Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Apr 20, 2023


Trying something new in this chapter. Let me know what you think.

Please donate to nifty to keep this site free and open ++++ Story Recap: Colton Johnson was kidnapped by Julian Cheng, a Chinese-American jock boy whose twin brother Jackson was brain-wiped by the network run by Eizo Kimura. Jason Takada, the mixed-Asian muscle daddy who owns Colton, rescues his boy from Julian and decides Colton needs stronger protection and a much smaller footprint. Eizo and Jason decide to help Julian rescue his twin, but do they have other motives up their sleeves?

{Tabula Colton} [Ch.11- The Boy and His Twin] ~By Emri~

"He likes this stuff, really?" Julian asked as he and Mr. Takada entered the dark closet and found me half-asleep. I'd pulled off the headphones and taken a nap while the men met downstairs to discuss how to help Julian. Mr. Takada turned on the closet lights and I blinked up at them.

"Ask him yourself," Mr. Takada knelt beside me and brushed back my hair. He reached behind my head and unhooked the rubber mouth gag. "Ahh good, you finished your water!" he said when he pulled the pacifier end out of my mouth and saw the little reservoir was empty.

I moved my jaw around. It ached a little, but the pacifier gag had been soothing. He unlocked the rope and undid my wrist cuffs. He pulled off my blanket and lifted me up into a hug. I looked over his shoulder to see Julian giving a look of confused discomfort. He'd seen me in every imaginable position so it shouldn't have been too surprising.

"Poor kid is out of his mind," Julian shook his head.

"Nope, he's a very happy boy. I let his world get too big. It's time to simplify things for him," Mr. Takada said. He helped me to my feet. Julian had brought the bag of my clothes from the hotel room. He set them down in the closet and Mr. Takada told me to put them in the hamper for tomorrow's laundry chores. He put his hand on Julian's shoulder and left.

"You'll be safe here. Jackson should be on a flight in a few hours. He'll be in tomorrow night. The agency won't get you here. It's too risky," I heard Mr. Takada said when I came down to the second floor. Donovan and Justin had moved into my boy room and Julian seemed to be setting up in the guest room.

"I can't believe it! The agency said it would take weeks just to get him out of China," Julian said.

"Well I don't think they ever intended to get him out. They likely just wanted to study him and then ransom him back to his owner," Mr. Takada shook his head. "They aren't trustworthy."

"I don't know how to thank you," Julian gushed. He gave Mr. Takada those flirty eyes that had me burning with jealousy. I don't know why he made me feel that way.

Mr. Takada offered a hug and then he gave Julian time to settle in. He saw me waiting for him and took me downstairs to find Donovan and Justin watching a basketball game. We cuddled up on the couch and watched the Lakers lose. I went off to the bathroom and found Julian waiting for me by the kitchen and picking at the lunch leftovers.

"Hey," he said when I passed and grabbed my arm. "I'm sorry for dragging you into all this. I mean... it's fucked up what they did to your brain, but I guess it helped you from where you were. You chose this and my brother didn't. I needed to save him."

"I know... It's ok. It was so hard being away from him, but now everyone's in a better place. Right?" I looked at Julian with hopeful eyes. He nodded and offered me a hug.

"They're paying a ransom for him. Mr. Takada and Eizo negotiated some of the research, enough to get them started on mimicking the process. They wanted another test on you, but he refused. He said you were off limits. The look he had... He loves you so much," Julian whispered into my ear.

I looked back at Mr. Takada on the couch sipping a beer and laughing with the guys. He stopped and turned back to look at me as Julian hugged me. He gave me that look as if to ask if everything was ok. I nodded against Julian's shoulder and smiled.

"It's past your bedtime," Mr. Takada said when I got back from the bathroom. He patted my ass.

"Aww C'mon, sir. Everybody's up." I reasoned. His warm eyes turned fierce. I lowered my head. He took my hand and told everyone he was going to tuck me in. Julian finished his snack and put the leftovers back in the fridge then followed us upstairs.

"I should try to sleep too," he said as he bounded up after us. Mr. Takada paused to wait for him. "Maybe we can talk first though? Maybe check on Jackson's flight?" Julian asked.

"Sure. Go put your pajamas on and come up," he said. His hand felt good gripping mine, but I felt like a little kid who somehow couldn't put himself to sleep. I followed him up to the third floor though. It wasn't a good time to be a bad boy. I changed into a pair of sleep shorts and a soft velvety white tank top while he dimmed the lights in the bedroom. I went to brush my teeth and then found Julian in the bedroom bare-chested and wearing a tight pair of gym shorts.

"Here we go, Colton," Mr. Takada said and pulled back the covers. I got in and he pulled them up over my chest. It felt so nice to be back in our bed. I'd missed the mattress that conformed to my frame and supported me in just the right spots. I'd missed the satiny soft sheets and heavy down comforter that wrapped me in safety. It was more though. His aura, his scent, his presence made me feel like I was home.

Mr. Takada sat next to me on the bed and Julian came over to the other side. They sat on top of the comforter while I burrowed under it. Mr. Takada started to rub my chest, kiss my cheek, and lull me into a yawning state.

"He's so easy to put down, sleeps so peacefully," Mr. Takada said.

"He didn't in the hotel. He made weird noises like he was having bad dreams," Julian countered.

"A boy needs his daddy. He never feels right without me. What did you want to talk about?"

"It was awful." I yawned and Mr. Takada laughed. He leaned down to kiss me and rubbed my chest in a slow pressured circle to soothe me to sleep.

"My brother, sir. He won't be happy about being here. I haven't talked to him since before Christmas. He sounded so weak there, but he said he was in love and didn't want to ever leave. It just didn't sound like him. Jackson was always the stronger one. I mean yeah he likes dick, but he's not like... you know. He's not like THAT," Julian said as if being gay somehow made one less of a man. I'd learned better over the last few weeks.

"Well if Eizo can fix him, he should be ok. He'll take some time to recover and adjust. What about your parents? Haven't they been looking for him?" Mr. Takada asked.

"No. Jackson always had difficulties with them. He was always doing things just to piss them off. They said he was 18 now and could run away if he wanted. Our family has some issues," Julian admitted with a sigh. I felt his weight on my shoulder as he rolled onto his side. His hand joined Mr. Takada's on my chest and he rubbed down to my stomach. I felt like their coffee table.

"All families do. Colton's parents are completely disinterested. He wasn't the football jock church leader his brothers lived up to. How could anyone throw out such a perfect boy? I'm sure Jackson will be fine. He can recover here with you by his side. Delivery men are coming tomorrow to set up bunk beds for the two of you in the guest room." Mr. Takada assured.

"Thank you, sir! I'll help out around here all I can! I'll help Colton with his chores. It'll be better than worrying about Jackson trying to escape. I know this community is safe for him and he'll get help here," Julian sounded praising, but the undertone was desperation. He needed his twin back and would go along with whatever the men wanted. He'd play the good boy for Mr. Takada. I felt his hand rub over my stomach. He wanted to show daddy he knew how to be a good brother.

"I'm helping you because it's the right things to do. Just like helping Colton out of his nightmares and anxiety and into a happy, peaceful boy was the right thing to do. I love my sweet boy. I can't imagine someone doing to him what was done to your brother. A disgusting older man of wealth who turned a desperate boy into his plaything... I can't turn away from that," Mr. Takada assured.

They went on to talking about other things in whispered tones. They both kept rubbing me like a family pet as I drifted off.


I woke up snuggled into Mr. Takada's chest. I yawned and stretched as the morning sunlight greeted me. The smartwatch on his wrist told me I'd been out for over ten hours. There's no better sleep than a 17 year old boy safely held in his owner's arms. I looked behind me when I heard a light snore.

Julian was tucked in beside me and sprawled out with his arms in a V over his head like he'd accomplished something important. He must have fallen asleep talking to Mr. Takada last night. Of course the older man would happily tuck him in beside me. He was back to feeling fatherly towards Julian.

I crawled out from between them and went to get dressed for the day. I didn't expect to be going anywhere. He'd made it clear yesterday that his home was my limit. I was ok with that for a few days. I put on fresh briefs, transparent yellow, a pair of green sweatpants, and a yellow tank top. I went downstairs and helped Donovan and Justin make breakfast. They were heading off to school. I was glad I didn't have to go. I doubted Julian would go either since his brother was flying in from Hong Kong.

Mr. Takada came down when the bacon was sizzling on the stove. Julian trailed in behind him and demanded coffee. Justin and I served them while Donovan went off to get ready for his early class.

"I have to stop by your school this morning. I signed you up for the online academy last night so I'll need to close things out at your high school. Julian should go today too." Mr. Takada said. Julian protested, but Mr. Takada reminded him that his brother wouldn't be in until later and the school would contact his parents if he missed. Julian relented.

"I'll be alone here?" I asked with sadness. I didn't want to be alone.

"I have the cameras monitoring you so I can check in from my phone. I won't be gone long. I can put you away in the closet if it helps, but I think you should get started on your chores," Mr. Takada left two unhappy options. He showed me how to use the "daddy button" on the security system panel by the laundry room. It instantly called his phone.

He finished breakfast and I followed him upstairs to sit on the bathroom counter and watch him get dressed for work. He put on a nice suit and talked to me while he went through his routine. Julian met up with us in the bedroom. He had his backpack and jeans with a ripped black t-shirt and red flannel shirt. He didn't look happy about going to school today. I didn't envy him.

Mr. Takada left me in the kitchen with a kiss. I got to work cleaning up from breakfast and then went to Julian's bedroom to get his laundry. I got a little distracted smelling his boxer briefs. He had a unique sweat that was somewhere between man and boy. He wasn't quite Mr. Takada's alpha musk, but he was on his way. I got hard just touching them. His cock wasn't the one I desired, but he had a lot going for him. It felt criminal to load them into the washer, but it was my task for the day.

I was just walking out of the laundry room when I felt the ground move and heard a loud noise. I ran over to the front window and looked out at the cul-de-sac to see a large white truck roll through the gates. The driver had on a white baseball cap. He caught my eye and honked with a wave. I pulled the drapes closed and ran back to the laundry room. It was definitely the agency coming back to get me. I felt my heart pounding as I hit the daddy button on the security panel.

"There's a big giant truck pulling into the neighborhood! It's the right size for a kidnapping brain lab!" I yelled when he answered.

"A kidnapping... brain... lab? You think that's a thing?" Mr. Takada laughed. "It's probably Mr. Massoud moving in next door. He and Dawson scheduled the movers for today."

"Oh... That does make more sense," I said and realized how dumb I sounded.

"Don't worry, baby. You were right to call me. It's important to be on the lookout for large kidnapping brain lab wagons. It's a real problem in Beverly Hills," he laughed. He came home shortly after that and took me over to see the movers filling the house next door with Mr. Massoud's furniture. Dawson walked over in a pair of short white shorts and tank top. He had that dopey smile he'd gotten from the therapy Eizo had given him.

"We're neighbors, Colton! Isn't that great? We can play together! Daddy says we can get a dog! I want a big golden one that can play tug!" Dawson bounced.

"Dear God, Kasim! What did you do to him?" Mr. Takada asked Mr. Massoud.

"Oh, it's a temporary wipe! Dawson picked it. Eizo is letting us try out different levels before we decide on one," Mr. Massoud laughed. "Dawson says it's the most relaxed and happy he's ever felt. He can't wait for the permanent one. I'll make sure he's not so... deprived of IQ. He's been quite the happy boy though."

"I can do cartwheels and tricks, Colton! Want to see?" he asked and put his arm around me.

"Um... yeah sure!" I said and Dawson tumbled off across our yard impressively.

"Are you watching, daddy?" Dawson squealed.

"Of course, baby. So amazing," Mr. Massoud laughed. "He's really been so amazing. I can't thank you enough," he said to Mr. Takada. A team of muscled men were carrying their belongings inside the house where the FBI agent lived. Mr. Takada said he'd been offered double the current value and moved out quickly.

The two daddies talked on the front patio chairs of our house while Dawson tried to impress me with more tricks he'd learned. He finally ran out of energy and collapsed on our porch next to his daddy's feet. He sat up and laid his head in Mr. Massoud's lap. The older man pet him. I went to sit next to him between Mr. Takada's legs and laid my head back against his bulge.

"It's going to be so neat living around people like us!" Dawson said happily as he lipped at Mr. Massoud's left knee. He batted his long lashes and flashed me a wide smile.

"Yeah. It'll be nice to have a friend next door," I said. I really was happy for him.

"I've got a big dick, Colton! I squirted it in daddy's mouth last night. It felt really good," he beamed. I hoped I never sounded like that.

"That's really great, man!" I raised an eyebrow but humored him. Hopefully permanent Dawson wouldn't be like that.

"I've got to pee! Daddy, can I go pee?" he asked like it was an exciting moment.

"Sure, come inside, you two. I need to get Colton started on his work anyways," Mr. Takada stood and offered me his hand.

"I did my chores," I assured.

"Your school work." Mr. Takada pulled me to my feet. "I signed Colton up for an online school. He gets an on demand tutor any time of day. It'll help get him on the college track."

"I have to go to college too?" I grumbled.

"Yes! Of course! You're more than just a houseboy. Donovan is going through med school and Justin is getting top grades. What if something happens to me in the future? You need a skill and a degree!" Mr. Takada pushed me towards the door.

"But the brain thing made me dumb, remember?" I asked.

"It did no such thing. You just never applied yourself and now you will. My boy is plenty smart with a bright future. Go!" he put his hand on my shoulder and kissed my forehead as he nudged me inside. Dawson bounded past us like a big puppy and made a beeline for the restroom.

"This looks promising! They do college courses as well? When Dawson is back to normal I want him to start on business courses," Mr. Massoud said as Mr. Takada opened the new laptop and navigated into the learning program.

"They offer business college! It's state of the art! Plus it locks him into the program and alerts the parent when the student is not progressing. The camera monitors him! He goes through the lessons and pushes the tutor button whenever he needs help. I paid extra for unlimited tutoring. It's pretty expensive, but my boy is worth it," Mr. Takada explained.

"Dawson would need that as well. He struggles with learning. It could get pricy," Mr. Massoud said.

"My boy is worth every penny. He knows his daddy will spare no expense for his future!" Mr. Takada kissed the top of my head and put his hands on my shoulder while I read the introduction to the chemistry lesson.


Julian came running in from school right at 4. He immediately ran past me and up the stairs to find Mr. Takada in his office. I heard excited yells as Julian inquired about his brother's flight. I went upstairs to join in the revelry. Mr. Takada was looking up the flight on his computer, he stopped when he saw me.

"You are still in school. Why did you stop?" he looked at me with mild annoyance.

"I wanted to see what... um... sorry," I said. I stopped on the top step and looked at my shoes.

"Your education comes first, boy. You're finished when I say so," he said harshly.

"Yes, sir," I bowed and went back downstairs. He and Julian talked in hushed tones for what seemed like the longest time while I finished up my last lesson. I did some extra review problems until he came downstairs with Julian.

"We're going out for dinner. We'll eat near the airport and get Jackson when he arrives," Mr. Takada said. He took me back upstairs and picked out jeans, a t-shirt, and hoodie for me to wear. He put on a blue polo shirt and dad khakis then we got Julian and headed out.


We went to a fancy Italian restaurant on the marina overlooking a sea of boats on Santa Monica Bay. The hostess led us upstairs to a small area with a table set for four. There was a man already sitting and sipping a cocktail. I recognized him instantly.

"That's Tate Chan! Woah!" I grabbed Mr. Takada's arm and froze in a starstruck haze. Tate was my all-time favorite action star. He'd been in every blockbuster action flick this decade! He raced cars, fought terrorists, brought down evil villains; I'd seen all his films!

"I know, try not to gush over him. He hates that," Mr. Takada laughed and pulled me towards the table.

"Oh hell yah!" Julian recognized him too. Tate nodded to us without getting up. He was a work of fine art. He was over six feet tall and a muscled tower of alpha wonder. Tate's mom was Lebanese and his dad was Chinese. He looked even more impressive in real life than on screen. His features blended beautifully with almond skin, black hair, gleaming white teeth, and this perfect little scar just above his right eyebrow.

"Hey, Jace," he said and stood to hug Mr. Takada. The man of my film-love was hugging the man of my sex-love. I was ready to fall at their feet. The two men exchanged greetings and then Mr. Takada introduced us. I made a weird squeal when Tate hugged me. He felt like a solid rock.

"Mr. Chan is sponsoring your brother's recovery. He's very interested in helping you boys and will be there for the protection needed," Mr. Takada explained as we all settled into the table for dinner.

"Protection from what?" Julian asked.

"The agency won't let you go so easily. No matter what our deal was, they know how valuable your brother and Colton are. You can't go back to living like before," Mr. Takada explained.

"I was moved by what happened to you and your brother. My family comes from Hong Kong and I can't imagine such terrible things happening there. I want to help you both," Tate said and took Julian's hand. Julian let out a little gasp and smiled like a dumb fanboy.

"I can't even! Wow!" Julian's voice cracked like he was going through puberty again.

We ate dinner while the men tracked Jackson's flight. Julian and I just picked at our food while we watched Tate as though he would disappear if one of us let him out of our sight.

The flight came in a little late, long enough for us to hear all about Tate's latest film that was coming out next month. He told us about getting bit by a spider while scaling a cliff on a Pacific isle. He had to get seven shots before the swelling in his arm went down. He showed us the little scar where the needle jabs had healed. He let us touch it. I was hard the entire meal.

The airport wasn't too crowded. We easily found Jackson and a Chinese security guard in a black suit. Tate talked to him in perfect Cantonese. He handed the guard an envelope and the guy went back inside the terminal to fly home. Jackson eyed us with a pallor of sad defeat. He didn't say hello to his twin. He just slid in next to him in the backseat while Mr. Takada put his bag in the trunk. We headed home in silence. Julian kept trying to hug him, but Jackson just sat there coldly and looked straight ahead.

"Well, Jackson, this is it." Mr. Takada said when he pulled into our little Beverly Hills cul-de-sac. Mr. Massoud's house had all the lights on. I'm sure he had Dawson moving furniture around to get his energy out.

Jackson whispered something in Chinese and Julian told him to use English. Except for Jackson's more severe haircut (shaved on the sides and spiked on top), the boys were identical. He looked as if someone had taken Julian and sucked the happiness from him.

"It's ok. He'll be moody until we get him help. Let's just allow him to be until then. He will warm up," Mr. Takada assured as we got out of the car.

"I will not warm up," Jackson assured with an angry glare. "But thank you for giving me a place to sleep until I can go home to my daddy, sir," he added as we went towards the house.

"Let me try," Tate said and put a hand up to Mr. Takada. He went to Jackson with a stern look and puffed up chest. He was putting on his full action hero persona.

He said something in Chinese that sounded harsh. Jackson stopped and turned towards him then bowed his head. Tate put his hands on the boy's shoulders and then leaned forward until his forehead touched Jackson's. He talked to the boy in a low growl that I couldn't make out.

"Yes, sir," Jackson barked. He raised his head to meet Tate's gaze. His stance softened and he eyed Tate respectfully. Tate nodded approval. Jackson turned back towards our house and Tate slid his arm around the boy.

"He's used to being commanded. He will be ok with the comfort of a strong father," Tate said. The two of them walked towards the house while Julian went for the luggage. I watched as Jackson's body relaxed under Tate's hold.

Donovan and Justin were home. They had a tray of snacks and lemonade for Jackson's arrival. Julian carried his brother's luggage upstairs while we all settled into the couch and chairs in the living room. Tate sat in an oversized chair and patted his lap for Jackson. The boy nodded and squeezed in beside him as Tate brought him in under his arm. Julian came back down and looked at them uncomfortably.

"Would you like to join us?" Tate asked him. Julian relaxed his discomfort and shook his head.

"No thank you, sir. I just... He looks better. I know you hate me, Jackson. I had to save you," he said. Jackson paid him no attention.

"Come, this might help. He's used to responding to alphas. He will warm to you if you talk to him on his level," Tate said and patted his right thigh. Julian looked unconvinced, but he sighed reluctantly when his brother wouldn't respond. He went over to Tate's lap and sat down in an awkward squat. The action hero put his arms around both boys, assuring Julian it would help.

"Jackson, your brother wants to protect you. He had been working so hard to find you and bring you here. I know you miss your life in Hong Kong, but if you give us a chance you might just like it here," Tate said in a fatherly tone as he stroked Jackson's back.

"I know he means well, but... he ripped me away from him... from everything I love. How could he do that and still call me his brother? How could he be so cruel?" Jackson looked at Tate with a few tears forming in his eyes.

"It hurts. Of course it hurts. I know you'll be much happier here though and soon we'll get the therapy to help you feel better," Tate assured. Jackson put his hand on Tate's chest and looked up at him then laid his head on the muscle daddy's shoulder.

"Follow his actions, Julian, then you can talk to him," Tate said. Julian looked uncomfortable, but desperate to help his twin. He put his hand on Tate's other pec and then laid his head on the man's shoulder to look over at his twin. The near-mirror-image boys fit nicely in Tate's lap. He hugged them together until they were almost kissing.

"I'm sorry, Jax," Julian said.

"I know, Jules," Jackson replied. They touched noses and then just laid there while Tate rubbed their backs and talked to them in a low whisper.

"We should give them some privacy, and it's nearly your bedtime," Mr. Takada said to me and stood. I nodded. We all left them down in the living room. They would spend the night here and then go for Eizo's treatment the next day.

+++ Julian's Perspective +++

When I woke up this morning, I had a knot in my stomach at the thought of seeing my twin brother again. There's an ache inside you when you're half an egg and the other half is missing. It's a bond only twins can ever understand.

What I didn't expect was to meet my favorite movie star, Tate Chan. He was a total badass dude from every movie I'd ever loved. I'd grown up watching him kick ass, blow things up, and score the hottest babes. But now here I was... in his lap.

Put your dicks away, I ain't gay, not even close. I'd done some pretty gay things to get here, but it was worth it to see Jackson back home in California where he belongs. I'd do anything to save him and I had to trust that Eizo Kimura was live up to his side of the bargain. He had to save Jackson, he pretty much developed this shit so if anyone could save my brother, it was him.

But here I was in a dude's lap. It should have felt weirder than it did, but almost any guy would fit in Tate's lap. The dude was built, stacked with muscles from years of working out and eating right. I'd even followed his youtube series on eating for muscle mass even though my slight, boyish frame still had a ways to go. But Jackson needed this. I'd held Colton through his withdrawals from daddy dick when I'd helped kidnap him for the agency. The boy was begging for any kind of alpha comfort. I'd been there for him and I recognized an even stronger craving in my twin.

Tate stepped in to help. He held Jackson in his lap and invited me in so I could reconnect with my brother. Jackson looked so lifeless until Tate moved in and assumed the alpha position he needed. I let Tate rub me and he helped Jackson open up to me. My brother wouldn't hate me forever and I reminded myself that were just hours away from getting him help.

"Tell your brother what you want for him," Tate urged as he pressed us together in his arms. I nodded and looked into Jackson's glazed eyes.

"I need you, Jax. It hurts that you left. Everything sucks without you here. I'm going to get you help so you'll feel better. I promise. I did everything to get you back," I pleaded.

"There, see, boy? Your brother loves you. I think you boys are ready for some sleep," Tate said. He stood and offered us his hands. We each took one and Jackson rubbed against his chest like a cat needing petting. He was sick for daddy dick.

We went up to the guest room. Mr. Takada had set up bunk beds for us. The bottom bunk was queen sized while the top was twin. I'd probably sleep up there, but I wanted to be close to my brother. Tate had us get ready for bed. Jackson showered while I brushed my teeth and then we switched. We came out to find Tate lounging on the queen sized bottom bunk in a pair of black boxer briefs. Jackson had put on a skimpy pair of blue briefs that were sheer and showed his junk. I had on a pair of sleep shorts.

"Will you hold me?" Jackson asked, but he wasn't talking to me. Tate nodded and stretched out his arms. Jax went for them and pushed his head into the man's chest.

"Come lie down with us, Julian. It'll help him sleep. Turn off the lights," Tate said. He flipped on a small table lamp that bathed the room in a dim glow as soon as I snapped off the lights. I climbed onto the bed and laid down behind Jackson. He'd been in China over 8 months, but he still smelled the same. It's weird, but there's these scents imprinted in your brain and Jax at bedtime always had this overly soaped smell.

"Which one is older?" Tate asked.

"Jax is, by a few minutes," I told him.

"Well right now you need to be the bigger brother. You know what he's going through? They told you about it?" he asked.

"Yeah. I saw Colton go through it. It's pretty bad. He was begging for my dick and I'm not even a daddy," I laughed. I remembered Colton's sad, lonely eyes so desperate for me.

"Jackson has it worse. He's been with his daddy longer. You think he'll be ok to sleep?" Tate asked. I looked at Jackson who was facing Tate and rubbing against him making these little whines like a puppy in pain. He was grabbing Tate's cock in the boxer briefs and making it hard and flop around.

"I doubt it. What can we do?" I asked. Tate had this deep, controlled tone to his voice that made me trust him. He was America's superhero. He could help us through this.

"You're his brother. You have to decide what's best for him. Do you want me to ease his pain? It won't be pleasurable for us, but a real man steps in to help when someone is in need. If you think he'll be ok and settle down to sleep, then we should leave him, right?" Tate asked.

"Please, daddy," Jackson begged him. "I need it." Colton had said those same words.

"I think we should, but... I'm his brother. I can't do that," I said. Jackson kept grabbing for Tate's cock shamelessly. Tate pulled his hand off, waiting for my answer.

"I know, boy. I'll have to do it myself. He's used to having a belly full of daddy seed before he sleeps. It's what he needs," Tate offered.

"I don't think he'll sleep without it. If you don't mind, sir." I nodded to Tate.

"Please, sir. Please," Jackson whimpered like a helpless boy needing his bottle.

"It's what I'm here for. You boys needed someone to look out for you," Tate said and let Jackson paw at his package.

"Go ahead, little one," he told Jackson. My twin brother immediately sat up and leaned down to Tate's package. He didn't care that the man was a big movie star. All he saw was a daddy cock he had permission to please. He quickly freed Tate's cock as the man rolled over onto his back.

"Woah, fuck," Jax and I said in chorus. Tate's cock was a big brown pole. It had to be almost a foot long and it was fat from base to tip. It stood up and wiggled like a snake being charmed. Below it he had a dark set of balls that hung low like two small plums in a brown, velvet sack.

"You want that, boy?" Tate growled. Jax drooled and nodded happily. Tate grabbed him by the top of his hair and pushed him down onto his shaft. Jackson gagged with a satisfied moan as the man went straight for his throat.

"He needs it rough like this. If he isn't with a daddy he can respect, it won't be satisfying. We have to think of his needs," Tate told me. He looked at me with a fatherly nod as he echoed the same advice Mr. Takada had given me when I was learning on Colton.

"I know, sir. I've seen this before. It's not pretty, but it's what will help him sleep," I agreed.

"Hopefully tomorrow we can get him help. Until then we just have to make him comfortable," Tate said as he piston-fucked Jackson's throat. My twin was moaning happily and pushing off his briefs. He took Tate's free hand that was rubbing his back and slid it down between his cheeks.

"He's used to being fucked. I don't know. You think that's too far? I mean we need him well rested for his brain scan tomorrow, but... What do you think? You're his brother. It's up to you." Tate made his fat brown monster disappear down Jackson's throat as he looked to me.

"He needs it. I only let Colton suck on me when he needed it and he had nightmares and woke up throughout the night... I want to make sure tomorrow goes well," I decided. Jackson looked so helpless and needy as he greedily inhaled Tate's oversized offering.

"But that hole, look at it. His daddy must have had a small cock. It's barely open," Tate pulled Jackson's ass towards us as my brother slurped on his shaft. He parted Jackson's cheeks to show me. I'd never wanted to see my twin's asshole. It was a normal-sized pucker. Tate was right.

"I'm too big for him to start with. It would take hours to open him up without hurting him. Your cock might be closer to the right size he needs," Tate said. I recoiled at that thought. As star-struck as I was and fascinated by the muscle-strapped action star lying next to me in bed, that was just too much.

"I can't fuck my brother... That's... no," I shook my head. I heard Jackson moaning happily as he sucked on Tate's cock. He was the happiest I'd ever seen him.

"No, right. Of course. Maybe we can finger him just right. Do you know how to do it?" Tate asked. I guess a big star like him was used to having any lady he wanted bouncing on his cock. They probably opened themselves for him.

"I do," I nodded. Tate pushed my twin's ass over towards me. Jackson wiggled it like a puppy ready to play. I shook my head. I knew this was pretty gross, but I'd do so much to get him back. I had to step up. Jackson let Tate's cock slide out of his lips. He looked back at me with excited eyes.

"Please, Julian. Please. Please!" he begged. I looked into those eyes that matched my own.

"I can't fuck him and I don't want to finger him, but I'll help coach you through it... deal?" I asked Tate. He nodded. He sat up and laid back against the wall in the dim privacy of the bottom bunk. His massive cock flopped over across his thigh. I realized I was getting hard. I sat up next to him and pulled a pillow over my lap.

"So you gotta get your fingers slicked up. Let him suck on them. Push them back to his throat til he gags. It'll make him really hot for it," I coached. Tate pulled the whimpering boy in between his legs. He fed Jackson two fingers and my brother slurped them happily.

"Ok so like when they're ready, you flip him over. On his back is good. He's in full slutboy mode so he'll get off watching your reactions," I said.

"Flip over, little one. Show me that little pussy," Tate growled. Jackson let out a happy whimper and quickly complied. He flipped around and spread his legs over Tate's lap, then gripped the giant cock and rubbed it against his hole.

"No, Jax! It's too big. Settle down, boy. Don't be a pig." I smacked Jackson's wrist and he glared at me like I'd stolen his prize. Tate gave me a nod of approval.

"See? He respects you when you're tough with him. Now tell me what to do to him. Look how needy he is," Tate said. Jackson had his tongue out and looked at us with wide, helpless eyes.

"Yeah, so put your wrist like this. Palm up and slide them in slowly but keep your eyes on his face. Go in and hook up to rub like that, just scoop into him," I held Tate's thick wrist and helped him push inside my twin brother. Jackson's lips turned up into a weird smile and he started to gasp and whine when Tate barely touched his hole.

"Relax, boy. Let daddy in there. It'll feel good, Jax. I promise," I coached Jackson in a soothing voice. He looked a little scared, but he nodded at me and clenched his teeth as Tate pushed inside him.

"Look at him! His cock is rock hard. It's ok, little dude. We're going to make you feel all right inside," Tate praised him while I coached him through the steps Mr. Takada had shown me on Colton's hole. Jackson made the same little whines and gasps Colton had.

"Fuck me. Please, daddy," Jackson whined and started to push down on Tate's fingers.

"No, Jax! No!" I smacked his chest and nudged him back. He was too eager and would hurt himself on Tate's thick daddy fingers. Jackson whined and gave me a pouty look. I'd never imagined I'd be coaching my twin brother through an exploration of his asshole.

This was surreal. Add to that the fact that the number one action star in the world, a giant Hollywood bad-ass, was lying next to me and I was spinning. Yet somehow, I focused in on what my brother needed. His cock was hard and leaking over Tate's wrist as the man dug inside his hole. I shook my head and covered my own strange erection with the pillow.

"Ok watch his eyes, see that? Right there," I said as Jackson bit down on his lower lip and squealed. His cock throbbed. "Rub right there. That's it."

"Oh yeah. I feel it. When I rub there his pussy is just clenching down on my fingers. Fuck. It's like he's trying to suck them in," Tate laughed. He was stroking his cock Jackson was straddling his lap and laying back over Tate's legs, supporting himself with his hands. Tate started to rub fast over the spot and Jackson's body twisted and jerked as he squealed in delight.

"Fuck yes. Please sir. Fuck, so good. Fuck daddy," Jackson whined like a desperate whore.

"Oh he's so tight in there. His daddy must have been a real shrimp. I don't think he's ever felt this, have you boy?" Tate growled.

"No sirrrrrr fuck! Ahhhh!" Jackson screamed. I don't know why, maybe because there were other people in the house and they probably didn't want to hear my brother getting his ass reamed, but I grabbed Jackson's slinky sheer briefs off the bed and shoved them in his gaping lips.

"Fuhhh," Jackson whined and chewed on his briefs.

"Sorry, I don't want to wake people up," I said. Tate nodded and continued.

"That pussy feels so sweet. I think he's close to cumming," Tate said.

"I hope so. It's getting late," I agreed. Tate started to ram him and Jackson's body bucked and twisted as he moaned and chewed on his briefs. His eyes were going crazy as his cock throbbed and precum leaked out of his cock and down over Tate's wrist.

"Muhhhh," Jackson screeched and his body went rigid. His cock started to spew out white ropes of cum up and over his chest. He hit his nipples and left strips over his tummy as he gasped loudly. The spit-soaked briefs fell out of his mouth and he let out a loud howl of pleasure.

"Sirrrr, Yes sirrrrr Fuckkkk" He growled and unloaded his spunk. I watched as his cock jerked violently and his abs contracted as he emptied himself. I don't know why, but I reached for his cock and milked it, getting his cream all over my hand.

"Thank you," he whimpered and then collapsed down over Tate's muscled legs. His body gave a few more shivers and then he turned his face to the side and sucked on Tate's big toe like a pacifier. His eyes closed and he had the most peaceful smile over his lips. My brother was spent. He was good for the night.

"Well, we did it," Tate sighed as his fingers slipped out of Jackson's hole. He wiped them over Jackson's stomach and then went back to fisting his cock.

"Kinda turned me on, ya know? Felt like a really tight pussy. Weird, right bro?," Tate asked and jerked himself with a shrug.

"Yeah. It is kinda like a girl." I admitted and squeezed my cock under the pillow.

"You ever watch my movies?" Tate asked as he slowly yanked his cock. Jackson watched us from near his feet. He sucked on Tate's toes like they would give milk as he stared up at us with gratitude and awe.

"All of them! Fuck yeah dude! You're the man!" I laughed.

"You saw the one with Laura Sanchez? The one where we were trapped in that tight hole all pressed together and my hands were on her tits?" Tate laughed.

"Yes! And you had to fuck her to work up the heat to melt the core and escape? That was fucking hot," I admitted as I jerked my cock under the pillow.

"Well it was fake of course, for the movie. But we got to hot that we went to her trailer when that scene wrapped. She practically begged me to fuck her for real," Tate confessed. He patted his thigh and Jackson lazily got up and crawled between the man's legs. Tate put the tip of his cock to Jackson's lips and my twin started to slurp him. Tate leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms behind his head.

"You got in there for real? She's so fucking hot. I jerked off to all her movies!" I gushed. She was the hottest girl in Hollywood and always played the vixen who needed to be rescued in films.

"Oh yeah, she was real sweet. She made muffins for the whole crew! She was so hot and she just has this way of taking control in bed. Guys just fall in front of her. You can't help yourself. Don't know why I thought about that," Tate said as he pushed his fingers into Jackson's hair and gripped it to face-fuck the boy.

"You can jerk off if you need to. We did a good job. Look how happy he is," Tate pointed down at Jackson who was eagerly bobbing on his giant tool.

"Oh," I said, not realizing he was on to me. I let the pillow slip off a little and Tate reached for it to knock it down to my knees. It kept Jackson from seeing my cock, but he looked over as if appraising me.

"Not bad. You're still growing champ. You two really are twins." Tate winked at me and ruffled my hair. I leaned back and watched my brother blow him while I pictured Laura Sanchez bouncing on Tate's cock.

"Oh now I remember why I brought her up. Sweet tits, man. I sucked on them like a baby. But oh yeah, her hole felt almost as good as his." Tate pointed at my twin. "Tight little velvet pocket just gripped on and sucked me in like he did."

"Yeah? I bet she felt nice. Man. You probably got a million stories of hot pussy," I sighed. I gripped my dick. It was so close to cumming.

"Yeah. Nothing better than a good hole when it just holds on to you and milks your cock. Man what I wouldn't give for that right now," Tate said. "Hey! Watch the teeth," he gave Jackson a playful slap on the cheek. Jax moaned an apology without taking the cock out of his throat.

"I can't even imagine! That's so hot, dude," I said and yanked my cock fiercely.

"It's good when you get in there and really know what you're doing. Takes time, patience. Just like Jackson you have to watch their face and learn what feels good. When you treat a pussy right, it pays you back. Isn't that right, little pussyboy?" Tate asked Jackson. He nodded and whimpered.

"Oh fuck. I'm close. You want daddy's seed in that little boy belly? It helps you sleep right?" Tate asked Jackson. My twin nodded and stared up at us with needy eyes. I was so hard and on the edge. I jerked and rubbed my hand up my stomach.

"Fuck. I'm gonna cum. Ohhhhh," I let loose sooner than I'd planned. I twisted and felt a wave of warmth wash through me as my cum splattered up over my chest.

"Me too, bud. Oh fuck! Take that cock!" Tate gripped Jackson's head and fucked into him deep as my twin gagged and wretched but eagerly slurped what was given.

"Fuck!" Tate and I groaned. We shot together. I came all over my chest while he delivered the load Jackson desperately needed. We were in a contest to see who could make the manliest grunts as we both pictured Laura's hot pussy and shot our loads.

"Huhhhh!" Tate growled fiercely. He won the contest. He slammed one last time into Jackson's throat and emptied his sack. We laid back against the wall and recovered.

"Not bad, little dude." Tate laughed. He reached over and rubbed his hand over my cum-coated chest. He pulled his hand back and brought it down for Jackson to slurp up. For some reason that seemed perfectly natural.

"Well we better get this pussyboy into the shower and ready for a good night's sleep. We'll get him fixed tomorrow. He'll be good as new. You want that, boy?" Tate asked.

"Uh huh," Jackson moaned sleepily. He smiled and laid his head against Tate's thick thigh.

We all three piled into the shower. It was a tight fit, but men don't need much space to get the job done. We soaped up, hosed down, dried off, and dressed for bed.

"Sleep down here with us. He might get cold," Tate said when we got to bed. I slept against the wall and spooned Jackson who snuggled under Tate's arm. We drifted off at a somewhat decent hour and I slept through the night.


We got to the lab before Eizo the next morning. Mr. Takada and Colton dropped us off and then went to attend to business. Eizo was there and ready for us. He explained that it would be a simple enough operation, but it could take anywhere from 1-3 hours.

"I'll need both of you, Julian. Jackson's brain wipe is old enough to have fully taken route. We can't really undo it, but I can patch you in to override it. He'll take the memories and cravings from you, but you're twins so that should be ok. I just need to get in and map you first then I can apply it to him," Eizo said.

"Oh. Wait. You want me plugged in too? No way... I mean... I thought you could just restore him," I said. I didn't trust Eizo entirely.

"I thought I could too, but the roots are taken and they have been in there long enough to wipe out much of who he used to be. Do you want to do this, or not?" Eizo asked impatiently.

"I'll be right here the whole time," Tate assured. "I'll make sure he doesn't try anything."

The action hero took my hand in his and squeezed it for reassurance. His calming voice made me feel like it would be ok. I looked over at Jackson who was already hopelessly horny.

"Can we lie down," he asked Tate and put his hands on the man's pecs. He rubbed against his side.

"Do you want to help him?" Tate asked me. He put his hand on Jackson's head and stroked his hair. Jackson looked so helpless. I couldn't leave him like this.

"Fine," I said to Eizo. He told me to strip down to my boxers since there would be sensors all over my body. Jackson and I stripped down to our underwear and each sat in a chair. Tate helped him strap us to the chairs. Eizo said it was so we didn't fall out during the treatment.

"I have to put you under. Your body has to be passive and still. It's just for a few hours," Eizo said. He handed us each a small cup of thick white liquid. He told us to shoot it fast. It tasted awful, like spoiled milk and cum. We both shot them fast and then Eizo had us lean back. He counted down from ten to one. The last number I remember was three, then everything went dark.

++++ Thanks for reading. What happens next? You decide: -- My Stories:

Next: Chapter 12

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