Swizzle my nizzle

By David Carlton

Published on Jul 23, 2005



The following story is one of my most recent fantasies, based on a real person. The names and details have been changed to protect the innocent, and the story is somewhat true up until Matt challenges Chris about the length of his penis (at which point, my mind takes over and embellishes things quite a lot). Your comments are welcome.

One cold, winter's day Matt was sitting at home on a day off from work sorting through his collection of MP3 files downloaded from the internet. Happily toiling away in his "house clothes" - loose, track-suit type clothing - he receives a message on his MSN messenger from a former colleague, Chris...

"What's happening, dawg?"

"Nothing much", replied Matt. "I saw the first episode of 'Dead Like Me' yesterday. It has definite potential". The show was on a DVD given to Matt by Chris the previous day.

"It gets a lot better. The swearing really makes me laugh, and it's hella funny to see a really hot chick calling someone a 'mother fucker' like that" said Chris.

"And use the word 'moist' like that, too" replied Matt.

"I think George uses the word 'rimjob' in an up-coming episode; I think it's her password or something."

"What a wholesome password for a young girl to have!"

"It's hell funny. Get into 'em matey!" said Chris.

All the while during this chitchat Matt could recall Chris's tall, slender, features and his boyish good looks. The perfect 'gay' accent he could fake. The way he could light up a room upon entering with a derogatory - though, not filthy - phrase. Chris had a swimmer's build but was no swimmer, and preferred motorbike riding instead. The top of his chest that could be seen through the unbuttoned top of his shirt revealed a slight tuft of hair, but it was obvious that there was no thicket beneath. Having seen Chris's navel on a previous occasion when he was showing off what amounted to the very early stages of a pre-pot-belly, Matt knew that there was a lovely 'snail trail' of hair leading from his belly button to what had to be a thick pubic bush below. And the sight of his groin during this display was enough to make Matt nervous such that he wasn't sure if Chris could detect his eyes lingering for a fraction of a second longer than should have been the case between a supposed all-macho gathering of male colleagues...

"I'm gathering some movies for you in return to burn to a DVD this afternoon. Have you seen 'Unleashed', 'The Incredibles', 'Alexander', 'Meet the Fockers', or 'Team America'?" asked Matt.

"AMERICA... F*CK YEAH!!!" came the reply to which Matt continued...

"Now suck my... perhaps not :-)" with a secret wish that Chris would run with the reference to cock sucking in the movie.

"HA HA" is all that Chris said in reply to that remark. "I'll take all but 'Alexander'" he continued.

The back and forth continued with a discussion of Linux distributions, and concluded with the following exchange...

"You'd go Mandrake or Ubuntu... or Gentoo if you h4v3 m4d 5k1llz" Chris said, authoritatively.

"You need help," replied Matt.

"You do realise that I was only messing with l33t speak, don't you?"

"Yes, of course, but why diminish my enjoyment. Let me have my fun, biatch!" said Matt.

"Swizzle my nizzle bizatch!" exclaimed Chris.

"I don't even know what that means."

"I'll tell you in a minute... Clark Kent signing off" said Chris, and with that statement, he went offline, and at 5'o'clock in the afternoon, that could only mean one thing: Chris was leaving work and was on his way over.

Being in a small, country, city of no more than 100,000 people, it would not take Chris long to arrive, but Matt had resolved not to get his hopes up since Chris had stopped by the previous day with his wife in the car. If Matt's secret desire to suck Chris's cock was ever going to be realised, then today would probably not be the day. Matt simply waited and watched the news on TV until Chris arrived.

Then came the knock at the door...

"Hey dude. How's it going?" asked Matt.

"Pretty good."

"Here's that DVD for you" said Matt as he handed the disc to his friend. "I'll keep my distance since I still have a slight cold" though it amounted to nothing, really. Matt really didn't have any symptoms at all, but having stayed up late the night before, he decided to use up a sick day since it was a very long time since he had taken one.

"Oh, I'm not worried about that dude," said Chris.

"So, what does 'swizzle my nizzle' mean?" asked Matt.

"It means: suck my cock... long... and hard" Chris explained whilst looking Matt directly in the eye.

"Oh, I see... but who says it's long, huh?" said Matt, appealing to the vanity of the Adonis before him.

"Oh, it's long, boi," said Chris in a distinctly red-necked, and dominant, tone of voice as he made a provocative V-shape with both hands around his crotch.

"Well, there's no real way of knowing, then, is there?"

"Everybody who's swizzled this nizzle has been left with no doubt about its length," said Chris in an almost inviting way.

"So, if I were to try out for the position of nizzle swizzler, then I would have no doubts at all, would I?" said Matt as the blood coursed through his body and left a distinct pulsating sensation in his penis.

"No, you wouldn't" said Chris. "I suppose I could hold auditions this afternoon. The wife's not in the car today."

"Well, if nizzle swizzling auditions are to be held here this afternoon, then I suggest we make our way inside so that we don't get arrested for public indecency," said Matt as he opened the front door and gestured Chris inside.

Chris followed and not a word was spoken for what seemed like an eternity. Matt closed the front door and led the way into the lounge room, drinking in the sight of Chris's firm buttocks through his light-coloured work pants. Matt's penis was now at a full erection by this point, but not being well endowed, it was easily concealed, though there probably was no need for it since the act of him sucking Chris's cock was now pretty much assumed and all but carried out. Well, that was the plan, anyway.

"So, if you'd like to take a seat, the auditions can begin" directed Matt.

"Hmm... I suppose the audition could be held quite easily this way... that is, if you actually want to try out for the vacancy," challenged Chris.

"Well, there is the matter of laying to rest any doubts about the length of your... 'nizzle', shall we say?"

"Well, if you get down on your knees, we'll see... bitch!" said Chris as he spread his legs slightly further apart, though they were already separated well enough to allow comfortable access to the inviting mound at the source of those long legs.

"Well, then I'd better kneel," said Matt as he tried to be seen only as complying with Chris's instructions to dispel any doubts about his sexuality, even though being single for practically all twelve years of his adult life must surely have raised even the simplest of uncertainties in most people's minds, not the least of whom was the twenty-three year old young man in front of him whose penis he could easily pop into his mouth only seconds from now...

"If I'm to swizzle your nizzle then I am going to require access to it" said Matt, still not having touched Chris's body in any way.

Chris didn't say a word and reached to unbuckle his belt, an act that seemed to take forever. Then, staring Matt in the eye still, he undid the button on his pants and separated the two halves of the clothing but without continuing to undo his fly. With a very slight nod of his head, he motioned for Matt to finish the job of releasing the flesh beneath. Matt now diverted his gaze to the inviting display between Chris's legs and moved in closer and cautiously reached for the zipper of his fly. At this point, Matt wondered if this was still some game of 'chicken' between the two to see how far the other would go. Was Chris only undressing himself to this point to see if Matt was actually going to reach for his crotch, unzip and begin sucking? Did he really want to let Matt suck his cock, even though he was a married man, almost certainly straight, and could quite easily get a blowjob at home? There was still a chance to back out now and still save face. In the split second it took for Matt to reach for the zipper, all these uncertainties were making his heart race like it had never done so before. What if Chris only wanted to humiliate him and never actually wanted him to suck his cock?

At last, contact with the zipper had been made and Matt looked up to see if Chris's face indicated anything, but Chris was no longer looking into Matt's eyes and was fixed upon the activity below. Matt lowered the zipper to its lowest point and could see the heavenly, tri-partite, bulge wrapped inside a pair of black underpants. He looked up again into Chris's eyes and was met this time with a raised eyebrow and the tilt of his head that could only have been taken as unmistakable approval from Chris that he was indeed going to allow Matt to sup on the tasty treat only centimetres from his face.

Without any further delay, Matt reached out and placed his right hand over Chris's crotch. Feeling the flaccid penis through the snugly-fitting underpants, Matt estimated it to be at least three inches, and being this big when not erect, Matt knew that its full length had to be as promising as Chris made it out to be only moments ago. Chris sat there silently taking in the worshipful caresses of Matt's gentle hand and let a tiny smile appear on his face. That smile could mean only one thing: Chris wanted his cock sucked, and now!

Without hesitating a moment longer, Matt grabbed the top band of Chris's underpants between his right thumb and index finger, and lowered it to reveal a most beautiful penis! Beginning to become engorged with blood, Chris's penis was now four inches long and started to rise from its resting place on its way to a more promising stature. To Matt's delight, Chris's penis was uncut and Matt was eager to put it in his mouth and see what another foreskin tasted like. Not having sucked an uncut penis before, he waited no longer. He bent forward, opened his mouth, and took the head of Chris's penis inside. His watery tongue slid over the head of the penis and found its way underneath the foreskin, tasting the manly tastes left there throughout the day. Matt was in ecstasy, at last having this God's penis where it was meant to be - in his mouth, lovingly pleasured by his adventurous tongue, licking the entire length and breadth of the foreskin-covered cock head that was now getting much fatter than before, tightening its grip and making further explorations there the more difficult.

"Mmmm... That feels good, bitch" said Chris in the derogatory way to which Matt was accustomed, but which had now taken on a new meaning. Could this be the beginning of a new relationship where Chris would be the horny stud in need of an unlimited supply of cock-sucking, presumably because his wife didn't like sucking cock that much or just didn't suck it as often as Chris wanted, and Matt the eager, submissive, cock-whore, happy to provide oral stimulation whenever Chris might need it? The mere thought of being able to suck this wonderful penis on a regular basis sent shivers down Matt's spine. It was almost too unbearable to contemplate at this moment, as Chris would surely limit himself to allowing another man suck his cock to only one time. No, Matt just had to concentrate on enjoying the sensations of pleasuring the phallic masterpiece in his mouth at this moment in time...

By now Chris's penis was now fully erect and seemed to be seven inches long, and was nice and thick, too. Matt's left hand moved up to join the frenzy and waded through the pubic hair above and his left hand held the thick base of Chris's penis. Employing his hands, too, made the experience even better, as he could fully explore the enchanting private area that most would never see. Matt felt privileged to be sucking such a beautiful specimen attached to a straight man who would probably never allow another man to suck it ever again, and would, in all likelihood, return to his wife after today's experience, ashamed, and determined never to do such a thing again.

Matt had moved closer to the chair and in between Chris's legs so that he could move his mouth up and down Chris's cock more easily, since it was now sticking straight up and was also quite thick.

"Is that long enough, boi?" asked Chris.

Matt let out a moaned "mmm hmmm" and nodded his head in agreement as he lustily moved his mouth up and down Chris's large penis, all the time ferociously swirling his tongue about, especially as his mouth moved closer to the head of the penis so that Chris would be on the receiving end of maximum stimulation. As Matt's mouth worked its way down the length of the porno-star-sized cock, he could feel the head of it brushing against his tonsils, almost causing a gag reflex. But Matt did not want to disappoint the obliging Chris and so badly wanted to deep-throat him, partly to make the experience the best god-damned cock sucking Chris might ever receive, but also to satisfy his curiosity and see whether or not he was capable of deep-throating another man. He was surely never to suck a penis as long as this ever again, so he'd better make the attempt now while he still had the opportunity, he thought...

As his mouth slid up his penis, and taking in a deep breath through his nose, Matt determined to take Chris's cock in as far as he could this time. Pausing for a few seconds at the top, Matt swirled his tongue quickly over the head then moved down for the kill. As the round head pressed against the back of his throat, Matt relaxed his muscles as best he knew how, and allowed the head to begin its penetration. Moving more slowly now, Matt could feel Chris's cock actually moving into the back of his throat, and his lips getting closer to the base of the penis.

"Oh yeah... bitch! Ooooaaah!" moaned Chris with approval.

Matt had finally deep-throated another man. A man whose penis he had coveted from the moment he first laid eyes upon him a couple of years ago. A few seconds later, Matt realised that he had to come up for air and that Chris's penis would have to be removed from the back of his throat. Ever so gently, Matt rose from Chris's cock. The head was now out of the back of his throat and was now moving out towards the front of his mouth where he could resume swirling his tongue over it for a little bit, to recover from the momentary ordeal. His mouth was filled with saliva which he swallowed to make the cock sucking more pleasurable for his benefactor and to increase the friction his tongue would bring to the tasty cock head, which, Matt could now tell, must have released a droplet of pre-cum. He could taste a salty liquid at the head of Chris's penis. "Oh, fuck!" thought Matt. "He's oozing precum and my mouth is here to lick it all up! Yum, yum!"

Chris lifted his hands off the arms of the chair and placed them on Matt's head, gently guiding the eager cocksucker over his dick. Matt moved down to deep-throat again and, this time, Chris helped manoeuvre the head of his appreciative slave all the way down his veiny shaft. This made Matt recall the best deep-throating moments in porn that he had ever seen. First, there was some late-twenties, dark-haired, dude going all the way down on Kevin Dean (whose cock probably ranked in Matt's top ten) and a chick from ideepthroat.com whose screen-name was supposed to be "Penelope Pumpkins". Now Matt was doing the very same thing. Deep throating a fucking huge cock!

Matt could now hear that Chris's breathing had increased its pace and the pressure being applied to the back of his head became more insistent. A tasty reward was now only moments away, so Matt sucked and slurped with increased desire and moved his left hand to cup Chris's fulsome balls, which were hanging lowly in their hairy sack, certain to tighten-up at any moment. As Chris picked up the pace in his handwork, he began to buck his hips slightly as well. His cock in a desperate need to be slammed into something more quickly and his balls screaming out for release. Matt could feel Chris's scrotum tighten and prepared for the sticky stream of his desires to enter his mouth.

"Eat me, bitch!" cried Chris. Matt's head was now practically suspended in mid air as Chris held it there and brought his cock upwards as he raised his hips up off the chair and into the back of Matt's throat. Chris let out a lengthened "Mmmmmm" that grew louder each time the base of his cock rose up towards Matt's mouth. Matt was now breathing at a frenzied pace and echoed the groaning alongside Chris's own moaning. Then, it happened. With a jolt of Chris's penis into his mouth, he tasted the first onslaught from the delicious egg-shaped orbs at the base of Chris's magnificent cock, erupting with haste out of the tip of the large cock-head touching his tonsils.

"Oh yeah" sighed Chris as another load of cum shot out of his cock and into the ravenous mouth of the cock-whore before him. Matt swallowed the bounty received so far and kept a tight hold of his lips around Chris's cock to make sure that no cum would be lost. Another gush of slightly sweet, yet still salty, semen was released into his hungry mouth and he savoured every drop. Chris's cock was no longer being thrust forcefully into his mouth and was just resting there, now only dribbling the remaining few shots which weren't as voluminous as the ones before, but were still received with equal appreciation. Chris was now only barely holding Matt's head, trying not to push it down further which would only add to the discomfort felt during his post-orgasmic bliss. Matt sensed that he shouldn't suck as hard and reduced his tongue-lashings to gently licking up what cum remained.

Matt realised that some cum had indeed leaked out of his mouth and ran down the length of Chris's shaft, despite his best efforts to prevent it from escaping. He released the spongy penis from his mouth and stuck out his tongue to lick up the few droplets of cum that had escaped. Chris's chest was beginning to rise and fall more slowly and his legs stretched out, no longer needed for bucking his hips forward to deliver his cock with abandon, not caring for the welfare of the cock-slut servicing him.

"Man... You sure know how to suck cock!" said Chris as Matt came to the realisation that the party was over, every drop of cum licked up, the mighty penis before him reduced to its flaccid former self. The audition was over, he thought to himself.

"So, do I get the job? Can I be your nizzle swizzler?" asked Matt.

"When the wife's on the rag, you're it, bitch!" Chris said.

With those words, Matt knew that his purpose in life was thus revealed. He would be the cocksucker for this handsome, slender, stud. Matt would be required to repeat today's performance whenever Chris expected it.

Life was now complete...

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