
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 2, 2023



I wanted to get back to Lewis and Tony and I had already spent a lot of time on Erik, so I decided to be extra quick with Allan Adams. He had shaved his mohawk off, so he deserved no sympathy.

As quickly as I could, I stripped down, set up the camera on his phone and filmed him jerk off with anal fingering. It was nothing special but I dare say I created some of the ugliest looking orgasm faces I had so far, making him look ridiculous enough to become famous for it.

I sent the video to myself and got rid of all evidence. My plan was to release it on various porn platforms under his real name. I would have liked to see Bobby again, but I was going to switch into someone close to him once more eventually.

Tony was in bed as I arrived in his mind. I got up, walked into his brother's room and woke little Lewis up.

"Hey, Lewis. It's the magic spirit. I'm back."

He started at me with wide eyes. "Oh wow! I knew it wasn't just a dream."

"So, how's your brother doing? Is he following your orders?"

Lewis looked away dejected. "I was stupid. I showed him the footage before I had made copies and he wrestled the phone from me and deleted everything."

"So... no blackmail?"

"He's been meaner to me since ever before."

"I'll take care of that."


"Oh yes. When you see him next time, he'll do anything you want. Hey, I could send you the footage again since I also have it, remember?"

"Oh, yes please."

"Good. Now let me take care of Tony. He will go through hell tonight."

"Can I get the footage of that, too?"

"Ha! I like the way you think. Let me see what I can do. Goodbye for now."

"Bye, magic spirit."

It took me the better part of the night and the pull was already noticeable, but finally I had Tony on a clearing in a forest hours from home.

I would have to skip over my other victims but it was worth it.

Luckily I had been able to buy everything I needed. That shop which opened only at night was a chain and I considered it my favorite place by now.

I had promised to make this pretty twink go through hell and he would. My first action was to make his narrow mohawk permanent. After the hair removal began my tedious task of ruining his night.

He was covered from head to toe, but not in my usual oil, but rather something much stickier, almost glue-like. The ground was muddy and would cover him once he was wreathing. Oh yes, he would be wreathing.

I locked a ball stretcher around Tony's sack and added rope to make it tighter. The ends were not yet attached to anything. I repeated my trick of using jumper cable clamps on a victim's nipples, but this time I made sure they stayed.

Tony had nipple rings.

Those fresh piercings I had donated him served as an anchor point to keep the clamps in place, especially the two right at the very tip of his nipples.

Within ten seconds the pain got so intense that I wasn't sure if I could take it. But I had to prevail. I put a ring gag in his mouth so it wouldn't close. Within the time it took me to do that, the nipple pain was radiating out from the nipples and increasing in intensity. I hadn't known that much pain was possible. Tears obscured my vision.

I worked in a butt plug as quickly as I could, not paying attention to the anal burn. In fact it was preferable if his guts were already made a little sensitive. There were small holes in the plug, meant to let water in for douching but I had different plans.

To make sure he was nicely erect, I swallowed a few tablets of a Viagra-derivative. If I had informed myself correctly, he should experience a painfully hard erection for hours on end. By that point, the nipple pain was radiating across the entire chest and even to the sides and back. I couldn't stop the tears.

Shaking from pain I crouched down and tied the ends of the ball ring strings to Tony's toes. Then I tied the toes together. The rope was so taut that he couldn't possibly bend his legs strongly enough unless he was standing firmly on the ground. Even then, the pain was considerable. But not enough.

I had some more clamps and put them on his balls. Watching the dick go hard, I twisted the little screws to make the clamps tighter until pain spread along the shaft and into my stomach. I felt like cringing as the strong pain made my abs contract involuntarily. It spread further into the legs, making Tony's thighs spasm as well.

It was hard to feel through all the pain, but the bottles of vodka I had consumed earlier were setting in. If there had been anything else in my stomach I would have puked.

With my good old zip ties, I made sure the boy's wrists were firmly secured behind his back.

The nipple pain made it hard to even breathe. The ball pain forced his whole lower body into contractions.

Then it began to rain. Not too much but it would make the wet ground even muddier. With his extra sticky skin, everything filthy around him would stay on his body.

With the shaking and spasming going on it was difficult to even fall backwards in a controlled fashion from my crouched position. I landed on the butt plugs load, making its content shoot up into my ass. Several bottles of the hottest Tabasco sauce I had been able to find spread throughout Tony's hole.

I said goodbye before I got to feel that pain, too.

The pull was significant now. I vowed to use lingering more often to have less victims to go through. In any case, I was back in Doyle Graham's body.

Whatever he had thought had happened to him last time, it was about to happen again. It turned out he had diligently re-downloaded the things he needed for his study and redone a lot of work, so I went through his computer and tablet and got rid of everything again.

He had a short cut now, so the mohawk didn't amount to much but it would be a neat reminder of his inability to prevent these things from happening. He'd have to live in fear of losing control anytime forever.

His parents were home, but I slipped out the front door before they could say anything. To save time, I stripped while running. It probably wasn't actually time saving, but whatever. Doyle wasn't that important to me.

Once I had found a random house that suited my purpose, I broke in. Alarms went off. Well fuck.

I found the source of the noise and force pushed – or force slammed – it off the wall. In restored silence I jerked myself hard and walked upstairs. The two owners of the house burst out of their bedroom.

With both of them stunned, I looked for a piece of string. This time I tied his toes much closer together. Even walking wouldn't be an option. I climbed on a counter right across the bedroom door. It was difficult enough to get up and would probably be nearly impossible to get down without a painful fall unless he somehow got the opportunity to do it slowly.

My knock outs grew weaker until I had Doyle on edge. I let the couple recover just as I sprayed the boy's face with his own cum.

The pull was too strong for me to stay any amount of time, but Nameless was home this time. I scrambled for an ID.

Russel Coleman was 31 and a rich man. I had money but I could always use more. I transferred myself a few hundred thousand and wiped my traces.

Nameless aka Russel had been a lot of fun. Now he had also been useful. I really needed more time with my victims.

The pull tore me away and Russel's own mind slid into place behind me, none the wiser.

As soon as I was up, I walked to my computer and turned it on. I passed some time by putting Allan's video on every platform I had an account on and made sure his real name was spelled correctly in the title. He could always say it was a look-alike but anyone looking up his name would find the footage.

Sometime around midday, I got an email from my webcams. I had set up three of them to film a certain scene and send it to me. I hadn't had time to set up a livestream but the recording wasn't less exciting.

From three angles, I could watch myself in Tony's body set up the torture gear. The moment I fell backwards was when the boy came to.

He screamed when he hit the ground and his feet tore on his balls. I didn't know what gave him more pain. By the way he wreathed I knew I had done well in giving everything a unique but equally cruel feeling.

His screams died down fast and turned into hoarse wheezing. He spasmed and twitched and groaned as he rolled in the mud.

I had high definition footage of his endless stream of tears and his disbelieving shouts, as if he simply couldn't comprehend that this much pain was possible. Before tonight I hadn't know either. With his wide eyes searching the area for help he trembled as the fight-flight reflex set in, making everything worse for the boy.

After five beautiful minutes of this he had managed to roll onto his stomach and was trying to push his nipple clamps off by getting the ends between his body and the ground. Apparently he had decided that pain was the worst. The mud was too soft for his plan.

I can hardly describe how much despair there was in his erratic movements and his cries. I wished I could have been there and told him how much fun it was to watch his struggle.

It took an unbelievable thirty minutes of fighting for him to get the nipple clamps of, after crawling to slightly more stable ground.

Tony was drenched in mud with everything in the forest sticking to his body.

Next, the boy rubbed his wrists on a stone. It might have been sharp enough cut the zip ties but it moved with his own motions. Tony had to find a different stone.

He wasn't screaming anymore so I fast forwarded.

Another twenty minutes later the teen wasn't even crying anymore. He trembled in rage while working away at his wrist ties. His face showed grim determination.

Even aside from all the other pain, his joints had to hurt more than he had ever experienced. Cutting his ties required quite the strain to keep his body tense and rock his arms with twisted shoulders.

Once he got his hands free he screamed in triumph and fiddled with the ring gag. His shivering hands couldn't get the knot to open since I had used one that was basically un-undoable, if it was behind one's own head and thus impossible to see.

Eventually he gave up and tore the butt plug out. He started crying again as the hot sauce moved around his insides. I was so glad I had sound to go with the images.

It wasn't raining anymore and daylight was coming back. He had struggled till morning.

The ball stretcher wouldn't come off but he could undo the rope. It took his uncontrollably trembling fingers another ten minutes. He had to be in so much pain, it was kind of ridiculous.

Once he had gotten rid of everything except the ball stretcher, he tried to pry away the gag again and succeeded in pulling it over his head.

The he sat down and immediately jerked off. That had been his first impulse? It was fun to consider that being horny was such a distraction he couldn't control himself at all. He shot his load almost right away, but the erection would not subside for hours and only grow more painful.

Finally he noticed the sign. I had begun to fear he might miss it entirely. It wasn't visible in the footage but there was a sign saying "You will do everything your brother says, no matter what. You will not hesitate to follow all his orders under any circumstances. Else tonight will become a regular experience and if you think it can't get worse you have no imagination. –Lewis' Powerful Friend"

He'd have to get closer to read the text at the bottom so I was glad he moved in. It read "PS: If you tell anyone about this, you will suffer in ways I can't even explain."

Tony trembled more than before. That wasn't rage or even the cold. He was afraid. I was confident he would not contradict Lewis' wishes anytime soon.

Too bad Russel the Nameless got away so easily the second time. Maybe he already suffered enough the first time. Or maybe we'll see him again...

Was I too hard on Tony or too nice? Would you like to be in his place or Lewis'? We'll see how the two develop.

Next: Chapter 10

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