Sylvan Escape

By Drew ...

Published on Jan 25, 2004



Disclaimer: This story is about sexual relations between men; therefore, if it is illegal for you to read this story (for any reason, such as age, local/regional prohibitions) stop here and leave. Also if you are offended by male to male sex, then please leave as well. The story that you are about to read contains graphic depictions of male/male sexual acts, and if you like them then Enjoy!

It's a complete work of fiction -- this story is a complete and total fabrication of the author's mind. Any resemblance to real persons, however close, is mere coincidence.

This story is dedicated to JT, upon whose constant guidance, inspiration, and support the author relies; the basis for this story grew out of many conversations with him, and with his desire for a story like he likes. This one's for you babe.

Sylvan Escape

Day One.

Trey and Mika had been best friends since they were in high school together. Whenever one was seen the other was always there as well. They double dated together; they attended every basketball, football, baseball, soccer, and lacrosse game side by side, occasionally with a lady friend with them. Together, they even lost their virginity to the same girl. To say that these two were inseparable would be an understatement -- it was as if they were joined together -- invisibly bonded. Only they could see or understand it. It was no surprise to anyone when they were accepted and went to the same college, or when they decided to pledge the same fraternity. Their unity was just something that people unquestionably accepted -- it was an inevitable fact. No wonder the two virile men were friends, as they shared so much in common. It was as if they were twins -- most people thought that they were brothers. Their physical appearance was similar -- both standing at 6'2", with well-toned athletic bodies, Trey's from soccer -- Mika's from lacrosse. Both had light brown hair, and similar facial features, but the one distinguishing mark was their eyes -- Trey, it seemed, had the most crystal blue pools of light, while Mika seemed to have a deep dark hazel abyssfeature -- which seemed to draw you in.

Both were exceptionally hot, and never at a want for attention from the opposite sex. At 19 years of age, both Trey and Mika found themselves, sophomores in college, with three things consuming their lives and interests: school, partying, and of course girls, more precisely getting laid. But none of their prior interestes took much effort -- it all came easy to them. They had been straight-A students in high school, and had managed to maintain a respectable 3.75 GPA in college. They were always invited to the best of parties, mainly since it was the Sigma Alpha Epsilon frat that was known for those parties, and the same frat that they had joined. As for women, well they were easy on the eyes, and had a flair that no lady had ever refused, no matter how much protest she might put up at the beginning.

After spending their first semester in the dorms, as roommates, they pledged and were brought into the rich heritage of SAE, where they would find that the living arrangements were similar to life in the dorms, meaning they would have to share a room. However, this was nothing new for these two, they rather preferred it. Since there were no secrets between Mika and Trey, why need to have separate rooms?

It is in their shared room, palatial by most standards, that we find the two. They were relaxing after their last class of the day, and it was barely noon.

"Hey Bro," Trey toned.

"Yeah?" Mika responded

"I was thinking, we haven't had any time away from school since the semester began -- now with this four day weekend coming up, how about we get out of here. Do something different."

"Trey, man, that sounds like exactly the kind of plan I would expect from my main bro. So what did you have in mind?" Mika said, with an anticipation trembling in his voice.

"Remember back during the summer before we came up here, when we went hiking and camping up in the Adirondacks? Well, I was thinking -- why not get back to nature -- it will give us a chance to bond some, and just totally chill. We won't have to worry with school work, or ladies -- not to mention there isn't anything going on this weekend." Trey responded with excitement in his voice at the prospect, which was now forming fully in his mind.

"Bro, that sounds like a terrific time. I was just thinking about that trip the other day, how much fun we had, and how much I was missing that here. When do you want to leave?" Mika stated, now totally ready to get back to nature.

"No time like the present." Trey said.

"Sweet!" Mika retorted with enthusiam.

Both of them bounded up from their positions, Mika had been laying on the rug while Trey had been sitting in front of the desk -- both began to pack their gear. Within an hour they were all packed, equipped with a tent, sleeping bags, clothes, and the other necessary requirements for a nice long weekend in the woods.

(Author's aside: For those of you who have never been to the Adirondacks, you don't know what you are missing. Get out, GO!!)

After stowing their gear in Trey's, black, Jeep Wrangler, they headed out to the grocery store for the necessities of nourishment. Before long,, however, they were on their way, Trey drove, while Mika was in the passenger seat, of the year old Wrangler, which was Trey's present for college. As the two made their way on the two hour drive from their campus to the area the were intending to start hiking from, Mika checked the map, and made the decision to head towards Blue Mountain. They could make it from the parking/camping lot to Blue Mountain in about a day, which should leave them two to just relax and fool around with no worries -- far from anyone else.

After the two hour car ride, they arrived at the car/camping lot, where most of the novice campers were pitched out. It was crowded, but nothing unusual, since this was a three day weekend for most, and they were even a day early. It was mid-afternoon when they started out, beginning the medium trek through the woods -- along some paths that hadn't been traveled since the early part of the summer -- this was mid-autumn. However, the two young studs made their way through the woods with very little trouble, with only the heat of the late afternoon sun warming them a little more than usual. As they came along a stream, quite, removed, with crystal blue water flowing southward down the terrain, they decided to take a break, and just relax here for a little while.

Having shed their shirts shortly after beginning, they dropped their packs to the ground, and both made a mad dash for the peaceful rejuvenating waters of this mountain stream. As they reached the waters-edge the boys both looked at each other with a grin, and said in unison, "Last one in...." but before they could finish the statement, shoes were flying, and their shorts discarded to the bank, and both found themselves, in the cool relaxing waters of a pristine mountain brook.

"Yeah bro, this is what I was talkin' 'bout." Mika enthusiastically shouted, charging towards Trey, with intention to tackle him, and dunk him underwater.

As Mika lunged, Trey knew what was coming -- he stepped out of the way, just in time to catch Mika off-guard, and tackle him, reversing the intended dunker to the state of dunkee. Their playful horsing around relieved the built up tension caused by the mid-terms which they had endured the week before. Loosing track of time, the two wrestled in the water, until both were sufficently relaxed, pruned from the effects of the water, and shrunken.

"Hey bro, you almost look like Linda." Trey stated, noticing the shrunken state of his friends cock, as a result of the chilled water.

"Yeah well, I'm not the only one who could pass for a chick around here." Mika retorted, making Trey realize that his dick had indeed gone for warmer temperatures.

"Hey at least I still have something poking out." Trey responded.

"Well, you know what they say, it isn't the size of the hammer." Mika started, "But the pounding of the nail!" they both intuned.

"Bro, it's nice out, how 'bout we simply leave the shorts off, and trek bareassed the rest of the way?" Trey asked, enjoying the warm air of October enveloping his body.

"Kick ass, bro. No ones around -- it'd be great!" Mika replied, "Plus it will allow our guys to come back to full shape."

"True -- I knew that you would be up for some hiking in the nude, never could keep clothes on you." Trey joked.

"Hey, I am not the one who almost got arrested for indecent exposure last semester." Mika responded back playfully.

"Like I told you bro, that chick wouldn't have minded if she wasn't chunckie, plus you know she wanted it. Hell I would have banged her good, if she wasn't like 40." Trey responded.

"Yeah, whatever -- we both know if she had been serious about it, you would have stuffed her full, just to keep from going to jail, and being someone's bitch." Mika retorted.

"Hell yeah -- you would have too."

"I don't know, I might have like it in jail, would have three meals a day, workout all the time, and hell I would even have a bitch to suck my cock whenever I wanted it. Doesn't sound that bad." Mika called back. "Yeah, bud, guess your right, sounds a lot like what we got now." Trey joked.

They continued along the trail leading to the summit of the mountain, lightly tan bareasses jiggling as they hiked, with their pricks bouncing, descending as a result of the warm Autumn breeze and the heat of the sun. As the hiked along the steepening path, one would occasionally swat the other on the ass, causing a startled jump and resounding "Ouch!" that echoed through the woods. This light play also caused their cocks to fill out a little more.

"Damn Bro," Mika commented, as he noticed the fuller state of his best buds cock, "looks like someone is getting happy being around a man like me."

"You wish, shrimp." Trey retorted, "it is just all this free balling, with no one around, plus I have had a case of blue balls since Tuesday night. That bitch that I was with at the party, was a fuckin' prick tease. She just got me all excited then said that she couldn't do anything, because she was raggin'. Shit! You think that she could have told me that before she starts fuckin' with my jollies. I swear some women."

"Yeah, bro, I know what you mean. The bitch I was with couldn't give head for shit, her fucking teeth kept nicking, junior, until I just couldn't take it anymore, then she said that she didn't feel like fucking, so I threw her ass to the curb -- then with Mid-terms, I haven't been able to relieve the fucking pressure. I could do with a nice long jack session." Mika rambled, reveling in his thoughts, causally playing with a growing "junior"

Trey too began lightly playing with his prick, thinking about the events of the past party, and then remembering that it has been since Saturday, since he busted a good nut. "Yeah bro, definitely could busta' big ole nut. Would feel great." Trey stated, rather matter of factly, as his own cock swelled to a respectable eight thick inches, throbbing lightly because of the images floating through his consciousness.

"Well, bro," Mika responded, snapped back to reality by Trey's words, realizing that his cock was beginning to fill out to its full seven and a half inches, with the foreskin beginning to pull back from the tip. "We could always stop and rub one out here. Be just like back in High school when we would jerk off together, when we got blue balled by some bitch."

"Sounds like a good idea, dude," Trey cheerfully remarked, "but it is starting to get dark, and I would like to get closer to the summit, before then, and set up camp; then we can take our time, enjoy rubbing a good nut. It'll be great with a nice fire in the background."

"True, true." Mika responded sounding a bit dejected.

The two bareassed friends continued to hike for another hour, and as the sun drew closer to the horizon, the first shades of the red and purple dusk began to fill the sky. As they reached a clearing, less than a 20 minute hike from the summit, they both found themselves transfixed as the last shards of the yellowish orange Autumnal sun. As it sank slowly behind the distant mountain peaks, leaving the sky a beautiful bluish orange color. As the last of the sun's light past from out of the sky, and the blue deepened in color to a blackened night heaven, Trey and Mika began to set up camp. The Twinkling starlights dotting the heavens. They both put their shorts back on, so that the work of gathering firewood, starting a fire, and setting up the tent wouldn't be able to damage the valuable equipment hanging loosely in their shorts.

Having fully established camp, the two began to cook a healthy-sized dinner, and were relaxing with a few beers, brought for just such an occasion. After dinner and a few more beers, both Trey and Mika were fully relaxed, and were once again bareassed, enjoying the warm night air envelope their young virile bodies.

"Does it get any better than this?" Trey asked, not really directing his quierry at his companion.

"Nope, don't think it does," Mika distantly responded. "It could, but that would require nagging, ragging, bitches, who would end up spoiling the serenity."

"That's so true, so true," Trey responded. "Why can't women be more like guys..." but before he could finish what he was meaning, Mika interjected. "Dude, that is so gay."

"No, what I mean is that women could just have sex, and enjoy it, forgetting about all the shit they bring into it. Hell most guys would rather busta' nut jerking it, or getting a blow job, than having to deal with all the shit that most women put out, just to put out." Trey responded, shrugging off the comment.

"Yeah bro, I know what you mean there, just kind of sounded a little gay. Dudes with women who were actually dudes, and all." Mika said.

"Yeah I guess that it did. But at least they don't have to put up with whining and shit just to get a blow job." Trey responded distantly, as if in contemplation.

"You are right there, even if it is a dude." Mika responded.

A silence gripped the two frat boys on holiday in the wilderness, as the sounds of nature filtered into their campsite from the surrounding woods. Both friends, unbeknownst to the other, were thinking about just being able to get a blow job without having to beg for it. As their personal thoughts roused their minds, it aroused their dicks, causing both to swell to a semi-aroused state. Without thinking about what they were doing, both began to lightly stroke their growing pricks, until both were full-fledged hard ons. With pricks in hand, lightly stroking, silent, deep in thought and relaxation, they both looked over at each other. Their eyes met, and if by telepathic link, they both smiled realizing the same thought that carried through their minds. Inhibitions lessened by the alcohol and encouraged by the solitude of this sylvan escape, both boys, almost in unison, moved their hands over to grasp the others hard, throbbing cock.

"Ohhh, that feels so good, bro." Trey moaned, as he felt Mika grip his thick cock.

"You can say that again bro." Mika sighed as Trey wrapped his fingers lightly around the shaft of his closest friends uncut prick.

Slowly, tenatively each began to stroke the others prick, gaining some speed as familiarity came with the continued contact.

"Mmm." Mika moaned this time, feeling Trey long-stroking his cock, pulling the foreskin over the tip, before sliding his hand back to the base, pulling it taunt again.

"Damn, I didn't think that it would feel this good. I don't know if I will ever want to jerk myself again." Trey breathed as he felt Mika's tight grip slide up his shaft, milking his ample flowing pre-cum. Then sliding his thumb over the head, his hand again traveled south.

Both boys were moaning and enjoying the sensation of their mutual hand jobs, their pace remaining stable, and only their breathing quickening; both wanting to make this last, building it up to what was surely to become an orgasm of a lifetime.

The minutes passed as they enjoyed the feeling of each others hands, beginning to quicken, as each felt their respective orgasms building. Trey enjoyed the feeling of Mika's hand gripping his cock, as well as the feel of his best friend's uncut cock in his own hand, relishing in the difference of feel and enjoying the feeling of the foreskin sliding easily back and forth. Mika was also enjoying the feeling Trey was making his "junior" feel, and surprisingly to him, he was also enjoying the feel of his best bro's steel hard cock in his hand.

"Dude, I am getting close." Mika, the first to break the silence only occasionally punctuated by the moans of the two, said.

"Same here, bro," Trey responded. "Bro, your hand feels great on my cock. Don't stop."

"Yeah, bro, your hand is working wonders on Junior there." Mika responded moved by both feelings and the words that Trey spoke.

"Dude, I am gonna nut!!!!!! ARRRGGGAHHH!!!!" Trey screamed as he unleashed a torrent of cum on his neck, chest, stomach, and pubes, before he began to dribble on to Mika's still pumping hand.

"OH GOD!!" was all that Mika could get out, before his own body was racked with his orgasm. Mika began shooting hard shots of stud juice, the first two of which landed on his own face, one on his chin and the other in his own mouth. As the cum shot in his mouth, his tastebuds quickly discerned the flavor. While his mind raced with this information, his body heaved and continued to blast bolt after bolt of man goo on to his body -- the last shots landing on his stomach, while the rest dribbling on to his wanking companions hand.

After a few minutes and plenty of intakes of breath, both boys began to regain their composure.

Trey was the first to speak, "Dude bro, I knew you shot a lot and hard, but you got it in your mouth. That was hot, I almost came again seeing that. What's it taste like?" Trey inquired, even though he knew what his cum tasted like, having tried it a few times in the past.

"Bro, it WAS HOT! I kept shooting harder after I felt it hit my tongue. It was wierd at first, I was a little grossed out, then my body heaved and I totally shot hard from it. And it doesn't taste bad, salty/sweet -- it's not like it was the first time I've tasted my own." Mika responded honestly.

"Yeah, I know what you mean, I have tried mine too. But still that was great, thanks, I sure needed that." Trey responded.

"You weren't the only one, bro -- it felt weird at first, but then it felt great. Wouldn't mind doing it again. Like you said, might not want to ever jerk myself off again." Mika stated, grinning at his friend, and new found wanking compatriot.

"Sounds good to me." Trey said, excited at the prospect.

"Damn, that wore me out, how about we hit the sack." Mika said.

"Great idea bro. You were always the one for the brilliant grasp of the obvious." Trey teased.

As the Moon began its journey in the sky, Mika and Trey turned in for the night, relaxed, drained, and ready to see where this new experience might take them. It still being quite warm at night, both guys decided to sleep with their sleep bags open, and the tent flap vent open. There wasn't much room in the three person hiking tent, it was barely able to fit the two of them comfortably. As they both relaxed, breathing in the night air, the said their "g'nites", closed their eyes, and found themselves, in the Land of Nod rather quickly.

To Be Continued.

Well that is it for day one; check back in for day two to see what develops between Trey and Mika.

I hope you all liked this story. It was a pleasure writing it for you all, and know that I intend to keep this one going as well. Hell there are still four more days till they have to re-enter the real world. Find out what could happen. If you liked this story, please tell me, I love to hear from readers. Also if you have any suggestions, comments, or ideas for something you would like to read, email me. I usually respond back to all who write, and usually within the day.

Thanks, Drew....


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