Sylvania Park Summer


Published on Jul 21, 2021


by H.T. Bruhaus email: July 20th, 2021

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Sylvania Park Summer: Part 7

My name is Everett Pettygrove. I am a fifty-five-year-old single gay man. Sylvania Park Summer is a series of sex stories that are pure fiction. They are concocted from my perverted imagination, but derived from my surrounding neighborhood of Sylvania Park. All of the participants are at least 18 years of age.

While you are reading the various stories I will be posting, you may notice that the neighborhood of Sylvania Park has a high proportion of young men who are either gay, or bi, or bi-curious. You might find that hard to swallow.

All I ask is that you suspend your disbelief for a brief moment and just go along with it. This is my fantasy and I choose to populate Sylvania Park with as many non-straight young men as I desire.

If it helps, you can pretend there is something unique in the air, or in the water, or in the underlying basaltic bedrock, that causes, at least temporarily, a certain degree of homosexuality to the young residents of this fine neighborhood.

Sylvania Park is a housing development situated on the southwestern city limits of Portland, Oregon. It is built on the sloping west side of an extinct shield volcano known as Mount Sylvania. The first home was built in this development in the year 1969.

Mount Sylvania really isn't a mountain, it's more like a large hill. The summit is just under 1000 feet. There is a small park at the summit. There are a number of trails and paths that wind through Sylvania Park, connecting the summit with several natural habitats and parks.

I like to make up stories about the young men who live in Sylvania Park. I fantasize about what they might be doing to each other in its backyards and on its trails and in its parks and behind its closed doors.

So, from my depraved imagination, I present, Sylvania Park Summer, a series of gay sex stories that happen in the neighborhood known as Sylvania Park during the summer of 2020.

Thanks, Everett Pettygrove

I came up with this seventh story as I was taking a walk and I saw this young man carrying an old pair of well-worn basketball shoes. I wondered what he was doing with them and where he was taking them. This is what I imagined:

Vlad's Story

I ring Michael's doorbell. It's a little early on Monday morning, but I made sure his parents had already left for work. He's not expecting me. That's the plan, I'm hoping to catch him off-guard. I hear footsteps inside the house. A moment later the door opens.

"Hey, Vlad." Michael seems happy to see me.

"Hey, Michael. I was walking by your house and thought I'd see if you were home."

Michael is barefoot, shirtless and wearing sweatpants. The top of his boxers is showing above the sweats. His hair is messed up and he has some crud in his left eye.

"I hope I didn't wake you."

He wipes his eye. "Nah, I was awake, but still in bed."

"Sorry." I glance down at his bare feet and notice his pubes poking above the boxers. My eyes linger there for a moment before I look at his face. We make eye contact. "Do you want to hang out today?"

"That'd be great. Come on in."

I look at Michael's ass through his sweats as I follow him up the stairs to his room.

"Here, relax." He tosses me his game controller. "I need to shower."

I catch the controller and sit on his bed. "Good idea, you're smelling a bit ripe." I start playing a video game.

Michael puts his nose in his armpit and inhales deeply. He looks at me, grinning. "It's not that bad. Take a whiff." He points his armpit at me.

I pause the game and look at his hairy armpit. I'd like nothing more than to smell him up close, but I know I'm supposed to pretend I'm disgusted by his inappropriate suggestion. Fuck it. "Okay, I'll smell you." I stand and walk towards Michael. I comically tilt my nose at him and flare my nostrils while noisily inhaling.

He starts laughing and pushes me back before I can get too close.

I land on his bed, knocking the game controller onto the floor.


I go back to playing the video game. "You started it."

"Whatever." Then Michael pulls his sweats down to his ankles.

I watch him through my peripheral vision while concentrating on the game. Fuck, he's got a hot body.

He strips his sweats all the way off, using his feet. Then he pulls down his boxers and steps out of them. He is now naked, but instead of heading to the bathroom to shower, he stands a little ways from me and watches the screen as I expertly guide my go-kart through the course, racking up mega points.

"Jesus, Vlad, you've really improved since we last played."

I look over at Michael. His eyes are on the screen. I check out his cock. It's just hanging there no more than four feet away. His shaft is soft, of course, but poking out a little bit. He has a decent size patch of dark bushy pubes gathered in a bunch right above his cock. His ball sack is stretched down low. His balls are small, but perfectly outlined inside the sack. I wonder what they smell like. Fuck, I'd sure like to play with that instead of this game. "Thanks."

Michael looks at me.

I look back to the screen.

"Try not to rack up too many points while I shower."

I look back at Michael and smile. "Not a chance." Then my go-kart gets blown up. "Shit."

"Hah. I guess you haven't improved all that much." He leaves.

I watch his beautiful naked ass as it goes into the hall towards the bathroom.

As soon as I hear the bathroom door close, I set the game controller down and walk over to his sweatpants and boxers in a pile on the floor. I pick up his boxers. They are a pair of white cotton Hanes, exactly the same as mine. I put them to my nose and inhale.

"Mmmm." They have a nice manly aroma. I realize I'm actually smelling his balls right now. My dick gets hard. I put my hand in my shorts. I pull on my dick. "Yeah." I look into the hallway. I hear the shower running. I pull my shorts and boxers down over my cock. They fall to my ankles. I wrap Michael's boxers around my erection. I stroke it using the boxers.

I am going to cum into them. This wasn't part of my plan. All I intended when I rang his doorbell was to get a chance to see his chest and feet. Now I'm improvising.

I look at my cock as I stroke it with Michael's dirty boxers. I think about his cock and balls having just been inside them. My cock is touching the fabric where his cock was just moments ago.

I get really excited. I stroke faster. I'm getting close.

I move part of the fabric so it's covering the tip of my cock. I'm going to blow my wad soon and I know it's going to be one hell of a huge load. I don't want to get any of it onto the carpet.

I am vaguely aware that I will have to do something with his cum soaked boxers afterwards, but I'm way past the point of caring about those kinds of details. I stroke faster using my right hand. I place my other hand underneath my balls and press on my taint near my anus.

"What the fuck, Vlad!"

I look up. Michael is standing in the doorway. A towel is wrapped around his waist. His hair is wet. I look at his bare feet. I can't stop jacking now. I'm too close. Besides, I've already been caught, stopping now won't change that.

Michael is upset, of course. Afterall, I am standing in the middle of his bedroom with my shorts and boxers around my ankles and my boner sticking out from under my tee-shirt, enthusiastically stroking my cock with his dirty underpants while vigorously pressing on my taint. I mean, most guys would be upset.

As a matter of fact, Michael is so upset, he just stands there and stares.

Maybe he wants to see me cum. I speed up my jacking. I push up and down on my taint. My fingers rub on the edge of my hole.

"Get the fuck out of here." He takes a step towards me, but I don't retreat. He stops. "Fuck, Vlad. You need to quit doing that now."

I look at his feet again. I look at the bump in his towel where his cock is hanging. I look into his eyes.

He can't meet my gaze and he looks away.

I point my cock up as I stand over his sweatpants. I start cumming. "Fuck yeah!"

Michael is pissed. I can't blame him. "God damnit, Vlad."

I moan loudly as my cum spurts into Michael's boxers. I buck my hips and shudder out my load. I look down. There is a colossal dark patch of my wet jizz where it has been collected by his boxers. There is also cum on my hand and a big load of my cum on Michael's sweatpants. I guess my semen found a way around his boxers. Whoops.

I look back up at Michael and smile. "Fuck, that was a good one."

"Get out of here Vlad."

I pull up my boxers and shorts with one hand while hanging on to his boxers with my other hand.

Michael moves out of the doorway so I can leave.

I hold his boxers in front of me. "Can I have these?"

"I sure as fuck don't want them now, dude."

I shove his boxers into my back pocket and go into the hall.

Michael follows.

I go downstairs and out the front door. I hear it lock behind me as I step onto the porch.

Eight days later, I get a text from Michael. "Can we talk?"


"Meet me at the park in 5."


I head to the park down the block. Michael is already sitting on a bench. "Hey, Michael."

"Hey, Vlad." He nods at the bench. "Sit."

I sit and spread open my legs. My knee touches Michael's knee.

He closes his legs so we aren't touching. "What you did last week in my bedroom was messed up."

"Sorry, but I couldn't help myself." A light breeze moves across the park. I think I can smell Michael's body. I start to get hard.

He looks at me. "You don't sound sorry."

"I'm not sorry I did that, but I am sorry if, you know, I offended you."

"Right. The thing is, now I'm glad you did it."


He looks back at me and we make eye contact. "Yeah, after you left, I picked up my sweats. Your cum was really pungent. The smell made me instantly hard."


Michael glares at me.

Apparently, he doesn't think it's awesome.

He goes back to talking. "I've been jacking into them twice a day."

I get totally hard. I almost say "awesome" again, but I stop myself.

"But now, there's so much of my cum mixed in with yours, that I can't smell it anymore."

"We could go back to your room and jack-off together?"

"No. You're missing the point."

"I am?"

"It's the smell of your cum I want."

I'm disappointed, but I guess it's better than nothing. "Fine, we don't have to jack-off together, you can just watch me cum into your sweats again."

"Shut up Vlad and let me finish."

"Sorry." I know I shouldn't push him, but I can't help myself.

"What I would like, is to get my boxers back with your cum still on them. I assume you haven't washed them yet?"

"No. They actually have more of my cum on them."

Michael covers his crotch with his hand. I think he just got a boner.

I continue. "I'm not too keen on giving those back to you, but..." I smile at Michael, trying to soften my denial of his very reasonable request. "...I could give you a pair of my used boxers with my load on them. Would that be a fair trade?"

"Yeah, that will work. Go back to your house and do it now. I'll wait here." He places his other hand on his crotch and squeezes the bulge.

I look around the park. It is empty except for a small group of Nannies on the far side next to the playground. "I have a better idea. Stand in front of me so they can't see me." I nod my head towards the Nannies. "You can have them now."

Michael looks across the park then back at me. "You're crazy. Someone will see."

"No, they won't. I'll be quick." I stand and slide my shorts and boxers down to my ankles. My hard cock pops out just below my tee-shirt.

Michael quickly stands in front of me. He is only about two feet away.

I slide my shorts and boxers over my shoes and accidentally bump my head into Michael's chest. He smells like his hasn't showered in days. I sit back down on the bench and cover my cock with my boxers. I slip my shorts back on, pulling them up my thighs until they are under my balls.

Michael looks over his shoulder, then down at me.

I start stroking my dick wrapped in my boxers.

Michael's erection is practically in my face. It is clearly tenting his shorts. He slowly slides the tips of his fingers against the fabric, caressing his cock within.

I arrange my boxers so that the head of my dick is showing. I want Michael to see it. I stroke faster.

Michael gulps. It appears he likes what he is seeing. I suspect he is not being completely honest about only being turned on by the smell of my cum. I think he is also turned on by me.

I look at his crotch, then back at his face. "You smell really sexy." I know my statement will make him uncomfortable, but I want to see how far I can push him.

"Really?" He seems more surprised than shocked. "I haven't showered for a while."

I inhale deeply. "Yeah, I really like the way you stink."

Michael lifts his arm and smells his pit through his tee-shirt. Then goes back to rubbing his cock through his shorts. "Yeah, I get what you mean."

"Can I see your dick?"

Michael stops rubbing his cock. He stretches his shorts over his hard dick allowing me to see its outline.

It gets me even more excited. I start moving my hips up and down. I stroke my cock faster. "I'm getting close."

Michal puts his hand inside his shorts. It appears he grabs his cock. He just barely moves his hand in long, slow strokes.

I'd like to see that without his shorts covering him up, but it's still fucking hot. "Fuck yeah."

Then Michael trembles slightly and makes a little grunt. A wet spot begins to form in his shorts. It gets bigger.

I realize he's cumming.

Some of his jizz comes out of the leg of his shorts and dribbles down his thigh.

"Fuck." I start cumming too. I look at my dick and wrap my boxers around its head. I carefully shoot my load into them. It feels good. I finish and look at Michael.

He takes his hand out of his shorts and grabs my boxers. My dick is really sensitive right now and my whole body convulses as Michael slides my boxers off of its head.

He sits next to me as I pull my shorts all the way up. His knee touches my knee. I push against him harder. He doesn't move it away.

Michael puts my boxers under his nose and inhales. He smiles to himself. He stands back up and starts to walk across the park. He raises his hand holding the boxers in the air and yells "Thanks." Then heads towards his house.

Now that Michael has my boxers, I am "free-balling". My cock and balls flop around in my shorts as I head back to my house.

It feels good.

Three days go by before I get another text from Michael. "Call me when you have the time."

I call back right back. "What's going on?"

"I let your cum dry up."

"No problem, I'll make you another one."

"No. I want you to come over now."

"I'll be right there." My dick gets hard as I end the call.

Michael answers the door. He is only wearing white boxers that appear to be completely covered in cum stains. "Come on in."

I go inside. "Are those my boxers?"

"Yeah." He turns and I following him up to his room.

He sits on his bed. The cum stained boxers are tented with his boner. "Get naked for me now."

"Sure." My dick is hard. I kick off my shoes and slide my shorts and boxers down my legs and all the way off. I grab the neck of my tee-shirt and pull it over my head. I drop it onto the floor and start jacking my dick.

Michael stands. His hard dick pokes through the fly of the boxers. He puts it back inside then takes the boxers off. He pushes them under his bed with his foot. He starts jacking his cock.

I move closer to him.

"No, just stay where you are."

I go back to my assigned position.

Michael turns around and grabs a pair of boxers off of his pillow.

I get a nice look at his ass before he faces me again.

He holds the boxers in front of him. "I've been wearing theses for three days straight, including sleeping in them." He holds them to his nose. "They're really raunchy." He covers his cock in the dirty underwear. "I'll cum in them and then trade you for the ones you were wearing after you cum in those."

"Got it." I pick up my boxers. "I slept in these too." I put them against my nose and inhale. "Yeah, they stink really good. I think you're going to like it." I wrap them around my dick. I start jacking.

Michael watches. He starts jacking too.

I put my free hand behind my head. I show Michael my hairy arm pit. I lick it, then smell it.

Michael strokes his cock faster.

I watch him. I stroke my cock faster. "You should smell me"

He shakes his head no.

I ignore his answer. I walk right up to him, get on my toes and press my armpit against his nose. Our fists bump into each other as we jack our cocks. My face is really close to his face. I want to kiss him, but I don't dare.

He closes his eyes and holds his breath.

I push my body against his body.

Then he opens his eyes and looks at my armpit. He inhales deeply, grunts and begins to convulse.

I lose my balance and step backwards. I watch as Michael shoots his load into his raunchy boxers. I'm ready to cum, but I hold off. I want Michael's full attention first.

He looks at his cock as he finishes cumming. Then looks at me. "Hurry up."

I can't hold back any longer. I stroke faster. "I'm cumming!" I look at Michaels face as I shoot my load. My orgasm feels incredible.

Michael watches closely as the boxers darken with my jizz.

"Oh my god. I needed that." I unwrap my dick. We exchange our cum soaked boxers.

Michael sits on his bed and presses them against his nose. He gets hard again. "Fuck that smells so fucking nasty," He starts stoking his cock.

"Are you going to cum again?"

He looks at me kind of surprised. I think he momentarily forgot I was in the room. He takes my boxers off of his face. Some of my fresh cum is sticking to the tip of his nose. "I have to."

"Use these again." I hand him back his boxers.

He takes them out of my hand and wraps them around his dick, then presses my boxers back up against his nose. He closes his eyes, strokes his dick faster and inhales.

I can't believe how much he gets turned on by the smell of my cum. I use this fact to my advantage. I sit on the bed.

Michael ignores me as he continues stroking his cock to the scent of my jizz.

I slide over and push my body against his.

He opens his eyes, then closes them again.

I place my arm around his shoulders and grab his hand that's stroking his cock. "Let me do it,"

He lets go of his boxers wrapped around his cock and grabs my cum drenched boxers with both hands. He moans as he holds them to his face.

I stroke his dick, using his cum soaked boxers. I stroke up and down up and down. I hear Michael taking long slow breaths. I stroke faster.

His breathing speeds up. He starts thrusting his hips.

I put my lips on his neck.

He arches his head back.

I squeeze his cock through his boxers. I stay with him as he lays back on the bed. My lips don't move from his neck.

He moans. It turns into a whimper. His whole body begins to rock.

I feel his cock convulse through his boxers. He thrusts into my hand, then starts shooting cum onto his abs.

I take my lips off of his neck and look down at his cock. He finally stops cumming. I let go.

He suddenly seems uncomfortable with me lying so close to him on his bed. He stands. "You need to leave."

I pick his cummy boxers off of the floor where they landed when he stood up. I hand them to him. "Clean your cum up with these first."

He tosses my cummy boxers he had been holding to his nose onto his pillow, then wipes his cum off of his abs with his cummy boxers intended for me.

I put on my tee-shirt. I put on my shorts, free balling again.

He hands the boxers back to me. "I have to be somewhere now. You can't stay."

"Fine. Let's do this again soon."

He guides me out of his room, down the stairs and out the front door without saying goodbye.

I can't help feeling I've been used, but I'm not complaining.

The next morning, I'm on my hands and knees in my closet looking for an old phone charger. There is a pile of shoes and clothes on the closet floor I have to sort through. While I am looking, I keep smelling this foul odor. I get distracted from looking for the charger and switch over to looking for the source of that nasty stench.

Finally, I find an old basketball shoe from last year when I played on the J.V. team. I stick my nose inside it and take a breath. "Whoa." Yeah, that's where it's coming from. I look at my cock. It is rock hard and pushing out my shorts. Interesting.

I find the other shoe.

I get out of the closet and stand up. I take another whiff. It smells gross, but there is something about that aroma that gets me really excited.

I toss both shoes onto my bed and strip down naked. I prop up my pillows and lie on the bed. I pick up one shoe and hold it to my nose. "Mmmmm." I start stroking my dick. I inhale deeply. I stroke faster. "Fuck" I'm already getting close.

I don't want to cum yet. I stop stroking. I suddenly have the urge to stick my dick into it. I slide my shoe over my boner. It's weird, but I don't care. It feels rough and unfamiliar, but it also feels really good. The shoe is hitting my cock in all the right places. Including my balls.

I pick up the other shoe and hold it to my nose. "Mmmmmm." I really like that smell for some reason. I roll onto my stomach. I arrange the shoe so I can fuck it. I put the other shoe in front of my nose. I get on my forearms and thrust my boner into one shoe as I inhale the stench from the other shoe.

I'm getting close again. I thrust faster. The shoe is moving around too much. I roll onto my side and hold onto the shoe as I fuck it. I pick up the other shoe and breathe in and out.

I thrust faster. I watch my cock fuck my shoe. I inhale through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I start cumming. "Fuck yeah!" My whole-body spasms as I shoot a huge wad of cum into my old disgusting basketball shoe.

I am finally done cumming. I roll onto my back and remove my shoe from off of my cock. I immediately put it up to my nose. I want to see what it smells like now that there is a load of my cum inside it.

"Wow." The smell of my pungent load mixed in with my gross shoe is fucking amazing.

I immediately think of Michael. I know he would really love it. I'm sure he doesn't want to see me right now, but I don't care. I have to share this with him.

I quickly get dressed. I grab my stinky basketball shoes and head on over to Michael's house.

As I approach his house, I see this old dude walking towards me. He stares at the shoes I'm holding. For some reason, I get the feeling he knows I just came into one. I move them to my other hand, farthest away from him, as we pass each other. Then I get onto Michael's porch and ring his doorbell.

A moment later, the door opens just a little bit and Michael looks from behind it. "I'm busy. Go away."

I don't say anything and hold the shoe with my cum under his nose.

It takes Michael a moment to catch its scent. He opens the door a little bit wider and snatches the shoe from my hand. He starts to close the door.

"I'm coming in." I push against the door and force my way inside. I figure my shoe is the price of my admittance.

Michael is naked and hard and looking at me while smelling my shoe.

I stare at his erection, then look at his face. "I knew you'd like that. That's why I brought it over."

"Vlad, I have to have this."

"Sure, you can have it, but only if you let me watch."

"Fine." He heads upstairs.

I look at his butt as I follow him into his room. The covers of his bed are on the floor exposing the bottom sheet. My cummed up boxers from yesterday are lying in the middle of the bed. It appears he was jacking-off before I rang the doorbell.

Michael sits on his bed. He is still smelling my shoe.

I hand him the other one. "I just came in the one you're smelling. This one doesn't have any cum in it."

Michael lowers the cummed-in shoe and holds the other one to his nose. "Mmmmm." He then alternates smelling them, going back and forth. He stops and looks at me. "I don't know which one I like the best, they're both fucking awesome." He smiles.

I haven't seen Michael smile at me in a while. Damn, he is so fucking beautiful. I have a boner. I kick off my shoes and pull off my tee-shirt.

Michael watches.

I pull off my shorts and boxers. My dick pops up.

Michael stares at it.

I sit next to him and start jacking his cock.

He puts his nose back inside my shoe and inhales more deeply. "Mmmmm. I love that smell." He looks at me over the top of the shoe. "Make me cum."

I put my arm around his shoulders. I stroke his cock faster. I put my tongue behind his ear.

Michael moans. He starts moving his hips and thrusting his dick into my hand.

I push him back down onto the bed. I roll on top of him while still stroking his cock. The lower half of my legs are sticking out past the mattress. I can just barely touch the floor with my toes. I move my arm from behind him and grab the shoe he is holding to his nose. I toss it onto the bed.

We look each other in the eyes.

I let go of his cock and hold his head in both of my hands.

He raises slightly and we kiss.

He grinds his cock against me.

I thrust my hips forward and push back with my cock.

Michael opens his mouth and forces his tongue into my mouth.

We simultaneously thrust ours cocks faster and harder against each other's bodies.

We stop kissing as I grab my shoe. I hold it so that we both can share its fragrance.

Michael moans. "Fuck that makes me so fucking horny."

"Me too!" I start pumping my body against Michael. My cock feels really good rubbing on him. The whole bed is rocking. It's making a lot of noise.

Michael seems to like me humping him. "Go faster!"

I pump faster. It feels as if the entire house is rocking. The head of my cock gets really sensitive. It begins to tingle. It intensifies. "I'm going to cum!"

Michael grabs my ass and squeezes hard. "Fuck! I'm cumming!"

I feel his load shoot between our bodies. Some of it gets onto the head of my dick. I push up with my toes. My cock slides forward on Michaels cum drenched abs.

His fingers get between my ass cheeks and rub against my hole.

I start cumming. "Fuck. Fuuuucck!" The head of my dick feels fragile like glass. I raise up on my hands and look down as I slide it against Michael.

I finally stop cumming.

Michael wraps his arms around my back, forcing my body against his body.

We kiss.

I try to get off of Michael, but he hugs me harder, so I can't move. That's fine with me. I relax and enjoy the comfort of our bodies joined together.

Then Michael crinkles his nose. "You stink."

"So do you."

"Yeah." He turns his head and buries his nose in my armpit. "Mmmmm." He looks at me again. "I like it."

"No shit." I stand. I look down at Michael's cum covered naked body. "So, you don't have to be anywhere now?"


"I don't have to leave right away?"

Michael stands. He wraps his arms around me. Our cocks push against each other. He kisses me softly on the lips. "Stay as long as you want."

The End.

Everett Pettygrove Sylvania Park Summer 2020

H.T. Bruhaus. Portland, Oregon July 20th, 2021

Sylvania Park Summer is a story about a fifty-five-year-old man writing about stories he imagines happening in his neighborhood. The man is a fiction of my imagination. The neighborhood of Sylvania Park is also fictitious, but is actually based on a real neighborhood called Mountain Park.

Most of the features of Sylvania Park are true about Mountain Park. I expanded the neighborhood to give me more room and freedom to develop the stories.

You could actually go to Google Maps and search Mountain Park Oregon. It would take you directly to that neighborhood. You could go on street view and take a tour if you wanted.

One of my family's legends is my great grandfather offered to buy his two sons a good portion of Mt Sylvania for them, including most of what is now Mountain Park. This was during the depression and it was being sold for back taxes. His two sons were not interested. They thought the land was worthless.

Since his sons didn't want the land, my great grandfather passed on the deal. It was being offered at $400.

I have no idea how much the land sold for back in 1969, when the Mountain Park development started, but I bet it was for a hell of a lot more than $400.

If it wasn't for the lack of vision of my grandfather and his brother, I could have been an heir to a small fortune.

Here is the link to my directory on Nifty, just in case you would like to read some of my other stories.

You could also search "bruhaus" on Nifty's home page to reach my directory.

I enjoy getting feedback. Email me at if you would like to contact me. I don't promise to write you back, but I do promise I will try to write you back.

Please send Nifty some money, if you haven't already. They deserve our support, just like you deserve to cum.

Thanks, Dave

Next: Chapter 8

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