Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Apr 11, 2023


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Story Recap: Colton finds out his mind was wiped by Eizo Kimura who's done it to many other boys at his clinic to turn them into submissives for wealthy daddies. He's working with Julian Cheng, whose twin brother Jackson was also taken. Colton is still completely addicted to his owner; Jason Takada, a mixed-Asian muscle-daddy. Now Julian's gone undercover as a boy needing a daddy. He goes with them to a daddy/boy weekend in Palm Springs to get close to Eizo and bust the operation wide open. Will he become a victim too?

{Tabula Colton}

[Ch.9- The Boy in His Arms]

~By Emri~

"It was so strange. He couldn't have cum! His cock was caged, but his body was shuddering and that pussy was clamping down on my cock so tight," Mr. Takada whispered in the dimly lit room. He'd put me down to sleep after our hot bath together where he'd freed my cock and I'd shot instantly. I stirred at the sound of the hushed voices.

I blinked and looked to see two figures in the corner of our hotel room looking away from me as they whispered. It was Eizo Kimura he was talking to, the man who'd wiped my brain and turned me into a sex-addicted, submissive boy. I saw them turn towards me and I closed my eyes until I could just barely see them.

"It could be a side effect from some of the therapy Dr. Perrin did with him. I did the hypnotherapy to erase the nightmares and remind him where his heart belongs. He was so troubled, so desperate for a daddy, poor baby," Eizo said in a sympathetic whisper.

"That's another thing. He thinks you messed with his brain. He's scared of you! He freaked out on me when I took him to the clinic. He was trying to kick out the window. I soothed him in my lap, but I'm so..." Mr. Takada said but Eizo cut him off.

"But the nightmares are gone? The other men he was engaging with online and blackmailing. They're gone too, right? His freezing you out and acting like a little bitch with you. That's gone, right? The threatening to leave you and threatening to sue you or have you locked up for taking his underaged cherry. That's all gone, right?" Eizo said with an icy edge to his words.

"It is..." Mr. Takada trailed off.

"And he's a good submissive boy, loves his daddy, right? He hangs on your every command? You even disciplined his ass with a belt and he apologized and begged you. He whines when he can't have your cock instead of whining when you don't buy him the things that he wants like a spoiled boy, right? You see how he responds to a hard alpha. How happy it makes him to have a purpose in serving a man he can respect. He needs you" Eizo continued.

"You're right... He's so much better now. He respects me. He sleeps through the night. He's scared to leave my side... That last week of therapy he hated me so much. He was so tortured by his past and was ready to run from man to man. You said to just hold on, and I did. It all changed so fast. He turned into the boy I loved. He's this happy little innocent now. He needs me so much," Mr. Takada returned with just a hint of guilt to his words.

"And as we explained, the medication may cause some paranoid delusions. That will wear off as he heals, but his love for you and dedication to pleasing you will not. It will only grow stronger. You've seen it. Haven't you? You've seen just since his accident how much more he clings to you every day. Look how sweetly he sleeps, Jason. Look at that angelic little face that any man would kill for. You know why he sleeps so soundly? You know why he has such peace in his heart?" Eizo pressed him.

"Because he has a daddy who will protect him," Mr. Takada said, his voice sounding more sure of itself. I heard his voice grow louder as they came closer to me. I felt his hand on my cheek.

"That's right. It's all because of you," Eizo whispered. "So don't be a pussy now when he needs you the most, Jason. Be the man he needs you to be, the strong daddy he craves. Hold him through his pain and recovery. This is your chance, Jason. It's what you always wanted. So rub his little bubble butt, Fuck his little pussy, Suck on his little boy tits, and spank his little ass when he steps out of line. Be the man he needs. Be strong for your boy and he'll thank you."

They went silent for a few minutes and then their voices moved away from the bed. They were joking around about something. I heard the door open and their voices and laughs went through it. The door closed and the room went silent. I sat up and looked around. What had I just heard?

I should have laid back down and gone to sleep. I sat for a few minutes and strained to hear them from the bedroom. I wanted to tip-toe to the door and listen for more, but if I got caught they might know I heard them. Then I heard a loud laugh, more voices had joined them and some music started playing. They were having a party out there! That could be what woke me.

I pulled off the covers and got up. I was wearing the smallest pair of briefs. They had superheroes on them. They were designed for younger boys, but the Boys Large fit me and hugged my bulge. I had a small blue tank top on. It came down just to the waist band. I grabbed a little blanket off the room chair, went to the door to the living room, and turned the handle.

Mr. Takada was sitting on the couch bare-chested wearing a pair of gym shorts. Eizo and Julian were next to him. Mr. Massoud and Dawson were snuggled into a chair while Donovan and Justin were sitting on the floor playing a video game hooked up to the tv. Robby was sitting in a chair with a guy in his lap who was likely the cocksucker from the dancefloor. I'm sure he had a name. I didn't know it or cared.

I stepped out and rubbed my eyes like I'd been asleep. I raised my arms to yawn so the tank top slid up and showed off my stomach and the tiny briefs. I got adoring looks from the men in the room and one from Dawson.

"We woke the baby," Eizo said with a fake sound of guilt. Mr. Takada looked at me and flashed sad eyes as he waved me towards him.

"Oh no, we woke you, baby? Come to daddy. I'll rock you back to sleep," Mr. Takada said. I came over and he pulled me into his lap then quickly spread the blanket over me, to the disappointment of the room.

"I heard music... so loud," I yawned in a sleepy voice as he hugged me against his chest.

"It's ok, baby. Daddy's got you. You can fall asleep here and I'll carry you to bed when we settle down. It's getting late," Mr. Takada said. He stroked my back as I nestled into his warmth. I pulled my knees up into my chest and burrowed into his hold.

"That boy is beyond adorable," Mr. Massoud's voice said.

"I'm adorable too," Dawson demanded in a voice that sounded needy.

"Yes, you are," Mr. Takada assured. "Lots of beautiful boys to care for."

I wasn't interested in being adored by the room. I covered my head with the blanket where I curled up like an egg in his lap. He hugged me and pet my back until I fell asleep again. As troubled as I was overhearing his conversation with Eizo, his arms lulled me to safety. It sounded like Eizo had him convinced the therapy was for my best. As warm and safe as I felt in his arms, maybe he was right. I couldn't deny how good I felt.


The morning found me curled up in bed with Mr. Takada. Julian was in our bed too. He was wearing a t-shirt and sleep shorts and hugged a pillow on the other side of the King bed with his back to us. I wondered how he'd ended up there last night. I laid my head back down on Mr. Takada's chest and went back to sleep.

"Baby, it's time to head down for brunch. I signed you up for activities today," Mr. Takada said as he shook me gently and kissed my lips. I looked up to see him staring down at me wearing a tight white tank top that hugged his bulging brown muscles and a gold chain necklace.

"Activities?" I asked after I'd put on a pink tank top and white shorts. I yawned as he led me to the dining hall already buzzing with couples laughing, eating, and talking.

"Cooking for healthy families, then a session on proper housekeeping. If you do well in both then we can go swimming this afternoon. Any problems and I'll park you in the science and math tutoring sessions. You really could use the help," Mr. Takada said as he held my hand and led me through the crowd.

There were breakfast stations set up at the front of the hall and lots of booths with products and services a daddy might want. We caught up next to Dawson and Mr. Massoud at a booth for an auto dealer from Los Angeles. He had a big sign saying, "A boy in the right car shows a daddy of distinction!" The booth showed off all kinds of tracking and safety equipment.

"See, Daddy? I don't even have a car! What does that say about you?" Dawson asked.

"It says my boy knows his place and is learning to earn his keep," Mr. Massoud laughed.

Mr. Takada led us over to a table he'd reserved for the 7 of us. He sent the boys off to get plates of food while they went over the itinerary for the day and chose activities for the four boys. I got a big plate and went to the omelette station where a chef was preparing them specially. I got one for us to share with steak, cheese, and veggies. I got a bowl of fruit, some hash browns, and toast to go with it. I looked like a greedy little boy carrying that much food while Justin and Dawson separated theirs out onto two plates. I liked sharing a plate with him though. It was our thing.

"See, I think if Dawson gets out of the housekeeping practice at 11, then he should have time to dash across the resort to the session on proper care of an alpha. I'd really hate to have him miss out on the foot worship. It would save me trips out for pedicures." Mr. Massoud looked thoughtfully as he chewed it over.

"There is so much wrong with that sentence," Dawson shook his head in disgust.

"Don't worry, boy. I had a long talk with Dr. Kimura last night and he assures me your attitude will change greatly with the therapy." Mr. Massoud nodded confidently.

"I really wish this was more than a three day conference. The boys need more time to learn proper skills. You know we discussed putting together an actual school for them at last year's conference, but our membership is too spread out to have one viable location." Mr. Takada took the plate from me and pulled out my chair. Julian squeezed in on the other side of me. He had a big stack of pancakes and enough food for someone three times his size.

We were just digging into our food when an older Korean man in a nice suit came to our table with a stack of long cards.

"Good morning, gentleman. I see you have looked over the menu of activities for the day. Please note them on the cards here and put your account information at the top for billing. I'll come back when you're ready and run them through the computer then print you out a schedule for your boys. If you have the phone app, you can log in with their id numbers and check in on them from the session cams. Teachers respond quickly to daddy commands and can let you know how your boy is progressing. Let me know if you have any questions. Your courses and uniforms will be waiting in your room," he said. He left a stack of cards and went to the next table.

"I think I'll just keep Justin with me for the day. He's already trained enough," Donovan said.

"Nonsense. I'll write my account info on his card. I said this weekend was my treat," Mr. Takada said. I remembered that Donovan was a struggling college student.

"I can pay for my own boy," Donovan said with an edge of harshness to his voice.

"And I can pay for mine," Mr. Takada said to remind Donovan that he had been his boy before becoming a daddy of his own. "You know how much you've helped me out with Colton and how much you always do for me. Justin has helped too. Let me begin to pay you both back."

"Thanks, dad," Donovan said and nodded his head like he was shaking out the insecurity.

"Thanks, Mr. T," Justin said with a mouth full of pancakes. Mr. Takada reached over and wiped syrup off of Justin's lip with a napkin. The tall boy with budding muscles blushed.

They picked out the activities for us on the cards. Mr. Takada put me in healthy cooking and housekeeping. He let me pick between art, lap-dancing, and auto care for my fun course. It looked like a full day away from him. I told him the two sessions he'd picked were good unless he was planning on being away. He said he had a golf session with Mr. Massoud, Robby, and Donovan, but he'd be back when I finished the housekeeping one.

Mr. Massoud booked Dawson for a full day of courses, with a three hour window in the middle for a therapy session with Eizo. Julian and I exchanged worried looks when he said that. Dawson whined too. He said he needed some pool time.

"Justin can go with Colton today. Those two activities sound good. I want to give him some pool time. He deserves a little reward," Donovan said.

"He certainly deserves a nice day. Oh! Julian, you won't be in any classes. Eizo has a few prospective daddies who are eager to see you. There will be a chaperone if you need him for any reason," Mr. Takada told Julian as he was cleaning his plate.

"That's awesome! I'll find my true love!" Julian beamed with fake excitement. I knew what he was up to. He wanted to get in there and see how things worked so he could take down Eizo. The men filled out the cards for the three boys and sent Justin to turn them in with the man.

"Your true love?" I smirked when we got back to the room. Julian just elbowed me. I'd whispered to him what I'd overheard while the men were in conversation at breakfast. Julian said Eizo had told him last night he could help him find a daddy and had many men who would be interested.

Julian had given him a sob story about having nightmares and anxiety. Eizo of course said that his matchmaking skills would come with the understanding that the daddy would take Julian to therapy at the clinic in LA. Julian thanked him and promised he'd be a good boy. Julian was in.

We found a bag tied with a red bow on the bar of the hotel room when we got inside. Mr. Takada gave us each a small postcard with a schedule printed of where we were to go and when we were to be there. Underneath those were three packaged uniforms with our names printed on them.

"They got your sizes off of the info sheets we filled out when registering you for the conference weekend. They want the students in uniforms so there's no doubt about why they're here and no bullying from boys of wealthier daddies. Everyone will be the same," Mr. Takada explained. The daddies had us strip down there in the living room since we'd all seen each other before.

"This is um... kinda skimpy," I noted as I stepped into what looked like a blue wrestling singlet. It was tight on me and showed the budding muscles of my thighs and stomach. It lifted my bulge and got me kind of hard. The straps went over my shoulders and the front hung low enough to show my nipples. The legs went down just under my nuts like boxerbriefs.

"It's fine. You're covered. This will let any man in the resort know where you are supposed to be and that you are here to learn and off limits for play time," Mr. Takada assured.

"But daddy," I whined and sounded like Dawson. Mr. Takada's eyes narrowed in warning. I hung my head, "Sorry, sir." I felt his hands on my back and he pulled me i for a hug.

"Be good today. There's a pocket here on the side for your phone. Text if you need me. I'll hurry back to be there when your second course is over. Make me, proud, ok, baby?" he whispered in my ear as he rubbed my bottom. He slid the phone into the only pocket on my singlet. The other men probably thought he was giving me a severe warning instead of tender encouragement.

"Yes, sir," I said. I waited by his side and held his hand while Justin and Dawson pulled on their clothes. He walked me and Justin down to our first course after Julian left with Eizo. Donovan went to check out the golf cart and get their clubs from Mr. Massoud's SUV.

"You'll be good here and learn something so you can cook something nice when we get home, ok? And you'll look out for him, Justin? Keep his temper under control?" Mr. Takada asked hopefully. We both nodded aggressively and assured him there would be no problem. He parked us at a cooking station next to a pale, chunky guy who looked like a young accountant. The singlet was unforgiving to his stomach and thighs. The spandex groaned between his legs.

He introduced himself as Matt and offered us skittles from his pocket. I liked him instantly.

"Are you three seriously eating skittles in my healthy cooking course? Right in the front row?" A buff Latino guy in a tight polo with a "Healthy Hearts" logo on it barked at us. He must have been the instructor. We put the bag under the counter and shook our heads.

"No wonder your daddy told me to keep an extra eye on you and text at the first sign of trouble. You going to be trouble then?" He asked as he came directly towards me.

"No, sir. I'm sorry, sir. No trouble, sir," I took the bag of skittles and put them in his waiting palm. He turned and tossed them into the trash can.

"I know your type," he grumbled. "Beverly Hills Princess too pretty to be punished."

"No, sir. I can be punished," I don't know why I said that. He intimidated the fuck out of me.

"Good." his stone lips turned up into a smile. He went to his station at the front and called our names to check us in on his tablet. The rest of the two hours he seemed ok with me, and guided me through making the recipes. He gave us speeches about keeping our alphas healthy.

"When a man can depend on his boy to bring his life health and happiness, his boy will always have a place," he explained as he led us through a demonstration using a slice of raw tuna seared with hipster spices and a type of berry I'd never heard of. He was a deadly serious man.

I stopped for a moment and looked down at the spandex singlet that hugged my boy muscles and narrow frame. It was a scene right out of a cheesy late night movie. This secret society of an underground gay community with fabulously wealthy men and their toys couldn't be real.

I looked over at Justin. Like always, he was taking this seriously and making notes in his workbook on ways to change the recipe. I reached and grabbed his ass as he leaned over the counter. He gave me a weird smile. He didn't mind. He just stuck it out for me and went on working.

"Is there a problem again, Skittle boy?" The teacher said and came over to our station.

"I... I'm... allergic to seafood, sir. I don't know if I should touch it," I fumbled for the first excuse I could think of. He came right up behind me and pressed his muscles against my backside. He leaned over me so his hot breath kissed my neck. He reached his hands in front and moved my tray of ingredients to the side.

"Right," he said as his bulge ground against my ass. "Your owner noted that. I should have remembered for you to sit this one out." He showed he wasn't a total hardass.

"I should have said something sooner, sir. My apologies." I cooed as I turned my face to the side and looked at him with my best boy eyes.

"Your owner is quite protective of you, boy. He's quite a bit older than you. Making healthy choices now will ensure you have a long future together." He said. I looked around and saw the other boys working on their recipes. The room began to fill with the aroma of dinner.

"How old is he?" I asked. I realized I had no idea. Mr. Takada was definitely older than Colton, me, but I'd never put an actual number to him.

"You don't know?" The teacher laughed. "Then I shouldn't be the one to break it to you."

"I was hit by a car. I forgot everything," I said. I pointed to the small, healing bruise on my forehead. He smiled and pushed back my hair in that flirtatious way a guy does to let you know he can take care of you.

"Well you can ask him when your day is complete. I'm just your caretaker for the moment. It's not my place," he said in a deep daddy tone that had my cock stirring in the tight singlet. He took one of the berries off the tray of ingredients and put it to my lips.

"These aren't on your list of allergies, they're quite good," he said as he pushed the offering into me. I wanted to suck in his fingers, but he pulled back. He cleared his throat and adjusted his bulge. He knew he was paid to look after me, not arouse me. He nodded at me and went to help the other boys.

I watched Justin make his meal. He looked so dedicated. We finished the tuna and then moved on to other recipes. I tried to mirror Justin's seriousness and I copied all the notes he made.

Our last recipe was making a dessert to give to our daddies. It was super healthy of course. We mixed up these fancy grains with berries and nuts stuck together with honey. We baked them and cut them into squares. They were super protein bars for post-workouts. We packed them in fancy boxes and tied them with bows and wrote love notes to our owners. We left them there and a resort worker would deliver them to our rooms.

"I'm to escort you to your next session. Underage boys aren't allowed around on their own," the teacher told me when we'd finished. He took my hand like I'd wander off and held it as he led me down the hall to the housekeeping course. He delivered me to the teacher there and left.

I texted Mr. Takada while I waited for the class to fill up. Some of the boys had gone for a break so they came in late and the teacher wasn't happy with them. He was a burly balding man with a barrel chest and a trimmed, brown beard. I told Mr. Takada I was doing ok and following orders.

"I know, boy. I've kept an eye on the app between holes [He was playing golf] and you seem to be following along nicely. Your teacher reported you caused no problems," he wrote back.

The housekeeping course had us cleaning the resort rooms, making beds, wiping counters, other routine things. The teacher was nice enough and gave us tips on different types of cleaners. He gave me some wipes with cleaner in them to go over the rooms.

"Dude, something's wrong with you," Justin said when he caught up to me on the last room. I was in a zone and getting good at scrubbing off daddy funk from a pretty gross bathroom.

"What do you...?" I started to ask what he meant, but then I noticed my hands and arms had red splotches and were feeling dry and itchy. I was having some kind of allergic reaction to the cleaner. "Oh Shit!" I yelled out. I dropped the wipe and went out to the hallway where the teacher was going over something on a clipboard. I held up my arms and he dropped it and went for his phone.

"Go wash with soap and warm water while I get your daddy," he said in a panic. He followed me into the bathroom of the closest room and unwrapped a new soap bar while I turned on the water. I heard him talking frantically to someone I assumed must have been Mr. Takada. I rubbed the soap over my hands and tried to get it off.

Two minutes later Mr. Takada ran in red-faced and sweaty. He came to me and took my arms out of the water then grabbed a fresh towel and wrapped my arms together. He lifted me up and carried me out of the room in a rush.

"Eizo is in a cabana doing therapy. He said to rush you down," Mr. Takada explained between gasps as he ran across the resort with me in his arms.

"It hurts, daddy," I whined. Something about his arms turned me into a total baby. I'd never been one to cry or whine or beg or any of that shit, but his daddy hold on me made me melt into a puddle of pussy boy. I disgusted myself.

"I know baby, almost there," he said as he dashed across the lawn towards the resort pool. There was loud thumping music and throngs of boys and daddies in speedos and swim shorts bustling about in the pool, on the loungers, all over. There were guys making out, rubbing on each other, doing things that weren't normally for public consumption.

We passed Julian sitting under an umbrella with an older Asian guy close to Mr. Takada's age, whatever that was. He pushed through the curtains of a cabana and we found Eizo working with Dawson. The boy was sitting in a chair with his back to us. He had on big headphones and was watching some weird colored swirls on an iPad. He had no idea we'd entered.

"Put him down. Best to take off that singlet in case I need to give him a shot in the thigh," Eizo said and pointed to a long outdoor couch.

Mr. Takada sat down on it and pulled at my singlet. He pushed the straps from my shoulders down and slid the spandex down over my stomach and cock (It was too tight for underwear). I stepped out of it and the towel fell off my arms to the floor.

"Why was he around cleaners? You know he just had the skin treatment last week. No sun, no chemicals. If the cream doesn't work, I'll have to redo his treatment," Eizo said. I wondered what he was talking about. Julian had said he specialized in making beautiful boys with no blemishes. Is that why my pale, milky skin was perfect from head to toe? Colton's (my) body didn't have a single hair out of place or a scratch or scar or anything else a boy of 17 usually carries.

"I didn't know they'd be using those. Fuck! I should have marked it on his card." Mr. Takada cursed. He sat on the couch and pulled my naked frame into his lap as Eizo dug in a bag and produced a white tube of special cream. He squeezed a line over my palms and then told Mr. Takada to rub it in while he checked me out.

"I don't think he'll need a shot. It seems mild. Just keep him out of the sun. These boys are delicate. They can't take much, at least not for awhile until his body settles down," Eizo said. He was being so frank and open about what he'd done. It was like I was some kind of dog who didn't understand his words. I looked between them suspiciously. Mr. Takada seemed to know a lot more than I'd thought.

"What's going on?" Dawson said and peeked around Eizo's side.

"Keep that on! You have another half hour!" Eizo said.

"Sorry, sir. Yes, sir," Dawson said with a submissive tone I hadn't heard from him before. He put his headphones on and went back to staring at the tablet obediently.

"Justin's out there with Peter Li?" Mr. Takada asked. I laid back against his chest while he soothed my allergied skin. He kissed my neck while he rubbed me, my cock woke to attention.

"Yes. He would have to pick my most difficult client!" Eizo laughed. "But he's also the richest, and Julian is just what he's looking for. Asian skater jocks are hard to come by and he just walks right in ready for a matchup."

"He's a nice kid. I hope Peter treats him well," Mr. Takada said.

"Peter can treat him however he wants," Eizo laughed but then caught my eyes. He switched to some Asian language I didn't understand. He looked at me suspiciously like I'd caught onto him.

My hands and arms began to fade back to white and feel better. Eizo put on more cream and gently worked it into my skin as Mr. Takada began to roam his hands over my stomach.

"So easy, these boys. He's in medical distress and still he gets excited by daddy's touch," Eizo noted and looked down at my hard cock as a pearl of precum drooled out of the tip and ran down my shaft. I was getting used to being exposed in front of other men. Two weeks ago this situation would have freaked the shit out of me. I felt like life as Miguel Montes was a world ago. I still felt him inside me though I was feeling more of Colton, at least the submissive Colton they'd turned me into with the brain wipe.

"He just can't help himself," Mr. Takada laughed and pulled my cock away from my stomach then let it spring back. "Maybe I should put his swimsuit on. They brought our bag out here, good!" He reached over to a backpack on the floor by the couch and pulled out a small, white speedo.

"He is NOT going in the pool! The chlorine and sun!" Eizo cautioned. Mr. Takada put my legs into the speedo and pulled it up and over my thighs. He put my cock to the side and pulled the speedo up over it. It tented obscenely in the stretchy material. It poked out so much my balls were visible through the legs. I whimpered helplessly at his touch.

"Oh right. Well he probably needs a nap anyways," Mr. Takada noted and kissed my neck. He laid down on the couch and brought me into his side. He covered me with a big beach towel and I snuggled into his chest. He rubbed me in that way he does that puts me to sleep, except I wasn't that tired and I just closed my eyes against his heartbeat.

"How is he doing?" I heard Mr. Massoud's voice boom excitedly as the curtain opened to the cabana. I peeked one eye open a crack and saw him in a pair of blue swim trunks.

"Keep it down, Colton's napping. Dawson's nearly finished. He can't hear us with his headphones on. The therapy went well. He's very receptive," Eizo said. I made a little sleep moan as Mr. Takada stroked my back.

"Right, so it worked? He'll be like... Colton is?" Mr. Massoud whispered.

"This just a preview of what we can do with him. It'll only last up to 48 hours. I'd need him back at the clinic for the full therapy, but it's helpful for us to do these trials first so you can get the formula you desire. Once it's set, it's set and some men turn out to not want as needy of a boy as they originally chose. I dialed Dawson up to high levels in obedience, neediness for your approval, and sexual attraction," Eizo said. My ears perked up.

"More than Colton?" Mr. Massoud asked. I seemed to be his measurement stick.

"Yes, it's all variable. If you were his biological father then of course I'd set the sexual attraction down to zero, but since you're not, I put it up pretty high. He may wear you out before the day is finished! Now remember, he is going to be very needy for your attention and possessive of you so watch that wandering eye when other boys pass," Eizo warned.

"Daddy! You're here! Can I take this off now, sir? The video finished," Dawson called from his chair. Eizo turned and took off the headphones. He gave the boy's hair a playful tug.

"Hello my love. I hear you were a good boy for the therapy. Did it hurt?" Mr. Massoud asked.

"Not at all, sir. It was fun! I missed you! Are you proud of me? I was a good boy. I kept hoping you'd come!" Dawson had an overly chipper voice. I cracked an eye open to see him get out of the chair. He still had on his uniform singlet that hugged an ample bulge and a round, latin ass.

His light brown skin framed his muscles as he ran over to Mr. Massoud and threw his arms around him. They kissed passionately and Mr. Massoud gripped the boy's ass, kneading his cheeks roughly. There was no need to ask if the man was satisfied with his boy's therapy.

"Remember to be very gentle with him, but firm. He'll respond best to a strong alpha that doesn't ask questions or give options. No decision-making for at least 24 hours. It will only confuse him and the god-like image of your his mind is building. His brain is settling from the therapy so he'll temporarily lose short-term memory," Eizo explained.

"He isn't remembering this?" Mr. Massoud asked.

"Bits and pieces. When we do the full therapy he won't remember these trials at all. It causes deep confusion for up to a week. It's why we put in a back-story of a made up past. It's usually character write-ups and scouted locations from failed screen-plays, but it gives the brain something to temporarily grab on to," Eizo elaborated. "Colton still thinks he's an ex cop. It goes away with time, but I can program in any special language or activity skills you like. He could even speak fluent Arabic with you!"

"Perfection," Mr. Massoud marveled and used the word he'd used to describe me. He put his arms around Dawson and rubbed the boy's hair. Dawson purred happily.

"What's going on, daddy? Can we go now? I'm so horny for you and my hole feels so empty," Dawson said and rubbed his crotch against Mr. Massoud's thigh. The man rubbed his boy's ass and kissed him. He had the biggest smile on his lips. He had his dream boy.

"Sure, my baby. Let's get you to bed," Mr. Massoud said and pulled his boy from the cabana.

I wanted to sit up and scream at them. I felt my skin crawl at his words. He had to have given the same instructions to Mr. Takada! Of course he knew what they did to me. He'd paid for it. It had turned him around from the weak daddy he'd been who let Colton walk all over him.

I felt anger and disgust rising in my throat like bile. I was so angry, but still daddy's touch made me feel warm and loved inside. I was hopeless around him. My only chance was to help Julian. He would take Eizo down and get the cure for me. There had to be a cure, a way to fix this.

Mr. Takada and Eizo started talking in what I guessed was Japanese. I felt his hand slide down to my ass as I laid there fuming and pretending to be asleep. As angry as I was, my body still welcomed his touch so easily. I was desperate for him. He rubbed me lovingly.

He slid me off of him and laid me down on the couch with the large towel over me. He stood up to peel off his golf shirt. He was just sliding his shorts down when Julian came in with Peter Li. Peter was a muscled daddy with a handsome face and kind eyes.

"Oh good, we didn't miss the stripper," Peter said as he saw Mr. Takada strip down to his boxerbriefs. "Do that little dance you do, Jason."

"You can't afford me," Mr. Takada laughed. He grabbed a pair of blue swim trunks from the backpack and shucked his underwear, his thick cock facing me and away from the others.

"Ooh that ass. I'd pop it good," Peter shot back and reached over to grab Mr. Takada's cheeks.

"Fuck off, you've got more than a handful there," he said and nodded towards Julian. He quickly stepped into his swimtrunks and pulled them up over his cock. He tied the strings at the top and came back to the couch to lift me. He pulled me onto his chest and I turned into him as he wrapped his arms around me. I used the noise and movement as my excuse to `wake up.'

"You're too old anyways! Oh but toss him in! Who is this little angel? I don't normally go for white meat but... Damn he's gorgeous!" Peter came closer and looked me over. I blinked up at him and yawned.

"This is my boy, Colton. Hands off." Mr. Takada laughed but there was ice in his voice.

"Always protective of your toys. Don't worry, I've got a handsome little guy over here looking for a strong daddy. Doesn't he remind you of us at that age? So tender and new?" Peter asked and went to rub Julian's shoulders. Julian looked pretty uncomfortable. He hadn't thought about this part of his plan. There was more to playing gay than just talking in stereotypes.

"Yes, we brought him. Looks like you've scared him. Don't worry, boy. Peter talks but he's a good guy who would be a fine candidate," Mr. Takada assured.

"Thanks, bud. I'll keep him safe. Going for a swim? We will join you!" Peter asked.

"I don't have a suit here," Julian said. Peter put his hands on Julian's bottom and the boy pulled away uncomfortably. I needed to talk to him alone. Everything he'd thought was confirmed.

"I saw some promotional trunks here left over from pride weekend!" Eizo said. He took a cellophane package off a side table. It was a black mesh speedo with a pink logo from a vodka label. He unwrapped them and tossed them at Julian who was a darn good catcher.

"Oh that's so..." Julian said as he held them up and realized the only thing covered would be a pouch for his cock. He looked fearful.

"Perfect!" Peter finished his sentence. Julian blushed.

"I think I have a suit in my bag in the room. I'll go get it! Colton can come with me!" Julian said.

"We're not swimming, and Colton can't go anywhere without a chaperone," Mr. Takada advised.

"We have the cabana for the whole weekend. I ordered lunch and Dawson's gone. You might want to give them some time alone in the suite. It should be pretty noisy right now. Try on the mesh for us," Eizo laughed.

"Come on, boy. Show daddy that perfect body," Peter urged.

I wanted to help Julian, but he needed to go through with what it took. He had a plan and it had to succeed. It was my only hope. I nodded to him and mouthed, "Don't pussy out!" He glared at me for a minute then worked up his courage. He took the mesh speedo and went behind a high table that would offer him some cover. Eizo looked on with amusement. Julian took off his t-shirt and stepped out of his shorts and briefs.

"Fuck!" Peter hissed when Julian stepped out wearing the speedo and tennis shoes. He had a good amount of boy muscle in that impossibly lean perfection of youth. His light brown skin and dark brown nipples showed an etched figure that was nothing to be ashamed of. He crossed his arms behind his back and looked down nervously. The sheepish look only added to his youthful jock allure.

"Wow," I echoed. Julian's flexed taught frame began to blush a light crimson from cheek to belly.

"Not bad, Jules," Mr. Takada said with a tone that told me I was right to be jealous of him.

"And that hole, on full display. These don't leave much to the imagination," Peter said as he looked around to Julian's backside. Julian quickly closed his legs. Peter grabbed for it.

"I've never done anything back there," Julian said and looked away from us. He looked torn between what he hoped to accomplish and how far he was willing to go for it.

"A virgin, of course. Don't worry. You have three experienced daddies ready to assist you, to show you how to open it, use it, please it," Peter said and moved behind Julian, pressing his bulge against the boy. I felt Mr. Takada slide his hand down the back of my speedo. I was on my side, pressed against his chest and under his protective arm. His finger rubbed my hole and my body betrayed me. I let out a little whine and bit softly on his daddy nipple.

"I... I just met you. I told Mr. Takada I'm ready for it, but I want a real daddy who isn't going to just take my virginity and leave," Julian said, playing up the helpless naive boy character. He was trying his best to save his hole but still get what he needed.

"I promised him I would guide him. Let's not pressure the boy," Mr. Takada spoke up as his finger slid inside my ass.

"I'm all worked up though," Peter said and showed the lump in his shorts. He took Julian's hand and rubbed it over the front of his shorts. Julian cringed but then quickly faked an awkward grin.

"Give him a hand, Julian," Eizo smirked. Mr. Takada circled around my happy spot and then moved in for the kill. I moaned loudly and gasped for air. All eyes turned to us.

"Maybe he would feel better practicing on someone his own rank," Peter said and nodded towards me where I was whining and begging for Mr. Takada's touch.

"He might. Sit up, boy," Mr. Takada said. He took his hand from my bottom and I whined in desperation. I felt this horrible emptiness when he was gone from my hole.

"Oh, I don't know... I mean you're such a strong daddy and Colt's just such a pussy," Julian sneered. I sat up and glared at him. He smirked at me. Mr. Takada sat up too and moved to the end of the couch, bringing me beside him. Peter pushed Julian to sit by me.

"Slide that little speedo off, Colton," Mr. Takada said. I stood up and slid it to my feet, my hard cock bouncing out and up against my stomach.

"That's a good sized cock, boy. Nothing to be ashamed of," Peter said when I covered it. He pushed Julian to sit down and Mr. Takada brought me down between them. Peter sat on the other side of Julian. Eizo turned from us and worked on his computer.

"He's got a good-sized everything, see?" Mr. Takada pulled my knees up and I hugged them against my chest, spreading my feet as daddy pulled my cock and balls up so they could see my hole. Peter looked at it and licked his lips.

"Look at that pretty pink hole, Julian. I bet you have a nice brown hairless ring. You want to show it to us, baby?" Peter asked. He put his arm around Julian and leaned down to look at me.

"You can touch it. See how excited he gets? That's a boy who knows what his pussy can do," Mr. Takada took Julian's hans and brought it near me, but the boy pulled back.

"No! That's... Private for his daddy, right?" Julian laughed nervously. He was in over his head.

"It is for his daddy. And his daddy can use it as he likes. It's a boy's most pleasurable spot, and you should know how it works," Mr. Takada said in an authoritative growl. Julian winced but let Mr. Takada guide his hand down to my hole. He stroked it. My body tensed up in anticipation.

"See that? The boy knows what his hole can do. Look how it opens for your finger. Fuck, he's gorgeous, Jason. Look at that little rose blooming." Peter admired me. The three of them were pushed in around me. I had Mr. Takada on my right, Julian on my left, and Peter moved in to kneel on a pillow in front of me to get a better look.

"It's one of the prettiest I've ever had. It feels incredible on my cock," Mr. Takada agreed.

I looked between the two men as they eyed me hungrily, but then I noticed Julian. He started to rub his finger around the ring and poke inside a little. His disgust gave way to interest. He looked up at me curiously. I gasped as he started to push into me.

"You really do like this?" He asked with mild amusement. "Having something in your asshole?"

"It feels crazy good," I assured between whimpers. Mr. Takada rubbed my stomach tenderly. I put my hands on his, guiding it around like a Ouija board across my sensitive abs.

"Put that finger in his mouth. Let him taste himself and slobber on it so it goes inside him," Mr. Takada said. He took Julian's finger from my hole and put it to my lips. I slurped it in eagerly.

"Fuck! He's really into this," Julian laughed nervously. He was trying to blend in with the daddies.

"Oh he is. He knows where it's going. My boy loves a good pacifier. He'll suck on anything I offer," Mr. Takada laughed and started to play with my nipples. I nodded on Julian's finger. He shoved it back farther until I gagged. He smiled at that. He was showing he was a top boy.

"That should do," Mr. Takada guided him back to my hole. Julian wiggled in to the second knuckle and inadvertently found my special spot. He pressed against it.

"See how he responds? Talk dirty to him. A pussy boy needs reassurance when he's being dominated. It's a vulnerable position to let someone inside you. He needs to know how excited he's making you," Peter said.

"I'm not excited," Julian laughed

"No?" Peter asked and grabbed Julian's bulging speedo. Julian pulled back, almost swatting at Peter before remembering what he hoped to accomplish here. He gave in to Peter stroking him through the fabric. He was getting quite the tent pole.

"It feels so weird in there. So many little ridges," Julian said like I was a science experiment.

"It feels really good on your cock, especially when you stretch open a tight teen pussy," Peter said. Julian rubbed around the spot that made my body gasp and moan.

"You really like this, Colton? You like me fingering you?" Julian looked skeptical but he pushed in deeper to me. I bucked and whined.

"Yes, sir. Please fuck me with your finger. Right there feels so good," I begged. Julian's chest puffed up at that. Peter let go of his bulge and rubbed his back in approval.

"Give it to him, look at him beg for it. He needs more," Peter advised. Julian nodded and took his finger out. He shoved it back into my mouth and added a second one. He was more forceful this time and shoved back to make me gag again and again. Each time he did it, he laughed and shook his head.

"Whiny little bitch, isn't he?" Julian asked.

"He is, but he's my whiny little bitch so go easy on the merchandise," Mr. Takada laughed. Julian stopped making me wretch. He knew how Mr. Takada treated me, and decided to go that route.

"You want me back in that boy pussy? You need a man in there to make you his bitch?" Julian growled with an edge of youthful excitement that didn't have the full alpha effect yet.

"Yah Yir," I begged with my mouth stuffed. He slid the fingers out and left a trail of spit on me.

"Here we go, Colton. It's ok, boy. We'll take care of you," Julian said in a softer voice as he took his fingers and began to push them gently into my hole. I knew what Julian was thinking. The focus on my hole took the focus off of his.

"Fuck, this has me so hard. Like watching two girls go at it," Peter said and stood. He took his cock out and gripped it.

"You want to suck me, boy?" He said and walked closer to Julian. Julian wasn't paying attention and probably thought he was talking to me until Peter smacked his fat brown cock against Julian's cheek. It startled him and he pulled back.

"Oh, um. I think Colton wants it. Look at his empty lips. He could use a good pacifier," Julian tried to pawn him off on me. Peter looked confused. Julian went back to focusing on my hole, but Peter poked him in the ear with his cock insistently.

Mr. Takada laughed and smacked Peter's hard, floppy pole.

"Here, Julian you get down here between his legs. Let me show you how to really make him excited. Colton likes a fat cock in his mouth. He could use the practice too," Mr. Takada said Julian looked at him with gratitude. Mr. Takada seemed to take this as Julian just wanting to ease into things. He was the boy's guardian for the weekend.

"You want to suck on Mr. Li, Colton? I'll show Julian what your hole can do then I promise I'll fuck you right. Ok, boy?" Mr. Takada asked. I agreed happily.

Julian got on the floor between my legs and Mr. Takada turned Julian's hand so it was palm up.

"It's better to have them side by side instead of stacked like you'd do for a girl. Arc them up a little to really get at his spot. Just like that, and watch his face. You have to listen to his moans and they'll guide you to the right place in there. You're not just opening him up, you're warming him up. When a boy pussy gets humming really good, it will pay your cock back when you fuck him," Mr. Takada explained in a light, fatherly voice.

"Like this, sir?" Julian asked as Mr. Takada guided him. I screamed when he hit the right spot and Mr. Takada guided him to hold there and rub in slow circles. Peter took my open mouth as an invitation and shoved inside.

"There we go, boy. Open for daddy. That's it, baby. Let him fuck you right and daddy'll be in there soon," Mr. Takada praised. He put a hand on Julian's back and the other rubbed my chest and stomach. I moaned with my mouth full of Peter's thick cock. It wasn't Mr. Takada's, but it still stretched my lips and made my jaw ache. I did love having a pacifier. It felt so zen.

"Oh wow, look at his cock. We haven't even touched it and he's drooling precum," Julian noted curiously. I looked down at my cock and saw a line of precum roll down the shaft. Mr. Takada took his hand off of Julian and put it in his shorts to stroke himself. I laid there as the three Asian men dominated me. Every inch of my skin felt electrified as hands rubbed me, fingers probed me, and cock filled me.

"He should be open enough. Lube those fingers up with the real stuff and then you can get in there and wreck that hole," Mr. Takada said. He reached over and Eizo found him a small bottle of lube.

"This is the warming stuff, not that he needs it," Eizo laughed and went back to his work. Mr. Takada opened the bottle and Julian took out his fingers. I whimpered at the loss.

"Easy boy, he's coming back," Mr. Takada laughed and shook his head.

"Needy little pussy," Julian joked to bond with my daddy. Daddy nodded.

"You want them really slick in there to work up a good pounding without hurting him. Just get back to that spot and then ram your fingers in and out to stroke it," Mr. Takada said as he poured a generous amount on Julian's fingers. Peter started to face-fuck me. He gripped my hair and held me in place while he pushed back into my throat.

"Fuck! You're raising one hell of a cocksucker," Peter praised. Mr. Takada nodded.

"He's a good boy for daddy," Mr. Takada agreed. Julian pushed back into me and Mr. Takada guided him over my spot. He rubbed it for a few seconds and then started to fuck.

"Just like that, get in there and show him why he begs for his man," Mr. Takada encouraged.

"Look at his cock. It's just throbbing at this. Wow," Julian exclaimed.

"Don't hold back. He'll respect an alpha who knows how to work him," Mr. Takada urged. Peter was face-fucking me hard now. He pushed in deeper and made me take my eyes off of Julian to look up at him.

"Fuck, boy. Fuck that feels good. I'm so close," Peter said as our eyes locked. He rammed into me and stroked the half of his shaft that wouldn't disappear in my boy mouth.

"Fuuuuuck," he growled while I slurped him. He pulled my hair and started to fire off down my throat. I swallowed his hot shots of man juice. I gasped for air as his cum started to back into my nose and leak out around his shaft. He rough-fucked my mouth.

"Fuck," His body tensed and jerked as he filled me with his seed. He kept his eyes locked on mine as my eyes watered from the assault. He shoved in one last time and then held me there as the last of his cum went down my throat. I squirmed on his cock as it stretched my aching throat. He was rougher than Mr. Takada would be. I wasn't his love. I whimpered and he finally let me go and pulled out with another loud growl.

"That's one good bitch, Jason. Worth whatever you spend on him," Peter said as he put a hand to my cheek and gave it a playful swat.

"He's a daddy's boy, born to please," Mr. Takada agreed. Peter used his thumb to push the leaking cum and snot from around my lips and nose down into my mouth. I swallowed his offering and thanked him.

"Pretty baby," he said as he recovered his breath. He let go of me and then sank down onto the couch beside me. He put an arm around my back and rubbed me as he laid his head against my shoulder to watch Julian work my ass. Julian was banging into me while Mr. Takada gave him fatherly pointers. Mr. Takada rubbed my chest and offered encouragement.

"It feels so good," I whined. My mouth hurt, but my ass felt fire at his touch. He slammed those fingers back and forth against my prostate as he rough-fucked my hole.

"Right there, see how his little boy-nuts are pulling up against his shaft. He'll be squirting soon. When you can make a boy squirt just from fucking his pussy, he'll be yours forever. This little one cums so easily. Daddy's good boy," Mr. Takada explained. He kissed me and bit on my lip.

"Wow, I see it! Fuck, that's kinda hot," Julian laughed. He had a hard rhythm as he pushed in and out of me. My abs kept tensing up from the waves of pleasure that rolled over me.

"Here we go, almost there. Arc those fingers up. Press hard. Stretch that pussy, boy. Make it yours. There you go. Colt's so close. You have to know your pussy," Mr. Takada coached.

"Oh! Fuck! Daddy!" I felt the cum rising in my shaft. I was right on the edge. I was either going to cum, piss, or sneeze; maybe all three. I felt myself teetering on the brink of losing control. Peter kissed down my shoulder and started to bite and suck on my left nipple. It was the last straw.

"Ahhhh!!" I screamed as my cock started to fire off. I shot hot spunk over my chest and hit Peter on the forehead.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I squealed as my body thrashed around on the couch. Peter held me and Mr. Takada put his hand on my chest to hold me down. Julian's eyes lit up as he watched my fireworks show. He kept right on pistoning in and out of my hole with force.

"Fuccckkkk!" I whined like a little bitch and my cock kept bouncing back and forth on its own, spraying me and Peter with my seed.

"There we go, cum for daddy," Mr. Takada praised. He looked at me with a proud smile. He'd just taught Julian how to give his first anal orgasm. He loved being a daddy.

"Look at all the seed. See what you made him do, Julian? A real man makes his boy finish first. He should always know his daddy will take care of him," Mr. Takada instructed.

"I've never seen that before! I didn't even know it was possible!" Julian exclaimed.

"Pretty cool, huh? When you know how to work a boy properly, they can do amazing things. Now he's calming down so you want to give him some praise and affection. Boys need that reassurance. Get up there next to him and hold him. He earned some cock in his hole for being daddy's good boy," Mr. Takada said. Julian slid his fingers out of me and grabbed a towel to clean off the lube from them.

"You ready, baby?" Mr. Takada asked. I was still recovering, but I nodded weakly and begged for it with a feeble, "Yes... sir.... Please."

Julian came up to my right side and put an arm around me. I looked down to see his speedo was tented and wet with his precum. He'd really been into it. I slid my hand down his chest and grabbed his bulge. He didn't pull back like he had with Peter. We had a bond now.

"Can I touch it?" I whispered to Julian as Mr. Takada was lubing up his shaft.

"I guess so. Dude your cock was like possessed," he laughed. I slid my hand into his speedo and felt a nice, thick shaft. He wasn't super hung like the two daddies, but he had a handful.

"Thanks, bro. That felt pretty good," I mumbled happily. Our lips were inches apart. I knew he didn't want to kiss me, we just happened to be that close to each other. I pulled his cock out of the speedos and remembered Peter was on my other side. He looked over my chest to see what Julian had. It was a lighter color than Peter's cock but still darker than mine.

"Mmmm that's my pussy," Mr. Takada growled as he started to shove into me. "Yeah bring that pussy up here," he added as he grabbed my hips and dragged me to the edge of the couch.

"Fuck, daddy!" I screamed as he pushed into me. He stretched me with that fat, daddy cock.

He filled me and shoved in deep to my warmed up hole as I cried out and jerked on Julian's cock. My eyes got screwed up from the intense pleasure. Mr. Takada reached down and put his hand on my throat, rubbing my adam's apple with his thumb.

"That pussy knows who owns it, doesn't it boy? Just for daddy's cock?" He growled.

"Yes! Sir! Fuck! Sir! Please!" I looked up at him and begged as he filled my body with hot pulses of electricity. It felt like he was fucking my whole body. "So! Good! Daddy!"

He leaned down over me, looking over the three faces side by side as we watched an alpha own his bottom boy. Mr. Takada put his thumb to my lips and opened my mouth then spit into it as he pistoned his cock in and out of the hole he dominated.

"Swallow what daddy gives you. Yeah! Needy little pussy boy," He said harshly. I swallowed his spit. It tasted like him and I wanted more.

"That's my boy," he sneered then kissed me. He shoved his tongue into me while I jerked on Julian's cock and felt my hole being plowed.

"I love you so much, Colton," he said tenderly as he pulled his lips from mine.

"I love you too, daddy," I whimpered as he stuffed me with his cock.

"So fucking good," he hissed and sped up on me. He leaned over and gave Julian a kiss on the cheek. I thought maybe he would do the same to Peter, but he didn't. He liked boys. I don't know why I expected that he would. Mr. Takada just seemed to take over a an alpha's alpha wherever he was. Men followed him and it made me proud to be his boy.

"Give Julian a kiss," Peter told me. "Thank him for the way he opened that pussy for your daddy." He pushed my face to Julian's and we looked at each other. I gave him a shrug to say we should probably do it. He hadn't done much to engage for Peter's pleasure. He nodded.

"There you go," Peter said as my lips touched Julian's. He kept his lips closed to give me a stage kiss. I felt Peter's hand grip Julian's cock just underneath where I was tugging at it. He lifted his hand to knock mine off. He was using the distraction of the kiss to make his play for Julian's body.

"Give him some tongue, Julian." Mr. Takada urged. "A boy loves to feel a man inside him. He'll show his appreciation by sucking on your gift. A good boy always shows his gratitude."

Julian obliged as Peter fisted his cock. Julian pushed his tongue past my lips as he raised a hand up my chest and cupped my cheek like a boy does to his girl.

"There we go! Oh fuck, Colton. That pussy is grabbing onto my cock and massaging it. I think you're going to cum again, baby," Mr. Takada alerted me. I realized my cock hadn't gone down and it was throbbing as it pushed against Mr. Takada's abs while he leaned down over me and fucked the pussy he owned. I was on the edge again. This whole afternoon was overwhelming my senses.

"Fuck, I'm gonna!" I heard Julian warn as his lips pulled off of me. I looked down and watched Peter's fist yank on Julian's cock and then his cum just started to fly everywhere. I moved my face but it hit me right on my lips. Another shot went up to his chin. He was shooting like crazy and let out this deep masculine groan. I turned my face and he looked me right in the eyes as he came. He had that fierce look Mr. Takada gets when he seeds his boy. Julian wasn't a pussy boy.

"Fuck," he hissed and watched me as I licked his cum off my lip. I felt Mr. Takada's hand on my cock. He stroked me three times slowly and then I was firing off again. Julian and I locked eyes as we both came.

"Ahhh!" I squealed like the bottom boy that I am. Julian laughed as he let his last shot fly. He laid back against the couch and curled his lip up with an "Aww yeah."

"There's my good pussy. Cum for daddy," Mr. Takada said. He pushed deep inside me and I felt his cock go rigid and start to throb.

"Fuck, boy. Here it comes. Take daddy's seed," he groaned and started to fire off into me.

"Fuck that's a pretty little cunt," Peter said as he sat up and looked down between my legs.

"Fuck yeah! Fuck! Take it, boy," Mr. Takada grunted as he shoved all the way in and emptied his load into ny hole. Peter rubbed a finger harshly between my hole and my balls. I was spent and laid out on the couch sucking up daddy's seed inside me.

"Pretty little cunt-boy," Peter said. He reached over between Julian's legs and finally got a peek at his hole too. Julian was spent and rubbed his cheek on my shoulder.

Peter touched Julian's hole and Julian shot up with surprise while Mr. Takada dropped the last of his seed with a daddy growl.

"Hey, woah," Julian said, suddenly wide awake.

"Just looking, boy. I love a good brown boy hole and this one is fresh out of the box," Peter said. He gave Julian's hole a rub as the boy looked to me for help. I was too spent to be of any use. If he wanted to get in with the daddies, he needed to relax his sexuality walls a little.

"Can't wait to open it and show you how good it feels," Peter said. Julian blushed.

"Yeah... someday," Julian said. Mr. Takada pushed Peter off so he could lie down on top of me. He was sweaty and exhausted. He laid between my legs and kissed me.

I needed to get Julian alone, there was so much to discuss, but I was ready to pass out in Mr. Takada's hold. He recovered his breath, kissed me, then raised up to clean off his cock with the big beach towel. He wiped me down next then put on his shorts and backpack. He packed up my speedo and singlet in the bag and then wrapped the big beach towel around me and carried me back to our room. Julian followed us and the three of us shared a shower then a nap. Julian slept on one side of the bed while the other two of us wrapped up on the other side.

I hoped we'd have time later. I couldn't believe Eizo and Mr. Takada had discussed so openly what they'd done to me and what Eizo had done to many others. As much as I should have hated Mr. Takada, my body still craved him and I knew I couldn't let him get in trouble for whatever he'd done.

Even if they could fix me, I wasn't sure I wanted that. If Miguel Montes was just some character made up by a Hollywood writer, then that meant I'd be going back to Old Colton. That Colton had family back in Utah but they'd put him away in an anti-gay camp and then shipped him off with Mr. Takada when that went south. If Mr. Takada went to jail and I was still seventeen, then that meant the state system. I'd likely end up in some group home in south LA and never have a shot at going to college or any kind of future.

It was a no win situation. If Eizo went down, he might take Mr. Takada with him. We had to stop them and get help for Julian's brother, but could I really send them to jail? Could I do that to the man I begged for? The man who rocked me to sleep in his arms? The man who made me feel like I was the most important boy on earth?

I knew what I needed to do. Julian was intent on torching the world. He had a right to his anger and he needed to rescue his brother, but he also didn't care who went down in the process. I needed to talk to Mr. Takada, tell him everything and see what he would say. He wasn't innocent in this, but he truly loved Colton and thought this was for his best. I trusted him with my body, my hole, my life. He might be able to help fix Julian's twin and bring him back.

It was worth a try.


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