Sylvania Park Summer


Published on Mar 3, 2020


by H.T. Bruhaus email: March 3rd, 2020

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Sylvania Park Summer: Part 1

My name is Everett Pettygrove. I am a fifty-five year old single gay man. The following group of stories are pure fiction, strictly concocted from my perverted imagination, but derived from my surrounding neighborhood of Sylvania Park. All of the participants are at least 18 years of age.

While you are reading the various stories I will be posting, you will probably notice the neighborhood of Sylvania Park has a high proportion of young men who are either gay, or bi, or bi-curious. You might find that hard to swallow.

All I ask is that you suspend your disbelief for a brief moment and just go along with it. This is my fantasy and I choose to populate Sylvania Park with as many non-straight young men as I desire.

If it helps, you can pretend there is something unique in the air, or in the water, or in the underlying basaltic bedrock, that causes, at least temporarily, a certain degree of homosexuality to the young male residents of this fine neighborhood.

Sylvania Park is a housing development situated on the southwestern city limits of Portland, Oregon. It covers the sloping west side of an extinct shield volcano known as Mount Sylvania. The first home was built in this development in the year 1969.

Mount Sylvania really isn't a mountain, it's more like a large hill. The summit is just under 1000 feet. There is a small park at the summit. Before the developer purchased the land, the summit contained the remnants of an ancient volcanic crater, but the developer filled it in. I assume he didn't want the new residents to be reminded they were living on a volcano, even if it was extinct and hadn't been active for millions of years.

There are a number of trails and paths that wind through Sylvania Park, connecting the summit with several natural habitats and parks.

It is, on average, a solid middle class community. The higher up on the mountain, the nicer the homes are and the more money the owners have. So the neighborhood is somewhat stratified by social class down the mountain side.

I myself live near the summit. I have a modest inheritance and I do not need to work, but I like to keep busy. I free lance as a graphic artist and work part time from my home. I also spend many hours walking around the neighborhood. I am very observant and I try to keep up with what is happening around me.

My sex life is not exciting. I mostly jack-off. I will occasionally hook-up with someone from a "dating" app, but I find it a little stressful and weird. It's easier just to satisfy myself. To help me with that self gratification, I invent little scenarios about the young men who live in Sylvania Park. I fantasize about what they might be doing to each other in it's backyards and on it's trails and behind it's closed doors.

So, from my depraved imagination, I present, Sylvania Park Summer, a series of gay sex stories in the housing development known as Sylvania Park during the summer of 2020.

Thanks, Everett Pettygrove

I came up with this first story as I was mowing my front lawn and I saw a young man cruising down the street on his skateboard while drinking an energy drink from a can. I wondered where he was coming from and where was he going to. This is what I imagined:

Charley's Story

My hard cock is warm and feeling really fucking good. Someone is giving me a blow-job. I don't know who. I just see the top of his head. I am very close to cumming, but I can't cum. I attempt to grab his head, but my hands aren't moving.

I hear a knock. "Charley?"

I try to say "Go away," but my voice isn't working.

More knocking. "Charley, are you going to sleep all day?"

The door opens. I wake up. My mom is standing over the bed and holding my baby brother.

There is only a sheet covering me and it is tented with my boner. "Shit." I roll onto my side, facing away from my mom.

She sounds a little pissed. "You need to go to your grandma's today and clean out her gutters."

"Okay, mom. Can you get out of here?"

"I mean it, Charley. I want those gutters cleaned before they get back from Vegas tomorrow."

"I'll do it. Just get the fuck out of here."


She walks out of the room. I stay on my side and reach under the sheet. I slide my boxer-briefs down to my thighs. I free my boner and slowly stroke it. I try to get back into my dream and to the blow job I was receiving just before my mom interrupted me. I was this close to having a wet dream.

I stroke my cock faster. The sheet is making a swishing sound. I look over my shoulder. The door to my room is wide open. I probably should close it before I cum, but I'm too close now. It won't take me long. Besides, I can hear The Cartoon Network coming out of my sister's room. She will be glued to the T.V. and won't be able to hear me.

I turn back and put my head under the sheet. I look at my cock as I am stroking it. It looks hot and is leaking a lot of precum. There is a dark wet spot pooling on the bottom sheet. I am getting close.

Then I hear a tiny little voice, "What are you doing?"

Shit. It's my five year old sister. I let go of my cock and pull my head out from under the sheet. I roll onto my back and place my hand on top of the sheet covering my erection. "Just trying to sleep, Hair Bear."

"Mommy says you have to clean the gutters."

"I know, sweetie. I just need two more minutes of rest. Can you do that for your big brother?"

She just stares.

"Can you go back to your room and let me sleep for two more minutes?"

She nods her head.

"Thanks, Hair Bear. And close the door, okay?"

She walks out of the room, but of course, she doesn't close the door. It doesn't matter anyway. My erection is gone and I am no longer in the mood to get off.

I check the time, 9:40. Shit, way too fucking early for the fist week of summer vacation. I pull up my boxer-briefs and get out of bed. I go over to the window. I forgot to close it last night and the room is a little chilly, but the sun is out and the sky is a deep clear blue. It's going to get hot today.

I grab a towel and put on a pair of sweatpants. I walk down the hall to the bathroom to take a shower. I turn on the water and while it's getting hot, I strip naked. I look at my body in the mirror over the sink. I flex my biceps. My cock starts to get hard. I stroke it.

Maybe I can get a quickie in before I shower.

Then the doorknob rattles. I hear a soft knock. "Charley, I have to pee."

Fuck. "Okay, Hair Bear." I put my boxer-briefs and sweats back on and turn off the shower. I let my little sister in and head back to my room. There is no point in trying to take a shower or getting my nut now. It's hopeless.

Back in my room, I get naked again and look through the drawers of my dresser. "What am I going to wear today?" Maybe my red Under Armour basketball shorts. The material is thin and silky and they make my cock bulge out. I put them on without any underwear. I look in the full length mirror and shake my hips. I can see my cock flopping around. Yeah, I look hot in these.

I comb my hair with my fingers, then I find my orange Nike tee-shirt with the blue swoosh and put it on. It's tight and I can see the outline of my pecs and my six-pack through the material. The sleeves hug my biceps and makes them look bigger than they really are. I am smoking hot today. And as long as I'm mixing brands, I might as well wear my white and black Adidas Samoa's, sans socks.

Fuck yeah I look sexy. I grab my crotch. I take a picture of myself in the mirror. Then go downstairs to the kitchen. My mom is sitting at the counter, talking on her phone. I give her a kiss, then I kiss my baby brother sitting in his highchair. He is throwing loose Cheerios onto the floor.

I eat a banana and a bowl of Cheerios. "I'm going to Grandma's now."

My mom smiles, but keeps talking on the phone.

I go into the garage and grab a Monster energy drink from the fridge. I pick up my skateboard. I have to walk uphill out of our driveway to get to the street.

My neighbor, Brittany is in her driveway, washing her Miata. She is wearing nothing but a very small bikini. "Hi, Charley."

"Hi, Brittany." Ever since we were kids, she has had a crush on me. I look at her overly curved body and enormous tits. Gross. She is showing way too much skin. I try not to shudder. She probably wants to talk. I grab my cock through my shorts, just to give her a little show. "Gotta go." I jump on my skateboard and head downhill in the middle of the street while sipping from the can of Monster.

My Grandparents' house is only three or four blocks away and it's all downhill. My skateboard picks up speed. I swerve from one side of the street to the other, making big "S" curves. By the time I get to their house, I'm going really fast. I head up the driveway and bail out on the front lawn. My skateboard gets bogged down in the wet grass, but I continue to move forward. I try to stay on my feet, but I have too much momentum. I lose my balance and start to fall on my face. My energy drink shoots out of my hand and tumbles across the lawn. It lands in Grandma's flower bed, spilling it's contents into the root system of her prized roses. I continue to move forward, and as I'm falling, I twist my body around and manage to land on my back.

"Fuck." I stand. My shorts have been pulled down in the rear, completely exposing my ass. The back of my Nike shirt is damp from dew. I pull my shorts up and put my hand inside. I grab my cock and adjust it so it's sitting right. "I'm okay."

I look across the street. There is this old dude mowing the lawn. I think he was looking at my ass. I wave to him and say under my breath, "Hope you enjoyed the view, pervert."

He continues mowing and doesn't wave back.

"Whatever." I pick up my skateboard and punch in the code to the garage door. The big aluminum ladder is hanging on the wall. I set my skateboard and phone on a workbench and grab the ladder. Shit, I forgot how heavy it is.

I fall backward and bump into Grandma's Beemer. I shakily step sideways out of the garage carrying the big awkward ladder. I throw it onto the lawn. It takes a bounce and rattles loudly. I put my hands on my hips and look up at the roof line.

"Fuck me." I hate cleaning their gutters. It's fucking scary as hell.

I start at the front. It's the easiest part of the house. I work in the sun. It's getting hot. I am sweating. I take off my shirt and drop it onto a Rhododendron.

Finally I finish with the front gutters. The back of the house is a lot harder, but at least I will be in the shade.

I carry the ladder around the side of the garage and head downhill into the backyard. I bump it into the side of the house, leaving a scuff mark on the wall, then I bounce backwards and hit the neighbors fence, splintering off a piece of fence board.

"God damn fucking gutters."

I make it to the backyard without vandalizing any more property. Then I forcefully swing the ladder form the horizontal to the vertical and lean it against the house. I tilt the ladder away from the wall while pulling on the rope that extends it. Slowly the ladder gets longer. It finally extends to its full length. I try to let it fall gently forward, but it gets away from me and hits the house with a loud bang, putting a dent in the gutter.

I carefully climb to the top with a bucket in one hand. I am 30 fucking feet off of the ground. I hook the bucket to a rung and begin scooping out the gutter with my bare hand. It rained all last month, the debris has turned to muck and smells like a swamp.

It's slow and nasty work. I keep looking down. Some of the muck is leaking through my fingers and getting onto Grandma's windows. I don't fucking care.

I am almost done with this section, I lean over as far as I can to get the last of it. The ladder starts to slide. "Shit!" I quickly move back to center and the ladder stops sliding. My heart is pounding in my chest. I almost died.

I carry the bucket to the ground and dump it in the compost. Then I slide the ladder along the gutter to the next section and climb back up. As soon as I get to the top, I hear hip hop music playing loudly from the neighbor's house.

It's Yella Beezy. I look over my shoulder and across the backyard at the house with the music. I can see down into a second floor open window. There is a pair of bare feet. They seem to be dancing.

I move several rungs down and carefully turn around. I lean my back against the ladder and grab hold of it with one hand. The neighbor's house is lower on the hillside than my grandparents' house. I am at the same level as the second story window. I now have a clear view directly into it and it's no more than forty feet away.

It is a bathroom, and there is this naked guy dancing in front of the mirror. My cock starts to get hard. It's Brian, he graduated in my class last week. I didn't know he lived here.

I have never seen Brian naked before. He has a hot body and an even hotter cock. Of course, I think all cocks are hot. It is flopping and bouncing as he gyrates to Sinner's Prayer.

I look around the yard. It's very private. I doubt if anybody can see me. I hook the waistband of my shorts under my balls and start stroking my cock.

I watch Brian pick up his phone and put it on the counter. He leans it against the mirror and apparently starts recording himself.

He is kinky. I like it. I continue to slowly stroke my cock. Then Brian strokes his cock. He gets hard quickly. He poses in front of his phone, holding his hard cock in his hand. He leans over the counter and brings it up to the lens. Then he turns around and shows his butt to the camera. He spreads open his cheeks. He presents his hole.

Fuck me. I'd sure like to see his asshole right now, but I can only see the side of him from this angle.

I speed up my stroke. My foot slips off of the rung and I almost fall. My heart is pounding in my chest again. My cock spasms. "Shit." I move three more rungs down. I squeeze the ladder tighter with my free hand.

Brian is still stroking his cock and dancing. I wonder what he is doing, making a music porno video? I hear him say "Fuck yeah." He moves up to the sink. His big hairy balls are pushed against the edge of the counter. He is fucking his fist.

Then he says, "God damn fuck!" and he starts squirting his load into the sink.

I stroke my cock faster. I'm getting close, then my foot slips off of the rung at the exact same moment I start cumming. I begin to slide feet first down the front of the ladder, grazing my ass against the rungs on the way down. I let go of my cock and try to grab the ladder.

Now my cock is loose and uncontrollably shooting my pent up load all over the place. The ladder shakes and rattles as I fall to the ground, but luckily it doesn't topple over.

My feet hit the ground hard and I fall onto my side hitting my shoulder. "Shit! Fuck!" My cock is still sticking out of my shorts. It has cum on it's head and there is cum on my hand. There is also cum on parts of my legs, chest, abs and shorts.

It's a lot of fucking cum. I guess I shouldn't have delayed getting off for so long this morning. Like I had a choice.

Then the music stops playing and I hear someone say, "Are you alright?"

I'm below the fence line. I can't see Brian's bathroom window anymore. Which means he can't see me. I try to move. My ankle hurts. "Fuck!"

"Do you need help?"

"Hey Brian, it's me, Charley. I fell off the ladder. Yeah, I think I need help."

"I'll be right there."

I don't have much time before Brian gets here. I sit up and put my cock back inside my shorts. My shoulder hurts. I look around for something to clean the cum with.

Then Brian's head pops up above the fence. Before I know what he is doing, he pulls himself over the fence and lands on his bare feet right in front of me. Shit, I thought he was going to have to go all away around to the front yard first.

He is only wearing a pair of white cotton boxers. They are tented out a little. I can see the form of his dick through them, which apparently hasn't gotten completely soft since he ejaculated. His boxers are twisted around a bit and one of his large nuts is peeking out through the leg. There is also a wet spot on the fabric at the tip of his cock.

Brian noticed me starring at his shorts. He turns them so they aren't twisted. His nut disappears. "I was taking a shower when you fell. I didn't want to waste time getting dressed."


Brian looks at me. I am just wearing shoes and shorts. My cock hasn't gotten completely soft yet either and my shorts are also tented a little. He says, "Is that cum?"

I pause to think of an explanation. I draw a blank. "Is what cum?" I change the subject. "Will you get my phone? It's in the garage on the workbench."

Brian goes up to the front of the house to retrieve my phone. He comes back and hands it to me. I call my mom. "She's on her way."


"Thanks Brian."

"No. Charley, you're still covered in cum."

"Oh shit."

"I'll go get some paper towels."

"There's no time. My mom will be here any second."

"Okay, don't panic. I'll fix this." Brian pulls his boxers down to his ankles. He lifts one leg to step out of them, but loses his balance and has to put his hand on my shoulder in order to keep himself from falling on his naked butt. My shoulder hurts, but I don't say anything.

His cock is really close to my face. I think I can smell it. I bare his weight momentarily before he regains his balance and takes his boxers all the way off. He holds them in his hand and squats down next to me.

I try not to look at his cock and balls dangling between his thighs, but I can't stop myself. His balls are big and hairy and soft looking. His cock is still partially erect and has a little bit of cum left over at the tip.

Brian starts cleaning my cum off of me with his boxers. He is quick and a little rough. His cock and balls sway with the movement of his hand. He has to rub my shorts hard in order to clean the cum off of them. My cock gets pushed around underneath the fabric. We hear my mom pull into the driveway and the tires squeal as she slams on the breaks. He finishes up quickly. I get one final look at his butt as he pulls himself up and over the fence right before my mom comes running into the backyard.

We spent the rest of the fucking day waiting in urgent care to get x-rays and see a nurse practitioner. I sprained my right ankle and fractured something in my right shoulder. I have to stay off of my foot as much as possible for the next two weeks, but I don't need a boot. My arm is in a sling. I'm not allowed to use it for two weeks either.

At least I'll never have to clean the fucking gutters again. I really made my mom feel guilty about that. I even got a pizza out of it.

The next day my mom lets me sleep in late. Then for the rest of the morning, I stay in my room on my bed, just wearing the sweatpants I slept in last night. I don't even bother to put on a shirt. She brings me breakfast and makes sure my brother and sister are kept busy, so that I can have some peace to recuperate.

I love the pampering and I indulge my natural laziness. I stream a movie, play video games and go online. I text my mom some links of things I want her to buy for me.

I'm suppose to use crutches to walk and I still feel pain in my shoulder any time I move my right arm, but aside from that, I'm feeling pretty fucking good.

About one-thirty in the afternoon, I begin to feel horny. My door is closed and the house is quiet. I grab my tablet from under the bed and start looking at pictures of hot guys I follow on Instagram.

The pictures aren't pornographic, but the guys are sexy and some of them are showing a lot of skin. I get hard quickly. I put my left hand into my sweatpants and start stroking my cock.

I pretty much jack-off exclusively with my right hand. It feels weird using my left. It's not easy. Anytime I get close to cumming, I loose control of my arm and I'm unable to stroke steadily. I can't seem to get a good rhythm going. It's frustrating.

Finally I feel like I'm beginning to master it and I'll be able to cum soon. Then the doorbell rings.

My mom yells. "Charley, you have a visitor."

"Who the fuck could that be?" I take my hand out of my sweats and set my tablet on the nightstand.

I hear someone lightly run up the stairs. There is a knock on my door. It swings open. Brian walks into the room. "How are you doing?"

I quickly cover my tented sweats with my hand.

Then my mom yells again. "I'm taking your brother and sister to the mall. Do you need anything?"

I'm shocked to see Brian, but I still have the presence of mind to play on my mom's guilt. I yell down to her. "I need some new shorts. I think I ruined my old ones when I fell off the roof."

My mom doesn't say anything.

"And Abercrombie and Fitch is having a half yearly sale."

She yells up, "We'll see."

Yeah, I'm getting new clothes. I look at Brian. "Hey."

"Hey." Brian hands me a plastic container, "I made you cookies. They're vegan."

"Thanks." I try to pull open the lid, but I can't with just one hand. My crotch is uncovered and my sweats are still tented with by boner. I give the container back to Brian and cover my erection again. I don't think he noticed it. "Can you open these for me?"

"Sure." Brian opens the container and holds it in front of me.

I have to uncover my erection again in order to get a cookie. I glance down at my crotch. My boner is subsiding. It's not that obvious through the sweatpants anymore. I take a bite of the cookie. "Jesus, these are really fucking good."

Brian takes a cookie for himself and sets the container down. "Thanks. I like to bake."

"I never tasted vegan cookies this good before."

"They're made with Tahini." Brian sits near the foot of my bed. His hair has just been cut and styled. He is wearing a brand new white and green Portland Timbers soccer jersey and a pair of green colored Levis 511 jeans. There isn't a single wrinkle in his clothes. He crosses his leg. I glance at his toes sticking out of his white Nike slide sandals. He looks good. He smells really good too.

I have bed hair. I haven't showered for two days. I probably stink. My sweats are grungy. There is a small patch of black pubic hair peeking out of the waistband. I suddenly become embarrassed at the lack of hair on my chest. There is just a little ring of curly black hair circling each one of my nipples. I absently pull on my nipple hair.

Then I hear our garage door open and my mom's car go into the street.

I am all alone with Brian. We eat our cookies.

He says, "Are you okay? Did you break anything?"

"I sprained my ankle and fractured my shoulder, but I'm okay. Thanks for, um..." I look down at my body. "...helping me."

Brian smiles. "You know, after you left, I went back over the fence and climbed the ladder."

Oh shit.

"I couldn't help noticing you would have had a clear view into my bathroom."

I guess I'm busted. I might as well confess. "I was spying on you."

"I knew it!" Brian is smiling. He really is a nice looking guy.

Whew. At least he seems to be okay with me peeping at him like a fucking perv. I force a weak smile. "I jacked-off while watching you jack-off, then when I came, I lost my balance and fell down the ladder."

"So, you fell off while getting off."

"Yeah." The room gets quiet. My boner returns. I cover it again. "I haven't come out yet. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anyone I'm gay. I'm not ready to be open about it."

"You're gay?" Brian seems surprised.

"It's not obvious?"

"You could be straight and still want to watch a guy jacking-off."

I'm skeptical. "If you say so, but I'm definitely gay."

"How gay?"

"What? Is there different degrees of gayness?"

"Of course."

"Okay then. I would say I'm gayer than Neil Patrick Harris."

Brian laughs. "Shit, that's pretty fucking gay. I'm probably just a little bit gay myself."

"Really, how much?"

"I don't know."

"Well, let's find out." I pretend I'm holding a clipboard. "I'm going to ask you a series of questions that will help determine how gay you are."

Brian smiles. "Thanks. This is going to be interesting."

"Okay, first question. Brian, would you fuck a guy in the ass?"

He thinks about it. "Hmmm, maybe."

I pretend to put a check mark on my imaginary clipboard. "Interesting. Would you let a guy fuck you?"

Brian answers right away. "No."

"Okay, that's a solid no." I look at the "clipboard". "Would you let a guy suck you?"

"Yeah, I definitely would."

"Awesome." Another check mark. "Would you suck a guy?"

Brian thinks about it. "Sure, why not. As long as he sucked me too."

"Okay, that's an informative result." I pretend to write on the "clipboard". "Willing to exchange bee-jays. Next question. Would you let a guy jack you off?"

"I already have."

I'm surprised. "You have?"


"Wow. Even I haven't done that."

"You haven't? I think half the guys in our school have jacked each other off."

"Really? I had no idea." Shit. Where was I when all of this was happening. Probably in my room trolling Instagram and jacking-off by myself. "Then I guess I already know the answer to the final question. Would you jack-off a guy?"

"Yes. I would and I have. It's really not much different than jacking your own cock."

"Okay. Wow. That's the end of the questions and the..."

Brian interrupts. "You forgot one."

"I have?"

"Yeah." He moves forward on the bed. He leans in close. He looks me in the eyes. His lips are only a few inches from my lips. "Would I kiss a guy?"

I try to speak, but I can't form any words. I clear my throat. Before I say anything, Brian gives me a long soft kiss on the lips. He puts his hand on my crotch. My dick is fully hard. He squeezes it through the fabric.

We stop kissing.

I look at Brian's lips. I am dumbfounded.

Brian pretends he is taking the "clipboard" from my hand. He looks at it and puts a check mark on it. "Yes, I would kiss a guy."

I look into his eyes. "That was nice."

He grabs the wrist of my left hand and puts it on the crotch of his jeans. Then he rubs my chest and gently pulls on my nipple hair. We kiss again. This time he puts his tongue in my mouth. I have never french kissed before. It always seemed kind of gross to me, but this is fucking hot.

I press and roll my tongue against Brian's. His lips feel good on my lips. I squeeze his cock through his jeans.

Brian pushes me back on the bed. He gets on top of me. He thrusts his hard cock against my hard cock. I can feel it through the fabric of our pants. My right arm is in the sling and is trapped against our bodies. My shoulder hurts, but I don't fucking care.

I grab Brian's ass and squeeze it with my left hand. He puts his hands in my hair as we kiss.

Then Brian stands. "It's getting hot in here. Do you mind if I take off my shirt?" He doesn't wait for an answer. He pulls his Timbers' jersey over his head and drops it onto the floor.

He has a beautiful chest and no chest hair either. I take off my sling and toss it across the room.

Then Brian gets back on top of me.

Our bare chests are against each other. I moan. We go back to french kissing. It feels good. We make out for a while.

Brian rolls off of me. "Can I take off my pants? My cock is a little uncomfortable all squished up inside."

I nod.

Brian stands and unzips his jeans.

I watch as he pulls his jeans and boxers down. His hard cock pops free and is sticking straight out. He gets completely naked right in front of me.

He says, "Aren't you uncomfortable in those sweatpants?"

"Not really."

"You sure?"

I can be slow sometimes. "Fuck. I mean yeah, I am super uncomfortable." I lift my butt off of the mattress and slide my sweats downward. Then I lift both legs in the air.

Brian grabs the cuffs of my sweats and pulls them all the way off for me. He holds them to his nose. He inhales. "These smell really nasty." He rubs them on his hard cock. Then drops them onto the floor. He stands near the bed, stroking his cock while watching me stroke my cock.

He looks really hot.

Brian crawls back onto the bed. He gets on his knees and straddles my thighs with his legs. He grabs both of our cocks with one hand. He starts stoking them together. He takes his other hand and puts his middle finger in my mouth.

I suck on it. Something about the taste of his finger reminds me of summer. Our balls are mashed together. Brian's balls are big. Mine are a decent size too. They feel good pressed together. I move my left hand down and start rubbing my fingers across both sets of balls.

Brian moans. He speeds up his stroke.

I continue to suck on his finger. I pretend it's his cock. I look into his eyes. I want to kiss him again. I lift my head and torso up, but I can't get very far.

Brian takes his finger out of my mouth. He leans forward, bending at the waist.

We kiss.

He continues stroking both of our cocks with one hand. I feel his weight on my thighs. He rocks his hips. He starts breathing hard.

Then I feel Brian's cock convulse and spasm against my cock. His load starts squirting out and hitting my chest. We stop kissing and Brian arches his back with his eyes closed while he strokes out the last of his load.

He stops jacking our cocks.

I say, "I'm really close. Keep going."

Brian lets go of his cock and starts stroking my cock super fast. Some of his cum got onto my cock and it acts as a lube as his fist slides along the shaft while he jacks me.

He puts his finger back in my mouth and I start cumming immediately. My orgasm feels so fucking good, that I buck my hips as I am cumming and almost knock Brian off of the bed.

My chest is covered in both mine and Brian's loads. He scoops up a bunch of our cum and rubs it all over our cocks as we catch our breaths. There is the strong odor of cum in the air.

After a minute, he gets up, takes my sweatpants and wipes his hands and cock with them.

I just lie on the bed and enjoy the view. I think back to yesterday when I saw him naked and he spread open his ass cheeks for the camera. I wonder if he'd do that for me. "Brian?"

He is done cleaning himself. He gets on his knees next to the bed. He uses my sweats to clean me up. "Yes?" He finishes cleaning me and tosses my sweats across the room.

"Will you show me your asshole?"

He laughs, "You really are gay."

"Told you."

Brian stands. He turns around and bends over. He spreads apart his cheeks and looks back at me. "You like that?"

"Fuck yeah I do."

"Let me see yours."

"You sure?"


I get on my hands and knees on the bed and show my butt to Brian. I look back at him as he grabs my ass with both hands. He pulls apart my cheeks. I feel cool air on my asshole.

He says, "Damn, Charley. I definitely would fuck that."

He lets go and I stand up. We face each other. I look into his eyes. "If you're being serious, maybe we should try going further. But, I'd want to fuck you too."

Brian seems to be thinking about my proposition. "We're leaving for Seaside tomorrow. We spend all summer there while my dad commutes to Portland."

"Oh." I'm disappointed.

"You can come and visit. We wouldn't have any privacy though."

"That'd be great."

"We might be able to figure out a way to be alone together, maybe we could go backpacking. I might even let you fuck me."

"Fuck yeah. How about in two weeks, I'll be able to walk on this ankle by then."


I give Brian a big hug. My right shoulder hurts really bad. "Ouch." I let go of Brian. "Let's take a shower, my mom probably wont be back for a while."

"I can't. I have to go. But you should definitely take a shower. You stink."

I smell my armpit. "I know."

Brian gets dressed quickly. Then he gives me a hug and kisses me on the neck. "I'll call you from Seaside tomorrow."

"Okay." I stand naked on the landing and watch Brian go down the stairs. He leaves through the front door. I limp back into my room and pick up my sweatpants. I hold them to my nose and breathe in. They smell strongly of our combined cumloads. I fold them up and put them under the bed. I grab a towel and head for the bathroom to take a shower.

I turn on the water and get in as soon as it gets warm. I grab a washcloth and lather it up.

I think I'll ask my mom to buy me a backpack and some camping supplies. I have a feeling they are going to come in handy before the summer is over.

Then I take the washcloth and scrub my armpits.

The End.

Everett Pettygrove Sylvania Park Summer 2020

H.T. Bruhaus. Portland, Oregon March 3rd, 2020

Sylvania Park Summer is a story about a fifty-five year old man named Everett Pettygrove writing about stories he imagines happening in his neighborhood. The man is a fiction of my imagination. The neighborhood of Sylvania Park is also fictitious, but is actually based on a real neighborhood called Mountain Park.

Most of the features of Sylvania Park are true about Mountain Park. I expanded the neighborhood to give me more room and freedom to develop the stories.

You could actually go to Google Maps and search Mountain Park Oregon. It would take you directly to that neighborhood. You could go on street view and take a tour if you wanted.

Growing up, I lived about a half mile from Mountain Park. In 1969, when Mountain Park got started, I was ten years old. I was really excited about this new contemporary upper middle class development. One Sunday my parents took us up there to look at a few open houses. They were big and modern with multiple levels, vaulted ceilings and open lofts. It was really cool.

Feel free to email me. I really enjoy hearing from you all. I will notify you when I post a new story. I try to answer all emails, but I tend to procrastinate. Right now I have a backlog of emails that need my attention. I will get around to it. Eventually.

Also, let me know what city you live in. I like to keep track. It makes me feel good that people from all over the world, with different backgrounds and different cultures, can enjoy a common experience.

Sex is the great unifier.

Please make a donation to Nifty if you have the ability.

Thanks, H.T. Bruhaus

Next: Chapter 2

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