
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Dec 28, 2022



I arrived in my next victim's body without the bag I had held when I fell asleep. It must have slipped while I had turned in my sheets. Well, fuck.

This time it was a slim twink again. He was very tan, tight, thin and just generally dainty. He had to be extremely young.

The boy was in his room – it was only mid-afternoon. He had been bent over homework but I was certainly not going to do it for him.

I got up and realized he was fairly tall. Maybe he wasn't that young actually. It took ten seconds for me to find the bathroom where I stripped in front of the mirror. The boy was gorgeous. Something south-asian, boyish features with a strong jaw.

As part of my new routine I stepped into the shower, but didn't turn on the water. Instead I took a minute the remove what little hair he had on his body, including the crotch area.

Once he was smooth I took a razor, which presumably belonged to his dad since the boy had no stubble to speak of. His black hair was thick and filled the sink as I dropped bushels of it. The mohawk was one of my better ones, if maybe a little narrower than I had planned. The hair's length let it drop too much to the side.

I pondered if I wanted to shorten it but found hair gel and formed it into spikes instead – a full punk mohawk.

After finding out I couldn't fly I had thought about whether I could levitate objects. Instead of giving them one strong push I could give them many small ones.

I tried this with the gel bottle. It didn't quite work out and was more of a clumsy juggling without touching than proper levitation.

Then I saw someone behind me in the mirror and whipped around in horror. Someone had watched me use my force push.

As it turned out the observer looked fairly similar to my victim but younger, probably thirteen or so. He stared with wide eyes.

"Wh-what?" he asked, timidly.

"Uh." I didn't know what to say, to be honest.

"Bro! You have magic?"

On a whim I decided to do something completely different. The little brother seemed to be fascinated rather than frightened.

"Listen boy," I said, "I'm not your brother. I'm a... magical spirit who has taken over his body. Don't worry, I'll be gone by tomorrow and your brother won't remember a thing."

"Wow! Wait, for real? You can do magic?"

"Step inside."

"Um, okay."

Once he was away from the door, I waved dramatically and force pushed the door shut. "Now, believe me?"

"Holy shit. That's fucking awesome."

"Okay boy, but you have to keep this a secret, yes?"

"Count on me, Mister Spirit."

"Great. Now tell me your name."


I pointed at myself. "And his name?"

"Tony. But Mister Spirit, why are you naked?"

"I'm naked because... it makes using magic easier. And just... just call me Tony, okay? It'll make things simpler. How old are we?"

"I'm fifteen – almost sixteen, and Tony is... I mean, you are eighteen."

"Wow, the boys in your family look young."

Lewis rolled his eyes. "I know. I can't wait till I hit my growth spurt."

"Well, Lewis. Do you want to help me have some fun?"

Back in Tony's room we got to work. Lewis took pictures on his phone while I posed. With a raging boner, I spread Tony's legs, while on his back or while bent over. I seductively sucked on various objects like pens, bedposts and my fingers. Then we switched from photo to video and I finger fucked my ass while edging my dick.

"Oh fuck yeah," I moaned into the camera. "I love getting my ass hole torn open by big dicks. I could suck men off all day. I wish I could be a boy-whore."

When it was time for the cum shot I returned to my repertoire of dumbest orgasm faces possible, making Tony alternatingly look like he was about to sneeze or about to cry.

I blew Tony's load and licked it eagerly off the ground. Lewis turned the camera off.

"Wow thanks," Lewis said. "Finally I get to blackmail the fucker. No more telling me what to do. I'll make his live a hundred times the hell he made mine."

I wanted to sound serious but couldn't help grinning. "Damn, Lewis. You sound like a born sadist. Good luck with the blackmailing. Be smart about it."

"Of course. The point is to keep things escalating slowly so he'll do as I say because at first it won't be worse than the material getting released. Then I get more and more things to blackmail him with."

"Holy fuck, you're a natural."

"Thanks `Tony', that's good to hear."

"Hey can you hand me the phone for a second, I'd like the pics and videos sent to my email, too."

"Spirits have email?"

"Yeah. Good Wi-Fi in the spirit-realm. Now hand it over."

In the end we decided to let Tony wake up normally, without him knowing anything was wrong. It gave Lewis the opportunity to surprise him with the photo shoot the older wouldn't remember taking part in.

I spent a fun few hours with Lewis. We sat on Tony's bed in our briefs and played console games. I was pretty terrible and blamed it on there rarely being a good game controller to be found in the spirit realm. The little one didn't quite believe me.

It was surprisingly fun to just play like kids, but of course I wanted to leave Tony cum covered so I said my goodbyes and told Lewis I might come back someday and mess with Tony some more.

Once I was alone I laid down on the big brother's bed and jerked off, making a mess on his torso. A tame, but fun day. Maybe next time I would be crueler again.

After the pretty twink I was glad to find myself in a muscle hunk again. Variety is the spice of life, after all.

The dirty blond, square jawed, broad chested guy had well proportioned, thick muscles, exaggerated by a stocky build.

It was only early afternoon, so I had time to strip in peace and enjoy a round of flexing in front of the mirror. My search for an ID was a quick success and I learned the man was 26 year old Allan Adams.

He had a balcony so I stepped outside and got rid of all his body hair while showing off his nude muscles for all the world to see. While I gave him a regular mohawk, I thought about how to mess him up. He was clearly used to showing off with a body like that.

I looked at his phone to find out what I could use in the surrounding area.

My heart skipped a beat. He was two towns away from a location I had burned into my memory. It would take me an hour to get to Bobby's place. It had been almost a month since I had last seen the boy. I realized I wanted to know how he was doing. Had he accepted my gifts?

I packed Allan's things and headed out. With some of Quincy's money, I headed for the train that would lead me into Bobby's home town. The ride was filled with nervous anticipation. Once I arrived I took a taxi to Bobby's street. It was now early evening. Since it was the weekend there was a good chance he'd be out and about.

With my heart beating rapidly I approached the house I was familiar with from seeing it with Bobby's own eyes. One of his brothers was raking the front lawn.

What did I have to lose?

"Hey, is Bobby home?"

"Uh, no. Sorry, just headed out to work."

I took a small risk. "At the club?"

"Yeah. Who are y-"

I gave the boy a minor stun and rushed down the road to catch a bus. I had a few preparations to do.

Muscle man Allan Adams entered the gay club in a low hanging, black tank top, tight jean shorts I had cut off right below the crotch and sneakers without socks. I was free balling.

Insanely loud music hit my ear drums right as the smell of cheap alcohol and sweat assaulted my nose. Blue and red lights dashed over the crowd, making me unable to see anyone's face properly.

The place only contained a few dozen guys at most but it was a small club and therefore appeared densely packed. I got a lot of stares. If this thing somehow didn't work out, I would probably have a lot of guys fuck Allan's ass and put it online. At least the switch wouldn't be a total waste.

Then I saw Bobby. He was a dancer, swinging his hips to the beat on top of a counter. The mohawk, the piercings, it all was still the same. He had, however, switched back to brunet.

He wore a shining, golden thong and a few gold chains around his neck. Maybe it was my imagination or the lighting but it seemed he had put on some mass over the last month, adding a few pound of muscle all around.

His wet skin glistened in the shifting lights. He was totally into it. I saw that a whole lot of guys were transfixed by his appearance.

Once I had fought my way through the crowd, I waited in awe until I could get Bobby's attention. He saw me and raised his eyebrows. He was impressed. Perfect. Then his eyes locked onto my mohawk and he flashed me a quick smile.

I motioned him to bend down and he crouched, bringing his thong on my eye level. He had a semi hard on already.

"Hey," I yelled against the techno beats. "Can I see some more of you? In private?"

He looked up and down my body. "Jus' a dancer," he yelled back with a voice I heard for the first time from the outside.

So he wouldn't do strip shows? Should I try to ask him out on a date the regular way? Well, maybe I could have done that, but there was a resource I expected him to respond well to.

I pulled a bunch of hundred dollar bills from a pocket of my tiny jeans and held it up. There was a chance he didn't need money or was fiscally responsible or would simply never sell out but I expected he liked to spend money.

"Sure about that?"

Bobby grinned dumbly. In that moment he looked wonderfully innocent. That's when I knew I could manipulate him with ease.

He spoke in a moment when the music was a little quieter. "Takin' a break in five. Kay?"

The teen nodded towards a door labeled Employees Only and rose back up to continue dancing. I reached out and pulled his thong down to uncover half his dick. As I stuck three hundred dollar into the seam, I stroked his semi hard on and felt it harden further with a twitch.

I made my way towards the indicated door and entered. If anyone kicked me out of the staff room I could still wait in the club, but I'd rather not spend five more minutes getting my ear drums blown out.

The space was a small collection of drawers, desks and sofas, all shabby and ancient. The music was barely any less loud, but tolerable.

I took off my tank top, kicked the shoes off and sat down on a sofa with my legs spread. Two minutes later the door opened and Bobby came in. He was almost shy, giggling a bit.

"So..." he said. "I dance for ya, yeah?"

His speech was a little slurred. He was slightly intoxicated. I waved him closer. He dropped the money he had collected in his thong on a counter by the door.

"Leave the whole thing there," I said.


"I want you grinding on me naked."

"Man... fuck, I dunno."

I pulled five hundred dollars out and put it on the table. Bobby pushed his thong off, letting me see his erection rise to full greatness. The veiny, thick dick looked even better from my perspective than it had from his own head. He lost the chains, too, becoming fully nude.

Bobby came up to me, stepped between my legs and started dancing like he had out in the club.

I grabbed his hips. "Nah nah, not like that. Grind."

He looked at me with his mouth open. Then he turned around and squatted to rub his ass on my crotch. His crack went up and down my veiled boner. His tiny hole was begging to be filled.

I reached forward and hugged his chest from behind. Then I pulled him off his feet and pressed his perfect teen body against my naked torso.

He had his feet in the air, struggling to stay balanced as he lay almost on top of me. "Man... fuck, what the... whoa."

I reached under him and pulled my pants off. Now my painfully hard dick was in his crack.

"Wait, man. Hey, fuck... bro. I'm... I'm jus' a dancer," he slurred. "I jus' start' out. Not a fuckin' whore, man."

I reached down and pulled one thousand dollar from my jeans on the ground. "How about now?"

He whimpered. "Fuck... Fuck, man. I... kay. I'm a whore. I'm a fuckin' whore."

"Yes, you are."

With Allan's superior strength I throw Bobby onto the sofa next to our current one. Before he recovered, I was on top of him. In my hand was a pack of lube. The only thing in my jeans other than money.

I pulled Bobby's legs up on my shoulders and spread lube on two of my fingers. I shoved them in without warning and formed a hook.

"Oh fuck, man. Fuck, oh, fuck. Bro, hey, go slow on m' ass. I've... Oh fuck fuck fuck."

"You have what, whore?"

"I've never..."

"Never got fucked?"

"N-no... oh, damn. Fuck. `s feels so... fuck."

I used my two fingers to spread his hole but I had no patience to wait for him to get accustomed. I shot lube up his hole and rubbed the rest on Allan's thick dick.

Then I pushed in.

"Bro, wait. Slow down. I- Ugh. Aaah. AAAH!"

I pressed one hand over his mouth and went farther in. His guts were tight, but I held him in place and shoved continuously.

Once I was in balls deep and Bobby's eyes were tearing up, I let go of his mouth, holding my position.

"What are you, Bobby?"

He was too out of it to wonder how I knew his name. "Fuck. I'm... I'm a fuck-whore. I'm a perverted, little, stupid anal fuck-bitch."

"Want more cock?"


I stepped onto the sofa, raising his hips high above his head and fucked him from above. His contorting face was magnificent to behold.

"Ah! It burns. It fucking burns..."

I didn't want him to end up in a hospital as much as I wanted to break him. "Do you need a moment?"

"No," he said. "It burns good. So fuckin' good."

I pulled out, slapped him until he turned around and rammed my dick back in – doggy style now. I fucked as rough as I could and did my best to be mean. I slapped his neck, pinched and twisted his ringed nipples, pulled his mohawk and spanked his ass.

He wasn't able to form coherent sentences anymore.

His skin on my skin was pure pleasure. I wanted our muscles to melt into each other.

When I couldn't hold it much longer I simply could not decide between cumming in his ass or on his face. So I punched him until he turned again and got back into fucking-from-above position. Once I had my mind shattering orgasm, I made sure to fuck him less deeply, near the sphincter where he was at his tightest.

As I pulled out, my last shot flung down and hit his face. Allan's load drizzled out of Bobby's hole and ran along his semi hard dick, down on his face.

After the entire load had made its way down, spreading across his ass and chest as it left his hole and ran along his body, I dropped him and he kept lying on the sofa, totally exhausted.

"Get up, whore."


"Get! Up! Whore!"

Bobby rose to shaky legs. He couldn't hold still. Cum still dropped out of him and along his thighs.

I stood up as well and pulled his face close. I pushed my lips on his and forced my tongue into his mouth. The taste of Allan's cum, vodka and Bobby's saliva was all I needed. I almost drank him in.

Without touching, he shot his load, splashing cum between us, to cover his abs and mine. I let go. I had what I wanted.

"You're a good boy-whore, Bobby."

"I... wha'... Fuck, I can't b'lieve I did... Wha' jus' happn'? Fuck. Wait, how d'ya know m' name?"

I stunned him and left.

Later that night, still in Allan's body, I returned to Bobby's house. Force pull opened a window for me and I entered with a few bags I had acquired in the meantime.

I made my way up to the three brothers' room and entered. Immediately I stunned all of them before they had a chance to wake up. I shoved my bags under the boy's bed and threw his limp body over my shoulders.

Making sure he stayed knocked out, I carried him into the bathtub and ran my hands over every inch of his body. It took a few minutes to get rid of all body hair had still had. Once Bobby was perfectly smooth, I did the same thing to the sides of his head. He would be the first of my victims to receive permanency for his haircut.

After cleaning him up, I carried the nude teen back to his room, keeping everybody on knock out.

Staring at Bobby's beautiful face and knowing it had been cum covered a few hours ago made me feel a warm tingling in my stomach.

I left for good.

Bobby would awaken to a piece of paper reading, "Last night was both test and reward. You'll find you have to spend less effort on maintaining your style than before. Also I left you a little something under your bed again. I'll be in touch, boy-whore. –Your Spiritual Liberator"

The bags contained a few cute outfits, a game console, some more male jewelry, a selection of dildos with bottles of lube, a thousand dollar I didn't need anymore and a lot of bubblegum pink hair dye.

It felt like an afterthought but I spent another hour with Allan, to think through the events of the night. And to get him a few towns farther.

Once I had found a good location, the night had progressed enough that it was already getting brighter again.

The last item I had bought was zip ties and those were all I still carried. I walked into an alley, dropped shoes, tank top and jeans into a trash can, walked a little farther while jerking off and arrived at a busy intersection.

Thinking about Bobby's ass was a quick way to get me on edge and I tied Allan to a lamp post. Without even caring whether anyone was watching or not, I kept grinding on the pole until I shot Allan's second load, rubbing the cum all over the post and subsequently his stomach.

It was kind of funny. The first time I had done it to Jimmy Hunter it had been the most exciting thing in the world, but now it was simply a standard option if I didn't have a better idea.

I probably had begun to forget how immensely terrifying it had to be to wake up like that. My victims' lives were certainly altered forever with all the shame and panic I caused them. Ah yes, now I remembered why it was so much fun to do.

I hoped I could let many more boys and men wake up tied, naked, humiliated and cum drenched in a foreign area.

Tony and Lewis were a nice change of pace, right? Good thing I found my way back to roughing my victims up.

Oh Bobby, what a lucky boy you are.

Next: Chapter 8

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