
By Nekoboy

Published on Jan 24, 2004


The Symbiote By Nekoboy_Kyou

A/N: Well I'll be, I wrote the prologue on a whim and during a fit of boredom, and I've already gotten two letters from 'fans' intriguing no? Hmmm. well anyways both e-mails asked where the story would be going from their, and those people have about just as much of a clue as I do. I have no idea what is going to happen heck I haven't even hammered out the main characters!

Remember, if you are in anyway offended by the thought of alternative sexualities, or are bound by local laws please do not read this.

The Symbiotes


Lethe groaned quietly rolling out of his cot. Today was another wonderful day in the ruins of the once 'great' city of Pittsburgh. Standing up he rubbed his eyes and scratched various places, as was the ritual of most males to do when they got up. Looking around the room, he saw that most of his 'brothers' were already up for the day.

'Damn bastards didn't wake me up' he thought to himself running a hand through his short hair. Stretching slightly he headed to the bathroom to wash up and go around his business for the start of the day. Looking into a mirror a heart-shaped face stared back. His silver/blonde hair was spiking out in all directions while his eyes sparkled an odd golden color. Over all he thought himself attracted, and he thought the girls would all be flocking to him, and they would, of course he would have to know one... or two... or any girls for them to do that, but he couldn't complain.

Fortune had not been kind to the 16 year old however. His parents, and most of his family had gained their symbiotes before the time of the Scouring, or when all of the bonded went psychotic. When they went crazy, his brother attacked him in his sleep trying to place something over his face, which was the only known way to become a host. During the scouring, the world descended into anarchy. Chaos rained supreme, and most humans that remained 'pure' were forced into a life of symbiotic servitude.

Lethe sighed again stepping out of the bathroom. Staring out the window he saw the emptiness of the once bustling western Pennsylvanian city. Yawning loudly, he headed for the exit of the small building located on the north shore. Looking around he quickly started jogging in the direction he thought his friends or rather brothers might be. Looking around he soon spotted one of them digging through the rubble of a decimated food court. Running up to him he yelled out.

"Hey! Why the hell didn't you wake me up this morning Adam?" he asked angrily staring daggers into the young man.

"I tried" the man known as Adam said standing up. "But as always, you just swatted me away saying 'Awe... just five more minutes mom'." He grinned evilly at the other teen as two other teenage males walked up to them.

"Ah, so the gangs all here now" said an oriental looking teenager. He had the normal short unruly mess of black hair, however his eyes were an intense silver color. "Its about time you woke up Lethe."

"Goddamit Kyo shut up! I seem to recall one time when we tried to wake you up, you rolled over and cried 'Oh Lethe...'" The blonde said his eyes narrowing, and the edges of his lips creeping up in an evil grin.

"Oh shut it you!" another teen piped up. This one looked to be around 15, and he had brown hair and eyes. "I remember walking in when you were in a 69, so I hold something over all of your heads!"

"Matthew you little fucker" Kyo and Lethe let out spontaneously their faces a deep crimson color. Immediately Kyo took off at Matt his hands just waiting to wring his neck. Lethe chuckled slightly remembering, since there weren't any girls around, he had to find some way to relieve himself, and he had to admit, he was attracted to men.

Eventually there was a shout, both Lethe and Adam looked at each other before running off in the direction of the shout. "Kyo! It's not that big of a deal, so he saw..." Lethe's sentence dropped dead as he saw the scene. There was a large group of symbiotes standing in front of them.

The hosts would have looked just like any other human male who worked out in the gym regularly, save for the fact that there faces were completely covered, and there were no signs of eyes or mouths, and only a small rise of blackness where the nose used to be. Their fingers ended in long razor sharp claws and their skin was a pitch black that seemed to suck light into. On closer inspection, the living substance covering the host's actual skin could be seen.

"Ok... on the count of three we run like hell... 3!" Lethe blurted out and the four boys took off fleeing from the scene. Immediately the symbiotes took after them swiftly gaining. Kyo fell tripping on a piece of rubble and the three other boys quickly stopped and surrounded him helping him to his feet.

"It's to late for me" he wheezed. "Go on without me!"

"Oh god, you've been watching to many movies," Matt said rolling his eyes. Unfortunately while it was good that they were concerned about their comrade's well being, they apparently forgot the fact that they were being chased by a group of symbiotes. Soon Lethe's eyes rolled to the back of his head as he clubbed over the head with a powerful arm. The same soon went for the rest of the group.


Lethe's POV


"Oh god..." I groaned opening my eyes. Immediately I noticed the massive pounding feeling in my head. It felt like I've just been run over by a truck, not that I ever have mind you, but still I felt like major shit. Soon, my head started to clear up and the migraine disappeared, taking a closer look at my surroundings. Sure enough it was the dark and dingy settings that all of the good guys were stuck in after being clubbed and captured. 'How stereotypical' I thought to myself.

"Geez..." I heard a voice say. Looking over I noticed Adam was in the room with me. "Where the hell am I?" he said again.

"Who knows... but it seems we're all here" A smooth voice said quietly. I looked over again, and saw Kyo leaning against a wall looking at all of us.

"So, what happened? Last thing I remember was helping you up, then BAM! We're here!" I said looking around once again.

"The symbiotes have us" Kyo said again. "We're in one of the camps just waiting to be bonded. Sounds fun eh? I heard that once a week, if we're really good, they even let us go to the bathroom!" he added sarcastically.

"Well aren't you the epitome of happiness," Piped up the last voice of the group. I saw Matt looking around scared out of his wits. Looking over I noticed there was a dark spot on his pants and it soon spread. Kyo noticed this also and grinned.


Third Person


"Awe, is little Matty scared? I mean you did piss your pants after all" he said coyly. "It's ok you little pussy, We won't let the big mean old symbiotes get to you"

"Fuck you!" Matt responded angrily. "I have a reason to be scared, I saw them take my brother!" he screamed tears starting to bead up in his eyes.

"Whoa Matt... Calm down, he was only joking" Lethe said jumping up and wrapping his arms around Matt's shoulders. "Calm down... it's ok." With that the door opened and light streamed in.

"You will come with us" said an odd voice which was a mix between a human male, and something alien. With that, a group of symbiotes came into the room and directed the boys out of the room.

Whoa... who knew I'd actually make it to the first chapter? Not me. Well I need ideas!

Next: Chapter 3

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