Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Apr 16, 2023


Thanks to those who stuck with me. I'll wrap this series soon.

Comments appreciated. Not sure exactly how to end this one: tarzanacide@gmail,com

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Story Recap: Colton finds out his mind was wiped by Eizo Kimura who's done it to many other boys at his clinic to customize them for wealthy daddies. He's working with Julian Cheng, whose twin brother Jackson was also taken. Colton is still completely addicted to his owner; Jason Takada, a mixed-Asian muscle-daddy.

{Tabula Colton}

[Ch.10- The Boy and the Agency]

~By Emri~

Superman tank top, blue running tights, running shorts, tennis shoes, and a zip-up hoodie; I was ready for a hike in the woods and a long talk with daddy. It would be my only chance to get him alone this weekend. He had so many friends here and people begging for his time. I needed to tell him what was going on. I knew he loved Colton, loved me. I knew he would find a way to fix this and get Julian's twin Jackson back from Hong Kong.

"I can't believe you want to do this. You hate heights!" Mr. Takada said as he walked back from the bathroom and buttoned up a tight green polo that hugged his firm daddy pecs. I'd had to get him alone. I begged to skip the boy-training courses and instead go on an adventure with just the two of us.

The resort lobby had a wall of brochures. There was one for an aerial tram up to Mt. San Jacinto where there were quiet hiking trails, restaurants, souvenir shops, and a view of the Coachella Valley. It was away from the constant attention at the Daddy-son conference where we were spending a three-day weekend. He agreed reluctantly, but we had to be back by lunchtime for a meeting he had with other daddies.

"I love heights! I always go hiking," I said and then realized that wasn't true. Like most of my memories, they'd been implanted by the brain wipe Eizo had done. Colton didn't hike, Miguel did. I wasn't sure which of those two guys I was anymore.

"Sure, sure you do," Mr. Takada rolled his eyes. He put his hand in the center of my back and pushed me towards the door of our hotel room. I thought it would be difficult getting Julian out of the way, but he woke up early saying he wanted to go on an early hike with Peter.

We stopped into the dining hall for a quick breakfast before we headed out. Mr. Takada sent me to the buffet while he went to join Mr. Massoud and the guys. I grabbed a plate and looked back at him. He turned to me too and winked then headed to the table. Just as he looked away though...

I felt an arm slide around my waist and yank me violently back against a muscled column of man. His hand clapped my mouth before I could scream, and he pulled me through a glass door and into the garden. I tried to kick him, elbow him. He was immovable. He pulled me through the garden and out an emergency exit. I struggled in his hold, but he wasn't letting me go.

"Colton! Settle down!" I heard Julian say and I turned my eyes to see him in the parking lot next to a large, black SUV. My captor carried me over to him and Julian opened the back door so he could shove me inside.

"What the fuck, dude?" I said through teary eyes. I gasped for breath and felt my face flush with anger. I looked over behind me and tried to grab the door handle, but it had the safety lock on.

"Colton! Settle! The fuck! Down!" Julian barked. He reached into the pocket of my shorts and took the white square phone Mr. Takada had given me.

"No! Please! Please!" I begged, but he tossed it out and closed the door. My hulking captor got into the driver's seat and we sped away. I punched Julian in the chest. He was pushed back, but then he came at me and did some crazy wrestling move to pin me chest-down on the seat.

"I said settle down. He's here to help us," Julian growled in my ear.

"I don't want help. I want my daddy!" I cried. I looked back at Julian who eyed me with sympathy.

"I know, Colton. It's the code in your head. It panics at the thought of being away from him. But it's not real. It's not you. Just listen to me. Will you listen? I'll let you up if you promise," he said.

"Fine..." I sniffed back a wad of snot and tears. He let me up and I struggled from underneath him. He helped me put on my seatbelt as the hulk driver got on the freeway heading back towards Los Angeles.

"We don't have time to waste, Colton. It had to be like this. The agency is ready to take you and they need to get that code out of your head before this becomes permanent. They're going to help you. And! Their counterpart in Beijing is rescuing Jackson! They can't undo the code, but they can reconstruct him and overwrite it to give him back some of what he lost," Julian bounced excitedly.

"I can't leave him, Julian. I don't want this. It hurts," I begged and looked out the window to see Palm Springs disappear behind us.

"Bro, you're sick. You don't know what you want. Real you is buried under a layer of commands and clouds! You can be with him if you want, but shouldn't that be YOUR decision and not some programmer's code? You need help." Julian look genuinely surprised I wasn't thanking him.

I stared out the window as we passed the mountain tram I was supposed to be on with Mr. Takada. It felt so cold away from his arms. I was numb for the two hours drive back to LA.

We ended up in a hillside neighborhood overlooking the giant cranes and ships of the port and the endless blue of the Pacific. We climbed up and over a hill that led behind a large office building to a nearly empty business park.

"Just listen to the doctor. I can't force you to do this, it may even be too late. But they think they can help you and if it works they might be able to help my brother." Julian ended with a note of sadness. He reached over and took my hand, held it as the driver parked us in a row of empty spaces outside the shiny building.

"You'll cooperate? Just listen to them, ok?" Julian asked as he pulled me from the backseat. Everything felt numb. I'd never been this far away from Mr. Takada. A cool breeze floated in and chilled me to the bone. I reached for him, missing Mr. Takada's warm chest. I hugged him.

"It's so cold." I shivered. He put his arms around me with a deep sigh.

"He's turned you into this needy little mess, dude. It's not who you were," Julian said.

We went inside to an empty waiting room and a man in scrubs popped his head out. The driver came in behind us and nodded to the doctor. He came at me with a warm smile like I was mentally damaged.


An hour later I was sitting on an exam table with Julian while Dr. Medic showed a 3D image of my brain on a big screen. He kept pointing excitedly and using big words I didn't understand.

"Wait!" he yelled when he finally registered my blank expression. "This is your brain. Let me apply the color layer here to show you what they did to you. It's really quite beautiful! Such artistry! We thought we knew what they'd done, but it's much more invasive than I could have predicted. The team will freak when they see this!"

He bounced to a computer and hit a few buttons on it. The 3D image showed rifts, ridges, and valleys that began to fill with little pink lines. They stretched their way along the valleys then connected over the ridges and burrowed deep into the interior.

"It's so tiny but it's into everything. Every signal your brain sends out gets coated in this craving for him! Think of it like a drug addiction you have no control over. You'll do anything and everything he wants! It's stunning!" Dr. Medic had this excited gleam in his eyes.

I hopped off the table and went to look at the model of my brain. Dr. Medic put it into motion and I saw the little pink lines exploding and wiggling in a dance of light and sparks. It was happening inside me, this virus or alien body or whatever it was. It controlled what I felt, what I wanted, what I thought. How could he have done this to me? I rubbed my head trying to feel it or kill it. How could he do that to the boy he loved?

"But we can fix it?" Julian asked, squeezing my hand. He wanted his brother back.

"Fix it?" Dr. Medic looked at us like we were loons. "Oh... I suppose we should. I'll need time to study it though. This isn't what I expected. It's much more intricate. I need the research team. I'll call them in right away."

"What do I do with him until then? And my brother? They did the same to him!" Julian flared.

"The team in China will get to him in the morning. They're good, but... This isn't going to be a simple fix. You'll need to keep him somewhere safe for a few days," Dr. Medic seemed unconcerned by our plight. He was back at the computer playing with the brain model.

"How safe will $50,000 keep us?" I asked, The anger growing inside me made me remember the bank account where Colton had stashed money for his escape. Julian's eyes lit up.

"There's the old Colton," he smiled. "I have the credit card at home! It has a $10,000 limit against the account! We can find a hotel for a few days where Takada won't get to us."


We checked in to a lower end hotel a mile off the beach that had one of those knock-off starbuck's coffee huts in the lobby. We'd given the cash we had to the security guard driver since neither of us was old enough to rent a hotel room on our own. He checked us in and said he would be back by 9 the next morning. He gave us his cell to call for any emergencies.

"Why didn't he stay with us? Isn't this one of those government agencies where we get a security team and safe house somewhere?" I asked Julian as we lugged our bags up to the room. He'd grabbed one of my bags that morning when I headed down for breakfast. It was a bag that had a mix of mine and Mr. Takada's clothes. It was enough to get started.

"This isn't exactly the government... well, it is, but not ours." Julian looked a little guilty. I raised an eyebrow. He opened the door to our small, unassuming room.

"Eizo's technology is way beyond what researchers anywhere in the world can do. You heard what Dr. Medic said. The technology in your head is worth billions, especially if they can find out how to reverse it." Julian remarked.

"I'm a science project?" I asked and rubbed my head. None of this made any sense. I looked at him hopelessly and felt the verge of tears. As angry as I was, I kept hoping Mr. Takada would burst through the door and pull me into his arms.

"A very expensive one, and lucky for you it's valuable to find a way to fix you and keep you alive. Why don't you go take a bath and I'll grab dinner." Julian put his hands on my shoulders and guided me towards the bathroom.


I laid in the tub until I heard Julian come back and turn on the television. I got out and wrapped a towel around my waist then went out to see what he'd brought back. He was sitting on the King sized bed (they were out of the 2-bed rooms) and opening a container of Chinese food while watching some Nascar on the tv.

"This place had five stars on yelp! I ordered some white people food for you," Julian laughed. He used chopsticks to shovel these noodles with vegetables into his mouth.

I flopped down next to him on the bed and opened a carton of white rice with chicken and vegetables in a lemon sauce. He sat cross-legged against the headboard in his shorts and t-shirt enjoying his food and racing while I picked at the food. My stomach was empty, but didn't want food. I was horny.

I felt this growing, insatiable craving for Mr. Takada's salty, thick cum. It was sick and twisted of me, but I couldn't help myself. I set down the food and reached for Julian's lap. I rubbed his crotch and he jumped, almost choking on his noodles. He coughed and looked at me with horror. It lit a fire in me.

"Dude! We aren't doing that!" He shot. It was the first time I'd felt rejection and it stung.

"Please. I need it," I licked my lips. "It's not me, it's the brain worm in my head."

"No, Colton. C'mon dude. Just settle down until we can get this fixed. Ok?" Julian pleaded.

"You took me away from what I need. You're the man here and... you have to help me. I don't know how long I can fight it without running to him," I begged. I felt so depraved and dirty begging for the straight, Chinese jock's seed.

"Colton, seriously. I'm not gay like that. It's not cool, bro," Julian pushed me away.

"It's all I can think about. I need it." I looked up at him with pitiful eyes and squeezed his bulge.

"Ahhh fuck." Julian sighed. He shoved another mouthful of whatever it was into his mouth and then set down the container. "But I'm not fucking you. You can play with yourself."

He spread his legs out in front of him and pushed down his shorts. His soft, brown cock laid against his thighs with a bush of black pubes. I leaned down and kissed it while he finished the food in his mouth. He turned up the Nascar race and folded his arms behind his back as if to say he was not going to participate in this.

"You want to play with my hole? You liked it last time," I looked up at him and kissed his jock boy abs. I tried to look cute, but I was lost in the straight world.

"Uh no. I'm good. Hurry up with this," Julian said. He reached for his carton of Chinese food and pretended like there wasn't a guy playing with his cock. I gripped his shaft and it started to stand up in my hold. I kissed around it, lapped at his nuts, and watched them contract in pleasure.

I kissed down the inside of his left thigh and then back up on his right as I slowly tugged on his cock. It stood to attention pretty quickly in my grip. I tugged on his cock and rubbed my other hand up under his shirt. I pet his smooth abs and slid up to tweak his nipples. I kissed his balls again and then slowly slid my tongue up his shaft.

I looked up at him to see he wasn't watching his race anymore. He was looking down at me as he shoved a bite of noodles into his mouth. He pushed his hips up so his hard cock poked against my chin. He wanted me to get down to it.

"Talk to me, like he does," I begged. I kissed the tip of his cock and then slurped it like a sucker.

"Oh yeah, little pussy boy needs his something or other," Julian said in a monotone mock of Mr. Takada's filthy words. He laughed when I looked up at him with annoyance.

"This sucks. I wanna go home," I said and rested my chin on his cock.

"No no! Ok ok we can do this. Sorry. I wasn't making fun of you. I know your brain needs this," Julian offered. He set down his dinner on the side table and slid up his shirt. He tossed it away and pushed off his shorts. He patted his chest for me to come up to him.

"Maybe I can just call him to come over and fuck me. Then when he's asleep I'll sneak out and we can go to the appointment tomorrow," I backed away from him. I was feeling bad enough being a total fiend for dick and him making fun of me made it worse.

"No, Colton! I know this sucks for you. I know you can't control it. Come here," he said. I sat up and crawled to his side. My towel fell off and my hard cock flopped between my legs. He pulled me into his side and put an arm around me.

"Look, dude. I'm not going to pretend this is my thing. I know your little brain craves a man to pound you and treat you like a little sex toy. You can't help that. You need it. I can't worry all night about you running off. I'll try, ok?" Julian asked. He saw I was unconvinced so he put his lips to mine and rubbed a hand over my hair. He pulled me into his chest and my pleasure sensors started to fire. His warmth spread through me. He rubbed his other hand down to my ass and gave it a squeeze.

"Yes, sir," I mumbled instinctively as he rubbed a finger down between my ass cheeks. I gasped and our eyes locked. He saw how helpless I was and knew what I needed.

"You're such a little pussyboy. Look how you moan and beg with the simplest touch. You want me to fuck you like I fuck my girls?" Julian's voice dropped an octave and he looked at me with hunger.

"Yes, sir. Please. Make me your bitch," I whined. I rubbed my ass back against his hand.

"You want me to suck on your little boy tits? Does that make your tight boyhole happy?" he asked. He leaned down and kissed my chest then bit on my right nipple until I yelled out in pain.

"Ahhh, fuck. Please," I whimpered. I tried to wiggle away, but he just lunged onto the other one and gripped it with his teeth, licking the tip and sucking.

"Fuck yeah, get down there and suck my cock like a good boy," Julian gripped my hair and pushed me down to his throbbing cock. He shoved it past my lips and I slurped the shaft as it made its way towards my throat.

"Daddy's good little cocksucker, aren't you? You're my little slutboy?" Julian growled as he face-fucked me. His cock pushed my gag reflex though it wasn't nearly as thick as Mr. Takada's.

"Huhhhh," he groaned. He slammed me down on it and I knew he was close to cumming. It was way too soon. Mr. Takada would have stretched it out until I begged for it.

"Fuccckkk," Julian spat and his body started to twist and jerk.

"Take it, slutboy. Take daddy's seed," Julian groaned. He started to shoot down my throat. It was all wrong. I swallowed his seed as he pulled my hair and pushed deep inside me.

"So fucking good," he howled as his abs spasmed and he rammed his cock into me. He growled and held me there on his cock as he calmed. He wasn't a daddy and certainly not mine, but he was doing his best.

"That was pretty good, bro," he said and let go of my hair. He grabbed his food carton and went back to eating while I laid my head against his stomach. I slurped at his softening cock. I lapped at the last of his cum. It was lighter and sweeter than what I was used to. I needed a real man.

"Eat your dinner, Colton." Julian said and pushed me off his cock. I sat up and nodded. I opened my carton of lemony chicken rice veggie stuff and dug in. He flipped to a comedy show and we ate our dinners.

We spent the rest of the evening naked for some reason. I kept looking at his cock and even touched it a few times. He didn't freak out, just let me explore it while we watched more tv. We slept side by side. When he started to snore I put my head against his chest. In his sleepy haze, he slid his arm around me and snuggled me into his side.

Sunday morning we went back to Dr. Medic's lab. He was joined by a team of researchers, mostly Asian men. One of them looked almost like Mr. Takada. He was tall and handsome, well dressed and smelled like a man should. He had a handsome Korean face and body like a soldier. He smiled at me as I sat shirtless on the exam table. They had a cap on my head with these sensors and some little pins that stuck into my scalp. It didn't hurt like I expected.

They were showing my brain on the livescreen and the group of researchers watched it like sports fans at a pub. Whenever something lit up or fired off, they oohed and ahhed in amazement. The handsome researcher, who introduced himself as Evan, was the only one who treated me like a real person instead of a test subject.

"You let me know if anything hurts, Colton, ok?" he'd said as he stuck the small pins into me to judge my reactions. I nodded, but he was so gentle that it actually turned me on.

He ran little tests on me; checked my reflexes, watched my vital signs, rubbed a feather over my chest and arms. While the others crowded around their computers, he seemed more intent on seeing what I would do. We kept touching each other "accidentally." He didn't object when my leg brushed his crotch and I got a warm rush when his hands rubbed my back.

"You really can't say no to a dominant man. It's like you're locked in this prison," he noted as his nose rubbed against my ear while he was looking at the lights on the brain cap.

"I am, sir. I need it," I affirmed and touched his shirt to feel strong pec muscles. I couldn't control myself. Everything in my brain told me to go for it.

"It's a shame. You're going through withdrawal symptoms only they'll never get better until you get what it desires. Eventually, even an addict will dry out," Evan said. I put both hands on his pecs and rubbed them. He didn't pull back. He moved in to stand between my legs. Without thought, I spread them and raised my ass hoping he'd take me there in front of the room.

"Keep doing whatever you're doing. His sensors are going crazy!" Someone said from behind us. They studied the outputs on their screens and buzzed with talk about what was happening.

"It's unethical, Colton. I could ease your suffering, but..." Evan said as our lips were inches apart. He looked at me hungrily.

"Fuck me," I interrupted with a whisper. I bit my lip and watched him swallow.

"It's wrong, Colton. You're a patient. I'm a doctor." He cleared his throat.

"You're fired, fuck me," I smirked. I reached down and felt a thick lump in his pants.

"They certainly picked an irresistible boy to do this to. You got me hard, but..." Evan sighed.

"His sensors are reacting strangely! Keep going!" The researchers cheered.

"You heard them. It's for science," I said and leaned into Evan. I felt his warm chest and thick muscles press against me. He put his hands on my back and rubbed me. My cock was hard and leaking in my shorts. I put my lips to his neck and kissed his skin as he started to sweat.

"Fuck, Colton I... I'm married. I have a son about your age," Evan laughed. It should have stopped me, but it just made me hotter. He was a real daddy. His seed had grown.

"The program is showing adaptability. It's moving to different impulses. This is fascinating," A researcher said.

"We're making scientific history." I licked up his neck and he buried his lips in mine. He pulled me to the end of the exam table so our hard bulges were pressed together. He started to hump against me. My hole started to twitch and I tilted my hips up so his bulge was grinding over it. Even through the shorts I could feel my hole pulse and open for him.

"You feel that? My boypussy is begging for it," I whined. I took his hand and slid it down between us. I pushed it up the leg of my shorts and his fingers pulled at the side band on my briefs. He stretched the sheer fabric so his finger could get to my hole. He rubbed it and I started to moan.

"Fuck you've got a hot little pussy. It's sucking my finger in," Evan whispered into my ear. I put my lips on his shoulder to muffle my moans in his shirt. I whimpered and shuddered as one finger slid in and rubbed my special spot. His other hand was on my back, rubbing down to my ass. He gripped it while he finger-fucked my pussy.

"My God! This thing is alive. Look at how it moves around and massages his pleasure sensors!" One researcher called. "I've never seen anything like it."

"It's adapting as we increase the stimulation. Keep going, Evan!" Another researcher praised.

"I'm almost there," Evan called. He took his hand off my ass and used it to fumble with his zipper. His other hand was working my hole. He slipped in another finger, It was dry and rough, but my pleasure spots were lighting up like crazy. He dry-fucked my pussy and my cock was drooling in my sheer black briefs, pushing out to wet the front of my shorts.

"Huhhhh," I whined as I looked down between us. Evan's cock flopped out. It wasn't huge or thick, but it was dark and hard. I reached for it and fisted it as he fingered my hole like only a daddy knows how to. I bucked my hips and bounced on his fingers. I fisted his cock and my fingers slicked with his precum.

"Fuhhhh," I whined into his shoulder. He went back to rubbing my bottom with one hand while fingering it with the other while I tugged on his cock. He bucked his hips, fucking my grip and sweating through his dress-shirt.

"Baby that pussy feels so good. I need to fuck it. You want daddy inside you?" He growled in a whisper. The researchers were buzzing happily and I watched my brain on the big screen. The little pink lines had stretched out in every direction They were excited and dancing in a thumping beat every time he shoved his fingers in me.

"Fuck me, daddy!" I whined though I didn't mean it. His cock wasn't nearly as big as Mr. Takada's and I knew his fingers were doing better than his cock could. But I had him hot and pleasing me so I didn't argue.

"Wish I could slut, but everyone's watching. My kids play baseball with theirs," Evan laughed then his face screwed up and I saw the tell tale signs of what was coming. His lips formed a hard O shape and his eyes screwed up.

"Ahhhh fuck," he hissed and started to shoot all over me. He coated my bare chest and stomach with his sticky daddy cum as he jerked and twisted. His fingers shoved deep inside me to the last knuckle and it pushed me over the edge.

"Fuck!" I groaned. I fired off in my shorts. He leaned into me and shot his wad. His hand slid up my back and he held me against his chest as I muffled my groans in his sweaty dress-shirt.

"Uhhhh," I whined. His fingers rough-fucked my pussy as he calmed down and shot the last glob onto the exam table. He kissed me while I came. I fell against his chest and jerked wildly. I forgot all about the group of scientists studying me and the sensors in my brain. I collapsed against him and he held me.

"You are so beautiful," he praised and held me against his chest. He slid his fingers out of my hole and out of my shorts. He held them awkwardly, but I grabbed his hand and brought them to my lips to taste myself. I sucked his fingers clean, eliciting another adoring look from him.

"I get it," he said as he fed me his fingers. "I'd have done this to you too," he laughed. He kissed me and excused himself to run down the hall and find a restroom.

I laid back against the exam table, sticky, sweaty, and satisfied. I felt peace sweep over me and started to doze off as the scientists worked through the data.

I opened my eyes to the feeling of someone cleaning me off with a warm, wet cloth. Evan was back and had changed his clothes to a t-shirt and track pants. He must have kept gym clothes in his trunk. I yawned as he wiped me clean though my shorts were still a mess.

"You did a good job, Colton. Hopefully we can find a cure," Dr. Medic said as he appeared beside Evan. "Thanks for participating so willingly. We needed to see it in action."

"Sure, doc. No problem," I nodded hazily. He turned the lights down in the room and let me doze off for awhile. He woke me up an hour later and had me do some exercise to see how it responded. I ran on the treadmill, pumped some weights, and then did a little yoga with one of the researchers. Evan kept his eye on me the rest of the session. He even brought me a sandwich for lunch. I liked him.

By the time we got back to the hotel, it was nearly dark. Julian had been in contact with the team in China. His brother was very resistant, but they tried various therapies and were making progress. I asked if someone had played with his hole. Julian just gave me a disgusted look.

"You need me to play with you again tonight? I could use a blow," he asked. I shook my head. I was good for the day.

"You know, Colton. If this works, my brother can come home. You two might like each other. Even if they cure him, he's still gay... and you know, you're gay... so..." Julian trailed off like I should understand what he meant.

"So we're naturally perfect for each other?" I laughed.

"Well he is my twin and you do seem to like what I got," Julian laughed and grabbed his crotch.

"Maybe..." I said. We shared a healthy dinner from a little place next to the hotel and watched tv.

I had the weirdest dream when I dozed off in Julian's arms. I was with Mr. Takada in it. He knew I was helping the agency and he was very upset with me. He said he'd done this to me because he loved me and was upset that I didn't thank him and had let myself be taken by Julian. He was so upset and he was driving me to the clinic to be put down. He said I was too much trouble and...

I woke up gasping for air and shivering in the cold room. I was on the other side of the bed. Julian was sprawled out wearing only a pair of dark briefs. Like any teenage muscle jock he'd pulled off the covers and was radiating warmth. I crawled over to him and pushed into his side. He gave a sleepy moan and wrapped his arms around me. He rolled over onto me and covered me with his warmth. I pressed my lips into his shoulder and sucked until I fell back asleep.

The morning found us wrapped up together as the sun rose over the windowsill. I wiggled out from under him and went to brush my teeth and get dressed. I was getting so used to the light brace on my arm and it didn't hurt anymore. I wanted to get us breakfast and surprise him with it before he could wake up. Just as I was tying my shoes though, the phone rang. I dove for it, but Julian stirred and blinked up at me.

"Good morning, this is the front desk! I have a visitor for Mr. Colton Johnson. A man says he is from the agency and wants to give you some preparation activities for today. He will be waiting for you in the business center near the coffee kiosk." A chipper voice told me. I told him I'd head down.

"They must be close to a breakthrough! Let me hop in the shower and I'll come down!" Julian said when I relayed the message. I told him to take his time. I said that I wondered if it was just Evan making an excuse to see me again. I explained what we'd done yesterday.

"Oh gross! A real dad? I don't want to see that! Fine! But be back in half an hour so we can be ready to go to the lab! Fucking hornball..." Julian looked disgusted, but when he got off the bed he peeled off his briefs so I got a nice view of his morning pole. He swaggered off towards the shower and gave me a wink.

I bounced down to the hotel lobby and looked around for Evan. I found the coffee shop and saw a sign for the business center down a long, empty corridor. It was Monday and a few business travelers were leaving for their morning meetings. I went down the long corridor past the gym, a laundry room, and then found the glass door to the small business center.

I looked in and saw the back of a guy wearing a baseball cap and sitting at one of the computer stations. The peek of black hair and brown ears had to be Evan. I went in and tapped him on the shoulder. My face went white when he turned around. I'm sure you can guess what I saw.

Mr. Takada stood and looked at me like he didn't know what my mood would be. I felt a deep anger bubble up inside me and my hands balled into fists.

"Colton..." He said and his eyes softened to a level of vulnerability he rarely showed. He came toward me with his arms out. I punched him hard in the chest with my right fist and then again with my left.

"You fucking..." I tried to punch him a third time, but his fist grabbed mine. His touch drained the anger from me and it melted into deep sadness. I came towards his chest and he wrapped his arms around me. I broke down in his arms and sobbed into his shirt.

"It's ok, boy. Daddy came for you. I never stopped looking, baby boy. You're safe now. The agency won't get you again. I promise," he said. I clawed desperately at his shirt and shivered in his hold. My body was programmed for him. After two days away, it was desperate for a fix. I couldn't have left him if I tried.

"I mee muu," I mumbled nonsense into his chest. I felt so depraved and my cock went hard in my shorts. I was a helpless mess. I slid my arms around his neck and he lifted me up into his chest. I wrapped my legs around him, not caring that we were in a public place.

"I missed you so much. I love you, Colton. I was so scared when you went missing," he said and sounded choked up. He kissed my neck and held me tightly against his chest.

"I go home," I struggled for words. My brain was flying like a rocket in an ice storm.

"Yes, baby. I'll take you home." He laughed at my helpless state. He held me by the ass and carried me out of the business center. There was a side exit to the parking lot and his car was right outside.

"My bag, Julian, upstairs," I mumbled.

"Fuck it. I'll buy you more clothes. I'll buy you whatever you want," daddy promised. He put me in the car and we headed home through morning rush hour on the 405. I grabbed for his hand and put it in my lap. My body pulsed with electricity.

I told him everything that had happened. I told him about the brain scan and the researchers and even playing with Evan and sucking off Julian. He frowned at that. I'd never played without his approval before. At least not that I could remember.

"What if Eizo could help the researchers? Julian just wants his brother back. They're studying him in China to find a way to reverse it," I told him. "You could help them, daddy."

"We'll help them. So that's what Julian was up to... His twin brother... what a shame," he said and rubbed my thigh. "It's sad what some people will do to an innocent boy." He said that as if he hadn't done the same thing to me.

"They think they might be able to reverse it in me too..." I said softly as though the words would hurt my throat.

"You want that?" he asked.

"I don't want to lose you. You're all I thought about. I cried the whole way back to LA and begged him to take me back... but then I saw the brain scan and... this thing took over everything. How could you do that to me?" I asked with a shaky voice. It felt so wrong confronting him. He was the most powerful man in my world.

"I did this to you? Oh my sweet love. There is a lot you have forgotten," Mr. Takada looked over at me as his car came to a stop in traffic.

"Your short 17 years on this planet held so many bad memories. The things you saw, the things that happened to you, the things your parents turned a blind eye to... You were so tortured. We tried regular therapy. It helped, but it also opened a lot of things you'd buried deep. You were all over the place and we even tried medication. It left you a zombie'd, sad little guy. I held you through so many restless nights until you decided to abandon our bed and move into the other room. I didn't know if I could have you living there anymore," he started.

"I don't remember that," I whispered. He took my hand in his and squeezed it.

"Eizo is an old friend of mine and he suggested this to us. You wanted it but then changed your mind and then changed it back. He started doing the trial versions and for the first time you had a good day, a day without running desperately after any attention anyone would throw at you. We tried it again for longer and you were so happy." he continued.

"Like now..." I said and squeezed his hand.

"Exactly. The night before your accident we went in for the final preparations. I assume that when you left the hotel on your skateboard, you probably had changed your mind again. When Eizo found you in the hospital, he went through with it. I didn't do this to you, Colton. We did this together. I'd never force something like this on you, but you were kind of at the end of your rope," he said. I felt a rush of understanding. It made sense. I looked at him and smiled. He really was the guy worthy of my adoration.

I laid my head against his shoulder. He took my hand and put it on the gearshifter then covered it with his. We rode the rest of the way home in a happy quiet.

"Well, say goodbye to the world because it'll be a long time before you leave this gate again," Mr. Takada said when he drove the car into our private, walled-in cul-de-sac.

"I'm supposed to be at school today," I suddenly realized it was Monday.

"Nope, not for a long time. You can do that online school you wanted. If the agency finds what I know they will, they'll be hunting you down to take back to headquarters. You were Eizo's masterpiece. I'll make sure he helps Julian's brother, but I won't let them drag you off to Tokyo to be a lab rat. Not my boy," he said firmly. He pulled his car in the garage and we headed inside.

"Tokyo? It's the Japanese government?" I asked.

"Government?" he laughed. "No. It's Shujin Agency and they are far from being a legitimate group, If they want the technology, it's to produce household or personal slaves for Asian elite. Your little boy-brain is worth millions to them. It's worth more to me though. I'll keep you safe."

"They took all kinds of scans and ran tests. I thought it was legit... I should have fought back," I hung my head.

"No. You did exactly what I would have wanted. You're a boy, not a warrior. They would have just sedated you and done what they wanted or hurt you to force your complicity. You did the right thing, boy. None of this is your fault." Mr. Takada took my hand and led me inside.

"Donovan is at his class and Justin's at school. Go make us some breakfast while I get started on calls. I'll talk to Julian." Mr. Takada kissed me and patted my bottom as I went off to the kitchen. I saw the new phone he'd gotten me on the counter. The screen was smashed from where Julian tossed it out of the SUV. Once again I'd need a new phone.

I made breakfast while Mr. Takada called someone and started talking in Japanese. I brought our plate over and settled into his lap. He balanced the phone on his shoulder and we took turns with the fork. When he finished, he called Julian. I could hear Julian instantly ranting through the phone. He was pissed.

"You want your twin fixed, right? You want Colton or do you want Jackson back home?" Mr. Takada asked. I listened as Julian went quiet.

"They want Colton. They're threatening to give up on Jackson if I can't deliver Colton. Jackson's is too advanced. They can't separate him out. Colton is at the crucial stage. They can use him to figure out a way to fix Jackson. I don't care what you do to Colton. You can keep him as he is, but I have to help my brother," Julian sounded panicked.

"You really think they give a shit about helping anyone? You have a lot to learn, boy. Come over and I'll get Eizo to explain some things to you. And Colton is off-limits if you want our help. That's non-negotiable," Mr. Takada explained as he rubbed a hand up under my shirt.

They went back and forth about things, but it was pretty clear that Julian only wanted to help me so he could help his twin. That should have hurt, but I understood. Julian took some convincing, but he finally agreed to come that afternoon.

"Clean up the kitchen and then start on the dusting. You'll need to start taking over the chores from Donovan and Justin since you'll be home full-time now. I have some business to attend to upstairs. Come find me when you're finished," Mr. Takada said. I was so horny for him, but he just slid me off his lap and left me with a kiss.

I cleaned up the kitchen and took the trash out to the big can in the garage. I dusted the living room and dining areas then tidied up things that didn't need tidying. The house was always in showroom condition. I found a load of dirty clothes waiting by the washer and remembered how Justin showed me to work it. I wanted to help out and make Mr. Takada proud. I felt so safe here.

"Oh, I'd forgotten about those. A good boy finds his own chores to do," Mr. Takada surprised me from behind and beamed proudly. I was loading our clothes from the weekend into the washer and had stopped to smell his briefs. I turned to him with a tent in my shorts.

"Eizo is coming over with lunch. I haven't decided if I should let you stay for the meeting with Justin or put you away," he said.

"Put me away where?" I asked.

"In our bedroom closet. I set up a station for you there. I decided Donovan and Justin should move into your old room. I'd like my guest room back and I don't think you'll have a need for your boy's room anymore. Come. I'll show you." He took my hand and led me up to our bedroom. The boy bedroom door was open and I could see he had moved some things around. The bed was gone, and a larger bed was in its place with a big white comforter and pillows.

"Your bed fits nicely in here," he explained as he turned on the lights in the cavernous walk-in closet of the master bedroom. Behind the large chest in the center of the closet was the mattress from my old bed sitting low in the corner on the floor. It was made up and the teddy bear he'd given me was there. Next to it was a short table and drawer with a charging station for my tablet. There was a new pair of big blue headphones and a few bottles of water.

"You still might need a place to come and de-stress when I'm busy or away. The closet door locks from the inside in case you're ever scared. I have the code to unlock it, but it's a safe place when you need it or when I need to put you away."

"Those lock-up rings are mostly for fun... unless you really are in need of discipline. But I don't want to discipline you in your comfort place." He pointed to two silver rings attached to the wall at the head of the bed and one near the foot.

"Donovan and Justin are moving in full-time. It'll help with his expenses since he doesn't like taking my financial assistance. They'll be here to help out, but I want you to learn how to be a full service boy. Do you want that, boy?" he asked and put his hands on my shoulder.

"Yes, sir," I said and felt his warmth spread through me.

"Good. Go do the windows. There's supplies under the sink. Just the inside. I don't want you out. I have another hour of work and then Eizo should be here with lunch. If you finish early, the kitchen floor needs a good scrubbing," Mr. Takada rubbed my ass and kissed me before sending me off again. I went downstairs and got back to work.

Eizo came in when I was working on the kitchen floor. He didn't knock, just let himself in with a key. I froze in the kitchen as he came in and looked at me with surprise.

"Take," he said to me without a greeting. He pushed a large brown shopping bag with a mediterranean restaurant logo and an address on Pico. I took the bag and went to set out the containers on the dining table. Eizo went to the fridge and got himself a can of Sprite. He came back to me as I finished emptying the bag. I stopped and looked at him with fright.

"Plates and utensils, boy. We're not animals!" Eizo barked impatiently. He always seemed reluctant to address me. I nodded and went to the kitchen as Mr. Takada came back downstairs.

"Don't take your anger out on the boy!" Mr. Takada warned him with annoyance as he came towards me. He slid his hands around my waist and kissed the back of my neck. He took two plates from the high shelf and I got forks and napkins.

"It's just so frustrating! You know I don't like getting involved with these idiots! They've never come up with anything original. They just leech of the hard work of others. They're pariahs! I won't share with them, but if he can get the boy to me I'll fix him," Eizo said. We settled into the table and I opened a bowl of hummus and a tray of toasted pita.

"Is it even possible?" Mr. Takada asked as he scooped grilled vegetables and meat onto our plate. I tried the pita with hummus and pretended like I wasn't listening to this.

"I didn't even work on him! I'll need to see who has his file. His family should have been in agreement with his choice of daddy or he should have separated from them completely before this. It's unusual that a boy would go missing and turn up in Hong Kong. It exposes us to all kinds of drama, as you can very well see," Eizo huffed and began to eat.

"I don't know his story. Julian can fill us in. If he was taken, then why wouldn't they take both boys? Having twins is well... very profitable. Whoever did this didn't put a lot of thought into it. There must be more to the story," Mr. Takada said. He urged me to eat more and he kept an arm around me while I picked at the food.

The two men finished their meals and then went to Mr. Takada's office while I cleaned up. I packed away the leftovers in the fridge for when Donovan and Justin got home. Justin was usually starving after his basketball practice. I wiped down the table and then laid down on the couch until Mr. Takada came back down to check on me.

"Julian will be here soon. I'm going to put you away. I don't want that boy detective brain getting involved in this," he said and led me upstairs. I went into the closet and changed into sleep shorts and a t-shirt while he pulled out some things from a drawer. He had me go and pee before he "put me away."

"These are for your wrists, lie down," he said and held up thick pink fabric bands that closed with rings on the sides and locked together like tight handcuffs. He secured them on me and then ran a white rope through the rings and secured it with a lock so I couldn't pull them off.

He ran the rope through the rings in the wall at the top of the bed and secured them with silver locks. I looked like a marionette prisoner doll. They let me move around, but not more than a few feet from the wall. It was just enough so I could sleep comfortably.

"These feel weird," I said and rubbed my wrists together.

"It's just to try it out. You trust me, boy?" he asked and put his hand on my cheek. I nodded.

"I'll put some water in the pacifier in case you get thirsty, but you shouldn't be up here for more than an hour or so. I know my boy needs something to suck on though," he said and held up this black rubber mask that fit over my mouth and chin. Without giving me time to protest, he pushed the center of it to my lips and a rubber nipple pushed into my mouth. He secured the mask behind my head.

"Mmm," I protested, but he just smiled like I looked cute. He opened a cap on the outside of the mask and poured in water from a bottle. I sucked on the nipple and a slow stream of water came through. I sucked on it like a baby bottle. It didn't give me much water, but enough to keep my mouth wet.

"Fuck, this gets daddy so hard. See what you do to me, boy?," he said in a low growl and kissed my forehead. He closed the cap on the water reservoir and pushed me to lie back against the pillows. He turned on my tablet and opened an app to a movie he thought I'd like. He put the headphones over my head and positioned the tablet on the table so I could watch. He put the teddy bear against my chest and pulled a blanket over me.

He said something, but I couldn't hear him over the movie. He took a picture of me with his phone. For some reason, I tried to smile under the mask. He kissed my cheek and then got up. He dimmed the closet lights so I could see but also nap if I wanted to. He left.

I wondered what would happen downstairs with Julian. From the way he'd "put me away" though, I was sure I probably wouldn't find out. He seemed intent on keeping me out of things.

I closed my eyes and even though I was tied and gagged, I felt the most restful feeling come over me that I'd missed for the last few days. Being here, in his bedroom, in his closet, secured in his bondage gear, I felt like nothing could hurt me. Whether it was the brain wipe or not, I knew this is where I want to be.


Thanks for reading. I'd like to know where you think this should go: My Stories:

Next: Chapter 11

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