Sympathetic Magic

By Elise Olisbos

Published on Jun 18, 2011



Sympathetic Magic by Elise Olisbos

Copyright 2011 Elise Olisbos. All rights reserved.

Adults Only: this story contains graphic sexual encounters between two or more people [transgendered people/shemales and females]. If this content offends you, or you shouldn't be reading this, then do not read.

Story Codes: TG, Inc, Magic/Fantasy, F, G

Summary: A potion's-maker has to deal with the annoying presence of her half-sister.

"When I said you could come inside the lab and watch me work, as long as you don't touch anything," Tamsin of Red Hill said sharply to her half-sister, "I really meant don't touch anything."

Melantha put down the vial of shining purple liquid that she had been inspecting and wrinkled her nose. "I didn't touch any of your stupid potions." She looked around, jaw set sullenly. "I thought it would be more interesting. All you do is chop stuff and mix them together."

"Sorry to disappoint you," Tamsin said dryly. "The work of a potioneer is long and fruitful, but unfortunately very boring."

As Melantha made another face, Tamsin mentally cursed her father for marrying again, and having another child when Tamsin was just fifteen. Then, she cursed her father twice for dying with his second wife in the recent plagues and leaving this troublesome teenager in her care. Hadn't his wife a whole bunch of relatives? Why wasn't Melantha sent to live with them? Tamsin was barely thirty, and had been happily living on her own. She had no idea how to care for someone else.

Scratch that; Tamsin was cursing her dearly departed dad three times.

Melantha moved to another long table, poking at the delicate ingredients that Tamsin had laid out very carefully from this morning. Tamsin frowned; the ingredients shifted out of the reach of Melantha's meddlesome fingers under the power of Tamsin's will; using her energy like that was a little tiring, but she really couldn't stop stirring this particular cauldron right now.

Instead of looking impressed, as most people would, Melantha frowned. Tamsin frowned back. If Melantha wasn't so sour-looking all the time, she would be fairly pretty. She had the same long, thick black hair as Tamsin, courtesy of their father, and the same distinct features: heavy eyebrows, strong jaw and aquiline nose. While Tamsin had inherited the light-grey shade of eyes from her mother, which was sometimes quite useful when scaring potential clients into using her potions, Melantha's eyes were dark, and heavy-lidded.

"You know what's kind of funny?" Melantha now asked, removing the cover from a small earthenware pot and peering inside.

"Isn't it time for school?" Tamsin wondered aloud and threw a handful of ambrein crystals inside this bubbling potion. The thick liquid turned white, and became still, just the result that Tamsin had expected.

Melantha ignored the pointed question, even though she was indeed dressed in her school-clothes. "You're like, this big potion-witchy type, and all you brew is stuff for those sex-actors down on the Love-de-Sac."

Tamsin went red at that and hurriedly doused the flame underneath this current potion before it burned. Melantha was giving her a nasty little smile.

"You shouldn't be going to those shows," Tamsin lectured. "They shouldn't let you in, as a matter of fact!"

Melantha shrugged carelessly. "If you have enough money, you can go anywhere," she said and Tamsin made a mental note to monitor the substantial inheritance their father had left her. "Makes me proud," Melantha continued in a darker, mocking tone, "when I see those actresses and actors going at it for so long, I know it's thanks to all these potions you make."

"Shut up." Tamsin hurriedly bottled her cooled potion, scowling. "Pays the bills, doesn't it?"

Melantha huffed and went over to a locked cabinet, tapping on the glass door. "What's this one?" She narrowed her eyes at the woven wire-mesh that was placed in the glass itself, almost obscuring the view of the small phials containing a bright blue substance. "And why all the special protection?"

"It's a very expensive and delicate potion," Tamsin snapped, deftly spooning the white liquid into freshly sterilised white bottles, packing them in a wooden box lined with satin for delivery.

"What does it do?"

"None of your business."

"Come on, tell me," Melantha cajoled. "I could get nosy and break in and probably take it. That would be bad, right?"

Tamsin stared at her incredulously, but Melantha's grin was sharp and bright and oddly, quite serious.

"Fine." Tamsin placed the last bottle in the wooden box. "Increases the size and length of the human female clitoral hood and glans, adjusts the suspensory ligaments to aid in erection and adapts the internal pudendal artery for the sexual load."


"Makes the clit bigger!" Tamsin closed the cover of the box with a little more force than necessary and hoped that she hadn't broken any of the glasses. She glowered at Melantha's shocked expression. "Makes it big for fucking," she said slowly. "Happy now?"

"Why would you make that?" Melantha didn't sound particularly reproaching, though, despite her hushed tone; she seemed... overly curious.

Tamsin shrugged, and hoped she didn't look too much like Melantha with that action. "A wealthy client commissioned me to make it. Said she had a pretty little servant-girl she wanted to get inside."

"Are you serious?" Melantha went back to gazing at the small phials in neat rows, locked away behind the secured glass. Tamsin patted her collar briefly; beneath the high-necked dress, a silver key hung on a slender length of red cord. The key for that cabinet, in fact.

"Yes, I'm serious." Tamsin remembered the day the woman and her servant had come to pick up the potion; the woman, a tall, regal woman with grey hair piled regally on top of her head, had clutched at the small case that Tamsin had handed to her, her eyes gleaming in excitement. The servant, who was indeed very pretty, had flushed as the woman gripped her hand eagerly and dragged her out of Tamsin's small shop. Tamsin had barely enough time to to rush out after the woman and give her a list of instructions, so she wouldn't overdose herself or her servant, if she wanted to go that route.

"It's very strong," Tamsin continued, hefting the box and placing the strap securely over her shoulder. "But enough of that. Let's go, I'm sure you're late for school."

"School is stupid," Melantha griped, but she still picked her her own book-bag and stomped out of the front door that Tamsin held open. "All the girls there are stupid," she explained after Tamsin locked her shop and they set off down the road. "Very, very stupid."

"I'm sure you're the pinnacle of brilliance there," Tamsin muttered under her breath.

"What was that?" Melantha peered at her suspiciously.

"Nothing. Get to school." Tamsin tried to sound like a responsible caretaker, but Melantha rolled her eyes and ambled down an intersecting cobblestone road. "And don't go to those shows!" she added loudly.

Melantha only raised one hand and made a very rude gesture. Tamsin wrestled with the urge to use her will and break that finger; she managed to get over it, and make her way down to Love-de-Sac.

"Good work," Big Martin grinned, his gold tooth glinting, as he took the new vials from Tamsin and handed her the used ones. He went over to the desk in his cluttered office and rummaged through, hauling out a leather pursed stuffed with money. Laboriously, he counted out crushed bills and heavy bronze coins as Tamsin wrote out a receipt.

"Lorna said the new lubricant makes her pussy itch somethin' fierce," Big Martin noted as he handed over the money and squinted at the receipt Tamsin gave to him.

"Tell Lorna that she should stop allowing people to push money up her snatch," Tamsin said in return and Big Martin laughed loudly. "The metal and ink will react with the potion, Mart. That fucking nasty bitch."

"I know." Big Martin continued to chuckle, putting his receipt inside a ledger. "But she's me best girl, ain't she? She'll do just 'bout anything the crowd wants. Besides, that's how she gets her tips." He winked at Tamsin, who sighed.

"Maybe I can make a new one for her, to counteract the itching," she conceded and Big Martin nodded. "But it'll cost you more."

Big Martin waved a meaty hand dismissively. There was a reason he was called Big Martin, with his massive frame and jowly face. He had the soulful brown eyes and expression of a faithful bloodhound; these made people think he was soft-hearted.

They were always caught off-guard when Big Martin threw them out of his dark show-house, sometimes two in each hand, for going too far with his actresses and actors. Granted, most things weren't too far enough, but if a performer said no, then no it was. Any further, and Big Martin would fling people out.

"Money's no problem," Big Martin assured her and dropped another conspiratorial wink. "Sex always sells. Ain't that right, Tam?"

"Thank you for your business, Martin," Tamsin said stiffly, but she couldn't help a rueful grin for Big Martin's massive smile. She'd known him for a long time, even from before her mother had died. Tamsin's mother, in her prime, had been one of Big Martin's best performers. Tamsin had a very hazy memory of peeping beneath a curtain backstage and watching the flexible woman under the bright lights, writhing on stage with an assortment of men and women.

Tamsin pushed the memory of her mother out of her mind and nodded at Big Martin, leaving his office quickly and making her way though the still-quiet theatre. Tonight looked like it would be a leather night, she noted, seeing the stage set up with restraining belts and cold steel benches. She wondered idly if Big Martin had enough of the pain and healing solution she had whipped up recently. He should, she decided and walked out into the late afternoon sunshine of Love-de-sac.

The whores were already out, nodding at Tamsin as she passed them by on her way to the exit of the narrow alleyway; Big Martin's Place was at the dead-end of the cul-de-sac, the older whores idling near that section, while the newer ones were at the entry of the road. Tamsin knew most of the established ones by name. She'd know the newer ones soon enough, when they were informed of her gentle healing potions and the very strong ones that prevented disease.

"Alright, there, Tam," someone drawled in greeting and Tamsin waved without taking a look. Sometimes they offered sex for payment of the potions; sometimes Tamsin took it. Business was business, after all and the whores on Love-de-sac knew better than to try cheat her out of her wares. Who would help them out when they had those large boils erupt on their dicks and cunts if they did?

All in all, it was a fairly comfortable life, and Tamsin hoped her half-sister wouldn't go about fucking it all up.

Tamsin frowned as she entered her shop and stood for a moment, listening carefully. There was no noise coming from upstairs, from the large set of apartments that she lived in (once with her dying mother, then by herself for about ten glorious years and now with the half-sister that had taken over her mother's old rooms without even so much as a by-your-leave).

However, there was a soft, shifting sound from the direction of Tamsin's private labs. She hurriedly went through the doorway that led downstairs, snapping her fingers to quickly set every single one of the candles and sconces ablaze, shifting the room from the weak twilight gloom filtering through the high, narrow windows, to a bright wash of warm yellow light. The energy it took to do that was like a kick to her chest, but she breathed deeply for a few moments and regained some of her balance.

She gazed in horror at the cabinet that Melantha had been so inquisitive over this morning; one of the small doors was standing open. The glass wasn't broken, she noticed as she walked over, setting down her carrying-box. The key was still around her neck, how the hell did--

A small moan caught her attention and Tamsin went on tiptoe to peer over the high table that stood between her and the cabinet. On the other side, sprawled on the floor, she could just make out Melantha's frame, still clad in the long, heavy grey uniform that the school insisted on. Her booted feet were twitching slightly.

Tamsin rushed around, kneeling and grabbing Melantha's shoulders. The girl moaned and moved weakly, a light blue froth bubbling at her lips.

"Idiot!" Tamsin looked around, closing her eyes briefly at the sight of three vials lying almost innocently on the floor. "Oh, shit."

She leapt up and raced over to a shelf on the other side of the room, fingers hovering over the bottles. Tamsin seized a tall one , almost filled to the brim with a thin red liquid, ignoring the clatter of the other bottles as they fell.

As soon as she returned to Melantha, she wrestled the heavy girl into a half-sitting position and pulled open her bottom lip, forcing the liquid down her throat. It was a general antidote, excellent at cancelling out the temporary effects of most other potions... but the blue one had been specially made to physically alter the human body. An overdose could mean a permanent change.

"Tam... sin?" Melantha groaned when the last of the red potion slid down her throat. "Ow... hurts..."

"You fucking idiot!" Tamsin cursed, tossing away the tall bottle and pressing her hand to Melantha's forehead. "Why did you do something so stupid?!"

"...because... I could?" Melantha was actually giggling a little. Tamsin wanted to choke her to death. Stupid, stupid girl. "Ow. Ow, hurts."

"Where," Tamsin asked flatly, even though she had a very good idea of where. "Where hurts?"

"My crotch." Melantha wriggled and gasped. "Hurts. Burns."

Gritting her teeth, Tamsin adjusted her so that her back was resting against Tamsin's chest, and began to pull up the coarse material of Melantha's uniform. It was a shapeless, long dress, with full sleeves and a wide collar. The ultra-conservative school was the only one of high quality for miles around. It was really a pity they had failed to drum any common sense into the girl in the month since she had been there.

A solid lump was formed at the juncture of Melantha's legs; she hissed as Tamsin continued to drag the uniform up over it.

"Sorry, sorry," Tamsin muttered, not that sorry at all. The black boots, with shiny gold buckles, went up to the middle of Melantha's long, pale legs. Tamsin was sure that those weren't school issue. When Tamsin had gone to that school, all shoes were to be no more than ankle-height.

Her sister was a rebel, obviously. A stupid rebel.

Tamsin rolled the school-dress up to Melantha's waist and sighed in displeasure; not at the fairly sensible white panties that she had on, but at the angry red head of an enlarged, aroused clit that was peeking from underneath the waistband of the underwear.

Melantha's hand went to it immediately, clutching it. "Hurts," she moaned weakly even as her hips began to thrust; she probably wasn't even aware of what she was doing. "Tam... Tamsin, help."

"It wouldn't be like this if you weren't so fucking nosy," Tamsin snarled, but she reached out and brushed Melantha's hand away. Unceremoniously, she dragged down the panties, which were quite damp to the touch. For a moment, Tamsin could only stare.

Melantha's enlarged clit looked very much like a regular dick; the shaft was long and smooth. but the head wasn't as bulbous. Of course, there were no balls; Tamsin could still see her vaginal slit. The coarse black pubic hair was shorn low, and she could clearly make out the glistening pout of fat wet lips.

"Hang on." Tamsin wrapped her hand around the engorged flesh and stroked it slowly. Melantha clutched her arm tightly, crying out in mingled pain and relief. The cock, for that was what Tamsin decided to call it in her mind, was nicely thick and warm, the skin smooth against her palm. It throbbed against her fingers and Tamsin bit her lip, feeling her own pussy twitch and become damp in anticipation.

That's not going to happen, though, she told her body fiercely. So just calm down.

Melantha was writhed helplessly, turning her face to press against Tamsin's neck, a trembling moan riding every tortured breath. When Tamsin pulled back her hand to lick her palm, a mewling sound of complaint issued from the girl before Tamsin put her hand back, jerking at her dick quickly.

"Oh, oh," Melantha groaned breathlessly, over and over against Tamsin's neck and she thrashed and bucked. Tamsin wrapped her free hand around her chest, held her firmly and carried on.

Melantha clapped one of her hands over her own mouth, yelling wordlessly against her palm as her body went rigid for a long heartbeat; the cock in Tamsin's hand trembled and then began to soften.

Tamsin pressed her head against Melantha's shoulder, breathing deeply to control her own arousal. She had to do it, she reasoned. It must have been painful for Melantha to be in that state.

"Melantha, get up," she finally said, tiredly.

Melantha answered with a long snore.

Even though she was years younger, Melantha was taller and more solidly-built than Tamsin. That being said, it was a fucking pain for Tamsin to drag her upstairs and into her bed. She stripped Melantha of her clothes and went into the bathroom for a damp cloth to wipe at Melantha's inner thighs, which were wet with what looked like quite a lot of clear ejaculate. From her cunt? Tamsin wondered, wiping clinically. Melantha groaned and rolled over on her side, the dick flopping loosely to rest on her thigh.

Tamsin covered her with the sheet and went downstairs to clean up.

In a few hours, when Tamsin had sat down at the desk in her bedroom with a large book of potions, trying to find a proper counteractive, she heard Melantha moving around. Tamsin breathed heavily, and went to face the music.

Melantha was in her bathroom when Tamsin entered the room, so she sat down at a nearby armchair and waited. The paintings of Tamsin's mother and their father were still hung over the massive canopy bed. The curtains of the bed were wide open; Melantha seemed not to like them pulled closed.

Tamsin was considering the arrogant dark stare of her father when the bathroom door opened and Melantha, dressed in a tattered blue nightgown, staggered out.

She froze when she saw Tamsin, and a red flush stole up her neck and over her face.

"How do you feel?" Tamsin tried to sound calm, but from the quick flash of mingled fear and defiance in Melantha's eyes, she might have not been as calm as she thought.

"Fine." Melantha padded over to her bed and slid in, pulling the covers up to her chin.

"Fine? Really? That's wonderful. Now, maybe you can tell me why the fuck you took that potion."

Infuriatingly, Melantha shrugged and leaned back against her pillows.

"That's really not a good answer," Tamsin told her tightly.

"I don't know why I did it," Melantha muttered in a sullen tone. "I just wanted... to see--"

"Well, now you've seen. And you took so much!"

Melantha scowled. "Nothing happened at first! I picked the lock--"

"Great work, Dad," Tamsin loudly told the painting of her father, "you've raised a fine larcenist, here."

"--and I drank one and nothing happened," the girl finished.

"So you took another. And another." Tamsin pressed her fingers to her temples. "Don't you know anything about potions?"

"No." Melantha picked at a stray string on her blankets. "Not everyone is the brilliant potioneer that didn't even make the time to save her own father, you know."

"Please don't go there," Tamsin warned, but that little comment hurt. A lot. She tried to blink away tears and won after a short struggle. "Just don't. That's not the point right now."

"What is it, then," Melantha said tonelessly, frowning at everything and nothing in particular at the same time.

"A potion like that takes a relatively long time to show any effects, because it has to go through the bloodstream," Tamsin explained. "Most of the ones I make are topical ones. You rub them on and you get an immediate result. This one, it's pretty powerful. It has to be taken in small doses... or the results might be permanent."

Melantha's eyes snapped to hers in shock. "You... you don't have something to change me back?"

"If I did," Tamsin said impatiently, "do you think I would have locked it away with a key? A key, Melantha! There must have been a reason for it!"

"I can't be stuck this way!" Melantha shrieked at her. "What kind of potion-person are you, if you don't have an antidote!"

"I'm the kind of potioneer who LOCKS AWAY the dangerous stuff!" Tamsin rose to her feet, incensed. "If you're stupid enough to go drinking things you don't know anything about, it serves you right!"

She was so angry, that when she marched to the door, it wrenched itself open, moved by her high-strung will. It slammed behind her and her own door flew open under her unmindful command.

After all that door-slamming was over, Tamsin could hear the sound of wretched weeping coming from Melantha's room.

She refused to go back and comfort her.

The next few weeks, Tamsin barely said more than a few words to Melantha. The girl looked angry for a few days, sullen the next, deeply apologetic after that, which melted into confusion at Tamsin's cold lack of reaction, before going right back to angry again.

Tamsin ignored her and went about her normal tasks, not even caring if the stupid girl went to school or not. In the nights, she could hear Melantha's low moans as she played with her new dick and Tamsin would roll her eyes and put her pillows over her head.

One morning, she got up and found that Melantha had risen before her (wonder of wonders) and was placing cutlery on the table in the kitchen.

"What's this?" Tamsin blurted in surprise, looking at the piles of scrambled eggs, fried sausages, some lumpy hash-browns and oddly shaped crepes.

"Breakfast," Melantha said, putting down glasses of orange juice. She was already dressed in her long, shapeless school uniform. "You know, what normal people eat in the morning. I notice you don't and Papa always said that it was the best way to start the day. Sit down."

"He didn't say that when he was with us," Tamsin muttered, but she sat down.

"The man who was your dad and the man who was my Papa were two different men, I guess," Melantha said, taking her own seat and spooned out some of the eggs.

"More likely," Tamsin agreed; the man who had argued with her mother nearly every day certainly hadn't been a champion of the early morning meal. Tamsin glanced at Melantha's face as she ate. She had to remember that while Tamsin had lost their dad years before, when he had left her and her mother to move on with his own life, Melantha had lost him just a few months ago.

Maybe she could be less harsh on the girl.

"This is good," she said as she chewed. She wasn't lying, either, the food probably looked funny, but it was well cooked. "I didn't even know I had eggs."

"You didn't. I went and bought some really early this morning."

"Oh. Well... thanks, this is good."

They ate in silence for some time and Tamsin cleared her throat. "And... how is the penis?"

Melantha choked on the mouthful of orange juice she had just been drinking. She thumped on her own chest a couple times and then looked at Tamsin with watering eyes. "Well... it's still there."

"I've been looking for an antidote," Tamsin admitted and smiled briefly at Melantha's wide stare. "Yes, I have."

"Oh." Melantha shifted uncomfortably. "Well, you don't have to rush. I mean, I haven't fit very well in school, and this is just one more thing that makes me different from all those other girls. I'm dealing with it."

"I see." Tamsin chewed on some hash-browns contemplatively. "And it doesn't cause any trouble?"

Melantha blushed and shrugged, toying with her food now. "Sometimes... well. There's this girl."

Tamsin blinked at her and tried to look supportive when Melantha glanced up, a defensive glint to her eye. "Yes?"

"There's just this girl," Melantha finished stubbornly, and set her mouth in a tight line, as if Tamsin was going to torture her to get the rest of the information out.

Tamsin just nodded. "And when you see her, you feel it getting hard."

Now, it was Melantha's turn to blink. "Yes. How did you know?"

"Simple physical reaction. It's normal... well, normal enough for your current situation."

Melantha shrugged, getting up from the table hurriedly and taking up the breakfast plates to stack in the sink. "She's the school bicycle, anyway, she lets any boy from the other schools ride her."

"Young love these days," Tamsin said in bemusement, "so very romantic."

"Yeah," Melantha grinned and Tamsin was startled into grinning back. Melantha's face was very pretty when she smiled like that. "Yeah, but only her ass. She won't let anyone get in the pink, 'cause she's saving up for her one true love, or some shit like that."

"A virtuous girl," Tamsin pointed out. "A real catch, that one."

"I have school now," Melantha said quite unnecessarily and edged towards the door. "I'll see you after, Tam."

"Sure, Mel," Tamsin called back, smiling a little when Melantha seemed surprised at the nickname. "I'll see you later."

Melantha hesitated at the door and then came back inside the kitchen, walking close to hug Tamsin close. Tamsin froze; she had never been hugged in a long time and her mother hadn't exactly been the hugging type.

"Thanks," Melantha said in a very gentle voice. "For... what you did that first time. It really hurt, so thanks."

"That's alright," Tamsin said awkwardly and Melantha offered her a quick smile before leaving again.

Tamsin went to the kitchen window to watch her half-sister walk slowly down the road to school.

Melantha continued to make breakfast, Tamsin continued to brew her potions, and everything seemed to be running on a track of reasonable normality for a couple of weeks until Tamsin caught a strange girl emerging from Melantha's room one night.

She had been down in the lab, trying to properly balance a potion for a young whore with a combination of disease and genetically unhealthy blood. She had just managed to get it right, and was slowly making her way up the stairs and had looked towards Melantha's door, idly.

A girl stood here with her hand on the doorknob, frozen. She was dark-skinned, with a lot of short, curly black hair and large eyes, her lips folded in. She had on her school-uniform and even in the dark Tamsin could see that she was some years younger than Melantha.

"What are you doing here?" Tamsin asked, more sharply that she intended; this seem to break the girl's stupefaction, because she immediately bolted past Tamsin like a spooked deer, down the stairs to the shop and outside. Tamsin was about to go after her, a girl that young shouldn't be on the streets so late, but Melantha had already raced out of her room in the wake of her young friend.

Her lover. That was the right word. When Tamsin was fifteen, did she have a lover? No way, Tamsin mused as she went into Melantha's room, and stared at the rumpled sheets, smelling the sharp scent of sex hanging in the air. At that age, Tamsin was too busy working, supplementing her mother's pension from Big Martin when she got too sick to perform. At that age, Tamsin's father had already left them, and Tamsin had been training herself at home while she cared for her dying mother.

At that age, it had been just her. At that age, there had been no time for girls with chocolate skin and big pretty eyes. Walking as if she was in a fog, Tamsin went over to the dresser and picked up a large green marble from within a music-box that was standing open. Tamsin placed it in her pocket, before lighting a candle the normal way, and turned to face Melantha as she stumbled back in her room.

"Thanks a lot!" Melantha exclaimed, flopping face-first onto her bed. "Thanks for scaring her off, Tamsin! Now she'll never come back and I really liked her."

"That's the one who lets anyone in her ass?" Tamsin asked stiffly. Melantha, who had her head buried in a pillow, snorted.

"No, fuck that one. This one's Avner." Melantha turned her head and her eyes were dreamy in the candle-light. "She's so smart. She's younger than me but she tutors me in Maths. And... and she knows about the dick."

"How nice," Tamsin sneered. "Be careful she doesn't go behind your back and tell everyone about how freaky you are."

"She wouldn't do that!" Melantha sat up and stared at Tamsin. "She promised! Avner's so sweet, she promised."

"Look, my dad promised my mother that he'd never leave her, and look what happened." Tamsin stalked to the door. "People are fucking fickle like that. No more girls here late at night," she snapped. "No more anybody here late at night. As a matter of fact, you're grounded."

She slammed the door behind her.

The door flew open again, bouncing against the inner wall and Tamsin turned back in surprise and anger at Melantha's daring... but Melantha wasn't standing anywhere near the door. She stood at the end of her bed, her hair shifting ominously in some unperceived wind.

Melantha had opened that door, Tamsin realised in a dawning surprise, not by hand but with the same force that Tamsin was capable of.

"You're not my Papa or my mother," Melantha said menacingly. "You can't tell me what to do."

"I can and I will." Tamsin willed the door to close again; it obeyed creakily for a few moments before Melantha wrenched it back under her control.

"I hate you so much right now," Melantha hissed and the door shuddered under the weight of both their minds.

"The feeling is pretty much mutual," Tamsin replied harshly and put all her energy into getting that door closed. Melantha cried out in pain and anger as the door slammed so hard that the frame cracked; Tamsin reeled in the hallway, pressing her hand to her forehead. Doing that had been a bad idea... and childish.

And also, a very bad idea.

She stumbled towards her own bathroom to locate a painkilling potion and one that would rejuvenate her drained energy. After drinking from a couple vials she found on her shelf, she took two more and went out and placed them on the ground in front of Melantha's door. She knocked and walked away; she wasn't in the mood to look at the girl's face right now.

Closing her own room securely, she shucked off her over-robe and slid into bed, closing the curtains of her canopy. Then, she raised her palm and looked at the marble that she had removed from Melantha's room.

It glowed softly, almost reluctantly.

"Show me," Tamsin crooned at it, and it grew larger in her hand, green mist swirling in its depths. It seemed to gain the quality of a soap bubble, so airy that it began to float a little over Tamsin's palm as it enlarged even more.

It was a marvel, a powerful object, that Tamsin's mother had used to record her actions during the day, so she could know whether her daughter had been up to naughty shenanigans while she was working. Tamsin, who wasn't interested in shenanigans, had discovered what it could do when she was going through her mother's belongings one week or so after her funeral, watching with amusement, shock and grief at all the scenes of her childhood that her mother had chosen to keep.

Now, Tamsin stared as the green mist shifted away, and she saw Melantha's room from the angle of the music-box. It was afternoon in this view, the rays of sun moving in steady blocks across the walls. Melantha opened her door and walked in, followed by Avner, who looked around the room in interest.

"Your room is really nice," she offered shyly as Melantha tossed her book-bag haphazardly into a corner and sat down on the bed. Her voice was soft and sweet, and the view from the bubble gave it a shivery quality.

"Thanks. Want to sit down?" Melantha patted the area beside her and grinned. Avner nodded, putting down her own books and walking to sit down primly. Melantha immediately put an arm around her, placing her other hand underneath Avner's chin and pulling her close to kiss her.

Avner made a shocked squeaking sound, but she put her arms tentatively around Melantha's neck, kissing back awkwardly. One of her hands hesitantly went down to press against Melantha's cock bulging against her uniform, jerking away like a startled butterfly when Melantha moaned in pleasure.

"Did that hurt?" Avner pulled her face away to ask, her eyes filled with concern.

"No," Melantha answered with an impatient groan. "It felt good. Do it again."

Avner hesitated and then began to pull up Melantha's school-dress, just the same way Tamsin had done that first time. "Wow," Avner breathed as she put her hands underneath the uniform; Tamsin could see the movement of her hands stroking over Melantha's dick. "It feels so real."

"It is real." Melantha went back to kissing her hungrily, pulling off her own uniform and then Avner's. Avner was wearing a plain white bra and panties underneath her own school-dress and it contrasted so well with her smooth brown skin. She lay back against Melantha's pillows and bit her bottom lip, raising her hips so that Melantha could roll her panties off her hips and down her legs, tossing them away.

"I want to put it in, please, let me put it in you," Melantha breathed as she hovered over Avner's smaller body, pulling off her own underwear. Tamsin let the bubble float by itself as she reclined in bed and slipped a hand between her legs, touching the wet folds of her pussy as she watched Avner nod and part her legs. Melantha put a hand down against her pussy, which had a faint smattering of dark coarse hair. Melantha's fingers parted those dark lips, one finger stroking the fleshy pink cunt.

Avner moaned prettily and Tamsin slipped a finger into her own pussy even as Melantha finger-fucked the other girl. Avner's hips moved up and down slowly, taking in more of Melantha's pale fingers. Tamsin groaned; from this angle, she could see both Melantha's thickening cock and leaking pussy. It was almost too much to bear.

"Okay," Melantha said quietly as she pulled out her fingers and sucked on them. She took a hold of her dick and placed the head of it against Avner's pussy. "Avie? Ready? I mean, it's bigger than those dildos you said you used--"

"I'm ready," Avner whispered and she rocked her pelvis so that the head of Melantha's fully engorged cock slid up and down between the wet lips of her pussy. She looked up at Melantha with huge, trusting eyes, which fluttered closed as Melantha pushed inside her slowly.

Tamsin had to stop flicking her fingers over her own clit to watch that large, fleshy rod slide inside the younger girl, who was whimpering from the sensation of it. When Melantha was up in her to the hilt, she paused, both hands braced on either side of Avner's head, the two of them breathing raggedly.

"Fuck," Melantha moaned and shifted back slowly, then forward again. "Avie, you're so... fucking... tight."

Avner didn't reply. She lay there, letting Melantha fill her with that hot cock over and over again, just moaning sharply with every plunge. Melantha kissed her a few times, sloppy and desperate, but after a few of those it seemed that it took every ounce of Melantha's concentration to just keep fucking into the other girl, so she stopped.

Avner's eyes were fixed on Melantha's face, her small breasts bouncing in her white bra; Melantha dragged down the sturdy cotton from over one breast, licking the exposed nipple and sucking on the erect little nub. Avner appeared to like this; she arched up against Melantha's mouth, crying out loudly as she twisted her fingers in Melantha's hair. The older girl bit and sucked, pulling down the bra some more so that she could get to the other nipple, pinching it and rolling her tongue around it.

"Fuck!" Melantha shouted suddenly, her thrusts becoming erratic. "Avie--" she started and then her body locked up, before shuddering violently.

The younger girl cried out, clawing down Melantha's back and writhing underneath her. Melantha simply collapsed on top of her, the both of them a heap of sprawled arms and legs and sweaty skin. Avner was stroking Melantha's messy hair when the view of the bubble suddenly darkened.

Breathing shallowly, Tamsin shook the bubble to get back the image, but it only shrank back to its original size.

"Liked the show?" Melantha muttered from right beside her and Tamsin froze in shock. She turned her head slowly. The curtains of the canopy bed were slightly parted and Melantha was peering in at Tamsin with one eye. She pulled the curtains open slowly.

"How did you get in here?" Tamsin demanded weakly. She watched with wide eyes as Melantha clambered onto her bed, staring at her in a predatory manner.

"Picked the lock." Melantha straddled Tamsin and reached out to her face, stroking her mouth with gentle fingers. Tamsin's gaze flickered down; inside Melantha's palm was a tiny vial with blue liquid.

Shocked, Tamsin eyes snapped back to meet Melantha's, who said nothing else. She just held the vial close to Tamsin's lips.

A long moment spun out between them. Then, Tamsin opened her mouth.

A small smile played on the edges of Melantha's mouth as she poured the liquid over Tamsin's tongue. She let the empty vial drop to the surface of the bed, then leaned forward, almost pressing their mouths together.

"How long will it take?" she muttered against Tamsin's lips and then ducked to lick Tamsin's neck. "Hmm?"

"Fifteen minutes. Maybe less."

Melantha sucked on Tamsin's earlobe leisurely for a few moments and then slid down her body, lifting the hem of the under-robe that Tamsin still wore and ducking underneath it. Tamsin felt her palms on her inner thighs, pushing them up and apart, then Melantha's hot tongue sliding against the moist folds of her cunt.

Tamsin jerked against her mouth, groaning softly with every breath, wetter with every lick. She felt dizzy and there was a sensation of pulling in her groin, muscle and veins moving and shifting and growing. Melantha's tongue moved from Tamsin's slit, up to mouth the expanding flesh; her fingers fucked inside Tamsin's dripping pussy, curling and stroking.

Tamsin hurriedly pulled off the under-robe, just in time to watch Melantha's lips slip over the thick head of her still-growing dick. It thickened even as Melantha tried to move forward on it; choking a little, she backed off, staring up at Tamsin with her eyes watering. Then, she got up and turned around, taking off her own nightgown.

Tamsin watched as she went down on her hands and knees; as a matter of fact, she went down further, so that her ass was sticking up in the air, her nipples pointing down at the bed. Tamsin kneeled up behind her, taking her new cock in her hand and pointing it at the inviting target of Melantha's plump cunt.

They both groaned as Tamsin pushed inside her; she was warm and tight, squeezing almost painfully around Tamsin's fat dick. Tamsin reached around, feeling for Melantha's own erection, jerking on it almost roughly as she began to fuck into her.

Melantha rocked back willingly, flinching when Tamsin leaned down to bite at the skin between her shoulder-blades. The sounds of their flesh slapping together filled the air and Melantha cried out and bucked wildly when Tamsin grabbed onto one breast with her other hand, twisting the nipple cruelly.

"Harder," Melantha breathed out, putting one hand around Tamsin's on her cock. "Harder, harder, please."

Tamsin bared her teeth and almost climbed up into the girl, who buried her face in the bed and sobbed out Tamsin's name. Tamsin almost wished for something to push up in her own seeping cunt, but there were other times for that. Maybe after this she could get Melantha to stuff her cock up in Tamsin's anus, while Tamsin had a nice thick dildo up her pussy.

That could work just fine.

Almost out of her mind with pleasure, she pinned the girl down to the bed, one hand tight around the back of her neck, underneath all that black hair; with the other hand, she grasped onto one of Melantha's ass-cheeks and pulled at it to reveal the puckered flesh of her asshole. She slipped her thumb against it, rubbing it as she fucked; Melantha thrashed violently, shuddering and crying as she came.

The walls of her pussy quivered around Tamsin's dick; Tamsin kept at her for a few moments longer, now tightly gripping her hips with both hands and shaking through an orgasm that seemed to tear through her like a sudden storm.

Melantha slumped down onto the bed, moaning weakly, and Tamsin slipped out of her. She stared down at the slick, softening prick, watched as it began to get smaller and smaller, retreating its normal status as a clit; the potion had worn off. Melantha turned over, reaching out for Tamsin sleepily and dragging her close, kicking irritably at the crumpled sheets until Tamsin pulled it over their naked bodies. Her own limp cock was still apparent. Tamsin figured that it probably would never go away if she didn't actively investigate a cure for her half-sister and at this rate, she might never get around to it.

That wasn't such a bad thing at all, she thought, yawning and letting Melantha tug her even closer.

She could live with that.


Author's Notes: Comments? Send them to I prefer writing stories like these and I hope to post more.

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