Tabula Rasa ch.1

By Saudade Survivor

Published on Feb 6, 2024


This story, depicting sex between a consenting seventeen-year-old male and other consenting males, if this subject offends you or is illegal in your area please do not read. This story will also deal with sexual assault, child neglect (emotional), Anti-LGBT Bigotry, Racism, Ableism, Discrimination and other possibly sensitive topics.this story is fiction and completely a product of my imagination. The author retains all rights to this work. If you enjoy it, or wish to contact me, or tell me what you think, questions etc please tell me so at Im always happy to hear what you guys think! I love to hear from you guys if you like the story! Hearing from you guys, what you think, really is one of the big reasons we post here!

Hey guys, Sorry for me basically going MIA but between personal stuff and a major major Writers block It has taken me waaaay too long to finish this chapter. I will TRY to do better in the future but no promises XmX. Thank you for reading, and sorry again for being so silent. -Saudade

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Ch 11 Feels Like Home.

The Drive out to Aspen Brooks after school was rather nice. The AC blared as I leaned back into the fine leather upholstery of the backseat. I lightly tapped my foot to the beat of the jazz station I had the driver tune the radio to as we drove towards our destination. The talk with Mark, and how much he was willing to help me made me feel on top of the world. I was finally beginning to really feel like I belonged. I felt I had people I could trust, people who accept me for who I am and not what I can offer them.

It wasn't long before we drove up to the front of Aspen Brooks, and I was getting out and heading inside, Angie's driver going off to who knows where. I gave a slight nod to the woman at the front desk, who I swear must live here with how much I see her behind that desk.

After sliding my card and hearing the beep of the door I quickly slipped into the second lobby with its high ceiling and familiar granite and marble floor, so shiny I'm sure I could look down and see my panties if I wore a skirt.

I walked to the door on the left, past Mr. Dower at the desk in the middle of the room, sure that with his senses he knew of my presence, even if he didn't show a single sign of acknowledgement.

The hallway towards my destination felt sterile. White walls with simple doors and plaques on either side of a navy blue carpet so thin it might as well have not even been there. I don't know who designed the hallways of this building, if there even was any design put in, but they should be shot.

Grasping the cold metal handle, I hastily pushed inwards. A cacophony of voices assaulted me as I stepped into the men's changing room, my boots announcing my entrance with each step. I looked around the white tiled room as I placed my bag on one of the small benches adorning the locker aisle, before turning and unlocking the locker with my last name on it.

I never did like locker rooms. Though I suppose I am biased since my experience with them entailed either physical or sexual abuse by the others who inhabited them. What some would call my "peers", not that they ever treated me that way. Wanting to get this over with quickly, I tried to ignore the laughing voices of those who were also within the room, talking and boasting with the others.

My heart practically shot out of my chest as a hand grasped my shoulder right after pulling my shirt above my head. My head whipping back only to find Chet looking down at me with that cocky smirk I was used to seeing on jocks like him. The smirk that said "Yeah, I know I'm hot shit."

"Jesus christ Chet, you nearly gave me a fucking heart attack!" I hissed, pushing his hand off my shoulder with irritation.

" Heh, sorry Allie, I didn't think to see you of all people in a locker room, what are you doing here?" He smirked, looking down at my lower stature, his hands on his hips, wearing nothing but what looked to be a pair of soccer shorts.

"Just Alex, Please" I retorted Kirtley with a small frown, before looking back at my locker to continue changing. "And I'm being forced to come here so I might as well TRY to get some enjoyment out of it."

"Yeah? I knew you liked being in a room with a bunch of guys getting naked," he smirked.

I gave an irritated sigh as the white polo shirt I had put on slid down my tummy, sliding my hands down the soft semi-sheen material to ensure it was neat and tidy, rolling my eyes at Chet's unwanted opinions. "As for what that entails, that would be using the tennis court while I'm forced to be here. I haven't gotten a chance to play since I switched schools."

"Oh yeah? Didn't take you for the sports type. Let alone something as high class as tennis. Doesn't seem like it'd be `grunge' enough for someone like you."

I shook my head as I quickly pulled up the White matching shorts, ignoring his position near me as I sat down to put on a new pair of socks and the tight fitting Lo Converse Trainers.

I glared up at him as I tightened the laces on each shoe as tight as they would go, with a small snort. "My parents Insisted on it. Name something that you think someone of our families' wealth bracket should know or would participate in and I can assure you that I have been trained in it."

"What, like, polo?" he scoffed, looking up with a gesture of his hand.

" Yes, though I'm not very good at it, I'm not a fan of riding on horses. I don't like treating Animals like trophies or objects."

" Wh- You Really play polo?!" His face was that of disbelief as he looked down at me.

" Well not anymore, I learned how to play like my parents insisted, and once I did I never did it again."

"I don't fucking get you, you come from probably one of the most wealthiest families associated with familiar lineages, yet you dress like some metal band groupy!" He practically yelled, his left hand pointing towards me, palm up, brows furrowed.

"The difference between me and you, Chet, is that I dress how I want, and do what I want. Fuck anyone else." I explained bluntly, placing my bag into the locker and closing it, standing in front of him with my arms crossed. "My entire childhood has been dictated to me by my parents, or should I say through other people at the behest of my parents. When I realised that my parents never gave me the time of day, yet expected me to do only what they wanted, learn what they wanted, and excel at what they wanted me to while never actually being there for me, I decided "fuck them, fuck expectations of birth." I only get one life, why would I live it for anyone but myself?" He shook his head in disbelief as I stood up in front of him, his arms now crossed.

"Talking about privilege, not all of us can simply say `fuck it' to obligations our parents set up for us," scoffing as he looked me over with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, I mean, what's the worst that could happen? It's not like your parents would disown you, and even if they did I'm sure Angie would take you in..." I shook my head as I turned to close my locker and put the padlock on it. I doubt a padlock would ever be enough to stop the colder clients here but at least it would with the human ones should any get snoopy.

He put his hands up in front of his chest as he looked away at the door to the locker room. "Honestly I just wanna drop this conversation, ... Hey, do you have a tennis partner for today yet?"

"No, I was just going to go see if anyone down at the nets needed one." I state nonchalantly as I head towards the door.

"Mind if I be your partner? Maybe you can gauge my skill." I scoffed as I paused and looked back to see Chet showing off his bicep with a cocky smirk as he spoke.

"Tsk, sure I don't see why not." Turning around I began heading out toward the nets, assuming he would be following.

Chet didn't make much small talk as we walked down the halls and out into the back of the club. As usual the back was full of other familiars enjoying the pool and other amenities, some vampires lazing around at the covered bar or under large umbrellas, with some of the more adventurous ones swimming and interacting with the humans in the pool.

We slowly began to hit the ball between us after finding an empty court. Nothing serious but simply a leisurely game. The activity was rather nice and was a good way to stay active without entirely draining either of us of much energy.

Finally after about an hour and a half of the calm game and still building up a sweat from the physical sport we decided to stop as we saw a group approach and wait for us to finish. We hadn't even really kept score which was a surprise; I would have expected someone like Chet to be over aggressive and competitive even in something like this. I suppose there were still surprises in this world, even after learning of the existence of supernatural beings.

On our way back towards the locker rooms to shower and change we ran into Devon, Chet gave a respectful head bow to the vampire as he acknowledged us.

"Hey, Chet, Alex, I actually wanted to talk to you Alex." Devon nodded at Chet who waved at me and went ahead to the locker room.

"Sure, what's up ?" I gave a small smile to be polite as he gave me a wide grin, pulling out a flier and holding it out to me.

"Me and a couple of friends are going to this club in L.A. proper tomorrow, it's playing some local rock and screamo bands and thought you'd be interested in going?"

I felt a wide grin slide along my face as I looked at the paper while he explained. I haven't been out to hear live music in more than a year and the idea was rather exciting.

The flier was black and red with witch green lettering of the club name, "Gutterland" in a sharp, warbled style calligraphy, along with the date of the event and a list of bands and other information on the event.

"The owners are part of our L.A. sister clan, so I can get us on the VIP list if you want to go?" he looked at me with a questing smirk, as if he knew already what my answer would be. I knew I was grinning like a lopsided idiot.

"Hell yeah man! I haven't been out to hear some good live tunes in way too long! I obviously have to tell Angelique" I explained with a roll of my eyes. "But you can definitely count me in!"

I exclaimed with a multitude of head bobs at the promise of such a fun time.

He gave me one last smirk of approval with a nod as he slid his hands into his pockets. "Far out, I'll have the owner put you on the VIP list, so, don't worry about waiting in line," he explained as he began to continue down the hall, spinning around to speak as he walked backwards. "Oh, and don't forget to bring your pin. There will be a lot of vamps there and that should keep their hands to themselves."

I gave him a wave and nod as I turned back towards the locker room with a roll of my eyes, that dumb grin plastered to my face. This day was looking to be one of the best in a while. I doubt it could get any better.

After receiving notice that the driver was outside, I quickly picked my bag up, and went outside. The day was still a bit overcast. Putting my phone away I quickly walked up to the back door of the car, where he opened and held it for me, closing it as I fully sat down.

Immediately I noticed I was not alone in the car. Angie was sitting in front of me, facing the back of the car, arms crossed with a warm smile.

"Angie? Why are you here to pick me up? Is everything ok?" I inquired as the car started to drive.

"Give me your phone Alex." she held her hand out expectantly, her smile widening as she did so.

"What? Why? I didn't do anything wrong." I retorted, as I tightened my grasp on the rectangle in my hand.

She gave a sigh as she looked at me with what seemed like amusement in her eyes as she didn't say another word. It was a look that definitely said "I wasn't asking, I was telling." dejectedly I slowly dropped the device into her palm. Her hands slowly closed around it, and placed it inside her purse before crossing her arms once more and looking out through the dark tinted window towards traffic.

"Can you at least tell me WHY you're taking my phone away? I thought you wanted me to have it on at all times to keep track of me." I questioned, unable to keep the small amount of irritation from my tone.

"You'll find out shortly hun. Don't worry you'll get it back when you get home." A knowing smile crossed her lips.

Ok that was cryptic. She wasn't even doing anything with it. Why would she want to have my phone if she was going to just give it back when the car got to the house? I gave an annoyed sigh, my arms crossing unintentionally mimicking her sitting stance, one leg crossed over the other.

"How has school been? Are you keeping up with your grades?"

I gave her a simple shrug of my shoulders, my right hand moving up to fiddle with the pin on my collar, a tick I noticed I had picked up while talking to those of Angie's nature.

"It's going fine I guess, C's and B's, not like A's really matter, C's get degrees." I scoff as I look from her to outside the window. I could see her slowly nodding from my peripheral vision.

"It honestly does not matter to me, as long you pass, and graduate, that's what's most important." she explained. She crossed legs, her foot slightly moving up and down in the space between our seats. She seemed to be looking behind her at the front of the road as we were slowly coming up to a stop light that just turned red.

"Alright, now Alex, like I said, you'll get your phone back when you get home, I would rather not explain to my brother about where you're going tonight, so just have fun. Enjoy yourself, and relax alright? And as far as my brother is concerned, you just had a normal night in, I mean, that's what your location will show." Her hands clasped in her lap as she smiled over at me. I knew I was giving her a questioning look once she finished talking. Before I could ask her what the hell she was talking about, my door suddenly opened, causing me to spin my head in surprise, Immediately thinking of the worst thing: Carjacking.

My eyes went wide with shock at who I saw in the open doorway. Izz was standing there, holding out his hand in the other lane, his truck running beside him.

"You better go, The light's not going to be red forever," she said as I looked between her and Izz. I gave her a big smile before turning and taking Izz's hand, quickly jumping out and running over to his truck as the impatient cars behind him started to honk, the light just now turning green.

My heart felt like it would jump out of my chest as Izz took off down the road. I looked up at his face as he quickly switched from watching the road, to looking over at me like a grinning idiot. "H-how? ...why?" I asked as I couldn't put into words about this surprise.

"You can thank my dad and your guardian for coming up with this." He said as his arm reached over, wrapping his hand around my small waist, yanking me up against his broad muscular side. My head naturally leaned into his shoulder, his supernaturally warm frame radiating into me where my body leaned against his.

I felt his large possessive hand squeeze my waist as I gave a happy sigh. "Why now though? Why today? I mean not that I'm complaining... I've missed being able to just be together without having to sneak around."

After a short silence Izz gave a heavy sigh through his nose, quickly turning off the road and parking in a side alley between two blocks of houses.

He quickly unbuckled his seatbelt before undoing mine as well, practically yanking me into his lap as his strong arms went around my much smaller lithe frame. He buried his head into the spot he marked between my throat and shoulder, lightly nuzzling the area as he squeezed me as if I would float away.

"I've missed you so much Alex, it's been so hard being away from you." He practically whined as he spoke into my neck. The words made me smile without even really realizing it.

I leaned into his embrace, leaning my face into his warm chocolate hair, taking in his scent as I closed my eyes in a feeling of contentment.

"I've missed you too Mu'Izz, l... I never really ever felt at home until I met you." I gave a small pause as I contemplated telling this truth to him. "As a child I was either at one of my parents' empty houses, being ignored by them, with nothing but servants too afraid to truly befriend me, or at some boarding school that constantly would change...". His arms felt more like home than any building or city.

My hand lightly caressed through the soft chocolate hair on the back of his head, my other hand sliding along his broad shoulder. "You feel like home to me. For the first time I feel like I'm home, and it's in your arms." I closed my eyes and simply gave into this feeling as I felt him place small kisses along my mark, placing one at each tooth-shaped scar.

"I love you so much Alex, you'll always be welcome in my arms." He whispered, giving me a light squeeze with the emphasis he had put on the word always.

My heart gave a hitch at his words, giving me more comfort and love in that moment than I felt in my whole life. "I love you too, more than you'll ever know..." I whispered into the side of his hair as I nuzzled into the warm spice-smelling locks of the werewolf; -my- werewolf I realized, knowing that he could hear the barely audible, croaked words with his super-natural hearing.

What felt like hours, though it must only have been minutes, passed by before a buzzing went off in Izz's pocket signaling that he must have gotten a text or something. The sensation caused him to pull back with an expression of remembrance passing by his face as he placed me back down and buckled back up before he did himself, quickly turning his truck on and getting back onto the road.

He looked over at me with what I could only describe as a look of warmth and longing before he spoke. "I Almost forgot I have a surprise for you back at my house, it wouldn't be good to let it sit there." He said with a sly grin slowly appearing on his face. "No matter how much I want to keep you in my arms."

"A surprise? You mean more than this? Getting to just be with you and not be constantly tracked and watched is more than enough, more than I thought could happen to be honest, I don't need anything else you big lug." I moved as close as my seatbelt would allow, leaning back against his shoulder, before his arm came to wrap around my shoulders with a squeeze.

"Well... too bad because you're getting one more surprise whether you want it or not, you deserve it anyways. Believe me." His smile seemed to curl into a puckish smirk as he spoke of his secret. I was tempted to check the visor mirror to see if my head had turned into that of an ass but decided to simply let it go and snuggle closer into his warm muscular side, closing my eyes and simply choosing to enjoy his company.

One of the things I loved about Mu'Izz is that we could be chatting along or serenely quiet and everything in-between yet still feel relaxed with no awkward feelings whatsoever. No need or itch to fill the silence, but merely enjoy the other beside us. I truly felt like we were made for each other.

Hello! Saudade here, I just wanted to give a HUGE thank you to my Editor johnny once again, He has been doing an amazing job on helping with the new chapters, and another HUGE thank you to Fang Saito who has been helping me with wording and getting out of this slump, as well as very helpful feedback. I also wanted to give one more HUGE thank you to all who have sent letters telling me of what you think fo the story so far. it feels amazing to know you are enjoying the piece, and is very much fueling to cdontinue the wish to write :) please let me know what you think of this new chapter, the things you enjoyed, or any other feedback you may have!

thank you

Next: Chapter 12

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