Sylvania Park Summer


Published on Mar 9, 2020


by H.T. Bruhaus email: March 8th, 2020

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Sylvania Park Summer: Part 2

My name is Everett Pettygrove. I am a fifty-five year old single gay man. Sylvania Park Summer is a series of sex stories that are pure fiction. They are concocted from my perverted imagination, but derived from my surrounding neighborhood of Sylvania Park. All of the participants are at least 18 years of age.

While you are reading the various stories I will be posting, you may notice that the neighborhood of Sylvania Park has a high proportion of young men who are either gay, or bi, or bi-curious. You might find that hard to swallow.

All I ask is that you suspend your disbelief for a brief moment and just go along with it. This is my fantasy and I choose to populate Sylvania Park with as many non-straight young men as I desire.

If it helps, you can pretend there is something unique in the air, or in the water, or in the underlying basaltic bedrock, that causes, at least temporarily, a certain degree of homosexuality to the young residents of this fine neighborhood.

Sylvania Park is a housing development situated on the southwestern city limits of Portland, Oregon. It is built on the sloping west side of an extinct shield volcano known as Mount Sylvania. The first home was built in this development in the year 1969.

Mount Sylvania really isn't a mountain, it's more like a large hill. The summit is just under 1000 feet. There is a small park at the summit. There are a number of trails and paths that wind through Sylvania Park, connecting the summit with several natural habitats and parks.

I like to make up stories about the young men who live in Sylvania Park. I fantasize about what they might be doing to each other in it's backyards and on it's trails and behind it's closed doors.

So, from my depraved imagination, I present, Sylvania Park Summer, a series of gay sex stories that happen in the neighborhood known as Sylvania Park during the summer of 2020.

Thanks, Everett Pettygrove

This second story in the series came about as I was taking a long walk one morning and I saw two guys suddenly stop in the middle of their basketball game to talk to a carload of young women. This is how I imagined the circumstances of that meeting.

Kurt's Story

I'm lying in bed, thinking about getting up. It's 10:30 in the morning. My phone buzzes. It's a text from this guy I barley know, his name is Josh. "Do you want to play basketball with me? "

The only reason he has my number is that we were lab partners in chemistry my senior year of high school this last spring. I don't really feel like playing some b-ball with him, but to tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't have passed chemistry if it wasn't for him.

I have nothing to do today and I kind of owe him one. I text back, "Okay. When? "

I don't know why he would want to play basketball with me. I'm six feet six and played on our varsity team. Josh is about five eight and a complete geek. He played saxophone in the pep band at our home games. I don't think he even cared about the games that much, because every time I looked in his direction, he was checking out the cheerleaders.

He texts back. "How about now? I'm in front of your house. "

It seems a little strange he's here. I text, "Give me a minute. " Then a light bulb comes on in my brain. I live right next door to one of those cheerleaders, Lexus. I wonder if he thinks he might bump into her.

I get dressed quickly and go out to the front of the house. Josh is standing in our driveway. "Howdy, Josh. "

"Hey, Kurt. "

"Come on in. I need to make some coffee. "

Josh follows me inside.

I start brewing the coffee. I grab a mug from the cupboard. I look at Josh. "Want some coffee? "

"Do you have orange juice? "

"No. "

"Pineapple juice? "

"Nope. "

"Almond milk? "

I look in the fridge. "We have soy milk. "

"Can I have one of those beers? "

"Um... "

"Just kidding. I'll have orange juice. "

This guy is a little weird. "Josh, we don't have any O.J. "

"Right, right. Coffee would be good. "

"Fuck. " I didn't mean to say it out loud. "Sure, it's almost ready. "

"Do you have any non-dairy creamer? "

"We have almond milk. " I wonder how Josh managed to help me pass chemistry.

"I thought you only had soy milk. "

Shit. Now I'm doing it. "Yeah, I mean soy milk. "

"That's okay, I like my coffee black. "

I turn my back to Josh. I try hard to suppress a scream. I need coffee now. It's still brewing. The pot is half full. I pour out two mugs and put Josh's in front of him.

I gratefully take a sip from my cup.

Josh just stares at his. "Do you have any ice? "

I grab a bowl from the cupboard and fill it with ice from the slot in the refrigerator's door. I put the bowl next to Josh's mug.

He drops in the ice until the coffee spills over the side.

I don't say anything.

Josh looks around the kitchen. "Do you live by yourself? "

"Josh, I'm eighteen years old and just graduated high school. "

"Right. Where is everybody? "

"They're visiting my Aunt in Kennewick. "

"Oh. Can I use the toilet? "

"Down the hall. "

Josh goes into the bathroom. He leaves the door open. I sip my coffee while listening to him take a piss. I can't deal with this right now. I'm going to have to get rid of him.

The toilet flushes and I hear him washing his hands. He comes out of the bathroom drying his hands on the guest towel. He sits in front of his coffee and puts the towel on the counter. He smells his hands. "What kind of soap is this? "

"I don't know, but something's come up. "

He looks at me. His brown hair is messy and partially in his eyes, which are big and a bit sad looking. He reminds me of a little puppy dog.

I continue. "I can't play basketball with you today. "

He looks down at his mug "Oh. "

Shit. Why do I feel sorry for him? "Actually, I guess I can put it off. "

"Awesome. " Josh smiles. He looks kind of cute in a geeky, puppy dog sort of way.

"Okay, ready to shoot some hoops? "

"Heck yeah. "

I fill a thermos with the rest of the coffee and take it with me. Josh leaves his mug on the counter. He follows me into the garage. I hit the button that opens the garage door. I set the thermos on a bench and grab the basketball. We walk out onto the driveway together.

Our driveway slopes downhill a little bit, but it's probably the levelest driveway in Sylvania Park. It has become a focal point with the boys in the neighborhood for pick-up basketball games over the years. It's one of the reasons why I'm good at basketball.

Josh jogs to the middle of the driveway and faces me. I bounce the ball to him and he dribbles it in for an easy layup. I wasn't expecting him to be so quick. He misses, but I am impressed with his skills.

The ball bounces off of the backboard and rolls towards the street. Josh hustles after it. He picks it up on the run and turns around in mid air and takes another shot.

He misses again.

I get the rebound. I'm anticipating an easy score, but Josh runs up the driveway and blocks my shot.

"Damn, Josh. "

He smiles at my praise.

I hustle after the ball, then turn and face the hoop. I slowly bounce it in one spot.

Josh is in front of me with his arms out, guarding the basket.

I fake right and go left. I dunk the ball as Josh's hand comes down on my face. I score.

We've been at it for only a couple of minutes, but I'm already sweating like a pig. The driveway is in full sun. The heat is coming down on us and at the same time, reflecting up at us from the concrete.

I call a timeout. I sit in a shady spot on the grass and take off my shirt. I use it to wipe the sweat from my face.

Josh stands in front of me, twirling the basketball in his hand. I look at his legs, they are on the thin side, but still muscular. They are also covered in a fine layer of dark brown hair. He sits next to me and hands me the basketball. Our shoulders are touching. He takes off his shirt.

His chest is partially hairy too. It is a lot more muscular than what I expected. "Do you work out? "

"Yeah. " Josh stands. "Ready, Kurt? "

I toss him the basketball and get up.

We continue our game. We're not really keeping score, but I'm way ahead. However, I can't take it easy. Josh is not quitting and he is playing hard. I kind of like how he keeps on going, even though I am far superior at basketball.

I also kind of like how he keeps pushing his body into me. I purposely push my body into him. It's how you play the game. At least it's how you play the game in Sylvania Park. Josh has to keep flicking his hair out of his eyes. His sweat splashes my face. I don't mind.

Then while my body is pressed against Josh and my hands are in the air guarding the basket and Josh is pivoting on one foot trying to get a shot around me, Lexus pulls into her driveway.

Her Acura is full of teenage girls. They get out and watch us play.

Josh glances over at them. He pushes me harder. I am dripping sweat. He shoots. I try to block his shot, but at that exact moment, I see this old dude across the street just standing there looking at us. It throws me off my game and the ball gets past me.

Josh almost scored.

I get the rebound. I call a timeout. I stand holding the ball. "Hey, Lexus. What are you up to? "

"You know, Kurt. Not a fucking thing. " Her girlfriends laugh. "Who's your cute friend? "

The old dude finally moves on down the street.

Josh speaks up. "Hi Lexus, it's Josh. We had English together sophomore year. "

"Really? "

"You remember. Mr. Moody's class. "

Lexus crosses the flowerbed that separates our driveways. "I'm sure I'd remember a cute little puppy dog like you. " She puts a finger on Josh's sweaty nipple. Then puts her finger in her mouth and sucks on it. "See ya. "

Lexus turns and goes into the house, her entourage following.

Josh stands there and watches her leave. I notice his shorts are tented up with a boner.

I say, "How about that beer now? "

We go through the garage and into the kitchen. I give Josh a wad of paper towels to soak up his sweat. I do the same thing. Then I get two beers out of the fridge. We sit at the counter and open our beers.

I keep looking down at Josh's lap. He is still rock hard. Poor guy. If he only knew what a bitch Lexus is.

Josh takes a drink of his beer.

I down almost half of mine. I say, "I've known Lexus all my life. She is like a sister to me. I love her dearly, but she is not a nice person. "

Josh looks at me. "That can't be true. She's so pretty. "

I scoff. "She's a cold hearted snake. She thrives on making boys miserable. I've seen her do it to my friends over and over again. "

Josh sips his beer and fondles his crotch. "Is she your girlfriend? " He openly pulls on his cock through his shorts.

I watch him play with himself. "No, Josh. She isn't anybody's girlfriend. "

"Cool. Can I take a shower? "

"You're not going to jack-off, are you? "

"Um... "

"Jesus, Josh. "

"Please. "

I feel sorry for him. Also, I want to see him naked. "Follow me. "

We go upstairs to my bedroom. It's a bit of a mess. There are clothes all over the floor. My bed is unmade. There are half empty chip bags and cans of pop strewn about.

I have my own private bathroom. I get a clean towel from under the sink and put it on the counter.

Josh strips off his shorts right in front of me. I look at his cock. He is still hard. I turn on the shower. "Give it a minute to warm up before you get in. " Josh is standing in my way. I brush against him as I leave. His boner hits my thigh. I start to get hard. My shorts are tenting up.

Josh glances at my crotch, "Do you want to take a shower with me? " He gets in before I can answer.

I look at him through the glass door. He is facing away from me and getting his hair wet. I check out his ass. The hair on his legs stops before it gets to his butt, which is smooth and muscular. My dick gets completely hard.

He turns around. I know he can see my boner tenting out my shorts. "Come on in. It feels good. "

"Okay. " Josh watches as I pull my shorts down and step out of them. My hard cock is in full view. I get in the shower and stand behind him.

He moves out of the way. "Here. "

We switch places and I start soaking my hair.

Josh grabs the bath soap from a shelf. He lathers up my back. I like it.

I stop soaking my hair and stand up straight.

Josh brings his hands around to my chest. He pushes his erection against my thigh. He lathers up my chest.

I moan.

He lowers his hands. They find my cock. He starts lathering it up too.

"Fuck that feels good. "

Josh turns me around to face him. He takes my hand and squeezes soap into the palm. I lather his chest. Then I move my hands to his cock and get it nice and soapy.

Josh moans. He turns around and pushes his ass against my hard cock. His butt crack is lathered up and my cock slides between his cheeks and across his hole.

I moan. It feels really fucking good.

Josh bends at the waist. "Put it in. "

Did I hear him right? Josh wants me to fuck him? "Are you sure? "

He reaches back and grabs my cock. He lifts one leg and rests his foot on the shower bench. He backs into me.

I feel my cock start to penetrate his hole. I gasp. This is not how I imagined losing my virginity. My cock slides all the way in. It feels incredible. I automatically begin moving my hips. I can't believe it. I am fucking Josh.

I grab his hips and slowly move my cock in and out of his hole. Josh rests his elbow on his knee. He strokes his cock. He is breathing hard and moaning.

I bend down and bring my head next to Josh's head. I try to kiss him, but he turns away. I straighten back up and just watch my cock go in and out of his hole. It looks hot and feels really fucking amazing. I speed up my thrusts. The shower stream is hitting my back.

Josh strokes his cock faster. I reach around and try to grab it. He pushes my hand away. He continues to jack himself. I watch. I fuck him faster.

Then Josh's asshole convulses on my cock. He groans. I see his load shoot against the tiles. I pump his hole harder. I am getting close.

Josh takes his foot off of the bench and stands up straight. At the same time he pushes me away and my cock slides out of his hole. He turns around and moves past me, brushing my boner as he passes. He gets into the shower stream and starts washing himself.

I look at his cock. It is already getting soft and there is cum on it's tip. "Um Josh, I didn't cum yet. "

He looks at my boner. "Sucks for you. I got mine. "

Fuck. What is with this guy? I grab my cock and start stroking it. I need to get off.

Josh turns away from me and soaks in the shower stream.

I put more soap on my hand. I concentrate looking at his ass. I slide my fist over my shaft. I moan. I think about my cock having just fucked that hole. I grab one of his ass cheeks and squeeze it. I start cumming. I shoot my load onto Josh's ass.

He looks over his shoulder and watches.

When I am finally done cumming, Josh washes my load off of his butt. He gets out of the shower and drys himself. I rinse the rest of the soap from my body. Then get out and dry off next to Josh.

He puts on his shorts. I get a clean pair of shorts and put them on. We go downstairs into the kitchen.

I say, "That was really awesome. Are you hungry? I can make you lunch if you want. "

"No thanks. Do you have any orange juice? "

I look at Josh. Is he trying to be funny? He seems serious. "No Josh. I don't have any orange juice. "

"Alright. "

"Do you want to play tomorrow? " I'm hoping Josh might want me to fuck him again.

"Nope. I'm good. "

"Call me anytime if you want to see me. " Shit. I sound desperate.

"Okay. "

I follow Josh outside. He finds his shirt and puts it on. He crosses the flower bed and goes into Lexus's yard.

I say, "Where are you going? "

"To see if Lexus wants to hang out with me. "

I can't believe this guy. "Okay. Good luck with that. Tell Lexus I said hi. "

Josh smiles. "Thanks, Kurt. I will. "

I go back into the house and grab a beer.

The End.

Everette Pettygrove Sylvania Park Summer 2020

H.T. Bruhaus. Portland, Oregon March 8th, 2020

Sylvania Park Summer is a story about a fifty-five year old man writing about stories he imagines happening in his neighborhood. The man is a fiction of my imagination. The neighborhood of Sylvania Park is also fictitious, but is actually based on a real neighborhood called Mountain Park.

Most of the features of Sylvania Park are true about Mountain Park. I expanded the neighborhood to give me more room and freedom to develop the stories.

You could actually go to Google Maps and search Mountain Park Oregon. It would take you directly to that neighborhood. You could go on street view and take a tour if you wanted.

I had considered calling this series Summer Shorts, because it happens during the summer and the stories are short and most of the main characters are wearing shorts. Pretty clever, right?

But I really like the sound of Sylvania Park Summer. It's lyrical and poetic and has a certain romantic feel to it.

I encourage you to shoot me an email. If you do, I will notify you when I post my next story. At least theoretically. I tend to be lazy. Also, please include the city where you live, if you haven't already. Most of the people who read my stories are in the U.S., but there are people form all over the world. It's kind of cool.

Please make a donation to Nifty. I personally contribute a small sum every time I upload a story.

Thanks, H.T. Bruhaus

Next: Chapter 3

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