Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Apr 8, 2023


Sorry for the corrupted file. Here is a plain text version. +++++Thanks for the feedback. I didn't know people were into it. Sorry the chapters are so long. There's just a lot of story, but you need the sex too. Please support Nifty to keep the site open to all. ~~~~

Story Recap: Colton finds out his mind was wiped by Eizo Kimura who's done it to many other boys at his clinic. He's working with Julian Cheng, whose twin brother Jackson was also taken, to find out the secrets of what happened. Now they have to stop it before he does the same for Dawson, a hispanic model with an older Arab daddy. While Colton is still completely addicted to his owner; Jason Takada, a muscle-daddy; the trail of clues leads him to push on and help unravel the mystery.

{Tabula Colton} [Ch.8- The Boy in the Ring] ~By Emri~

"Fuck me! They're doing it again?" Julian asked me in the small bathroom stall we'd both escape to from our second period classes. I'd left my phone inside my backpack in the class since Mr. Takada might be tracking it to check in on me. His map app was super detailed.

"You have to contact him and get him to not go! They'll wipe him," I pleaded. Julian looked at me intently and then a smile crept across his lips.

"Text your daddy and tell him you have a math tutor in your class who offered to come over and bring you up to speed tonight. I'm Asian so it's credible," Julian laughed at his self-deprecating joke. "I need to get in on this and see the clinic for myself."

"I don't know, dude," I said with an uneasy feeling.

"Just do it. From his emails, he's always ready to help out a boy in need. If he thinks I'm a lost boy who needs his help, he won't turn away. I just have to act gay so I don't blow my cover," Julian said and paced thoughtfully.

"We don't act gay like the stereotypes. Just act normal like me. I'm basically a straight guy with some code in his head that makes him crave daddy dick," I laughed and realized how ridiculous that sounded.

"Right... blame the code," Julian smirked. "Ok, my turn. Are you read to learn what I found?"

"Yes, fuck please!" I begged.

He told me all that they'd learned, but most importantly that Mr. Takada didn't seem to know what they were really up to. He was desperate to get me help and said I was out of control. He knew about my texts and pics with the random older men. He said we'd had some pretty big fights over it and I was spending most nights by myself in the bedroom I'd demanded.

After he'd taken me to the very first therapy, he wrote an email of gratitude and said I was already becoming submissive and calmer with him. Apparently he took me every day after school for three weeks leading up to my accident. Every day he'd email Eizo a form he'd fill out measuring my temperature, weight, attitudes, and any problem behaviors. Eizo said they were adjusting the therapy to meet my needs.

"He had no idea they were messing with your brain like that. But here's where it gets good. We found a large file Eizo sent to Takada. It was a brochure about the therapy with testimonials from anonymous daddies and even some mommies. Some were regular parents of their own children who just truly wanted them to stop crazy behaviors. They didn't realize their kids were getting wiped and coded with better versions of themselves!" Julian said with disbelief.

"That's crazy!" I echoed.

"The file was big enough for us to trace back and get into Eizo's servers. The agency helped me get everything off his computer. This thing is way bigger than we thought. Eizo's connected to a network of researchers who have been developing this for years. And here's the real shocker." Julian was so excited he had to stop and catch his breath.

"It only works the way they want it to when used on boys in adolescence. After 22 or 23 and before 11 or 12, it's just brain damaging! They tried it on both boys and girls, only the girls got the opposite effect. Instead of becoming submissive little sexbots, the re-coding therapy made them sharper and smarter, increasing IQ's to new heights. They only got through a handful of girls in the trials before they cut it off. The girls figured out what was happening and began to turn on them! They all accepted full college scholarships and monthly sums in exchange for their silence." Julian beamed at me with his impressive research skills.

"That's crazy!" was all I kept saying. I knew Mr. Takada couldn't be involved in this. Of course he loved Colton so much he'd do anything to get him help. He wasn't the bad guy here. Eizo was.

"Eizo's in with the main developer, a guy out of Miami. Eizo has done this to lots of boys over the last five years. Guys come to him with their boys from all over because Eizo's added twist is the skin perfection without surgery. That's why you have this bruise on your face. He smoothed out the acne and whatever other marks you had on your body. He specializes in making a perfect boy. I bet you you'll never even get hair on your ass! Never!" Julian looked at me like that was the most horrible and criminal idea.

"I can't believe they did all that. So it really made me dumb, submissive, and addicted to daddy dick... But Mr. Takada didn't know about it at all, right?" I asked to clarify. I didn't feel less smart than when I was Miguel, but maybe that was part of the coding.

"Yup, dumb and submissive! Doesn't seem like he knew though, but he did know they were doing therapy on you and getting miracle results. Don't you think he might have been somewhat suspicious and poked around? I don't know. He just kept thanking Eizo for making your nightmares go away," Julian shrugged.

"These are some really bad guys, Colton. They traffic all over the world and look for hot loner boys to wipe and customize for their clients. I have to get in there if we want to take this down... We better get back to class. Remember, tonight! 7pm! Asian tutor! Math help!" Julian grabbed me by the collar and boomed at me like I was a bad puppy. I nodded and we headed out.


"Cheng is the boy's last name? I don't think I know them," Mr. Takada said as I cleared the dinner plates. Donovan and Justin had gone out for the night so we had a small dinner by ourselves at the table before Julian was supposed to come over. I told him yes and he asked more questions until I reminded him about the amnesia.

"He's on a bike, that's so cute!" Mr. Takada laughed when he heard the front gate bell ring and checked the video monitor. "He's wearing glasses. That's a good sign." Mr. Takada went to let him in. He helped Julian park his bike on the small front porch and they exchanged greetings.

"Yeah, it's a 2019 with the new 3-L engine," Mr. Takada beamed as they walked inside. He was talking about his car in the driveway. They were making straight guy conversation. Julian had decided to play himself.

"It's pretty sweet, sir. Someday I'll save up enough to get my license," Julian sighed.

"Don't be in too much of a hurry to grow up. Enjoy being a boy," Mr. Takada said.

"Yes, sir. But if I could get a whip like that, I wouldn't wait to grow up!" Julian laughed.

"Well. I will let you two get to work. My boy needs all the help he can get!" Mr. Takada led Julian to the dining table. I was wiping it down and we greeted each other with simple bro nods like we were just classmates working on math. I brought bottles of water from the kitchen for us.

Mr. Takada turned on classical music on the overhead sound system at a low volume. He said it would help juice our brains. He set up his laptop at the table with us to make sure we stayed on math while he took care of some business. Julian had brought notes, his textbook, and some laminated charts he said would help me. He was serious about tutoring.

We worked for an hour and then I started to zone out. Even though Julian was a good teacher, I was getting frustrated.

"I'm too stupid for this!" I said when I'd worked a long problem and Julian erased it all then told me to start over.

"Take a short break. You're just tired. Don't be so hard on yourself," Daddy said. I got up to stretch and walk around. Julian said he had to use the restroom, but when Mr. Takada offered the small one near the kitchen, Julian asked with a blush if we had one with more privacy. He wanted to snoop.

"Something's up with him," Mr. Takada whispered after pointing Julian up the stairs.

"Like what? He seems normal enough to me. Kinda nerdy," I shrugged to cover my fear.

"He keeps staring at me when you're working on a problem. I think he's got a little crush," Mr. Takada smiled to himself.

"He's totally straight! Maybe he's just trying to figure you out," I said and went over to kiss him while we had a minute of privacy. Mr. Takada looked like I'd popped his balloon. I sat in his lap and made him feel better. It had been hard sitting across the table from him the last hour or so without being able to feel his touch. Whatever Eizo had put in me was strong enough to leave me empty whenever I was away from Mr. Takada.

"You don't think I know when a boy is sending me signals? That one is very interested. Need me to prove it?" he asked as his hands roamed my back while I sat in his lap. It would help with the plan if he did.

"That would be so hot," I nodded vigorously and bounced on his bulge.

"Alrighty then!" He stretched his arms out then cracked his knuckles. It was time to shine.

I hurried back to the kitchen when I heard Julian bounding down the steps. We got back to work on the math for another half hour and then I started to yawn.

"That should be enough for the night," Mr. Takada said. "You boys shouldn't take on too much."

"Oh. Sure. I can come back again. We have that big test next week," Julian said as if stretching for time. He still hadn't made a move and I wondered what he was up to.

"Let's see. How much do I owe you?" Mr. Takada stood and came over beside Julian. He did this stretch with his arms high in the air and bent backwards to show off those chiseled daddy abs. Julian's eyes scanned him. Mr. Takada leaned over Julian and got his wallet off the counter.

"Oh, sir," Julian said and put his hands up in protest, accidentally grabbing those bulging daddy pecs. I swear he gave them a healthy squeeze. "I couldn't take your money. Honestly, teaching it to Colton is helping me learn it better."

"Nonsense," Mr. Takada put a hand to Julian's shoulder and started to massage it. "You came all the way over here. I can't send you back to your parents without any money!" He took a few 20's and slid them into Julian's right pocket and ground his bulge on Julian's thigh.

"Thank you sir. That's too kind. My parents don't live here, though." Julian said and got a sad look on his face. He flashed his wide brown eyes up at Mr. Takada and bit his lip nervously like he'd hit on a sensitive spot.

"No parents? That's not acceptable! How old are you?" Mr. Takada demanded with a sudden fatherly tone. He stopped his flirting to investigate but kept his hand on Julian's shoulder.

"I'm 18! I swear! My dad got transferred back up to the Bay Area. I'm from San Mateo, but we moved to Beverly Hills when I was 12 and it's been home ever since. I didn't want to go back north with them so they rented us a small place. My brother goes to UCLA and we share a one bedroom a few blocks from here. He doesn't care when I come home." Julian said.

"Hmm, well your brother should keep better tabs on you. A young boy shouldn't be off on his own," Mr. Takada rubbed a hand dow to Julian's hard pecs. The toned, Asian jock had on a tight polo shirt and I watched his nipples harden at daddy's touch.

"I know sir... that's why... I'm so sorry," Julian put on a softer, boyish voice and looked up at Mr. Takada like he was afraid.

"Sorry for what? It isn't your fault you were left here. Your parents should have insisted on taking you," Mr. Takada said with concern. He put his hands on Julian's face and held his cheeks.

"No, sir. It's not that. It's... Well. I've seen you at school with Colton. You're so sweet with him when you pick him up and take his backpack. You protect him and... everyday I wait and look for it. I've been having these dreams..." Julian started to say then trailed off and shook his head.

"Go on, boy. You're safe here," Mr. Takada said. Julian was damn good. Daddy was eating this up. He knew what Julian was going to confess.

"I keep having it. This dream of having a daddy like you, a hot older man with rock hard muscles like yours, sir. In the dream he takes care of me like you do Colton and... well this is gross, but... you know. He puts it inside me," Julian acted sheepish. I stared with rapt attention.

"His cock? He puts his cock in your boyhole?" Mr. Takada gave him the language to his thoughts. Julian lowered his face and blushed furiously.

"It's ok, boy. I know what you dream of. You need a daddy. Have you been with another man yet?" Daddy put a finger under Julian's chin and lifted his face to meet his eyes.

"No sir! I mean I get looks from guys I think would be right, but it's so scary. What if they just want to fuck me and leave? How can I be sure they really want to be a daddy?" Julian sighed.

Mr. Takada nodded with a knowing look. "You're smart to wait, boy. Finding a true daddy can be difficult and you want to save your gift for him. Don't you, boy?" he asked. Julian nodded.

"You're a very good boy. You know that? There's nothing to be ashamed of. Your time will come." Mr. Takada talked to him like he was a very small child. I started to feel jealous and left out. The code in my head could be very possessive of my daddy.

"Thank you, sir. I only wish I had someone like you to look out for me when I meet them. I'm so ready. I don't know how much longer I can hold off," Julian sighed and rubbed his crotch right in front of Mr. Takada.

"Well. I was going to save this as a surprise for Colton, but we're heading to a resort this weekend in Palm Springs where I can guarantee you will have your selection of men looking for a nice boy like you. Do you think your brother would let you go? It would be my treat of course.

"Oh that would be sooooo great," Julian chimed in an overly cheery voice. He lunged towards my daddy and threw his arms around his chest for a hug. Mr. Takada was knocked back a little in surprise, but quickly recovered and rubbed the boy's upper back.

"I booked a suite with two rooms, but they're filled. There will be a couch if you don't mind sleeping on it... or you might find a better place to spend the night. I'd have to approve of the daddy first though, of course," Mr. Takada explained. Julian jumped up excitedly before he could even finish.

"Won't that be cool, Colton? We can get to know each other better and have fun. We'll be like brothers sharing a daddy!!" Julian gave me a wink that made me burn with jealousy. This was the plan and I'd agreed to help get him in with the community. Of course he was just playing up to Mr. Takada and Julian's not even gay... I took a deep breath and tried to mirror his joy.

"Two boys to raise..." Mr. Takada said thoughtfully. "I could be in trouble!" he smiled.

Julian collected his things and exchanged goodbyes with us.

"I told you he was into me! Do I know boys or what?" Mr. Takada beamed proudly when he watched Julian ride away on his bike.

"Yeah... you were right," I said quietly. He turned to look at me and then came to hug me.

"You got jealous? Of Julian? My perfect baby finally gets upset when I touch another boy! You didn't do that with Dawson or Justin or the boys we met before your accident. Finally. I've never seen you jealous before," Mr. Takada laughed. He was getting excited by this It made me remember how badly Colton treated him. He picked me up and carried me upstairs to remind my ass who owned it.


The rest of the week I didn't see Julian. I didn't even know his schedule, but I didn't seek him out. He finally caught up to me on Thursday in the library where he sneaked in to study hall, he said he'd been getting the plan together. I looked at my book while he whispered the details.

"Hello? What's up with you? You seemed kinda upset when I left Monday night," Julian noted as he put his hood up and hoped the study hall teacher didn't recognize that he didn't belong there.

"You were all over him! You really played it up," I said. It sounded bitchy coming out of me. I immediately wished I hadn't said it.

"Wait... are you jealous? Dude! I don't even like dick! I had to play it up though and look how well it worked. Plus, he wasn't even offering to fuck with me. He's going to help me get in with the men so I can find the big players. The agency gave me a list of who to look for! This is going to be awesome! He's obviously crazy about you! It's not real jealousy, it's the code in your head making you feel bad! Anyways, I have some more info for you," Julian said in a whisper.

"What is it?" My interest was peaked.

"The research. Well so you know they put code into your head for being a submissive-dumb, daddy's lap boy. Right?" Julian started. His look told me this was not going to be good news.

"Apparently that's just the start of it. It gets more intense with time as the code works its way through your little gayboy brain and makes you more and more dependent. It takes about four weeks to fully root itself and then it's permanent. If we can't get it reversed by then..." Julian trailed off.

"Then I'm stuck this way forever?" I asked.

"Yeah, but it's worse. Apparently when the owner dies, the research shows that a boy can never really recover from the loss. You just kind of zombie out and always search for something to make you feel as good. One boy in New York was with this older judge who croaked just after fucking him. The judge was over 70. The boy spent two weeks wandering helplessly until the cops caught him naked in a park. The clinic up there found him and he wasn't too old to be wiped clean again." Julian said.

"They wiped him again? Can they do that?" I asked.

"Of course, so long as the boy is still in adolescence. After that it just makes your brain go mush, remember?" he asked. I remembered his conversation with me from Monday.

"So they wiped him again and paired him up with a much younger and healthier owner. Now they give fitness tests to the prospective owners. It's just so they don't have to worry as much about things getting traced back to them. They chip boys now too! It's in case he gets lost or something happens. It apparently monitors your pulse, health, and emotions. They had some bad incidents and this was a fix. Right now you're data is being collected and stored somewhere," Julian nodded as if this was just a fact of life.

"This just gets crazier!" I said with alarm. He shrugged.

"Well. I brought my bag with me to school I'm ready whenever your dad gets here to pick us up," Julian changed the topic. It was only Thursday, but the next day was a state holiday so we were heading out of LA as soon as school was out.

Mr. Takada was waiting for us at dismissal and chatting with the assistant principal about an upcoming fundraiser. As I neared him, I heard him volunteer me to help setup the auction items.. Justin walked with me, carrying my backpack since my arm is injured. Julian came bounding up with his small duffel bag as I neared Mr. Takada. We were going in Mr. Massoud's giant SUV where the 7 of us could spread out for the grueling traffic towards the desert. It was waiting for us in the parking lot with the cold air blasting against the warm April afternoon.

I went to the back row and Julian joined me. Dawson squeezed in on the other side to make me sit in the middle. Mr. Takada came back to make sure I was buckled in properly. He always checked my seatbelt. He gave me my cell phone and the stuffed teddy bear that had his cologne. He kissed me and told me I could nap if I felt sleepy so I'd be up when we got there.

Justin and Donovan took the two chairs in the middle while Mr. Takada went up front to help Mr. Massoud navigate. The two daddies were quickly becoming best friends.

Julian leaned over me to talk to Dawson. He was trying to get on with him so Dawson would go through with the therapy and help them catch Eizo in action. I knew he had already put together some grand scheme in his head like planting a camera on Dawson or something. I just hated to think that Dawson could end up getting wiped like me.

The two of them ignored me and I noticed Mr. Takada watching me in the rearview mirror. He offered kissy lips and I returned them. I took out my phone and texted him that I was bored. He sent me a game app on my phone, but it was a dumb little kid game.

"Can I come up there and be in your lap?" I texted him. I was feeling edgy with him so close but out of reach.

"No, baby. This is a moving car and you have to be buckled in. California law," he wrote back and frowned at me in the mirror.

"How about I sit on the floor behind you? I fit between Justin's legs." I texted.

"No, baby. Just be patient and we'll stop for a break in an hour or so," he wrote back. I settled in and tried out the game he thought I'd like. I saw Dawson now sported the same useless talk and text phone that only allowed apps that our daddies sent us and expired at a set time, but his was gold where mine was a plain white square.

I settled in and tried to play the game with the boys talking over my head.

I felt a hand on my head. I'd been ignoring Dawson and Julien's whispered conversation. Mr. Massoud had a pop station going on the radio, but they still kept it down. Then I felt the hand on my head.

"I think they put it here and it just spreads out over his brain until it's done taking over," Julien explained and rubbed his hand over my hair, messing it up.

"Hey!" I protested and swatted his arm. I was getting annoyed with this road trip. It should have just been Mr. Takada and me. We didn't need all these other people.

"Chill, dude. I'm just showing him how it works. See it's getting worse every day as it takes over more his brain. He's getting more and more addicted to his daddy," Julien shook his head.

It was true though. Every day that passed had me begging for more of his attention. He didn't mind it. I knew he loved me with all of his heart, but it felt like a sickness in me. I got cold and edgy when he was away from me. It was like heroin how good I felt when he came back to me and kissed me.

"And it's making him dumber like as we speak?" Dawson asked incredulously. "Like seriously lowering his IQ so he's more dependent on Mr. T?"

"I'm not dumb. Seriously, cut it out," I told them.

"Sounds like it's making him into a puppy. Isn't that right, boy? Who's a good boy?" Dawson talked to me like I was a dog and scratched behind my ear. He was taking a cue from Julian.

"Fuck off, dude," I said and pushed his hand away. They both just laughed at me.

"Yup. Totally empty," Julien wrapped his knuckles against my head. "Like a rock."

That was the last straw.

"I said get the fuck off!" I barked and shoved Julien against the glass with a loud thud. I realized the car had gone silent. The song had ended right as I yelled. Mr. Massoud turned the radio off and cleared his throat, embarrassed for Mr. Takada that his boy would act out.

"Could you pull off the highway? It feels like a good time for everyone to use the restroom while I whip my boy's ass," he said in a controlled, fatherly tone that sent a chill up my spine. I went silent and looked down.

Mr. Massoud exited the 10 freeway and put on his blinker to turn into one of those oversized gas stations that has a restaurant and gift shop. I guessed I wasn't going to be getting any gifts. Only the light was red and the cars in front of us weren't moving and all I could hear was my heartbeat and the little clicking sound of the car blinker. I glared at Julian. He was fucking things up. He looked at me like this was somehow my fault.

"Well boys. Who wants to go first?" Mr. Takada asked as he stood beside Mr. Massoud. They looked at the three of us; me, Julian, and Dawson.

"I'm sorry," I started. I hung my head. "They were wrestling and I was in the middle and I got all upset and I shouldn't have done that, sir. I'm sorry."

"Is that what happened? Colton lost his temper again?" Mr. Takada asked the other two. They both nodded.

"Well you two be more careful. Someone could get hurt playing around in a moving vehicle, but boys do like to rough around. Just save it for outside. I think we can dismiss these two with warnings, what do you think, Kasim?" He asked Mr. Massoud.

"I'll take them in for the restroom," he said and put his hands on the boys' shoulders to nudge them towards the service center.

"This one needs a firmer hand. Give us about five minutes, k?" Takada asked. Mr. Massoud nodded.

"And then there's you," Mr. Takada said with heavy disappointment as he turned towards me.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just. I wanted to sit by you and I couldn't and I got all edgy and they kept annoying me and Dawson said I was dumb. I'm not dumb! and..." He cut me off.

"I didn't ask for excuses. You freak out on me when we're alone, that's one thing and I can handle it. You pitch a baby fit and curse in front of a car full of people, that's another. I should have put a stop to this before. You will learn to control your anger. Get your ass back inside the SUV while I get the good belt from my bag," Mr. Takada barked. I jumped back into the back seat where I'd cursed at Julian.

I heard Mr. Takada ruffle around in the back and then he pulled out what he was looking for and pushed the button to close the back hatch. It came down with little beeping noises like a timer counting down to my annihilation. I whimpered when he climbed in the back door and closed it. The SUV was a super luxury model so it had good soundproofing. It would take a lot of screams to be heard over the noisy freeway behind us.

He didn't say a word. He came and sat next to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He was showing me he was in control of his emotions. That scared me more. He gently pulled me over his lap and pushed down my jeans and briefs until my pale bubble butt poked up for him.

"Count for me," he said simply and then I felt the crack of the belt on my ass. He hit me pretty hard. I wasn't his snuggly boy right now. I was his child in need of a heavy hand. I yelped and squirmed on him, but he held me firmly with one hand squeezing my thigh and the other hand bringing the belt back down.

"I said count!" he barked with a little more force.

"One!... Two!... Ahh! Three!" I screamed each time the belt came down. My ass felt like fire and I felt lines raise up on my skin that I knew would turn to welts. I didn't even know what number I was counting to. He just kept smacking. I knew he was eager to show off how he disciplined his boy and kept him in line. He was the alpha and the other men respected him, looked to him for advice. I'd embarrassed him and he was taking it out on my ass.

"Seven!... Fuck! Eight!... Please Sir! Nine!" I howled with pain each time the leather licked at my skin like a fiery tongue. It lashed at my cheeks. I cried, screamed, begged, bargained, promised my first born, anything to make him stop.

"Thirteen!... Sir Please No! Fourteen!... Please Sir! Fifteen!" I kept counting in between screams as the leather kept right on smacking me. I got to seventeen and then it stopped. I sobbed and sniffled and squirmed on his lap.

He never said a word. He put his hand on my burning ass and rubbed it gently. He leaned down and kissed each cheek once and then pulled my briefs up over them. He pulled my jeans up and then pushed me off his lap. He set the belt down and helped me buckle my jeans. He got up off the seat and offered his hand. I took it. He led me to the door of the SUV and opened it to bright sunshine. I rubbed my tear-streaked face and sniffled back the snot that was dripping out of me.

The other five occupants of the SUV were waiting there with their drinks and snacks. They stared at me with mouths agape and then looked at Mr. Takada like the force of nature he was.

"Give us a few minutes to use the restroom and clean up." Mr. Takada said as he dragged me towards the crowded convenience store.

"I'll fill up the tank, no rush," Mr. Massoud said.

I kept my head down as he dragged me through the crowd. I looked like a mess, and my cheeks blushed with shame when I caught a group of teenage girls eyeing me curiously. They probably wondered what was wrong with me. They'd probably never guess I'd just gotten daddy's belt in the car. They were about my age and pretty hot. I should have been goofing around and flirting with them, but instead I'd fucked up and had to be punished.

I turned my eyes back to the floor and followed daddy's shoes as his hand pulled me to the restroom. He parked me in front of the last sink and turned on warm water so I could wash my face while he went to piss. I got a wet towel and blew my nose then another to clean the salty tears from my face. I used a third to put on my eyes and take away the redness then I washed my hands.

I went to the urinal next to his and saw he was jerking his thick cock. He'd gotten off on beating my ass. I wanted to grab for it, but we were in a crowded restroom and I really did have to piss. Plus, I knew he wouldn't want me jerking off after what I'd done. He came pretty quickly then let out a stream of hot piss. He flushed both our urinals and we went to wash our hands.

Mr. Takada finished up and then took my hand again. He pulled me back through the crowded store and I got more eyes looking at me. Old me would have been embarrassed, but his hand in mine soothed me in a way no force on earth could match. It made my pounding heartbeat slow to a happy rhythm. I felt so protected in my alpha's hold.

When we got back in the SUV, he put me in the very back corner with my teddy bear and cell phone so now Julian was sitting in the middle.

"Go easy on him, boys. He needs some reflection time." He winked at them and they both nodded with frightened eyes. I sniffled back the last of my snot and looked ahead to see him getting back in the front seat next to Mr. Massoud who looked at him with admiration. He'd proven he could live up to the fierce daddy image he projected. No one would question that.

I looked down at my cellphone and saw him text, "Naptime."

I yawned and went back to the game app he'd sent me, but just as I was opening it, it vanished and a little message appeared "App removed by owner." He'd said I needed reflection time. He meant it. I hugged the teddy bear and inhaled the scent of his cologne on it. It was so comforting. I laid my head against the window as we trudged on through the traffic. Julian and Dawson were back to whispering but this time they didn't include me. I closed my eyes and got some sleep.

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Mr. Takada as he pulled me out of the SUV and carried me like a child through the small resort lobby that held a waiting area with couches and a large bar full of men. He'd shoved the teddy bear between our chests so I'd have it. I looked around but no one eyed me strangely for being carried. It was a sea of fit older men with teenage looking studs. A lot of them knew Mr. Takada and he greeted them by name. I felt a lot of hands on my ass and a lot of men asking "How's the boy recovering?"

"Fine, fine. Just a whiny little sleepy boy who needs his daddy and a nap," he laughed as he balanced me on his chest. I buried my face into his neck and lapped at his salty skin. He'd gone to work that day and then straight to Mr. Massoud's to get the SUV loaded with our things. He had a manly musk to him that had my cock poking against his abs as my legs wrapped around his waist.

He finally set me down when we'd gotten through the crowd to the check-in desk. There was a handsome early 20's aged muscle guy with a winning smile and a nice suit. The gold letters on the wall behind him said "Canyon Palms Resort," and a printed banner underneath it said "Welcome to Family Weekend!"

"You're Jason Takada, right? I heard the men saying your name. Welcome back, your usual suite is just as you ordered it. 7 guests, correct? Will they all require keys?" The concierge asked. Mr. Takada told him no, just keys for the three adults.

"Let me show you around," the concierge said and another one took his place at the desk. A bellhop with a cart that held all our luggage from the car came in behind us. The concierge showed us through the lobby and explained the amenities like a good tour guide would.

"The library room has been converted into a daycare for this convention. If you need a night out and want to park your boy somewhere, it's free for guests and run by safe daddy volunteers. It has video games, academic help, house training, all the stuff you'd expect your boy to be doing in his idle time. There is a suggested donation of ten dollars per hour per boy," the concierge explained.

"I'll have to remember that if Colton mouths off again. I'm sure he could use the study help," Mr. Takada said and gave my aching bottom a playful swat.

"If you want in-room daycare, we have a standy of male and female college students who are available by the hour at a reasonable charge." The concierge was giving us the full run down.

"There are several discipline areas set up should you want privacy, but of course you may discipline your boys as you see fit throughout the resort. A section of the gym has been set aside for harsher discipline and is fully stocked for any needs you could want," the concierge continued. I shuddered at the thought of what might be there.

"Here we have the pool area. No unaccompanied boys are allowed in regardless of age. Even our over-aged-30 boys are not allowed without their owners. Last year a group of them got in and made a mess of things," the concierge shook his head.

"Not to worry, our boys will never be unsupervised," Mr. Massoud assured.

"Of course we are completely sold out for the weekend and all guests are here for the convention and games. You'll have a full itinerary under your door by 6 AM each day. Tonight's activities are limited as the guests are arriving and unwinding. There is a dinner & dance between 7 and 10 PM with a mixer for daddies in the bar between 10 and 2 AM." he said as we walked down a corridor showing the conference hall already filling with couples.

"Oh the boys will like the dance," Mr. Massoud offered.

"Here is your room! I did happen to notice on their information cards that you brought a 17 year old?" The concierge asked to clarify as he opened the doors to our suite and handed room cards to Mr. Takada, Mr. Massoud, and Donovan.

"That's this boy. He won't be any trouble or that ass will be properly caned," Mr. Takada assured the concierge, but it sounded more like a warning aimed at me me.

"Yes, well he will need to be accompanied when outside the room at all times. We also ask that he wear this purple band for the duration of your stay. He certainly looks young enough to not confuse anyone, but some of the daddies may assume he is 18 if not properly marked. We don't want to cause trouble for our guests. Many of them are open to younger, but we want them to know what they're looking at," The concierge said.

"Of course. He'll wear it all weekend and won't leave my side outside of the room. But what about the other bands?," Mr. Takada asked.

"Yes sir! I have them here," Concierge said and pulled out a stack of different colored bands.

"Colton will take a red one," Mr. Takada said and set me down. "It means off limits without special owner permission."

"What are the other colors?" Donovan asked before picking out one for Justin.

"There's pink for pussy boys who are open to others with permission from their owners. Blue is for submissive jocks who are open to others with permission. Red means off limits without special permission and supervision of the owner. Green means up for anything. Do what you like. And black means dominant boy who will engage as he pleases." the concierge explained and splayed a collection of bands in front of us.

Mr. Takada took a red and purple and slid them over my hand to my wrist on the arm that didn't have the brace. They were a thick squishy rubber that was stamped with "Family Weekend."

"These stay on at all times!" Mr. Takada told me.

"Yes sir!" I said. Mr. Massoud selected a pink one for Dawson who grumbled that he wanted blue. Mr. Massoud shook his head and gave his ass a firm swat for arguing. Donovan picked out a blue one for Justin, but I doubted he would permit him to be used by other daddies.

"Choose what you like, Julian. I'd advise against the green or black. I'm your daddy until you otherwise claimed so you will point men to me should they wish to engage you. I know you won't cause any trouble, but you'll be disciplined fully if you do," Mr. Takada said. Julian thought for a minute. He picked out a blue band.

"See? They both got blue and I'm way more jock than them!" Dawson whined.

"Argue with me one more time and I'll slap a green band on you and tie you up in the discipline gym," Mr. Massoud warned as he grabbed Dawson by his shirt.

"Yes, sir," Dawson hung his head and Mr. Massoud smiled. He kissed the top of his boy's head and rubbed his back. Dawson offered his wrist and Mr. Massoud slid on the pink band.

The concierge got us settled in and then left. I was in the bedroom on the right with Mr. Takada. Dawson and Mr. Massoud took the other one. Donovan and Justin had a bed that had been set up in the corner of the living room and Julian would be on the couch. Mr. Takada told him to put his bag in our room where he could change and shower when he needed it. Julian put his things away, went to pee, and then left us in our room.

"Show me how that ass is doing, boy," Mr. Takada said as he slipped off his shoes and laid back on the bed. He waved me towards him and I went to his side. I pulled down my jeans and briefs as I turned away from him. He put his hands on my ass and rubbed gently.

"So sad when a beautiful ass has to be beaten," he said and kissed my cheeks. He sat up and slid my shirt off then helped me step out of my jeans and take off my socks. He pulled me onto the bed beside him. I was naked and cold. He was clothed and warm. He pulled me into his side and wrapped an arm around me, holding onto my bottom.

"I'm sorry sir," I said with my head on his chest. I rubbed my hand over his shirt to feel the outline of his abs. My cock was getting hard just from being naked in his hold.

"You have to get control of your emotions. It's a struggle every boy goes through to become a man. You can't just be my little attachment like a baby for the rest of your life. Daddy needs to know he can trust his boy to behave," he said and kissed my hair.

"I'm trying sir... they just made me mad and were being dicks! They said I was dumb and treated me like a puppy dog." I protested.

"You've changed so much, Colton," Mr. Takada sighed and then let out a little laugh. "Before the behavior therapy, the old Colton would have cut them both down to size with sharp comments and had them begging for mercy. You're so sensitive now, so different."

"Yes! Oh my god, you see it too! You see what I'm turning into? I feel so disgusted by my self. This is not me!" I sat up and looked down at him like he was catching on to this.

"Disgusted? You're my boy, my beautiful little guy. You're finally working through your walls and letting your guard down," he noted.

"But you see that this is not normal, right? It's not normal for a 17 year old boy to be so clingy and whiny and sensitive. Look at me. I can't even last an hour in a car being six feet away from you. All I ever think about it is how much I miss being in your arms. It's bad, right? I'm broken," I said. My words hit me. I was broken for him.

"I'm supposed to be upset that an adorable boy is madly in love with me?" he looked confused.

"No, but look. How was I before all this. You said I changed. You said this week that it was the first time I have been jealous over you. What was it like before? Be honest," I begged.

"You were getting really distant, cold. You spent most nights in your own room, but we had great sex. You were a handful. You needed help, and the therapy has done that." Mr. Takada rubbed my bottom thoughtfully.

"It messed up my brain though. They did something," I started to tell him what I knew, but held back. "What happened the day of the accident?"

"We did a workout in the gym. You were playing music on your headphones and ignoring me because you just wanted to run instead of the weight training I was trying to get you on. We had breakfast in the room and we argued before I left for my meeting," he said uncomfortably. I could feel the tension in his chest. I rubbed his abs.

"You were mad because you had a therapy appointment in the afternoon and you didn't want to go. You said Eizo Kimura was doing things to you but you didn't know what. It was silly. The doctors said you might be thrown off a little. They were helping you work through the nightmares. Some days were better than others. We hadn't been together in a few days, and I had an hour before my meeting. I wanted you. We wasted it arguing," Mr. Takada said.

"I'm sorry," I told him.

"It's ok, baby. I was so frustrated with your arguing, and you were mad because I told you to stay in the hotel and I would be back soon. You didn't. You left on your skateboard and I got a call from the hotel during the meeting. I didn't get to check my voicemail until I got back to the hotel and they told me you were at the hospital." he sighed.

"I felt so guilty finding out you were helpless and they called for me. The last thing you said to me was that you hated me and I couldn't protect you. Luckily Eizo was able to get to you at the hospital and make sure you got the right care. He has privileges there to practice." he pet me.

"Eizo got to me first?" I sat up. The accident was when everything changed. He'd done it then.

"He was working on another patient when you were brought in. He helped get you fixed up. I told you, he's a good friend. He was helping you. You still had some bad days, but things were getting better with the therapy. We all wanted you to feel better," he assured.

"But when I woke up he wasn't there and the doctors didn't know my name. They got it off my Id. card. Plus wouldn't he have called you?" I pointed out.

"He was in a hurry and said he told a nurse to contact me. She didn't. Once he knew you were going to be ok he went back to his other patient. I talked to him later and he explained the amnesia to me. He said it's lucky you didn't have real damage and this could actually make your nightmares go away." Mr. Takada squeezed my ass. I shivered under his hold.

"You've been so needy for me since the accident. It's like it knocked away your walls and the sweet Colton I met is shining through. You take so readily to instruction now. You beg for discipline and a the strong daddy I wanted to be for you." Mr. Takada let his finger rub down between my ass and touch my hole.

"Ahh!" I gasped and looked up at him with needy eyes. As much as I needed to learn more about what happened, my body betrayed me and all I could think about was his cock.

"We should dress for dinner before Julian comes in and finds you like this," he laughed. I rubbed my hand over his bulge as it hardened. His body was reacting to my touch too.

"Please, can't we just do some things quickly first? I'm not that hungry," I told him and stared up with my best green boy eyes.

"You're still in trouble for your outburst. This is all the action your dick's getting tonight." He stroked my cock against his thigh. I started to hump my hips against him.

"But Old Colton did way worse things and you still played with him," I whined.

"New Colty-bear, New daddy," he smiled. He put a finger under my chin and lifted it for a kiss.


I hadn't packed our bags for the weekend, he had. For dinner, he said we dressed up nicely. He put me in this tight long-sleeved white t-shirt, but it was this sheer material that was completely see-through. My skin looked even paler than normal with it. My pink nipples were completely on display. He put a black bomber jacket over it to cover the nipples and pushed up the sleeves so my colored warning bands were on display. I put on black pants and white converses.

He wore a nice blue suit tailored to show his bulging muscles and leave no doubt he could back up the red "Off limits" band on my wrist. He looked so in control as he led me out to the living room to find the other guys had already gone down to dinner.

The dining hall was large enough for the few hundred daddies and their boys who filled it. There was thumping dance music playing and a dance floor set up near an empty stage. Mr. Takada took me on his arm like we were walking down a wedding aisle as he led me to find our table.

I noticed the variety of couples. For some, daddy+boy meant an older gentleman with a younger guy hanging on him, like us. For others, it must have been more of a state of mind or role-play. I noted several couples of similar ages with one wearing the rubber wristband and the other not. That seemed to be the only thing really separating them.

As we moved through the crowd, I noticed the looks I got; lust, jealousy, intrigue, more jealousy, curiosity, and a lot of winks and nods. I learned to put my head down and keep close to Mr. Takada. He noticed it to and hugged me to his side.

"Let them look, boy. I'm very proud of what I own," he whispered. I raised my head again and saw a smile on his face as he worked us across the room towards our friends. Mr. Massoud was sitting next to Dawson and then Donovan and Justin next to Julian. Everyone had gotten the memo about dressing nicely. Even Julian had on a button-up white shirt.

"Here, Colton," Julian said and pulled out the empty seat by him. Mr. Takada sat on my left just next to Mr. Massoud. They were all nearly finished with their dinners, but a waiter promptly scuttled over to take our order. Mr. Takada ordered drinks then the kid's meal for me and the steak for himself. I looked at the menu and saw that boys had the options of seafood, chicken, or kid's meal which had a salad, grilled chicken, and a toy.

"What's the toy?" I asked Mr. Takada.

"We never know, but it's always something your daddy will like," he laughed and put his arm across the back of my chair. From our table we could see the dance floor which was already beginning to fill with men and their boys. I don't know why, but I expected to see younger guys. Honestly though, I was the youngest one there.

"Can we dance?" I asked. I'd never liked dancing before, but the thought of being close to him on the floor made me hard. I cursed myself for losing my temper in the car. I was so horned up.

"I'd like that," Mr. Takada said and leaned down to rub his nose on mine. "You look beautiful."

I blushed and looked away.

"Are you still being a little pussy bitch with his feelings hurt?" Julian whispered when Mr. Takada turned to talk with Mr. Massoud. Julian eyed me angrily. I took a deep breath and let it go.

"I think I figured out when he did the brain wipe," I told him and his face changed from anger to intrigue. He raised his eyebrows to indicate he wanted me to go on.

"Mr. Takada said Eizo was the first one with me at the hospital. What if he knew I was going to get hit and was waiting for me?" I asked. Julian thought for a minute and then nodded.

"It would give him time to do what he needed to with you out cold. He's here by the way," Julian said and nodded his head towards the bar on the other side of the dance floor. I turned to look just as the waiter brought Mr. Takada a cocktail and me a glass of lemonade.

Eizo was at the bar with three older men. He was explaining something, probably selling them on the therapy. The men looked like he had their full attention. My stomach turned thinking of the three unsuspecting boys who would be turned into their pleasure dolls.

Then I felt Mr. Takada's hand on my thigh and my thoughts turned back to him. He wasn't looking at me. He was still talking to Mr. Massoud, but he thought of me and touched me. It was sick how happy it made me, how it made my cock go hard in the pants.

"What are you going to do?" I asked Julian who looked at Eizo with a grim smile.

"I'm going over there! If he's looking for boys I want to be the first in line. I can take the fucker down if I get in there and see what's really going on," Julian whispered. I tried to talk him out of it, but Julian was barely listening. He was on a mission. He got up and said something to Mr. Takada who nodded and waved him away.

Our food came. Mine was a round carton of salad with chicken on top. There was a box that looked like a tiny version of a fast food kid's meal, but Mr. Takada said I had to eat all my food before I could open it. His meal was a big plate with steaming steak and vegetables. He ignored me and was talking with Mr. Massoud while he ate. I dug into my bland but healthy meal.

I kept an eye on Julian. He was at the bar with Eizo and the clients. They certainly liked what they saw. He was dancing to the music and one of the daddies had a hand on his ass. He was working them good. It got me hard just watching it. Eizo wasn't pawing at him, he was studying the boy. In the dim lights of the room I watched him lean back against the bar.

I finished my meal quickly and noticed Mr. Takada wasn't even halfway into his. He didn't normally eat that much. He wasn't a slumpy, indulgent daddy. He liked food that built his muscles. When I showed him my empty carton, he offered me a piece of his steak. After the bland health meal, I sucked the juicy meat in and chewed happily. While I was eating, he took the box with the toy and started to open it.

"Hey! That's my toy! I ate the shitty food for it!" I laughed.

"Nothing belongs to a pussy boy. You should be glad I fed you at all," Mr. Takada noted.

"Yes, sir." I tried to look sad and put my head on his chest. He slipped an arm around me and held the box in front of us so I could watch him open it.

"It's just a cheapy ring," I noted with disappointment at the little blue stretchy ring.

"Oh! It's the Cumstopper 2000! I ordered the nicer one online last night! This is the sample one. It breaks down after a few uses," he said with excitement.

I asked what it did and he reached over and pulled at the waistband of my pants. He pushed them down and my briefs too. My cock flopped out and I noticed Mr. Massoud watching us with interest. He yanked at my junk and slid the ring over my shaft. I went hard in his hand.

"Just have to push it over these nuts," He stretched the ring and pulled my nuts through one at a time as I yelped in pain. He was crushing them to get them through. I squirmed but didn't try to get away. He kissed me to ease the pain until he got them both through. He gave my packed a rough pull to make sure the ring was in place behind my nuts.

"I just hit the little button here," he noted. I gasped as I felt the ring constrict. It had my cock half-hard but it hurt. I whimpered and he offered another kiss.

"Dawson's came with some little egg thing I shove in his ass. That looked much more fun!" Mr. Massoud noted. Mr. Takada told him he'd requested the punishment kid's meal which explained the very bland healthy food.

"This will keep you from cumming. That cock may leak, but it'll hold until I take it off at bedtime. Be a good little boy or I'll ice your nuts and keep it on until tomorrow," he said harshly.

I started to protest, but he cut me off and said, "This will help you to think before you act out next time someone pushes your buttons. I have to train you while you're still a boy or it'll be too late." He gave my cock another tug. It was hard, but it felt paralyzed. He pulled my briefs and pants back up. He brought me back in under his arm and I laid against his chest while he finished his drink and got another round with Mr. Massoud.

I looked over to see Julian was in a tall, older man's arms. The guy was dark, maybe Latino. He seemed very interested in Julian who was pressed into his chest and looking up at him with adoration. They were making their way to the dance floor and I asked if we could go. Mr. Takada chugged his drink and nodded. It felt weird walking with the restrictive ring on, but I wasn't going to bring on another taste of the belt tonight.

"The dance floor is packed. It could get very warm. Why don't we leave the jackets here?" he said and slipped my bomber jacket over my shoulders. He helped me pull it over the brace on my fractured arm. He pulled down my sleeves over the brace on one arm but just down enough so my colored warning bands were showing on the other. Not that the shirt covered anything. I could see my nipples, my skin, every little line in my budding stomach muscles.

"So beautiful. I love you in that shirt," he said as he took off his suit coat and loosened his tie. He took my hand and led me towards the floor. We wormed our way towards the center; no one wants to dance on the edge. It was a sea of writhing bodies slamming together, jerking, touching.

I felt hands on my ass with every daddy and boy we passed. I pushed in tighter to Mr. Takada and he understood. He pulled me in front of him as we danced our way to the center. He found a little spot for us and started to grind his bulge against my softening package.

"That's not fair," I whined. "You're so hard and... mine feels broken." The music wasn't too loud, there were many couples still dining, so we didn't have to yell.

"Being a daddy means I make the tough choices. Going too easy on you is what got us into trouble in the first place. I love you too much to give in." he kissed me in sympathy.

"Jace! Jacey! Jace face!" A voice boomed behind me and I was shoved into Mr. Takada's chest. A pile of muscles crushed me as he hugged my daddy and caught me up in the middle. They squeezed hard until I yelped between them. The strangers bulge pressed against my ass.

"Robby! This is Colt, the new baby," Mr. Takada introduced me when they finally separated.

"Oh wow, Jace. How'd you hook this one?" Robby laughed as his eyes looked me up and down. I took him in as well. He was a bulging muscle daddy with light brown hair and steel grey eyes that matched his dark grey button-up and dress pants.

"Lots of money, lots of it," Mr. Takada laughed and pulled my back against his chest. He crossed his arms over my chest and kissed my neck proudly. "Where's your boy?"

"Passed out. He had a few drinks on the flight from Chicago so I put him to bed early. He's a nervous flyer," Robby joked. He looked down at me with eyes that held more than simple happiness for his friend. "Damn, Jace. How old is this one?"

"Seventeen, but small for his age. He's a handful though," Daddy laughed. Robby nodded then lurched towards me as someone bumped him from behind. He used the chance to rub his bulge on me again only this time there was a steel rod in it. Mr. Takada was rock hard too as he ground against my ass. His arms were crossed over my chest and he worked my nipples into points as Robby rubbed against me, pretending to dance.

"You guys are old friends?" I asked from between their chests to remind them I was human.

"We played baseball together four years at Illini," Mr. Takada said then spelled out "I-L-L"

"I-N-I," Robby answered like it was some inside joke or cheer. I turned to the side so each man was now rubbing their hard bulges against either side of me. They were both a little drunk and I wanted so badly to take advantage of the situation. With the music playing and the crowded dance floor, we were pressed together. Their lips were at level with my eyes.

"University of Illinois," Mr. Takada explained as though that was the important fact here.

"Uh huh," I said and made a move. I leaned up and kissed Mr. Takada's lips with Robby's just an inch away. I felt Robby's hand slide down my back and grab my left cheek while Mr. Takada had a firm hold of the right one. Their fingers touched over my ass and neither seemed to object. Mr. Takada slipped his tongue past my lips and I felt Robby's lips brush over my cheek then go for my ear. He nibbled on it and I moaned on daddy's tongue.

"Fuck, Jace. He's gorgeous," Robby gasped as my hand went to squeeze his bulge.

"Too bad his cock is out of service for the night. He's on punishment," Mr. Takada said.

"Who needs his cock?" Robby laughed then looked down at me as he slid his hand into the back of my pants. "What did the `ittle baby do? He looks so sweet."

"I got in a fight and pushed my friend," I admitted and gave him sad, pitiful eyes. He melted.

"Oh I can't imagine that. Sweet boy being disrespectful for his daddy? That's no good," Robby slipped his hand out of my briefs and put a finger to my lips. We weren't even pretending to dance now as the crowd crushed in around us.

"Show him respect boy, suck that finger," Mr. Takada said. Robby pushed his finger through my eager lips and rubbed it across my tongue. Mr. Takada put a finger in next to his and I slurped them both to show I was an obedient boy. I got them nice and wet and then they both slid their hands into the back of my briefs and I felt two fingers battling for my hole as their hands pulled my cheeks apart.

"Uhhhh," I whined as they both pushed inside me. The two daddies roughly worked my prostate and I felt a severe pinch as the ring around my cock and balls fought off my urges.

"See? He's a good boy. He knows he did wrong," Robby said.

"I locked up his cock. See?" Mr. Takada used his other hand to push down the front of my pants and briefs. My cock flopped out, fluffed but not hard.

"That's death for a boy his age!" Robby laughed and gave it a tug. They shielded my body as we formed a little triangle, but I saw between their shoulders that Julian was dancing towards us with Eizo Kimura.

"Don't tease him. He's on punishment, not torture," Mr. Takada laughed and tucked my cock away as their fingers dug into my hole.

"Doesn't this remind you of that boy we shared at the away game in Montreal? What was his name? Some nordic exchange boy. He had no idea what was going on," Robby laughed.

"He was so tight, fresh out of the box. He begged for more," Mr. Takada laughed.

"You gotta let me get in here, Jace. He's pure velvet," Robby said as he nibbled behind my ear.

"Not a chance. He's had one cock in there and it's the only one he'll ever have," Mr. Takada assured. He mirrored Robby's actions on the other side of my face like they were twins.

"So I'm just opening this for you? I feel so used," Robby started to slide his finger out.

"If you're nice to him he might suck you off. That's up to him though," Mr. Takada said.

"You want to suck on me, baby? A little Italian sausage for those pretty pink lips?" he asked in a deep daddy tone that matched Mr. Takada's. He slid his hand back down to my ass and squeezed it. "Yeah, pretty boy? You want it?"

"No thank you," I said and blinked innocent eyes at him. Mr. Takada laughed and kissed me.

"Fuck! You're just as bad of a blue-baller as your daddy!" Robby glared at me, but then he laughed like it wasn't that serious. I don't know why I'd said no. He was just as much daddy as my own and he was a hunk of man, mature with tight muscles and a musk that would have made my cock drool if it were free. But something about Mr. Takada's body against mine, the way he'd had Robby ask me rather than give me at his discretion, it made me turn him down.

"Hey, I'll suck you off, daddy," a white guy said as he danced uncomfortably close to us. He was older than me, maybe mid-20's with a skinny, toned frame and a cute face. Mr. Takada turned me so my ass was to his bulge. I felt him take out his cock and rub it between my cheeks. It felt so thick, wet, and ready to seed me. He was pleased with me.

"I don't know, man," Robby said. The guy held up a green wristband that said he was open for anything Robby wanted.

"Better take it if your boy is down for the night. Colt's a total daddy's boy. He only goes for the cock that feeds him," Mr. Takada said. He rubbed up between my cheeks a few times and then started to shove his cock inside me. He and Robby had opened me up and my body was begging for it.

"You're killin me, Jace!" Robby laughed, but he put his hand to the guy's head and pushed him down to his knees. The guy eagerly fished Robby's cock out of his pants and a thick slab of Italian stud fell out. The guy licked his lips and smiled up at us as Mr. Takada pushed me forward against Robby's chest.

"Oh fuck," he said and his arms slid around me as I fell against him. He held me while Mr. Takada started to slam into my hole. Daddy was on a mission and needed to seed me. I was so hot between the two muscled me. I looked up at Robby with begging eyes as daddy plowed me. My body felt electric but my dick felt so sad. It had been benched, but the game played on.

"Fuck, that's a pretty pussy," Robby said as he looked over my back and down to where Mr. Takada was plowing my ass. I looked down his chest and watched that thick, veiny cock slid in and out of the eager guy's lips. I reached down and gripped his hair to shove him farther onto Robby's cock. He looked up at me with happy eyes and reached behind him to paw at my bulge. I pushed his hand away, no sense in explaining that to a stranger.

"Fuck, baby you feel so good. I wish I could let you cum. I know how much you want it, but I have to be a daddy before anything," Mr. Takada explained as he leaned over me and chewed on my ear while his cock slammed in and out of me. It knocked me against the cocksucker's head, but he didn't seem to mind. He had a thick Italian cock in his lips and heavy golf balls banging against his chin. He just looked up at me happily.

"I know, daddy. I'm sorry," I whined. His cock stuffed me and I got all the happy effects of being in his hold without the normal buzz in my cock. It was like being blind but hearing or deaf but seeing. I focused in on the one sense I had, pleasing him. I pushed back against his cock. Robby grabbed my hair and angled my head up to look at him.

"Fuck, boy. You know how pretty you are, don't you? You know what you do to men, what you can make them feel. Right, boy? You get that?" Robby growled as he piston-fucked the random cocksucker's throat. I heard gagging and sputtering under me, but the man made no move to get away as I messed up his thick, gelled hair.

"No sir," I gasped as Mr. Takada plowed me.

"He doesn't. He's a good boy, so innocent, so needy for his daddy's touch," Mr. Takada laughed.

"Fuckin lucky bastard," Robby growled and then kissed Mr. Takada. I looked up between their lips. It was so fucking hot to watch two alpha daddies go at each other. Mr. Takada put a hand on the back of Robby's neck and gripped his old friend as they tongue wrestled and he pistoned in and out of my throbbing hole.

This is probably when I would have cum. I would have sprayed the cocksucker's hair with my cum and he would have slurped it up. But my own stupid pride had gotten the better of me and I needed to learn a lesson only my daddy could teach me. I was his, even when my ego was wounded. I needed to think of him first and respecting him, especially in front of others.

"Uhhhh, daddy. Please let me cum," I whined. I looked over and saw Julian rubbing against an older guy, a new one. It wasn't one of the men he'd been with at the bar, but Eizo was beside them and he looked pleased. I wondered if this was a high paying client who'd wanted a boy like Julian. I tried to focus on it, but my hole felt so good.

And then I felt my body shake. I wasn't cumming, my cock was caged in the ring. Neither was Mr. Takada, but his thick throbbing meat gliding over my prostate made my body do this whole other type of orgasm. I felt my hole tense up and I started to shake in his arms. It jolted him out of his kiss with Robby.

"What the fuck?" he asked and reached hand down to feel my cock soft and useless in my briefs.

"I'm cumming," I whined. My ass felt fireworks shooting up my hole and it clamped down tightly on Mr. Takada's cock and rippled along his shaft.

"Oh fuck, Oh Fuck! Oh FUCK!" I squealed and looked up desperately at Robby. I leaned up and kissed him. I sucked on his tongue as the two daddies felt me in confusion.

"I don't know what happened," Mr. Takada said.

"Don't stop. Fuck me, daddy! Seed my pussy!" I begged. My stomach tensed and my body thrashed around in his hold. It put him over the edge and he started to fire off in my ass.

"Oh Baby fuckin take that seed," he growled and rammed hard into me. He throbbed and shot in my hole, cursed and chewed on my neck, twisted my nipples and shoved deep inside me.

"Fuck, daddy!" I moaned and Robby kissed me again.

"So fucking pretty," Robby said and put a hand to my cheek as I spasmed helplessly in daddy's hold. Mr. Takada rammed in and out of me as he emptied his heavy alpha sack into his needy boy's pussy. He let out this deep animal growl and filled me with all he had to give.

"That's my boy," he hissed as he calmed. He pulled me back against his chest. He'd sweated through his button up shirt and I felt it drip against my back as his arms held me protectively.

I looked up to see Robby firing off into the cocksucker's mouth and I looked over to see Julian rubbing the older man's bulge. He nodded at me excitedly like he had something important to share. He didn't seem to regard our foursome of sweaty male with any interest. He was focused on the case. I nodded to him and smiled.

"You did good, baby, I love you so much," Mr. Takada whispered in my ear. He held me while we recovered. I rubbed the cocksucker's hair like he was a stuffed animal as I basked in daddy's hold. Cocksucker looked up at me and let the spent Italian cock slide out of his lips. He smiled up at me with a dribble of cum on his lips. I leaned down and licked it then got a kiss.

"Bedtime," Mr. Takada said when his cock had gone soft in my hole. He slipped it out and pulled up my briefs before his cum could leak out. I didn't want to lose any of it. He fixed my shirt and then shoved his cock back into his pants and zipped up. He kissed me as we danced our way out of the crowd then he grabbed out jackets and said goodnight to the guys.

He stopped to check on Julian and told Eizo to watch him like that would keep him safe. We went back to our room and he took the ring off my cock then pulled me into a hot bath.

"You were perfect, baby boy," he said as he rubbed the soap over me. He slid it down to my cock which had gone rock hard the second he'd freed it from the ring. He rubbed the soap over it one time and his touch sent me over the edge. I bucked and groaned in between his legs as he stared down and watched my cock fire off into the water.

"Im! Sorry! Daddy!" I screamed as I tried to hold it back.

"It's ok, baby. I think you learned your lesson," he laughed as I writhed helplessly between his muscled legs. He kissed me and rubbed my chest while I came.

"Love you, daddy," I cried out.

"Love you too, baby," he praised. I collapsed back against his chest and felt overcome with sleep as he rubbed a soapy hand over me. I was safe. I was his.


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Next: Chapter 9

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