Tabula Rasa ch.1

By Saudade Survivor

Published on Jul 12, 2024


This story, depicting sex between a consenting seventeen-year-old male and other consenting males, if this subject offends you or is illegal in your area please do not read. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child neglect (emotional), Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Ableism,

Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics.this story is fiction and completely a product of my imagination. The author retains all rights to this work. If you enjoy it, or wish to contact me, or tell me what you think, questions etc please tell me so at Im always happy to hear what you guys think! I love to hear from you guys if you like the story! Hearing from you guys, what you think, really is one of the big reasons we post here!

Hey guys, I think my writing is just slowing down I've been having alot of indecisive lately on how i want to word things, I've been going on and off and to be honest It wont speed up too much in the near future, Though i am getting back a bit into writing and I don't have any intention on abandoning the story! Thank you for reading, and sorry again for being so silent. -Saudade

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Ch.12 Truly Free

The rest of the way to Izz's House was spent in relaxed conversation, talking about what he has been up to while we've been unable to see much of each other. His days mostly amounted to school, football practice, home, and helping his father or other pack members with things they needed. I was rather curious to meet other members of his pack.

"Where does your pack reside? I don't think I've ever met any of them aside from you, your father, and our friends at school." I muse as I absentmindedly stare out into the forest passing us by as we drove closer to his home in the reserve.

"Well, those who are single or young adults, but do not yet own their own places live close by in the camping lodges closest to our house. Most of the pack actually lives out in Santa Monica, those who are married and own their own houses or have their own families, since as far as other packs are concerned it is our territory. Leeches excluded obviously." he responded with a short snort. I felt myself frowning at his last words. Izz has such a negative view of the vampiric community; it made me wonder what he has experienced aside from what his grandfather and father had told him of their experiences before arriving into the United States.

I knew that many of them could be harsh, and somewhat overbearing, like Loren, but Angie, Mr. Devon, and even Mr. Dower seemed to be pretty good people. They seemed to just want to live their lives, not bother or harm anyone else. I mean, hell, even his father seemed to be neutral towards Angie, at the least. I adjusted my head against his right arm as he drove, deciding to look at the road in front of us instead as we spoke, the trees passing us on the sides beginning to make me feel sick as they zoomed by the window.

" Are there any people I've met that I don't know are part of the pack?" I inquired, deciding to let his disdain for the other part of my life be for now, not wanting to upset him with what obviously bothered him.

After thinking for a short period of time, Izz gave an affirmative grunt as his head nodded. " Yeah, though It's against our laws to out other wolves to humans, I suppose there isn't any harm telling you." He explained slowly. " I'm sure you've met or at least seen a few of our members on the streets or in stores. However, as for people I know you have met, there's the Principal of the highschool, Mr. Amdren, his wife, and of course his kids, Mr. Honley, as well as pretty much half the football and soccer team members I suppose..."

I looked up at Izz's profile with surprise. " No way... Our principal is in your pack? Doesn't that make it awkward though? Having the principal technically under you as the next leader in line to take over?"

"Maybe I guess if I was ever in his office, but It's not like I ever really see him except for like, rallies or football games in the school setting. It's not like I'm being sent to his office for discipline." He snickered as he looked down at me before quickly looking back at the road.

" Heh, I guess you're right... I still think it would be so awkward." I shook my head as I looked back to the road in front of us as well. Something else also gnawed at my mind as well with the new information of wolves in positions like that of our principal.

I cautiously began to speak my question, hoping not to upset him with my inquiry. "... Are there any vampires working at the school?"

The moment the question left my mouth I felt Izz tense up beside me, his relaxed smile turning into a frown. "No, no one in our pack would allow such a thing, letting them get so close to the children of our pack. No leech is allowed to take a job in any position that would put them in charge or near of our pack's kids on a daily basis," he stated firmly, all lightheartedness having left his voice. " Besides, they can't have kids, they have to kill someone else to make more of their own kind... They have no reason to get a job in that setting, even those kids that are lineage have parents they go home to." His voice seemed full of venom as he spoke the last part of his explanation.

I couldn't help holding my questions back anymore, with a deep sigh I looked back up at his tan, strong featured face. " Why do you hate them so much Izz? I get that some of them can be right assholes but I mean anyone can be. Even us humans are total assholes pretty often, But it seems a bit bigoted to say they are all bad people."

" They. Are. Not. People." I held my tongue as he spoke, the desire to argue abated by his tone. His voice had gone more firm and deeper than I had ever heard him speak. "They have to kill to procreate Alex. They have to sup the life of others to perpetuate their own lives. And if that wasn't enough they wear the faces of those they replaced, wearing their skin like a veil to hide their true nature underneath. They are blanks. The after images of those lost, like an image burned into a screen, you can still see them but they aren't there. Nothing but Undead Parasites Parading around with the faces of loved ones lost." he said firmly as his knuckles went white gripping the wheel. "I...I do not want to speak of this anymore, just know that If I had my way I would have them all whipped off this earth. They are pariahs, latched on to life itself." His tone wielded finality that I did not want to argue with. I was all too glad to see his house come into view before us not too long after we stopped talking.

My brow scrunched up in confusion as we pulled up and stopped behind what seemed like more than ten other cars parked on the sides of his long driveway. "Why are there so many cars here?" I asked out of curiosity as we both got out of the truck from each side.

" Ah, yeah, Dad must be having a meeting of the pack members, we have at least one mandatory all members meeting a month, to make sure everyone is on the same page on things, to get updates or announcements," he explained as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, bring me up against his wide frame. I gave a soft "hm" as I leaned into his chest, my hand sliding around his waist underneath his letterman jacket, his warmth heating up my hand and arm from under his thin shirt.

"You don't mind if we poke our head in before going upstairs, do you? Just to let dad know we're here without interrupting him." He asked as we made it through the front door. "These meetings are usually held in the backyard due to the size."

" Sure I don't mind... Are you sure I'm allowed or would even be welcome there? I'm not really part of the pack or a wolf for that matter heh."

"Yeah of course babe. You're my mate, remember?" He asked as he squeezed my shoulder, closing the front door with his heel behind us as we walked through the main hall and towards the backdoor. " There's nothing more special or celebrated as much as a pack member's mate, no matter if they are wolves or not." I gave a slow nod as he spoke, still a bit worried of intruding on this pack's privacy.

All of my worries of intrusion and fears of acceptance went straight out of the window as we opened the back door of Izz's Home.

" Surprise!!" A large crowd of people screamed out as we entered the backyard of Izz's home. There had to be at least forty or fifty people in total, many that I recognised, and even more that I didn't looking at us both with wide grins and loud shouts, others clapping their hands as they looked at the two of us. I nearly lept out of my skin from the cheerful and booming shivaree. I looked up at a wide grinning Izz looking back down at me, his eyes barely visible from his wide grin, the opposite of my own that were close to popping out of my head. " Surprise my love, Welcome to our pack." His warm voice whispered into my ear as the loud cheers and clapping began to slow down.

Walking towards us as we still stood on the steps of the back porch was Izz's father, his hand clasped in embrace of the hand of a very stoic, yet caring looking native American woman that was practically half his height, and barely over my own, her long salt and peppered black hair cascading around her shoulders like silk curtains.

"It's wonderful to see you Alex." Qasim exclaimed as he let go of the woman's hand to wrap me in a tight, and heartfelt hug before letting me go, and stepping to the side, as he gestured to the woman beside him. " I don't think you've met Mui'ss' mother, my wife Lilian since she just arrived back from Arizona yesterday," he said with a small chuckle as she stepped forward reaching for my hand with both of her giving it a squeeze before embracing me in a similar hug as her husband. She smelled so much of the forest, burnt sage, and horses.

"It's so wonderful to meet you Alex." Her smile was so warm and inviting. "When I heard my son had actually found his mate, I nearly cut my trip short and headed back that very moment haha," she stated with a light giggle. Looking us both over as she moved back.

I was made speechless by such an influx of sensory overload in such a short time. I quickly brought myself back to reality with a small shake of my head. " Oooh Mrs. Owis, it's wonderful to finally meet you as well." I explained as I tried to calm my nerves, placing a smile on my face to try and hide the surprised adrenaline still coursing through me.

" Oh, please, call me Lilian, hun, I insist. You're my son's mate after all, you're family." Her words were just as warm as they were sincere. Her eyes flitting back and forth from me and Izz standing beside each other.

Immediately after her words I looked over at Izz's father as he addressed the crowd with a wide smile. " As you all know we are here to celebrate not only my son finding his mate, but to also welcome his mate into our pack as an official member!" The crowd cheered once more before he gestured for them to quiet down. "Now I'm sure we'll all have time to speak to them later but please, for now enjoy the festivities, the barbeque is nearly ready and the traditional pack run will commence at the setting of the sun!"

With those final words there was one more hoot of jubilance before the large group seemed to disperse into smaller ones all doing their own things, many of the adults talking amongst themselves with drinks from different coolers, others checking out what seemed to be a few wooden tables filled with different potluck dishes. I looked over to see a small group of kids and wolf pups playing with each other on the grass. Hell, even some of the adults seemed to be lounging around in the evening shade in their large wolf forms.

"Surprise, babe." I looked up after Izz whispered into my ear, his arm squeezing around my shoulders as he looked down at me with that sideways grin.

"You were in on this?" I pushed his shoulder playfully as his grin widened matching my own.

" It was my idea actually. When dad said your jailer would be willing to cover for you, and with mother finally home, I thought we could officially welcome you into the pack properly." He explained with a warm smile, as he looked down into my eyes, his hand squeezing my shoulder possessively as he did before relaxing.

"Thank you..." I responded with honest happiness as I slid my hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned into my hand as I rubbed my thumb along his cheekbone, before leaning up on my toes to give him a loving kiss, his soft lips feeling like home against my own. I felt my cheeks becoming hot as I noticed his parents looking at us with proud smiles, as they stood to the side in eachothers arms.

"Well I'm sure there are many others in the pack who want to congratulate you both, so, we won't take anymore of your time until the run." Mr. Owis explained before his wife added on at the end.

"Welcome to the pack hun."

We watched as his parents went over to speak to a few others as a few others began to come up and welcome me to the pack, many of them congratulating us on our mate-ship. Many of those people were those I had already known, or seen around the place, teachers from school or I had seen on the streets passing by, even quite a few fellow students as well. We were even approached by Lo, and Moss' parents respectively, much to their embarrassments.

I was rather happy that neither Coach Nemik, nor his wife was present. I don't think I could have lived through the awkwardness that would have brought. Though it was still a bit awkward with how much those around us were so touchy. I wasn't used to seeing not only adults, but teens being so inside of each other's spaces. I couldn't help but think about how awkward it would be to technically be higher ranking than my teachers and principal. How that dynamic worked seemed so weird. I mean what if he got sent to the office, not that I think he ever has been, but it must be weird trying to discipline, or give a talking to the guy who would be taking over as what must be the equivalent of your family patriarch.

I had assumed that after a while the different people would naturally drift into smaller cliques they would feel comfortable with, but that didn't really seem to be the case, aside from a generational one. I guess even in a wolf pack, kids after a certain age wanted space from their parents. I found that we had ended up at one of the picnic tables set out among our normal group of friends, and a few of the other teens.

I was distracted from the general banter and fooling around that my peers had been doing around me by a small group of younger kids; some in their small pup form, others human, as they wrestled and play-fought. Even some of their parents seemed to be getting in on the spectacle, wrestling and playing with their kids, even some of the wolves pretending to be taken down by the smaller pups that jumped all over them.

I noticed a strange feeling come over me. An emotion I had never felt before. I felt... jealousy? But also anger, and sadness all mixed into one confusing feeling. I felt as if I was pining for something that was mine, that was inherently mine by right, but had been taken from me. I felt I had been wronged in some way. As I watched these lighthearted kids and their parents play with each other I felt my chest constrict, my throat felt tight, a sense of longing and torment rip through my form. I felt jealous. I realized I was seeing something that I would never experience, that I never got to feel.

These kids playing with their loving parents, I never felt that. I never got to experience the joy and utter bliss of being a young kid, wrestling with your dad, and him letting you win even though you both know there was no way you actually could at that age. I never had the chance to roll in the grass with friends, to go to family gatherings where I'd play with others my age, not really knowing or caring what we were celebrating, or even the known things to come that most kids get to experience. I never got to have the experience of growing into a young kid and think I was right, and my parents didn't know what they were talking about; even though it would turn out that they did. I never got to have those angsty young teen moments of hating my parents and thinking they were old, only to know deep down I truly loved them.

My entire life consisted of living at one boarding school to another, going round and round to new schools every year or so, and even before that the help my parents hired were more my parents than they were, even with the disconnect of them always having to act the perfect detached servant around me. Never putting down roots, rarely seeing my parents who acted as I was more of a distant relative that they had to take care of rather than their own son.

Looking at these loving adults, playing and nurturing their young, I felt cheated. I felt so angry and jealous. For the smallest second I felt a desire to rip it away from them, so they couldn't experience what I didn't get to, but that ephemeral feeling quickly dissipated from the sheer shock of how cruel it felt. A feeling of wanting to protect them, and ensure that they get what I never did settled in its place.

A hitching breath left my throat as I was slowly turned around by Izz to see a concerned expression on his Face, his hand came up to wipe away the tears that I hadn't even realized were falling down my heated cheeks.

" Hey hey, what's wrong baby? What's made you so sad?" He quickly did a cursory glance around us as if trying to spot some tragedy, only to be confused when he didn't see one.

I pressed past his swiping fingers to bury my face in his shoulder, my arms wrapping around his muscular frame, squeezing as tightly as I could, as if to hide away from such feelings. His arms wrapped tightly around me, his large hand rubbing along my back in confort.

" I..I can't really explain what I'm feeling, just, a realization of things I never got to have, it's...hard to explain. I can't think of a word that describes it, but..." I took a deep inhale of his spiced, warm scent, the familiarity of it calming me. I felt my throat relax and chest feel much lighter as my lungs filled with him. " I'll be alright, please, just.. hold me?" I practically begged as my hands squeezed around his waist, burying my face further into the warm skin of his neck and shoulder.

"Of course hun. Just relax, I'm here, I'll always be here for you." I felt his warm breath caress my ear, His whispered words felt laced with care and love, and I knew them to be true. Soon, as the sun began to get further towards the horizon the men lit the medium sized bonfire in the center of the yard, many of them moving there to talk as they sipped on their beers. We stayed wrapped in each other's arms as we listened to our friends chat, Lo boasting about the size of a fish he had caught the week before on a trip with his father. A tinge of what I felt ran through me at the thought of just one more thing I couldn't do with my own father, that I never got to experience. The feeling was quickly squashed by the warm arms around me, taking my thoughts to better places, and the promise of futures full of the loving memories to come.

All around me I saw smiling faces as my eyes met many of the pack members as they went about the celebration. Everyone seemed to accept and care for me. I felt like I could have a real family here for the first time in my life.

Everyone started to quiet down, their attention turning towards pack leader Owis as he came to stand near where the forest met the yard, followed by two other men that I remembered were Moss and Lo's fathers, his second in command and enforcer respectively. The sun was just barely beginning to hide behind the trees behind them.

"Alright alright," he motioned with his hands for everyone to gather closer round. "As you all know tradition; as the sun begins its descent into the trees, it is now time for the Pack Run!" He announced with a warm smile adorning his face. The others in the pack making sounds of approval as those who were not already shifted began to undress, light banter murmuring between them as they did. The few pack members mates who were human seemed to be used to this, the small group idling chatting around Izz's mother near the table nearly empty of the food it once held.

" Run with me? It's tradition that newly mated couples run together on their first official sunset." He asked as he took my hands in his warm, larger mitts, delicately holding them as he awaited my answer.

" But.. I can't shift, shouldn't I go with the other mates who can't?" I asked in response as I looked back between him and a small group talking to themselves as the others readied themselves.

" Well... You can if you want, but I was hoping you would ride on my wolf, at least once with me?" His face looked down with a pleading look to his eyes, hopeful for me to say yes. I couldn't say no to him, not with that face.

I smiled up at him as I thought of the idea of riding atop his wolf, running through the woods. " Of course Mu'izz, I would love to." I admitted to him as I walked towards him, falling forward into his embrace. He squeezed me tightly before letting go, his face wide with that lopsided grin, his white teeth practically shining in the dimming light.

My face went tomato red as he quickly began to strip, just as the others had, many of them already finished and fully transformed. A lot of the wolves around us were antsy, whining with tails wagging. It was such a surreal experience being among a sea of massive wolves, many if not all coming up to my chin in sheer size. I didn't know how others who weren't aware of these majestic creatures didn't know about them, or how they could hide so well.

I heard a cracking sound as if bones were breaking, before quickly turning back to where Izz was standing, his body quickly morphing into that thick rich brown chocolate wolf; my wolf. Bones cracking, and reforming to fit his new form, The thick fur growing at a rapid pace from under his tanned skin. It only felt like seconds before the large, dark-eyed wolf was rubbing himself along my side, scenting me no doubt as wolves are want to do with pack mates, and loved ones. I could only think of running my fingers through his fur, and so I did just that. The soft, warm chocolate pelt felt so soft between my fingers as I let my hand slide along his magnificent back as he ran along me once more.

I looked back up where the three highest ranking members of the pack were at the sound of a loud bark, now three large wolves in their place. Owis had a very similar coloring to his son, standing beside him were a very dark gray and white wolf, and on the other a russet maned wolf that was a few inches taller than the other two, the same color that was a near identical match to the wolf who was now in the same place as where Lo was once standing.

Before long all the wolves were still, looking at three as if in anticipation. Izz swiped his large tongue along the bottom of my jaw to get my attention, leaning his front half down as if inviting me to get on.

I hesitantly place my hands along his shoulders, my fingers easily slipping into the soft warm pelt of fur. "Just don't... buck me off big guy heh." I joked as I carefully swung my leg over his midsection and as if in response to my comment, nearly right as I did he stood up, pushing me onto his back with the fast motion, my hands grasping firmly to the fur beneath them as I adjusted myself to align with his back. Izz gave a chuffing huff in response.

Leaning forward along his back, I placed my head down near his neck, right behind his left ear. I found it hard not to lean into the warm fur and take in his smell, my eyes closing on their own as the smell enveloped me, his scent seeming to make me feel safe, and loved.

My head shot up as I heard a loud howl emit from the wolf that was Izz's father, quickly followed by the others within the pack, each one adding to its volume and complexity. Even Izz leaned his head up to the sky as he too joined the howl. Quickly as it came to an end the wolves began to run into the woods, one right another, headed by the pack lead. Izz followed, slowly at first, looking back at me to get a feel for how I was doing.

After a few moments I could feel myself get accustomed to being on his back, my body beginning to move and adjust with his muscles as he began to trot, quickly picking up speed as he went in the same direction as his pack mates. I moved my head lower towards his neck, looking forward as we began to really start to run. The shadows of the leaves above playing shapes of the world in front of us, a litter of shadow and light-made stripes passing over the two of us as the wind swept past.

It became almost natural to move my body with his as he began to zoom past the forest around us. Slowly I lifted my head, feeling the wind run past us as if passing through a never ending curtain softer than silk. I closed my eyes to the world around us as I tried to empty my mind, and just feel. This feeling was incredible.

After a short while I began to notice multiple pressenses on either side of us as we ran through the forest. I spotted other wolves from the pack running at our sides through the trees and bushes, the sounds of their paws hitting the ground and leaves beneath us prominent. We felt both separate, and also as one at the same time, a part of the whole, while still being individual.

I heard the wolves somewhere in front of us howl, and the others all around joined in. Once Izz added his howl to the choir, I found myself howling too. Not nearly as graceful, or powerful as the wolves I ran with, but still as loud as I could muster. I felt a laugh escaping me as it came to an end.

Not soon after that I noticed Izz break off from the direction the rest were heading. Moving off through the forest away from the pack and off into the every darkening of the forest, the only sound soon was the rustle of leaves beneath his feet, and the sound of our own breathing.

It wasn't long until we went from a full on run to a brisk trot, to a slow stop as we came upon a clearing among the trees. The tall grass was filled with a mix of wild flowers, all closed to the night air, but sure to awaken at the first rays of sunlight tomorrow morning. Leaning up from my forward position I took in the beautiful spot, the full moon now fully on display amid the stars, each one seeming to be a twinkling gem stitched into the fabric of the sky.

As Izz leaned forward and down I instinctively rose to my feet, my fingers running through the soft warm fur underneath them as I walked forward before fully sliding down to my side, looking upon the scene with a sense of calm and awe. Not long after I had stepped away from him and into the field I could hear the sound of cracking and shifting bone as he no doubt shifted behind me, for the life of me I couldn't take my eyes off of what was in front of us. I gave a sigh of content as a cool breeze blew through the grass. I reveled in the feeling as the wind caressed my cooling skin.

"You're the first I've ever brought here." He spoke quietly against my ear as his arms slid around my torso, his head leaning down atop my shoulder as he tightened around me, my own sliding along his forearms as he did. The heat of his skin contrasted with that of the cool wind.

"It's beautiful..." My voice trailed off as I felt his stubbled cheek rub along my neck.

"I go here when I want to think, or just be alone. I can just lay in the grass and flowers, and look up into the blue sky" He admitted, his usually deep voice a shadow of its usual baritone.

I leaned back into that broad, warm chest, taking in the sounds around us, the breeze swaying the grass and flowers around, the leaves rustling together among the treetops. I reveled in the feel of his warmth, of being wrapped in his arms. I couldn't believe I was so lucky to have someone who cared for me.

I still couldn't comprehend how he couldn't care about my past, how I had been before we met. How he seemed not to care that I had tried to smother my loneliness in the beds of others. I honestly wish I had waited for the bright person like he did. It must have been hard for him. With how handsome and well fit he was, let alone his position in sports and the school as a whole I knew for a fact that he had women throwing themselves at him.

How many other werewolves waited until they found their match? Izz's Dad said that not everyone meets their mates, that many waited or just assumed they never would meet their other half. How long would he have waited before settling if we hadn't met? If I had been sent back to New York, or Connecticut, or literally any of the many other private schools I had been shoved off to, one after the other.

I tentatively slide my hand down to his much larger one, wrapping my fingers around his own, never wanting to let go, his own hand tightening up around mine. I looked over at him as he unwrapped himself from around me, his hand never letting go of mine as he smiled down at me. Those dark eyes holding so much emotion, so much love, affection, contentment. Not taking his eyes from mine he began to walk further into the clearing, lightly pulling me along with him. As he began to move into the center, I diligently followed him, step for step.

Taking my other hand in his as well he pulled me closer, sliding both of us down into the grass, he pulled me into his lap, leaning back into the soft ground with me atop him, we both sat and looked up into the stars.

"If you ever need to think, or just be alone too, you can always come here Alex, to this safe space." he whispered into my ear as his arms once again wrapped around my own. " You're pack now. You will always be welcome on this land, no matter what, you are one of us. Once a part of the pack, always part of the pack." I could hear the smile, and warmth in his voice, squeezing my waist as he spoke.

" It seems so surreal," I admitted, nestling back against his warmth as we lay together in that clearing, watching as the stars twinkled above in the deep blue night sky, illuminated by the brightness of the wide full moon above us. " I never truly thought the world was anything but mundane." I scoffed. " Hell, even if such supernatural creatures were real I wouldn't have expected to be in the middle of them... I always assumed I would simply follow in my parents footsteps, take over their companies, lose my life to stocks, and realty." I leaned back into his shoulder as I spoke. "That, or just become a trophy partner for someone else my parents had in mind, some successful woman or one of their high end friends. That's how it felt with how much they controlled what I did, what I learned, as if they were training me for some specific role they had already devised for me before I was even born... I don't know... I guess now that they're gone, I'll never truly know."

"Even if they were still around, I would never let them force you into something you didn't want. You deserve to do and be what you want to be Alex, not what someone else wants you to be." I felt my cheeks turn three shades of red as he emphasized his words with a tight squeeze and kiss along my cheek.

" Right one, all I want to be is yours, I just want to be with you Mu'Izz." I turned my head towards him, getting lost in those dark as coal chocolate eyes as I leaned forward to connect our lips, his soft warm lips molding to mine perfectly as he deepened it, his thick oral muscle moving to slide along my lower lip as if to ask for entrance. I gave in immediately, feeling his thick tongue invade my own mouth, sensually caressing my own tongue as the kiss deepened. I turned around atop him, straddling his torso as my arms slid around his broad shoulders.

I felt his wide, warm fingers slide up to grasp my hips, his fingers squeezing along the skin as my shirt rose up along my belly from my twisting movement. I slide my fingers up into his soft chocolate tresses, the hair just as soft and thick as his wolf's.

His hands slid up along my tummy, pressing my shirt further up as we broke away to take deep, heavy breaths, his fingers and my own pulling the fabric above my head, tossing it aside in the grass around us. His lips quickly latched back against mine as soon as the fabric of my shirt passed over my head. One of my hands slid from his hair down to his chest as I felt his arousal from below me stir along the seat of my pants. It was only then that I realized that he had already been naked from shifting for the Run. The only barrier between us now was the thin material of my pants.

"May I?" he asked shakily, breathing heavily as he pulled away from me, his fingers sliding along the button to my jeans as he asked, those deep eyes alight with lust, love, and admiration.

I couldn't speak, his own lips having taken my breath away. I merely nodded in response, his fingers quickly undoing the lower garment. I lifted my hips to pull both my pants, and underwear quickly off and over to join my shirt among the grass. I settled back down, feeling the warm, girthiness if his member slid up the cleft of my cheeks.

Still breathing heavily I took in his nude form, the rich beauty of his soft, yet warm skin. My fingers traced down his muscular chest, the tips of my fingers running along the silky, yet hardness of his musculature, running down to his stomach, tracing the lines down from his pectorals to the prominent abs that were framed by the deep lines of his adonis belt, fingers lightly brushing through the thick pelvic bush just below.

I felt his hands tighten around my hips as I grasped his thick, warm, nearly scalding member with my fingers, gently squeezing along its girth as he gave a gasping exhale, his hips thrusting upwards ever so slightly in response.

"God, you're so beautiful Alex." He commented, his eyes half lidded as his hands slowly slid up and down the sides of my waist, his fingers ghosting up along my ribs as his fingers made purchase to my chest, the pads of his thumbs slowly running along each of my newly hardened, pink, nipples, the pale pink buds sending electricity straight to my groin from his thumbs ghosting across the skin of my nipples in concentric circles.

I placed my hand along his shoulder, looking down into those eyes, those beautiful eyes of his that I could practically fall down into. I leaned forward placing my own lips against his soft warm mouth as I slid down, the tip of his member caressing my entrance as I whispered, " I love you, I love you so so much, Mu'Izz Arkan Owis."

His hands tightened around my middle as I slowly pressed downward, the thick head of his member beginning to penetrate me with his own copious pre as more than enough lubricant. I could feel the tips of his fingers sharpen his facial features beginning to tighten and sharpen into a more animalistic feature as he visibly held back his physical change from the feeling of my hips pressing downwards, a small gasp of my own escaping my throat as I penetrated myself atop his throbbing member. His clenched teeth elongated ever so subtly. "God," he uttered through clenched fangs.

I smiled down at him at his efforts to hold back, sliding my hands up along his neck, to cup his cheeks i positioned him to look into my eyes with a soft smile, leaning forward once more to kiss his lips, his own neck leaning up to connect his lips with mine in a passionate, loving embrace. I moved back just enough for our lips to part from one another, thumb running along his cheek as I softly spoke to him. "Relax, Relax Izz, It's ok, just be yourself, let it out." I whispered to him, leaning my forehead against his as my hips pressed firmly down against his own.

I felt him shudder, breathing out slowly has his features began to shift, his visage taking on that partially transformed appearance, fur growing along his thick arms, claws fully sprouting from his fingertips, the sharp edges threatening to prick my skin as he hands caressed along my hips, and back. I heard him release a shuddering breath as he relaxed.

I began to slowly lift myself up, reaching just his tip before pressing back down, moving in a calming smooth rhythm as his hips thrust upwards in tandem with my own moving down. A sensual dance of movements as we looked into each other's eyes.

A carnal shudder moved through my body as I felt his thickness fill me with each thrust downwards, our slow breathing picking up as we quickened our paces, my tight ring kissing the bulb at the hilt of his newly transformed anatomy. His thick furred arms pulled be further down into his chest, wrapping around my back with a small growl as his speed increased ever just so with quick, jabbing thrusts up into my frame. " Mine," he growled into my ear, his teeth grazing the mark he left between my neck and shoulder, sharp canines threatening to break the skin once more. " I want to own you, to make you mine and only mine. I want to show the world who you belong to, to show them that you are mine and only mine to love and care for, to hold you, and keep you as mine, and me as yours forever." His voice a deep and gravely pitch deeper than it usually was when fully human. His arms tightened around me possessively as he spoke into my throat.

" You have me, you already have me Izz, and you always will, I am forever yours, I love you so much." My voice was unable to be louder than a mere gasp as tears of joy began to escape my eyes, running down my cheeks as I hid my own face in the crook of his neck, arms tightening around his shoulders.

I felt the air leave my lungs, body hitch as with one more rough growling thrust his knot fully pressed passed my ring, sealing us together as he shivered, small rutting thrusts upwards as he filled me to the brim. I relaxed forward on top of his larger frame as I shuddered seeing stars across my sight, my own climax coating out bellies between us as I breathed in sync with his own heavy huffs.

I could feel my eyes slowly becoming heavy as I tried in vain to stay awake, Slowly falling into a blissful slumber still fully connected to him, our bodies covered with a light film of sweat from the show of our love. I only woke once as I later felt him carrying me back through the woods to his home. I merely cuddled up into his chest, bridal style, as I fell back into a warm and loving slumber.

Hello! Saudade here, I just wanted to give another HUGE thank you to my Editor johnny once again, He has been doing an amazing job on helping with the new chapters, and has been very patient with how slow i have been! and another HUGE thank you to Fang Saito who has been helping me with wording and making decisions, as well as very helpful feedback. I also wanted to give one more HUGE thank you to all who have sent letters telling me of what you think fo the story so far. it feels amazing to know you are enjoying the piece, and is very much fueling to continue the wish to write :) please let me know what you think of this new chapter, the things you enjoyed, or any other feedback you may have!

thank you

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