Switching Sides

By John Black

Published on Oct 22, 2023


Switching Sides

Chapter 14

We had delayed taking the dual pills that the lab tech had given to us until after the boys had been home for 3 months and were on a predictable schedule that had them sleeping through the night. I wasn't sure what kind of reaction to expect beyond the general effects that the tech had told us. But, what did happen was astounding and worrying at the same time. The astounding part was the volume of cream jetting out with each of our climaxes. The worrying part was how often we seemed to need to fuck each other. I thought the need to breed would recede after a couple of big loads were shot. But, it seemed to be the opposite. The more we fucked and bred each other, the more we wanted to repeat it.

Persid fucked me several times while I was changing one of the boys, but he always nutted quickly and then ate my ass out. As soon as I put that child down, Persid was in my ass again. I'm not complaining, you understand. I loved it. But, I wanted to breed him too. So, when it was his turn to change the next one, I repeated what he'd just done to me.

The amount of dick gravy was spectacular. When I'd shoot without this medication, I could feel my dick jerk and spray, a short pause, and then another spray. With these meds, I was feeling my dick jerk, but the spray was very close to continuous. It was almost like I was pissing, not nutting. And the number of squirts was at least a dozen each time I had a big climax. I know Persid loved getting his ass filled. And I wasn't complaining about the volume of warm cream I was eating from his ass. We found out quickly that trying to pump two loads in a hungry ass was overloading the space. Leakage was unavoidable. So, we had to eat butt after delivering a load or dash to the bathroom.

And there were times when we were feeding or playing with the boys that we couldn't readily breed each other. However, we did stand while feeding one of the boys, so that the other daddy could suck off the daddy doing the feeding or fuck daddy's ass. We didn't get to nutt as often as we wanted to, but it was enough to keep us from going crazy.

And we did invite the lab tech over several times to take the edge off our need to breed each other. Our asses were starting to get a little sore from all the action. But, the tech loved how much and how often we would breed him in just a few hours before the boys needed us again. He didn't mind at all being filled to overflowing with our baby batter. Nor did we! Considering what felch maniacs we are, that shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone. His eagerness developed into a standing date every two days to satisfy our need to breed as well as his hunger to be bred. Everyone enjoyed our time together.

The high level of libido made sleeping a real problem. When we'd put the boys down for a nap or for the night, we needed to fuck and fuck and fuck. We couldn't get enough of each other. As soon as one of us would climax, the other one would mount and breed the man who just bred him. When the lunar cycle was over, the effects of the pills wore off slowly. It was another couple of weeks before our sex drive was back to normal. Despite the manic sex drive while taking the pills, we still loved the effect.

Our sons continued to grow, hitting one milestone after another. By the end of their first month at home, they were smiling at us, making sounds, following us with their eyes, and generally able to control their hands and feet. We didn't have to support their heads anymore and they seemed to be flying sometimes when they were on their stomachs. They were also more than willing to tell us when we were boring them. Their pediatrician said they were progressing nicely, in fact, a little ahead of where most babies were at their age.

Feeding had become an issue. We'd increased the amount of their nutrition supplements, but they frequently wanted more. Their little tummies couldn't handle more ounces at each feeding, so the doctor suggested a diluted rice cereal to help them feel full. At this age, they weren't quite ready to absorb much nutrition from the rice, but it would probably make them happier. It worked like a charm. Within a day, they were sleeping through the night. Keeping in mind that they couldn't digest the rice yet, we didn't change the amount of rice they got with their liquid nutrition. By the end of the second month, they were insisting on the diluted rice twice a day. We asked the doctor about it and he agreed that twice a day would be fine. At the end of the third month, they were being fed their undiluted rice cereal by spoon. They couldn't quite figure out the whole idea of the spoon at first. But, with the yummy rice getting in their mouth, they were holding their mouths open like eager little birds within a couple of days.

Their smiles and coos increased dramatically now and they responded to our facial expressions. They enjoyed playing with us, but eventually would get bored and we'd have to change the game. They babbled and tried to say words, but we didn't understand them. However, they sure understood each other, having conversations all day long. They loved having us blow bubbles on their little tummies and would giggle at the sensation. They instantly knew us and their grandparents, smiling and cooing with each greeting.

And they were rolling over on to their stomachs when we had them on their backs. It was a trial to keep them from rolling off the changing table when they were getting changed. When we held on to their little hands or they hung on to our fingers, they would bounce around, strengthening their legs.

They continued to sleep in the same crib and babbled to each other whenever they woke up. Instead of crying to let us know that they wanted to get up or get changed or get fed, they would chatter away. When it got loud or began to sound like a cry, we knew we were late and they'd give us attitude. But, that never lasted for long, as long as we did what they needed.

The babies got occasional visitors who always entertained them. So far, they didn't seem to have an aversion to strangers. That would come later. They were happy little guys and we were enjoying them immensely.

When they were about half a year old, the old king came for a visit and while he was playing with the boys, he remarked casually, "The king had to recall our ambassador to Faldo, either that or the ambassador would have been told to leave. The guy made a mess of things, being so arrogant about how superior Aldig is to Faldo. Now we have someone else in the post, but he's almost as bad. If beheadings were still legal, I think the king would lop off the head of both of them."

"So, is he going to recall the new guy?" I asked.

"Probably," the old king sighed, "but the ranks are thin for finding the right man for ambassadorial duties. What he needs is for you to go back," he added bluntly.

"Me? Why?"

"You know the people, you know the culture, and you're a known quantity," the old king responded. "My son respects you and your opinions about what technological transfers are appropriate at this stage of Faldo's development. I think the current and former ambassadors want to hold Faldo back, keep them behind the rest of the planet."

"Surely there are other's from Faldo who live here now who could serve in that capacity," Persid suggested.

"Perhaps, but they aren't known to the king. He trusts you!" the old king insisted.

"Am I being recalled to service, then?"

"No," the old king replied. "You have two young children who need their daddies full time. That's asking too much to move your family to Faldo at this stage of their development."

"They're half a year old now," Persid reminded him. "I'm sure my parents wouldn't like to see them leave, but these boys are very happy with everything that they do and we do for them. My concern would be what our duties would be and how much those duties will take us away from the boys."

"We have a good staff there now. You won't need to be doing much more than social events, with occasional conferences with the First Minister and his cabinet. Your only other duties will be supervising the staff, but that will be easy as you have a very capable deputy who performs most of those duties now, anyway."

"So, would we have a nanny available when we can't be there for the boys?"

"Absolutely! Will you do it?"

We looked at each other and shrugged. "We need to talk about this with each other," I suggested.

"At least, you aren't saying no," the old king smiled. "I'll let my son know that you might be willing to take up ambassadorial duties again."

"We haven't agreed yet," Persid warned.

"I know, but given the current mess your replacements have made of it, the king will give you anything you need or want to take the post again. If I were in his place, I certainly would," the old king assured us. "You'd be doing your country and your king a great favor by agreeing."

"We'll talk about it," I promised. The old king kissed the boys goodbye and left.

"That was sure a bolt out of the blue!" Persid remarked.

"I didn't expect that at all. But, our paternity leave is up in another week, so this would be a good transition back to work," I pointed out. "So, it sounds like you aren't opposed to the idea."

"My only concern is my parents. They'll be heartbroken," Persid sighed.

"Perhaps, part of our agreement with the king will include frequent visits from them to Faldo to see us and the boys," I suggested. "Or, maybe their work could continue there, moving them to Faldo while we assume our new duties."

"Let's talk to them and see what they'd be willing to do. It would upset their lives here, but they just might love the idea. We know how much they adore the kids, so that just might do the trick," Persid allowed. "I'll call right now."

"Don't make any promises," I warned. "The king may not go for it."

"From the way the old king was talking, I think he'd give us anything we wanted to fix the mess that's been left in Faldo," Persid grinned. "Besides, I'll bribe my parents by convincing them that they don't want to miss the boy's first steps."

"Oh, you're good!" I beamed.

Persid's parents asked a lot of questions, but were intrigued by the idea of going to Faldo for a couple of years (or more). I suggested that they could be part of the ambassadorial staff, giving them diplomatic immunity in case they did something culturally prohibited. Being able to watch the boys grow up convinced them that they wanted to go with us. We discussed what they should expect out of their new work and how it would be different over there. Instead of their current jobs, they might want to consider being teachers at the highest education levels. Intrigued as they were, they still needed to think about it.

We sat down after we'd put the boys to bed and asked Dora to create a list of issues we wanted the king and his ministers and deputies to address. In consultation with them, we wanted our opinions on the progress of Faldo society to be brought up to the technological and social level of the rest of the planet to be given more weight than their opinions of Faldo's progress. After all, we were there. They weren't.

In two more days, we had our audience with the king. He greeted us warmly and asked us to join him for lunch. His boyfriend joined us. Of course, he wanted to know if we were using his favorite sex drugs. We told him that we'd tried it, but it was too much for us with the boys around demanding so much attention. He smiled at that and suggested that in a couple of years, they wouldn't need us as much and we could try it again. We allowed that we loved the drug and what it did for our sex drives and volume of nutt, so we would definitely use it again.

After the luncheon was over, he told us about the last two ambassadors to Faldo, not even trying to conceal his contempt for them. "I got reports from the deputy ambassador and a few of the attaches," he revealed. "They aren't my spies you understand, but they had volunteered the information because of what they were seeing. I was also getting some unpleasant messages from the First Minister of Faldo and his concern about the ambassadors. He was most cordial about it, but the message was abundantly clear. The first ambassador was fired from the Foreign Ministry and was told to retire to the countryside, never showing his face again in the capitol. His replacement isn't much better. I've already recalled him and told him he wouldn't be going back. He's been posted to a small country on the other side of the planet with clear notice that he's being closely watched. He steps out of line even once, and I'll sack him!"

"Your father suggested that you might want us to take over the ambassadorship in Faldo," Persid began. "While we're honored that you thought of us, I'm not sure we're the right choice. We have two new sons in our home now and our focus needs to be on them."

"I know, I know," he responded, waving our concerns aside. "But, hear me out. You were the best ambassador we could have had when you were there. Even though Persid was the ambassador in name, you were the knowledge behind his brilliant five years there. We knew you'd be a very tough act to follow, but these career diplomats were appallingly bad for us and our relationship with Faldo. I can't believe they had diplomatic credentials that didn't come out of a box of candy as a prize. They had no sense or sensibility. You know the people and the culture. We need you back there again. I need you back there! I want you to take the ambassador's post, Koldan."

"I know you're in a spot," I began, "but we have our sons to consider and their grandparents would be heartbroken if they couldn't see their grandsons grow up." I continued on with our needs and suggestions how we could come to terms with what the king wanted that would benefit both countries. I also made it clear that we expected the king and his advisers to listen to us when we said that Faldo has progressed rapidly in certain areas and was ready for more sophisticated social and scientific advances.

"You can name your own staff and include Persid's parents as part of that staff. We'll increase your pay by 50% and appoint your parents as cultural and scientific attaches," the king offered. "And I promise that we'll listen and act upon your recommendations for transfers of technology and education. But, you'll have to have well-reasoned positions and data to back it up. I'm most concerned about their social development. Old attitudes die hard as to who is worthy of full citizenship and rights. Their old religion still holds a special place in the hearts of most Faldo citizens. You'll need to demonstrate that their culture has changed to be more inclusive when it comes to social issues," he reiterated.

"We are in agreement in principle," Persid said. "We can sort out the details with the Foreign Ministry."

"If they give you any resistance or attitude, let me know," the king smiled smugly. "They'll do what I say or they'll find themselves retrained as trash collectors. This relationship with Faldo is very important to me and to Aldig. We can't afford to mess this up. I'm counting on you!"

Persid and I glanced at each other. We may be in over our heads, I thought. However, it can't be worse than when we got there almost seven years ago. When we left the palace and headed home, I said, "We need to get this wrapped up quickly. The first thing we do when we get to Faldo is get an appointment with the First Minister. We'll need to do that anyway to present our ambassadorial credentials. But, we need to ask for extra time with him to discuss what's really going on there. I also want to speak to the Grand Patriarch. He needs to be part of the solution, not an obstacle. I'll need you with me for both appointments. I'm especially worried about the Grand Patriarch. I haven't kept up with the politics over there, so I don't know who the guy is. Hopefully, they got the message about how their society and power structure has changed and they won't want to return to the old ways."

"I'll be there for moral support," Persid agreed, "but I don't know enough about the religion to know what chicanery they might be up to."

"Just carefully read their Pact of Equals. That clearly states what the role of the Patriarchs is in Faldo" I suggested.

"How long do you think we will have to stay?" Persid wondered.

"That's a very good question. We should send a message to the palace and ask it. And we should also ask what they are doing about training our replacement. We can't stay there forever, and we certainly don't want to be called back again because they keep sending incompetent diplomats," I vowed. "I think the king is already thinking along those lines, but we need to make sure."

As it turned out, the Foreign Ministry had already been told to train a cadre of diplomats who could be future ambassadors. Meanwhile, he'd also sacked the Foreign Minister for posting two complete incompetents. He made it clear to the Foreign Minister's replacement that he could also be fired if he demonstrated the same lack of common sense. We heard from one of our friends who worked there that it hadn't been a pleasant encounter with the king. The king had also dressed down several deputies and gave them the same warning. The new Foreign Minister began making changes immediately and recruited Nindore, Tokamak, and Singadore to assist him. He was most anxious to get our input in the few days that remained before we left for Faldo.

Clearly, he had taken the king's message to heart and wanted to save his career and the reputation of the Foreign Ministry. I told him that our friends that he'd just hired would let us know how the training went. He knew we had the ear of the king in this matter, so he knew he had to act fast and decisively.

Persid's parents sold their home and we ended our lease with the government for our apartment. We let it be known that we'd be back and would need a bigger place. Persid's parents didn't have any issues about buying a new home when they got back to Aldig. They were getting a big price for their current home and would be paid much more than their current salaries were. Additionally, their new domicile in Faldo was owned by Aldig, so they wouldn't have house payments or staff to pay. As diplomats, they would have around the clock security at their new home in Faldo. We would reside at the embassy.

With final arrangements in place, a moving company packed up most of our belongings and put them in storage. Nearly all of the toys and furniture for the boys would follow us to Faldo on a ship. While the needs of the boys would be met with temporary items when we arrived at Faldo, we knew that their things would arrive less than a week after we did.

The six of us boarded an aircraft from the Aldig capitol city bound for the Faldo capitol city. The flight took less than an hour. We were greeted at the Faldo airport by two limousines for us and Persid's parents. Our driver introduced himself as our chauffeur and bodyguard. Persid's parents had a similar chauffeur and bodyguard. Both of our assigned security personnel were well trained in protection of high value persons. We were assured that there were no current, apparent threats to us, but we could never be too cautious.

Our deputy had arranged meetings with the Grand Patriarch and the First Minister for two days hence. That would give us time to get settled and give the boys our full attention in their new home. The staff at the embassy was all over those cute, little boys. They were spoiling them as badly as their grandparents did, and we'd only been there a day.

Despite our duties, we did slip away several times a day to check up on the kids. They loved being surprised by our unannounced visits. The part-time nanny was a gem. She was so good with the lads and that gave them a chance to interact with a woman more frequently than their grandmother had been able to. However, they still loved men, no matter the circumstances.

In the evenings, we always played with the boys and fed them. We tucked them in at night and were always there in the morning when they woke up. They were adapting to their new surroundings without any problems. Dora and Fiona (our personal data assistants) entertained the boys as much as the nanny did. They loved their electronic friends.

Our meeting with the First Minister went very well. I hadn't known him when I was here previously, but he seemed warm and personable. He was delighted to know I was originally from Faldo and knew the country well as well as its traditions. Persid joined in the discussion by telling the Minister that we had the king's ear and were ready to hear of any additional transfers of technology that he might think Faldo was ready for. We promised that we wouldn't be as obtuse as the previous ambassadors. We scheduled a series of meetings with him and his deputies to consider the current relationship between the two countries and how it could be improved. There would be occasions where we didn't agree, but we hoped they would be minor ones.

The meeting with the Grand Patriarch was cordial, but we found the Patriarch to be cold and aloof. Clearly, he would like to return to the old ways with his kind controlling the country. Persid pounced on his nostalgia, reminding the Grand Patriarch of the provisions of the Pact of Equals. He didn't like being told they had overstepped their authority, but the Grand Patriarch nodded his reluctant agreement to what Persid said. This was going to be a difficult relationship. I needed to find someone internal to the Patriarchy who could tell us what was truly going on in the religious community. That meant a conversation with our Intelligence Ministry. I put Persid on that task.

We held a reception at the embassy to let friends that we'd made on our last assignment here that we were back. The function went well. The Grand Patriarch and First Minister attended and were on their best behavior. But, I could tell that they didn't like each other very much. I would have to remember that on my next visit with the Minister.

Our social secretary had told us that several people claiming that they knew me when I lived in Faldo several years ago or knew us when we served in the ambassador role a couple of years ago were asking for an appointment with us. I skimmed through the list and found several that I did know. I asked the secretary to contact them and schedule a convenient time to meet with them. The one I most wanted to see was Pronin. He was my sometimes fuck buddy before I'd left on my spy mission. I wondered if he still had the boyfriend who was high in the government and hadn't been killed in one of the purges perpetrated by the Patriarchs. Pronin had never contacted me the first time I served as ambassador. He may have been waiting for the disagreeable Patriarchs to be fully out of power before he dared show himself and his boyfriend. I'd find out when we met, again.

When the furniture, etc. for the boys arrived, we quickly arranged it. Noticing the walls and ceiling were far too boring to stimulate two little boys, we had a muralist use bright colors and scenes from nature to spice up the room. The boys would stare in wonder for several minutes before breaking their concentration. We had another artist paint the constellations of the sky on their ceiling that would glow in the dark. The sky scene was the night sky on the day they were born. It seemed to relax them and helped with their restful sleep.

On the first working day of the following week, Pronin showed up for his appointment. He had aged only slightly since I'd last seen him, but his body had changed dramatically. He was no longer slender and a little out of shape. He'd added a lot of muscle that looked delicious on him. His ass was sensation. I was afraid Persid was going to drool all over the poor man's butt.

We took him into the residence part of the embassy for our meeting. He was delighted to see me again and was most taken by Persid. "You did well, my friend," he beamed at me after introductions were made. "Not only did you snag an amazing husband, you're the ambassador this time around. Well done!"

"And we have two boys, too," I bragged.

"I know you love to fuck and get fucked, but since when can two men make babies together?" he asked incredulously.

"I guess you haven't been keeping up on the news from Aldig," I countered. "We've been able to combine the DNA of two men to make babies in an artificial environment."

"You're not serious!"

"Oh, yeah. We are," broke in Persid. "Would you like to meet them?"

"Uh, sure. Are they with you here?"

"We couldn't part with them," I said. "They are probably about ready to get up from their naps." We walked into the nursery to witness the boys chattering with each other. They turned their heads and smiled when they saw us come in. I picked up Talig and Persid picked up Torig.

"Wow!" Pronin exclaimed. "They even look like both of you. How did they do that?"

"Some DNA from both of us in a bottle was combined in a special process that allows them to select certain characteristics from one person or both," Persid said. "They have my eyes, but Koldan's big dick!" he laughed.

Pronin laughed, too. "I remember that big thing. Delightful!"

"You've got an even bigger one," I remarked. "And how is your boyfriend that you had when I left? Are you still with him?

"He was murdered by the Grand Patriarch," Pronin nearly snarled. We were shocked at the bold accusation. "I know he paid the men who killed Raddig," he continued. "So, he's just as guilty as they are. I just haven't been able to prove it, yet."

"Did the men who did it pay for the crime?" Persid asked.

"Yes. They were executed several months ago. But, the Grand Patriarch is still laughing about it," Pronin sighed. "He's too powerful to go up against, so the police refused to believe me or pursue the matter."

"What makes you think he was behind it?" Persid wondered.

"Raddig was summoned to the Grand Patriarch's office about 2 years ago. After the appointment, Raddig said the guy was totally unhinged and wanted Raddig to resign from his government post, or he'd tell everyone that Raddig was getting fucked daily by a big, black dick. His `perversion' was poisoning Faldo and it had to be stopped. Raddig told the Grand Patriarch to go fuck himself. Then, the Grand Patriarch threatened to kill him if he didn't resign. Raddig said that the words spoken by the Grand Patriarch mirrored exactly what happened. Raddig was killed in a public park with people witnessing it. And they didn't care at all, saying that this is what happened to perverts in government! The killers threatened the witnesses, too. But, there were too many witnesses and their testimony convicted the perpetrators. The judge in the case made it abundantly clear that if any harm came to these witnesses, the Patriarchs would feel the swift justice being dealt out to these murderers. Of course, the Patriarchs protested their innocence and threatened the judge with his soul's eternal damnation. He laughed at them."

"I don't understand why he was picking on Raddig," Persid wondered. "Surely, he couldn't have been the only gay man in the government."

"He was in the Justice Department where cases were investigated and prosecuted. They had been doing a lot of work investigating the Patriarchs," Pronin revealed. "He told me that the original resignations that occurred when Faldo finally elected a real government almost seven years ago were only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to sexual misconduct and financial irregularities. The current Grand Patriarch is at least as bad as the ones before."

"Wasn't the Grand Patriarch even interviewed?" I asked.

"Oh, sure, in a pro forma kind of way. The people interviewing him were terrified of him and didn't press for any details about information they'd already collected," Pronin sighed. "They knew of his sexual exploits with young boys and girls. They also knew about skimming funds from the coffers of the church to lavish money on himself and his friends. But, they couldn't prove any of it. It was all rumors, according to the investigators."

"Didn't he keep an appointment book or one was kept for him? What about banking transactions?" Persid pressed.

"I don't know," Pronin admitted. "And I don't have any way to find out. I don't know anyone who works there. Obviously, I'm not welcome there."

"Let me do some checking, Pronin. I may have a source I can tap," I suggested.

"And I might have some connections that could help, too," Persid offered.

"Meanwhile, what are you doing with your life?" I asked.

"Not a lot," Pronin said. "Just my job as a cook at one of the downtown hotels. And my sex life is hit or miss. I still have some friends that I see for that, but it isn't more than sex. There's no connection beyond a good fuck." He smiled, and then said. "However, that hot man who is obviously your security is quite a fine specimen," he allowed. "Does he play for our team?"

"We're too new here to know that," I said. "But, he would make a great catch for someone, if he isn't already taken."

"I shouldn't take more of your time," Pronin said, rising from his chair. "Let me know if you think of anything that could be helpful. Meanwhile, I suggest that you start with the Justice Department to get all the details of what happened to Raddig." He smiled at the boys and left, but not before casting an envious eye at our bodyguard. "And if the Justice Department should move on searching for an appointment book or bank records, get to the judge that heard the murder case. I'm sure he'd be more than willing to grant search warrants."

Persid checked our calendars to see if we had additional meetings. We had another one at the end of the day, so we stayed in the residence and played with the kids until it was time for us to depart. On our way out, we asked our body guard if he had contacts in the Justice Department who would be willing to re-open an old case.

"For the gentleman who just left?" he asked with a smile.

"Yes, it was his partner who was murdered, at the direction of the Grand Patriarch, he says," I revealed.

"I know of this case. Wasn't the victim, uh, Raddig?" We nodded. "It was quite the sensation about a year ago. There were lots of rumors, but no evidence was brought forward and nothing was said in court about a conspiracy to kill the victim," he said. "But, everyone thought it odd that the judge would issue such a challenge to the Grand Patriarch about the lives of the witnesses. It was obvious to me and many others that the rumors had to be true, but just couldn't be proved. I always thought that the Grand Patriarch was involved in some way. There was also a rumor that the decision not to pursue that side of the investigation came from the very top of the Justice Department. But, that may have been a crazy conspiracy theory, rather than fact."

This story is fantasy. Your life isn't. Always play safe.

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Next: Chapter 15

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