened my eyes with a yawn looking up to see his handsome face grinning down at me.

" How long was I out?" I asked as I looked at the space in front of the truck. We were in a small wooded clearing, a small downward hill to the left leading to a creek. Green rich grass filled the clearing with a well used fire pit near the center.

" Not too long, only maybe fourty or so minutes" Izz pulled the tarp back from the truck bed as I followed him hopping down from inside the truck. He started taking out a cooler, some chairs and a long green cylinder I soon learned had the tent in it.

" Hey can you go grab some wood for the firepit while I set up the tent?"

" Sure I don't mind,"

He gave a wide grin as I looked over at the woods.

" Awesome, look for a couple different sizes, some small, some larger pieces and some Moss if you can find any". He explained as he unpacked the tent. A bundle of what looked like black foldable rods falling out to the floor below him.

" Oh and don't wander off too far ok? I don't want to have to come and find ya if you get lost lil guy " I rolled my eyes as I started walking into the woods.

The place was beautiful, birds were chirping all over as the sun shone through the canopy. I quickly started picking up some dry fallen branches as I went by, making sure to pick up some of the thick ones but also smaller ones like he had said. I gave a deep inhale of the lovely smells around me. I always enjoyed taking walks into the wilderness. It was such a great way to relax and reset your mind.

It wasn't long before I had a armfull of sticks and Moss and made my way back to our camping spot. I placed the pile next to the fire pit, dusting off my hands and forearms as I went over to what looked like a relatively nice sized green tent that I surmised I could probably walk in if I leaned my head to the side. I stopped halfway around the tent as I saw Izz with simply a pair of board shorts and a white wife beater on. He was pulling out a few more things from the truck bed. His thick muscular arms bulged as he pulled them from the back. He turned and abruptly stopped, both arms full as he gave a sexy smirk. Walking up next to me, placing the two boxes next to the tent he flexed his left arm as he grinned down at me like an idiot.

" You like the gun show huh?" I gave a laugh and pushed at his chest in response. The force or lack thereof of my push hadn't moved him an inch. He merely reached out, grabbing my hands mid push and yanked me up against his chest.

" You know if you start getting pushy I'll have to restrain you" he said huskily as he gripped me tightly against him.

" I-I'll behave I promise" I whispered, biting my lower lip as I looked up into his eyes.

" I don't know, I'm not sure I want to take that risk" he gave a devilish grin. He gave my nose a small peck before walking back to the boxes, picking them back up and bringing them into the tent. I decided I'd go over and set up the chairs near the pit, not long after I started, I saw him go grab our bags and bring them into the tent next. I finished setting up the chairs as he came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as he kissed my neck.

" Mmm you wanna go on a small hike sweet thing? There's a really nice waterfall just upstream" he whisper-spoke into my ear. I leaned back into his chest , wrapping my own arms around his.

" I don't know I'm pretty comfortable right here"

He slid his hand along my chin, pulling my face back and placing a light kiss against my lips.

" Mm how about tomorrow? We don't have to leave until the afternoon" I suggest.

He gave a rumbling chuckle as he looked at my face over, placing another quick kiss along my jawline.

"Mmhmhm I suppose that could work"

Izz lightly swayed with me in his arms as we looked over the newly put together campsite. Not long after the light started to dim as the sun began going down, well on its way to setting. Izz went to build the fire, taking a few chicken breasts and wrapping them in tinfoil with some oil, thyme rosemary and a few potatoes he placed it in the center, placing the wood around it and the moss near the bottom before getting it lit. I sat in one of the folding chairs as I watched. It was clear he was working with experience with how quick and efficiently he had the fire roaring. Once he was finished he stood up brushing his hands together and sitting down next to me, taking my small hand in his big mit.

"Dinner should be done in no time!"

Just like the night in his room we sat and watched the sun fully setting. He gave my hand a light squeeze while we waited for the chicken to cook.

" So what's your favorite part about camping?" I asked him as I lightly swayed our hands between the two seats. He gave it some thought before answering.

" Honestly, this, sitting with the ones you love, relaxing around a crackling fire and watching the sun go down, and soon watching the stars come out ..were pretty far out from L A so there's not too much light pollution, you can see the stars pretty well once the sun goes down..."

I gave his hand a light squeeze, tracing my pinky along his palm.

" I'm one of the ones you love?" I asked, looking down into the deep orange and red flames in the pit, too shy to look him in the face.

" Of course Alex, I love you alot, I think I truly felt in love with you when I first met you, but since I've gotten to be with you it's only grown, your one of the sweetest people I know, and I know you've been through so much and suffered throughout your life, I just want to be there with you, to protect you, and try to help you through the rough times."

I looked over at him, his smiling face illuminated by the fire was blushing slightly. I gave his hand one more squeeze as I looked into his eyes.

" I think I love you too, to be honest Mu'izz, you're the first person to show they care who wasn't just someone paid to take care of me. I want to make you happy, help you succeed and give you anything that would fulfill that."

Izz smirked as he shook his head.

" Alex all I need, all I want is you, be here with me, and I could never be happier."

" I will , I'll always be here with you Mu'izz if I can have my way, if nothing interferes with my wishes I'll always be here with you."

A timer went off on his phone, and Izz got up taking the breasts out with a poker he had brought.

" Dinners ready, and then after we can have s'mores" he sounded so giddy.

" What are s'mores?" I asked.

" Holy moly you've never had s'mores have you? Well I guess not considering you've not been camping" he laughed.

" What are they ?"

He proceeded to explain to me how to go about making a s'more as we ate our chicken and potatoes. I have to admit it sounded messy, but fun!

Once we were done eating Izz went and grabbed the supplies practically skipping the whole way.

He handed me a small camping poker and showed me how to put the marshmallow on. My first two marshmallows caught fire, the first burning to a crisp and the second quickly falling off into the fire.

The third though I was able to make a perfect brown with a few small burnt pieces here and there. Izz put a small piece of chocolate on my graham cracker and helped me ease the mallow into place before adding the second cracker. I quickly took a bite and went to heaven!

"Holy fuck that's good!" I squealed as I took another bite, and soon it was all gone. Izz was giggling the entire time as he ate his sandwich, watching me devour my own.

I looked up into the stars as we sat together simply enjoying each other's company, finally I thought it was time and faked a yawn.

" Awe are you tired babe? We can head in if you want." I gave a small nod with a smile and stood up.

" Yeah I think that sounds nice"

" Mmk you go get comfy in the tent, I'll put out the fire and join you shortly alright?"

" Ok Izz, and thank you for taking me, this is really nice..."

Izz grabbed my hand as I was turning towards the tent. He pulled me close, looking me over he leaned forward, running his thick warm tongue along my cheek just beside my lips, followed by his thumb. I was practically putty in his hands.

" You... had a little chocolate on your cheek." he murmured before letting me go with a devilish smirk.

I quickly entered the tent, turning the lamp on I began undressing. God I hope he liked this underwear. Maybe it's too much? I suppose I'll soon find out.

Fully undressed save for the small red number I laid down along the sleeping bags, pillows and many blankets Izz had laid down inside the tent. Leaning into my hand , my arm holding me up on my elbow as I slid my other arm along my waist and waited.

Soon after hearing the hiss of the fire being put out, the tent zipped open and Izz crouched in, turning around after zipping it shut he immediately stopped in his tracks.

" Fhhuuck Alex... you're so beautiful! Are you sure you want to ?" He asked as he started crawling closer to me with his eyes full of lust.

I gave a quick couple of nods as I bit my lower lip.

" I want to be yours Izz, all of me" I confessed. I saw his lustful face twist into that predatory stare and I soon felt like that deer staring up at a wolf once more.

He gave a deep growl as he approached me, his hands sliding around my silk covered hips as he roughly pushed his mouth against mine, his tongue hungrily pressing past my own as he practically devoured me, his rough pressing kiss becoming fervently animalistic as his large hands explored my nearly nude form.

I slid my hands up along his chest as I tried to kiss him in return, his thick warm oral muscle exploring the entirety of my mouth.

I was finally able to push him onto his back , ending his hungry kiss I slowly slid my hands down his chest, stomach and slowly cupped the growing mound behind his board shorts,, he gave a whining moan as I began to unbutton his shorts,, his muscular thighs spread wider as I leaned down placing a small kiss on the zipper before pulling it down.

" Ah fuck Alex...please!" he moaned, his hips lightly bucked upwards as I pulled his shorts down his hips. He was wearing a rather nice pair of Calvin Klein silk boxer briefs, straining to stay together from the thick bulge in the front.

I ran my hands along the throbbing bulge as I looked up into his heavy lidded eyes.

" May I?" I asked as I slid a single digit between the fabric and his taut stomach. His head looked like it would fall off with how much he shook it. He practically ripped his shirt off as I began to lower his boxers. He leaned back into the pillows as his thick member sprung forth.

His member was honestly one of the nicest I had ever seen, so thick I nearly had trouble wrapping my fingers around the uncut thing, a dark purple tip peeking out from under the thick foreskin.

I slowly started sliding my hand back and forth, the tip becoming fully exposed, before once more being covered with each back and forth motion.

My eyes were transfixed as a small bead of pre ran down the tip. I quickly leaned forward, capturing the slowly drooling strand on my tongue as I looked up into his eyes. He had a glazed fiery expression as he watched me slowly begin to lick the clear shiny liquid from his head.

Both his large mit like hands started running through my wavy hair as I began to suckle on his head, both hands taking hold of his girth.

" Mmmh fuhk Alex" he practically moaned as his hips began to buck more of his thick member into my mouth, the tip rubbing along the entrance to my throat as I began going further down.

I started to keep an even pase as I began to Bob up and down, his rough thick fingers gripping my hair as I did. He began to meet my face with his thrusts until he groaned out in a deep baritone moan as I gave a swallow the next time his tip pressed against my throat, and within seconds I had buried my face into the thick curly brown bush at his base.

I finally came up for air after what felt like a whole minute. I slowly backed away as he looked at me like a sad puppy, only to have his face change into a grin the devil would be proud of. He kept his eyes on me as I leaned down onto my tummy. Pressing my ass into the air towards him, showing the red heart covering my cheeks before I slowly pulled the satin material down to my knees. I looked over my shoulder at him pleadingly.

" Please? Izz?" I lightly wiggled my hips. He immediately shot up with a growl in his throat as his hands slid up, squeezing my rump as he took position behind me.

" Ah fuck Alex anything you want babe" He gave his lips a lick as he leaned forward, the hair of his normally perfect pompadour sliding down Infront of his eyes as he became more animalistic, the hair on his chest and arms were so thick, I didn't remember his body hair being that thick.

I turned my head back around, placing my face against my folded arms as I felt his thick tip rub up between my cheeks, his meaty hand spreading my cheeks as he became aligned. I stopped him quickly with a hand on his hairy stomach before moving over and grabbing the lubricant from my bag, handing it to him as I got back into position.

" Almost forgot heh make sure to use as much as you can, ok? " I said as I pressed backwards against him.

" Mmf you bet babe!"

I gasped as I felt his thick digits rub against my entrance, the gel covered fingers pressing inwards. I gave a shiver and a moan as the first slipped inside slowly rubbing back and fourth before a second slipped in, then a third, I began to push back in unison with his thrusting fingers, fucking myself on his digits.

He slipped his fingers back out and repositioned, his thighs pressed firmly against mine as his tip pressed in but didn't penetrate.

" You ready babe?" He huskily asked as he rubbed the tip along my lubricated tunnel. I gave a silent nod , my head laying sideways on my arms.

With a deep guttural moan he began to press inward his thick head slipping past my ring. I gave a shiver as I gasped out, my eyes scrunching from the pain of his thickness. He let me get used to his thick girth before slowly beginning to press inwards. I could feel my ring throb as his thick member slid inside, the thing widening more as he pressed on. My thigh instinctively pressed together, my more average sized member was hard against my tummy as I felt so full, and he kept going.

He had to be around nine,ten inches with how full I felt. Finally his thick bush pressed against my soft pale cheeks. He gave a guttural growl as he leaned down nipping at my ear lobe as he whispered into my ear.

" You have all of me inside you beautiful"

He emphasized each word with a short grind of his hips into mine. My throat let a small girly moan escape as I felt him press his full weight against my back. His entire form fully covered my own smaller lithe frame. I felt the thick curly hair of his stomach and chest scratch along my back as he began to slowly begin to thrust inward.

My hand slid around the back of his neck to hold him close, his heavy breathing was in my ear as he slowly thrust into my warm insides. My skin felt hot to the touch as his body radiated heat onto mine.

" F-fuck me Mu'izz, take me, m-make me yours" I whispered up to him. I felt him nuzzle into my neck as his pace began to pick up , his legs pinned my thighs together underneath him as he spoke.

" Your mine Alex, god your mine and I'm going to take you as mine!" His voice seemed to deepen as he groan out, his thighs gripping my own tightly as I felt his thick member hammer down into me roughly. I gripped at his neck harder as he got onto his feet on either side of my hips, roughly slamming downwards filling me, grinding down into me with each rough thrust. His arms slide around my stomach possessively, the coarse thick hair sliding along my soft tummy.

I yelled out between my moaning with each rough thrust, it felt like his fingers had pushed into my skin, he slowly raked his hands along my sides with red welts appearing where his sharp nails slid . His voice, his moans became haggard, and even more animalistically guttural as he continued to thrust into my insides, the force causing my own erection to slap my stomach as he brutally picked up speed.

He began a deep panting as I squirmed underneath him, it felt as if his member was thickening to an uncomfortable size as he continued his onslaught. My hand trembled as if what I felt was the hair of his neck and head quickly began to grow between my fingers.I looked down and saw the thick arms wrapped around my waist covered in a thick chestnut fur, the thick fingers elongating into claws.

My heart began to race even faster than it already was as adrenaline surged through my body. My brain screamed that something was not right.

A full on growling whine was being breathed into my ear. His thrusting began to become even faster and more erratic as he held me down. It began to hurt a bit with how long and thick he grew inside me. I felt drool running down my shoulder.

"M-mu-mu-i-iizz?" I shakily cried between his rough thrusting. I could barely turn my head as my eyes looked over to see a long toothy muzzle where his head used to be. I screamed out loudly, the furred heavy beast roughly thrusting into me growled angrily as I tried to pull away, I tried to pull his arms off me. What was going on?!

The third time I tried to pull his arms apart, I tried to get away from the large thrusting member that felt as if its size had begun tearing me as I felt myself stretch around a ball-like portion near his base. He growled loudly before snapping his jaws tightly down into my shoulder. I yelled as loudly as I could from the sheer sharp pain of those long white canines biting down into my flesh. Opening back up , with a perfect match to the bite that was there before.

Suddenly like a closed live circuit with those jaws biting down, it clicked, Mu'izz was the wolf. He was my wolf. My eyes began to water from sheer shock and fear. The large beast's body turned my skin a pale pink from its heat as it bred into me.

He knew where the wolf had bit me before I even told him where. Others kept asking if Mu'izz had bit me. How he and his father went " hunting" on their trips after he hit puberty. How Moss and Lu and him were " like a pack". That feeling of being prey as he looked at me like a predator. He was a predator and I was his prey.

My eyes became weary at the sheer realization. I remember thinking right as I lost consciousness.

I. Was. His. Prey.

Next: Chapter 6

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