Tabula Colton

By Emri S.

Published on Mar 6, 2023


This story involves adult/youth and authoritarian themes. If that's not your thing, don't waste your time with it. Comments appreciated.

{Tabula Colton} [Ch.1- The Boy Who Lived] ~By Emri~

The last block before everything went dark I remember my heart pounding like crazy as I worked through the rage. I'd reached into the backseat to stop the box from spilling as I made the sharp turn on Sunset as it wound up the hill. The box had everything I'd kept in my locker over the last five years working in the sheriff's office before they shit-canned me. It was one stupid mistake and my career was toast.

I'd started with them straight out of the academy and now at 26 everything I'd worked for was over. One stupid mistake, just a couple drinks before my shift. I made a few off-color comments and slurred a few words and they hauled me in. It was my third offense after misplacing a gun and some problems with evidence. I could have fought it. I could have ended up at some outpost in the desert. But I took the resignation, cleaned out my locker, and hit the road.

That last block, as I zoomed through the yellow light, a car zipped out of a parking space without even looking. I swerved to miss it but I was going too fast. I lost control and headed straight towards a kid on a skateboard and then a light pole.

I don't know how long I was out or if I was dead or what. The world went black. It wasn't a big world either. I felt like I was trapped in a tight box, a box holding me in, squeezing me from the sides. It could have been a minute, an hour, a week.

And then the crack. It started like a little crack of light from under a door. It went in jagged lines then splintered off into other cracks then opened into a bright white of blinding light. I squinted and felt a sharp pain behind my eyes like the crack was running down the center of me. I heard beeps, sets of them like little timers going off and then a figure was in front of me, a brown face with dark eyes was staring me down.

He said something, but it sounded fuzzy like a radio station that was off by a frequency or two. I strained to hear him and saw another face appear beside his.

"He's coming around," the other figure said as he took a penlight and shown it in my eyes. I pulled away and turned to look at the room. I was in a hospital bed with all kinds of screens monitoring me.

"What is your name?" The first figure asked me. I looked down his face and noticed a stethoscope and white coat like a doctor would have.

"Miguel Montes." My throat was raw and the voice that came out of it was a muffled squeak.

"Ok... Miguel. How old are you?" The second figure asked.

"Twenty-six... am I ok?" I blinked and felt the room spinning.

"Twenty-six? His I.D. card says he's seventeen," The first figure interjected. I looked over at him with confusion.

"It also says his name is Colton Johnson... Is your name Colton?" He repeated. My eyes were starting to adjust to the light and I could almost make out the name Dr. Peter something or other on his nametag. I shook my head to tell him no.

"Well he sure looks like this kid on the I.D. card. This isn't you?" The second guy said. From his uniform I gathered he was the nurse. He took the card and held it in front of my face.

The picture wasn't me. It was some pale white kid with green eyes and floppy black hair with a big smile. It said his name was Colton and he lived on Alpine Place in Beverly Hills. I recognized the block number. I'd done private security over there a few months back for an expensive wedding.

"It sure looks a lot like you... He might have a concussion," The doctor noted.

"Colton! My boy! Is he alright? I rushed here as soon as I could," a voice yelled as a man in a suit streaked into the room. The dude came right up beside me nearly knocking the doctor out of the way. He put his hands on my cheeks and I pulled away.

"Dude!" I recoiled. He shrank back, looking confused and shocked.

"Do you know him?" The nurse asked.

We both answered at the same time only I said "No I don't know him," and the dude said "I'm his father... well guardian." He added that extra information because he looked nothing like me and even less like the light guy on the I.D. card. He was tall, strong, and too young to be my father; even too young to be the kid on the card's father.

"Baby?" The man said as his face inched closer to mine. His deep brown eyes looked Korean. His features looked European but with darker Latino skin. I honestly couldn't tell his ethnicity. We studied each other. Had I met him somewhere?

"What's wrong with him?" the man said and turned back towards the doctors as his right hand came to rest on my hair.

"Not much considering what he went through. That car hit him pretty solid from what the police said. He may have a concussion, some memory issues. His arm is broken and there's a big bruise on his right thigh so he might have trouble walking. Otherwise he should heal back to normal. He got lucky. Assuming you really are his guardian, you can take him home." The doctor said. I looked down at my arm and was surprised to see it in a cast. It felt numb, barely there.

"Yes, he's mine. I have his papers right here!" The man reached into the pocket of his blazer and pulled out an envelope and handed it to the doctor.

"I don't know him! I don't look anything like the kid on that I.D. card! This is crazy. Where's my phone? My girlfriend will pick me up," I protested though my throat was on fire and every word seemed to squeeze it in a rusted vice.

The nurse handed me a clear plastic bag with some keys, a blue vinyl wallet, and a phone with a red case and a smashed screen. None of it was mine. I fingered the keys through the plastic. It was a door key, a mailbox key, and a little metal frame with a selfie of the twinkie kid with the man in the suit kissing his cheek. It wasn't me.

"He'll need to be watched constantly for at least 24 hours. I'll give you a list of symptoms to look for. I'm prescribing painkillers and he'll likely feel doped or the next few days, but it'll keep him still and comfortable while he recovers. And no skateboarding for a few weeks, and never without a helmet," the doctor joked.

"This is crazy," I croaked. I started to sit up, but the man in the suit pushed me back down. I looked down at his hand in the center of my chest. I'd never felt so small. It covered the center and made my frame look so narrow, skinny. Something was very wrong here.

I've never been a super buff guy, but at 5'10 and 170 pounds I could be pretty intimidating when I needed. I'd run down my fair share of perps and always held my own since back in my high school wrestling days. But this man seemed to tower over me and something in his touch seemed familiar and made my chest warm.

The man and the doctor kept talking about me, but I zoned out. Maybe my meds were kicking in, but I raised the hand on my good arm and put it over the man's where he was rubbing my chest. He raised his hand off my chest and turned it to hold mine. Our fingers interlaced and I felt this weird buzzing inside me. It was so fucked up, I'd never met him and certainly never did anything with him or any other guy. My body just reacted to his touch. I stared down at our fingers like looking at two strangers. My normally brown latino skin looked milky pale.

"Come on, Colt. I'll help you get dressed," the man said. I looked up and realized the doctor and nurse were gone. The man pulled a curtain around the side of the bed facing the glass door to the hallway. He helped me sit up and went for a bag by the door.

"I just grabbed what I could. I went back to the hotel when you didn't answer your phone and they told me the hospital had called. You had your keycard in your pocket." The man said as he came towards the bed. He set the bag down and peeled the covers down. My body shivered from the cold room and I looked down to see skinny pale legs with just a light dusting of dark hair below the paper gown. Those weren't mine either. These drugs were hardcore.

"Thanks, man," I said hazily.

"I brought your favorite new briefs," the man's lips spread into a wide smile as he pulled these thin blue briefs with a yellow band from the bag. He held them up and showed me the back was cut out from them.

"Naw man, that's... sick. What is that?" I protested.

"You begged me to get these two days ago! That little shop we passed on the way to dinner. You said you wanted to look like the guy in the poster. I got you these and the white thong I thought would look better on you." He looked at me with genuine confusion.

"I have literally never done any of those things," I said. This had to be some kind of bad joke.

"Poor little guy. Don't worry, baby. I'll get you home and you'll rest up. It'll be ok," he assured. He put his hand to my cheek and the warmth returned. My skin buzzed at his touch and I felt my stomach give a little jump. I felt so tired. I nodded.

He put the briefs on my feet and slid them up. When his hand got to the paper gown, he pushed it up and I got a look at my junk. That was the worst part. There's nothing that instills more fear in a guy than something happening to his cock.

There was a cock there and it wasn't a bad one, but it wasn't mine. I had always been above average, a long thick cock with bull nuts. I'd never had a problem in the locker room, bedroom, any room where it made its debut. This cock was... a white guy's. It was long enough, but with normal sized balls and a light smattering of light pubes. I was glad when the man pulled the briefs up over it, but my exposed ass against the bed sheets felt weird. I caught sight of a long purple bruise forming on my thigh. He eased the paper gown up over my head and carefully over the casted arm.

I looked down at my chest, another disappointment. My hard dark pecs and gym-worked abs were replaced by the narrow thin waist of youth with two little pink nipples where my brown ones should have been. I looked up at the man as his hand came down in the center of it. He rubbed down my stomach and I felt my cock give a jolt in my briefs. Fuck, why did I do that?

He pulled a green t-shirt out of the bag and helped me into it then wiggled a pair of skinny jeans up my legs and buttoned them. He pulled on a pair of black and white socks with a horde of penguins then tied on a new pair of gray vans shoes.

He helped me sit up. Then leaned in to give me a hug. I wanted to push him away when his lips touched the side of my neck. I wanted to scream for him to stop, but instinctively my good arm wrapped around his neck and I let him lift me up to help me to my feet.

"There we go, there's my boy," he praised. I noted I was a few inches shorter than him. He rubbed his chin against my forehead then leaned in and kissed my hair. He slid a hand down to my ass and gave it a squeeze. It felt weird and gay and wrong yet so fucking hot. He helped me towards the window and I finally caught sight of myself in the mirror next to the hospital bed.

"Fuck!" I yelled and felt my fingers dig into the man's shoulder.

"Baby, what's wrong? It hurts too much?" He asked, looking at me in the mirror only it wasn't me. I fumbled for a minute at the sight of the boy with green eyes, black hair, a small straight nose. It took me a minute to recognize him.

"It's him," I said. It was the teenager I'd hit with my car, the one on the skateboard. I'd sent him flying into the bushes. I'd done this to him. I was him.

"It's us," the man said playfully and turned to kiss my cheek. He didn't get it.

"What happened to the man?" I asked. His playful cheer dissipated.

"The driver? I don't know. Let's not worry about that. Hopefully he's in worse shape than you are. That asshole could have killed you. I don't know what I would have done. You don't know how much you love someone until... I've only had you a few months now..." He shook his head, hugged me tighter, and buried his nose into my shoulder.

"All ready?" A voice called behind us. I turned to see the nurse pushing a wheelchair. He pushed it right up to me and the man helped me sit down.

They wheeled me downstairs where the man filled out some insurance forms and gave them some money before we could go. I zoned out while the nurse went through papers to show the man how to care for me through recovery.

That morning I'd woken up as Miguel Montes. I'd showered, put on my uniform, kissed my girlfriend goodbye and gone to work to face the sheriff's commission. I knew it was going to be a shitty day. I didn't know I'd end it as a seventeen year old kid with some sugar daddy.

The valet pulled around a large black Lexus right up in front of us. He came around and opened the passenger door. I started to stand, but the man lifted me up into his chest like I weighed nothing. He set me in the passenger side and buckled me in before giving the valet a few bucks.

"You said hotel... We're going to a hotel? But the I.D. card had an address in Beverly Hills," I asked as we wheeled up Robertson.

"Right, but we're getting the rooms re-painted... the colors you picked out? Remember? I didn't want you breathing in those fumes. Don't worry. The security system will keep out any burglars. You're safe with me." The man offered an assuring smile.

"Who... who are you?" I asked. I didn't even know his name. I realized I should have found a slicker way to ask that or maybe paid attention to his conversation with the medical forms people. I watched him swallow a lump in his throat as he came to a stop at a red light.

"You really don't remember anything? What DO you remember?" He looked at me with real curiosity and I started to tell him my story. I spilled it all. He watched me with confusion and sadness like I was a screaming street-kid at the park.

"You must think I'm nuts, right? I mean... I'm in this body of this kid that I hit with my car. I don't even know what happened to the real me. My girlfriend is probably sitting with me in a hospital room, or jail... and my parents... Is this kid in my body? Is that even possible?" I looked down at my shoes. I felt my voice crack like I was about to cry. That was something else I never did.

"Listen, Colt... or Miguel... I think you've been through a traumatic experience and need some time." The man reached over and put his hand on my thigh. He gave it a squeeze and brushed my cock. I felt it stir and a surge of lust that made me sick to my stomach. His fingers rubbed down between my thighs and I got this weird feeling in my ass.

"Dude! No!"I jumped in surprise and banged my bad arm against the car door. I yelped as a shot of pain went through it.

"It's ok, we're here. Let's get you upstairs and get some medicine in you," the man soothed. I realized I still didn't know his name.

He pulled the Lexus into the valet and told me to stay put. He jumped out and ran around to the other side as the valet opened my door. The valet guy was this latino kid, maybe 20 years old.

"Welcome sir," he said to me in a mocking tone. His eyes looked at me with judgement like he knew what this looked like. A young twinkie guy with an older man in an expensive suit. His smirk said he knew I was a rent boy who gave it up for money. I turned my face in disgust.

"I'll get him. He's injured," the man said and tossed him the keys. He leaned down and tried to pick me up, but I swatted him away.

"I can do it," I said. I put one foot outside the car and the huge bruise on my thigh protested.

"Ahhh fuck!" I hissed through gritted teeth. I'd endured much worse pain in my life, but this kid was weak. The man just shook his head with a little laugh. He slid one arm under my thighs and the other behind my back. He lifted me out like a groom carrying his bride. I was in too much pain to argue.

"Bring the bags up to 2112. There's an extra tip if you can do it quickly. He needs his meds," the man said to the valet.

"Yes sir, of course!" The valet said happily. He closed the passenger door, hopped in the driver's seat and peeled out quickly.

"He looked at me like some kind of street hustler trash. Put me down. I can walk," I growled to the man. He ignored me and went through the sliding glass doors of the hotel lobby. This was West Hollywood so the sight of a man carrying another man wasn't exactly eyebrow raising.

"Settle down. You'll be in bed soon," the man said as he made his way to the elevator. The concierge ran out from behind the front desk and quickly pushed the button to call the elevator.

"Mr. Takada! I'm so glad he was ok!" The concierge bustled with feigned joy. He hopped into the elevator with us and pressed the top floor then wished us a good night.

"Takada? Is that italian?" I asked when the doors closed. He made no moves to set me on my feet. He just looked down at me with a wink.

"Cypriot. My father's father was from Japan, his mother from Denmark. My mother was half-Asian too, Korean... the other half was African." Mr. Takada smiled. I'd found one small piece of the puzzle. He seemed intent on making me work for the rest.

"That's pretty mixed up. I'm just Mexican, all the way back," I laughed. My body was relaxing into his arms and I felt warmed by his chest. I felt like I was fighting Colton at every turn. He obviously craved what Mr. Takada gave him. I realized my arm didn't even hurt as it nestled in against his chest.

"You are so not Mexican! You're a white boy from Utah," Mr. Takada laughed.

"Utah? Nah I've never been past Vegas," I said as the elevator doors opened to our floor.

He got to the door of our room and looked like he was trying to decide how to get the key out to open the door.

"Seriously, you can put me down," I offered, but then the elevator dinged behind us and the valet came in from the other car.

"Let me, sir!" He said and ran over towards us carrying the bags from the car. He took out a keycard from his pocket and swiped to open our door. Mr. Takada thanked him and pushed through the door to carry me towards the bed. Our room was huge, like bigger than the apartment I shared with my girlfriend in Van Nuys. It was a top floor corner suite with sweeping views of the city. The sun was setting over the ocean as he set me down on the bed.

"Here's his things, sir. Is there anything else I can do for you?" the valet asked as he set the bags down on the bed. Mr. Takada thanked him and fished out a few 20's from his wallet as the valet's eyes lit up.

"I'm having some things delivered from the pharmacy. Can you bring them up when they arrive?" Mr. Takada asked. The valet nodded vigorously and said he'd wait downstairs for them to arrive. He quickly exited and closed the door to our suite.

Mr. Takada took some pills from the hospital bag and handed me a bottle of water. He slid off my shoes while I choked them down my dry throat. He took off my socks then the jeans.

"Do you want me to change the briefs since you don't like them anymore?" he asked. I realized I'd gotten used to them and liked the way the jeans felt on my bare ass.

"They're ok..." I shrugged. I thought it might be best to keep him from getting access to my cock again. He seemed to like touching me.

"You smell like hospital funk. I'll make you a hot bath to soak in while we wait on the rest of your meds. Those you just took should help the pain, but the good ones are on the way," he said with a wink and reached up to ruffle my hair. He got off the bed and loosened his tie as he made his way into the bathroom.

I laid back against the pillows and looked around. This Colton kid didn't have it too bad. I wondered if he was trapped in my body too. What had happened to it? Would he be in jail right now listening to my girlfriend scream at him for losing my job and fucking up my car?

I could picture it, this squirmy little kid trapped in a muscle man's body trying helplessly to defend himself against Diana. She wasn't that bad, but definitely fit the hot-blooded Latina stereotype. She'd be hitting him with her purse and swearing she was done. She'd put up with a lot over the last two years. I'd given her a roller coaster of shit. She'd cool off though and bail him out. Between the two of us, she made the money and the decisions. She'd make sure he had a security job lined up before they made it home to the valley. I missed her.

I listened as Mr. Takada moved about the bathroom with the faucet gushing water. I'd never been gay. I have nothing against it, but it's just not me. So why did this body react so much to his touch? Why was I wondering what he was packing in those pants? Why did my asshole seem to twitch when he got close? I couldn't explain whatever had happened between Me Miguel and other Me Colton. It was straight out of a science fiction show and I don't even watch that shit.

"Baby, it's ready. Let me help you," Mr. Takada interrupted my thoughts. I started to sit up, but felt a little blurry from the pills. They made the room spin a little, not in an unpleasant way. I looked up at him and saw he'd changed out of the suit and was just wearing a pair of black boxerbriefs. His chest was strong with pecs bigger than mine.... Miguel's. He had wide shoulders and his stomach held a healthy six-pack of abs in that perfectly V-shaped torso that led down to a big lump in the front and some serious glutes in the back. It was no wonder he'd had little trouble lifting me like a puppy.

"I got you," he said and smiled as he caught me checking him out. He bent down next to me and lifted me up to my feet. He let me walk into the bathroom, but kept his hands on my sides to steady me. My cock started to poke up at his touch.

"I can take it from here," I offered when we got into the bathroom. It was a big room covered in marble and a large glass window next to the tub with a sweeping city view. I stood there in my briefs looking at him with my bravest face.

"Not a chance. I'm supposed to watch you for signs of a concussion and a big tub of water is no place for you to go out. The towel on the side is for you to rest your arm so your cast doesn't get wet," he said. I made my way towards the tub and his warm hands slid down to my ass. His fingers were inches from my cock which was almost at full flagpole in my briefs.

"I got it, dude. You can leave the door open and check on me," I begged off. He looked disappointed but backed off. I waited until he cleared the doorway and then used my good hand to push down the briefs. My cock bounced up and hit my stomach. I looked down at it. It wasn't half bad. It thickened up nicely, plus this body was still a growing boy. I smiled to myself thinking Colton had a bright future ahead.

My smile faded when I turned to look at myself in the mirror. There was a small bruise on my right temple just next to my eye. I hadn't noticed it before. It seemed so small compared to the one on my thigh. Colton's frame was so slight and thin. I could see his ribs and just a faint hint of ab muscles. He had a handsome face with big green eyes that begged to be noticed. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him, on me. He had a straight back and graceful composure that reminded me of when my mother barked at me to sit up straight. I studied him, flexed, squatted, leaned, walked. I wondered if he was doing the same to me.

"You look like you're trying out Colton's body," Mr. Takada interrupted me from behind. I wheeled around and he looked down with a smirk at my hard cock.

"Just... looking. It's so weird. I know you don't believe me, but this isn't me," I protested.

"You've had a very long day, Colt... Miguel... No, I can't call you that. You're Colton to me," he said and pressed his lips into a contemplative line.

"What do I call you? I mean I'm standing here ass-naked in your bathroom and I don't even know your name," I laughed at the absurdity of this.

"You've always called me daddy... or sir when you're in need of discipline. You never called me by my first name. It was just Mr. Takada when we met," he moved towards me and guided me to the tub with his hands on my sides. His lips found the back of my neck and his kiss sent a shiver of warmth through me that made my eyes close.

"Discipline?" I laughed as I stepped into the warm tub. He helped me down into the water and a thin layer of bubbles concealed my cock.

"You're my boy, my responsibility. And sometimes you need a firm hand," he said in a low, dark voice that sent chills down my spine.

"Like..." I started but wasn't sure how to finish my thought as I lowered my gaze from his eyes to his chin. He was knelt down beside the tub and towered over me with his stack of muscles.

"Like when you go out alone on your skateboard when I told you to stay put... You didn't even have your helmet on! I've yelled at you so many times to wear it... but I think you've been more than punished for that mistake." He had a hand on my back to steady me and I suddenly felt his other hand rub soap over my chest. I jumped at his touch, but he kept on.

"I didn't mean to hit him. He was just skating along not looking and this car... this car pulled right out in front of me. I tried to brake and steer away from it... I hit him. I hit your boy. I'm so sorry, man. I swear I didn't mean to do it, Mr. Takada." I felt a sudden pain of guilt and rambled on.

"Colt, baby. You've never driven a car in your life. You don't even know how to! I know you think you're this guy Miguel, and did this horrible thing, but you're my boy. I know every little inch of you," He offered hopefully. He looked at me with pity and concern.

"I remember waking up for work this morning, a little hungover from last night. I'm not Colt, I'm Miguel. I was born in Panorama City. I was a sheriff's deputy... until I lost my job. You don't know me. I'm not this boy," I assured.

"It's ok, Colt. Settle down. Let me help you relax. I know what makes my boy feel better." Mr. Takada slid the soap down my stomach and around in slow circles.

I wanted to protest but my eyes closed and a little gasp escaped my lips as my skin started to buzz and my cock thumped. I started to argue but my lips just formed an O and my eyes screwed up. His hands rubbed down between my thighs. Colton took over and laid back against the tub as his legs spread for the man.

"There's my boy," Mr. Takada praised as an annoying little moan came out of me. I clapped my hand over my lips, tried to fight it. A desperate moan forced its way out of me.

"Fuck!" I yelled and pulled away as his soapy fingers rubbed my asshole. No one had ever touched there. I looked at him with pleading eyes and then my head started to nod in consent. Colton was fighting me for what he needed. I was helpless to stop him. He slide a finger inside me and I lit up like a bonfire. I felt my eyes roll back and I looked up at him helplessly as he studied me. He stared right into my soul with a wicked smirk on his lips. He knew he was in full control.

"I was doing this the first time you called me daddy. You begged for me to go inside you like a good little fuckboy," Mr. Takada said. It snapped me out of Colton's grip for a minute.

"I'm not doing that. That's weird... It's... ahh!" I said just before his fingers dug into a spot in my ass that sent a rush of warm pleasure through me.

"You will when you need it. You'll call me daddy when you're begging for me to fill that hole like only I can," Mr. Takada said in this low, controlled voice that soothed my disgust at what he was making me feel. I was fighting Colton, but every pleasure point inside me was begging for more. He pushed two fingers inside me and rubbed a spot that made my cock dance back and forth under the water. I knew if I even got close to touching my cock it would go off like a geyser.

"I'm so..." I started to admit how close to cumming I was. I didn't even care anymore that a dude was fingering my hole. I desperately needed to get off. My cock was on edge like I'd never felt before. I could think of 20 different girls I'd been with plus a few I couldn't remember in college. None of them felt this good.

A knock at the door hit me like a slap.

"Stay put," Mr. Takada said as he unceremoniously slipped his fingers from my hole. He got up from his knees and dried his hands off on a towel but made no motion to cover himself. He walked off in his black boxer briefs with a raging bulge in the front.

I laid back against the tub and recovered my breath. How could I feel so good from this dude? I'd never been with a guy and I'd never felt this good from my girl. I felt a twist in my stomach and my hole felt suddenly empty.

He was out there making small talk with the valet. He knew I was here in agony, waiting for his touch to return. He knew I was fighting a losing battle inside me. He knew he didn't need to do anything but wait for me to break.

I tried to focus on something else. I used my good hand to take the soap and rubbed down my legs. I was doing ok until I got up to my thighs and my hole twitched like a junkie needing a fix. I got a weird idea. If he'd made me feel that good, maybe I could do it to myself and finish this off before he came back. I needed to cum and get my cock back to soft. It was the only way to get this over with before he could come back and mess with me more.

I set the soap down on the ledge and rubbed two fingers down to my hole. If he could do this, so could I. My fingers were smaller than his so they slipped in without too much resistance, but I didn't feel the sparks he set off in me. I fumbled around in there and couldn't find that spot he touched or mimic the way he rubbed. I took the little soap and rubbed it over my hole, then pushed it just inside. It was too big and hurt. I set it down and rubbed the soap inside with my fingers. My cock started to go down. It felt awkward and then it hit me that I was actually fingering my asshole. I sighed and closed my eyes in defeat.

"How's it going in there?" Mr. Takada asked as he poked his head in the doorway. I didn't know if he meant `in there' to refer to the bath or my hole.

"Uh good, yeah," I mumbled. I quickly rubbed the soap around to show him I was just cleaning.

"It's time to get out. You'll get sick in cold bathwater," he said. He grabbed an oversized white towel and came towards me.

"Did you finish washing? I got a little distracted taking care of your needs," he chuckled.

"I'm good," I said. I tried to push myself up with one hand, but I slid back and almost got my cast wet. He set the towel down and slid his hands under my armpits. He raised me up and brought me against his bare chest.

The cold air hit my wet body and I shivered until he slid his arms around me and brought my nose into his shoulder. I got a solid whiff of his musk. He smelled like I usually did after a day on the force. He had a light cologne that mixed with his salty sweat and went straight up my nose. It hit my brain and my cock once again roared to life.

"Always ready for more. Let's get you to bed before you pop," he noted as fact and kissed my forehead. He reached for the towel and slipped it around my back then backed away as he wrapped it around my front like a cape. He raised the back up and rubbed my hair then massaged his way down my shoulders and back.

"I got it." I jumped as he got down to my ass. This was so easy for him to turn Colton on and make him whine. I took the towel with my one good hand and rubbed between my thighs, over my hole. I took a step back from him and stared at his chest.

"You're embarrassed," he explained. "You don't remember how safe you are with me, the life I rescued you from. You don't have to be guarded with me, Colton. I'll always be the person you can trust." His voice broke and it sparked something inside me. Colton was ready to fall into his arms but I held back. I looked up into his eyes and saw how much he loved me, loved his boy.

"Thank you," I said, feeling I should offer something. "This is just so weird for me. I don't even know if I'm dead or alive, man. This is just one crazy thing after another."

"Let's get you to bed." he nodded. He came back towards me and knelt down to take the towel. He rubbed my feet dry then headed up my legs. He got to my thighs and then stopped and kissed the right one. He looked up at me with those big brown eyes and my cock rose to action once again. He paused for a moment to consider it, blinked up at me, then decided I'd had enough for one day. He got to his feet and rubbed the towel up to my chest. He gave my nose a quick peck with his lips then backed away from me.

I followed him out to the bedroom where he'd laid a fresh pair of white stretchy briefs. He helped me into them and I noted they were gauzy and see through. They left my cock on full display.

"Really? Doesn't this kid own any non-trashy underwear?" I asked with annoyance. Mr. Takada broke into a laugh and then I did too.

"My boy likes to please me." He shrugged. He helped me into a pair of flannel pajama pants and warm sweatshirt before tucking me into bed and giving me more medicine.

"Can you turn the tv on? It helps me fall asleep." I told him.

"Colt can't sleep with the tv on. He always whines when I watch the news." He raised a curious eyebrow, but did as I asked. He turned to some news program.

"Not Colt," I reminded him. He just shrugged. He turned off the lights in the bedroom and went to take his own shower while I laid there. It must have still been light outside because a few strands of sun peeked between the drapes.

I wondered what Diana was doing. Was she lying in bed thinking about me? I tried to think of her phone number. Everything was saved in my phone. The only number I knew by heart was my parents. I laughed thinking what Diana would do when this kid woke up in my body and freaked out on her. She liked a hard man who could earn a living and give it to her good when she needed it. This kid probably hadn't even thought about what a woman needed. He'd be pounding on the door here looking for Mr. Takada... if he was still alive.

"You're still up?" Mr. Takada said when he came back out and found me lying there. He was completely naked except for a towel around his neck. He rubbed his damp hair as he moved across the room with his ample soft cock swinging between his thighs. I couldn't take my eyes off it. His body was chiseled perfection. As hard as I worked at the gym, I could never get that perfect V-shape he held. He turned away from me and I caught his perfect bubble ass. I tried to tell myself I was just in awe of his physique, but Colton was inside me and clawing to get to him.

"Just thinking," I admitted. "What if Colton is inside my body? Shouldn't we try to find him? What could we do about it if we did find him? You think there's a way to change us back?" I asked.

"Baby," he sighed. He stepped into a pair of thin, stretchy white boxer briefs that hugged his contours proudly. He shoved his cock inside and then came over to the bed. "Save this for tomorrow. You've been through a lot today."

"I have to know. I have to know my girl is ok... and your boy. Aren't you worried about him? What if he's hurt in my body or scared and confused?" I asked.

Mr. Takada pulled up the covers and slid in beside me. He put his arm around me and instinctively Colton made me roll over into his chest. He slid his arms around me, filled me with warmth as my face settled in against his heartbeat. It wasn't pounding or excited like mine. He wasn't worried, he was at ease.

"No, baby. My boy is safe. I'll always keep him safe. Just close your eyes and get some rest. We'll take this on tomorrow. You're safe," he assured. I should have seen a red flag at that, but his strong hand rubbed my back and reminded me how tired I was. He flipped through the news channels as I let the day fade away from me.

"Tomorrow, Definitely tomorrow," I yawned. I closed my eyes against his hard pecs. This is where Colton felt safest. I could tell he lost all his troubles here. My body relaxed and gave a wide yawn as sleep came quickly.


It was dark when I woke up, desperate and horny. The tv was off and the room was lit dimly by the city lights as he'd left the curtains open just a little. I woke up because I was rock hard and had spent however many hours dreaming about his touch. I was wrapped tightly in his arms and all I could think about was getting his fingers back inside me. I rubbed my cheek against his pecs and my lips grazed his nipple.

"Dude," I whispered and rubbed my hands over his hard pecs. "Hey man."

"What's wrong?" he yawned without opening his eyes.

"That stuff we did earlier... we didn't finish," I told him. He already had one arm across my back with his hand resting on my ass. I rubbed back against it, hoping he'd take the hint. His other arm was around me with his hand holding the back of my head.

"You want daddy to satisfy your needy little boyhole," he filled in the blanks.

"No, it's not like that... just you know, that stuff you did earlier," I begged sounding whinier than I'd wanted. He raised his hand off my ass and then slid it down beneath the waistband of my pajamas and briefs. I felt his finger hover over my hole and I felt my cock start to leak in my briefs.

"You want daddy inside you," he repeated as his finger made little circles around my hole.

"Uh huh," I moaned as his finger zeroed in on my throbbing hole.

"Say it. Tell me what my boy needs," he urged.

"Play with me... please," I whispered, feeling that pit of disgust build in my stomach as Colton pressed me to beg for him.

"Say it," he repeated and kept his finger pressed and ready at my ring.

"Please, put your finger in me. Make me feel like you did before," I felt a heavy sense of shame, but a heavier sense of need. I was desperate for his touch. I needed what only he could give.

"Say it," he said again and tapped at my hole. I squirmed on his finger trying to make it go inside, but he just laughed and insisted I beg for it.

"C'mon, man. I got hit by a car today. Can't you have a little pity and play with me?" I laughed, trying to disarm him.

"I know you did, baby," he said and leaned down to kiss my forehead. "But I need my boy to know his place. I need you to know who I am." His words sent a chill through me. Colton was clawing inside me to get what his body needed. He broke through my pride.

"Please daddy," I whispered. "Please finger my boyhole."

His lips turned up into a proud smile. He kissed my forehead again then pushed me to roll off his chest and onto my back. He pushed back the covers and got up on his knees. He raised my casted arm and set it above me on the pillow. He straddled my lap and leaned down to kiss my neck. He nibbled his way down to my shirt then slid his hands up under it and pushed it up. He pushed it up over my head then secured it behind my neck so my chest was exposed.

"I love these little nipples," he praised then went to bite and suck them in turn. My cock was raging in my briefs and his attention to me electrified my skin. I whimpered and moaned at his touch. Every time his tongue or teeth traced over my nipples I felt my cock throb.

"Please sir. I can't last long," I begged. He looked up at me with sympathetic eyes. He knew what he did to his boy, knew what he could take. His hands slid down my sensitive stomach.

"Sir? Does that mean you need discipline?" he laughed and bit a little too hard on my right nip while he gave my ass a smack. I jerked away.

"Daddy... please daddy I need it," I remembered. I wiggled my butt for him. His smile turned a little more mischievous and he kissed down my stomach. He put his hands on the waistband of my pajamas and slid them down with the white briefs. My cock popped out and hit his chin. He looked up at me watching him and then dove onto my cock. He slurped it right down to the nuts. It throbbed against his warm, wet tongue.

"Oh fuck that feels so good," I said as his lips suctioned my shaft and pumped it while the tip rubbed against the back of his mouth. He brought his right hand up to my face and put two fingers to my lips. I turned away, but he pushed them through my lips anyways.

"Suck on them. Get them nice and wet for your little hole," he growled as he pulled off my spit-slicked cock. He used his dry hand to pull my pajamas and briefs down to my ankles. I spread my knees and raised my hole up. He shoved the two fingers back and forth over my lips until I gagged and sputtered on them. He slid them out and put the two fingers to my hole then pressed inside. My eyes rolled back as my body lit up again at his touch.

"Huhhh," I whined and turned to bite the pillow. His fingers worked their way inside me and strummed my hole expertly. He put his other hand to my face and gripped my chin to turn my face back to him.

"That's my boy. That's daddy's little trophy twink. You open for me so easily." His fingers danced around inside me shooting off electric pulses through my body. He hovered over me and looked down as he worked my hole. Our eyes locked and I felt so ashamed, yet so turned on.

"Fuck... This is so hot," I confessed, feeling myself open up to him.

"Miguel never felt this good, did he? Tell me," he asked. It shocked me out of my lust-filled cloud and I stared up into his eyes as I thought about it.

"No..." I admitted in a whisper. I'd never known my body could feel this good.

"A good little bottom boy needs a daddy to show him what his hole can do. You want that, boy? You want daddy to open you up?" he asked as his fingers slid in and out of my pulsing hole. I wanted to protest. I'd gotten in over my head here, but my body wouldn't let me. Colton needed it, and every muscle in my body stretched towards him like a magnet.

"Yes... it feels so good," I nodded and turned my face in shame. His fingers rubbed back and forth over a spot inside me that made my chest push up and a loud moan forced its way out of it as my cock leaked over my stomach.

"Fuck yeah. Wait till you remember what my cock feels like in there. Here, taste yourself," he said. He took his fingers from my hole and shoved them through my lips before I could protest. He rubbed the fingers over my tongue. It didn't taste gross like I thought it would. He'd done a thorough job on me in the tub.

"Mmmf," I squirmed with his fingers in my mouth. He reached down and pushed down his shorts. I couldn't see his cock, but I felt hard steel as he freed it and rubbed it over my hole.

"MMMM" I protested and screamed around his fingers. As hard as Colton was to fight, I had to draw the line here. I was not getting fucked. I shook my head.

"Settle down, boy. I'll wait til you're ready, until you beg for it. And you will beg for it. Colton works hard to earn it." he laughed. He was between his legs with his thick cock between my cheeks. He rubbed back and forth and my hole pulsed in need.

"Please... fingers daddy. I'm so close," I heard myself whine as my cock thumped with his back and forth motion over my hole. He raised off me and put his fingers back against my hole. He pushed him inside and it was back on. My cock stood on edge and pulsed each time he rubbed the right spots. He leaned down and put his lips to mine.

"Huhh," I moaned in pleasure as his tongue slipped past my lips and began to explore me. I closed my eyes against the magic. He rough-fucked my hole with his fingers while his other hand slid under my back. He pressed his sweaty chest to mine and pulled me against him. His lips wrestled mine as I whined happily.

"Fuck, boy. You're mine. Remember who owns this hole. Remember who your daddy is, who makes his boy feel this good," he growled as his fingers pounded me.

"Yes... fuck... yeah daddy," I whined. I didn't remember him, but this body did and I'd say anything to keep him going. My cock was throbbing and leaking precum between us.

"Cum for me, baby." he whispered as he looked down at me. He rubbed his nose against mine tenderly as he rough-fingered my hole. I nodded.

"Yes... Oh fuck!" I howled as my cock started to fire off between us. My body rocked, raised up and crashed down against the comforter as his fingers rubbed over my prostate. My cock throbbed and my eyes rolled back as I emptied the contents of my nuts.

"Ahhhhh," I cried out. I fired off round after round and my abs contracted while I thrashed around in his arms. He studied me. My eyes screwed up, but I tried to focus on him. Colton needed to watch him, show him how well he pleased his bottom boy.

"I love you so much," he said. His lips spread into an approving smile as he watched me.

"Huhhhh fuck fuck daddy," I whined.

"There's my baby, so good," he praised when I started to calm down in his hold. "There's daddy's little bottom boy." He kissed my cheek, then my lips. I laid there in his arms recovering my breath while my heart pounded in my ears.

"Thank you," I gasped as I looked up at him. He just nodded. He knew he'd given Colton what he needed and opened Miguel to a new world.

He gave me one last kiss then went to the bathroom and brought back a warm, wet hand towel. He wiped me clean then kissed up my stomach until our lips met again. He went to wash up and then came back to bed and helped me dress again. We passed out in each other's arms.


When morning came, I stirred in his arms to find him snoring lightly. I felt his heartbeat against my ear as I laid on his chest. He had an arm around me protectively that I had to wiggly out from to go and pee. I stopped in the bathroom when I saw that I was still in Colton's body, the slight frame of youth. It wasn't just a dream. I wondered what had become of my old self, what Colton was doing right now in my old body.

Yesterday was a storm of feelings and discovery yet I still had so many questions. I still didn't know what had happened to me. Mr. Takada had said that we could figure it out today. I felt achy from the car hitting me, but I was rested and ready to get to it. I needed to find Diana, figure out what happened to Miguel's body and hopefully a way to switch us back. Or did I? The weird thought occured to me that last night had been the best I'd ever felt. Being in his arms, under his control, I'd never felt that good.

"No," I told myself. It wasn't right. This wasn't my life. I wasn't some bottom boy for a wealthy older guy. I wasn't even gay. I had a life, plans, dreams... no job, a future in doubt. I couldn't just disappear and assume this boy's life, no matter how good it felt. It wasn't me. I wasn't Colton.

On my way back from the bathroom I stopped and looked him over. He was on his back lying bare-chested with the light gray sleep shorts hugging his bulge. I wanted to play with him again and I felt my hole twitch in anticipation. I started to think about his cock and I felt a little drool at the corner of my lips. It was so sick and shameful. How could I have let it happen? I'd felt the twist of disgust in my stomach last night at how much I'd begged for him, called him daddy.

I put a hand on my abs expecting the pit to form from my shame, but it didn't. Instead, my stomach felt a little flutter of electricity at the thought of getting one more good pounding from him before I investigated how to switch back to Miguel's life. After all, this was Colton's body, not mine. If he took it up the ass, it didn't mean I was gay. Right? It didn't mean I was like that. No, it was just me filling in for Colton's duties while he was away. I had to maintain his life here. I couldn't screw it up for him before we switched back.

That makes sense, right? I'm not the bottom boy, he is. He's the one who begs for his daddy to fuck him. I felt my spirits lift. I would definitely find out what happened and how to switch us back, but in the meantime I should fulfill Colton's duties. It was the right thing to do. I had to be a man about this and take it up the ass like Colton would want.

I'd do my duty. The pieces of the puzzle clicked together in my brain as I knelt on the bed beside him and started to reach for his cock. His bulge looked so tasty under the thing gray shorts. I could make out the outline of his bull nuts and thick shaft as it laid over on his right thigh.

Just as I was reaching for it though, I saw an envelope slide under the hotel room door. I heard little footsteps patter away quickly. I got to my feet and went over to it. I picked it up and realized I was going to have trouble opening it with just one hand since my other was trapped in the cast.

The large brown envelope wasn't addressed, just labeled "J. Takada." I debated opening it. It was just sealed by the small brass clasp. I looked over at Mr. Takada sleeping peacefully. The arm that had held me all night had moved over to his chest and his hand rested on his bulge like he was having a good dream. I sat down at the table and pried the clasp open with my one good hand. I opened the flap and pulled out a series of familiar looking papers. It was a sheriff's report dated yesterday. I scanned it, knowing where to look for information.

It was from my accident and the top name said "Colton Johnson" with my birthdate and information. Below it were the details I remembered and a statement from the driver saying she swerved to avoid a car that had pulled out suddenly.

That caught my eye, it was labeled "she." She? I scanned down to find the information. The driver of the car who'd hit Colton was a lady, not me, not Miguel. It should have said Miguel Montes and my address in Van Nuys, but it said "Sheila Whittier" and a home address in West LA.

"What the fuck?" I said to myself. I jumped when a hand pressed down on my shoulder.

"The report came! I have a friend in the West Hollywood Sheriff's office," Mr. Takada said. "You shouldn't have opened an envelope addressed to me."

I looked up at him and held up the papers. "It wasn't me? Where's Miguel? It should say Miguel Montes. Who is this lady?" I was so confused.

"I told you. You're Colton. You're my boy. You got hit pretty hard so give yourself time to sort it out," Mr. Takada said with pity.

There was another paper behind it, a note scribbled on a torn sheet. "Sorry J. I couldn't find a Miguel Montes who ever worked for our substation. There was a Miguel Montero who works out of the Covina station, but he's retired," the note read.

I set it down and turned to look at him. Just like that I was thrown back further into doubt. If Miguel never existed then why did I have his memories? None of this made sense.


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