Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Mar 24, 2023


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Story Recap: Miguel finds himself in the body of a teenage white boy named Colton whose guardian/lover is an older muscle-daddy, mixed-race man he knows as Mr. Takada. He comes home from the hospital to find Mr. Takada's community of daddies and sons in a private enclave in Beverly Hills. Miguel/Colton learns he will have to strike out on his own to find out what happened to him.

{Tabula Colton}

[Ch.4- The Boy Investigates]

~By Emri~

"Colt! I have to rush off to the Valley! I'll help you finish studying when I get home," Mr. Takada said when he hung up the phone. We'd spent the last two hours working on math and a paper I was writing for my English class.

"The Valley? I'll come with you!" I said and tossed my book on the coffee table. I jumped up excitedly. I needed to get there and visit the apartment I shared with my girlfriend Diana. It might hold some clues to what happened that put me into Colton's body. There had to be answers. These kinds of things don't just happen.

"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm meeting with a code specialist to fix flaws in the new app before it launches on Monday. It could take a few hours and you'll have nothing to do." Mr. Takada eyed me with concern.

"Please! You can drop me at a mall or... skate park. I need some fresh air," I lied.

"Well it's near the Riverside Galleria. It's small enough to not get lost in and they have the shops you'd like... I guess that'd be ok. But don't buy too much. You go a little overboard sometimes," he said.

"That's perfect. I need some non trashy underwear. You don't want me wearing jock pouches to school. Do you, daddy?" I flashed him innocent eyes. I was about to tell him I'd grown up going to that mall when I was Miguel and knew every inch of it, but I didn't want to upset my chances of going. He'd made it clear last night that he was done hearing about Miguel. I played Colton.

"Ok but your phone will be with you so I can track you... I don't like this but you should get out of the house today. Buying a few things will lift your spirits," he sighed.

"I'll get dressed!" I jumped up. I hadn't changed since I'd put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt this morning. I raced upstairs and changed into a red, long-sleeved t-shirt that somewhat covered my cast and khaki jogger pants, blue socks with red bears crawling all over them and red skater shoes. I brushed my hair and teeth. I ran down to find Mr. Takada adjusting his tie and packing up his laptop.

"You'll be on your best behavior or I'll spank that ass when we get home. I mean it Colt! A boy can get in trouble when left on his own and you're still injured and easily confused." He seemed to sense I had an ulterior motive for accompanying him. I did.

We got to use the carpool lane going over the hill and once the hillsides parted and we descended into the valley I felt like I was home again.

I felt my heart leap at the thought that I could get some answers today. If Colton was in my body then maybe he was with Diana and would be at her apartment. Before the accident that had put me into Colton's body, I'd lived with her since she insisted my old apartment was gross.

Mr. Takada drove me past an office building that was near the mall to point out where he would be. He showed me that it was just a few blocks west of the mall and I could walk there if I got bored or needed him. He said he would be busy with the coding so he might not see my text, but he would check his phone often in case he needed to come get me. He made me swear I'd call or text if anything felt bad. I held up the new phone he'd gotten me that just did text and call and swore on it that I'd check in often.

He dropped me at the main entrance and sped off to his meeting. I walked into the mall so I could exit out the other end and head to the apartment. It wasn't too crowded since it was a school day. I decided I should hang out for a few minutes. He'd probably check my location once he got to his meeting just to see my dot lounging where it should be. I headed for a clothing store and pretended to be interested in shopping.

I checked the time on the phone. I figured I should kill at least ten minutes here. I found some boxer briefs that were a standard blue color without any wild cutouts or mesh panels like Colton would buy. I decided to come back for them later if I made it back without Mr. Takada catching me. I found a few nice shirts I might want too. I checked the phone again and it was time to go.

I thanked the disinterested sales guy and left. I made it to the other end of the mall and knew I had about half a mile to walk to the apartment. I should make it there in under ten minutes. I'd have to hurry. Once I left the mall, the timer was running.

I raced towards the crosswalk at Woodman. The red hand was already counting down but I had about 12 seconds left. I raced across. I went straight north. My leg was still bruised up so I alternated between running and speed walking as my muscles begged me to stop. I made it to the apartment in 8 minutes. I hoped Mr. Takada wasn't checking his phone.

The small apartment I'd shared with Diana was a 1950's era 4-unit two-story with aging green paint on a quiet side street lined with tall eucalyptus trees. I raced across the street towards it but then stopped in my tracks when I hit the sidewalk. It hit me like a ton of bricks. This was real. It had to be. I remembered so much of this place. I remembered checking the mail, greeting the neighbors, arguing with Diana about not pulling her car in far enough when she parked.

Something else was stopping me too. I knew Mr. Takada would be upset, disappointed. I knew he would be worried for me. He didn't deserve that. Something inside me deeply wanted to be his good boy, to make him happy. He did so much to take care of Colton. Half of me wanted to race back to the mall and text him to come get me. I shouldn't have done this. I knew he would be angry. But I had to. I had to find out what happened. The other half of me won out and I took a step forward.

I remembered the time crunch and raced up the stairs to the apartment. I knocked on the door and a teenage latino guy opened it wearing a pair of green running shorts and black socks that came up over his calves. It was Diana's younger brother Alejandro, a high school dropout who crashed there often.

"Yeah? What do you want?" he said when I didn't offer a greeting. He grunted at me and scratched his nuts. I looked down his chest, full of youthful muscles though he rarely worked out. He had a little trail of hair from his belly button that disappeared into the waistband of his shorts. Colton was horny again.

"Uh. I'm looking for Miguel. Is he home?" I asked.

"Maybe. What do you want him for?" he returned. I'd never noticed his body before, but Colton's eyes were fixed on his flexing abs and his healthy bulge. I unconsciously licked my lips.

"Dude, did you come here to stare at my jock? What was the dude's name you're hunting?" he snapped his fingers at me and I shook off the haze in my head.

"Yeah, right. Miguel... I owe him some money. Wanted to pay it back," I said and focused on his wide brown eyes with impossibly long lashes. I'd never seen him as handsome before. To Miguel he was just a disrespectful punk with no direction. To Colton he was a tall, handsome, hunky peer. I fought with Colton inside my head and tore my eyes off of Alejandro. I looked around behind him. The apartment was quiet except for some video game soundtrack on the tv.

Alejandro moved out of the way and nodded his head for me to come inside. As soon as I walked in I realized everything was off. There were pictures on the wall of Diana with her family, but none of me. I looked closer and realized all her family members looked different too, even Diana had an unfamiliar shape. It was all wrong. Alejandro closed the door behind me and flopped down on the couch.

"Well?" He asked as he propped one foot up on the coffee table. The couch and coffee table were different too, but they didn't look new. His legs were spread open and the small green running shorts shifted to show just a hint of his cock. My eyes were drawn to it.

"The money?" he reminded me when I didn't immediately respond.

"Oh. I have to give it to him personally. Is he up yet?" I asked thinking maybe he was recovering in the bedroom. I didn't hear anyone else in the small apartment.

"He's out. Leave it with me. I'll make sure he gets it," he said. I just stared at him.

"I think... I should wait or... where did he go?" I floundered for answers.

"He won't be back for awhile so unless you just came here to stare at my jock, you might just want to leave it with me... but if you do want my jock... come get it," he implored.

"Where did he go? Maybe I can meet up with him. It's kinda urgent," I pushed. He put his hand on his bulge and squeezed it for me.

"Look at you all nervous and shit. You know, you're kinda pretty for a lil gay dude. I could get down with that." he laughed. His foot kicked the video game controller and it fell to the floor.

"Can you get that for me?" he asked. I didn't move until he added, "It might jog my memory." I came towards him and squatted down in front of him to pick up the controller. My pants slid down as I bent forward.

"Woah, are you wearing a girl's thong? That's fuckin hot," He sat up suddenly and pulled up the back of my t-shirt. With the briefs I'd put on the night before a little sweaty from my nightmare, I'd changed out of them this morning and grabbed the first thing in Colton's underwear drawer. It was a black mesh thong and arguably not the trashiest thing in the drawer. I now regretted my choice.

"Yeah, I just..." I felt my heart pounding and then felt his hand on my head pulling me towards his lap.

"It's cool, kid. No judgement. I know what you came here for," he said and pulled his cock out of the right leg of his loose shorts. It was hard and thick though not nearly as big as Mr. Takada. Still, Colton wanted it. He had a big ballsack with low-hangers that slid down over the side of the couch. I licked my lips wanting to suck on them. Colton urged me forward. I fought him back.

"No, really. I just need to find Miguel," I pushed away from him.

"I got your Miguel right here, lil bro. It's alright. I used to let guys suck me off in high school. I need to get my rocks off. None of them had pretty lips like yours though. I'll give em a try," Alejandro said. He grabbed for me by the shirt and pulled me towards him. He reached behind me and pulled at the stretchy strap of my thong.

"No, please dude. I... fuck. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare," I begged. I needed to defuse this. It was getting out of control fast.

"Slutty little black panties and all. Fuck, boy, you came prepared!" he groaned. "You got me all horned up. Don't play." I pushed on his hard chest. I'd never thought of Alejandro as particularly strong, but then again I was in a much smaller body and Colton couldn't fight back.

"Please, dude. I didn't mean it," I begged. I felt my heart pounding and, Colton being more of a crier than a fighter, I felt tears forming in my eyes. I pushed against him and somehow got out of his hold. I got to my feet and backed away from him as he stood up with that big angry meat wagging at me. I wanted to rush out of there but I still needed to find Miguel.

"You're crying? You're fucking crazy, bro. You need real help!" he said and shoved his cock back in his shorts.

"I just need... to... find Miguel," I felt the air push out of my lungs from my panic.

"Who the fuck is Miguel? I don't know no Miguel like that," Alejandro said and my heart stopped.

"You don't?" We both froze and stared at each other and then someone pounded on the door. He didn't wait for us to answer, he turned the knob and burst inside.

"What the fuck?" Mr. Takada's voice boomed behind me. I turned to see him red-faced with anger. His chest heaved as he looked between us and seethed.

"Who the fuck are you? You can't just barge in here!" Alejandro said.

"I'm his father! And who are you? And why is your dick out?" Mr. Takada fumed as he yanked me up. I looked down at Alejandro's shorts where his hard cock was hanging out of the leg.

"This kid shows up asking for Miguel, offering me money, and staring at my junk. I'm calling the cops on you crazy fuckers!" Alejandro looked pissed but also scared.

"Miguel again?" Mr. Takada looked at me sadly like he suddenly understood. I nodded.

"Yes sir," I knew I was in trouble, but my head was trying to process this.

"This is where he lived?" Mr. Takada asked. I nodded again. He pulled me to his chest for comfort. I intinctively rubbed my face in his shoulder.

"I don't know any Miguel. I stay here with my sister and you both need to leave. Like NOW dudes." Alejandro's voice sounded a little less brutal. This was freaking him out.

"Her name is Diana?" Mr. Takada asked as he reached to pull on my sleeve. He brought me over next to him and gave me a hug.

"How you know that? She don't know this boy," Alejandro assured.

"And she isn't dating a guy named Miguel who works for the Sheriff's department?" Mr. Takada asked. He reached down and pulled my pants up securely.

"No. She went out with a guy named Javier for awhile but she dumped him last week. I got an uncle named Miguel in Pacoima," Alejandro said. I looked up with alarm. Mr. Takada held me in front of him and rubbed my chest to soothe my breathing. His hold put me at ease.

"He's lying! He told me he was out and coming back," I argued. I looked at Alejandro and pleaded with him to tell the truth as Mr. Takada tried to calm me in his arms.

"He said he doesn't, baby. He doesn't know him," Mr. Takada tried to soothe me.

"Well you... offered me money and it seemed like you wanted to... you know, blow me. I thought the whole Miguel thing was just a cover. I was playing along and then you got all crazy on me," he looked at me with pity like I was some mental patient. His cock was soft and tucked away.

"But..." my voice broke. I fought the urge to cry. None of this made any sense.

"I think we'd better go. I'm sorry we troubled you," Mr. Takada said and squeezed me in his arms.

"It's cool... Sorry you didn't find who you were looking for. I'm really sorry, bro." Alejandro raised a hand and shrugged. Mr. Takada turned me towards the door and nudged me out. I was stunned in silence but tired of breaking down in front of him. I just walked quietly to his car as he prodded me with his hand on my back.

"I'm so angry and I can't even yell at you because this is just... so sad. You need help, baby. You could have been seriously hurt! You have no sense of danger or taking care of yourself! You need to talk to someone and get some help with this. I love you so much, Colton, and I was so scared when I got the alert," he said.

"The alert?" I asked and looked down at my lap. He reached over the center console and took my hand in his. He brought it over between his thighs and squeezed my hand.

"Of course! I put it on lock when I dropped you off at the mall. As soon as you left it alerted me. I knew better than to leave you on your own. I should have just taken you with me to the meeting. I'm putting you on permanent alert status. What am I going to do with you?" he asked.

"I needed some answers. I thought if I found him there then we could figure out a way to switch our bodies back or at least understand this," I explained.

"So what next? Do you even get how dangerous and ill-conceived that was? He could have hurt you or made you do stuff to him. I shouldn't have left you on your own. You're coming to the office with me and then we'll go get some lunch and you'll feel better." Mr. Takada squeezed my hand again and drove back towards the office where he had a meeting.

He pulled into a parking garage and then led me by the hand up to a buzzing office of tech nerds. He pulled me back towards a dark, cold room full of gamer-looking dudes sitting in front of big screens. I sat in a chair while he and some Indian guy worked out the problems with his app.

It gave me time to think. I really didn't know what else to try. I played the scene over and over again. The apartment outside looked right, but my memories didn't match up to the inside or the picture. Even Alejandro looked different though I'd chalked that up to me being smaller and.. gayer. But the more I thought about it, the less it added up.

"Let's go," Mr. Takada snapped me out of my thoughts. I wasn't sure how long I'd been there.


"This is one of your favorite restaurants. You love the pad thai," he said when we sat down and looked at the menu. He ordered us a cucumber hummus appetizer.

"I don't like cucumber," I said when he ordered it.

"You love cucumber and always say it has no calories. It's why you're so thin. Always obsessed with your body even though you're already too skinny but beautiful," he said.

"You haven't said much since we left that apartment. What are you thinking about?" He asked.

"Are you going to spank me?" I asked. I don't know why, but it had been swirling in my head since we left his office. Maybe my brain was trying to latch on to something that made sense.

"What?" he recoiled in disgust and put down his menu.

"You said you'd spank me if I left the mall." I don't know why but it just came out.

"Baby, you're worried about that?" he asked and reached across the table to take my hand.

"You said you would when you dropped me at the mall. Then I left and broke the rules," I noted.

"You spank a boy who is defiant of his own accord. You hug and secure a boy who is defiant due to mental distress. Spanking wouldn't be discipline for you. It would be abuse. I don't abuse my boy when he clearly needs support," Mr. Takada frowned. He lifted my hand and kissed it.

"Colton wasn't the angel you thought he was. He did a lot of bad things," I blurted out as I remembered the things I'd seen on Colton's broken phone when linked to the computer.

Mr. Takada set down his menu and opened his mouth to say something but then the waiter came back and brought us an appetizer. He asked if we wanted anything besides water to drink.

"I'll have a beer. Whatever's the best on tap," Mr. Takada said.

"Same," I echoed. The waiter looked startled and I remembered I was in a 17 year-old's body.

"He'll have a Sprite with four cherries and a splash of grenadine," Mr. Takada laughed. The waiter nodded and returned his laugh as if it had all been a joke.

"Are you trying to get a spanking? I don't mind doing it if you want it... Ever since the accident though, you've been begging for a heavy hand from me. Normally you whine and pout when you're in trouble." Mr. Takada winked at me. I thought for a minute, not sure how to answer. It was something that always intrigued me but I could never talk about when I was Miguel. Diana certainly wouldn't have gone for it. She liked a rough man, not a begging boy.

"I don't know... I just... Did Colton like when you did that to him?" I asked.

"No, but Colton didn't like a lot of things that you seem to beg for," Mr. Takada sighed. The waiter returned with our drinks. I'd never ordered anything so pink and fruity. I took a sip and it was actually pretty good. He took our order. Mr. Takada ordered for both of us saying we'd share a salad and flatbread pizza.

"That's Colton's special cocktail he gets when we're out," Mr. Takada explained. He sipped his beer and watched me thoughtfully. I took a cucumber slice and dug into the hummus.

"It's really fruity, but not bad. Want to try it? I'll give yours a try," I said and reached for his beer.

"No!" He said in a low growl like he was scolding a dog. He shook his head and laughed. I missed beer.

"Thought I'd give it a shot," I smirked. He moved his beer away from me.

"For all your protests about being some dude named Miguel, you sure seem to like being Colton. Are you sure you really want to keep digging into this?" he asked.

"I felt like I should," I said though when I thought about it, Colton had things pretty sweet.

"What if you could fix it? You'd want to go back?" His voice held genuine interest. He reached across the table and took my hands in his. I hadn't really thought about it.

"And what if you did switch back? You think you'd want to be with a woman again? You think she'd make you feel like I can? Would she do those things to your hole?" He smiled.

"She'd be grossed out... I'd have to hid it," I noted. I hadn't thought of that.

"Could she own your hole like daddy does? Would she even want to?" he asked. It was a serious question. I'd become quite addicted to the things he made me feel.

"No sir... she couldn't. No one could," I said with sadness. I would have to give this up.

"You think there's another me out there? I'd have to stay with my old Colton. He wouldn't want to share me with you, and you'd have to hide it with her. You'd have to pretend." He reached under the table and slid his hand up my leg. I shuddered at his touch.

"That would suck," I agreed.

"You can give this up? You'd be happy with that?" he asked and rubbed where my bulge was thickening. I looked at him with sadness.

"I'd... have to find someone," I sighed. My cock was leaking in my pants.

"Indeed. Daddies don't just grow on trees." His hand slid up my thigh and he rubbed a finger between my cheeks. My breath caught in my throat.

"You'd end up with some old dud who fumbled around in there and didn't know your special spots. It took years of training and focus," he sounded very serious as he touched me under the table. I took a swig of my drink and eyed him hungrily.

"You're so good at it," I noted.

"Black belt boy banger," he whispered. "I own that hole. No one else can do that."

"Yes sir," I agreed. He want lying.

"You really want to go back? Or stay with Daddy?" He asked.

"I like it here... with you. I want to stay with you," I said the first answer that came to mind.

"Then do it, boy. Give in to daddy. Be my good boy," he growled as my eyes lost focus and I moaned quietly in pleasure. I could have cared less that we were in a crowded restaurant or what we looked like to everyone around us. I was lost in his hold.

"Yes sir. I want to stop looking. I want to give it up and just be your boy," I admitted.

"Then stop it. It doesn't seem like you're going to get anywhere with this. So maybe you did or didn't change bodies. Maybe you were Miguel or maybe you weren't. All I know is you're my boy and you seem happy with that. So just be my boy, Colt. Let this go," he urged.

"I'll try, daddy," I whispered.

"I know you will, boy," he said in the low, authoritative voice that made me leak precum.

"And what do you want? You said I'm different since the accident. Do you want Colt back? Do you miss him?" I asked. He opened the door to this line of conversation. I was going all in.

"I loved my baby before and I love him now. Sure things are different, but once you recover and your memories come back... When you love someone, you accept them as they are. People grow and change. You're a boy so you're going to grow and change a lot! I'll be here for it. I'll be here for all of it." He gave me a Hallmark card answer.

The waiter came back with our food and two plates. Mr. Takada dished some salad onto mine and then his. He urged me to eat. We got through the salad with happy small talk and then worked our way through the flatbread. I finished my drink and then we shared the leftover cherries. The rest of dinner was light conversation and he told me about the app he was working on. He told me about our upcoming vacation to San Francisco for some convention he had.

"I will admit," Mr. Takada said when he helped me into the car and headed home. "I could get used to the changes I've seen in you since the accident."

"You mean like erratic behavior trying to find who switched my body?" I laughed.

"No. That troubles me, and I hope I can get you the help you need. I meant the way you seem so desperate for me. Colt always liked being the trophy boy, the kept one who got to spend money and be adored in front of other men. You genuinely crave my approval, my touch, my love," Mr. Takada reached over and squeezed my thigh as we sped along.

"I do... daddy. Even when I ran off, I worried about disappointing you." I looked down at his hand.

"Colton would have gotten distracted buying clothes before he had a chance to wander off on a secret mission," he chuckled.

"He sounds like he had his own problems," I noted.

"Boys are never easy, but your worth it," He leaned over and kissed my cheek when we stopped at a light.

"I was so scared when he tried to get me on his cock... but once again, you rescued me." I put my hand over his and he raised his fingers between my own .

"I'll always rescue you, but let's hold off on making it a daily thing. Ok?" He laughed.

"Yes sir," I nodded.

"You could have really gotten hurt, kid. Just hold off on this for a week and just enjoy being my boy. If you feel you still need to do this a week from now, I'll help you. I promise. And in the meantime, any nightmares or scary thoughts you have about it, you talk to me. I may not understand it, but I'm the daddy and that's my job. Daddy gets to be the tough guy and chase away the monsters. Boy gets to rest in my arms and know he is safe. Deal?" He slid his hand up to my bulge. I shivered.

"Yes, sir," I stuttered. He took his hand off my bulge and put his arm around me, hugging me across the console and into his side. I put my head against his chest as he inched along the freeway. I started to fall asleep in his hold.

I laid down for a nap when we got home. He helped me change into some soft shorts and a tank top then tucked me in under a light blanket while he setup his laptop and phone on the bed next to me to do some work. I listened to him making a phone call in some other language as I fell asleep.


My eyes opened to find him stretched out on the bed next to me wearing a pair of gray briefs and matching socks. I was rock hard and then temptation of his body wasn't helping. I leaned over and put my hands on his abs then rubbed up his chest. I swallowed and realized my mouth was dry. I needed some water.

I went down to the second floor and was about to head down the stairs to the first when I heard some familiar moaning. I looked over at the guest bedroom where Donovan was setup while he stayed with us. He must have been home with his boy Justin. I should have continued on my way downstairs, but Colton inside me wanted to go see what the noise was.

Maybe I should stop blaming Colton for all these urges... I was pretty into it too.

"Huhhh fuck your pussy's so tight it just sucks me in," I heard a voice say as I got towards the door which of course had been left a quarter open so they kind of had the spying coming. I saw Justin's back. His ass was sliding up and down on Donovan's pole. Donovan was lounged in a chair with his hands on Justin's hips.

"Ride that cock baby, take it in deep like you like it," Donavan encouraged. Justin had his feet up on the chair on either side of Donovan's lap. Justin's a tall and lanky guy so Donovan was looking up at him as he bounced. It should have looked weird to see a tall high school jock bouncing on a guy's lap and being talked to about his "pussy," but it had me rock hard in my shorts.

"Fuck! Me! Please! Sir!" Justin wailed as Donovan stuffed him with what looked to be ample Asian meat. I loved watching the dark cock disappear into a pale, milky ass that gaped for more. I slid my hand down to my cock and gripped it. It was already leaking in my shorts as I watched them. I slid my hand inside and rubbed it.

"See something you want?" Mr. Takada's voice surprised me from behind. He had crept up behind me and caught me as I jumped. He turned me to face him and slid his hands around to cup my ass as he brought me in against his bare chest. He still just had on a pair of briefs and socks. My bulge rubbed against his as my lips touched his skin. I looked up at him innocently.

"I needed water," I whispered.

"All they have is cream in there. You'd prefer that," Mr. Takada shot back.

"I'm so horny," I admitted.

"I can feel it," he said and ground his bulge against mine. He kissed me and backed me up until I banged against the doorway.

"Oh shit," I heard either Donovan or Justin say behind us.

"It's cool, babe. Keep bouncing," a second voice said. It must have been Donovan's.

"You want to play with them?" Mr. Takada asked as he pulled away from me. I turned to look at Justin's back as he bounced on Donovan's cock who was eyeing us.

"Can I?" I asked.

"You'll have to ask his daddy. You remember the rules?" he asked sternly like he was a father letting me go out with friends.

"No daddy... amnesia," I reminded him. It seemed like something he wouldn't be ok with, but his eyes lit up.

"Your hole belongs to me just like Justin's belongs to his daddy. Your mouth is ok since you have my permission and are under my watch, but this," he growled and slid his hand down the back of my shorts to poke my hole. "This is mine." I nodded.

"Yes sir," I told him. He gave a nod towards the room and took my hand. As he walked around me I noted his cock stretching the grey briefs to their breaking point.

"Can I join you guys?" I asked as Mr. Takada led me towards them.

"Fuck yeah," Donovan said as he stopped bouncing Justin in his lap. "On the bed, boy. Position." Justin scrambled off his lap and nearly tripped as he hopped over to the bed and got on all fours. I saw his donkey dick flop around as he moved then drop a spot of precum as he got on all fours on the bed with his ass in the air. His hole was red and open from riding Donovan. He looked back happily at me.

"Clothes off, join him," Mr. Takada said and I slid off my tank top and shucked my shorts then got beside him with my ass in the air.

"How is he doing?" Mr. Takada asked Donovan. I assumed he was talking about me. He wasn't.

"His grades are up and he's already prepping for finals. His parents are pretty happy with me. His dad gave me a bonus for tutoring him so well. They said the change in him is remarkable and he's on track to get into colleges they didn't think were possible," Donovan glowed.

"That's good," Mr. Takada said and walked up behind Justin He gave his ass a rub and then smacked it. "He's turning into a fine young man. You've done well with him."

"You taught me well, sir." Donovan showed he was still submissive to Mr. Takada. I wiggled my ass and whimpered. I was feeling left out.

"Settle down, boy. It's not always about you," Mr. Takada gave my ass a hard smack. I yelped and lurched forward. Justin looked over at me apologetically.

"Looks like you opened him up nicely. A good boy deserves his reward. Mine has had a troubling day, but I'm still being lenient with him for what he's gone through," Mr. Takada explained. I'd wanted his attention, but I felt a stab of disappointment that I didn't give him anything to brag about today. I'd let him down.

"If anyone can get him sorted, it's you," Donovan assured.

"I'll give it all I can. I know he's trying," Mr. Takada rubbed his hand up my ass, letting his finger poke at my hole. I shivered at his touch. He slid it up my back and I felt my body calm. His touch had so much power over me. I needed it.

"Why don't you give him a kiss, Justin? Maybe cheer him up," Donovan said in a low, daddy growl like Mr. Takada used. I looked over at Justin and watched him melt at his owner's words.

He reached a hand over and touched my cheek. I looked back at Mr. Takada to make sure it was ok. He nodded and smiled gently in approval. I leaned towards Justin and his lips met mine. His tongue went past my lips but I pushed back with my own. I wasn't a boy to him. He didn't get to wrestle me into submission. Our tongues fought it out like light sabers as our lips covered each others. I wondered why it didn't bother Mr. Takada.

"Watching two boys kiss is the equivalent of a straight guy seeing his girl make out with another, but you are always correct in looking to me for approval. Good boy." He explained as if reading my mind. Justin backed off and let me slide my tongue into his mouth. He had at least eight inches of height and probably 30 pounds of weight on me, but he submitted to my aggression. He seemed to like it. He sucked on my tongue hungrily.

"Mmmm." I moaned as I felt a hand on my cock, tugging it. The fingers felt skinny and it didn't hold Mr. Takada's pulsing heat. I knew it was Justin reaching for me. He fumbled with my cock. It wasn't daddy's confident touch. I reached down to his and gripped his donkey dick. I tugged on it and felt his low hanging balls rock back and forth against my hand.

"There you go. Help your friend. Be my good boy," Mr. Takada encouraged in a voice that sounded like he was praising a dog. I kissed Justin while we stroked each other. It felt ok, but not like when Mr. Takada played with me. I was feeling strangely ambivalent about it until I felt a familiar warm tongue slide into my hole.

"Oh fuck," I called out as I pulled off of Justin's lips. I stroked him lazily as Mr. Takada worked my hole open.

"Ahhh daddy!" Justin cried. I looked over to his lips form into a hard o-shape and then looked back to see Donovan sliding into him. Donovan winked at me and put his hand on my back as Mr. Takada ate my hole and Justin tugged on my cock. I was dripping precum down on the comforter and breathing raggedly. It felt so fucking good. Donovan slid his hand up my back and gripped the back of my neck. He massaged it as I whined.

"Uhhh daddy," I moaned as Mr. Takada's tongue wormed inside of me, working that special spot that made me drip and beg. Donovan slid his hand up into my hair and gripped it, pulling my head back to look at him as he piston-fucked Justin.

"Yeah he's a begging little bitch, aren't ya boy?" Donavan looked at me with a face that showed disgust but eyes that held lust. I flashed him wide green eyes that asked if he wished his boy was me. He considered me for a minute then let go of my hair and pushed my head back down.

"It feels good?" I whispered to Justin. He looked at me with a dopey haze that was all the answer he could muster.

"Uhhh huhhh," he whined a familiar tune that made me squirm on Mr. Takada's tongue.

"Fuck me daddy, please," I begged to anyone in the room. Mr. Takada flicked his tongue back and forth over my prostate and I lurched forward with a yowl.

"Beggin' little bitch," Donovan growled from behind me as he rammed his boy.

"Yeah yeah," Mr. Takada agreed as his tongue slid out of me. He reached behind Donovan and I watched him pop open a bottle of lube. He pushed his briefs down just enough to free that hulking beast I dreamed about. His fat brown daddy cock flopped out and bounced against my ass. I shivered in anticipation.

"Ahh fuck fuck NO!" I screamed as I felt my cock ready to fire. Mr. Takada looked down at me with a knowing grin.

"It's ok boy. I'll still breed that hole," he said. He reached down and rubbed his hand slowly between my thighs. It was the only encouragement my body needed.

"Ah fuck!!" I screamed and my cock started to fire off without even touching it. I leaned forward, resting on my elbows since my casted arm was starting to ache from supporting me.

"Fuck daddy! I'm so... fuck... sorry," I gasped. My cock lurched back and forth of its own accord and fired heavy sprays all over Donovan's comforter.

"There we go, boy. Cum for daddy. It's ok, baby. Daddy knows," he assured in a soft, gentle but authoritative voice. He laughed while my body spasmed and my cock sprayed. He shoved two lubed fingers inside me and I fell forward as my legs gave out. He put hand under my stomach and pulled me back up. He finger-fucked me in rhythm to my spasming cock as it emptied my nuts of my daily build-up.

"Uhhhhhh," I whined and then heard Justin joining me.

"Yeah baby, Oh fuck, that pussy grips my cock so good when you shoot. Lemme fuck the cum out ya," Donovan growled. I looked down below Justin and watched his cock tense and shoot. That fat, pale donkey dick jerked and jumped while his cum arced up across his stomach, down across the comforter, and straight out until it hit his chin. He looked over at me with that dopey haze again as he shot. I leaned over to him and kissed him again. His hot, sweaty lips mumbled happily against mine as my tongue pushed into his mouth.

"Mmmm," he moaned as his body jerked a few more times. I felt a hot missile of his juice land on my neck as I kissed him.

"That's my good boy," Mr. Takada praised me like a wayward dog. I was so distracted from kissing Justin that it hit me like a wildfire when his cock pushed into my hole.

"Ahhhh," I whined and pulled off of Justin's lips as Mr. Takada shoved into me. My cock was still hard and it felt like he was massaging it from the inside as he shoved his boy breeder into my needy, begging hole.

"Fuck baby so tight," he growled that voice that sent chills up my spine. His hands rubbed under my chest until he found my nipples. He pinched and twisted them as my cock went rigid again.

"Yeah daddy, fuck your boy. Own that hole, sir," I whimpered. I felt his lips on the back of my neck. He chewed and sucked on the scruff like he was trying to carry off his cub.

"Fuck, fuck fuck," he groaned as he sank into me and power-fucked my hole. I thrashed on the bed until he held me down and drove deep inside me. It felt like a fight inside me between the pain of him tearing into me and the electric buzz that had every nerve in my body standing up to applaud his return. He owned me like a puppet and his cock knew all the strings to pull.

"Yeah baby. I'm bout to fill that pussy," Donovan barked. I looked over to see he had fallen over Justin's back and was twisting his nipples like Mr. Takada did to mine. He mirrored his mentor and owned his boy masterfully. Justin looked helpless but ecstatic as he turned his face up to beg a kiss from Donovan.

"Obedient little boys, aren't they?" Mr. Takada laughed to Donovan as he pile-drove my hole.

"Fuck yeah. Colt's never looked so happy. He really has changed," Donovan agreed. I snapped to attention at that but then quickly fell back under Mr. Takada's spell.

"My boy knows what he has," Mr. Takada assured. I should have processed that, but at the moment he was ramming my happy button and my body felt like spaghetti under his control.

"Fuck, daddy. It feels so good," I whimpered.

"Thank you, sir." Justin echoed and then mumbled some nonsense.

Mr. Takada pulled my hair until my head arched back so he could get at my lips. He shoved his tongue inside my mouth and wrestled my lips into submission. I sucked on him like Justin had done to me and moaned happily as he sped up in my hole. My cock was building to eruption again. I'd never felt it come so naturally or quickly.

"Your boy's got a pretty healthy cock there," Mr. Takada said when he broke our kiss.

"He doesn't know what to do with it," Donovan laughed as he plowed Justin.

"So good. Fuck please," Justin whined, oblivious they were discussing him.

"He's a natural submissive; so focused on pleasing daddy," Mr. Takada praised. He reached over to ruffle Justin's hair as he pounded away at my hole.

"Looks like Colt's finally turning a corner himself. He's so needy for you," Donovan said. It was another hint that Colton hadn't been a good guy. I filed it away, distracted by the assault on my hole that had my body pulsing with ecstasy.

Mr. Takada shot back in some other language they shared. Donovan nodded in understanding. Mr. Takada returned his focus to me, his lips brushing my neck before diving back onto my mouth as he plowed my ass with renewed vigor. His hulking muscled frame pulsed with heat as he surrounded me in his arms and plugged me from behind. I closed my eyes at the overwhelming sensations of being filled with him. I was on the edge again. I was his

"Mumming," I mumbled on Mr. Takada's tongue to warn him.

"I know, boy. Your body never could last when I'm in it," he said as he pulled his lips off mine.

"It feels so good," I thanked him as he stuffed me. If he hadn't been holding me up, pressing me back against his chest, I would have fell forward. My body felt so weak in his protective hold.

"Fuck, baby. Your hole is squeezing my cock so tight, sucking me in. I'm close too," he warned.

"Fill me daddy," I whined. I heard Justin echo me. I looked over at him and saw he was watching me too but his eyes kept rolling back as Donovan really pounded him hard.

"Oh baby, here it comes," Mr. Takada whispered then bit my earlobe. He drove in deep and his muscles tightened their hold on me. He paused then jerked and rammed me fast. His cock jerked and flared inside me as I felt warm shots of juice bury deep in my stomach.

"Fuck, baby, fuck," he growled as he started to fire off inside me. It pushed my cock right over the edge and I cried out and gasped as it started to shoot off again.

"Fuck, daddy," I whimpered as my body shook and twisted in his hold. He filled me and pushed the cum out of my cock. I heard Justin and Donovan finishing too, but I could only really focus on the two of us as our bodies thrashed together on the bed. He pushed me forward, practically crashing into the comforter as he jerked and shoved his cock in to the limit. I felt his balls slap against mine as he supported us on his elbows. My arms flailed out in front of me as my cock came against the soft comforter.

"Fuck!" I hissed as our bodies shook together. His lips came down on the back of my neck and he bit softly at his boy's skin, chewing happily as he finished. He drove his cock in one last time then let us fall against the cum-soaked bedding, his arms sliding under me to support us.

"I love you so much, baby," he whispered against my ear.

"I love you too, daddy," I mumbled against a pillow.

We laid there for awhile in a flesh heap. I turned my face to look at Donovan crushing Justin in a similar manner, but Justin was sturdy enough to support them. Justin had his eyes closed with a satisfied smile plastered across his lips.

"Justin needs to get started on his chores," Donovan announced after a long while.

"That's a good idea. Colt will help. Justin can show him what to do," Mr. Takada offered as if I didn't know what a chore was.

"Great! I'll fire up the grill for dinner." Donovan said.

"I have a few calls to make, then I'll come down. Colt can help with the dinner." Mr. Takada gave my neck a kiss then raised off of me. He scooped me up into his arms and carried me up to the bathtub in our bedroom. He helped me wash up and then put me in fresh clothes. He sent me off downstairs to see what Justin needed a hand with.

I found Justin loading their bed linens into the washer. He showed me where to put the soap and how to use the touchscreen for the proper settings. It was super high tech.

"I guess we made a mess in there. Sorry, bro." I laughed.

"Are you kidding? That was so fucking hot, Colt. He was pounding me extra hard to show off for Mr. T. We have to try that again," Justin glowed.

"Try it? We haven't done that before?" I asked. Everyone seemed like it was a normal event.

"No... um... you wouldn't go for that before," he said as his face fell.

"I wasn't nice to you, was I?" I asked. I had him cornered in the small laundry room though he looked nervous to be talking about this with me.

"Not really... It's ok though. I'm sorry for what happened to you," he said. Justin is much taller than I am and more hefty, but he seemed intimidated by me. I moved a few inches towards him just to test and sure enough he backed away.

"I'm sorry. It seems like I was an asshole to a lot of people," I said. He looked at me for a minute as if judging the authenticity of my words. His eyes decided I meant it and he leaned forward and hugged me.

"You were pretty mean to everyone, Colt. But we can be cool now. Mr. Takada said it was like a fresh start for you and you're different now. It's all good," Justin assured.

I followed him out and he showed me how to empty the dirt trap on the electric floor sweeper robot. He sent me off with a trash bag to empty out the little trash cans in all the bathrooms and in Mr. Takada's office.

I passed Mr. Takada in his office as he was on a phone call. I showed him my half full bag of trash and he nodded in approval. He caught me as I walked by and pulled me down into his lap. I carefully dropped the bag of trash next to his desk. He was talking to some customer or colleague or something. He held me in his lap and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Right, right," he said to the guy on the phone and leaned forward towards his desktop to write something on a calendar. He was scheduling a meeting for the following Tuesday. He steadied the phone on his shoulder while he held me with one hand and wrote with the other. I looked over his overly organized desk with folders and important papers.

"I'm writing the check as we speak," he said to the man and pulled out a leather folder from a drawer. He opened it and scrawled out a check for $25,000 to a Michael Chang. It was one of those business ledgers with three checks on each page. I had seen my father use it once. Mr. Takada was using the last one on the page. My eyes wandered up to see the other two.

My eyes froze when I read the check copy at the top. It was one he had written last week. It was made out to someone I knew from my former life as Miguel before the accident that put me into Colton's body. It was a gay guy who worked out with me at the gym a few times a week. We'd been really cool until I caught him selling narcotics in the locker room. I'd reported it and participated in the sting that brought him down. We definitely weren't friends anymore.

The check copy read: Pay to the Order of: Eizo Kimura $15,000

I froze when I saw it and only tore my eyes away when Mr. Takada tore off the check and closed the book. Maybe he was on autopilot with his business and forgot he had me in his lap. I didn't show a reaction to it. What did he want with Eizo (We called him "Ay-zee") and why was he paying him? Did he know that I knew him and that Eizo obviously held a big grudge against me for his takedown? I wondered if it had anything to do with the switch with Colton. Was Eizo involved? He certainly was connected to some bad people. The District Attorney had uncovered a ton of connections on him that he wouldn't turn and rat on.

Maybe I was grasping at straws, but it was the only connection I'd found between Miguel and Colton. Nothing else seemed to fit. Colton was turning out to have been an asshole to pretty much everyone. Maybe he'd been connected with Eizo too.

My memory jogged to the times I'd seen Eizo in the locker room changing out of medical scrubs. I suddenly remembered he'd worked as a Physician's Assistant, but I couldn't remember the hospital. It could have been the one I was taken to after the accident. Things were clicking into place, but still didn't make sense.

Mr. Takada relaxed back into his chair and made happy conversation with the client as he lazily rubbed my stomach. It was a place to start digging.

Comments appreciated. Let me know if you like it or have ideas: My Stories:

Next: Chapter 5

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