
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Dec 17, 2022



The next time I wanted to go back to my regular style. I got the opportunity when I laid down with a headache in the middle of the day and quickly found myself in a classroom.

The teacher was going on about Shakespeare, so I thought it safe to check my ID. The boy was Eugene Park, 17. I didn't want to cause a ruckus before I knew what my plan was and I could hardly knock out a whole class, so I sat through the monologue for the ten minutes it took the period to finish.

As the bell rang I got up in my tall, slender, asian, teen body and left for the toilets. There I waited in a stall until next period began. I set a timer and played games on the boy's phone until it was almost time for lunch break.

I thought about getting rid of his phone since I didn't need it anymore, but it was probably his life line to social media and I didn't want him to miss out on the online aftermath of what I was about to do to him.

I found the cafeteria and stunned the two staff members there, leaving them standing open mouthed while I looked for a sharp enough knife.

Once I had a blade, I went back to the nearest washroom and did my best to create a mohawk. With enough water, it eventually worked and Eugene had a nice mop of black hair along the middle of his head.

I brought the knife back, knocking out the staff again, and stripped. All his clothes want into the garbage chute, never to be seen again. I roamed the kitchen for anything useful.

With only his phone and a banana, I entered the eating area. Any moment it would fill with the entire student body.

Under those circumstances it was easy to get erect and leaking. I stepped onto the center-most table and placed the fruit under me. I made Eugene's body squat down and prepped his hole with spit and fingers. Once I thought I could fit the banana, I tried to do so.

It hurt and would cause some burn, but the advantage of that was that the immense friction kept the fruit in his ass once I had shoved it in past its thickest point.

Because I couldn't resist the cliché, I unlocked his phone to take a selfie. It was tasteful one – not farther down than the nipples – with the classic duck-face and a victory V-gesture.

I knocked out the staff once again, to keep them from kicking me out just yet, sent the picture to myself, deleted the email from the phone and because I was in a hurry I simply sent it to everyone in his contacts.

The picture wasn't life ruining, but it made sure the next step looked like he had done it entirely for his own entertainment. If he claimed he had been coerced or – more likely – didn't know what happened, everybody had proof he had been having fun.

When the bell rang, I dropped on my knees atop the table and jerked off wildly.

Students streamed in in droves. Dozens at first, then hundreds, and then a good thousand. I was lucky – Eugene went to a decently big school.

It was incredibly loud. That was probably normal at lunch here, but this time it was a mess of laughter and horrified screams.

When there were so many students that any newcomers would be blocked from seeing the spectacle, I decided it was time for the grand finale and put on the orgasm-face play again.

From the corners of my watering eyes, I saw a whole group of teachers approach. With a guttural moan, I shot the boy's load up and into his face.

As a last gift, I crouched down hard, to shove the dry banana as far in as his guts would let it.

Then I said goodbye to Eugene.

After the school boy, I decided to experiment a little. I had only found my knock out power by accident, after all.

My first test happened when I arrived in the body of a guy in a bad neighborhood with dealers present. I stunned three guys and took their drugs. It turned out, once the substance set in I lost control and switched back. Anything harder than alcohol was going to cut my trip short. I hadn't even given the guy a mohawk.

Next I tried to see if I could influence who I got for the night by thinking about specific things like race or body type. I found no way to control my victim's particulars however.

Furthermore I wanted to see how long I could stay in a body. When I woke up in a school boy on a weekend I simply spent the whole day playing his video games. After nine hours I switched back involuntarily. My body had decided it was time to wake up.

Eventually, a breakthrough! Totally by accident I discovered a game changer.

I fell asleep with a bag of chips in my hand and when I woke up in a stranger's body he held that very bag. I could hardly believe it. Teleportation! Once I switched back I found my chips bag missing from my grip. It had to still be back with the other guy.

This was huge news. I could bring things with me.

My first switch after the discovery happened a week later. I had tried to keep something in my hand while falling asleep for days now and fortunately I succeeded.

In Arden Dunn's hand was a pack of lube, a bottle of oil and a bundle of zip ties.

The evening had just begun and the broadly muscular, dark-skinned 30 year old was sitting in front of his TV. I got up, searched his location on his phone and figured out what the area had to offer.

All over the apartment were hints of a girlfriend or wife living there as well but she was missing in action. Just made things simpler.

Arden's head was shaved which left me without the mohawk-option. I just had to be extra mean to make up for that.

I left the apartment. He had a motorcycle but I didn't know how to ride those, so I had to leave it alone, unfortunately. But I stopped for a moment to slash the tires. That would teach him to deny me the pleasure of fixing his hair.

Then I took the bus on a long and boring ride. After over an hour, I arrived in a sufficiently distant city, where it should be a difficult task to get back from.

Once in a mildly busy late-night-shopping area, I looked for a good spot for what I had in mind. Then I searched for a safe place nearby, which I found in an unlit side street. I stripped and got rid of all clothes via a trashcan, where I also put his wallet, phone and keys.

The night air was calm and pleasant. I used up all the oil I had brought to make Arden glisten spectacularly, as if he was sweating a river. Underneath the oil layer, I began to feel the trapped heat develop into actual sweat quickly.

With the lube, I made sure Arden's hole was slippery and open. The anal stimulation in public was more than enough to make me go fully hard.

To finish my preparations, I tied a zip tie around every wrist and ankle to use as anchor points later.

Finally, I stepped into view of the lose crowd.

Right away, I got glares from everyone. There was the usual mix of disgust, curiosity and entertainment I had craved. A wonderful feeling to have all eyes on me.

A short walk later I was at the spot I had chosen beforehand. The middle of the street was separated by a strip of raised asphalt and divided by metal poles, about hip high.

When no cars were crossing, I walked to the middle strip, in full view of a huge intersection and the dozens of people who crossed every minute as well as dozens of drivers.

I tied the left foot to a pole, and with more trouble the right one to another, leaving one pole exactly under me, already poking my crack.

With a deep sigh, I sank down on the pole, as far as Arden's guts were deep. It burned more than expected, the cold metal meeting the man's insides which had apparently dried up a little in those few minutes.

The cherry on top was going to be the final zip tie. It seemed that once upon a time, the poles had been connected by a chain. The chain was long gone, but some poles still had the rings on half height. The one I had chosen did of course have such a ring.

I quickly jerked off while looking at my surroundings. I avoided making eye contact with anyone, to make sure people weren't uncomfortable watching me and stuck around.

Oiled up hands working over oiled up dick caused me to cum quickly and forcefully. During my eye watering orgasm, I caught the jizz in my hand and then smeared it onto Arden's head as a mohawk. That would do.

Lastly, I bent over backwards and attached the wrist ties to the ring which left me in a stressful position with my legs far apart and knees bent, slightly leaning back to reach behind and under my ass. I trembled and huffed at the exertion but wanted to make sure there was no way for Arden to somehow get into an easier position or slip out of his restraints.

Hoping to make matter worse for the hunk, I held the position for a few minutes before the stress became unbearable. The man would find himself in quite a bit of pain, especially now that the lube had pretty much dried up on his hole.

I switched back, perfectly satisfied.

Of course, I didn't want to bring things with me all the time since I still had to pay for them. Using my victim's own money made more sense, it was just difficult to buy stuff when all the shops were closed.

The solution was to go to sleep during the day. I acquired an irregular sleep cycle through liberal use of caffeine and managed to find my next switch on an early afternoon.

Luis Clark was a tall 33 year old, who worked in a cubicle. Right when I switched into him, he was at his workplace. He was dark haired, blue eyed and fairly fit like all my victims.

I looked around the place to find my escape route. After gaining a sense of orientation, I stood up and walked away as if I had a good reason for doing so.

On a huge board was a list of all shifts, telling me when he and his colleagues were going to leave the building. I noted the time.

In order to reach the elevator down, I had to pass by the supervisor's office. It was a modern building so of course the walls to the office were all glass. I wondered if I could knock out people through walls as long as I was able to see them.

When I walked slowly past the supervisor's glass door I reached out with a piece of my mind to hit his brain. I slammed into the door and my mental tentacle snapped back.

But the door burst open. I had shoved it with my thoughts.

Quickly I knocked out the boss, walked into the elevator and waited for it to close.

This ability demanded to be tested. I used the force push I had just discovered on the elevator button for the lobby. It worked. I had a telekinetic push ability now, like a Jedi using the force.

My first stop on the sunny day was of course a boutique to get my hands on a razor. I could probably have stolen one by stunning the staff and some use of force push, or better yet, get Luis into trouble by having his face on the security tapes. In the end though, it was hugely satisfying to make my victims act as if they were going about their day as normal, waste their money and save the climax for last.

Once I had a razor, I retreated into a side alley. There weren't really any dark, dank places in this modern part of town, but it was no problem if anyone saw me.

Using the reflection on a metal bin as mirror, I gave Luis the mohawk he deserved. The same bin also ended up with the razor as well as Luis' wallet, keys and phone.

I kept his money and card for now to buy more stuff. My plans had drastically changed now that force push was an option. I took a taxi to the nearest sex shop and got a bag of stuff. My next stop was a home depot for more stuff. Then I drove back to a few blocks away from his place of work.

A currently inactive construction site was where I got the fun started. First I stripped down all the way except for the tie and his socks.

I lubed up a huge, pink butt plug. Getting it in took something like five minutes. Luis' ass was not used to being invaded. The sensation of the massive plug exerting pressure on my guts was amazing and I already became semi hard.

Then came wrist and ankle cuffs – the leather kind, thick and soft. I needed a break from zip ties. The cuffs were not yet connected to anything.

After that, I used the home depot clamps – the type found on jumper cables – and decorated his nipples with five each, putting special attention on causing the most pain, by putting one right on the nipple's tip. The torture was already intense. I wasn't even sure I could go through with it for long enough to get Luis to where I wanted him.

The final item I used at the site was a thick, lockable ball ring. I snapped it shut around Luis' sack and locked it with the key I then dropped.

Because I was feeling generous I had also gotten the man a good old bottle of body oil and drenched him in it. In the nearly setting sun, his body looked gorgeously perverted.

My bag wasn't empty, but for now I was done.

I walked back to the office building, taking my time enjoying the shocked and disturbed expressions I caused. I was pretty much hard the whole way there. My nipples were in extreme pain as the heavy clamps shook with every step. The butt plug rubbed wonderfully against Luis' prostate, keeping me nicely erect.

When I arrived at the office, I was already moaning from the pain but I wasn't done by a long shot. I walked into the parking garage below the building and found the fullest floor. There I emptied my bag, which contained only a lot of ropes.

In the spot I intended to use, I dropped his socks and tie for later use.

It was too much pain for me to handle. I had to take of the clamps for now, even though this caused an acute spike in pain for a second.

Now, the plan: All along the ceiling were concrete bars, going between the structural pillars. These I could use.

Walking through the car park I picked five cars I thought were unlikely to have a car alarm. I pried open their hood with use of force push where necessary. Of course I made sure there were no security cameras around. I didn't want anybody to show up just yet.

I stole the car batteries from all five cars with the help of my sharp clamps and carried them to a spot near the elevator.

After tying a rope to each battery I threw them onto concrete bars with more force push use – I was falling in love with this power. Two batteries on either side of me, one in front. Each had a rope attached.

I measured out how long I wanted the ropes to be and tied one of the four corner batteries to each of my shackles.

The plan was simple. If I used force push to make the batteries drop, Luis would be lifted and stretched. With the ropes being as long as they were, he would be hanging spread eagle on eye level of anyone arriving through the elevator, the butt plug pointing at them.

The final battery was tied to Luis' ball ring.

Attached to five lose ropes, I sat down and redid the nipple clamps. It hurt even more this time. The pain was almost too distracting for me to stay hard, but I wasn't going to back out now.

It was ten minutes to shift end. My glistening man was ready.

I jerked off with glee, this time without anyone watching. It had been a while since my victim didn't have an audience for their orgasm. Oh well, this would be fun either way.

Once I shot Luis' load up into his face, letting it run down his oiled up body, I grabbed his tie and socks.

The only items of clothing he still had, became a gag, with the socks going into his mouth and the tie keeping them in.

I force pushed the four batteries on the lateral bars. With more energy than expected, Luis was catapulted up and almost slammed into the ceiling. My heart was racing faster than before which I hadn't known was possible. The adrenaline rush was fantastic because it meant he would regain consciousness in a body already filled with stress hormones.

Looking in front of me I realized I had made the last rope too short. His balls would be pulled up to become the highest point of his body. However, they weren't going to be torn off, since he could keep himself higher up by putting every last piece of strength into pulling himself along the wrist-ropes.

It was five minutes till the shift was over. There wasn't anything else I could do. The nipple pain was way too great to wait that long. Luis wouldn't mind it so much since his balls would far outweigh the nipple torture.

I pushed the last battery. A split second before the cruel tugging began, I switched back, letting Luis come to his senses at the exact moment of impact.

My next victim was a twenty-something guy. Unfortunately he was in a hospital bed with a broken arm and two broken legs. I had no idea what had happened to him but there was probably no way to cause mayhem.

I tried to come up with something but failed. Should I cut this run short? I was quite torn.

Then I tore apart literally.

My mind was switched back into myself as I had desired, but since I hadn't been totally sure I wanted to go, I also remained as a lingering presence in the guy's head.

I saw through his eyes, heard through his ears and so on, but I felt no sensation and was not in control anymore. There was also no going back. The control I had lost was unrecoverable.

My only choice was to fully cut the connection. But I realized I was perfectly in control of my own body, allowing me to do at home as I pleased while watching the man's life unfold. He seemed unaware of the stranger in his brain.

As much as I tried to force myself back into his mind, it was impossible. Eventually I left him alone and focused on planning what to do with this new ability.

Lovely how Eugene got to be the center of attention, right? Who wouldn't want to be that? Was Arden a good first victim for the new power? I can come up with an even better use, for sure. I'm almost done introducing new powers. Anyway, car batteries, huh? Heavy stuff.

Next: Chapter 4

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