Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on May 31, 2023


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Story Recap: Dang it! Julian trusted Hollywood-action-star-heartthrob, Tate Chan, to save him and his brother Jackson, but he ended up becoming a brain-wiped boy like his twin, Colton, Dawson, and countless others. Foiled by receiving bad technology from Eizo, the agency is still after the boys to crack the code and mass-produce submissive boys for wealthy clients and armies around the world.

{Tabula Colton} [Ch.13- The Boy He Was Inside] ~By Emri~

+++++ As told from Julian's Perspective +++++

"It must have been so shocking to not only find out you have a child, but to find out they are twins!" The obviously gay younger reporter from People magazine glowed from an overstuffed chair in Tate Chan's living room.

"Of course! It was wild! They're handsome boys though, aren't they? They look just like me at that age!" Tate lied with a winning smile that America expected from its hottest action star. In fact, neither my twin brother nor I shared any DNA with Tate Chan. But the American audience would see three Chinese faces and assume it was true.

"And only 15 years old! What an exciting time to meet their father and come to a strange new country," The reporter chimed. More lies! We were 19 and, although we spoke the Chinese dialect native to our parents, we were both born here in California. Tate had concocted a whole history for us to keep us safely hidden from "The Agency." They are a shadowy world group that is trying to steal the technology used to wipe my twin brother and me and make us into submissive boys who beg for daddy cock... It's a long story.

"Yes, 15 years I lived without knowing them! We have a lot of time to make up! I'm trying not to spoil them with material things. I just love them so much," Tate assured the reporter.

"I'm sure you're an excellent father!" The reporter beamed, clearly taken by Tate's charm. "But how are the boys dealing with their newfound fame? They're currently the top teen heartthrobs of the week!" The reporter pulled out his tablet and swiped through articles showing pics of me and Jackson at the party the night before.

"They haven't seen this yet. Social media can be so damaging to children. I don't want them in this world, but I knew I would have to give interviews to get the paparazzi away," Tate explained. Jackson gave a confused look and reached for the reporter's tablet. Tate pulled it away and handed it back to the reporter.

"Oh the photographer is here! Can we get some shots of the boys playing around?" The reporter asked as his phone dinged.

"Oh! I don't know if I want them out there like that," Tate said though he'd dressed us for photos. We had on matching workout clothes. I had on white running tights with blue shorts and a white tank top while Jackson had light blue running tights with white shorts and a light blue tank top. We looked like an ad for teen athletic gear. Jackson eased back against my chest where we were curled up next to Tate who kept a protective arm around us.

"Oh please! You know the paparazzi is going to hound you until you open up to a photo shoot," the reporter pressed. In fact, Tate had scheduled this for that very reason. He knew his star status meant the world wanted to know about us and this was his way of controlling things.

"Well, I guess we'd better," he said with feigned discomfort. He leaned over and kissed each of our foreheads then went to the keypad near the front door to let in the photographer.

We did a quick photo shoot in the backyard by the pool. Tate bounced a basketball between us as the photographer snapped. Then there were shots of just us twins playing around and wrestling by the pool. He got that annoying shot of us standing back to back and looking fierce then another of us pretending to struggle over an oversized water gun. Tate drew a line when the photographer wanted us shirtless.

"They're 15! They are not sex objects!" Tate fumed. He pretended to be highly offended and said the interview was over. The reporter apologized profusely, assuring that the story would paint us in the most innocent and favorable light. Tate threatened to complain to the magazine. This would be a very favorable piece. He knew how to work the media.

"I'm proud of you boys," Tate beamed when he closed the front gate from the inside keypad as the media team drove away. He brought us in for a hug and kissed our foreheads again like we were really his small children.

"Thank you, daddy! I can't wait to see it. Can we read the online pieces about us the reporter showed?" Jackson begged. Tate shrugged and ushered us up to the bedroom. He put his laptop on the bed and we snuggled into his chest from either side as he looked through some pretty shocking gossip blogs speculating about us.

There weren't yet many pictures of us out since we'd just debuted, but some gossip blogs already had faked shots of us with our heads on muscled teen boy bodies. There was even a poll for which twin was most fuckable. Jackson was currently winning with shots of him hanging on Dina's arm at the hollywood party we'd attended.

I did note that one blogger prefered me as the shy, brooding type. I was brooding. I didn't even know what that meant. When did they see me brood? Most of them agreed that Jackson was the more outgoing one. That was true.

"Isn't this kind of dangerous? I mean I did go to high school just down the road. Won't they recognize me? What about the yearbook and online pics?" I asked Tate. He had definitely changed my image. I never would have worn flashy clothes and my hair was different, not to mention he'd cleared up my skin. Plus, at Beverly Hills South I was quiet and off the radar. I didn't have many friends and Jackson had dropped out well over a year ago when he started getting caught up with the agency.

"All erased, well the online at least. The school has over 3 thousand students each year so it wasn't that hard. I have a guy who specializes in that. Other stuff... well we'll see. You weren't exactly class president and you do look different. I do plan to keep you two somewhat low-key. No action roles for my babies," Tate shrugged.

"But daddy! You have to put us in your movie! It would be so cool!" Jackson had stars in his eyes. He looked up at Tate and batted his eyelashes. Tate just laughed.

"That won't work," he assured Jackson and kisses his puckered pout.

"It's not a good idea, Jax. We have to stay safe. The agency has some really dangerous characters," I said with a shiver. As pissed as I was at what Tate did to me... to us, I knew nothing bad could happen to us here.

"I have some dangerous characters of my own. There is no need to worry, baby. Daddy will keep his boys safe," Tate said. He looked at me and frowned at the worry in my eyes. Jackson didn't know how bad these guys could be. He still thought this was just a fun vacation for us. I nodded at Tate with gratitude.

"Fine! But you did promise to play with us if we were good for the reporter," Jackson reminded him. He slid his hand down Tate's chest to grip the bulge we both desired.

"I did? I don't remember that," Tate looked away and yawned.

"You did." Jackson poked him in the center of his chest. "We did our job. You do yours."

"And you, little one? You want that too?" Tate asked and rubbed my head.

I was struggling with it. Physically I wanted him, my body craved his touch, his cock, his attention. A few weeks ago I'd never imagined playing with another guy or even wanting that. I accepted that my twin brother was gay, but it wasn't me.

I'd pretended it was when I got in with Mr. Takada to infiltrate the daddy weekend in Palm Springs. I'd flirted with the older men and even held my composure when they groped my ass or squeezed my bulge. I'd been on a mission to rescue my brother, my twin. I was playing a role, the boy they wanted. Then there were the experiences with Colton, but that was out of necessity as well. He was so desperate for cock and I knew he'd run out and mess things up if I didn't give it to him. I'd played with his hole and helped ease his anxiety.

Now I had the same programming in my head that Colton had in his. I understood the physical need for daddy that Colton felt for Mr. Takada. Just being beside Tate had my hole twitching and pulsing in anticipation. My body felt this constant flutter of confusion around him yet safe and cared for when his warmth pressed against me.

"I don't know," I whispered more to myself than to answer Tate's question. "I don't know."

"It's ok," he slid his arm around me and pulled me over between his thighs so my back laid against his chest. He wrapped his arms around my center and pressed his lips into my neck.

"This sucks, man," I sighed. He rubbed my stomach and I felt a wave of pleasure wash through me, but it didn't overtake the nagging feeling that I was trapped here in this situation and made to feel things that weren't natural for me.

"Jackson, why don't you take the tablet downstairs and see what Luce is up to," Tate said. Jackson was looking through the stories about us online. He loved seeing us in the headlines. It meant he was famous. Jackson nodded without looking up and went off downstairs.

This morning we'd been introduced to Tate's housekeeper, Luciano. He called him "Luce." He was a hard-bodied Colombian man Tate has used as a bodyguard when he was filming an action movie down in the Amazon. The two had spent six months together and Luce had wanted to follow him home and get into movies.

Luciano "Luce" wasn't exactly hot enough for modeling and his acting skills were pretty awful, Tate had told us. So he ended up being Tate's housekeeper and living in luxury in the hidden Hollywood compound. He served us breakfast wearing a tight white polo shirt and tight white shorts. Jackson had been very interested.

"Tell me about it, boy. Tell daddy what's bothering you," he urged me.

"I didn't ask for this! They took my brother and did awful things to him and then when I tried to rescue him they got me to and now I'm stuck in this horrible tug between disgust at what you did to us and a very real need to please your cock! Now we're supposed to be your 15-year-old sons who smile for the cameras and then beg for your cock. It's fucked up, man!" I fumed.

I pushed his hands off of me. I couldn't think straight when I felt this gay.

"Come, boy," Tate said softly. I fought the urge, but then my arms and legs pushed to crawl towards him. I lost the battle and sighed as he brought me in against his chest again. He kissed my neck and rubbed my stomach. My resolve melted into waves of pleasure as he slid a hand down between my thighs and rubbed over my pulsing hole.

"See, boy? See what daddy can make you feel?" he asked as my lips formed a hard circle and gasped for air. My cock throbbed in my shorts as he slid a hand up to tweak my nipple.

"That's not fair," I gasped. "You programmed me for this."

"I programmed you to keep you alive. They would have taken you and your brother for study. They would have gotten all the information they needed from you, dead or alive." Tate bit down on my right earlobe and sucked.

"But..." I fought for coherence as his warmth spread through me and my cock leaked precum in my shorts. He rubbed my hole and teased my nipples as I splayed out between his thighs.

"You saved your brother, boy. You did that. You want to lose him again? You were getting in the way of some very powerful men; getting too deep into their business. If you'd survived their probes they would have auctioned you off to the highest bidder in Asia... your brother too. They would have separated you unless they found a higher bid," Tate explained.

He was right.

"Twins should be together. Especially two boys who love each other so much," Tate said. He took away the hand that rubbed my chest and reached for his phone on the side table. He opened an app to show me a live camera feed from the kitchen where Jackson was playfully bothering Luce. He held it up in front of me and I watched Jackson peel a banana and pretend to blow it while Luce tried to ignore him and chop a plate of vegetables. I laughed. He was persistent.

"See how happy he is here? I can give you boys anything you could possibly want and keep you safe. You fought so hard to rescue him. Don't you want to be together with him? Don't you want to protect your brother?" Tate asked. I thought about it while his hand slid inside my shorts and running tights. His finger slid past my cock and down between my thighs.

"Fuck yes," I whimpered as his finger touched my hole.

"He needs his big jock twin to keep him safe. He's counting on you to be his protector," Tate whispered.

"Yes, sir," I groaned as his finger poked inside my hole.

"Daddy can do that. Daddy can protect his boys. Daddy can help you keep Jackson safe and be the brother he needs. Do you want that, Julian?" Tate asked.

"Yessss, oh fuck yeah," I whined as his finger found that spot that made my cock pulse with precum.

"You feel so good," Tate said and kissed my neck again. Another wave of chills slid over me and I felt my cock close to finishing as he massaged that spot inside me.

"Fuck yeah, daddy. I'm so fucking close. That feels so good," I admitted.

"That's my good boy. Let me in, Julian," Tate sucked on my earlobe and rubbed my hole with force. My cock was throbbing and leaking. I couldn't help but give into him.

"Fuck, daddy. Fuck!" I howled and my cock started to pulse and shoot in the running tights. He set down his phone and pushed up the leg of my shorts as wet spots appeared on the material of the workout tights. My body bucked and tensed as I shot.

"Fuck, boy. Look what you did. See how good daddy can make you feel? I know how to work a boy," Tate praised as I whined and bounced in his arms. He slid his other hand down into the tights and gripped my cock as he roughly massaged my hole. He jerked it in a tight grip as I shot out another wad of cum.

"Fuck, daddy, fuck." I gasped for air and bumped back against his hard, muscled chest.

"That's my boy. Give up that boy juice for daddy," Tate growled. He pumped my cock until it was dry and rubbed my hole until I begged him to stop. I collapsed back against his chest as his muscled arms caged me in.

"Hey!" I heard my brother say as the door opened. "Without me?" Jackson hated being left out.

"Just opening him for later," Tate said. "Come here, boy." Jackson came to the bed.

"We have guests coming over for lunch. I'm working him open for his plug. Bring them in from the bathroom so I can plug you too. And bring a towel," Tate said. Jackson gave a little pouty look, but he obeyed and went to the bathroom. Tate pushed down my shorts and tights. They were sticky and wet with my cum. I was too sleepy to move.

"Found em!" Jackson glowed as he came back into the bedroom. He handed them to Tate and got the bottle of lube - Tate had them all over the house in discreet locations - from a side table.

"Good, get your clothes off and join us," Tate said as he set the plug down and peeled the tights off my feet. He lubed up a plug and gently worked it inside me. I'd never even thought about sticking things inside my ass before I'd woken up in Tate's world. Like a pacifier, it comforted me. I mumbled happily as he worked it inside. Tate wiped me clean as Jackson flopped down naked beside us.

"There we go, all better?" Tate asked me. I nodded. "Good, now put it in your brother."

"In Jackson?" I asked as if there was another brother lying there with his legs spread. Jackson got up on all four and wiggled his ass at us. Tate pushed me to sit up and then he got off the bed. I looked between the plug and my twin brother who looked back at me and wiggled his hole.

"C'mon, Jules, please," he begged. He batted his eyelashes and pushed his ass back towards me. His cheeks spread open and he made his brown boy hole wink at me. I should have been grossed out... it was my brother. I wasn't though. Tate sat beside Jackson on the bed and put his hands on his cheeks to spread them further.

"You brother needs your help. Don't you want him to feel good like you do?" Tate asked.

I reached for the lube. I poured some on Jax's hole and pushed it inside. My twin started to moan and his cock fluffed up as I pushed into him. He felt warm inside and his ass muscles started to squeeze down on my fingers.

"Fuck, Jules. Fuck yeah," my brother whimpered. Jackson didn't hold any of the concerns that held me back. He followed his pleasure, knew what he wanted and felt no shame for it. Jackson was free. He wasn't bound to an old man he didn't like. He wasn't stuck in the country of our parents. He was here in the safety of his brother and a rich, Hollywood action star we both drooled over. Jackson was free.

"He's kinda tight," I noted as I worked my fingers inside his hole. Tate laughed.

"He's just squeezing down on you to get you to massage his boy-spot. He'll adjust to the plug, but he'll always prefer the real thing," Tate advised. He gave Jackson's ass a smack.

"Isn't that right, baby? Open for daddy. We don't have time for games," Tate warned. He smacked Jackson's ass again, but then leaned down and kissed him. He cared for both of us and he was eager to show me he could take care of my brother. He wanted us happy.

"Yes, daddy, ok." Jackson opened for me and I slid my fingers in deeper. His cock was leaking precum down on the bed. I roughly worked my fingers in and out until he whined in protest.

"Stop, Jules. That's not how you do it," he begged. He looked back at me with innocent brown eyes that mirrored my own. Did I look like that when Tate worked my hole into a frenzy? Was I that desperate for him? Tate said I was his protector. I give him what he needs.

"Like this, boy. His is a little different from yours. It's ok, Jax. Open that pretty pussy for your brother," Tate said as he took my hand and made my fingers slide in a little more gently and rub in a circle. Jackson nodded and his smile returned.

"Thanks, daddy," I said. My cock was getting hard again as I watched the pleasure spread out over Jackson's face. I wanted to make him happy.

"There you go, Julian. You got it. He needs a man who can own his hole, but in a different way. Yours is a boy-hole. You like it when daddy gets a little rough with you," Tate told me as he put a hand on my plug and gave it a little smack.

"Jackson's is a pussy. He needs a good pounding too, but you have to go a little slower and work him up to it. Encourage him. Let him know you can take care of his needs." Tate rubbed Jackson's back and gave him a soft kiss. He moved out of the way and pushed me to get up beside Jackson while I fingered him. I wanted to show Jackson I can be the man he needs.

"Does that feel better, Jax? You like it when I play with you boy-pussy? That feels good?" I tried to sound like Tate and dropped my voice to a low growl. Jackson's eyes lit up and he raised his head to mine. He nodded and bit his lip.

"Yes, sir. That feels good," he whispered to me with new-found respect.

"Good, boy. Open for me. Let me in there," I encouraged. I fingered his hole and put a hand on his hair to pet him. He whimpered and came in for a kiss. His lips parted and I slipped in my tongue. I gripped a fistful of his hair and held his face against mine. I wrestled his lips into submission and started to rough fuck his hole again with two fingers.

"That's my boys!" Tate slid in behind me and wrapped his hands around my waist. My cock was hard and starting to leak again as the plug pushed inside me with my ass against Tate's lap.

"Fuck that's so hot. My twins giving it to each other," Tate encouraged. He slid one hand down my stomach and started to pump my cock while I finger-fucked my twin and kissed him deeply.

"I'm gonna cum, Jules," Jackson whined when I broke our kiss. I let go of his hair and reached down to squeeze his cock while I fingered his hole.

"Make him beg for it," Tate whispered to me and then nibbled on my ear. "Show him who's in charge here."

"Beg for it, Jax," I growled. I let go of his cock and then squeezed his balls like that would stop him. Jackson yelped and looked up at me with hazy, helpless eyes.

"Please, Jules. I need it," Jackson whimpered like a puppy.

"Who am I?" I asked sternly and tugged his nuts to correct him.

"Sir, please sir. Please let me cum," Jackson begged.

"What do I get for it?" I asked. Throughout our childhood, Jackson had always reminded me he'd been the first to come out, the slightly older twin. It was rare to see him look at me with this kind of respect. He nodded in understanding.

"Please, sir. I'll do anything," Jackson whimpered in heat.

"Yeah you will! I own that hole now," I growled. I felt a rumble of pride in my chest at dominating Jax, showing him I could give him what he needs. Tate gave my cock a squeeze.

"Actually, I own both holes here, but keep going," Tate whispered to me with a laugh. He kissed my neck and rubbed his nose behind my ear. "Show him you can be his alpha like me."

"Yes sir, please. I'll do whatever you want," Jackson promised he bounced impatiently and pushed his ass back on my fingers to take them down to the last knuckle.

"That's my boy," I said and let go of his balls. I pumped his hard shaft in my hand while I shoved my fingers in and out as far as they would go. He mumbled happy thanks between moans.

"Cum for me, boy," I said and kissed him. Jackson nodded and whimpered. His body tensed up and he gritted his teeth with a loud groan. His cock started to shoot and his abs jerked as his cum sprayed over my wrist and arm.

"Fuck! Jules! Sir! Fuck!" Jackson yelled. He looked up at me, locking his eyes with mine to focus on the source of his pleasure. I jerked his cock and roughly worked his hole. His eyes fluttered and he coated my arm with thick white strands.

"Thank! You! Sir! Yes!" Jackson whined while I milked him. He covered my arm in his thick, warm cream. I was so filled with pride at making him beg and shoot that I forgot Tate was jerking my cock until I felt the cum rise in the shaft.

"Fuck, I'm gonna! Ahhh!" I groaned as my own cock started to fire off.

"Oh, baby! Yes. Cum for daddy. See how good it makes you feel to take care of your brother's needs?" Tate said. He kissed my cheek like a proud father as I jerked and twisted. My cock shot off for the second time in less than an hour and I bumped back against Tate's muscled chest as he milked me.

"Fuck, daddy!" I squealed like Jackson, all pretense of being the stronger twin melted away as he milked my cock and made me shoot. I squirmed and the plug in my ass pushed in to remind me I was his boy.

"Fuck, yeah! Daddy!" I whimpered like my brother as I shot. I was just as much the needy little bottom boy as Jackson, but I couldn't fight it.

"That's my boy. Good boy," Tate praised. He kissed up my neck and wrapped his arms around me tightly as I calmed in his lap.

Tate laid back on the bed and brought me with him. Jackson crawled up and snuggled in with me.

"Fuck, my boys are so good for daddy," Tate said as we laid there in a heap of tired, spent boys.

Tate brought us in under each arm. Jackson closed his eyes against Tate's chest as the man fumbled for his plug and worked it inside him.

"Thank you, Jules," Jackson mumbled sleepily.

+++ +++ +++

Colton and Mr. Takada showed up after our nap. Luciano had set the dining table with trays of vegetables and healthy snacks for the BBQ. Tate dressed Jackson and me in matching white tank tops and blue speedos tight enough to keep our plugs secure since we were supposed to go swimming with Colton. Tate had on a pair of blue shorts and a white tank top.

It felt like so long ago that I last saw Colton. He stood in front of his muscled, Asian daddy holding a covered bowl of something. He beamed proudly like he'd made it himself and Mr. Takada kept his hand on the boy's shoulder like a guiding father. Tate kissed Colton on the cheek as he let him in then I gave him one of those bro handshake half-hug combos I used to give to my friends before all this happened.

Luciano showed up as we made our greetings. He took the bowl from Colton and took it off to the kitchen. The two daddies talked while Colton and I just looked at each other with so much to say. I thought back to all we went through trying to fix him and now we were both in the same position. He studied me, unsure of what they'd done, but he nodded knowingly as he looked at the bulge in my speedo. They'd made me to be just like him.

"You boys go on through to the pool while Jace and I grab beers. There's a bottle of ultra sunblock. Be sure to rub each other down with thick layers and let it dry before you go in the water," Tate said as he and Mr. Takada went off to the kitchen.

"It feels weird, right?" Colton asked as we made our way out to the back deck. Jackson paused to flirt with Luciano who was finding a place on the table for Colton's dish.

"They had to do it... to protect us. The agency was going to take us unless..." I started to answer a question he hadn't asked.

"I know. Daddy explained it to me. Did it hurt?" Colton asked.

"No. Not at all... but I think I was out for a few days. Everything just feels like a weird dream. I mean I know he had to do it, but still..." I said as we got out to the back deck. There was a large steel table with eight chairs around it under a metal covering that shielded it from the blazing LA sun. I picked up the bottle of sunblock and squirted some into my palm while Colton took off his shirt.

"It just doesn't make sense to me though. I mean I had a reason; my past... the bad dreams... Mr. Takada did it to protect me... but you?" Colton looked at me with confusion. He turned his back to me and I spread the sunblock over his pale, white skin. I smoothed it on in a thick layer.

"He said I wouldn't have stopped poking around and the agency knew I was a threat. He had to do it. You know me. I wanted to bring them down," I explained.

"You wanted your brother back... You got him back... And now you have this super rich dude with crazy security to protect you both. So... why did he need to wipe you?" Colton hit on some good points and things in my head started to click.

"But daddy said..." I started.

"Daddy? I didn't think I'd ever hear that come out of your mouth," Colton laughed. It felt like a punch in the stomach.

"You call Mr. Takada that," I noted.

"And now you're just like me." Colton turned his face to me and smiled.

"No! I'm not. I'm not like you," I countered. "I'm..."

"It's not a bad thing... You were just so... You know, such a badass before... Has he fucked you yet?" Colton asked, his smile fading. He hadn't meant to offend me.

"No. Of course not," I fumbled for my masculinity.

"Oh, ok," Colton accepted that as I finished sunblocking his arms. He turned to me and grabbed the sunblock. I turned around and then heard him laugh again.

"Dude! He plugged you!" Colton laughed and reached for my ass. He pushed on the plug and an audible gasp escaped my lips. I turned around to hide my ass, but the look of pleasure on my face gave me away all over again.

"It's just... It helps keep us calm when..." I trailed off and sighed.

"When your daddy can't be inside you? I know. I get the same feeling. I feel irritated and on edge when my hole needs attention. It's who we are... and how we're made," Colton explained with sympathetic eyes.

"Fuck, what did I let them do?" I asked myself out loud. I sank into the nearest chair and the plug in my hole pushed in deeper, making me moan and squirm.

"It's ok, dude. I'm sure this was for the best," Colton squatted down in front of me between my legs. He looked up at me with those sea-green eyes.

"I don't even know anymore, Colt," I said. I tried to look at Colton, but I couldn't meet his eyes.

"It's ok, Julian! At least you're both safe here and... Tate Chan! Holy fuck he's hot!" Colton laughed and rubbed his hands up my thighs. He squeezed my leg muscles and I felt my cock stir. He was looking up at me. He didn't notice.

The glass door slid open and Tate came out laughing with Mr. Takada beside him. They stopped when they saw us. Mr. Takada put his hand on Colton's hair and rubbed his fingers through it before collecting a clump of it in his fist and gently pulling his boy up to his feet. He slid an arm around Colton's bare waist and kissed the back of his neck. He didn't like the awkward position he'd found Colton in and took a swig of his beer while eyeing me cautiously.

"Everything ok, boys?" Tate asked.

"Your backyard is awesome, Mr. Chan!" Colton quickly changed the subject. Tate came over and put his hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, it's great," I agreed and forced a smile. Tate looked suspicious, but then Jackson came bouncing out and kissed him on the cheek.

"Will you help me with the sunblock, daddy?" Jackson asked. Tate grabbed the bottle and Jackson slipped off his tank top. I used the distraction to escape to the pool. I dove in and Colton followed. The cold water felt good in the blazing sun. It wasn't super deep so I could stand up with the water level at my shoulders.

Luciano came out with a basket of pool toys. He tossed in a deflated yellow float, a few balls, and some water guns. Colton and I took turns blowing up the float until it made a giant banana. Jackson jumped in and the daddies went to the grill with their beers to work on the meat.

"I saw you guys online! You're all famous now," Colton said.

"I know! We're going to be huge!" Jackson squealed.

"No we are not! We're going to be safe and hidden until the agency forgets we exist!" I assured.

"Whatever! Daddy said no, but he'll come around. Do you know how hot we would look together in photo shoots? In a year or two we won't even need him!" Jackson whispered the last part. I hadn't heard him say that before. The thought of leaving Tate made my hole ache. Colton looked at me with a raised eyebrow. This was unthinkable to him too.

"We're not doing that," I glared at Jackson.

"We're his sons' and his sons' will want to go off to college, right?" Jackson smiled. He noticed the two of us not sharing his excitement.

"Well that's a few years off. But don't ruin this for us, Jules! You never know how to just go with stuff. You always have to poke into things and it worries daddy. We're supposed to have fun and be his happy little twins. Look around you. A man like Tate can afford anything he wants and he chose us. This is as good as it gets," Jackson lectured.

"He's right. There's nothing you can do about it, and you know Tate has the resources to keep you safe. The security here is insane. You might as well just enjoy it until things settle down," Colton agreed.

I looked over at Tate who was laughing and grilling with Mr. Takada. He caught my eyes and set down his beer. He raised an eyebrow to ask if I was ok. I nodded and was about to smile when a blast of water hit the side of my face.

"Got you," Jackson laughed. I turned to see him holding up a water gun. He laughed and shot me again. Colton handed me the other water gun and I started to fire back. It took me out of my head and we splashed around trying to shoot each other while Colton floated away on the big banana. Jax and I called a truce when we ran out of water.

"See? Just have fun, Jules," Jackson said as he swam up to me.

"I'm trying it's just..." I didn't know what I wanted to say.

"It's ok, Jules. We'll have fun with Tate for awhile until this is over. We're together now, thanks to you. We won't have to be separated anymore," Jackson whispered to me.

We splashed around until Tate called that the food was ready. The three of us got out and wrapped towels around our waists to head over to the table. Colton settled into Mr. Takada's lap while Jax and I sat on either side of Tate. Luciano brought out plates and sides around the plate of meat in the center. He served Jackson and then me. Jax and I got hamburgers and salad.

"I can't imagine how you'll handle two of them," Mr. Takada said when we'd all started eating.

"They help out with each other. Once they settle down into a good routine it'll go smoother. They really are good boys," Tate said and gave us each a pat on the head.

"I have enough trouble with just the one. He'd be a nightmare if he had backup!" Mr. Takada joked. He kissed Colton's cheek and fed his boy a bite of the hamburger.

"True. If these two ever team up against me, I'll be in real trouble," Tate laughed.

"Are you kidding me? If anyone can keep a firm hand on them, it's you." Mr. Takada scoffed.

"I may have some experience raising boys," Tate said with a wink. "I've been a father many times in my films!" We all laughed.

"Trust me, boys. You are in good hands here with a daddy who knows what he's doing." Mr. Takada sounded reassuring.

The two men went on talking as the boys ate quietly. They talked about our education and putting us in the same online high school program that Colton uses. Jackson had been out of school longer and had more credits to make up.

I was surprised to hear Tate know so much about us. He knew that I needed five more courses and Jackson needed ten. He knew that I was better with science and math while Jackson was gifted in music and art. He even knew that I took coding classes and wanted to be a programmer. He said he had a specialist working on our college applications so we could get into good programs. I didn't think he knew us as anything more than sex-toy pets. He really was interested in being a good father to us.

"You really learned us," I noted when there was a lull in the conversation.

"Of course I do! I want my boys to have the best education and fulfill their potentials. You are both very bright and need the chance to develop. You didn't think I was going to let you two lie around all day playing with each other, did you?" Tate looked at me incredulously like this was all very obvious.

"Thank you... daddy," I said. I looked at Jackson but he was disinterested in this conversation.

"Very good hands," Mr. Takada repeated his earlier words.

We finished up the meal and then got fresh rubdowns of sunblock. We went back into the pool while the men talked and laughed from the deck.


By the time Colton and Mr. Takada headed home, it was nearly bedtime. Luciano had cleaned up the house and disappeared either to his room or out for the night. Jax and I held back while Tate walked the guests to let them out of the main gate.

"Are you ready for it?" Jackson asked me when the men left.

"For what?" I yawned. We'd spent hours playing around in the pool like kids.

"To get fucked. Your first time and it's with an international superstar! And his cock, Jules! It gets inside you and just makes everything light up. It's perfect." Jax glowed.

I thought back to my conversation with Colton. Tate really didn't have to turn me. He said it was to keep me safe, but he could have programmed me to forget about the agency instead of making me into a cock-hungry boy who needed him inside me. Was I really just going to go along with this? I felt my cock stir just thinking about it. I thought about it more and my hole twitched in anticipation. I felt this building need to pounce on him and ride him.

"Did you ever think I'd be into guys?" I asked my twin. We'd grown up sharing a bedroom, clothes, friends, everything. I knew early on that he liked guys in a different way than I did, wanted to be more than friends with them.

"Kind of. I mean... you liked girls and all. I never thought you were gay, but you always looked out for weaker guys in a way that was more than just friendly. You got pretty hard when you played with my hole. I know that was after they wiped your brain, but Colton told me you got hard playing with his too and even let him suck you off." Jackson pointed.

"That was different. It wasn't like this. Colton was desperate and I was trying to get into the agency and save you. I had to look out for Colt because..." I trailed off. I thought back to the times I'd explored him, dominated him, let him please me. No one had forced me to cum, nothing was wrong with my brain.

"So maybe it's not a guy's cock that bothers you, it's what you want him to do with it," Jackson laughed. He slapped me on the arm. "Don't overthink it."

The door opened and Tate came back in with a laugh like he'd just heard a joke. He came towards us and put a hand on each of our shoulders then brought us together.

"I'm proud of you boys. You behaved well and played nicely with Colton. You deserve a reward," Tate said as he pushed us together. He rubbed his hands down our backs to toy with the plugs in our holes. I looked at Jackson and his mouth fell open to mirror mine. Tate used that to push us closer until we kissed.

"You... play... with us!" Jackson said between gasps of pleasure.

"I think you've earned that." Tate smiled. He turned us towards the stairs and toyed with our holes the whole way up to the bedroom. By the time I got to the bed, my hole was lit up and pulsing around the plug. Jackson hopped on and landed on all fours. He quickly spread his knees and wiggled his ass for Tate.

"Please, daddy. I need it," Jackson begged with a whimper. Tate eyed him with a wide grin and gripped the bulge in his shorts. I held back.

"I think it's Julian's turn. He's been begging for it. You ready for me, boy?" Tate turned and put his arm around me.

"I'm good. He looks like he needs it more," I mumbled, still turning over my thoughts even though my ass was begging for attention.

"See? He's good. Now fuck me," Jackson turned to look at us with demanding eyes.

"You sure, Julian?" Tate asked me. I wasn't, but I nodded anyways. Tate shrugged and pushed his shorts down to free his hard, thick cock. Jackson turned around and opened his lips for it. Tate laughed at his eagerness and went towards him. He pushed into Jackson's lips and let out a low growl of release.

"He's so good at this, come here," Tate reached for my hand and pulled me towards the bed. He pushed me to sit beside my twin and I watched his thick, brown cock slide into my brother's pink lips. Jackson's eyes darted over to me and his stuffed lips curled into a smile at the corners. He nodded with his mouth full and mumbled agreement.

Tate gripped Jackson's hair and started to fuck his face with grunts and gasps as my brother showed his skills on daddy's cock. I couldn't take my eyes off of it and soon I found myself rubbing the plug in my hole. I twisted it and pushed it in. My cock was rock hard and Tate leaned over to pull at my speedo.

"See how good it feels? You're so ready for daddy inside you, aren't you?" Tate pulled at the waistband of the speedos until my cock flopped out. He started to ram Jackson's throat and I watched my brother sputter to keep up with it, but he didn't pull away. He moaned happily.

I didn't respond. I looked up at Tate who was staring down at me. I was torn between the building heat of what he was doing with my brother and the feelings of unease at how much it turned me on. I wanted to get in there, but I wondered how much of my feelings were mine and how much came from the programming in my head.

Tate pulled out of Jackson's mouth and his spit-slicked monster wagged in front of him. He gave Jackson a slap on the bottom and then went to lie down in the center of the bed. He pulled Jackson towards him and gave the plug in his ass a twist while I sat there on the corner of the bed watching.

"Show me that pretty little pussy, Jax," Tate said. I shuddered. He'd used my name for my twin and he'd referred to his hole as if he was a girl. I looked over at them and watched as my brother's face lit up. He scrambled to get up and straddle Tate's lap where the man's cock stood up ready for action.

"That's my boy, let daddy get that plug out of your little hole," He was talking to Jackson like he was a little plaything. It disgusted me, but Jackson seemed to love it. I found myself toying with my own plug and wondering how the real thing would feel in there.

"Yeah daddy, fuck my pussy please. I need it," Jackson whined. I rolled my eyes, but I pushed down my speedo and my cock was pulsing with a drop of precum sliding down the tip.

Tate took the plug out and set it on the side table then turned Jackson around to look at his hole. My brother bent forward and slid backwards up Tate's chest to put his hole up near Tate's lips. Jackson stroked Tate's cock and then went back to sucking on it. I heard the slurping sounds of Tate working my twin's hole. I got up and the speedo fell down to my ankles. I stepped out of it and went to lay beside them so I could see what Tate was doing.

"Fuck, daddy. That feels so good. Please fuck me," Jackson whimpered as Tate's tongue slid into him and worked him open. I was rock hard and fisting my cock as I watched.

"Look how your brother begs for it. He knows what he likes and he isn't afraid to get it," Tate said as he looked over at me and read my face.

"Don't be a pussy, Jules." Jackson looked up from Tate's cock and smirked at me. Tate reached over and put his hand between my thighs. He twisted the plug in my hole slowly and watched my face light up as the little ridges rubbed over my spot.

"The plug feels good in there, Jules?" Tate asked, using the name my brother called me.

"Yes, ahhh, fuck," I hissed as he twisted the plug and pushed it in and out of my hole.

"The real thing feels better, doesn't it, Jax?" Tate asked my brother.

"Fuck yeah. Wait till you feel it in you. It's just the right thickness to stretch you a little but not hurt too much and it hits spots you didn't even know you had. He knows how to work it," Jackson agreed.

"Let me help you with this," Tate said and pulled the plug from my hole. He set it over beside Jackson's on the table. I thought he would finger me, but instead he turned his attention to my twin. He put his hands on Jackson's waist and lifted him to sit on his chest.

"Turn around, baby. I need to get inside you," Tate said. Jackson scrambled to turn to face him. Tate sat up and scooted back against the pillows. He brought Jackson down onto his lap and aimed his cock for my brother's hole.

"Fuuuuuck," Jackson hissed as he slid down Tate's monster. "Fuck, daddy!" He bit his lip and looked at me with wide eyes.

"You like that, Jax? Tell your brother what it feels like. Tell him what he's missing," Tate said. Jackson was on his knees and squatting down over Tate's cock as the older man started to slide up inside him. Jackson's eyes rolled back in pleasure as he gave up his hole to Tate.

"Fuck! It's so... Fuck! It's bad, you don't want it," Jackson laughed through gasps and whines.

Tate laughed and reached up to pinch his nipples hard. "Be honest, boy."

"It makes my whole body go warm and sends chills through me. It feels like I'm constantly on the edge of shooting. It feels like.... Fuck that's good," Jackson whimpered. "Fuck me daddy! Make that pussy yours!"

"There's my baby," Tate growled. He sat up and gripped Jackson's ass by the cheeks to hold him still while he fucked up into him. He leaned up and bit on Jax's nipples, making my brother scream out in pleasure.

"Feel me stretching that pussy? Feel me seeding my boy?" Tate whispered in a low, daddy voice. Jax nodded and pushed his face into Tate's shoulder. He threw his arms around Tate's neck and held on while the man fucked him.

"Yes! Daddy! Fuck! Yes!" Jackson whined. He tried to bounce, but Tate held him steady.

"Not too much, Jax. You'll hurt yourself. Let daddy make you feel good," Tate said.

"You ready to try, Jules? You want to feel as good as your brother does?" Tate asked. He turned to look at me without breaking his stride in Jackson's ass. I tried to fight it, but my body was working against me. My hole was pulsing and I realized I'd been fingering it without thinking. My cock was rock hard and leaking.

"Are you afraid you'll like it?" Tate laughed.

"You'll like it as much as I do, Jules. I promise. C'mon. We share everything, Jules. Try it," Jackson was trying to help Tate out, but I also knew he meant it. He knew I was struggling with this and wanted to help me get over it.

"I don't know... I mean. I'm not gay like that," I said though I wasn't sure who I was trying to convince. My body was pushing me to go for it. My hole begged to feel him inside me. Against my will I started to slide closer to him. Tate rubbed my stomach and gave my cock a pump as he fucked my twin.

"You're not?" Tate asked with a smirk. He slid his hand down between my legs and slipped two fingers inside me. My body lit up and it pushed me over the edge. I knew I couldn't resist it.

"Ok..." I whispered and gave in.

Jackson let out a disappointed sigh. Tate sat up again and kissed him. He didn't like letting either of us down, but he wanted inside me. He was ready to be my first.

"It's ok. I want Julian to feel good too," Jackson said. Tate nodded and kissed him again.

"You're a good brother," he praised. He lifted Jackson off his lap and set him on his other side against the pillows. He gave him a kiss and jerked his cock a few times. Jackson drew his knees up into his chest and rubbed his hand down to his hole. His hard cock flopped around as he played with himself while Tate sat up and looked at me.

"I'll go slow. Keep your eyes on me. I need to see how you're doing. Tell me how it feels, ok? I'll make it feel good." Tate assured. He pushed my legs up into my chest. I spread them and secured my knees behind my elbows to spread wide for him. I looked down at my hard cock and nodded at him.

"Yes, daddy," I said. I looked up at him as he knelt in front of me. He leaned down and lined his cock up with my hole. He pushed the tip against it and I felt a wave of chills spread through me as my hole twitched in anticipation.

"You want to be my boy, Jules? You ready to give daddy that sweet pussy?" Tate asked with a smirk. He rubbed my chest and gave my pecs a firm pat.

"It's not a pussy," I argued in defiance though my hole was pulsing as he pushed the tip in.

"No? It feels so tight though and look how good it makes my boy feel," Tate said as he shoved in another inch. He leaned down and kissed me as my body tensed and shuddered with chills of excitement. I fought to keep my eyes open and bit on my lip as he hit my spot and made me light up.

"Fuuuuuuck," I whined. "That feels so... fuck yes." I was quickly losing it as his cock hypnotized me with pleasure. My cock felt on the edge of cumming. Something about it made me feel so safe, protected, and connected to him. His muscled arms wrapped around my back and he pulled me in against his hot, sweaty chest.

"You like that, Jules? You want daddy to fuck that pussy? You want daddy to make it feel good?" Tate asked. His smirk was gone. He stared into me with intense power that told me he needed me as much as I needed him. He was ready to claim his prize for rescuing us.

"Yes, daddy. Please fuck me," I begged. He started to slide in and out of my hole; each time leaving a ripple of stars and moans. It lit a fire inside me that needed him deeper, harder, faster. I got this urge for him to dominate me, use me, give me his seed. It was desperation.

"Fuck what? Tell me you want that pussy fucked right like only daddy can do," Tate growled in my ear. I hesitated and he stopped his cock right at the tip, right on the edge of bringing those feelings that had me panting for him.

"Please, please fuck me," I whimpered, trying to satisfy him, trying to get what I needed.

"Fuck what? Tell me, Jules. Tell me who owns that pussy," Tate pushed. He wasn't going to let up until I told him what he wanted to hear, what we both knew was the truth.

"Please, daddy. Please fuck my..." I bit my lip. I looked up at him with pleading eyes. I wanted him to meet me halfway here, but he wanted it all and I needed to give it to him. He froze, glared down into my eyes, my soul. He knew I'd give it to him, give in to what I was.

"Please fuck my pussy," I whispered. A smile crept across his lips.

"Speak up, boy. Tell me, tell your twin. Jax wants to hear it too, don't you boy?" Tate laughed.

Jax nodded eagerly. "It's ok, Jules, " he encouraged me. "It's who we are, just go with it. You'll feel so good after you admit it."

"PLEASE DADDY!" I begged. "Please fuck the pussy you own. Fuck your boy like he needs."

"That's my baby," Tate praised with a wide smile. He shoved his cock in and made my eyes roll back in my head as I let out a low growl of pleasure. I gasped and bit my lip. It was more than I could take, but my body craved it. This dam of satisfaction broke inside me and set every nerve on fire as it washed through me. My head went dizzy and I felt like I was in his cocoon of safety. His muscles wrapped around me as he filled me with his cock, and my legs fell around his hips, as I tried to pull him deeper inside me..

"Fuck, Julian. That pussy is so tight, but it feels so good on daddy's cock," Tate growled as his teeth bit against my shoulder like a lion gathering his cub.

"Feels so... good... daddy... yeah," I mumbled helplessly in his hold as he started to slide in and out of my hole. His cock stretched my hole and touched every spot just right. My muscles tensed and jerked like I was cumming, but it never calmed. Each stroke pushed me deeper into his trance.

"Your pussy was made for daddy's cock. It fits so good, baby boy." Tate nibbled on my ear as he held me tight. His body pulsed heat and sweat. Our chests rubbed together in a wet, hot rhythm.

"It's yours, daddy. I need it," I admitted. The world around us disappeared, at least until I felt my brother press into my side and reach between us to stroke my cock. Tate raised his right arm from me and wrapped it around my twin. He kissed Jackson and sped up on my hole. He kissed Jackson's chest and shoulder until he hit a ticklish spot and Jackson erupted in giggles.

"I love my boys. You two mean everything to me," Tate assured. He started to pound my ass. I reached for Jackson's cock and we stroked each other as daddy pistoned my hole and kissed my twin.

"You'll keep us safe, daddy," Jackson whimpered.

"You know I will. Daddy keeps his boys safe," Tate growled in his daddy voice.

"And give us lots of cock," Jackson added.

"My pussy-boys get what they need," Tate said. He brought his attention back to me with a kiss as he slammed my hole. Jackson's lips wormed in and we made out in a tangle of tongues and gropes as Tate worked my hole with his thick cock.

"You do, daddy. You do," I whined as he shoved in deeper. I felt the cum rising in my shaft. I was so close. Jackson's hand wrapped around my shaft had me on the edge. I looked over into his eyes. He batted his eyelashes and bit on my lip playfully. Tate drove into me deeper and made my lips gasp as I felt his balls slap against my ass. He pushed in and out with a loud grunt and grazed his teeth up my cheek.

"Fuck, baby. You boys feel so good when I'm in there," he groaned. He slow-fucked my hole, probably close to cumming. I didn't have enough experience to tell. I wanted his seed deep inside me, to have a part of him that I'd earned.

"I'm so close, daddy. It feels so good," I whined like a desperate bitch.

"It's ok, Jules. I knew you wouldn't last long once you gave it up," Tate told me. He took slow, powerful strokes that left me with ragged breath and dizzy stars.

"Fuck, daddy. I'm... ahh! Fuck! Oh fuck! Fuck my PUSSY!" I screamed as my cock started to fire off. Jackson gripped it tight and held still as my cock jerked and fired off. My body twisted and bumped in Tate's hold. I felt his cock tighten up inside me and he drove all the way in then started to pump his cream into me.

"Me too, baby. Daddy's cumming. Fuck, boy. Here it comes," Tate moaned as he pumped inside me and pushed my cum out of my cock. I felt his hot spurts shoot up into me. I could feel his seed coating me, filling my new formed pussy. It felt so strange and wonderful. The feeling caused me to shudder and sent more of my own cum shooting from my cock. He gazed deeply into my eyes and then his lips latched onto mine as we writhed together in shared ecstasy.

"Uhhh," I heard Jackson whine and remembered I was jacking his cock. I felt his hot jizz shot out over my arm and heard a thud as it landed on Tate. He pushed his face in between ours and we kissed together as we all finished.

"Fuck that was good," Tate said with as he pulled off us. He sank into me one more time to milk his cock and then rolled over between us to lie between his boys. My hole felt stretched and tender, but so good. I felt a wetness and realized his seed had overflowed a little. It all felt so... right.

"So fucking good," Jackson said. I was speechless. Tate wrapped his arms around us and brought us into his chest. We rose and fell as he regained his breath and I calmed against his pounding heartbeat.

"That's my good boys." Tate rubbed our hair and held us against his chest. We were mass of sweaty flesh fighting for breath. Jax and I nuzzled in under his arms and stared at each other from across his chest.

We laid there half-asleep in total silence, but together, for the longest time.

"Daddy?" I said after a long, thoughtful silence.

"Yeah, Jules?" Tate stirred from his sleepiness with a yawn.

"I think I might be... you know... gay," I admitted.

"It's ok, son. I'm your daddy. I love you," Tate assured. He kissed my forehead tenderly. I knew he was telling the truth.

"I'm gay too!" Jackson piped in like that wasn't obvious before.

"Both of you? Well that's just too much, but what's a daddy to do?" Tate laughed and tickled us until we sat up and tried to get away. We went off to shower and get dressed for bed.

I went to sleep that night feeling like I'd finally let go of the burden I'd started carrying when Jackson had left. Tate would keep us together, keep us safe, and be the daddy we needed. He loved us, and I was pretty sure I was falling for him too.

-- ----*--

Thanks for reading. Comments Appreciated Special thanks to my editor/ideaguy Thalomen My Stories:

-- ----*-- Made in Florida

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